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Desk. Republicans are edging closer to the magic number they need to gain control of the senate, starting with the senate race in arkansas. The incumbent, mark pryor the democrat, has been defeated by tom cotton, a firsttime congressman, a decorated iraqi war veteran, beating him by a wide margin. Taking a look at the other pickup for the g. O. P. And in West Virginia, the republican Shelly Moore Capito taking Jay Rockefellers seat, beating natalie tenant. The first female senator from virginia. In New Hampshire we do not have a decided race, but the incumbent democrat, sheen shaheen leads matt brown, 53 to 47 . In an undecided race in North Carolina, senator kay hagan, the democratic incumbent leading thom tillis, 51 to 46 , with 24 of the precincts reporting. I want to look at virginia, its a decidedly tight race. The democrats thought it was a safe seat for incumbent senator mark warner, with 78 reporting, the republican challenger, political stratist ed gillespie is beating him 5146 much we have another call to make right now, a projection from the Associated Press that governor mike rounds is the projected winner in the south Dakota Senate race. The former tea party. This is another g. O. P. Pickup. Back to you. Thank you very much. David shuster is here in new york. Mike viqueira is in washington. Lets go to you first. Your reaction on south dakota. Bigtime relief. Another 2 million in the last two weeks. For a while it looked like larry pressle, the independent may make a race. And mike rounds was without up in an investment scandal touted by Larry Pressler and rick weiland. For the last couple of days it has been trending in their directions. Its one race that they thought they would pick up, taking the number down to three, with the republican pickups in West Virginia and arkansas, and south dakota, leading three more that they need to pick up in order to take control of the senate. Mention virginia, and one thing we should point out is the way the Associated Press does this, is they make the samples from precincts. One reason some races are called by associate press, and not virginia, assist because theres several hundred thousand votes to come in from northern virginia. The suburbs are on washington d. C. A strong area from the democratic incumbent. He may be able to close the gap by 60,00070,000 in Arlington County alone. Thats why it is close, and there has been no projections while you see projections in other races. Let me continue in virginia, ed gillespie they pumped a lot of money into the race. He was considered a Great Campaign manager, widely respected, and something of a moderate in a sense that pro business would work with democrats. Mike warner expected this to be a fairly easy race. He made a lot of appeal to the southwest of virginia, the more rural areas, areas where theres strong antiobama sentiment, and the democrats are not seeing the mark warner support in certain parts of the state that they thought they would. That is why mark warner seems to be in some trouble tonight. Let me try to get Mike Viqueira again. Are you there . Yes, i am. I want to follow up on not just virgin, but the narrative of the story when it comes to the control of the United States senate. A close race in virginia, we are waiting to hear North Carolina. This has not been great news for the democrats, is there a bright light for the democrats at all tonight . I guess the bright light would be the electorate that we see tonight is not the electorate of 2016. The control of senate is being fought predominantly in socalled red states. That will not be the case in 2016. The fact that New Hampshire and North Carolina have not been called, and from all indications theres a fight, the incumbent in North Carolina, kay hagan, and Jeanne Shaheen appear to be in decent shape. At this point its hard to tell. A couple of things to talk about. The president , we have learnt, invited the top leadership of congress to meet with him this friday in the white house. Well learn a lot about what the agenda after january 3rd, after the new congress it seeded, what it will look like. If the republicans take the senate and are in control of the senate and the house, where john boehner is expected to have a wider margin, expanding their majority in the house. It will be interesting to see what kind of tack Mitch Mcconnell takes. A conciliatory speech, gracious in his speech in louisville, and so will that por tend a reaching across the aisle. The smart money is no way. Therell be pentup demand from conservatives who have been told they control the house, the agenda cannot be advanced. Mitch mcconnell will be under pressure not only from House Tea Party members, whose caucus is strong. I want to go to stephanie sy, with more results. The Associated Press projects that gary peters, the democrat in the race, is the projected winner in the Michigan Senate seat. This was democrat carl levins seat. The democrats expected to keep the seat. They have. Let me bring in