Transcripts For ALJAZ Meet Your Maker 20180131 : comparemela

Transcripts For ALJAZ Meet Your Maker 20180131

on jerusalem saying he's calling on congress to ensure american dollars only go to friends of american ever to enemies of america repeated his stance on iran. and north korea to act against. those governments. bring in our white house correspondent kimberly how to capitol hill she's been following this is i said there a dog trumpet much more positive tone a call to action when it came to immigration and his comments there prompting both boozes weller's cheers from the chamber i guess that shows just how tough a challenge that issue remains going forward kimberly. and you heard the president talking there about some of the american heroes and how in times of tragedy americans come together and unify and he try. i'd to use that as sort of an example of how members of congress need to unite over some of the president's policies that he is putting forward in the speech a rather lengthy speech i should point out but certainly a long list of accomplishments that he hopes to take on with the help of congress but as you saw throughout that speech it was very often the one half of the room was applauding the other half the democrats were seated when it comes to immigration this is certainly a point of contention you certainly saw underscored there not just in the physical body language but also what the president said the fact that he said that immigration policy for a country of immigrants should favor the american worker that's certainly going to be something that will irritate democrats as well when he talked about what he said repeatedly he was to close the loopholes as he calls them with regard to the visa lottery program and particularly ending chain migration saying that it should be limited to just a spouse in a minor child that's going to be a point of difference at one point where there is some agreement is on the issue of the dreamers but the way the president presented saying that americans are dreamers too even though he has offered that pathway to citizenship this is certainly going to be a point of discussion that we're going to hear let's hear how the president argued it. my duty and the sacred duty of every elected official in this chamber is to defend americans to protect their safety their families their communities and their right to the american dream. because americans are dreamers too over the next few weeks the house and senate will be voting on an immigration reform package in recent months my administration has met extensively with both democrats and republicans to craft a bipartisan approach to immigration reform based on these discussions we presented congress with a detailed proposal that should be supported by both parties as a fair compromise one where nobody gets everything they want but where our country gets the critical reforms it needs and must have. he also hailed his achievements as he would see it when it comes to the domestic economy talking about the lowest unemployment rate in forty five years is wage growth eccentrics central how much of that pre-dates the first year of trump in office though is a question to consider. well certainly that is a valid question given the fact that there were downward trends in terms of unemployment that preexisted before donald trump came into office but of course the buck stops with the man at the top and certainly if we saw just an opposite trend donald trump would have to own that so i think it's reasonable that the president is claiming credit for that but i think what was really interesting in there sammy was the fact that we saw many members of the congressional black caucus sitting down when donald trump was touting some of those successes given the fact that not only did he point out that it's a historic low in terms of unemployment in the united states but that it's also an historic low for african-americans people of color but the reason they were sitting down is because there is still a disparity in terms of those numbers the generally employment is down for whites at a greater or a lower number than for african-americans and hispanics so there's still discrimination many feel and it certainly is reflected in those numbers and that's why you didn't see the sort of the applause that you might otherwise expect coming in there for him for the most part of the start of the speech he did feel at times almost like we were at a trump international board meeting because certainly it was heavy on what the president sees the successes that his tax cuts accept kitchen table issues that he believes have improved the lives of middle class americans certainly the controversy. and i guess the bottom line out of all this from a domestic perspective can believe this is a time when you when the president tries to rally unity in the country for the most part it seems the stunt the script if you were expecting a huge surprise is in going. off track with controversial statements maybe you didn't hear it tonight you think overall most americans will feel he hit the right tone. you know i compare this to the speech of one year ago where donald trump made a very similar speech sure joint session of congress many people said right after that speech he's presidential this is finally donald trump coming into his own he had some very positive press on the heels of a very contentious inauguration but it was donald trump that stepped on his own positive press with incendiary tweets that happened within twenty four hours and so the it's really up to donald trump in many ways how this will be received certainly this