Transcripts For ALJAZ Egypt Made In China 20171004 : compare

Transcripts For ALJAZ Egypt Made In China 20171004

people including many military officers are accused of trying to assassinate president raja typo on prosecutors are seeking life sentences on the night of the two policemen were killed in the hotel word along with staying the president says the location was bombed minutes after he left. pardon me joins us in studio nash's been covering the events from turkey for al-jazeera for several years now also seen in there's a lot of trials that are going on connected to this failed coup what's the significance of this when. this is one of the most most important free trials actually it is important because it targeted. directly and president is the plaintiff the complainant party in this trial also puts a lucky man who is said to be the perpetrator the mass in mind of the failed quits on foot is the number one suspect who is currently at large so these are the basic points because there you have two dominant names and at trial. when do we expect to get the verdict and what do we expect a reaction to the verdict today the verdict is about to be delivered like in an hour or so as you have also said the life imprisonment aggravated life imprisonment is on the table for the suspects especially for four to three of the suspects of course two of them are at large including fred to luck or none. of the relatives of the suspects will be upset but. from what we have seen from the footage is that there are people outside at the courthouse waiting for the verdict to be announced and they're asking for death penalty for day. plotters well of course it was very interesting because we have hundreds of cases ongoing after day trial and consequently exactly because you have lots of suspects but what is interesting you know you have like hundreds of thousands or hundreds of pages of indictment or the main indictment there's like fifteen hundred pages you can't even end up writing it it is so interesting to see a religious call to be nested within the state and a break in the civilian cult members breaking the chain of command in the army so when you read the indictments you see the confessions you see how they have the military members devoted to orders from civilians to perpetrate or planned this july fifteenth event some of them change their confessions but of course it will be interesting to see biden in terms of the consequences this trial today so today's verdict makes us think what would have happened if the president was assassinated that night or he was kidnapped so probably if he was assassinated many of the experts say that turkey could end up in a civil war or if you was kidnapped. probably he would be in prison like egypt's mohamed morsi all right so your i know you'll keep us posted within the hour so we may get the verdict seen and thank you very much thanks to. a top u.s. general has accused pakistan's main spy agency of links with armed groups as i'm about has denied that claim and u.s. defense secretary james mattis has told the senate that washington will again try to work with pakistan before taking what he described as punitive action as some avenge of a reports these are some of the taliban fighters the thirty nine member alliance has been trying to defeat since two thousand and one donald trump is the third president who's come up with another new strategy to win the war and of learning stone is defense secretary and joint chiefs chairman have bearden public hearings before the senate and house armed services committees to explain this strategy shift and once again u.s. officials say pakistan is among the reasons the a failed it's clear to me that the i.s.i. has connections with with terrorist groups and if i could just follow up on something secretary madison i think over the last several years we've had a bilateral approach to trying to effect a change in pakistan's behavior. it's not about says the latest round of accusations are absurd the cia paid pakistan millions of dollars to set up the fight to the end of going to stand in the one nine hundred seventy s. pakistan has also played a role in u.s. led efforts to mediate between the taliban and the of government and the state department has reiterated that the only solution is a political one focus on not just afghanistan but also india and also incorporating pakistan sort of a regional approach. the key element of that is eventually getting afghan afghans to talk to afghans and that would it would certainly include the taliban getting them to talk to one another. on is against india's increasing role in of oneness than the foreign minister is in washington to to try. the administration about pakistan's sacrifices during the last sixteen years the government says its economy lost billions of dollars in addition to the debts of more than eighty thousand people. strengthening as the relationship with the us deteriorates i can't say the top administration is taking a radically harsh more vigorous approach to pakistan but i think they want to give the pakistanis the impression that they might. and washington's tone is somewhat softened since last month the defense secretary says he's going to try one more time to work with congress on. a seventeen years of law on the sun i mean it's a war on women job lead there. has more now from islamabad the pakistani foreign minister the secretary of state they're going to be meeting how significant is this meeting considering the things that. it's a. meeting because if you remember. trump on rarely gave policy on one is done and. you came down hard on five years. running. looking the other way also promising that the u.s. would go for punitive action including military strike. on you for all your different magic contacts for the u.s. and therefore for some time the it took a nosedive now of progress on the foreign minister are you going to be meeting the united states you're going to rent them their duties are far more complex problem that it is focused on also very troubling because of cross border infiltration. and dropped i didn't from creation from the project on the border into of when you're done. progress on has denied that two countries are now to war of words project on of course recording all their options right at the same dying to preserve some sort of a relationship with the united. nations from the americans or indeed a very important meeting come all pakistan and the us have been allies for seventy years and yes it is often a complex complicated relationship but still why this new tension. well the new to ensure a right from the fact that the united states. bigger older no one has done something on their character going to get on which going to. drive it almost nobody is going want to see americans to understand that they're just trying. to the border with afghanistan. in order to build a new infant creation across the board oh but it also wants more action from the americans and going off. to take it out of. which are in charge of wrong doing and being used for inferior. they have a lot of girls and are going to be important or few words progress made because the american generals go warm to day make a drone strike and also unilaterally military action in carry on where you say that . again divulged armed and i ok. thank you. but if you later cambodia's main opposition party has fled the country fearing she would be arrested most of course decision comes amid what appears to be a government crackdown on the opposition an interview with al jazeera swaying hay in neighboring thailand she called on the international community to impose sanctions against cambodia as leaders. this is day one the next. and clearly the gravity of who decision is still sinking in i don't want to. i won't. oh voice. but there was cannot be heard in. the deputy leader of cambodia's main opposition party decided to leave for neighboring thailand she says she would have been arrested if she stayed as senior officials in the government confirmed personally with me that it is him and then the end rest will come sometime this week otherwise i would not have fled the country the government believes she party leader kim soaker and others are putting with foreign governments to overthrow prime minister when sam last month came soca was arrested and charged with treason . wheelchair pops and it is very lucky for us that cambodia has found and arrested the traitor if the opposition party continues to defend this traitor it means the party is also a traitor so there is no time left for this party to operate in cambodia's democratic process anymore in response around half of the cambodian national rescue parties members of parliament have now left the country the situation in cambodia continues a pattern of police in attacking the west for trying to interfere in the running of his country and an increasing reliance on china for investment and support when can soak up with the rest of the chinese foreign ministry said it supports the cambodian government's efforts to protect security and stability who in sand has been in power for more than thirty years but the opposition has been steadily gaining support critics believe the prime minister is scared of losing next year's election the only party capable of defeating him is in tatters but its leaders believe their challenge can still be resurrected. there is hope if it is the action taken. by the international community through their strong measures such as part of that sanctions like visit our sanctions like suspension of technical assistance to the government musak who isn't sure how long she'll be out of the country but however long it is she says she won't give up the fight for true democracy in cambodia where in her bangkok. police in colombia have arrested more than one hundred fifty people and a nationwide crackdown on kidnapping and extortion were around a thousand officers were involved in raids by a special task force commander say it's succeeding and reducing the number of crimes. government leaders in cuba are describing the decision by the united states to expel fifteen diplomats as reckless and unfounded the united states says it issued the order following unexplained sonic attacks on its embassy staff and have vowed that as our latin america newman reports from there the cuban government as involvement in the illness suffered by u.s. diplomats. as cuba is fuming over washington's decision to expel fifteen more cuban diplomats for what it calls unfounded charges of mysterious acoustic attacks against u.s. diplomats in atlanta and many. the foreign ministry energetically protests and denounces this unfounded and acceptable decision along with the pretext used to justify its that the cuban government has not taken the appropriate measures to prevent these alleged incidents from occurring. after months of inconclusive investigations when sixty percent of u.s. embassy staff here is packing up to go home ordered to leave cuba to protect their health from possible news sonic attacks that have reportedly seriously damaged the hearing of more than twenty u.s. diplomats since last year this according to the u.s. state department cuba has repeatedly denied any involvement and says the u.s. is withholding information to help get to the bottom of the reported acoustic attacks. down the street from the u.s. embassy people who say they're desperate to be reunited with their loved ones in the united states sit under the hot sun uncertain of what to do now that the consulate section is no longer accepting new applications the. night of leave it as husband. in the u.s. her daughter has a u.s. passport but she does not have a visa in yemen because of i had a visa appointment for september the twentieth that was postponed because of her and now this political storm is preventing us from getting together i don't know if or when i can travel according to the u.s. embassy website most piece of processing in havana is suspended cuban applicants for nonimmigrant visa as may apply abroad something close to impossible for most cubans this embassy will be left with a minimum consular staff and so too will its cuban counterpart in washington after these expulsions this may go down in history as one of the more bizarre incidents in the long complex relationship between washington and have and in fact cuba is now putting in doubt the u.s. version of events saying it wants to see the proof that these so-called acoustic attacks ever took place in the first place. the foreign minister adds the cuba has had no access