michael shure. This was expected. Michigan a big democratic state. But let me get back to the scenario we heard tonight. As Mike Viqueira discussed, michael, will the president change his approach to the republicans, if the republicans control the senate. Some democrats i spoke to are fearing that the president will not change his approach, hell be more conciliatory to the republicans, work with them more than him, which will upset Many Democrats going into 2016. The way that the congress will work, if, in fact and we are saying this hypothetically, because three seats need to switch in order for Mitch Mcconnell to be the majority leader. If hes the majority leader, hes not only going to have the president to deal with, but the tea party wing. Hell have ted cruz to deal with. Ted cruz will not give him an easy time. He said that he will not support him for leader, he alloweded to that. That will be a problem that Mitch Mcconnell will have. Ironically he may find a friend and it scarce a lot of democrats. Another race is in louisiana. Randall pinkston has been covering that race, where the black voters could play a role. He joins us from new orleans. Its expected to be close tonight. Randall. John, as we all know, there has been no projections in louisiana, and thats because theres a good likelihood that this race will not be decided. It takes 50 plus one to declare a winner. The incumbent senator has been in a hardfought battle against the challenger congressman bill cassidy, the republican, who has been said to probably be in a position to beat her, if it goes to a run off. Well find out soon, and, of course, the spoiler is, for Mary Landrieu, is the tea party candidate, manis, who is expected to take enough votes to keep anyone getting 50 . Mary landrieus hope for victory rests for a large extent on turn out by africanAmerican Voters. Thats been the case for most of her races. More so than today. Reporter in her campaign since 1996, democratic senator Mary Landrieu counted on a unique recipe of louisiana voters. Sil us lee has a new orleans phrase. We have an unusual political gum bow, the conservative north and the someone moderate to conservative south. You have the gum bow of protest ants and catholics. The ingredient for a Mary Landrieu victory is a huge turn out by African American voters, sa group that doesnt show up for Midterm Elections. Now is a question of mobilizing them and getting them to the polls. In order to mobilize them, you have to dedicate resources. Im not sure how much resources they are dedicating. In tremaine an africanamerican new orleans. Few signs of excitement can be spotted. Billboards for the major candidates, only placards, urging people to vote. What changed in this environment is not always what is seen, but what is happening behind the scenes in terms of ideas, mobilization that may not be as visible as it was six years ago. President obama is the wedge issue. His Approval Rating hovers around 40 . And is more. Here in louisiana, it is a spark racial divide. A university of new orleans poll suggests fewer than 25 of black people poll. Ill vote for Mary Landrieu who will do what is best for the community, and promoting selfsufficiency. There has been a number of Mary Landrieu supporters all over new orleans with posters, signs, in the large cities, of course. Cassidy has been doing the same thing. Well find out about the outcome. Thank you very much. Mary landrieu one of the people running for senate. Joie chen is standing by to talk about some of the women running for election this year, and the important issues for women in the election. These elections both parties focus, big tension and effort on getting out the women votes, women candidates. Lets candidates. Lets talk to al jazeera political contributor, jay. You were writing about women in congress, and this is a night where there are big races that have to do with women candidates in both parties, louisiana, North Carolina, kentucky, georgia, iowa, New Hampshire, tough races going away as well. Absolutely, we have a chance for the First Time Ever for congress to reach 20 representation. Something we dont have. The senate is 20 . The house 20. 9. If both add seats, its a big milestone. Thats why you see so many candidates and the push for female voters. Appealing to the voters becomes the holy grail for elections, and if you win for the First Time Since 1982 in 2010, they won back the house, senate seats and everything is coming down to the vote in this election. And i just have to show our audience if they havent seen the spot, its running a digital spot that ran since the National Republican committee, intended to appeal to young women voters. This is the tart audience. Take a look if you have not seen it yet. Budget is a big deal for me now that i graduated from college. Rick scott is perfect. It is an incredible spot. It refers to the candidate for governor in florida. Its been used in 16 dates in various races, and it plays on that whole reality tv thing, young women saying yes to the dress or