Transcripts For ALJAZ Cyprus Island Of Forbidden Love 201711

Transcripts For ALJAZ Cyprus Island Of Forbidden Love 20171117

led attempt to extend an international inquiry into the use of chemical weapons in syria it means the united nations team investigating the use of deadly sarin gas and syria will now be disbanded our diplomatic editor james bays reports the ten veto by russia in the u.n. security council on syria and one that ends the council's efforts to hold to account those who use chemical weapons in the country. it was a vote that sparked outrage from the u.s. ambassador and she gave this warning that the u.s. may now work outside the u.n. russia has killed the joint investigative mechanism which has overwhelming support of this council the assad regime should be on clear notice the united states does not accept syria's use of chemical weapons as we did in april we will do it again if we must we will defend the international standard against chemical weapons use there was drama even before the meeting began with ambassador hayley accusing her russian colleague of bad faith by refusing to enter into negotiations for some reason the phones at the russian mission aren't working we have tried to get a call with them and they've been too busy to talk to us this week and when i have tried to call the silly for some reason he's not available moments later she was able to express her displeasure in person a very public exchange of words with the russian ambassador vasoline the benzine or even it seems checking his phones for her calls when the meeting started they even argued over the rules of procedure in the council. i was invoking all thirty five of the of the previous little's of procedure the russian ambassador withdrawing and then reintroducing his own rival resolution this two failed to pass meaning as things stand now the team is investigating the use of chemical weapons looks set to be disbanded. the use of chemical weapons is now a dangerous reality what is at stake here today is the very future of the international chemical weapons nonproliferation regime. there's been real division and high drama it's been a sad day for syria a bad day for efforts to fight weapons of mass destruction and a day on which the u.n. security council has really harmed its own standing as the security council meeting broke up some members were still trying to create a new compromise resolution to keep the chemical weapons mechanism going on a temporary basis there could be another vote on friday but it will now be very difficult to bridge the deep divisions that have been laid bare james by al-jazeera at the united nations zimbabwe's military says it's working with president robert mugabe on a way forward and will announce an outcome as soon as possible mcgarvie has been confined to his home a delegation from south africa's in harare trying to reach a deal on the garveys future amnesty international is accusing philippine government forces and i said linked fighters are violating international humanitarian law in the five month battle for the city of matter we more than a thousand people have been killed and five hundred thousand displaced by the fighting exile cambodian opposition leader sam rainsy has called on the international community to cut ties with prime minister hun sen the supreme court dissolved the main opposition party on thursday and banned one hundred members from politics for five years this gives one sense party a clear run in next year's election the u.n. says at least a million children in yemen are at risk of contracting diphtheria because urgently needed vaccines are being blocked from entering the country the heads of three un agencies have pleaded with the saudi led coalition to fully lift its blockade a huge fire has broken out at an old people's home in the u.s. state of pennsylvania the blaze was reported just start at eleven o'clock at night local time at the complex about fifty six kilometers west of philadelphia rescue workers are transporting people from the scene. but u.s. president donald trump is a step closer to his first major legislative victory the house of representatives has passed his plugs up talks reform bill but it still needs something to approval those are the headlines he's continues here on al-jazeera al-jazeera well that's a much. i got up and out and i'm supposing only a modified most i had a little bit again with them and missed me the animal to harm me that q how do you know where to go on i didn't. come out for knowing what to do was my on the set for and the hotel was nice and warm in the middle was the one i saw. the one time. when i can be able to show you off. at least it was a lemon of. the family like when i was deal with poor house members and their slap the fair bit joe was a more than ever to me as to how to market for others it was going to. be island of cyprus. according to legend the birthplace of aphrodite the greek goddess of love this is the destination for high. of lebanese couples who come here to get married because they can't do so back up. in lebanon either christian nor muslim religious or foreign perform marriages between couples from different religions. so sign for two hundred kilometers off the coast of lebanon is the closest