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Specially designed capsule gives a fuller picture of normal
Specially designed capsule gives a fuller picture of normal
Specially designed capsule gives a fuller picture of normal digestion in healthy people
Using a specially designed capsule, researchers can now voyage through the digestive system, collecting new data about digestion and microorganisms.
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San Francisco ,
California ,
United States ,
Germany ,
Stanford University ,
Martinsried ,
Bayern ,
Susan Holmes ,
George Triadafilopoulos ,
Oliver Fiehn ,
Montes Morales ,
Emily Henderson ,
Envivo Bio ,
Dari Shalon ,
Johannes Mueller Reif ,
Kerwyn Casey Huang ,
Jessica Grembi ,
Jacob Folz ,
Sean Spencer ,
Rebecca Neal Culver ,
Xiandong Meng ,
Andrew Patterson ,
Philipp Geyer ,
Eitan Yaffe ,
Handuo Shi ,
Chan Zuckerberg Biohub ,
David Relman ,
Peter Treit ,
Juan Montes Morales ,
Matthias Mann ,
Les Dethlefsen ,
Florian Rosenberger ,
Max Planck Institute Of Biochemistry ,
National Science Foundation ,
Coast Metabolomics Center ,
National Institutes Of Health ,
Motility Center ,
Melinda Gates Foundation ,
Envivo Bio Inc ,
University Of California ,
Stanford University School Of Medicine ,
Pennsylvania State University ,
Professor Oliver Fiehn ,
West Coast Metabolomics Center ,
Nature Metabolism ,
Stanford University School ,
Silicon Valley Neurogastroenterology ,
Max Planck Institute ,
Pennsylvania State ,
National Institutes ,
Melinda Gates ,
Digestion ,
Bacteria ,
Digestive System ,
Wood ,
Metabolism ,
Etabolites ,
Metabolome ,
Metabolomics ,
Icrobiome ,
Research ,
Small Intestine ,
Technology ,