candidate. Very unusual appeal. This really goes to what both parties want women, single women, young women. Exactly, this is why you see a lot of female candidates because women vote for women candidates, and its something you are aware of. You see a lot of competition for women voters. For democrats, single women. Its why the yes, the dress, and the theme of getting married. For democrats they basically bet the entire race on turning out single women at the same level as 2012. They calculated if they did that, theyd win the senate and the house. Its basically impossible. Single women tend not to vote, but it is the goal to turn out enough to prevent the republican ways. The issues that we can get to. In the past, the focus has been on reproductive rights issues. Had it been a working strategy in this round or is it a pocket book issue if you want to reach the women. They tried to do the war on women. You saw that with mark warner, talking about amendments, an amendment that would declare life begins at the conception. The person who begins at conception. It has not caught on in the same way as 2012, when you had a bunch of republican candidates that said inopportune things about rape and abortion that went viral, turning off a lot of women voters. This time around politicians are more savvy about these issues, and you saw cory gardner talking about support for all contraception for all women, and that seems to have balanced it out. He has not udall has not got away with the women vote the way he would have with 2012. Jay newton small our political contributor joining us from new york. One of the other significant women playing the game in texas, in the texas governors race wnt down to defeat. Greg abbott defeating wendy davis, quite famous for her filibuster on reproductive rights issues in the texas legislature, not able to translate her popularity into success. Joining us from austin, is heidi zhoucastro, who has been following that race as well. Heidi . Well, you know the republicans held on to the governorship in the state. It comes as no surprise. The attorneygeneral, republican will continue for the party. He came in election day with a 14 point lead over wendy davis, the state senator who made the 11th hour filibuster. At the time she made it, it was more than a year ago. There was so much enthusiasm behind the candidacy at that time. It was a long time ago, and according to the latest, aborion doesnt rank among the top five issues. On top of voters minds, immigration and border security. Its largely what has happened over the Mexican Border this summer. Rick perry, the governor, was effective in sending National Guard troops, popular amongst the democrats. And his chosen replacement greg abbott for capitalizing on that. You may ask what is in it for democrats. Will they look forward to. The numbers will show progress. Wendy davis tallies with 42 of the vote, democrats will count it as progress. It will be more than any other democratic candidate or governor in texas that, they have won in recent years. Heidi zhoucastro in austin, texas tonight. Thank you. We have been following a number of womens issues and abortion is one. Ashar quraishi is live for us. Abortion has been a key interest in the race there. Thats right. Of the discussion about abortion in iowa centers around joni ernst cosponsoring a person hood amendment. Her support reaffairs that life reaffirms that life begins at exception and her challenger argues extending it would ban abortion. Some have seen it as a way for braley to capitalize on the importance of women voters in the race. He has maintained a significant lead among the voters in iowa. Joni ernst maintained a lead amongst male voters. Its an issue that we are looking at across the country. Between 2011 and 2013 there has been 200 restrictions passed by state legislators regarding abortion. Things like restricting access to how late you can have an abortion, or requiring abortion doctors to having admitting privileges at nearby hospitals. Its a big issues, and colorado, tennessee, and others have tackled that question of when life begins, abortion is a big issue in the race tonight. Thank you ashar quraishi. Lets turn to the number one issue for the voters, the economy. We learnt arkansas passed a minimum wage. Interesting, they have voted republican otherwise. Its not a republican issue or one they are in favour of. In arkansas, the republican and democratic candidate for governor came out in favour of the minimum wage increase. Midterms are taking place as americas economic recovery appears in full swing. I say appears, because its not that clear. The field is precarious. Nonexistent to the voters. Its the tale of two economies. Especially when you look at disparity in wealth. Lets look at the gains in the stock market since the last election. The s p index increased by 41 since the last general election in november 2012, that is a mighty increasing gain and goes with economic indicators, suggesting that the economy is moving strongly than it is. Economic