to the alleged victims or their medical records and. we call on the competent u.s. government all thora t's not to continue politicizing with which can provoke an escalation of a conflict with a desired consequences. for these people waiting for visas to the us that is collation with its undesired consequences is already a reality you see in human have and. it's been sixty years since the first manmade object was launched into space sputnik one was a cold war propaganda coup for the soviet union which sparked a space race with the united states to send men to the moon sputnik which is to discover information about the nature and ion density of the earth's upper atmosphere more than one thousand four hundred satellites orbit the earth today. still ahead on al-jazeera and sport this major league baseball player stars and his post season debut later has the details. you know richard thank you very much world number one refound adult survived the first round fright at the china open on tuesday this was the decisive moment of the spaniards match against a lucas point a frenchman squandering the first of two match points that all ended up taking the second set time break by winning four consecutive points and any first appearance since last month's us open victory he eventually punished point four six seven six seven five down our faces russia's economy could shut off in the second. that all ended juan martin del potro has joined killing one at the u.s. open in the semifinals you might remember the origin time in the near court here was pushed in east china debut before overcoming your revised public seven six six four popular now confronted tournament favorite grigor dimitrov. also through is the world number for alexander vera of of germany would be britain's edmund a straight sets win for the twenty year old six three seven six the school here. meanwhile the strain is nick kiryas is the first man through to the quarter finals despite dropping the first set and the now almost customary temper tantrum curious would regained his composure against jimmy's mischa's that if the older brother of alexander the australian going on to win three six six two six two. many football fans will follow their favorite players on twitter facebook and instagram increasingly big clubs are tapping into the power of social media. but what if you turn that on its head now imagine a football team put together on social media where the fans influence who they play next to happening in the u.k. and. discovers millions of fans can translate to millions in the bank. their first ever game was managed by one of english football's biggest names rio ferdinand and one huge huge plan to change your name but this isn't a premier league team this is rebel f.c. . the love of football is what unites this annoyance it's social media influences and bloggers. the grassroots movement mixes football with entertainment aside from life matches good says of behind the scenes fan punditry pranks and challenges they make up most of their online content or start of one of the first video on you and i went really well from there and i continue to put on instagram twitter where all fans are following and keep up today. and some styles are going to see their idols one person at this event in london i want to meet today that the site men never like to see and you choose old styles while the football teams regularly engage with their fans online this is also a chance to meet them face to face. share the stage. and pays for itself there are ten social media football teams in the case and for years following is growing by the day but in this interaction here with the fans offline and online but the football team stays behind their growing. and as one of the world's leading football freestylers tells us the fantasy is key you can actually almost make you want to see us play next and they can actually have their own plane and as soon as you can engage with the audience that's what takes it to the next level oh right. how you doing a welcome to the final episode of the wembley cup. and that's exactly what spencer s.c. did playing two finals at wembley stadium which pulled in over twenty million online views well underway on a week to week basis some matches played by these teams average more than six hundred thousand views. that's a bigger online following than some games receive in the lower leagues of english football is given a chance while most of their followers and then years who keep coming back for more convincing traditional football fans might not be that easy they are dummy like a duck watcher up for coming to every guy while social media football team say they are looking to replace traditional football they do believe their biggest appeal is relatability especially at a time when fans are becoming increasingly frustrated by how commercialized and non-personal professional football has become which for me i cheated to get into like one of those you tube like that which on the life of things was probably right for me this is a big market is always going to just become to be the largest crowd for a football match with nonprofessionals and by the looks of it these amateur footballers have found a winning formula to kick the ball and their businesses in the right direction. al-jazeera london. a major league baseball the new york yankees have made through to the american league divisional series where they'll face the cleveland indians they beat the minnesota twins in a wild card game turns got off to a good start leading by three runs in the food inning but the yankees came back to level matters so no home run from brett's gardner and the two run home run from terry judge who was making his postseason debut sealed and eight four victory for new york the result gave the twins a record time thirteenth consecutive postseason defeat. but again because of some of the moves that we've made and some of the players we've signed we know there are both that you can't do that every game i mean you just can't because it physically they can't they can't bounce back but i gave them our sunday and monday off for a reason you know because of the way it is and. again they were remarkable. the best skiers in the world are counting down to the start of the olympic season but one former olympian has already been breaking records british skier graham bell has the fastest toed speed record on skis in sweden he reached an average of one hundred eighty nine point zero seven kilometers an hour as he was towed behind the car breaking the previous mark by more than seventy kilometers per hour but the fifty one year old who lost competed at the games in one thousand nine hundred ninety eight has no plans to return to compete in skiing after this. we leave a bit most will coming up later if you very much fear keep it here more news on the other side of the break but has a sick i don't want to wear. for years japanese have gone into countries lush course for what they call. green or forest baby thirteen years ago dr levy was one of the first to conduct research on forest bathing he concluded that the essential oils the trees produce to protect themselves from germs and bugs can boost the human immune system what a lot of fun to side or essential oil is found in the forest my research has shown that forest front to sides reduces stress hormones can relax us in the future the time may come when doctors prescribe the forest the start of medicine a rite of passage and preserve through the generations my cousin was laying down there until a screaming she was helpless the woman who after endorses cycles of pain for one that menai meets the women affected by s.g.m. and those reshaping perception do you think people will abandon this thread about to do is take al-jazeera correspondent the con and this time. un experts say attacks against ranger women and children in myanmar may amount to crimes against humanity. and has a say to this is al jazeera live from coming up. the gunmen purchase rifles shotguns and pistols new details emerge about the gunman who killed fifty eight people in last vegas police say he'd set up surveillance cameras in the hotel. turkey's president is in iran for talks as tensions. rise in the region after the kurdish secession referendum in iraq plus. a day after mass protests across a section m.p.'s meet to discuss what's next their move to break away from spain. thank. you and. we'll. follow it is being called the world's worst the world's fastest developing refugee crisis and now a un human rights officials say crimes against humanity may have been committed since late september over half a million range of refugees have fled violence in myanmar's rawhi and state the un has been calling for proper investigations of stories of abuse of women and children continue to emerge a human rights watch report now says myanmar's military executed several dozen range of muslims on august twenty seventh when this is say soldiers beat sexually assaulted and stabbed villages looking for safety in a compound in refined state there's also a growing concern for the health of range of refugees living in bangladeshis makeshift camps health workers fear a cholera outbreak could easily spread because of unhygienic conditions our correspondent mohammed jim jim reports now from cox is bizarre. here at the camp everybody we've spoken with today all the rohinton refugees that we've spoken with have told us that there is no question that crimes against humanity have been committed we have heard horrific stories today numerous ones i spoke with a woman a short while ago that said many people from her village before they fled and once the military in myanmar been in there that many women were raped the children were injured but there were brutal executions as far as the conditions here in the encampment to give our viewers an idea of the scale of this i mean we talk a lot about the numbers let's talk about just where we are right now doctors are which is on bangladesh's border with me and this is a relatively new encampment it's called in cali it wasn't here three weeks ago so in the past three weeks you had this makeshift tent city spring up out of nowhere and there's at least twenty thousand refugees that are here that the conditions are appalling and that's with even the army the bangladesh army trying to distribute as much as they can they say that they're not getting as much as they need from you in a.c.r. from unicef but they need more donations. is the united nations undersecretary general for humanitarian affairs and emergency relief coordinator he says he has heard the stories of abuse and rape firsthand. well i've just come back from a band called just bizarre i spent a lot of time sitting way is the people who have played for all of me and i have stories the killings and rate and very violent sexual assaults i had and from a lot of different people like only tony lake it was with me on the visit at exactly the same thing and we are very very concerned about these stories well the origin of this crisis is in the enormous tradition is going to be found in me and in the meantime i have to say the u.n. is very very keen to do everything you can for the hundreds of thousands who are in bangladesh where the government and the moodily i think the fundamental number one thing that focused on now is providing some really to the suffering that the hundreds of miles of people who are now in bangladesh going through that is an absolute priority these are refugees they are entitled to when the conditions are right and if they want to say. when in the situation is changed to go back to where they come from so if you think that in the media and beyond we keep that the issue in focus but we tend can only ever be voluntary and when i listen to the stories all the people i met in boxes bizarre in the camps the thing that is not only that minds right now it's returning they are terrified of what they see through a wall or. those very issues that we're going to have to get to and the media. our court in turkey will deliver a verdict in a major trial linked to the failed coup in two thousand and sixteen forty seven people including many military officers are accused of trying to assassinate president richard tired prosecutors are pushing for life sentences on the night of the coup two policemen were killed in the hotel where i do i was staying the president says it was then bombed minutes after he left what's become a common image in turkey suspects being marched to court to face charges linked to the failed because many