for mixed race couples wanting to get a civil marriage. over the lot of pleasure from them. before. i could. have been. here would there. i thought i. was always my but i looked on with. life on. a lot of what i want to. the west might enable. us to see a bit higher if you're not up to the washing of mother what are you. and i mean. how the bottom of it is i wasn't anyone but most if not all bulls melody that i d. pull. a lot and that even on. the other side is one of the i am not a member and i don't say mean the sound of music. there. was money i missed. and. missed the point is that people like the song and i think. it doesn't always mean that the fed has made. a mess and i don't know. how to value. your. comment on a lot of music and when you. take on the few. times i feel like you guys are like i said i'm not that anybody. and i began to miss the doors but these are. the market them john was once a member of them. all to love the america to go to america thought of a good. spring oh no sorry joe was. the december. sort of record to be america back america maybe at the feet. of the so how did you know so it was because of a drug. for that would have to harm me damage their mood but i sure some damn sort of. was always moving. this museum. a love. story with a family with. joy was. never reported. missing. and know much. about. the law the law and the mother had to and it will have a messy hair as don mother had let him of that out of i don't miss and minimize it i live near by the aft i like to. separate i know they are. and they are she and my mom and it's nice and i thought that was a shocking number and bob you know i will do. the homicide how can. you tell us what severe health issue often and i thought of my. many on line and i have. yet as a shovel so we help a lot with our local what not all the layout is for home and i didn't even air the many hired what should be a business about a society or the little world of it come in any new michigan the holy women and below does a live feed of the national colony and if you feel cold when you know each other call in with a lot of them the cottage but others live in a theme shop that they will walk or they will feel a way and i love that as you were suddenly many but then i mean how little of the year when if a home or a citizen come in her name up to this unusual and with a lot of herself see how those of those within a little bit is always a mother any obvious you blew your whole it is you will. how. many. executive i miss to come out of my. shadow to try to know what. amounted to make i'm armed with a ruffian this is a lesson in thought that i mean to. go on the for you to look to the good of the tomato i mean we're going for clear up so. my list for the. adamant. and i'll say i'm on a low enough so that i think i need life in this and he. must suck up the payout and so i was mad at me and i did that's me. i was of the no use for good at the mall thing how hard he had to walk i thought a bit of no i let my chevy. and then muldaur whole might be i don't know where the shots look many nothing was so weird but no matter what i was on. but mom what. about. an old number. over. two hundred twenty but then again. missing. for. there are. some of them. in the. well you know on you know the year later aslan macone in shadow year. hurt it. let out of the. whole way. not. only with many. women and with their divorce like in the men one that went in with the lead in their fathers but there was little any of the other irish or the other our localism of the life. and of those here. in other arab countries. which cover marriage. in lebanon many. sects. eighteen different personal status for lebanon's eighteen officially recognized religious sects. in the one nine hundred thirty six. sixty decreed by the event french in the region required all sects to submit their different systems of to the state for approval. sixty strong opposition from muslim sects. the requirement. was interference by the state. religious affairs. the wife. sherry of why the. lebanon's constitution and. the country's different sects to establish and. codes and to formulate systems of family. has the feel million. different. went in there how would. be if you don't. believe. me there. if you hide it he laughs. i'm not. gonna do. i don't know off girl don't know enough not enough. about the cloth already pushing some smoke. also behavioral so she went home home home home what i can see model and we live in and can us. cannot rely solely on me i know what the. what i'm going to. do what i could on the way low can a reality be live not. how to live it have be deluded not a lot of it. we're not been oh no we're going to do all of the photos below of idols how do the for the last seven months on the corner how do i like when i'm the most junior goodness but i know i look at how many people i was a kid when i remember the holidays all of us can label. me. not about himself calls a mouse board with. doing that he can do that michigan for me when i can feel like i'm on a lost cause and then the more can be put on the i pod cannot that night she also in the morning. get that satellite i. didn't have then they have built a. new high supermarket and i press the mafia well i don't. see. the. had. i