was a safe speech this is what we call teleprompter truck the question is whether we will see twitter trump that often continues to divide americans served shortly afterwards so really this was a speech that many would find something in there that they like the question is not so much the words but what happens after. all right thanks so much kimberly continue to analyze this speech though it's bring in syria senior political analyst . there's obviously a lot to talk about he touched on a whole host of international issues let's start with one that's provoked a lot of international reaction and action jerusalem a bit of a threat there when the said he's going to ask congress to pass legislation to ensure american taxpayers' money does not go to enemies right after talking about complaining about the people who voted against the u.s. who took action against the u.s. in the u.n. . yes basically this igniting. only eight countries in the world two thirds of them totally insignificant like the marshall islands to be with the friends of america everyone else basically a none friend of america or who voted against the. recognition of jerusalem as israel's capital to be the enemies of america it's really a dark dark moment in american history an american presidency if you will once america starts viewing those who disagree with it over its illegal action to be enemies and need to be punished but what got my attention most in terms of the politics of these sorts of speech is me i think this is the first time in the history of the state union. the state of the union addresses that i've seen where israel is invoked and democrats don't stand up and trap imagine how far person trump has gone on the question of jerusalem and basically undoing the entire basis of the peace process that america worked on for twenty five years so much so that democrats who are you have a staunch supporters of israel would not stand up and clap when he invoked the question of jerusalem capital of israel that is news it was a deal so read between the lines that perhaps an attempt to have a more minute fries u.s. approach to the world when he mentioned things we need to put together some of the things that he you know called for all spoke about increased military spending and the new rules of engagement in afghanistan signing a new order to keep one ton of a bay open and so on and so forth. i mean you watch the like a lot of our viewers around the world have watched that i was quite stunned to see of course the change of mood. but also you know the republicans in congress and both houses of congress clapping he would say something about guantanamo would stay open letter on clapping among the republicans would change the rule of engagement without even knowing to what everyone was clapping i mean it's really horrifying knowing that america now with over six hundred billion dollars defense budget going to seven hundred perhaps plus the defense budget next year and with an american president that keeps on this aggressive almost warmongering posture the worse there are some of the world with such hostility to a good number of states where by his predecessor but our obama reestablished. sometimes normal relations normalize relations sometimes at least you know some kind of sort of a cold peace with the likes of iran for example so so forth so to see this new militarized approach with new hostility towards the rest of the world that is worrying. and it was also interesting to me one how he put china and russia in the same sentence as rogue regimes and terrorist groups and then referred to all of them as or his need to confront these dangers what sort of relationship does that spell going forward between some of the world's great powers. you know it all sounds to me sammy and invoke a new concept here to our viewers he sounds like a threat to me you know i guy who enjoys the spectacle who's usually duped but also like to dupe others and it sounds to me like he was duped already by the russians and the chinese you know once upon a time he had all this hostility towards the chinese and then he tried to be friend them and that didn't work out that he slapped them with sanctions and certainly they weren't helpful or north korea and so on and so forth the same thing with the russians tried to befriend president putin of russia and then under the pressure of congress and the american star bush when they've been slapping russia with sanctions and now there's a new putin list over two hundred people and some sort of a sanction warning list of course arming the ukraine against russia so really a total absence of strategy a total absence of vision a total absence of alliances a total absence of america the leader of the liberal world order a total absence of just flying finding new our alliances against for example the likes of russia and china you know big being so hostile towards russia and china while at the same time making enemies out of france and great britain that voted against for example his position on jerusalem at the united nations assembly all of that really just shows how lost this trickster leader is when it comes to war the fair's really a war mongering hostility and increasing with it in the budgets but when it comes to a true vision a clear strategy new our alliances building alliances none of that was there more of a pap's continuity model when it came then to issues like iran and north korea he stayed the sort of course on on the tone of how these country. is represent a problem a threat to the u.s. vowing a campaign of maximum pressure on north korea and calling for congress to address quote unquote