TAKE NOTE Marshall Spring Fish Fry The Marshall School Committee will host a Spring Fish Fry Carry-out at the Marshall School Gymnasium from 4-7 p.m. Saturday, March 27. Fish, chicken tenders, French fries, baked beans, cole slaw, potato salad, apple pie, cherry pie, peach pie and brownies will be available for a freewill donation. Walk-in or curbside service will be available with masks required for walk-ins. All proceeds will be used for renovation and upkeep of the gym. For curbside pick-up, call Kristi at 937-402-0365, Karen at 937-763-2421 or Sandy at 937-763-2438. Ham bingo fundraiser The Highland County Senior Citizens Centers invites everyone to its 100 Ham Bingo fundraiser Saturday, March 27 at the Southern State Community College parking lot in Hillsboro. It will start at noon with bingo and raffles from 12:30 to 2:30 p.m. Admission is $20 per person which includes four bingo cards, a snack pack, raffle ticket for the big prize and Easter baskets. The community is invited.