Tools, Webinar Address Equity Concerns and Faculty Workload January 11, 2021 Section 1 Content Faculty leaders and academic administrators who want to reform faculty workloads with equity in mind will find new tools and research available from ACE and can also register for a corresponding webinar happening this week. The COVID-19 pandemic has sparked concerns among faculty about reasonable workloads. The paper, “Equity-Minded Faculty Workloads: What We Can and Should Do Now,” provides examples of policies and practices that promote equity-minded workplaces as well as tools, such as the Equity-Minded Faculty Workload Audit. The Jan. 13 webinar, Equity-Minded Faculty Workloads by Design, will go deeper into the research and explore the unequal distribution of faculty workload and how that shapes faculty member experiences. Attendees will learn about evidence-based policies and practices used to identify inequalities, assess unit needs, and redesign workload with equity in mind.