BW Businessworld Streax & Vasmol Brands are positioned to take competition head-on: Manish Chhabra, CEO & MD, HRIPL The Rs 600 crore-plus Hygienic Research Institute of India (HRIPL), the makers of hair colour brands—Streax and Vasmol—sees the business making up for the COVID19-related disruptions in FY-22, Manish Chhabra, CEO & Managing Director, HRIPL tells BW Businessworld. Photo Credit : Please share the performance of HRIPL in the past 3 years - pre-covid and the current year post-covid HRIPL has been growing at a CAGR of 16%+ from the last 3 years and maintained a double-digit EBITDA margin, with most of the brands maintaining leadership positions in their respective categories. Super Vasmol 33 Kesh kala and Vasmol Kali Mehendi have always maintained their number 1 position in the market whereas Streax Shampoo Hair colour maintains close to the number 2 position and has been growing at a CAGR of 25%+ even in the post Covid-19 scenario.