growth, lower unemployment, job creation of 200,000 jobs a month. Housing crisis increasing and Interest Rates low. Why is this not connecting with American Voters. The former chairman of the council of economic advisors under president obama joins me now. Austin, by all measures, this economy is doing well, but about half of all america seems disconnected from the success of the stock market and the Housing Market is a perfect example. There are many that do not have access to the credit or capital or were not in the stock market. They see a soaring economy that has nothing to do with them. I think you may have exaggerated a bit to say every measure shows a booming recovery. Most of the measures show progress, but not rapid progress, and i think if you look in the past, any time we had modest and moderate progress, you dont get a lot of credit for that. People look and say how do i know in three months, in six month it is will not go back down. We have been living with that for three or four years. We are two Percentage Points lower on employment than we were in november 2012, people widely said 6 unemployment is a good thing. I think we are sugar coating this. The president and the democrats should take credit for the strengthening economy, but they are not. I dont know that i agree with you. I think that you are right, that there are many measures. If you look back one year, two years, four years, we are better off than in those times. We dont think its so credible or such a great tail wind that people would give you a whole lot of credit for saying that. If you look at, say, the g. D. P. Numbers, we get quarters where g. D. P. Looks strong. If you look at how wonderful the number is, you have to deal with the reality of the variability, and the next number is very good. We. So we are dealing with a longer term crisis, thats been 3040 years in developing as we outsourced jobs to lower places as technology replaces jobs. Up until about 1970, a rising tide in the stock market, the Housing Market raised all votes. We have seen a divergence, a tail of two economies since then. What is the solution for americans who feel that they are not participating in economic recovery . Well, we talked about this a lot. I would say the first thing is weve got to get the growth rate im above 2. 5 . If we could get a sustained growth rate higher than that. I think that will in practical terms start to sink in across wide sectors, not just some sectors, like the tech sector or high income people. It will feel like the 90s, some point in the 2000s where people look around thinking this is what a boom feels like. In a couple of minutes ill speak to grover, who will say lower taxes, and that will go more effective than anyone else. Grover is an old friend and debate. He has been saying that for a long time. All i will say is if that was the magic bean stalk beans for growth, why didnt the 2000s turn out to be the greatest growth decade. We cut taxes for the income people, more than they have been cut. We have a weak recovery. Arkansas, i want to ask you this, they swung over to the republicans on the major elections, buts they are one of the states voting in favour of a minimum wage. Three others are waiting for results. But the minimum wage seems to be leading. Americans like the idea of an increased minimum wage, something that the republicans have almost universally been opposed to. Its kind of an interesting development. I dont think its unusual if you look at the polling as you go along, the minimum wage is popular in almost every stay, and in the states where the senators were coming up in arkansas and kentucky and other southern states, the president and the democrats were not popular, and theres a mood they want to throw out the incumbents or make them sweat even if they reelect. I agree its an irony, but not unexpected. Austin, thank you for joining us. Again, thats the big issue. Well talk more about it a little later. Lets go to stephanie sy. Democrats breathing a sigh of relief in New Hampshire. The Associated Press is projecting that senator Jeanne Shaheen, the democratic incumbent in New Hampshire kept her feet and respeed scott brown, this is a bellwether state for the democrats. Straight to david shuster. I guess this means democrats are in the game. They are, Jeanne Shaheen is a democratic incumbent who came in in 2008. Her Approval Ratings were above 50 , and scott brown, who had been able to win the seat vacated in massachusetts because of the death of ted kennedy to try to challenge Jeanne Shaheen. For democrats to hold on, its a big deal. This is a race that was nervous that they would lose, and the republicans have to look elsewhere for a wick up. Thats another race expected to be close. New hampshire is good news. In terms of efforts to maintain control of the u. S. Senate. Lets go to tony harris and his panel. Appreciate it. Lets get the thoughts of the panel on this, and let me start with ray suarez, your thoughts on the shaheen race in New Hampshire. Jeanne shaheen is a pillar of the