With an interesting rook ending. Is it winning? 30...Rd2 31.a4 Ra2 32.Kg2 f5 33.Rc8 [33.c4!? with the idea 33...Rxa4 34.Kh3 Rxc4 35.f4+ Kxh5 36.Rxf5+ Kg6 37.Rxa5] 33...Rxa4 34.Rc5 Ra2 35.Kf3
36.Ke3 Kg5 37.f3 Kxh5 [37...Ra3 38.g4] 38.Kf4 [Threatening Kxf5 and mate after Kf6.] 38...Kg6 39.Rc6+ Kg7 40.Kxf5 [with a decisive advantage.] 40...Rf2 41.Rc7+ Kf8 42.f4 Rf3 43.g4 a4 44.c4 a3 45.Ra7 Rc3 46.Kf6 Ke8 47.c5 Rc4 48.f5 Rxg4 49.c6 Kd8 50.Rxa3 Kc7 51.Rh3 1-0 Sergey Karjakin and Vladislav Artemiev At the next board, Sergey Karjakin, also playing white, prevailed against Vladislav Artemiev.
37.Qe2 Nf5? [Better was 37...Qc5 38.Re6 Ng8 39.Rg6+ Kh8 and Black still holds.]