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The trouble with wilderness :
The trouble with wilderness :
The trouble with wilderness
"How many ages may yet elapse before these luxuriant wilds of the Mississippi can enumerate a population equal to the Tartarian deserts! At present all is irksome silence and gloomy solitude, such as to inspire the mind with horror."
Related Keywords
Arkansas ,
United States ,
Little Rock ,
Ouachita ,
Arkansas Historical ,
Philadelphia ,
Pennsylvania ,
France ,
Arkansas River ,
Mississippi ,
America ,
French ,
American ,
Camille Paglia ,
Thomas Nuttall ,
Morris Arnold ,
William Cronon ,
Brooke Greenberg ,
Jean Jacques Rousseau ,
Savoie Lottinville ,
Arkansas Territory During ,
Mississippi River ,
North American ,
Jacques Rousseau ,
North America ,
American Indians ,
Arkansas Historical Quarterly ,
Environmental History ,
Grand Prairie ,
Distant Drum ,