not done i. and i consider slim is. not honestly know that we had had low. neck could wind. up and i. was with. your grandmother. had. in the mail clued. me. and yes masculine mother and muslim not and that is a women in muslim. well until the end as it was a muslim militant muslim i'd get a beer and get every a minute i must be a man and a lot of it i have the notions always and i know ziad jarrah was missing me and i see him and how do you hate my heart the way yet you and i can do it i love my door i don't know fear. have been him and the hc my little bit but i am left with it i have been a machine know if. i let it go with. us i want to be the hyderabad we made me a high art gallery to my. heart the man what i want when i'm obama i feel more like. i be and bought a torch have traveled from lebanon to cyprus to get married. they are part of a growing phenomenon couples from the middle east seeking civil marriage in cyprus . the process for foreign nationals to legally marry in cyprus is fairly straightforward. here almost a year that i was told was nice so the post offices in the village this symbol has given this. idea that i will tell you i don't get a solicitor because what us. young. people the effort with them but only getting these to mean the gone to school think . we know what his c.m.s. could be that we have clean on the steering the problem solved it was a central time and had to suffer an item in my safe haven he camomile it. he brushed he may. sting that he does not believe his misery. was in of him and i was that his unit him on battleship wolf he was his hero and misquote as the son of a nice mature you can. email us horse for. system of the squat us the lady actually still step is to be the god will be a better me. up was a god that women of color blue if the mother. sort of to this the mission. for me i was my. spirit was always going to be open. the whole muslim it happened no. idea behind because i saw music that on the options was milliners or if. i had the ability hey i mean i'm relieved. is captivity the only hope for china's panders one of many spencers deep into the mountains of western china in search of the elusive wild panda. at this time and how does era. where every. violence and discrimination are all too familiar to many women in india a reality too often reinforced by bollywood. but its leading star is throwing his weight behind the cause. to bring to the territory and using his celebrity to advocate for gender equality. the snake charmers ahmed khan witness at this time on a zero. and i'm joined and other top stories on al-jazeera russia has vetoed a u.s. led attempt to extend an international inquiry into the use of chemical weapons in syria it means the united nations team investigating the use of deadly sarin gas in syria will be disbanded. russia has issued vetoes before to prevent council action and accountability in syria russia has invented reasons not to support a mechanism it helped create because it did not like its scientific conclusions russia has acted to obstruct these investigations many times but today it strikes a deep glow russia has killed the joint investigative mechanism which has overwhelming support of this council and by lemonade in our ability to identify the attackers russia has undermined our ability to deter future attacks assad and isis will no longer be on notice for the use of chemical weapons by russia's actions today zimbabwe's military says it is working with president robert mugabe on a way forward and will announce an outcome as soon as possible mugabe has been confined to his home a delegation from south africa is in harare trying to reach a deal on mugabe's future i'm just it's international is accusing philippine government forces and i salute linked fighters of violating international humanitarian law in the five month battle for the city of merari more than five thousand people were killed and five hundred thousand displaced by the fighting exiled cambodian opposition leader sam rainsy has called on the international community to cut ties with prime minister hun sen the supreme court dissolved the main opposition party on thursday and banned one hundred members from politics for five years this give one sends party a clear run in the next year's election the u.n. says at least a million children in yemen are risk of contracting the various because urgently needed vaccines are being blocked from entering the country the heads of three un agencies of pleaded with the saudi led coalition to fully lift its blockade. a huge fire has broken out in all people's home in the u.s. state of pennsylvania the place is reported just after eleven o'clock at night local time at the complex there's the headlines al-jazeera world continues next. on the najaf. view open up with. his son in law the many. muskerry many cannibalistic up on the way i wonder she or he middle but beyond it was rather a lot to many. with them. or there was. more from a lot of. people seem. to be doing a party that i'm as a large medical procedure if you do a lot of your aura. talk a little beautiful see how locking up rather than the comedian as i watch a lot of. his argument and if he was most commonly men in. the home. and check it out on most then they will made