Transcripts For SFGTV Transbay Joint Powers Authority 202407

Transcripts For SFGTV Transbay Joint Powers Authority 20240709

>> good morning everyone. welcome to 2022. i would like to call the board of directors meeting january 13, 2022 to order. my apologies we are waiting. we had technology gremlins this morning. we are trying to ask them to leave the table this morning. i am the board chair. this is conducted pursuant to the brown act. in compliance with the california state assembly bill ab361 to facilitate teleconferencing to reduce risk of covid-19 transmission at public meetings. ordinarily the brown acts sets strict rules for teleconferencing. a b361 has suspended those rules. this meeting is being held during a state of emergency and state and local officials have imposed recommended measures to promote social distancing. as noted the agenda members of the public may observe via sfgovtv and offer public comment by calling the public comment phone number. welcome to members of the public and staff watching live on sfgovtv. i would like to thank the sfgovtv staff for support and services. please call the roll. >> thank you. i would note director borden will be sitting in as alternate. please respond when i call your name. director borden. >> present. >> forbes is expected. director john baptist. >> present. >> director lipkin. >> present and on camera. >> welcome. director shaw. >> present. vice chair mandelman. >> present. chair gee. >> present. >> interest we have a quorum. item 3 is communications. we like to remind the public the public comment is listed on the agenda and streaming on the screen. i will call your next item. >> item 4 is board of directors new and/or old business. item 5 is the executive director's report. >> thank you. good morning, directors. happy new year. it is my on for to join you. my first meeting as the new director. i want to give you an update on the first six days in the office where we stood since the last meeting at the end of last year. 2022 is starting out to be an exciting year of great momentum and progress. i have been using the relative quiet at the transit center to learn the operations from facility and security to touring the center, the park, security operations center, walking the alignment with the product manager, reacquainting myself with and scheduling time with stakeholders. understanding the milestones regarding finance and communications and advocacy. there is a lot to do. this is to stabilize services with retail and community partners to facilitate return of users. if you haven't been down here, it is quiet at the moment as it should be through the omicron surge. 2022 will be a critical year for the dtx. we are committed to ensuring we meet the funding milestones andtine lines for the grant agreement in august of 2023 to bring rail service downtown to create the regional transit system. i have started meeting with key stakeholders. i will be working to elevate the program at essential transportation infrastructure. not only for san francisco but the bay contrary, the state and the nation. here in the office because of covid-19 all employees are masked in common areas. masks required throughout the center. we are still. [indiscernable] for those able to do so. the park continues to be an open space resource for the neighborhood. we are working to expand public access signage so the neighborhood is aware of the gym a few stories above street level. this week at the meeting yesterday, committee members approved $200,000 for tjpa to support upgrades to digital way finding at the center. this will add to existing budget to advance this effort. we expect to be to the board on january 26th. last april we restarted free public programming. over 280 activities and serves 7,000 attendees. we offer exciting fun and free activities at the park. i don't want to steal too much of january's update later today. this past saturday afternoon, january 8th, the center experienced a temporary power outage. power was out for about 90 minutes. all transit services continued to operate. security operations center sprang into action. emergency lighting came on and we have reached out to p.g.e. for additional information and evaluating to better prepare for these power outages in the future. we continue to seek funding for transbay program including center and dtx. we are working on transit inner city rail application due on march 3rd. coming up very soon. similar to our application of the federal railroad application. working on letters of support from partners and stakeholders for the application and asked them to endorse us. as reported in the december meeting, the project was accepted to enter federal capital investment grant new starts program. this is key to move this forward to position for funding from the infrastructure line. that was the region 9 director to discuss that. we of course were honored to host speaker pelosi on the signing of the structure line on december 11th. we were joined by jackie speer, representative and future rail operators, caltrain and california high-speed rail authority and partners. this highlighted the transbay program and transit center as example of what the law can provide to the bay area and what the american reinvestment act of 2009 did for completion of the train box. through a $400 million grant agreement, we are able to have the train box built in phase one construction. it is not if but when trains will enter the center. as you know, we are busy with federal advocates. we are getting scheduled to meet in the coming weeks and continuing to share progress information on the dtx project with federal funding opportunities. they will be at the forefront of the congressional delegation and tracking progress of federal funding including signing of infrastructure law. today on consent item 8.3 we will consider extension of one year extension of federal advocacy contract. the cap. my first meeting this week. we started the annual recruitment process next year. filling seven seats. we will conduct online awareness campaign about the process which when include e mail, social media and ad placement in neighborhood newspapers and i will accept applications until all seats are filled. this concludes my introductory remarks. now we have a state legislative update for you. the new legislative session started this month. we have the public affairs here to provide update on the state session and funding opportunities. we are tracking including the release of governor newsom's budget proposal. the advocacy team from sacramento will provide the update. we will have them promised. -- promised. promoted. >> hello, board members. i am nikko. we have a presentation for you. my colleague is going to lead the powerpoint. we will chime in with updates. i will be happy to answer any questions you may have. >> thank you. we are located here in the sacramento office alongside nick co. first slide please. general overview. the legislature did return from their recess last week on january 3rd to begin second year of two year cycle. the second year of the cycle means that in addition to some bills carrying from the previous year there will be new legislation introduced. this year there is a bit of slower rollout of legislative packages due to number of covid outbreaks that are happening in the capitol community. additionally, the governor introduced his january budget proposal on monday. we will do a deeper dive into that in a later slide. this year we have been told that the legislature's focus will be on covid response, housing, homelessness, climate resiliency and how to spend another budget surplus. it is also something we will dive into deeper at a later slide. additionally, there are musical chairs going on in both houses of the legislature. currently we have four vacant seats and of course redistricting process will put us against others in 2022 elections. a number of legislators have announced they will be candidates for perhaps higher office. additionally, some will be running for new district in their current be roles, some will be retiring. we will definitely have some new political makeup in sacramento come 2022. the last thing i should note is that legislators and staff have moved to the new sweet space as the capitol office spaces in the capitol building are remodeled. that is a five year period. there is a bit of transition. there are several committee hearing rooms in the new space, however, the majority of the session will continue in the traditional capitol building. a little bit of budget forecast. as we stated, the governor gave the january budget proposal on monday for 2022. there is a $45.7 billion operating surplus. i should note not all is available for discretionary use. one is the limit. prop 98 set aside and the commitment for pay downs. you know, $20.6 billion of this will be available for discretionary use. we should note that the latest surplus estimate was described by the governor and department of finance which is the administrations fiscal analyst. the legislative analyst office has different forecasts. we can expect some adjustment and variation to those numbers in the coming weeks and months. the winds fall is fueled with tax revenue and federal funds. a little more on the budget forecast. the governor's