politics in New Hampshire. She was a popular governor. The fact that she was winning by a few points, if she had lost, boy oh boy that would have been more than a problem. Counting in the senate. That would have told you that the obama head winds and the head winds in the current mood of the country are stronger than the evil pessimistic. A tight margin in the race. Tighter than thought. Its important for republicans, for this midterm to matter. They need to pick up states, blue or purple. You made that point earlier. Republicans picked up three states, in republican leaning states. They need to win North Carolina, in iowa, colorado, New Hampshire is off the stable. Virginia is in play. They need to make a case that they can win in blue or purple case to have a case to win in 2016. When it will be more difficult. Thought on that . You look at this map as we did before this election. I think we agreed that this was unfavourable for democrats. Republicans had to bounce. I Pay Attention to what ray is saying. The margin of four points does not bode well for democrats. You look at the south. The south right now, theres one democratic senator, kay hagan, there by herself, trying to win. So is Mary Landrieu and Michelle Nunn trying to make a stand. Otherwise its a republican south, and that could be the headline. Anything thought. Id say democrats will take it. Its a must win. Jeanne shaheen was a mustwin for democrats, a firewall. It was an important race for them to win. They had momentum, and pushed against the narrative. Thank you to the panel well be back with more of our special coverage America Votes 2014. Absolutely ill vote. Equal pay for women. Equality for the l. G. B. T. Community. Saving our environment, especially in North Carolina from things like fracking. Those are types of topics that im focused on in this election. Talk to al jazeera. Saturday. 5 00 eastern. Only on al jazeera america. Welcome back everyone to our election coverage, the economy, of course is a major issue. Tonight, though, we dont know who will control the senate. Republicans are 3 votes away from taking over from democrats. In michigan, where the economy and detroit is trying to emerge from bankruptcy, bisi onileere is there with some of those issues. Good evening. Detroits historic bankruptcy is a big issue in the governors race. Rick schneider stood by his decision to appoint an emergency manager last year. That emergency manager got the ball rolling on the bankruptcy process. During his campaign schneider believes that his plans to save the city of detroit are working and there are some voters who stand by him, and they believe that his decisions on detroits future will be shnighteders legacy. We have democratic challenger mark shower. Apparently he came out saying that he could have lead detroit along the same path and could have done it without an emergency manager. He has been criticized for a number of things for this bankruptcy process. His decision to cut the city pensions. It didnt hit a lot of people well. This was expected to be a close race for the last check. Governor schneider was leading in the polls, and said that a majority of the voters want to see the republican governor in office for another four years. Bisi onileere, thank you. Ali velshi is back. Well talk some more about the economy, and the number one issue tonight. I think the key issue is one that you brought up earlier, about number inequality. You talked about it in your show. That is the first step. The second is what it leads to, wealth inequality. Theres two different things, you can have equal woltedz but not equal incomes. Taking place as the economic recovery appears in full swing, you heard the conversation by austin, the numbers indicate that this is a strong economy. It feels precarious or nonexistent. I was trying to tell you about this graph, this stock market up 41 . See where you can get a deal like this. This is an impressive gain. Half of all americans do not touch this. They are not in the stock market. They dont feel they have benefitted 1 percent. The general feeling is the gains benefitted americans who had the money to invest or savvy enough to remain invested. Lets go to the next step. Lets look at how the market gains concentrated wealth in the hands of the richest 10 of americans. As of last year the top 10 of americans hold nearly twothirds of the countrys wealth, coming from stocks, bonds and assets. 