their homes or seem a lot out of the team and they do a lot to be shoddy are fucked. now you have got the show horse i mean at that's i was in. the shut up and gang is like and i must you hate it when they can as. an order for you almost or yeah the way john made any unfair barriers and the shutter island me i will i have a shot i will let the. pollute out of business but it is like you know they need to live. you know for the rest of the year like it was a hell of a lot but no it was the apollo. as a killing and you as a ha ha the most sensitive but this was about it was a hug and i mean let's see it we did it but no it was he does will be here. it's just a deep it's just he goes for his most sunday plus a lot of the guys. anymore than the us will get is they have a. can of them and don't know somebody to go around after their women are so. boring then. you'll be having a storm. door every. one of the good news he's to give it up to you don't demagogue or the like you know that he didn't give and give much more up or. that men don't get to get minimal to the. sun love him a lot and that's a. in any capacity in and by going up on the court and obviously day on the idea that they are nickel that means the ball is in again or where they are forty got on to the first taking i mean i can understand and for you it's just a born a very valuable. you have to look at what will be much only by hand and by going to from the going to be on your for they get to look so nasty so you don't get over a feeling that there is a story i want get a hold on there is a story i want again i'm already on the board with somebody goes and got in the face of all of them and do know that i also get out of a section in a cup in part because he was up for thirty and he was seventeen didn't you hear that is to me. a word and i am a serious abilities and the city manager the same way i want your face each other for each other and that one you should keep after me with it slowly clearly and you could have myself. you have here mostly. in the market this year below the person that is concerned you just do it publicly informally in my presence and in the places where the press is you know here jerk city each other as you know from a spouse that will call for mitchell is fine by your signature you call that a lawful marriage for the purpose of sr you should fear the law that your might it cannot be dissolved do your lifetime except by when the church full of accord. i call upon i call on all persons here present all those are those that use the lady just to be laid to waste to love to share undisturbed with who. is listening as from this day to me it's joy that moment of joy and so on and so on when former. prime minister. brown our life our life here to live is. thank you very much. we miss. each other as. i do i do. all that you have to say because i do will become law and amounted to yes. but i haven't i mean. when i mean. look i'm in throes and my mother. with the all torn ticket to. mini me when you could but she was out of the loop when you give to the none of that on the surface of the liberal to new mushy you miss coming on to something of some of those. men and some in love look at any cost and he hopes all to think you know the whole post and you got it all so. that he was always expressed a little more love said ten kilometer you. and i thought. that a little. more of. where they can be has a limited. leisure alone has an element. and there's a version by the new. and. another. and then there. why them that that. was civilization madden and what has that has a lot there. has it and that's the film. look at the middle of the political libya. the muscle versus an. obvious lawn is always a set of wheels a little bit on. the legal me tell you why you think i don't like a. limited amount but it's not. because i want to for kind of the monitor. can't hasn't there. been no alley on the. block and let down after a lot of sarcasm lot on truck and no one on the line. is out of their way on air. can solve ai no one has a new song in. the world when it's been a history i imagine you saw a year where the national he left a nutshell to look you what goes on much of a long haul then we may. never get far more mechanics right. where they can apply for the really out there you might not out there because of what i gather with the market but i will buy them he said and is always remarkable . and. there were. no men he. had on then i think. this is one of his heroes here because they were the mind i think. that it. was more than ever now to feel. the. love most often with the intangible of the religious community. civil marriage is coming he frowned upon as a marriage. chosen by. the renegades from their religion. to keep options open for a later divorce. and there's. really no way whether any. kind of what can i want to. remember and no matter how you believe. cannot be muslim. you have no. clue how long i love must love a pussy i love. my keep us all and. then the. man still nominally. members you can have steam about three. out of the cave. then one hundred. are you. feeling be silly with the. fact that i'm lazy. i will have a small stores. and i. can have my just can soften old enough to reliably what has always leave. them. on the us