proposed budget is largely focused on the california five threats which include addressing the covid crisis, investment in climate resiliency, rising cost of living, homelessness and public safety. the governor has proposed early actions within the budget including $1.4 billion in emergency funding for covid-19. this is something that was done in the previous budget cycle. this money will be available for more immediate use. what we are all interested in the governor's transportation proposal for the 2022 budget. i want to provide everyone a gentle reminder all of this is subject to change as the legislature develops their respective budget proposals. budget informational hearings within the legislature will begin in coming weeks and going over what the governor and administration proposed and formulate their own budgets. what the governor proposed in his transportation proposal with regard to infrastructure is $4.2 billion from prop a for high-speed rail to advance the central valley portion of the project. $3.75 billion in general fund for transit and rail projects. part of that is for grade separation to be administered through caltrans it is and the parcp which the team is engaged in. $500 million for atp active transportation. $400 million for climate adaptation. $150 million to establish reconnecting communities. highways and converting under utilized to corridors. $100 million for bying and pedestrian safety projects. the second part of the governor's infrastructure proposal $1.2 billion for court related high priority projects increasing goods movement on rail and roadways that serve ports and terminals and increasing rail yard expansion, new bridges, modernization projects as an effort to restimulate the supply chain and flow of goods movement. now the third part of the proposal includes $6.1 billion in zero emission vehicles and technology. while not all of this is directly relevant to tjpa we did want to highlight this more for everyone's situational awareness and to get a better understanding where the administration's mind set is with regard to the future and zero emissions vehicles. just highlighting a couple. $1.5 billion for school transportation including electric school buses, $1.1 billion for zero emissions truck buses, off-road equipment infrastructure. $400 million to enable the port electrifycation like the last slide. $200 million for demonstration projects rail and other off-road applications. next slide, please. just a little bit more on the transportation proposal. the governor is proposing that the state forego adjusting the gas tax for inflation as prescribed by sb1. that was 2017 authored for former senate transportation chair jim bell. this would reduce transportation funding. $523 million estimate. half state and half from local streets and roads. it is unclear whether this would result in any reduction in fuel prices. of course, it could lead to similar reduction in transportation funding every year going forward. this is the governor's proposal. legislature will formulate their version of the budget and at the end a consensus. this is all preliminary. next slide. i will pass it to my colleague to describe the ongoing efforts that tpa and tjpa have been undertaking. >> to the board a lot of what we are working on and i want to thank many of you individually for your day jobs what you also have been helping us push is to ensure this goes back to last year our team and the tjpa leadership team were making sure everyone is aware of all of the great aspects of our project. how we can use various funding for different projects and how we can support the efforts of the administration and our delegation. what does that mean? we have been working closely with san francisco delegation. senator weiner and chang to make sure they are aware of what we are working on, how it impacts us, how to utilize the funds and how quickly to go to work. we have been working closely with the high-speed rail authority to push the governor's proposal for $4.2 billion funding out the door as soon as possible. ensuring the bay area caucus are aware of the regional benefit. yes, the transit center is in san francisco. it provides benefit to east and south bay and peninsula and all counties. making sure other committee chairs like the senate, transportation committee, chair, transportation chair laura friedman are aware of the different benefits of the project to get to the finish line and the next steps. as you may be aware, last year the loggerhead came down to concerns in the assembly as to how high-speed rail funds would be used and that held up the entire package. we want be everyone to be aware of the work we are doing. it was a geographical battle between los angeles pushing harder for the funds and lined up to be a bit of caucus. they are asking for new program there are great barrier programs to help push. i want to acknowledge the staff for all great work with m.t.c., caltrain, many of you on ensuring they understand the regional benefit. we continue to work on this. we continue to push and advocate. it is a great team effort. next steps. this is our top four issues. we are flexible and things could pop-up. one, working on transportation budget. that is is top. two, working with the team on funding the tircp program and many others. three, new executive director excited to introduce him to the members, committee staff, people we work with to do that introduction and keep the lines of communication open. of course, the progress of dtx. fourth, regional efforts including tours. part of the teamwork and effort to ensure that elected at local level or county level and east bay and peninsula understand how important it is and gets people to economic hubs, great job creation machine and other benefits. we have seen when we give the tours and appreciate the work of the staff. we give the tours. understand the sheer magnitude of the center and how it is a great engine to reduce carbon footprint and get people to work and make commuters' lives easier. those are top four issues. we are excited about the new year and working with the new executive director and we are happy to answer any questions. >> thank you for the report. it looks like great opportunities. directors, any questions on the state legislative report? >> this is director shaw. thank you very much. this is very helpful to break it down the way you did. the question i have for you what are your thoughts about the resignation of david kim, secretary kim? who do you think will replace him? any thoughts? he was a very big supporter of transit. i think he will really be missed. i wondered what your thoughts were there? >> great question. he is stepping down. the information is he wants to spend more time with his family in virginia. no one can fault that. i can't imagine having family on the other side of the nation. we are hearing different rumors there. are a lot of people interested in the job. to be clear about that. some of the names are worthwhile. others make you do a double take. the governor is open-minded in his hiring. doesn't matter if people are from california or outside the state. one of the things we want to make sure we are deputies. today's deputies can be tomorrow's cabinet secretaries. i think there is great internal hires. what we heard yesterday the governor is open to many different suggestions. he is not handcuffed to one person or another. he is going to ensure this is a busy time and whoever is hired will be a great pick. i don't have any exact names to share with the team. i can tell you based on the rumors we have heard, excited for whoever it is. we did a briefing the other day with deputy secretary and his team. their ongoing support for transit makes you happy and proud to show the great work that you are doing and the ongoing briefings are worthwhile. as soon as we hear anything i am happy to ensure names are shared with everybody. >> any other questions for the state legislative team? >> chair gee, i appreciate the reports. just a couple things to add. the shoes i it is in because a lot was about the budget stuff. one quick mention about some of the conversation between the california delegation and differences in perspective we have seen. from our standpoint where we have ongoing construction our focus is completing that, putting into service as we continue to advance the work state wide. part of the funding to advance that statewide work on the entire program. the folks from southern california said we have local transit projects to see funding for as part of the package last year it was going again. a an variety of transit and rail and other programs they would like to see. more conversation with the legislature the january budget and june budget. a long way to go. we have appreciated the strong support in line with administration's push how to get this stuff resolved. not that we are done with that conversation. last thing that is important for colleagues here is that how we kind of do our long-range budgeting through baseline revisions which for example new scope as funds become available. we have had a pending budget revision dependent on the appropriation request to complete the funding package. we also have the set aside that we intend to use toward our contribution toward project development. those