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Approached signals about where theyll decide is one matter. We can talk about that. They meet a decision that they are going to tell us what the constitution says and whether gay marriage will be legal in the future. It seems that way. They took the case. They didnt need to take the case. They danced around the issue in the past, they decided cases that involved gay marriage without making the big decision. They are backed into a corner. It seems to me they have to make a decision. They rewrote the questions presented. They never rewrite the questions. You go to the Supreme Court. You say justices will you decide the issues. They decide the issues you ask them to decide. Here they rewrote the issue, the big issue is do gay couples have a constitutional right to be married, a fundamental right to marriage. The court found it is a fundamental right. That is the big question. If they dont have a fundamental right. Do the states that dont recognise it need to acknowledge your marriage from another state which allows you to be married. The reason the case began is because a couple of ohio their marriage in another state. Yes. Think of things that wouldnt be recognised if you move from one state to the other. Thats the basic principle of american law. Your marriage travels with you of. Its not just marriage but states respect the laws of other states, thats an essential part of the federal system. That is the argument. Lets duke it out. Its a political matter. The courts shouldnt decide for us. Do you think there could be a split decision on the bigger question of whether equal justice under the law. If the government is in the business of issuing marriage licences, it should issue them to anyone that wants a marriage licence. Thats an argument from the petitioners. Do you think thats one way and the states issues in another. The easiest cleanest thing for the court to do is for them to say you get the constitutional right to marry, and that moment that day, all states have to issue those rights. Everything goes away. Its clean and easy no mess. What you suggest happens, and theres a patchwork effect and everywhere needs to figure out what rule stands where, whose marriage is valid, where. What if i got married here and the state doesnt want to recognise may marriage. Quich what happened today, what do you think would happen. I have a cheatsheet. I think we have four liberal justices voting for the right to marry. Three conservative justices that never wood. I wont say who. And kennedy is a swing voter but wrote in favour of the dignity of the human being and the right to marry. He goes with the liberals. I think the surprise vote will be the chief Justice Roberts who votes with the liberals. How about that. Its a fascinating case for nerdy lawyers like you and me. From a legal stand point forget about the serious issues. Its an centring days icase. Its a big day in the Supreme Court and will be in june in nepal, 8 Million People have been displaced by the devastating earthquake, and the death toll stands at 4600 and is expected to go higher. The problem now is treating the injured people. Hospitals are overwhelmed. Reporter its an operation that stops for refuelling and briefings. While the military may have been mobilized quickly, its not been enough to bring the relief that is needed. Beyond the sprawl of the capital is where the extra effort is needed most. From this altitude you see how ipp accessible the terrain is to the special forces rescue here. The lieutenant has a colossal job on his hands. Reporter perched on the mountainside homes collapsed. Theres no way to reach those inside except by helicopter. Here a landslide on a village disappearing in a mound of earth. The number of dead is unknown. In is one of further disasters in the wake of the gak and it aftershocks. The liu tenant colonel is defending his operation insisting while many died few have been recognising or counting why many are saved. One helicopter of the nepalese army. They flew 68 missions on the day. Pulled out over 370 people. Reporter landing at the town its not long before the commander sows the ground force in action bringing Ground Forces that should treat less than 300. Figures stand at under 800 doctors admitting the situation is at breaking point. This woman has a back injury and centraleded more than 100km for treatment on a floor. Theres no beds mats or trolleys. This is overwhelmed. Doctors and nurses have been working since saturday. We are left undamaged in this earthquake. We are at our homes, but we escaped and came to the hospital. The treatment starts on the streets outside as the casualties come in. People continue to get injured when buildings collapse often because of aftershocks. Others travel long distances for treatment. At first sight you would be forgiven for thinking the earthquake only just happened well much more ahead from baltimore as people in have ignored the curfew and we saw clashes with police as they try to clear the streets. Well get the latest test breaking News Coverage of the event in baltimore, police have been clearing the streets since a curfew went in effect at 10 00 p. M. Earlier this Evening Police fired a smoke canster at people that refused to go home. Thousands of Police Officers and National Guard men are on the streets. Apart from the intersection where the violence was centered, other areas are quiet. We are expecting a Police News Conference in a few minutes, well bring it to you. First to our correspondent in baltimore. You are not near the main intersection, you are near city hall what is happening there tonight . Its absolutely quiet here that is the way city officials and police want it. I want to give you the scene. Theres no cars on the street for most part driving around just journalists. A police car behind me ill swing around to give you an idea of how calm it is its what police and National Guards wanted. You mentioned that a mile tore two from here, north avenue thats where we saw, after 10 00 pm when the curfew wept in effect, about went into effect. About 200300 protesters refusing to adhere to Police Orders to disperse. Police fired some smoke bomb or tear gas cannister, and the 200300 protesters dispersed to the neighbourhoods. Beyond that i can tell you the streets of baltimore, for the most part are very very quiet. And we have seen absolutely no rioting. Or any sort of disturbances in the last hour and a half since 10 oclock or so when the curfew went in effect. Right. What about the politicians, gabriel. Earlier we had pastor owens one of the men involved in the funeral