are accused of being members of the so-called ghoulishness movement which the government says orchestrated the attempted overthrow in all more than fifty thousand people are in jail awaiting court proceedings they come from all sections of society four hundred eighty one senior servicemen and civilians are on trial in ankara and they face charges of murder treason and attempted murder prosecutors say they conducted coup operations from a military base just outside the capital in istanbul thirty journalists and newspaper executives are being charged with being members of an armed terrorist organization tens of thousands of teachers and public sector workers are also under suspicion on tuesday authorities ordered the arrest of one hundred twelve current and former municipal workers last week alone more than one thousand people were detained. because solo is a correspondent covered turkey for al-jazeera and she joins me now to talk more about this so tell us first of all how significant is this particular trial of the forty seven people has them since the attempted coup actually there are hundreds of trials right now ongoing in the court and thousands of people are being charged or being hurt currently and some of them for some of them the verdicts have been delivered but this case this lawsuit is important it is also named as the assassin team it as well as. it is important because first the complainant the plaintiff is the president himself and the number one suspect is fit to la lanne who is said to be the mastermind of the attempted coup last year from this perspective it is very important and compared to the other huge closer it's the verdict is coming up pretty quick or than expected actually but until now what we heard we are expecting to hear here expecting to hear the verdict like in a very short time until now what we have been following up is that the suspects who have been accused for assassinating aired on some of them change their confessions some of them say that i'm just an army member i just. i just obeyed the chain of command some of them say that it was state of emergency rule and even if it happens today i would do the same thing some and some of them deny their participation of course the indictments prepared for these lawsuits and show us when you read them it shows that this called this so-called religious organization by fed to law. has nested within the military which is thought to be far from these guys. as of religious groups and the civilians from that called can't interfere in chain and command and push army members for a specific organization this is interesting to see but of course right now they are being they're being a quds force as a stating the press as this nation attempt for are gone member of an armed group breaking the rule of law trying to overthrow the government but of course we're going to see what the charges are going to be all right we'll be following that verdict as it does come in of course for the moment silicon solar thanks very much now turkey's president has arrived in iran where he will hold talks with officials on the kurdish secession efforts in iraq earlier when we met iranian president hassan rouhani is expected to hold talks with supreme leader ayatollah ali from an aide told turkey's parliament on sunday he expects to agree or disagree a deal with iran on how to respond to last month's kurdish referendum to turkey fears an independent kurdistan in iraq will have a domino effect on its own fifteen million ethnic kurdish population and andrew symonds has more from istanbul. military issues are undoubtedly at the top of the agenda in tehran the turkish military chief of staff went two days ahead to meet his counterpart in iran and it's expected some form of corporation some extra cooperation between iran and turkey will be announced however in long term it's unlikely they'll be an alliance between the two armies culturally they're quite some distance apart and also of course turkey is a nato member which is raising eyebrows no doubt in the united states however the turkish military is insistent that it needs to engage with iran it can't be isolated it is definitely very very relevant in terms of coming to some sort of settlement on the conflict in syria and also very relevant in sharing a similar problem to turkey it sees as a problem the kurdish response to the iraqi k.-r. g. the kurdish regional government having the referendum vote and so what we expect to see is this corporation further political dealings and some sort of move towards putting more pressure on bizarre me and his inner circle. now new details have emerged as showed the last vegas mass shooting was thought only planned u.s. police say sixty four year old stephen paddick set up cameras outside his hotel room to watch for approaching police barracks girlfriend considered a person of interest in the investigation has now returned from the philippines and is being questioned by the f.b.i. and he got a report. a steven public fires down on a crowd of concert goers on sunday night newly released police body camera footage shows panic and confusion officers scramble to locate the source of the gunfire and get members of the public to safety this is a dramatic snap shot of the moments before public was located on the thirty second floor of the mandalay bay hotel police gave more details of how events unfolded the suspect i can tell you that we know now that he fired off and on for somewhere between nine and eleven minutes we know that the suspect fired over a dozen or so volleys and we know that the firing by the suspect ceased to nineteen we had patrol officers actually working another event at the mandalay bay . who heard the shooting and they took it upon themselves to form up into a team enter the stairwell begin ascending the floors and also evacuating hotel guests the swat team had to arrive first official say several searches of now revealed the full extent of products arsenal currently forty seven firearms have been recovered these firms recovered from three different locations those locations consisted of the hotel room as well as very embassy skeet nevada they were purchased in nevada utah california and texas the gunman purchased rifles shotguns and pistols. inside politics hotel room assault rifles can be seen on the floor many of them modified to fire more rounds what's not clear is why a retired sixty four year old accountant carried out the shooting but his longtime girlfriend mary lou donnelly has now been described as a person of interest steven products family history is also emerging his father benjamin product was at one time on the f.b.i.'s most wanted list for bank robbery and theft president trump also declared without citing any evidence that product was mentally unbalanced the sick man a demented man. a lot of problems i guess we're looking to him very very seriously investigators say they're also looking at products financial history described as a high roller he gambled heavily and sent large sums of money overseas what's clear is that steven part of plan does attack well in advance even installing a camera outside his hotel room to watch for approaching police his motives however remain a mystery this is a man with no criminal record and someone who neighbors describe as a recluse as this city continues to mourn its dead it's a question many want answered but so far the reasons remain unclear and they gallacher al-jazeera las vegas nevada. a fellow head on al-jazeera allegations of a government crackdown cambodia's opposition leader calls for international sanctions against the ruling party. plus range of refugees living in bangladesh is camps face of cholera crisis. looks like the winter weather striving to push science and result is a fairly active weather system through japan and so this part of china somewhere between shanghai and beijing and it waves around a little bit so this should be the colder weather but with the sun and the stunts sun is. to get valuables to up to seventeen and all of that are also up to seventeen which are quite high figures but not far away there is snow in the forecast not far away geographically rather than in time but we down to seven in iran but our friday snow is just the top of your screen there but this is still really been warm late summer early autumn as to rain there the chances are to be fairly heavy in honshu all the further sudden island smaller islands in japan with ha kind of enjoying the sunshine sapporo it nineteen degrees southern china is also quite warm hong kong still in the city three mark humid but thirty three of the same this feed divest ill suggests that at least some parts of grandeur and further west up to vietnam a light to catch some pretty heavy downpours but the concentrated light and it's still from sichuan morris to shanghai has been there for about two weeks now waiting around it still there potentially giving some heavy downpours of the ground it's already saturated so again the potential for flash floods does exist. egypt is now china's her biggest trading partner in africa more than ten thousand chinese are living in cairo i wanted to see the permits on september one thousand nine hundred five i came with my friends to egypt many started a small traders but are now successful in business jr and i began to do business in two thousand and three or two thousand and four at the time it was small but then it began to expand in al-jazeera well meets the growing chinese community in egypt egypt made in china at this time. and again you're watching al-jazeera a reminder of top stories this u.n. human rights commission says the abuse of range of women and children in myanmar could amount to crimes against humanity committee is calling on the myanmar government to stop the violence and allow a proper investigation over half a million or a handjob have fled of the targeted violence escalated in late september. us police have released body camera video showing victims escaping the mass shooting in las vegas protective say stephen paddick modified attack rifles to increase their rate of fire sixty four year olds set up cameras outside his hotel room to watch for police. turkey's president richard type one has arrived in iran for talks with its leaders on kurdish secession efforts in iraq early one told turkey's parliament on sunday he expects to agree a deal with iran on how to respond to last month's kurdish referendum there. how the true cost of color has been revealed in a new report by. the charity water aid nearly one hundred thousand people are dying from the preventable illness every year a color is present in more than forty countries and sickens an estimated three million people a year the biggest epidemic is in yemen cholera cases a jump from seventeen thousand and twenty fifteen to an estimated nine hundred thousand this year two thousand one hundred people have died in yemen since the outbreak began in april and most recent global estimates were in twenty fifteen and show india as the worst affected country with more than twenty thousand deaths a year neighboring bangladesh was also concerned with more than three thousand deaths in twenty fifteen nearly a million doses of cholera vaccine are on route to the country to begin an immunization campaign targeting vulnerable ranger refugees choudhry has more from cox is bizarre. no one can describe the condition of some of this temporary refugee shelter built and to prolong area thousands of people concentrate in one area and scratching it up to thirty a degree there is very few left raw sewage floating in the drainage there is no sewage system no fresh water system very few fresh. which is some help but the international aid agencies are warning that you need to be far more number of electrons and fresh water sources in this camp what one bangladeshi and you say that there are three hundred twenty seven person using one letter and that's a very dissimilar condition now we spoke to a lot of the doctors who are running this training and different camps most of the doctors told us the majority of the patients they're saying have diarrheal disease skin infection and respiratory illness with high fever most of the patients are women and children unless there is a long term strategy chucked out by the government international donor agency there is a clear danger of cholera and dysentery epidemic spreading out in this camp the international coordination group is sending about one million or a vaccination people that should help the situation to a bit most of the refugees