are tied together for our ability to put those funds forward depends on our ability to have the funds to fund the construction. i know those are conversations from last year. we have made an interim step of a little budget revision or adjustment last year. that is all pending depending what happens with the legislature. we will be talking with the administration with folks about that coming forward. >> thank you, director. any other questions or comments to state on the state legislative update? >> appreciation for the report and the governor's budget is once again a surprise opportunity. we have had so many positive surprises at the federal and state level. very good report. adam, you have your hands full. excellent opportunities but you have a great team and great staff to get us there. exciting news. >> good morning and happy new year. there was an item for port connected related activities. maybe we can connect the port. >> maybe we can. it is time to think out of the box. maybe there is a good connection. >> any other questions or comments from directors? i would just ask one thing. in the advocacy component, don't forget the board. the board members can play a big role in leading with relationships each of us has as well as speaking to the public and others to help promote dtx and the importance to the region. under that last slide perhaps there is an item 5 how board members can lean-in to help out. >> absolutely. i would be happy to bring the board in to work through the executive director. i appreciate that. i know you are extremely busy. i want to highlight one comment be from the commissioner for the great work with the high-speed rail and his team. towards the end of last year, senator weiner submitted a joint letter. we were one of the few projects that he highlighted. appreciate all of the support from the san francisco delegation. as the commissioner mentioned the moment the southern california delegation mentioned the list of needs. it was great to see the area caucus and rise to what their needs are. billions of dollars is strange to say billions. >> thank you for the hard work. we look forward to working together more and looking forward to making sure dtx gets funding to keep moving forward. >> we have more reports under your section? >> next item is update on facility operations. >> good morning. i will give you a facility operations update. the qr code to the signs to provide more current information and links to additional information. of course, that also gives us the ability when you use one of those signs and the qr code to carry that information with you on your personal device. following the tree lighting that the mayor attended in early december, we did a series of holiday events which we get revenue from. holiday mixers, taking advantage of the decorated park and fortunately they picked the right days. special event be request and program design attendance were in the upswing in early december. got quiet at the end of december and of course omicron were quiet on the private events. some are coming in february. corporate mixers, meeting with high school this afternoon about prom in the park because s.f.u.s.d. has a rule you can only have that outside. i hope we can make that happen. that would be beautiful and memorable. we hosted winter fest for three days december 17, 18, 19. that was a cold weekend. we had 950 plus people in attendance. music, dancing, crafting, movies. these photos are from the swing dancing on friday evening. the band and the couples on the dance floor. other photos show how many turned up to take advantage of the craft center and gift wrapping station as well as other musical events. winter fest and everything i will talk about are free and open to the public. we continue the efforts to make sure people are aware of these programs. coming up january through april we have more than 110 presentations over that four month period of time where we are expanding the toddler tuesday to include thursday. if you have young children we do that on tuesday and on thursday music provides a little bear program for toddlers. that is new. that started last thursday. and again this morning. there are five fitness classes per week offered by sf fitness. i have been taking them the midday dance class. you are welcome to join on wednesday or thursday. new things. we continue to add new things. there is a drumming circle that will happen once each month on sunday in the amphitheater. saturday music program on the lawn 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. that is the area between the playground and amphitheater. stop in for that. the garden tours continue monthly. i want to give you a brief retail leasing update. this is a new map. this shows the grounds layout of ground floor between first and second street. the colors are the turquoise. upper left and lower right. there are other things on other level open. fitness sf and spring fertility are open also. as well as the greyhound package is open and highlighted on this map. available for lease and i think that is where our focus is right now to get this fully leased in the yellow spaces. the blue spaces are leased but not open. we have a leasing focus and get those tenant improvements completed and more dining and retail open. working with our leasing partner we met this week. we have renewed marketing packages ready tj pa offices second floor and the yellow that you see here. the next tenant improvements and i am sure you are aware of kitchen exhaust project. we are in the control phase right now so that can be turned over. we are pivoting to advance the tenant improvements as quickly as possible. working with tysons kitchen. next slide please. here is the likely opening date. they are planning grand opening for march 1st. i don't know how aspirational that is. i am excited about it. they did provide a pop-up as part of winter fest. they are making connections for people in the park and trying to raise awareness. with q2 we will see bear bottle in the park. kaiser open up anti -- the tycoon kitchen. in the third quarter. i met with the architects this week and plans are coming along well. i think that is going to be an asset to the area. we are talking about outdoor seating and ways to invite people in. now we need people to return to the towers. thank you for your time. i am here to answer questions. >> thank you very much for the report. directors, any questions on the facilities update? >> thank you very much. >> one more item. project labor agreement quarterly report. it is in your packets. highlights include safety achievements from the construction team. zero reportable lost time accidents in all of 2021. that is great news. we included notes from the 26th meeting of the joint administrative committee covering items discussed on december 16th. we received a great report from union representatives. operating engineers local 3 stating they worked with city build and the rising center for opportunity in oakland. all women's apprenticeship that is growing. all exciting news from the delivering trains to the train box. this concludes all items in the executive director's report. if you have any questions we are happy to field them at this time. >> any questions on any of the reports? thank you. we can stop counting the days you are on the job. welcome to our family here. we are glad you are on board. before we go on. any public comment on the executive director's reports? >> a hand was raised. >> thank you. this is jim patrick, patrick and company. i want to go to the executive director's report and loss of power at transit center. we had the city electrical service one source and pg&e another source of power. in the event one would fail the other would operate. that seems not to have worked. i just wondered what happened there. thank you. >> to my knowledge we never lost transportation, never stopped transit operations. we were on emergency power. power was out for 90 minutes. we are working with power providers to assess problem and resolve for the future. >> any other public comments? >> that concludes public comment. next item. >> director's item 6. cac update. >> happy new year, directors. our january tjpa cap meeting went great. we appreciated the opening report and recap of the significant progress during the end of 2021 including acceptance into the federal program. we appreciate the legislative updates. we received a great look at some of the inner workings and efforts during this legislative update. there was a new discussion regarding the changes and dynamics at state level. howard long asked for i sight how the different bay area transportation agencies collaborate together and at the same time compete for state transportation funding. cac members pleased to hear the regional transportation agencies work together in many cases to benefit the overall region. the new report from jim norris was well received. members, questions and comments and discussion involved around the past december winter fest, building and rate structure private functions of the park level. the potential to have a means to draw folks to building and park. advertising methods and participation level for movie nights. the level of risk and liability tjpa and transit center takes on the someone contracts covid