service, and he seemed a little critical. We saw some tension and the smoak grenade and smoke grenade and Little Police activity and was critical that we werent hearing from the politicians, but we are now expecting a Police Conference any minute now. Thats right, there has been criticism of the mayor and police and the response primarily from saturday and sunday i should say, and monday, after mr grays funeral. We saw horrific scenes of rioting last night. That is why the police are breathing a sigh of relief tonight. State, federal and local officials given the fact that aside from the brief clash after 10 00 pm, that they are happy with what we have seen so far on the streets. They were restrained. The police were, for the most part restrained all day going around the city. We saw them deployed. Fanned out. State and local police. There were a lot of boots on the ground for sure. And they were trying to not instigate anything that would cause a continuation of last night. Good to see the mostly peaceful streets of baltimore, a big difference to last night. Outside city hall thank you for joining us. Now to paul beban, on the phone. I know you are near the intersection where we saw the activity activity earlier. What are you seeing now . Thats right. Something interesting happening now. Just unfolding in front of us. A transition or handoff, it seems, going on. Hundreds of baltimore and country, riot police and the full riot gear. They are flowing out of the intersection away from pennsylvania and the north. It appears that they are being replaced or its a shift change, National Guard coming in. At least a dozen, maybe two dozen sandy beige National Guard humvees coming down pennsylvania into the intersection stopping in various locations, the National Guard wearing Mp Military Police badges on the sleeve. It may be a transition. One ship coming in, the other heading out for the night. Things have loose inned up here. Most of the officers leaping on the riot shields. This is a win for Law Enforcement. What well see is a city with a lot of rebuilding to do. Reporter in the bright light of day people of west baltimore came together for hope healing and to kick start of cleanup. This historic Shopping Center in boston hill was hit hard. A lawned ra mat ransacked. Probably several thousand. Reporter the parking lot is a rally point, a place for swoching stories of neighbours swapping stories of neighbours looking out for each other. Our neighbours were incredible. Reporter what happened. They broke through the lawned roe mat, coming through the wall. We had a confrontation about people looting. They were drying up in vans, getting out. I called the police 911. I was on hold. I understand they were busy. I got the lady i said i know you are having a busy night, we are having a problem at the Shopping Center, we need an officer, we are being attacked. Never came. Reporter this sixth grade teacher was here to show support. My students are here with the family. Its important as a community that we come together and show we are all here. Vacuums, drills brooms the sound track of a community moving forward. Still a few blocks away a Massive Police and National Guard presence signs that the crisis is not over that things could tip the wrong way. So many determined to stop that from happening. People that want to commit violence and destroy everything and be ignorant stay home out of sight, out of mind. Let those trying to fix something, let them handle it. Respect the wishes of freddie grays family. They said no violence go home be peaceful. Reporter at the focal point of west baltimore, the intersection of north and pennsylvania a change in posture, a transition going on between police and National Guard. The streets quiet. Almost two hours. The curfew lets hope it holds until morning. Lets hope so. And that people listen to the last gentleman you had in your story calling for piece. Thank you president obama talked about the situation in baltimore with a News Conference. Our senior washington correspondent Mike Viqueira was there. Reporter people trashing baltimore are criminals and thugs, says president obama, and theres no excuse for their violence. When individuals get crowbars and pry open doors to loot they are not protesting. They are not they are not making a statement. They are stealing. When they burn down a building they are committing arson. Reporter tensions 2010 Law Enforcement and minorities are not new, but part of a lowrolling violence lasting decades. They are more frequent now and the president struggled to balance empathy for police and those killed in law enforce. Operations. From the Trayvon Martin case. If i had a son, hed look like Trayvon Martin. To the aftermath of ferguson where he made a perm vow. Part of the reason in is different is the president of United States is deeply invested in making sure. Reporter the president pledged millions for police body cameras, a review of hardware and data on police stops, frisks and arrests. Broken by demographics to be made public. The president pledged change. Im not interested in talk or action. In early march they called for a broad overhaul of the criminal justice system. Since then walter scott was shot in the back by a Police Officer in south carolina. And freddie gray died from spinal injuries stained whilst in the custody of police in baltimore. As a major si convulses, Community Leaders describe continues driving young people into the streets. There are people with nothing to loose. That is terrifying when you have nothing to lose, and you are willing to go out on video, on camera and carry out actions that you know could land you in gaol. 40 minutes away the president disgds. Disgds. Disagreed. Much of what is seen needs more than rhetoric from washington. It requires everywhere saying this is important, this is significant. And we dont just Pay Attentions to the communities when a c. B. S. Burns. We dont Pay Attention when a young man is shot, or has a spine snapped. The president says hes been in contact with the baltimore mayor, and the governor of maryland, as loretta lynch, newly minted attorneygeneral monitors from the justice department. Thank you. Lets go to the News Conference in baltimore. We are looking at the police commissioner. Lets listen in. We had a small group, stopped and had a conversation and allowed them to proceed on. The group had no issues proud of them. Came down did a First Amendment rights, came back and returned. You saw the activity that took place in peninsula. Very pleased with the community and citizens. There was music, dance, people had the conversations, we had officers