Terrell Chambers, Broadus Nesbitt III, Antoine Williams, Isaiah Evans. Photo by Felicia Chapple. On February 17th, Baltimore Mayor Brandon M. Scott announced updates to the City’s phase 1 COVID restrictions. These included the return of live indoor entertainment at 25% capacity, with masks and physical distancing. The news led several organizations (The Hippodrome and Rapid Lemon Productions among them) to announce reopening plans, and created a unique opportunity for Arena Players to showcase its latest film project. …four gifted and powerful actors who seem to fit each other on a molecular level. “Kill Move Paradise,” by Philadelphia playwright James Ijames, won the 2017 Whiting Award and a 2019 Kesselring Prize. It’s a tightly-wound, energetic piece for a small ensemble, and a perfect vehicle to film and stream during Arena’s “ghostlight” period. With the loosening of Baltimore’s restrictions and a favorable negotiation for a single weekend’s live performance rights, the piece has been adapted as a stage production, available through March 14th.