while in a event in the transit center. we appreciated the report from mr. rodriguez cac members long and jackson asked questions regarding how projects such as dtx are considered for delivery in other countries. request for additional project delivery information in the future. we always appreciate comments from the public including the topic of competitive procurement processes unsolicitting proposals. we wrapped up with closing comments from our new executive director. this concludes my report. i am here for questions. >> thank you. happy new year to you and members. directors, any questions on the cac report? very good. thank you. appreciate the report and update. any public comments on the cac report? >> no public comment at this time. i will call next item. >> 7 is public comment. opportunity for members of the public to address the authority on matters that are not on today's calendar. these do have a number, moderator. >> please state your name. two minutes begins now. >> jim patrick, patrick and company. you mentioned in the report about thinking out of the box. as we met this is really the idea for the board to kick around. we have never paid any attention to the freight business. i saw in a recent report there are going to be 17 trucks each day between the amazon facility in tracey to the new one in san francisco at the fourth street station yet to be designed. what is the matter with a elevator like an aircraft carrier to drop a container on a freight car which is attached to the very end of the bart train, getting to the freight location and is extracted in the amount of time it takes for the train to stop? that is thinking out of the box. thank you. >> any other public comments? >> that concludes public comment. i will call your next item. >> please. next item is consent calendar. all matters listed are considered routine and acted upon by single vote. no separate discussion unless a member of the board or the public so requests in which the matter shall be removed from the consent calendar and considered separately. i have not received any indication that a member would like to do so. is there a first and second be. public comment first. i do not see any. >> i will make the motion. >> second. >> was that director baptist or forbes? >> the first was by director forbes and second director lipkin. >> thank you. roll call vote. director borden. >> yes. >> director forbes. >> aye. >> director john baptist. >> aye. >> director lipkin. >> aye. >> director shaw. >> aye. >> vice chair mandelman. >> aye. >> chair gee. >> yes. >> there are seven ayes. the concept be calendar is approved. call your next item. >> item 9 is approving the fiscal year 2022-23 preliminary operating projection in the amount of $30,611,000,000. the chief financial officer will present this item. >> good morning. let's dive into this. the board is going to consider the operating projection. in front of us on the screen is the budget calendar. back in september of last year there were some preliminary operating projections sent to the tenants of the transit center. between then and now we have been working closely with counterparts of these primary tenants to develop projections presented today to the board because the primary tenants require the board to approve this preliminary projections for the transit center this time of the year for the forth coming fiscal year. to help the budget i just want to again highlight where we are in the budget process. after today's presentation we are going to dive into the core budget development process of developing not just operating budget but debt service and capital budgets. i will come back to the board in april to inform the board on the budget outlook followed by the presentation and public hearing of the draft budget in may and come back to the board in june to ask for the board's review and add adoption of these budgets. here are some highlights for the report that is in your packet this morning. preliminary operating projections $30.61 million. in which the regional measure two and three are somewhat major reimbursement sources from m.t.c. however, both of these fund sources faced uncertainty for tjpa. four rm-2. the current fiscal year is the last of the five year period in which the transit center receives $3 million each year for starting up. given the financial challenges posed by the pandemic to the transit center, tjpa staff has reached out tomtp asking for extension of this funding. the request will be considered by the commission in subsequent months. rm-3 funding is going through the litigation process at the state supreme court. both of these fund sources face uncertainties. that explains the reason why the primary tenants contribution projected now higher compared to the current fiscal year. our goal is to ensure as we move forward and our historical record shows that by the time we present the doubleetto the board in the year those contributions hopefully with the possible extension of rm-2 funding it could go back to a similar level as budgeted in the current fiscal year. the projections are consistent be with three year projection presented to the board last june. this slide shows the various reimbursementses and revenue sources that we are projecting right now for the next fiscal year. as i mentioned, rm-2 and rm3 accounts for significant share of revenue sources. thankfully we have had some grants coming in in the stimulus packages due to pandemic. we are projecting to reach $1.7 million of the american rescue plan act funding in the next fiscal year. we have also actively pursuing way finding requests, grants from outside sources and as adam pointed out earlier we have been have beenon making progress. we are projecting we will be augmenting or leveraging. i also want to point out that the reimbursement figure we have a very strong partnership with the east benefit district covering close to 80% of the operating expense. revenues. as i mentioned, the payments from primary tenants account for considerable share of revenues. in terms of other revenue sources, naming rights and retail revenue and add vertising. those are the major revenue sources of the operating budget. >> expenses. as i mentioned, these projected expenses are consistent with what has been presented to the board for the three year projections last june. as you can see from the table security operations and maintenance expense for the transit center, insurance and way finding account for the lion's share of the transit center operating expenses. this table shows very important part of the operating budget which covers the operating and maintenance expense and management fees of rooftop park of our transit center. this projection will include $950,000 of contingency. in terms of other considerations some of them to be considered. once again the focus of this exercise in terms providing for the operating projections is to identify known revenue reimbursement sources and also uncertainty of such sources. the projections once again assume more activities to happen at the transit center at the time the three year projection was put together. in that spirit both the revenue and expense projections attend be to be conservatively projected. in other words revenues made publicly on the lower side on the range of projection and expense side on the higher side of the projections. in subsequent months we will go through budget process and refinements in revenue and expense highlighted here. i have already covered about the rm-2 and rm3 revenue uncertainties one-time offer of funding to comfort the retail revenue. the projection of those funds is very conservative given what has been shared with us earlier in this board meeting. they are projected hoping schedule of the tenants getting ready for grand opening. on the expense side we try to explore and leverage the sources for the way finding program and also we are striving to have a way to handle the park management and administration. i believe that concludes my very brief presentation and i am happy to answer any questions you may have. thank you. >> thank you very much for the presentation. understand this is a budget process. can we help ease the increase to major tenants should be a priority. s.f.m.t.a. and at transit should be last resort not first. whatever we can do over the next several months to help lower contributions from my standpoint should be a priority. directors, any questions that you have on the preliminary operating budget? director. >> the transit agencies are suffering from reduced overall revenue because of the slow her return to work as has been identified. i have a question about how we have a contingency plan if we can't get rm-3 plans and what we are looking at to tenants and represent not meeting. things are still uncertainty. >> director, thank you for your question. that is in the budget process. a deep dive into looking for all of the fund sources, potential fund sources available to again mitigate projected, contribution here. that is why we have been reaching out to m.t.c. for funding extended for a period of time for short term mitigation. in terms of rm-3. right now it basically having. [indiscernable] basically we do hope that litigation will we behind us by the time the fiscal year starts so we will have -- we can