18 03 2021 This week, searches around ‘Meghan Markle president’ and ‘Meghan Markle running for president’ have increased by more than 1000%. Why? Unfortunately, it’s all down to Donald Trump. The former US president told Fox News he hopes that Meghan Markle runs for president, because he would ‘have an even stronger feeling toward running’ himself if she did. ‘I’m not a fan of hers,’ he said, to absolutely no one’s surprise given he brought out his age-old misogynistic trope of calling her a ‘nasty woman’ back in 2019 when he found out she had previously criticised how sexist he is. But why is Meghan Markle running for president even a topic of discussion right now? Well, it’s thanks to numerous reports over the years that she is keen to have a political career in some capacity. Now, it’s worth noting that those working closely with her insist she has no intention of pursuing a career in politics – according to Vanity Fair. However, that hasn’t stopped tabloid speculation, of course.