are not going back very soon that has to be a long term strategy once the media focuses on out of this refuges there's a clear danger of aid flow into this camp will slow down. vellum and is a policy analyst at waterway which is the organization to put out this global report that we highlighted earlier she joins us now from london to talk more about this thanks very much for being with us so just talk to us first of all about how. cholera is able to spread particularly in areas of conflict. so. thank you very much for having me caller is present as we said in more than forty seven countries globally and it can't really be eradicated completely from the environment and we have areas called hotspots globally where the disease is always present and during conflict when water and sanitation infrastructure breaks down and health care systems are stretched there is always a risk of the disease spreading from those areas into new areas and systems not being able to cope with that and what are some of the challenges then in. some of these countries that are affected by cold. well in conflict areas of the challenge is a very immediate they're around dealing with. rehabilitating water and sanitation infrastructure with getting to people who need care and treatment and therefore the response relies a lot on things like distributing hygiene kits oral vaccination and provision of safe water however in in other countries that are not currently affected by conflict what we're seeing is a chronic under investment in water and sanitation infrastructure and often what is invested is not targeted to the poorest communities the ones that are most likely to be affected and that crisis is also accompanied by a lack of international investment and in fact we've seen age two water and sanitation reduced by two billion dollars between two thousand and twelve and twenty fifteen. and we should remind people of course the caller is an entirely preventable illness isn't it and it does it come down to how much of the vaccine is available and getting getting it to the areas where would be needed. it is entirely preventable and the reason we know that is we used to have epidemics in london as well and we don't have them because of robust investment in water and sanitation infrastructure yes vaccines a very necessary one and outbreak is already happening or is about to happen so that we can save lives quickly however the main approach has to be preparedness for an outbreak but also prevention the global roadmap that the world health organization is launching today aims to do exactly that to not just reinforcing the response to epidemics as they happen but also making sure that we are investing in prevention that we have good coordination between all the different agencies that will reduce by ninety percent mortality from cholera by twenty thirty good to speak with yale velma joining us from london thank you. now process session m.p.'s in catalonia are meeting for the first time since sunday's disputed referendum they're talking about what's next in their move to break away from spain the regional parliament's governing body is also meeting to decide when to call a parliamentary session to discuss the results of the vote hundreds of thousands of catalans went on strike in response to the national police his handling of the vote spain's king accused the catalonian government of running the referendum outside of the law and call for unity larceny has more. when the catalan parliament is going to meet. remember that there's a majority of pro independence and peace in the catalan parliament and they've got to meet at some points and have a vote to ratify the referendum results and that would start the process of independence because then the be. a six month gap for whatever negotiations might be before they actually do become independent from spain it's looking like monday is the most likely date of the moments that there's rumors swirling around here that the parliament mark might sit next on monday with local newspapers a set the pro independence bloc which is meeting at the moment wants monday to be the day when they vote on it and the president is going to address the nation it's nine o'clock local time tonight nine hundred g.m.t. so if you add it all together we haven't got it confirmed yet it looks like they're lining up for monday to be the date and clearly what that does is basically give madrid and absolutely hard deadline talk to us or we go we're going to stop the deputy leader of cambodia's main opposition party has fled the country fearing she'd be arrested. decision comes amid what appears to be a government crackdown on the opposition in an interview with al-jazeera is wayne hay in neighboring thailand she called on the international community to impose sanctions against cambodians leaders. this is day one an exile for moussaka and clearly the gravity of her decision is still sinking in i don't want to live as a fugitive i want. a voice. but that was cannot be heard even captured the deputy leader of cambodia's main opposition party decided to leave for neighboring thailand she says she would have been arrested if she stayed as senior officials in the government confirmed personally with me that it is him and then the end rest will come sometime this week otherwise i would not have fled the country the government believes she came soaker and others are putting with foreign governments to overthrow prime minister when sam last month came soca was arrested and charged with treason and. we hope that it is very lucky for us that cambodia has found and arrested the traitor if the opposition party continues to defend the straighter it means the party is also a traitor so there is no time left for this party to operate in cambodia's democratic process anymore in response around half of the cambodian national rescue parties members of parliament have now left the country the situation in cambodia continues a pattern of police in attacking the west for trying to interfere in the running of his country and an increasing reliance on china for investment and support when kim soca was arrested the chinese foreign ministry said it supports the cambodian government's efforts to protect security and stability who in sand has been in power for more than thirty years but the opposition has been steadily gaining support critics believe the prime minister is scared of losing next year's election the only party capable of defeating him is in tatters but its leaders believe their challenge can still be resurrected there is hope if it is this action taken. my ideal international unity through. strong measures such as targeted sanctions like these are sanctions like suspension of technical assistance to the government musak who isn't sure how long she'll be out of the country but however long it is she says she won't give up the fight for true democracy in cambodia when hey al-jazeera bangkok this year's nobel prize for chemistry has been awarded to a team which developed a way of seeing the structure or biomolecules a special detail to work objected frank and richard henderson has given scientists a better understanding of how viruses moved through the human body. it is sixty years since the first man made object was launched into space sputnik one was a cold war propaganda coup for the soviet union and sparked a space race with the united states sputnik was used to discover information on the nature and ion density of the earth's upper atmosphere more than one thousand four hundred satellites or with the earth today or a challenge as more. i have to say this remarkable construction here is one of my favorite things in moscow a silver rocket streaks towards the heavens atop a metallic plume of exhaust it's called the monument to the congress of space leaving us in no doubt about it celebrating because although it was the americans who put the first man on the moon it was the soviets who scored the early successes in the space race and when basketball size satellite called sputnik one became the first man made objects or orbit the earth in october nine hundred fifty seven well that shocks the americans deeply and shook their belief in their own technical superiority they realized that they had to catch up with the u.s.s.r. but the soviets were on a roll the first man in space the first woman in space the first space walk in the first space station those were all soviet achievements yes the americans did eventually take the lead but even these days with the demise of nasa is shuttle program russian rockets are still the only way now for people to get into space. this is al jazeera that's going to round up on the top stories the u.n. human rights committee says the abuse of range of women and children in myanmar could amount to crimes against humanity committees calling on myanmar to mammal government to stop the violence and allow a formal investigation over half a million range of refugees have fled after targeted violence escalated in late september u.s. police have released body camera video showing victims escaping the mass shooting in last vegas say stephen paddick modified attack rifles to increase their rate of fire and sixty four year old set up cameras outside his hotel room to watch for police. i'm not aware of any transmission but there was cameras there was cameras located in outside of the room and inside the room along with the forums. i don't know what the specific you know we've been run. into is a big he was looking for anybody to take him into custody a court in turkey will deliver verdicts in a major trial linked to the failed coup in two thousand and sixteen forty seven people including many military officers are accused of trying to assassinate president richard type two when prosecutors are pushing for life sentences on the night of the coup two policemen were killed in the hotel and one was staying and he says the president says it was bombed minutes after he left turkey's president has arrived in iran to hold talks with its leaders on kurdish the session evarts in iraq and one told turkey's parliament on sunday he expects to agree a deal with iran on how to respond to last month's kurdish referendum. a draft u.n. report has added saudi arabia to a blacklist for the killing and maiming of children in yemen a confidential draft attained by the reuters news agency attributed six hundred eighty three child casualties to the saudi led military in two thousand and sixteen this year's nobel prize for chemistry has been awarded to a team which developed a way of seeing the structure of biomolecules a special detail due to the work of exactly bushay joshi frank and richard henderson scientists have an improved understanding of many biological processes and that includes how viruses move through the human body those are the headlines inside stories next. it's a real reconciliation. and welcome to the program i'm elizabeth piron i'm the palestinian government has made its first trip back to don's after a decade in exile the fattah movement which leads the government was driven out of the strip in two thousand and seven after a last election and civil war with rival hamas palestinian prime minister around the house was welcomed by large crowds and celebrations in gaza city on monday shut down that soft government in gaza last month to pave the way for the reconciliation both groups are trying to reactivate a unity government both gaza and the west bank says it's crucial for the middle east peace process. from the heart of the palestinian state exist. between the west bank and the gaza strip. the vision. and the consequences. well hamas and fatah have tried and failed to reconcile frequently over the past ten years peacemaking efforts have never made it this far saudi arabia was the first to try and broker peace between hamas and fattah but the mecca deal signed in two thousand and seven fell apart almost immediately here later yemen gave it a go and two sides signed a deal to revive direct talks but they never followed through the cairo deal signed in two thousand and eleven was hailed as a landmark agreement but it didn't last very long either and the the hard deal signed in two thousand and twelve five years after the conflict started also fail to stick many failed because of alleged pressure from the u.s. israel and other regional governments the most recent deal was signed at beach refugee camp in gaza three years ago without any arab mediation it also fell apart after two years of trying to implement it well let's bring in our panel now from ramallah