ask for reinvestment. >> thank you. directors any other questions? director john baptist. >> thank you, chair "glee." one clarifying questions and perspective to offer. one question was just what the timeline be looks like on the resolution of the rm-2 and rm-3 question. you were hoping prior to the next fiscal year. i am curious on the term of the naming rates when that needs to be up for renewal. the perspective is that it would be helpful as we think about the burden placed on operators as well as the differential between our policy goal with operating reserve and what we are able to achieve to look at longer term projection on the budget. you have done three year projection. even five year or perhaps longer view would help us to understand what is the point of time and strategy that allows us to meet our goals of hitting a 25% operating reserve? also substantially reducing the amount that is requested for the transit and m.t.a. we are all in the business of wanting to see transit succeed. without being able to see what that long term vision is of how we get to greater self-sufficient see it is hard for me to know how to respond to the current strategies. actually is there a future in which there is greater self-sufficient see? i would love to see that as part of our budget conversations going forward. i run a non-profit. i understand that sometimes we set policies in terms every serves that are aspirational. at some point there is a true up in terms what we are representing our goals to be and what reality is going to be. i want to be as transparent as we can as we go through this planning process going forward. i would like to know just what that timeline is and when you are thinking the rm-2 and rm-3 questions get resolved. thank you. >> thank you for your question. for rm-2 timing, i am being told it will be in the spring of 2022 that the commission will consider this request for extension. the timing will be just right for me to -- depending on the outcome of the commission decision to bring it in front of the budget to the board. in calendar year rm-3. i don't have a crystal ball. i am one to point out that right now the rese r.v. e should be short term. i agree with you that that will be some other dive into the long-term planning and projection going forward financially. >> two more points of clarification. we hear from our legal advisers and advocates that they are expecting rm-3 to be resolved the latter portion of the calendar year. there is a legal precedent in the courts similar issue be resolved before they resolve rm-3. in terms of the names rights the agreement was signed july 24, 2017. with a commencement date of 2018 for 25 year term. >> that means the directors cannot leave? we are not going there. [laughter] >> director shaw. >> i will say that for the transit is it is a big hit from $3 million to $5 million. around rm2 you talk about timing in the spring. have you guys decided if there is anything we can do to try to encourage m.t.c. to go that direction? anything to do as board members or as transit staff to put letters of support the get that to happen? secondly, our big expense when you look at that is security. while we all know security is important, in light of what we heard earlier about public safety being one of the key things the governor is looking at is there more funding or grants to take those expenses down to help in that area? thank you. >> thank you, director shaw. thank you for your generous offer of support. for me and my team for the budget process, i believe any support that you can provide would be helpful in extending the funding. for the security side definitely the grants to help us to cover some of the security expenses. that is something that in the next several months that we will look into. >> director shaw. any follow-up questions? thank you. any other questions from directors? >> i have one comment with the ongoing rm-3. we need to keep an eye on cash flow. that is reimbursement program. we are not cash rich. that is just not the way tjpa is with grants and reimbursements. as you move forward and come back, make sure that analysis is done to the request from the director. cash flow can hurt us in the short term significantly. any other questions or comments? this is an item for action. preliminary budget approval for operating budget. ongoing process with more reports coming back before we finally approve. a motion? >> the public comment. >> sorry public comment first. >> moderator. >> please state your name. your two minutes begin now. >> jim patrick again. i would like to follow up on the security question. if you notice the security line item $7,353,000,000. that is 25% of the budget. i believe the majority of that money is going to the san francisco police department for their four offices 24/7. i suggest we should bid this out like any other contract we might have. i don't believe it is bid out. we should look at private market to achieve same results. i bet you we could half or one-third the costs. we don't seem to be able to do that. that is an error. i suggest we look at that dollar item. it is the major item in the budget. thank you. >> that concludes public comment. first and second. >> so moved. >> second? >> second lipkin. >> thank you. roll call vote. director borden. >> aye. >> director forbes. >> aye. >> director john baptist. >> aye. >> director lipkin. >> aye. >> director shaw. >> aye. >> vice chair mandelman. >> aye. >> chair gee. >> yes. >> there are seven ayes. item 9 is approved. >> with the current scheduling conflict we would like to call item 12 next. >> is there any issues with moving item 12 up to take next? no one opposed we will move 12 up next. thank you, board. >> directors, item 12 is the san francisco peninsula rail program. executive acting director and chair will present. >> good morning. i do appreciate your flexibility on this item today. this is a item that i am going to focus on a single work stream that the esb and ipmc have been working on diligently over the last several months. we are continuing to work on it. it is the item for the dtx project. overview of progress as we move towards recommended approve for consideration. this is a first view and bite at the apple, not the last. esc will consider the adoption as we move forward. our approach to the strategy is influenced by many factors. very complex. in considering how to contract for construction the needs of broad range of stakeholders are considered. we need to consider many questions. for example how should we allocate risk among parties, how does cash flow stick with skill-developing funding, how do we insure appropriate involvement in design and construction, what skills are required to manage design and construction within the agency. how do we get the best value at fair cost? these are a few questions we intend to answer when we bring forth our recommendation to the board. the timing of that is likely to be in the summer. next slide please. this is he bit of an eye chart. there is within five general packages. the left side describes these. they include enabling works. utility relocation and site cleanup. general civil work including station boxes, bench structures and street restoration and cut and cover type work. tunnels including the tunnel construction in the road structure. the supporting systems including the architectural finishes and safety systems anchor systems which includes train control, communications and railroad infrastructure itself. tracks interlocking. at the top when you look at the option you will see 10 combinations the team began with to examine to how these contracts packages can be delivers. these range from disaggregated approach so if you look at approach 1. several contract packages with different delivery. there is a fully aggregated pack aim. those are options close to the right side. the individual colors referred to different methods designing build, c -- we are weighing these how we would answer the questions. next slide please. in looking at all of these options. the project team have recommended a short list of delivery options considering issues risk allocation, cash flow, legal authority, lead agency capable to manage design and construction, best value, operator involvement in designing construction. short list includes option 6. it is conventionally financed. 