Rebecca Ejifoma reports that the International Visitors Leadership Programme Alumni Association recently organised sensitisation campaigns in Ejigbo and Somolu Local Government Areas of Lagos for students, parents, and guardians on achieving a rape, child molestation and domestic violence-free community Each day, the traditional newspapers and the social media are inaundated with tales of sexual and domestic violence. Although these vices seem to be on the increase, nothing brought it further home that the revelation by the then Inspector General of Police, Mohammed Adamu, that the police recorded 717 rape cases in five months (between January and May of 2020). As alarming as the figures are, that is the reality the society lives in. Meanwhile, it’s imperative to note that these figures might be more as it only accounts for those reported cases. Also, the COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent lockdown exacerbated sexual violence in Nigeria. Unfortunately, incidents of rape and other sexual crimes have multiplied across the geopolitical zones as rape cases abound daily with many unreported because of stigimitisation and sometimes, intimidation.