Fort Worth Weekly Targeting Targeted Individuals Some Fort Worthians believe they’re under secret attack by the government, and there’s nothing anyone can do about it. By TERI WEBSTER The X-Files
Far on the outer fringes of Fort Worth are people who believe they’re being zapped by military satellites with deadly microwave beams. Cellphone towers and “super computers” are used to stream hateful messages into their subconscious minds, 24/7. These methods and more are part of a vast plot to exert mind control over and torture the entire population, these folks claim. According to the self-proclaimed victims, they are followed in public by street actors and flash mobs who are hired by shadowy government agencies and private contractors. Their tormentors follow, mock, and harass them, often recording the bullying with cellphones. The victims say that federal- and state-based data-gathering fusion centers, government agencies at all levels, an international crime syndicate, mega-corporations, military contractors, local police, and even citizen neighborhood watch groups are all in on it.