5, 6, 7 are conventionally financed approaches. progressive design build fortunenels and civil components and the systems rail and stations. options 5 and 6 are variations with the team. number 7 if there is a desire for a financed approach that is what we have there. as an extreme alternative the team also an going to continue to assess option 10. the project development agreement involving design build financing approach given overall estimated cost and current funding. we believe further analysis of this option is warranted. part of our due diligence leading to future recommendation to this board. to the next slide. this is a bit of an eye chart. what it is meant to convey is that the project delivery strategy is closely inter dependent to two work streams. capitol funding and governance plan. all activities will be worked on diligently over the course of the next few months and to next year all with the goal of full funding grant application to fta by august 2023. with all of these, they are working diligently through the esd. we will be bringing recommendations to the board when they believe they are ripe and warranted for a recommendation. part of milestone one i informed you of progress. we are going to continue to work with ipnt for options for final recommendation to this board as i mentioned sometime in the coming months over the summer for milestone two. one of the most important things is to further refine the funding strategy with a particular focus on developing funding required to progress through the fta new starts process. they will advance remaining delivery options and begin the study. again, i mentioned all of this to you because we do believe these efforts are dependent on each other and the ipmt in my view just doing a great job leveraging all of the resources and subject matter experts to have robust discussions at the esc to bring to this board. with that i would like to conclude my presentation. i want to thank the ipmt for focusing on this important stream of work. if there are any questions we have assistants to help with questions. i appreciate you advancing this item. >> as we expand the code speed we need an acronym slide in here. director borden our apologies for all of the acronym speak in here. it doesn't mean it is right. as we get more details we probably should have a little bit more than pdb, pdm. progressive design build, progressive design maintenance. we should have an acronym slide in here somewhere. >> directors any questions for michelle and her team on the report? >> i have a question. michelle thank you for the presentation. i don't live in this world. as i ask this question help me understand where this value would fit. you talk about the criteria used to figure out what delivery method fits best. one thing i heard missing is values of creating local jobs, opportunities for jobs, participation with local small businesses. the sort of equity component of delivery. is that a method to consider that or does that come down the road in the solicitation process? >> this is an excellent question. i would like to ask alfonso if we have got an answer for that. if not, certainly we will get back to you. [indiscernable] we continue to brief our labor partners on the progress of the project, much like we do in our normal course of outreach. the contractingmoth thousand dollarss each one -- method will be subject to progress labor agreement. that is a powerful tool to ensure we deliver on the promise to the labor community who are so well organized in helping us advance our objective. i feel good about having that in place. i don't see much of a difference across the various delivery options to impact that. it is certainly one of the core values as we approach the budget delivery strategy. >> thank you. any follow-up questions? director shaw. >> thank you for the report. i used to live in this world and the accromins. before the next report if there is a opportunity to highlight what this is or what is important to us. some of it is detail enough that it is not necessarily important. what was brought up by director forbes is a great point and a way to highlight where that is and where we need to pay attention so we can understand as we go forward and make this decision what are the things that impact that. thank you. >> we will do. this has been a quick run. it has taken the esc a couple good sessions to dive into this including the acronyms and what they mean. we will follow up on that. >> a follow up comment for the board. i think the labor agreement that alfonso mentioned is important. i think as we move through the process we need to consider contracting opportunities for the smaller local firms to team up because that is so critical to support the local small business system and equity. i don't think that is a delivery method but something to consider down the road. i want to make the project team aware of that future conversation. thank you. >> thank you for your comment. how i would characterize what you shared. there are core values of the board we want reflected in any project delivery method of local jobs, inclusion, small business. those core values should be reaffirmed at some point going forward and embedded in what we do going forward. thank you, director forbes for asking that. director shaw i would think as we move forward this is going to get more complicated than easy. for directors if there is an opportunity to reach out to execsive director for one-to-one. this is a decision this board will make we need to fully understand the options that will come before us later this year. other questions from directors or comments be. >> dr. john baptist. >> thank you. >> one question. i think i understand what is meant when we say we are looking at project governance options. i hope you can define what we mean when we say that we are analyzing institutional governance options. is that ownership of the downtown extension in long run? what does that refer to? second question. obviously this analysis and this set of thinks is happening in the backdrop of a whole slew of conversations around rail governance and project delivery and a desire that is somewhat broadly shared for us as region to be able to put our best foot forward when it comes to planning and delivering our transportation services. in addition to really giving ourselves the capacity to hold institutional knowledge on mega project delivery. that is something challenging because we often times create project delivery for each project out of full cloth. i hope you can speak to how the process that the esp is undertaking relates to those parallel conversations analysis occurring in various locations around the region right now. >> i am going to try to unpack that a little bit. it is a great question. chair gee is smiling. as someone who is involved in an extended governance process, complexity of that and what you have highlighted there is not one level, there are several level. i do need to turn it back to alfonso. the study is lagging a little bit. it is very. in lagging, in time it will follow this one. i believe that work and again i will defer to alfonso. it is still defined. we have not considered any of that yet. good news is that folks on the esc that has intimate knowledge not only of governance within organizations but also of this area things going on. we have caltrain, m.t.c., we have got the ta represented as well as tjpa. what i will say is the folks that would be cog anysant of the efforts going on right now are sitting at the table. we can bring that feedback back. i would like to say and this is my comment again. i am interested in hearing what executive director thinks on this or that alfonso thinks. a lot of this is just being defined. as region we are defining what issues are out there. we haven't defined processes how to bring them together. i think one of the challenges will have to tackle with this is that it is not that this governance issue is going to be considered within well defined processes. i think it is important to figure out what the touch points are. as we begin our process how it makes it to others. i realize that is draining a little bit. it is complex and a lot of these efforts are just starting to be thought about. it is very dynamic situation. adam, i don't want to put you on the spot. if there is anything else to contribute. >> this is a substantial decision that impacts risk and ownership and delivery and cost over the course of the project. good news as the director showed in the second eye chart. many opportunities for discussion. the take away today is that the steering committee narrowed the list of options they recommend from 10 down to 4. they will continue the discussion at more detailed technical level. a question to discuss with the board is how often you would like to get updates from the steering committee before the decision. we will have this back to the board at least one more time prior to any decision making. at least two more times. that will be an all day conversation. >> if i could and thank you both for that. given be the moment that we are in and the conversations and the consequence of this decision in front of us, two things i find helpful in this set of conversations. on the governance side you have, i thought, although very acronym a chart you laid out in terms of project delivery options. it was helpful in being able to convey the suite of things we are for. if we could have something to track the governance questions with respect to this project and the regional conversations that would help me orient in this conversation. secondly with our project delivery method if we could put in place a stake in the ground. the method that we are striving towards has future compatibility with more regional approach. that is something i would appreciate. i don't know if other directors share that. to offer a potential path forward. >> maybe a little framing would help to think about, at least in my mind the three level. some related and some at what happens in other level. first level governance institutional level. right now tjpa is taxed with delivering the mandate. one option is to change that arrangement in some form. that is something the region could endeavor upon. second