63 of that wealth is held by the top 10 . These other colour bands, purple, green, blue, ring something at the bottom is the remaining 90 of minister. They split the remaining 37 of financial wealth. Unlike stocks. More americans owned homes. Since the last election the median price of an existing house climbed by 15 , not as good as the stock market, but that is good. However, its coming off of years of bleeding in the Housing Market. Home prices today are 9 lower than they were during housings peak in july 2006. That, of course, before the housing bubble burst. Eight years later millions of home owners under water on home loans, meaning they own more money on their mortgages than their houses are worth. The economy, no question, better off than a few years ago. Many, if not most voters who went to the polls, dont feel like the recovery touched their lives. Thats what it comes down to, john. Its not that there isnt a recovery. I disagree with austin golsbry, the economy is real, its not well spread. Baste on the numbers based on the numbers, you see why some americans are upset. Antonio mora, host of consider this joins us with a special guest. Former senator from the great state of maine, and majority leader of the u. S. Senate. Democrat george mitcham. Its a pleasure to have the former magority leader senator mitchell with us. Lets show what the polls show. Voters care about health care, and education, foreign affairs, than social issues. You were an examplion of social issues. Was it a mistake for the democrats to focus on social issues rather than issues that Americans Care more about . We care about social issues, but the primary focus was on the economy. Candidates and the media like to talk about ukraine and ebola and thinks. In the end American Voters focus on the economy. Few voters have one issue in mind. So a mistake for them not to focus on the economy. Depends on the candidate. I dont think candidates chose the same issues in every state. Candidates dictate the issues. I do believe that the democrats, and the president of the administration did a good job in handling the economy, handling a good mass, didnt do a good job of selling it, making it clear what had been accomplished in that time. Back when you were the leader things seem to get done more. You were a democrats, and the president was bush, 41, a republican. Now you nay see the reverse, a republican majority leader with a president. Do you have hope that well see compromise and things will be done. I hope we will. We passed much important legs ration, during president bush the first times in office. The clean air act, american disabilities act. We had a good budget and a tough fight to get there. I think it can be done. Its di, more difficult than it was now. You were a special envoy for the middle east. His administration we saw the middle east blow up with i. S. I. L. , syria and iraq, the gaza war, and americans show disagree with how the president handles foreign policy. What do you think the u. S. Role should be in the middle east. Every conflict you mention has been going on for many years, centuries. The fact that obama is responsible is a fantasy. The issues with islam and the west have been going on for centuries. I do think that we can play strong supportive roles, but we do not have the capacity, nor should we try to dictate events everywhere in the world. We support democratic and those whose Democratic Values, and those who have Democratic Values and want to put them in place. We cant dictate the future of egypt. Egyptians will decide the future of egypt and iraqis of iraq. We can, as we should with i. S. I. S. Use military force. But in the end, the problems of that region have to seek a solution from the hearts and mind of the people who live there. Senator, good to see you. Thank you for sharing your wisdom tonight. All right, and senator, thank you very much. We are continuing to cover the races and the issues that matter to the american people. More of our coverage. America votes 2014, after this. Hi, im tiffany love from portland oregon. I own a food truck. I think everyone should get out and vote if they want to put their input into the community, you do that by voting. Announcer the races that could reshape america, the issues that impact our lies, from how much money you earn. I have to choose between eating and paying rent. To what you are allowed to smoke. Decisions made with consequences for the future. America votes 2014. Hi, ill john seigenthaler. In the Midterm Elections voter turn out is typically low, expected to be no different this year. Jacob ward is here in new york with more. The question is whether young people, millennials, africanamericans, latinos how did all these groups turn out to vote . Thats right. Nearly every poll predicts turn out in the races across the country. All registered adults. Fewer than half are expected to participate in the midterms. Lets look at what effect that has on the country. First of all, turn out in the United States is always awful. Theres more than 239 Million People eligible to vote. Roughly 145 million chose not to during 2010s midterms, meaning 58 of voters didnt vote. Who is it . In 2010, 90, 670,000 voters turned up to be heard. It doesnt mean much on its own, bear with me. When 90 million americans vote, its like another country formed with our own, a county onethird as large as the United States. Im not talking about a matter of size. In this smaller country, the politics are different, because when i say another country, i am serious, its like another country, for one thing, its a wider country, its made up of richer, older people, and they decide the fate of a more diverse, poorer group who do not vote. Our country would, in fact, be different if everyone who could cast a ballot did so. Groups like the Pew Research Center studied this and found the Democratic Party would enjoy more support, more than half of all nonvoters identified or leaning towards democrats. Compared to those in the republicans, 27 of nonvoters. This is why democrats have more to gain by getting the voters to the poll. 21 Million People to the 40 million or more nonvoting americans who lean democratic, there are more potential democrats in the United States than potential republicans. If all eligible voters voted, the make or break issues could be vastly different. Lets consider income. 