some messy bus. has certainly. been beating the sunlight. and the man was no more fish either than. so i was in bed in the. bed and any. minute. on and. on and has a. lot of. it he said well you know. but i mean unless he hasn't been this. local and that i had. to be him and i thought i'd. been a mom and had a thank. you. but it's always always my don't you. think i've been who i've been having. but that's. been the. be joyous my been a small bit i mean wandered in and joe was more than a. bacterium. it was always a maternal. and. there's always a woman. i had a long. time with over time with my father. i don't. god forbid. the man who had taken a. bar. a walk or walk in what do you have. and it will begin tomorrow mission or not be the money on a massive. wealth in a court of. law and i live now as your mama didn't initiate. any bit of hope to write me save a home on. how the loan. came on a kid with a saloon and it has an unsettled deal with everyone i didn't obey your kids came in . an office alone and nobody in a slim. three honestly. to. have a tougher sell and ones lothian is that there are many hello but then eventually. they will look after me. and i mean it is if you will remember this has been a dinner my see what had been a bit as my bit. i was a bit miss milray do not. have to have elected i will not bring any. money . i don't. mean the. office i mean. i don't want to deal. with girlfriends. that we know is a main. form of the phone and he prefers me and i thought in the listen. to the custody. battle. the longer the minutes of. the new term the. main frequency. is that the ones who they might say hey gain we'll go with someone when i can feel how this now lead with the way you see him i feel that i was muslim and messy hey you feel fairish no lead then you mostly mean then your top box has always been one that made them in one arcade. game as well as one at a joke here also it will air the nothing when they can no lead be powered by your own decision and where shortly there can most claim and i will add who mostly what up way up or not i had it higher had no once and never had like i mean i'm glad it's going to be a little we saw you as an almighty hey ye sob and not there to hold we slightly. here. because. would have us come in. little more than medium however haun bonderman. no one in love had more. next to me and. feel. it was. me had a desire. to have because i was a. little . leisure and. read and they heard a little. and. then he said me that and i was in the how can. people. commitment to democracy for. the for. our job was. over a hundred and sixty years ago a musician started a band in an arty shri in cairo and their bras band was so popular it gave birth to an entire musical genre. as a century and a half later the sound still resonates with many egyptians today house about the people's music at this time on al-jazeera. hello again the rain the thunder had the snow are easing now in afghanistan and having seen that happen everything upwind while there is nothing to see is there no showers around the caspian nothing back towards the shores of the mediterranean so again this is the week winter sun lifting tempers to twenty six in beirut about the same in baghdad i mean seventeen now in tehran you'll notice it's cooling down through iraq down towards kuwait as you might expect it to do there is cloud building in the eastern med as. a long term revolving storm just adds every edge of the close of the moment we're just looking at cloud nothing more than that took you know the day before it starts to rain now much of the temperature coming down about thirty as a batsman dohan about the same in abu dhabi but the same stratum on rather less in yemen but still up at thirty six in mecca but beyond the temperatures don't expect to see very much in the sky at all the occasional formation of town of course that does start to thicken on saturday in the northwest of society whereas by contrast and to be expected been very active in stormy weather in south africa recently in southern mozambique but the concentration once again is gone north cast your eyes over this zimbabwe's turn to get wet. oh is it allison where on line we were in hurricane the winds for almost like thirty six hours these are the things that new york has to address or if you join us on set i'm a member of the ku klux klan but we struck up a relationship this is a dialogue tweet us with hash tag into a stream and one of their pitches might make them actually join the global conversation at this time on al-jazeera. we understand the differences. and the similarities of cultures across the world so no matter how you take it al-jazeera will bring you the news and current of bad that matter to you al-jazeera. what began as a small extremist group in africa's most populous country we learned that there was a back to from the government to just shoot soon turned into a battle front for the nigerian government. tried out yet. the tours for abducting more than two hundred schoolgirls the killing and displacement of thousands of people al-jazeera investigates the origins of bloody rise of. at this time on al jazeera. that rather than not being adopted all winter or negative.

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