level is the management and policy level how we are set up to manage the work and what policies like the small business and inclusive labor practices we have had. those are the things that is within we would want to apply across construction delivery. management things to do differently in terms of managing one contract versus small contracts. you want different staff level and expertise. those are all decisions that ties this management layer to the delivery method. on the delivery method those are things that are by project circumstances in terms what is the work to be done. you can see a long discussion around the packages if we have somebody doing tunnels and other civil work. you want two contractors. you want to be more integrated. what we were talking about the delivery method to a certain degree can be agnostic. it has relationship with management and overlays on the policy side but the decision here doesn't drive what you can or can't do on the other level. great to have that conversation. i want to answer the right question at the light level in terms of the discussion. >> thank you for the discussion. i think probably given the layers of conservation underway executive director perhaps february or march board meeting we can have a report on the m.t.c. regional initiatives to see how these conversations may fit into it or conversely i was talking with a colleague yesterday about the future. he found the crystal balon amazon. we can all order a crystal ball about the future. any comments on the report? anybody else wanting to raise a hand that i am missing which is extremely possible? >> i see no hands at this time. >> any public comment on this item? >> no public comment. >> thank you for allowing us to move this item up. thank you for the report. >> thank you very much. >> we will go back to the regular agenda. >> item 10. adopting board policy no. 20. unsolicited proposal policy outlining procedures for receiving and receiving unsolicited proposals for the purpose of considering innovative solutions offering value, cost efficiency, enhanced financing and/or funding options. technical innovation, schedule acceleration and/or risk transfor for the downtown rail extension project. i can't hear you, alfonso. >> this item is a policy jpa staff is recommending for adoption by the board considering unsolicited proposals. the policy will establish procedure for receiving and evaluating the proposals. the reason is to have the board approved guidance in place before the proposal or inquiry is received. from the industry outreach meeting last year we generated a strong project interest in the private sector. it is distinguishable for innovative solutions not previously considered or should offer added value cost reduction, enhanced financing, funding. technical innovations, schedule acceleration or risk transfer. unsolicited proposal applies to proposals related to design and construction of dpx. though operation and maintenance of the facility can be considered it excludes rail operations and rail maintenance as part of any proposal received. as i mentioned, this describes the procedures for receiving and reviewing the unsolicited proposals. it is written to ensure open competition, rational decision making and add hererance to federal requirements while adding value to the public. this is the existing procurement policy. developing the policy staff reviewed the speed rail and metropolitan transportation and tjpa council. policy envisions three phased process. phase one they will receive a brief written be proposal describing the organization, short technical proposal of supporting information. purpose for the authority to make a threshold determination if the proposal has merit and if so to request more detailed proposal. they are assemble an evaluation team for the proposal to include technical and legal and financial. representatives with technical and legal and financial subject matter background. it will draw from our agency partners. two requires a request for detailed proposal. the evaluation team will continue the evaluation with more detailed proposal and make a recommendation to the executive director as to the value the proposal has to the agency. after consulting with the evaluation team should the executive director judge further development is warranted. they will difficult you, the board of directors, to seek authorization for procurement in accordance with the policy. that summarizes the unsolicited proposal. i am available to answer any questions you may have on those. >> directors, questions? >> thank you. this is great. i am glad to see us moving forward with that. la metro has taken advantage of these proposals and put things in place. it is good for them. i am glad to see this. my question goes around the question on the proposer paying a be. what are the circumstances where that would happen? is that put in this there depending on the size of the proposal and what the proposal is in. >> that is why we don't have the schedule. it is going to be tailored to the nature of amount of evaluation and the proposal we received. >> thank you very much. >> other questions? comments? >> i would move forward with approval of the policy. >> thank you, director shaw. >> second. it is innovative and something to think about. >> thank you, director borden. any other comments on the motion? if not public comment. >> we have two members. first caller. >> happy new year. before getting to the comment in my letter, i want to know that i really appreciate you moving item 12 ahead of this one. because unsolicited proposals have potential to bypass and eliminate the majority of the impediments that have been discussed. moving to my letter and i appreciated the director's comment about the bidder having to be contributing to the evaluation of the bid. there is a conflict. phase one from my experience you are looking at the unbe solicited bid in $100,000. not a lot of money but $100,000. now you move to phase two. phase three eventually is going to be competition. who is doing this work might not win the eventual bid. it is unreasonable for people to contribute but respectfully suggest that you consider potentially awarding assignment. given they have the potential of saving a couple billion dollars. for saving $2 billion i think -- $2 million stipend would be most welcome. it would encourage more bids moving forward. thank you. >> next speaker. >> please state your name. two minutes begin now. >> jim patrick. patrick and company. i also think this is a very sound idea. i presented a lot of ideas to the tjpa over 10 years. the most i get from those is thank you, mr. patrick. i find that a slap in the face when i make a comment. i get no feedback back. the process we have in place now is really very poor. this is a much larger question. i don't think we ought to charge someone a fee nor it has to be a worthwhile reason for this individual to do this. there has to be the end game. otherwise why should i waste my time. i have a great idea. for the good of tjpa? come on now. structure is the right structure. i don't think there should be a fee to get in the ballgame. if it turns out to be a great savings there ought to be remuneration at the end. thank you. >> any other callers? >> that concludes public comment. i will take a roll calling vote. director borden. >> aye. >> director forbes. >> aye. >> director john baptiste. >> aye. >> director lipkin. >> aye. >> director shaw. >> aye. >> vice chair mandelman. >> aye. >> chair gee. >> yes. >> there are seven ayes. item 10 approved. >> 11. authorizing executive director the execute a second amendment to the lease agreement with transbay fitness for come summer hall lease strategy to address covid-19 impacts and the director will present. >> hello. i have a presentation. i know time is ticking away. before you the second amendment. lease for fitness sf, largest sennant at the center. you are familiar with the covid rationale we have been using. just to remind you that the tjpa board heard retail commercial retail strategy on june 25, 2020 and have negotiated with a number of tenants to come up with lease terms and such that meet people's needs and keep them here at the center. next slide. this next one is to remind you the operating background. eight locations in the bay area. secured a ppp loan $484,000 in 2020. of that only $15,000 was available for rent at this location. we have confirmed they received no additional outside assistance since that time. they have closed according to the health orders and re-opened when possible. they have been re-opened for indoor use since spring of 2020. condition upon health orders including capacity, masking, not masked, then we are back to masking now indoors. since fall of 2021, we have confirmed membership growth has flattened. second amendment be to the lease is negotiated with the tenant retroactive to january 1st, 2022 increases base rent obligation for the common area base fee from $10,000 per month to $20,000 per month. for the period from january 1, 2022 until june 30, 2022. under this reretain percentage rent at 10% gross revenues. the terms of the second anamendment be extended from july 1 to december 1, 20:22ly request and subject to approval by your discretion to economic conditions. the additional term of the lease has been extended to reflect rent for these periods moving the initial termination date to march 31, 2036. this allows the tjpa to recapture the relief granted. i would note the value of approving the second amendment at $440,000 for the period january through june. impact of the amendment is comdated in this fiscal year's budget. that concludes my report. happy to take questions. >> thank you very much for the presentation. directors, questions? >> this is director borden. i assume the tenant is fine with this and feels they can financially make this work? >> actually they have paid the january rent. >> thank you. any other questions from directors? i am not seeing any. this item is for action. motion and second? >> motion to approve. shaw. >> second. >> is that? >> borden. >> thank you, director borden. there is no public comment at this time. go ahead for roll call vote. borden. >> aye. >> forbes. >> aye. >> john baptiste. >> aye. >> lipkin. >> aye. >> shaw. >> aye. >> vice chair mandelman. >> aye. >> chair gee. >> yes. >> there are seven ayes. item 11 is approved. >> at this time the board is scheduled to go into closed section. 