most of about goofy who is secretary general of the palestinian national initiative and from london in black was a visiting senior fellow at the middle east center at the london school of economics welcome to you both mr barghouti what's different about this reconciliation attempt to the many that have come before that before it. moved differences that egypt is clearly throwing all its weight behind this process over the conciliation providing the venue of idea of the political support the diplomatic support. other differences that we have seen actual things taking place. like dissolution of the administrative commission committee and the return of the palestinian. consensus government to taking its responsibilities and there is a clear plan which will start with meetings between fatah and hamas and then with all palestinian political groups to proceed with the implementation of the agreement it seems that. from one side there is an external role that is helping but from the other side i think the whole world is worried that gaza is about to explode and that the conditions there are completely intolerable from human perspective from political perspective from economy perspective and there is a third factor which is very important i think both the leaderships of fatah and hamas. do realize today that they are losing their popularity with the palestinian people who because of this continuous internal division which makes no sense and where this division has become mostly a fight over thirty that is totally under occupation with a complete and total block of any possibility of fruitful peace corps mr blackwell they have of course been two main factors to disunity the internal divisions and a lack of will to share power the external influences like that of israel will get to israel neisha but do you think that there is as mr barghouti is saying more political will now for unity. well i think that there is quite a lot of political will for unity that i think it perhaps differs between the two parties but i also think that the obstacles to an agreement which actually works and therefore brings the approval engagement of others is quite problematic because you know this isn't the first time that there's been an attempt over the last decade or two to forge palestinian unity i agree with most of our group here about the pressure i think from ordinary people the situation in gaza two million people living in isolation and extremely difficult circumstances is intolerable nevertheless the the constraints on the parties what they can agree to and whether others will accepted remain very powerful on the palestinian side yes a will to make change but very serious obstacles still to overcome before a unity agreement can actually alter a very difficult reality and one of the greatest obstacles now mr black. well i think you i think it's been made clear already on what's happening because there is extremely important today and yesterday. the convening of this meeting. really is is a significant step but it's also true president mahmoud abbas made clear yesterday and this is in signal before that on one very central issue he doesn't see any room for. full flexibility or compromise and that's the question of weapons hamas is the islamic resistance movement resistance is its raison d'être its identity its commitment to struggle remains absolutely central passes said very explicitly that reconciliation and unity requires one law one government and one gun and the one gun out of interest extremely significant even mentioned example of hezbollah and lebanon the implication being quite clear to his boss operates within within the lebanese state which is operates independently what the past is clearly not prepared to do is to go ahead with unification with hamas for all sorts of good reasons but to have hamas remain an independent military actor and i think is almost certainly the single most significant factor preventing successful implementation of mrs gosnold the interests of of hamas as a resistance movement mr barghouti let me bring you in here there is a new hamas charter hasn't isn't in line with the goals of fattah and less whether it's past all military resistance. before these reconciliation started to take place. how much did three steps actually since more than two years all do or do in the last two years first of all they declared that there is not to establish an alternative to the p.l.o. but they want to join the p.l.o. . and second support popular nonviolent resistance as long as they are not attacked . in which case they have to i defend themselves even militarily. there are. two state solution basically by accepting a state in the sixty seven borders with jerusalem as its capital which means that there is no practical difference between different political problems. their problem. became a fight over not. under occupation so if if all these conditions have been met there is no reason for the continuation of this split but the fight continued about rules governing the people under occupation. and today if the goal is to is to establish a unity between palestinians it is available it's possible it's achievable i don't see as major political obstacles and even major obstacles in terms of what kind of struggle we have to use because i think there is a consensus about that but if the goal is to domesticate promise to break the palestinian goal of having an independent palestinian state and in force on palestinians more concessions which israel wants obviously the american team is supporting that then of course this will not have and will never happen not only from the side from ass but from the side of most palestinian political forces who refuse to liquidate the palestinian goal and if used to give up the right for self-determination we're going to bring in from gaza guest mr the hamas has a senior hamas official mr hamas has hamas been forced to the table by the crippling measures imposed on gaza by palestinian president mahmoud abbas. we think that we expect that the fairness of fruits of their requests edition and then it is. all majors again. gaza because we think that you know it's not logical now we have a government acting and all people are working including switching to hamas and they facilitate everything for the government and now not only hamas but all over the infections all people now expected from the government now to take actions in order to facilitate their life and it is a life of people and the beginning is the electricity and opening of the course things and also the seller is we think that now it is no golden opportunity for the government to prove now everything is normal it is natural and no one kind of stop day d'errico situation we hope that to the prison and the government also take i said morsi yes. the steps in order to reach in this wise. and to in the lives of the children with gaza well one they repeatedly mentioned with the state as mohammad the one he used to be a father later accused of torturing hamas activists he became an enemy of both hamas and fatah when he was expelled from the movement in two thousand and eleven the han's been living in self-imposed exile in abu dhabi and the united arab emirates ever since he has strong ties to the conference there as well as the egyptian president of the l.c.c. and that relationship to sisi is said to be said by some to be helping the make his comeback its room it has been making a deal with hamas to return to gaza to lead the government while hamas won the territories interior ministry mr how does the fact that hamas would say mainly reconcile with who was you know one of the architects of a brutal campaign against against hamas in the line nine hundred ninety s. and the two thousand does it show the severity of the plight of hamas. i think we are interested to bring all the parts together in the chair was to allow for. affection to get together and. show a real national unity and to work together i think now is not the time it is not. allowed for the. difference is more disputes because i think this will weaken the position of the policy in the front. i think now that the conciliation between hamas and fatah or between hamas and i think also. the gates for comprehensive solution i think we are a good relationship with the people here or there with all the countries around us because i think we need to support. all the countries around. the time show idea all of the countries in order to support us and in front of the nation it is now it is a i think it is a time because now we have one or thought you have one government we have one political system i think we have to clean the table of all disputes. mr black if i can bring you in here of course about palestinian national unity but it is being done with the support of key international players like egypt and the united arab emirates how much of this support do you think is aimed at sidelining which has been very involved with hamas and gaza and reconstruction efforts in gaza since the two thousand and fourteen war. egypt of course we know how egypt feels about kata and the united arab emirates has been giving a lot of money. to funnel and to gaza. where look it's very secret that the rivalry between. saudis v.m. iraqis egypt and cars are is a. big story in the middle east today really. spent the last few months talking about about a little i think the wider context of this just to just to pan out a little bit is about the aftermath of the arab spring of the failure of islamist movements not only in egypt but elsewhere the bloodshed in in syria the retreat of islamist movements and they weakening and what's happened to hamas is is part of that story as well countries are pursuing their own interest so interest for egypt dealing with hamas is also about trying to get control better control of security in the in the sinai where it's facing a serious attack of the. isis and isis affiliate the and their right he's in the character as we know to achieve i teach others throat sort of death and throw in this is is a fascinating symbol of all of that so people are pursuing their own interests the question is whether that actually brings about any improvement or just brings about meddling in the short term where people can say well we have achieved our goal at the expense of one particular rival or another if true palestinian unity were to come out of this it would be a significant achievement. the president to ask whether some of the conflicting goals that are being pursued here will allow that to happen look i think it's important to reserve for a bass has a relationship with israel which is based on the recognition of israel and security cooperation with israel we mustn't forget that central fact and that has to be borne in mind when you talk about the prospects for true reconciliation with hamas whatever the motives of the other countries that are behind this move now mr bout goes the how will israel be looking on at these reconciliation efforts that could result in unity and palestine do you think would it be worried. it's very well read and already started attacking these folks i mean i know that. the prime minister and his cabinet to go together but i think what is it i just wanted just some kind of defusing of the very conflict of situation in gaza which is about to explode and that's or now that we can move into the direction of the end unity. and bluntly taking stand by mr netanyahu and the time to finish totally against this unity and attacking it already and in my opinion this is a very dangerous element. and will continue to try to obstruct this possibility of conciliation that's one point the second point there was a very alarming also a statement by the spokesperson of the white house who suddenly started talking about allowing has to be in the palestinian government as if it's the united states should decide who should be in our government or not and then bringing back the whole body conditions that the court was put in place but let me say just one very important point here that. conciliation has two possibilities one possibility is to transform the fight over. into some kind of. partition of authority between hamas and fatah and that would not fulfill the palestinians. which is to bring back democracy to the palestinian people who have been absent from decision making process all these years and this about one of the one of the biggest stumbling blocks in the reconciliation as liking to be over the long promised elections they happen. and that's why i'm saying the elections are very important