32 of americans make less than 30,000 a year. That group makes up more than half of people who do not vote. Thats more than 35 Million People, hovering above the poverty line, not heard. Imagine the impact if they did vote. Issues that directly affect the poor, minimum wage, social security, they are being decided by those who are far less affected by the issues. They are fascinating numbers. Thank you. We are approaching the 50th anniversary of the Voting Rights act. The landmark legislation prohibits racial dismim nation, Martin Luther king iii is concerned about voting laws undermines it sent. He joins us. What do you think is the impact of the new voting laws this year . Well, it certainly we dont know statistically yet, but we do no that many of these provisions probably hinter people from voting. The reality is in 2014 and beyond, we need to expand the process of voting, registering voters, and staying the registration. We have the technology to do anything. We should not be restricting a persons right to vote. Thats not the democracy. The turn out among minority voters went up after the state introduced voter i. D. Laws. Why do you think that is . Number one, historically, when people are pushed and feel like their rights are suppressed, they stand up. My dad used to say a man cant ride your back. When someone puts a restriction in your way, particularly people in the urban areas, i dont know that that is all the way true as it relates to the suburban and rural areas. Or certain urban areas. You are not im not going to vote. I heard an entertainer flew back to vote. Little john is his name. I was impressed that that was the case. You are coming up on the 50th anniversary. When you listen to jake ward spell out the numbers, it does sort of tell you something about if americans if americans really did vote in big numbers, how the country would be different. How do you think it would be different . Well, i think you would have certainly more elected officials who had a sense of communities across america that may be suffering. When we talk about economic equality, that could be economic equality for all, not just some. The fact of the matter is those in charge today seem to target and focus on it. I think we need to have a more balanced approach. The corporation shouldnt just get everything they want. That can change when different officials are there. Before you get away i want to ask you about the change come pain vote. Why tuesday was a Campaign Starting a decade although, asking why do we vote on tuesday. Theres no reason. Most dont know it. They think its constitutional and despite a document. It was predicated on, and one time we had a farming economy, and farmers need a day or so to get to the polling station, and the reality is we should have weekend voting, extended voting periods as in some states, but not all states. Its a uniform, longer process for allowing people to vote. Thats how more are engaged in the process. Orlando watson is the Communications Director for black media at the republican committee, and he joins us from washington d. C. Welcome back. You heard what martin had to say about the voter i. D. Laws. What do you say about that . Pleasure to be with you. I have the utmost respect for Martin Luther king iii and i agree with his past comments. And that greater roles should be played. At the rnc we made a conscious commitment to devote time, money and resources to devote black resources and well see it tonight. We heard jacob ward talk about the numbers, so many dont vote, especially at the lower end of the economic scale and among minorities. Shouldnt we try to make is easier in the country for everyone to vote . Let me say that black voter turn out in 2012 exceeded white tournament out. Its a small number. Go to the polls and promote their interests. Its a small number. What we are committed to doing, what we are doing is encouraging our supporters to get to the polls and vote. Thats why she created westbounding we thats why we created the website to educate voters on the issues that we went on, like creating jobs, and educational reforms. What about voting on weekends or making it more unified across the country when we vote . Well, thats up for discussion. I dont see not being able to vote as being a suppression of any sort. It may be a perception. In