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Single-Family Residential Construction: The Owner's Perspect
Single-Family Residential Construction: The Owner's Perspect
Single-Family Residential Construction: The Owner's Perspective
Section 3 of the Act provides that a person knowingly enters into an agreement or contract, written or oral, for home repair, and…
Related Keywords
Illinois ,
United States ,
Laws Applicable ,
Home Repair Fraud Act ,
Home Repair ,
Remodeling Act ,
Consumer Fraud ,
Deceptive Practices Act ,
Illinois Residential Building Code Act ,
Illinois Plumbing License Law ,
Illinois Plumbing Code ,
Local Building Codes ,
Local Permitting Ordinances ,
Repair Fraud Act ,
Assumed Name Act ,
Repair Fraud Act Definitions ,
Repair Fraud Act Penalties Violation ,
Criminal Code ,
Remodeling Act Section ,
Written Contract ,
Jury Trial Waiver Provisions ,
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