because at the end of the day we do not want or need to solve the palestinian authority which is under occupation but we want to have a unified palestinian democratic leadership we want to consolidate the system of no that is new and we want to have everybody inside the p.l.o. and we want the decisions to be taken collectively and in a shooting incident. then you know when i said decisions i mean decisions mr how the fuck can bring you in here now in the past when hamas has won elections they have been rejected by israel and the us how do you plan to proceed and in a national possible national unity government with other palestinian factions when israel and its allies still considers hamas a terrorist organization. i think we are interested now to continue the process of their conciliation because we think that now it is not the only for the government but i think now we are the biggest challenges how can we continue continue. the big challenges now how can we. unity by forming a national unity government and how can we run diligence and how can we also fix. which is. i think we have to go. all the. table we know that it's not easy but i think we just put. forth a real you conciliation for the big issues like the elections national unity government and also the. p.l.o. . what is different this time the situation now is more positive there are more. trust confidence between the two party between hamas and fatah i think the situation is apparent now for a real. we need because of this we need. another concert to support us on the head bus because we know very well that is doing in order to push to a poor old to achieve the national unity. because the addition. of israel so i think you have now to work together on all policy in effect in order to achieve the national unity. about elections and the government and the p.l.o. i think hamas is interested now to people out of the political system part of the p.l.o. and also to participate in elections but i think now the role of the government prepared this is jewish and in order to be positive atmosphere improve their life and if they haven't how can we learn to see how can and of course gazans have a serious pipe and gazans have paid the biggest price for the disunity with the siege upon the mr black if this unity that we've seen last a few weeks now continues while all the arab states in the region will the international community get behind it do you think. yes i think that i think that it would i think we've already seen behind the scenes considerable interest from the from the united nations from the e.u. there are lots of distractions the moment but i think that if palestinian reconciliation looked serious. there would be a strong interest in using that to do something that is extremely urgent to improve the conditions of the people living under blockade in gaza and i think things reach a terrible peak of this summer when the electricity supply in gaza was drastically cut because president about us on behalf of the sting you're for he was refusing to pay for it that's pretty pretty much alone in terms of palestinian disunity if services can be improved if access can be improved if humanitarian conditions and employment can be improved although that's a long hole even in the sure. i think it would galvanize international action on its behalf but i still think there are very significant obstacles to that working more on the political level i think the view is really is i agree with most of about a group of the israelis much prefer a situation of palestinian disunity but i also think it's possible in the short term that they may be interested in an improvement in the situation on the ground to to relieve some of the dangers that are building up an explosion is probably not in their interest all you've missed about and i think that international mr la pointe will grow if this jury signs of work that's a very positive note on just being missed about the for the last line on this what do you think is going to take to make this reconciliation attempt you have lived through many and have been involved and many what will it take to make this one a success. two things first of all they will run both the time from us they have to accept the principle of sharing power and the principle of democratic rule is that. they have to give up the idea. really and fully of one party rule one group and realize that we have to collectively have a life and second to bring back the right to the people of the democratic practice about these are two important factors but internationally let me let me just say quickly that internationally many people have been using the intent of the vision as an excuse for not supporting the palestinian struggle we are taking this away from them now and i think it is the duty of the international community especially the e.u. to support these the conservation efforts to be a survivor hey thank you very much for that and thank you to all our guests ghazi hamad most of out of all things and in black and thank you for watching you can see the program again any time by visiting our website al-jazeera dot com and to further discussion go to our facebook page that facebook dot com forward slash a.j. and side story you can also join the conversation on twitter our handle is at a.j. and side story for me and it's a problem and the whole team here by fidel. michael vocative oh is it allison when they're on line we were in hurricane winds for almost like thirty six hours these are the things that new york here has to address or if you join us on set if i'm a member of a complex one but we struck up a relationship based is a dialogue tweet us with hash tag a day stream and one of their pitches might make the next show join the global conversation at this time on al-jazeera. the nature news as it breaks out of the recall in canada and on again and wait for the hour which would be destroyed during the hurricane with detailed coverage this is what it means when you go to find a raid by the nigerian on hundreds like these i think is forward in the past few months from around the world there are also hundreds of thousands of arabs that have arrived here in recent years fleeing the price or they feel very let down by the baghdad government. we understand the differences. and the similarities of cultures across the world so no matter how you take it al-jazeera will bring in the news and current affairs that matter to you al-jazeera. for. their forefathers fought the sez he it's. twenty five years off to independence. they too must become mad. defenders of lisieux ania preparing for the possible. time. i'm richelle carey and these are the top stories on al-jazeera the un humanitarian rights committee says the abuse of our attention women and children and me and mark could amount to crimes against humanity committee is calling on the myanmar government to stop the violence and allow a proper investigation or half a million or a hand to have targeted violence escalated in late september a correspondent reporting. here at the camp everybody we've spoken with today all the refugees that we've spoken with have told us that there is no question that crimes against humanity have been committed we have heard horrific stories today numerous ones i spoke with a woman a short while ago that many people from her village before they fled the military in there many women were raped the children were injured but they were brutal thank you live to tehran now where the turkish president president of iran are meeting and now the iranian president hassan rouhani is speaking. out in the. on of the on the. ground. there. countries to friends. countries and the region that our anchor of stability in the sensitive region. middle east. that over the past years the relations between both countries both politically. culturally and it. has been increasing day by day. in the private meeting held with the esteem president of turkey. and also the comment. that took place between the high strategic council spoke about the expansion of economic ties. decision. expansion of. relations between the two countries. and also trading between the two countries using both countries. among the decisions taken today. it was decided. between the two countries will be finalized by next week. between the two countries. three different. relations between the it was decided that. their work around the clock. will become a twenty four hour operation tomorrow and the third. before it. investment is. the right. area of tourism. the correct. in the area of oil and gas relations it was decided that. more gas. relevant ministry will carry out the appropriate negotiations. also express. investors in the area of gas. considering there is an important. country. appropriate. for the setting up. expanded. mark. considering the sensitive issues and they're right especially syria. iraq. also had very extensive talks on these issues. final objective of both countries is the establishment of peace and security and there were. corporations between iran and turkey for bringing this security in syria and also three way corporation between iraq turkey and iran. on the issue of the kurdish regional government was among our topics of discussion. both countries iran turkey. and also the issue of. both countries. far as we are concerned. single country syria is one single country we do not accept the geographical border changes in any way whatsoever. iraq. our neighbors our dear brothers. experienced any pressure. this pressure but the wrong decision made by some of the heads of the kurdish regional government they need to be compensated therefore three countries of iraq turkey and iran other way. very serious steps so they can forward their strategic objectives in the region. fight against terrorism against one of the highest. also discussed where we will fight any terrorists wherever they are this is what we should. whether these groups are called or as mr are said. or if they are just. or if they are called. or any other name that they would like for themselves terrorism. must know that their governments and their religion will not allow them to. carry out their and human activities. yes. one more time i would like to thank this team president of turkey mr raja type. and also his accompanying delegation and the ministers and also the general. who came here to. thank you. esteemed president. distinguished members of the press first and foremost. i would like to extend my. greetings. my distinguished brother rouhani has invited me here. and now we're here in. my delegation i would like to express my gratitude for the hospitality that they have shown us. people. have. participated in the election. as a result. my distinguished brother rouhani has once again been elected as a president before you all i would like to take this opportunity to congratulate him. my. i would like to express. the president and his colleagues on the. best of luck may god support them in their end of it. at the very beginning that. i would like. the prophet. he has referred to. which is very important for the whole world of. and i express. my. wish that this month. passed in the most propitious manner. in sixty five and the year sixty one calling to the hugely calendar. to st. were martyred. this. is a opportunity to remember that and we remember that ok today. she. was martyred. there is another heavenly figure. we also remember. and we wish god's blessings upon them. i pray to god. that. they are blessed. so they we have had a meeting at the fourth strategic meeting and it was truly very. good. the tree cannot make commercial cultural juristic relations between. all of these topics. been discussed and. we have. a favorable discussion. right now. with. ministers have had by the truth discussions. in situations also. had discussions with each other. of course relations between turkey and iran. are such that. we have seen an increase and top level. and i feel that this will take the relations between the two countries very different and much higher level. this got stuck at a level of ten billion dollars. the fourth high level. and this thirteen billion dollars target is one of the principal. topics on our agenda. from energy. from the transports to define the defense industry. many topics were discussed. and we have supported the works carried out by the. people concerned. our central banks. have been involved in this process and the corporation between them not liven up. the. industry. and. our economic relations. need to be saved from the pressures in relation to currency