2.4 g fiber
Tofu also has no sugar and 176 g of calcium, which is over 17% of what you need in a day (and you’ll probably eat more than 3.5 ounces anyway).
OK, so what is tempeh?
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Tempeh is likewise a sliceable, cookable block, but it’s made from soybeans, as opposed to soy milk.
“Often if it’s really high-quality tempeh, you can see the beans within the block,” says Cannon. “Brands really vary, and if it’s more processed, it’ll look like just a glob.”
The critical difference, nutritionally speaking: The soybeans are fermented before being pressed. “Fermentation is the process is when bacteria and yeast are used to break down the carbohydrate naturally present in the food,” says Cannon. This puts tempeh in the category of probiotic foods, alongside certain yogurts and other fermented foods like kimchi.