stationed out there. It was a good event for the day. Congressman eliminga cummins was out there talking to the crowd. A lot of men, 300 me were out talking to the crowd making sure they were quiet. The mayor was in a different place, making sure that they were seeing and having a number of meetings where community people, just the background after the event, we had one or, correction, two arrests for looting in the central distribute. We had one arrest for Disorderly Conduct in the eastern distribute. Also we had one officer had a drive by brandishing of a weapon in the same eastern distribute in the last 30 minutes. In the Western District where its north of peninsula, in that area. We had approximately seven arrests. Totality in the city after curfew there was about 10 arrests. Reports from the organization that we do not have activity or movement throughout the city as a whole. The curfew is working as the mayor called. One of the interesting things today that i tried to happen to buy in was that as i exited the building to go to a meeting we had close to about 1215 young adults waiting in line to become Police Officers. In light of the activities and issues, i asked are you willing and able and wanting. They were enthusiastic and excited about becoming members of the Baltimore Police department that says a lot. The biggest thing is that citizens are safe. The city is stable. We hope to maintain it that way. We are going do place the National Guard out at north and peninsula for a 23 block radius to sustain the area and make sure everything is okay and residents are safe. Are there a couple of questions i can answer. What about the endangered officer . I dont have information on that. We took rocks earlier in the southern district. We had a young leader who did a good job of responding in a peaceful way. They ended up arresting. I believe it was what we were told about, 34 juveniles. I dont know about the injured speakers well follow up with you. Reporter were the arrests for various matters . They are various. In the Central District we this two for looting. In the eastern distribute one Disorderly Conduct, and then in the western distribute we had, i believe, the vast for curfew violations seven in total, 10 in total. Reporter all 10 were after koour few. Yes maam. Reporter around 10 30 clearing out around pennsylvania there was about a dozen protesters and the press there. What was the mindset. As the skirmish line moved forwards several times to the flanks the sides of them they were taking rocks and glass coming in. They were trying to push the crowd away and out. Apparently it worked firing pepper balls. We tried to deploy mistake. It blinded us at the same time. They took rocks and pellets. Trying to push people further and used armoured cars to push the participates off the streets. Well have a briefing tomorrow between 12 and 1. For the next couple of hours well put updates over social media. Anyone that has questions. Send them to the address, and well keep him updated in the morning i think its fair to say we have been watching a News Conference from a clearly relieved anthony bass batts, the police commissioner. He described the event of the day, it was mostly peaceful protests. Few confrontations of any significance with the police. He talked about how there have been 10 arrests after the curfew wept into place. Seven were for curfew violations violations, a couple for Disorderly Conduct. But no major issues tonight. He said that the National Guard would remain at that intersection that has been the flashing point, that was the flashpoint for the riots yesterday, and the center of all attention today. Del walters is not far from that location, joining us on the phone from baltimore. I think the helicopters have gone down to refuel. We are not seeing live pictures from the intersection. These are pictures from earlier tonight. What is happening that you can see. Im probably about 10 feet away from a National Guard humvee. There were 30 in formation, you can see them see hundreds of baltimore Police Officers moving away. I dont think it should be lost on the audience that there is a sadness about the fact that this level of Law Enforcement was needed to make sure a major u. S. City was upset over the way their lives have been over the past 3040 years. Thats the underlining issue that has to be resolved and people i talked to say unless and until that issue is resolved, it will happen again and again and again. Certainly something to worry about, because the riots were disturbing yesterday. I dont know if you listen in to the piece from Mike Viqueira with the piece on events involving africanamerican men and police is it fair to say that this has been the worst year if you look at the number of incidents over a period of time since 1968, since the assassination of Martin Luther king, because other than what we saw about the riots in los angeles, mostly los angeles, have we seen a Widespread National protest like what we have seen over the past year. No we havent seen anything of this level. Its the reason why we are seeing this level of demonstrations and protests that are disturbing. These are people that have basically declared war on people protecting their lives and lively hoots, and that say police have been running rough shod over them. Now we see the huge contingency of police. I should point out that this is an example that we talked about often, that a huge bad apples were in the bump. Most go about their every day jobs. State, local and federal governments are going have to take action so this doesnt keep happening. Its an important thing this needs to be addressed. Dell walt jers thank you. We should mention the Baltimore Orioles are playing in an empty stadium. Major League Baseball announced the game will be closed to the public the first game without fans in the 145 year history. Oriels moved two home games to florida this weekend. Streets of baltimore appear to be quiet a city wide curfew wept in effect two miles ago. Marchers were met by Police Officers in riot gear. The officers fired smoke cannisters and there was no major event. The curfew will be in place until 5 oclock tomorrow and 10 oclock tomorrow night. Im antonio mora thank you for joining us, have a good night. Good night. A major Cabinet Reshuffle hello, welcome to al jazeera, live from the headquarters in doha. Im elizabeth puranam. Also ahead anger on the streets. Police and soldiers use tear gas to enforce a curfew in the u. S. City of baltimore. People search through the rubble for survive juniors in nepal. Survivors

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