so. we have decided to carry out commerce using our own currencies. so. the president has already mentioned that our central banks. will get together in the weeks ahead and the agreements in this regard shall be signed. but. of course in addition to d's. other things have taken place for instance. banks will have. new banks will be opened in iran. and this process has to be speeded up. and. in the energy sector and. increase our cooperation and the discussions we've had make it clear that we are determined to move forward and . for this purpose our ministers of energy. will be. which is an important activity. ministers will also get together and their efforts also are extremely important. with. our experience in this regard. we want to share with you right. this is a specific desire that we have. you're on has a substantial background heritage in terms of civilization. and i believe that. tens of thousands of people will come to visit. and just. ways we are carrying out flights to europe and this. shows. that it's an example to what i've just stated. in the tourism sector we have investors. and we are going to encourage them to carry out these investments in your own. forces there are issues in the region and this is on our agenda as well. i would say especially there are. mechanisms which have three sides to them the iraq issue is the first point which we are looking at. the northern iraq kurdish regional area has carried out on the illegitimately referendum and i've already stated that we do not. accept this. in the north there is turkey with a border that spans three hundred fifty kilometers. on the east there is iran. and on the south. there is the central administration the central government's. west there is syria. the northern iraq kurdish regional governments have to be asked what are they carrying out and there's no one who recognizes them apart from israel and no other country in the world. and by sitting at the table with mossad cannot be legitimate this is an illegitimate result. on one side. there is a person that you know and there is another person who has been brought in and a step of this sort has been taken. i believe that the developments of distorts will isolate the kurdish regional governments. and turkey our determination in this regard is clear. we correspond with the central governments in iraq. and as far as we are concerned this referendum is illegitimate. as you know we have already taken certain steps. whether iran or the central government they have taken steps but from this moment on were. more decisive steps will be taken. in the same way there is a mechanism with three aspects in syria. in there also iran russia and turkey. are involved in the process. that is the process which we are involved in. and we're looking at a no conflict zone this is very important as far as we're concerned. of course this mechanism with three parts. is going to be addressing. fighting against terrorism starting with diet. and such terrorist organizations and thereby we should try to save the innocent people in those regions. all innocent people in the world all people who are suffering in the world. need to be supported our efforts for them carry importance. yeah. part of this process. responsible ministers whether it's the armed forces. and our intelligence. institutions. are counting all necessary work in this area. on the twenty fourth and twenty fifth of this month there will be economic commission meeting and i express my hopes that these. discussions will be fruitful. and. the hospitality that they have given us i would like to extend my gratitude to my beloved brother. right you've been listening to a joint press conference you can see the handshake there from iranian president hassan rouhani the president of turkey type just now wrapping up their joint press conference touching on the issues that they have in common talking about strengthening their ties they addressed syria and also the kurdish referendum our correspondent andrew simmons is live in istanbul and he has been listening in as well so do we have andrew all right andrew so and you were listening as well one of the things that stood out to you they both seem to run drive home the the concept that they have respect for their kurdish brothers as they call them but they are both adamant about this referendum not being legitimate and that the risk that it poses to the region what else did you hear. well yes interesting that rouhani referred to that vote that referendum declared illegal by both rouhani and he described it rouhani described it as a foreign plot a foreign sectarian plot he said and he went on to say that yes the kurds were our brothers there our neighbors there our brothers we don't mean them any harm we don't intend to put pressure on them but their leadership has made the wrong decision he didn't break any real new ground but he did say this he said there was no other way other than serious steps to forward strategic goals for the region he said point blank that no way could iraq be partitioned it would stay as one country as far as iran was concerned it would not accept any other option also syria would not be anything other than one country this is rouhani ronnie's speaking soon he had a lot more to say really on these issues than heard one but he did say on the issue of security cooperation yes he would cooperate they were being creased cooperation and he made the point that any terror organization would be pursued by iran that would include the p.k. k. which is a kurdish separatist separatist group which has caused four decades of conflict in turkey and this is a key issue that the turks wanted to talk about all the third one made no reference to the p.k. k. in his address he said that as far as he was concerned there was. a definite need to isolate the kurdish regional government he didn't as i say break it into new ground but he did say that more decisive steps would be taken now every day in turkey. has been saying to the people that there will be action that he wants the kurdish leadership to reverse their decision to actually basically rescind the vote but of course he has said here that there is cooperation but no detail no detail whatsoever on exactly what is going on as far as the syrian conflict is concerned where you have a big distance between the position of turkey and position of iran backing different sides no converging issue here in terms of settlement apart from the desire for peace a lot a lot said about that at all they're trying to get deescalation zones settled or they're trying to get the whole set up for some form of cease fire but no real detail on that other than to say that there was a positive nature to the talks difficult to read what exactly is going on there rachelle so andrea she said they seem to be pretty much on the same page as it comes to the kurdish referendum and they talked a lot about you know strengthening ties economically culturally about turkey buying more oil and gas in iran so obviously strengthening the relationship is there any reason to think that they're on the same page when it comes to joint military exercises on on the border with iran. the general consensus is not there is more cooperation it would seem whether or not they would do cross border or iran would do cross border operations against the p k k they're prepared to confront the p.k. k. on iranian territory but in the past they've not agreed to take effectively take take out operations on turkey's behalf no no actual sign of that but it could be the case that there's some sort of pax now that's being worked upon the chief of staff for the turkey military came out to iran two days ahead of this visit which by the way involves four senior cabinet members minister levels and run across the board and there is a general feeling that the the the whole status of this relationship between turkey and iran which is a pragmatic one there's lots of differences both culturally politically and religiously but there is more high profile status to this relationship now and i think the key issue there more than a lot of things is trade and they've both sides both president said that the objective would be to increase quite dramatically the trade between the two countries now at the moment something like a trading relationship involving both ways of about ten billion dollars a year that's going to be up to thirty billion that's the objective there's been a deal which will be getting details on soon of iran selling natural gas to turkey it's already selling a lot of oil and this whole economic issue is really very much up front in terms of discussion probably the most positive aspect of these talks of the truth be known now as far as the overall political nature goes a lot of speculation that this will obviously upset the you. u.s. and indeed the european union and nato because that's face it turkey is a member of nato and is taking on board russian s. four hundred missiles in a deal with russia but all of this is causing some concern however it would seem that this is a short term thing possibly and certainly no indication that this is really long but certainly he has shifted gear now it's no longer beholden to the european union or indeed nato it wants to be more independent in its politics and of course the syrian position under the now the iraqi kurd issue has meant that they're really flexing it's more of a your regime approach than a western woman ok andrew symonds live in istanbul andrew thank you. a court in turkey has begun to issue verdicts in a major trial linked to the failed coup in two thousand and sixteen so far a judge has found thirty four or thirty of forty seven defendants guilty sentencing them to life in prison the group including many military officers are accused of trying to assassinate president ratchet type are won on the night of the coup two police officers were killed in a hotel were withstanding. turkish commanders are blaming the kurdistan workers party or p.k. k. for a bomb blast which killed at least four soldiers several others were injured in the district of a car a province near the border with iran. new details have emerged that show the los vegas mash shooting was thoroughly planned u.s. police say sixty four year old stephen paddick set up cameras outside his hotel room to watch for approaching police had a friend who is a person of interest in the investigation has returned from the philippines and she's being questioned by the f.b.i. and gallagher reports. a steven public fires down on a crowd of concert goers on sunday night newly released police body camera footage shows panic and confusion officers scramble to locate the source of the gunfire and get members of the public to safety this is a dramatic snap shot of the moments before public was located on the thirty second floor of the mandalay bay hotel police gave more details of how events unfolded the suspect i can tell you that we know now that he fired off and on for somewhere between nine and eleven minutes we know that the suspect fired over a dozen or so volleys and we know that the firing by the suspect ceased to nineteen we had patrol officers actually working another event at the mandalay bay . who heard the shooting and they took it upon themselves to form up into a team into the stairwell stairwell begin ascending the floors and also evacuating hotel guests the swat team had to arrive first official say several searches of now revealed the full extent of products. currently forty seven firearms have been recovered these firms recovered from three different locations those locations consisted of the hotel room as well as verdi m. a skeet nevada they were purchased in nevada utah california and texas the gunman purchased rifles shotguns and pistols. inside products hotel room assault rifles can be seen on the floor many of them modified to fire more rounds what's not clear is why a retired sixty four year old accountant carried out the shooting but his longtime girlfriend mary lou donnelly has now been described as a person of interest steven products family history is also emerging his father benjamin product was at one time on the f.b.i.'s most wanted list for bank robbery and theft president also declared without citing any evidence that product was mentally unbalanced he was the sick man a demented man. a lot of problems i guess we're looking into him very very seriously investigators say they're also looking at patrick's financial history described as a high roller he gambled heavily and sent large sums of money overseas what's