massachusetts, where we have a black governor, massachusetts doesnt have early voting. No one would say its voter suppression. Again, what we are focused on at the rnc at the Republican Party is engaging what voters listen, and earn trust, mobilizing, or asking for their vote. Good to see. Thank you for being with us. I want to catch the viewers up on the results. We had a number of results, a number of races hadnt been called. A number of votes is we may not know the balance of the senate. The Associated Press saying a runoff will happen in louisiana. The numbers are there, republicans bill cassidy facing off against Mary Landrieu, getting 42 . This is a jungle primary, meaning that the third candidate you see there. Rob mann us, garnering 12 of the vote probably took votes from cassidy, neither able to get the 50 needed to win it outright. We will not have the run off until december. This one is impose. Thank you. Now, lets see where are we going . Lets go to wajahat ali, following online communities and their reactions. We are talking about my people, the millennials, all 80 million of us. People know we tweet, text, we whats that, instagram, stream, take tell fizz and some poke no judgment. The question for the Midterm Election is are the 1834yearold coming out to vote. We reached out to the millenniums on twitter to ask what issues matter the most. Check out my screen. We have jessica theres a bunch of fresh tweets we are getting a bunch of tweets on education, and membershiping mentioned mentioned little john, and if you didnt take a photo and post on instagram, it didnt happen. Check out photos of millennials voting. Another i love seeing the faces. And another one. With a sticker saying, i voted. Talk to me, use the hashtag 2014, or tweet at my handle. Help to drive the conversation. Your twitter avatar will show up on the wall behind me. Its still time to vote. Ali velshi is back. Taxes among the biggest issue. Yes, i think theres a big winner who we havent called, grover florida exist, not running for office, he has his job, but you have to be happy with this outcome. Every one of these republican victors signed your pledge, the pledge that you ask all republicans, everybody to sign, saying they will not support tax increases. For you, this is the first victory in a long time. You may see tax cuts out of this. Well, certainly taxes are on the table. People talk about obama care. Obama care is actually 20 different taxes. And so when people talk about repealing obama care, they talk about repealing 20 taxes, eight of which are target at the middle class, what obama care said he would never do. This election tonight is a reputiation of the president of the Democratic Party, of harry reid. Things will well see how bad it is for the democrats, and how senate legislatures, this is a knockdown of a failed policy. You were talking about the recovery. This is the louisiest recovering since world war ii. You wonder why people are irritated. 12 million americans do not go to work every day because instead of having regans policies, we have obamas policies. Its been devastating to the economy. We had Successful Administration since regan, its a little strange to go back there. You have a republican controlled house and senate. What will happen now with respect to the goals you have and the goals that so many grandfathers have with respect to the idea of making a fairer tax code. Will we see something . What we do have now is votes in the senate on the subjects. Harry reid didnt allow votes on a number of issues, on many issues in the senate. Now therell be votes in the house, in the senate. Democrats could vote it down, filibuster various taxreforms. If they do, people up for election in 2016, 2018 and 2020, you have to look people in the eye and say i voted against you. Reid was able to have successes in 12, 14 and so far, because democrats voted on everything. He didnt allow votes on a number of issues, and they didnt have votes embarrassing for them, the big change for the Democratic Senate and house is democrats in the senate have to vote yes and no on economic issues. Does that change anything on the ground for voters. For people over the next two years, does it make sa difference. Will anyone see lower taxes. Thats up to obama. He has to decide whether or not to allow repatriation or 2 trillion to come back to the United States. His position has been no, its very damaging to america and the economy and jobs. We may be able to get the president to capitulate on that. We may get lower tax rates, that the president says hes for, but does nothing to accomplish. He can decide to work with congress or ignore congress, which is what he has done. Congratulations to you and your movement. The president of mens for tax reforms. The question is whether either side may reach across the aisle. They are not getting tax reform. Maybe we have to wait two years and wait for another election. More of that special coverage America Votes 2014 after

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