the flaws in the iran nuclear deal does or does that spell for the world going forward as is a very sensitive and contentious issues. you know this far we've heard a lot of talk about north korea. small rocket man or something like that and certainly certain hostility towards iran but concretely what has president trump did aside slat slapping north korea part of iran leadership with more sanctions we've seen sanctions being you know thrown around from the united states for many many years perhaps these are stronger sanctions than before but sanctions through art has not worked that worked in curtailing or in downsizing korea's north korea's nuclear. program nor did it in containing iran in the region so really lots of talk on the part of trump but no strategy until today i still can't don't figure can't figure out what is the strategy to contain iran and what is a strategy to undo north korea's nuclear program because we hear all the words and we hear sometimes when we read the twitters of the tweets of course but in the end of the day as i said there is no clear strategy and certainly there's no actionable strategy because strategies needs alliances and they need long term bringing various people together on the same table eventually but we see none of that and then the day. present time cunt can be friends saudi arabia and its leaders but that's not going to be enough to contain the reigning influence in the region and he can be friend president xi of china but that certainly did not work out in downsizing or undoing north korea's nuclear program all right let's thank our senior political analyst marwan the shot of that and as we've been talking actually so has joseph kennedy been addressing let's listen to what he's been saying. thank you thank god thank you it was back you. thank you thank you thank you ok thank you good evening ladies and gentlemen it is an absolute privilege to join you all tonight we are here in fall river massachusetts a proud american city was. thank you merican city built by immigrants was from textiles to robots this is a place that knows how to make great things the old the students are with us here this evening and the auto tech program at diamond regional technical school carry on that rich legacy thank you thank you ok but many american home towns fall river has faced its share of storms but the people here are tough they fight for each other they pull for their city is a fitting place to gather as our nation reflects on the state of our union this is a difficult task and many have spent the last year anxious angry afraid we all feel the fractured fault lines across our country we hear the voices of americans who are forgotten and feel for second. we see an economy that makes stocks soar investor portfolios bold and corporate profits climb but fails to give workers their fair share of the reward a government that struggles to keep itself open russia need deep in our democracy an all out war. on environmental protection a justice department rolling back civil rights by that day hatred and supremacist proudly marching in our streets but tearing through our classrooms concerts and congregations targeting our safest sacred places and this nagging sinking feeling no matter your political beliefs this is not right this is not who we are thank you. folks it would be easy this is not who we are we've been listening there to a rebuttal you could call it the democratic response democratic party response to the state of union address we just heard a few moments ago from the u.s. president that being delivered by joseph kennedy a congressional representative of massachusetts also interesting great nephew of the assassinated u.s. president j.f.k. or john kennedy someone who is something obviously hells from a very well known family in the u.s. that has a very different political taking than the republicans who currently control the white house and the congress. so let's go back to kimberly how once again she's on capitol hill and let's drill down some of the things coming out of joe kennedy speech and he was chosen for a reason to give shall we say the alternative view right kimberly. indeed that is exactly what his job is with the democratic response and i think it's important to know what i saw in the text of the speech a little what we heard there is if donald trump was trying to strike unity it doesn't appear that he has a very receptive audience terms of the democrats because this speech though we heard just a snippet in the full text really works of course to say that donald trump essentially in the eyes of democratic members of congress and the party as a whole is a bully one line from the kennedy speech that's getting an awful lot of traction is that a bully may land a punch but leave a mark but can't match the strength and spirit of the american people defending their future certainly that is how this is being couched that donald trump and his policies are attacking minorities have been attacking even despite some economic successes are really fracturing the economy and leaving many particularly working class americans behind and that's why you see him speaking there from a working class area of massachusetts fall river to be specific so this is again just another reflection as we've seen these two very different tones in these speeches where the united states is right now where it has been for some time i deeply divided economically racially along party lines and it doesn't appear that either of these speeches have brought americans any closer they know of where the u.s. president's approval rating stand have they got. the midterm elections