clear is that steven part of plan does attack well in advance even installing a camera outside his hotel room to watch for approaching police his motives however remain a mystery this is a man with no criminal record and someone who neighbors describe as a recluse as this city continues to mourn its dead it's a question many want answered but so far the reasons remain unclear and they gallacher al-jazeera las vegas nevada and investigators in las vegas are still examining the crime scene police say some of the numerous guns belonging to the dead shooter had been sent to f.b.i. labs for analysis rob reynolds has more on the weapons use and the sometimes contradictory gun laws in the u.s. . this is the gun shop where mass murderer stephen paddick bought part of his arsenal was talking how he was new to the area kind of visiting all the firearms stores in the area firearms laws in nevada where paddick lived are extremely lax says criminal justice expert william souza people are able to. buy semiautomatic. weapons handgun rifles assault rifles people also are able to openly carry. weapons on them in any edition as much as you want there are no restrictions in terms of the amount ammunition that you can buy or any modern weapons they can buy for that matter what weapon tatic used in his killing spree is especially alarming it appears that you know the individual who who did this was was using fully automatic weapon such weapons can fire nine bullets per second that was the kind of gun fire that was coming out of the window the thirty second floor of that hotel and he had massive firepower fully automatic weapons are in most cases illegal. but there is a loophole there are kits available that are legal to buy on the internet that allow an individual with some technical skill to convert a semiautomatic weapon to fully automatic fire police confirmed paddocks gun modified for rapid firing we are aware of a device called a bump stop. and. enables an individual to speed up the discharge ammunition dump stocks can be bought online for about one hundred dollars one of the many loopholes in our gun laws in the united states that while it is illegal to take an existing semiautomatic can transform it into a fully automatic weapon that is illegal and then to own that weapon that's illegal under federal law it's not illegal to sell the kit that allows you to do it. reeled in las vegas massacre sparked new gun control legislation unlikely with the current political configuration in power in washington d.c. the republican party in control of congress and the presidency you will see no action by either branch of government to tighten up gun laws americans have come to realize that no concert night club school or theater can ever be safe from a determined gunman with eight in his heart rob reynolds al-jazeera las vegas. so ahead on al jazeera allegations of government crackdown cambodia's opposition leader calls for international sanctions against the ruling party. in the house trying to era when news coverage consists of a punchy headline a five second sound bite and an easy solution. delve deeper far says challenge the status quo expose double standards and debate the contradictions join me mad the hot sun for a new season of the show the frog loved up front. but this time i'll just erupt. a rite of passage preserved through the generations my cousin was laying down there until a screaming she was helpless the woman who after endorses facal of pain for one that menai meets the women affected by s.g.m. and those reshaping perception do you think people will abandon this even thought about to the mistake of al-jazeera correspondent the count at this time. on al-jazeera. after a year of mourning talking on beds a final farewell to its longest reigning monarch. for the stories beyond the headlines for clients examines the u.s. is role in the world liberians are preparing for that third election since a bitter civil war and services are calling it a crucial test for democracy an investigation into the electronics industry revealing out even the smallest devices have deadly environmental and health costs . china's communist party is holding its annual congress what will it mean for the country and its people. on al-jazeera. newsstand the differences. and the similarities of cultures across the world. al-jazeera. in catalonia are meeting for the first time since sunday's disputed referendum they're discussing what's next in their move to break away from spain the regional parliament's governing body is also meeting to decide when to call a parliamentary session to discuss the results of the vote hundreds of thousands of catalans went on strike in response to the national police's handling of the vote spain's king accused catalan his government of running the referendum outside of the law and calling for unity lawrence lay has more now. when he. is going to. remember that this woman. pro independence and peace in the catalan parliaments they've got to meet at some point in time have a vote to ratify the referendum results and that would start the process of independence because then the be. a six month gap for whatever negotiations might be before they actually do become independent from spain it's looking like monday is the most likely date of the moments there's rumors swirling around here that the parliament mark might sit next on monday where the local newspapers a said the pro independence bloc which is meeting at the moment wants monday to be the day when they vote on it and the president is going to address the nation it's not o'clock local something like nine hundred g.m.t. so if you add it all together we haven't got it confirmed yet it looks like they're lining up for monday to be the date and clearly what that does is basically give madrid an absolutely hard deadline talk to us or we go we're going to still the deputy leader of cambodia's main opposition party has fled the country fearing she could be arrested. decision comes amid a government crackdown on the opposition and an interview with al-jazeera swaine hey in neighboring thailand she called on the international community to impose sanctions against cambodia's leaders this is day one in exile for moussaka who and clearly the gravity of her decision is still sinking in i don't want to live as a fugitive. i want a voice. but there was cannot be heard in. the deputy leader of cambodia's main opposition party decided to leave for neighboring thailand she says she would have been arrested if she stayed as senior officials in the government confirmed personally with me that it is him and then the address will come sometime this week otherwise i would not have fled the country the government believes she party leader kim soaker and others are putting with foreign governments to overthrow prime minister when sam last month came soca was arrested and charged with treason . which are popular it is very lucky for us that cambodia has found and arrested the traitor if the opposition party continues to defend the straighter it means the party is also a traitor so there is no time left for this party to operate in cambodia's democratic process anymore in response around half of the cambodian national rescue parties members of parliament have now left the country the situation in cambodia continues a pattern of police in attacking the west for trying to interfere in the running of his country and an increasing reliance on china for investment and support when kim soca was arrested the chinese foreign ministry said it supports the cambodian government's efforts to protect security and stability who insan has been in power for more than thirty years but the opposition has been steadily gaining support critics believe the prime minister is scared of losing next year's election the only party capable of defeating him is in tatters but its leaders believe their challenge can still be resurrected. there is hope if it is this action taken. by international unity through very strong measures such as park at that sanctions like sanctions like suspension of technical assistance to the government musak who isn't sure how long she'll be out of the country but however long it is she says she won't give up the fight for true democracy in cambodia wayne hay al jazeera bangkok when hurricane matthew hit southern haiti a year ago hundreds of people lost their lives and ninety percent of the area was devastated and layers of quarter presents with more on the rebuilding efforts. haiti the poorest country in the region lives a precarious existence often rebuilding from the previous natural disaster when the new one strikes hurrican matthieu struck the south west of the country killing more than six hundred people devastating ninety percent of all properties causing two billion dollars worth of damage something like twenty percent of the country's g.d.p. roads were impassable bridges were destroyed it often took rescuers days to reach the stricken area many of those regions now have been rebuilt roofs have been replaced the bridges have been replaced but the government relying mostly on foreign aid says there's still more needs to be the recent spate of hurricanes that hit the caribbean mostly bypassed haiti and for that there was a huge collective sigh of relief but the people here know that the next one is just around the corner but they won't be ready and there will be massive devastation. this year's nobel prize for chemistry has been awarded to a team which developed a way of seeing the structure of bio molecules in special detail work of. choke him frank and richard henderson has given scientists a better understanding of how viruses move through the human body it's been sixty years since the first manmade object was launched into space sputnik one was a cold war propaganda coup for the soviet union and sparked a space race with the united states sputnik which is to discover information about nature and ion density of the earth's upper atmosphere more than one thousand four hundred satellites orbit the earth today chalons has more. i have to say this remarkable construction here is one of my favorite things in moscow a silver rocket streaks towards the heavens atop a metallic plume of exhaust it's called the monument to the congress of space leaving us in no doubt about it celebrating because although it was the americans to put the first man on the moon it was the soviets who scored the early successes in the space race and when. satellite called sputnik one became the first man made objects orbit the. nine hundred fifty seven well that shot's the americans and shook their belief in their own technical superiority they realized they had to catch up with the u.s.s.r. the soviets were on a roll the first man in space the first woman in space the first space walk and the first space station those were all soviets achievements yes the americans data venture take the lead but even these days where the demise of nasa is shuttle program russian rockets are still the only way now for people to get into space. that's all for the news hour but more to come on the other side of the break. from dusk the sunset. to sunrise. metropolis. hello it's been snowing fairly heavily in chile south of santiago so you get the idea from the streaming cloud just in the satellite picture here and that's the turn to rain at lower heights and on this side in the time pompous for the forecast largely washed out away from the high ground as it does the line of rain that was existing through brazil that's also dying out still a few spots a likely in may be peru or possible if you are further north in colombia really gets a spell of rain and that goes for it doesn't look very heavy then we're left is fairly quiet weather for the bulk of brazil you're quite paraguayan down to argentina as well but of course in the mountain south pacific tiago it's still snowing now north of the continent it is still rather active now you've got clouds fairly obviously from cuber in jamaica maybe less obvious but maybe more in tench door of forecast right now is that swirl around nicaragua and costa rica will develop into something there's also another one just screen off the coast of mexico the monsoon as a tropical depression so this is the active rain area at the moment having said that there's fairly obviously a good potential for yet more showers was thunder storms in cuba cayman islands jamaica and the bahamas and southern florida. the weather sponsored by qatar airways. this is al jazeera. play.

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