to see what they can do to turn around the republican stranglehold on the put. establishment right now. absolutely they do sammy those congressional elections in november are. that could mean a change in the control of the house and the senate it won't mean a change in the control of the white house as a four year term but when it comes to congressional elections senators typically serve six years members of congress two years so there's going to be a shift and that's what many republicans are concerned about whether or not these policies are going to adversely affect their chances for reelection donald trump with his own approval ratings at about thirty eight percent five most accounts in most polls certainly needed to win over americans who did not vote for him it doesn't seem to be at least looking at this democratic response looking at the democratic audience that donald trump was able to achieve that at least with this speech and that is going to be very challenging for these republicans who are hoping to try and hang on to the control of these chambers but it will certainly be difficult certainly be difficult one thing i think many people can agree on is not everyone that stank can believe how good for now there's more to get out of this though on the international side of things to say let's go back to syria senior political analyst shot and you know model on you listen to people like joseph kennedy talking a very different picture and you wonder how it might be perceived by people by leaders around the world the sort of changes which dog trump has made to american policy on a number of issues do you think people have already drawn the conclusion that america has changed for good or let's hold on and see what happens in another year or four years. yeah you know i mean even the speech seemed lucky it's gone for ever so you can imagine this year for so many was a century forty years and maybe as he hopes from eight years in office of course that's going to be quite a burden for so many of america's. friends and nemesis around the world. look clearly he's able to do a lot of damage of course. more on the domestic scene and on the on the foreign scene but clearly just listening to him and you know on those who listen to eight state of the unions from his predecessors barak obama and heard his speeches in the united nations heard some reference to diplomacy i've just heard an hour plus speech full of children stories real and imagined but not a word the the plough messy not a word i mean nothing serious about the promising he goes all known talk in hostile terms about various countries on the world socialists and communists you know big powers and medium powers iran russia china france who are let go by you name that he doesn't even you know thank a single ally his only best friend of course is prime minister netanyahu and maybe the marshall islands but no real sober diplomatic approach toward affairs we hear about military budgets we hear of we hear hostility towards various countries around the world that is something that various leaders around the world will look at with great anxiety all right thanks so much for your analysis on that al-jazeera senior political analyst model one bashara. we've been following and bringing you live coverage of the first state of the union address by the u.s. president donald trump who covered a number of issues domestically and internationally hailing the performance of the economy on jobs and wages and tax reform also a call to action on immigration and we also heard in touch a number of international issues vowing american dollars will no longer go to american enemies when it came to the issue of jerusalem vowing action against north korea to contain that country's nuclear aspirations vowing to keep guantanamo bay open we'll bring you more news from around the world and we come back in just a couple of minutes so stay with us here on al-jazeera. good reprogramming. activism with a new mission. trying to build software for. digital. within the technological. it's a way to get security to patients in their fields in the capital this part of the record. this time on al-jazeera. the nature news as it breaks the u.s. cut the funding has cemented the feeling here that the u.s. is now part of the problem and has picked the israeli side with detailed coverage the nigerian government insists negotiations are ongoing to secure the release of the girls and hundreds of others. from around the world three decades on chileans are still thinking about abuses but this time those committed by the church. current tensions between countries along the river nile have their roots in the colonial past egypt's point of you cannot. i think non-agreement will suppose because of the new political realities on the ground or increasing the sense of uncertainty over clunes that with them there was a need to do that underneath and hold the countries through which the male voice can be defeated turbo the struggle when all of this time around this is. until now the coverage of latin america that most of the world was about covering khuda taz tragedies of quakes and that was it but not so how can people feel how they look how they think and that's what we do we go anyway five and a half months are demanding an end to an education system that was introduced to. latin america al-jazeera has come to fill a void that needed to be stilled. tracked is our new american mom there has never been a better time to start living the american dream. good news for those states of the union address both of economic success.

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