9456.8. we have not received any indication the public wishes to comment. they have an opportunity to do so now. >> i am not seeing any hands raised. do we expect any action out of this closed session? >> i am not expecting any report out of this closed session. >> for our public members you are welcome to hang out until we report out or you are welcome to leave. thank you for joining us today. mr. secretary, we will adjourn to closed >> we are back in session. item 16 announcement of closed session. >> item 15. conference of real property negotiators regarding the parcel of the development. it is noted the agenda. there is no action to report. >> thank you. i believe that concludes our business for the day. directors thank you for your time going past 12:00 a little bit. welcome to chinese new year on february 1st. best wishes for a great new year. >> thank you. happy new year. good afternoon everyone. thank you for joining us here today. i'm san francisco mayor london breed and i'm joined today by supervisor matt haney as well as the director of the department of emergency management mary ellen carol. the department of public health behavioral health director dr. hillary kunis and we are also joined by our police chief bill scott. i am here with our various leaders in san francisco to officially declare a state of emergency in the tenderloin community of the city and county of san francisco. we know that there have been a number of challenges that have happened in this community and have persisted over the years. but if we take a step back, when this pandemic first hit san francisco, of course, we immediately in light of what we knew was inevitable declared a state of emergency to deal with the global pandemic of covid-19 and, in fact, what we saw over the last almost two years was san francisco step up, remove the bureaucratic layers and the opticals that get in the way of actually being effective and collaborating with our various city agencies and what we were able to do to deal with the pandemic was extraordinary. we are one of the densest cities in the country and with less than 700 people who lost their lives throughout the entire pandemic, we saw one of the lowest death rates of any other major city in the u.s. and san francisco not just because we acted quickly and shut down early, it's because we had the ability to move quickly and set up our various locations including a covid command center embedded equity into our response to help deal with challenges all over the city. but the sad reality is when we look at the loss of life in the pandemic which every lost life is tragic, we had over 700 people alone die due to a drug overdose last year in san francisco. we have over 600 and counting this year. when we look at the conditions on our streets, it is really unfortunate, it's sad, it's heart breaking, and i must say, what doesn't get publicized enough is the fact that not only do we say and we are a compassionate city, the amount of money that we spend on services to help people struggling with mental illness, substance use disorders, programs. our street overdose team, our wellness team. additional resources for narcan. the additional organizations that assist us with those struggling with addiction and mental illness. the significant increase in number of behavioral health beds in our system. a mental health sf, we've done a lot of work to try and turn things around because we know that suffering from those things are not easy. it is not just about homelessness. it's about addiction. it's about the fact that there is clearly in the tenderloin community with the conditions of not just the streets, but the people living there and the people suffering that we are in a crisis and we need to respond accordingly. it's not just about our police response to make sure that when people cross that line and commit crimes, we hold them accountable. it's about getting people the help that they need and being able to do so quickly. i've said this time and time again, if you don't know what it's like to experience an addiction and i hope to god you never find out, we have to meet people where they are. we can't wait for something to be set up. we have to move quickly. we can't wait until something goes through a layered process. we have to move quickly. too many people are dying in this city. too many people are sprawled out all over our streets. and now we have a plan to address it. a robust, aggressive plan to address it. earlier this week, i made it clear that there are going to be a number of things that this city is going to do to address public safety and part of that is a police response. part of that is accountability. part of that is making sure that we are consistent, but the other part is being aggressive about getting people into services and support and not allowing what has happened on our streets to continue. not only the fact that people who are suffering from these things are randomly committing acts of violence towards people who are just walking down the street not to mention the number of shootings and stabbings and other things that are happening randomly in this community, but also the high number of people who are dying from fentanyl overdoses. so leading this effort to address this emergency will be mary ellen carol and the work that we have in place after our assessment will allow us the ability through this emergency declaration to move quickly, to move fast, to change the conditions specifically of the tenderloin community. this is necessary in order to see a difference, in order to reverse some of the deaths from overdoses and the assaults and attacks and other things happening in this community. so, at this time, i want to introduce someone who's been advocating for resources and let's be clear, this city spends more money on when people walk down the streets of san francisco, they should feel safe. they shouldn't have to see someone sticking a needle in various part officer their body laying out on the streets and wondering what can i do to help them. they shouldn't be spit on. we have to have an honest conversation about people who suffer from mental illness and substance use disorder and that crosses a line and impacts other peoples' ability to feel safe in our city, addressing those challenges, understanding what people are suffering through and meeting them where they are. and i'd like to introduce supervisor matt haney of district 6 to say a few words. >> supervisor haney: i want to thank the mayor for her focus for her urgency and courage in today's announcement. the tenderloin is a community of residents who want and deserve safety, who want and deserve health and who want to survive. they need help. and this is a statement of the urgency that help is on the way. our city came together over the last few years and through everything we had to confront a deadly epidemic. and because of those actions of the people who are standing up here, we save lives. and we have to do that again. the overdose epidemic is taking the lives of nearly two people a day in our city. most of those people in the tenderloin are south of market and mostly fentanyl. and if we are going to stop the epidemic, if we are going to save lives. we are going to once again throw everything we have at it. we need resources. we need coordination. we need tracking and we need it now. we cannot wait to take action. every day that we wait, anything that is getting our way to move slower, may cost lives. and this is something that we know we can do. decades ago, there was another epidemic that we faced which was hiv and aids. and this city came together we led the way and we saved lives. and so even though this is an epidemic that's not only affecting our city and the tentder loin, it's a national epidemic. we have to demonstrate through commitment and compassion not only looking the other way, but confronting the problem. i think if there's anything we've demonstrated over the last year and a half under mayor breed's leadership that we can absolutely do this. but it takes us treating it like the emergency and the crisis it is and that's what we're doing today. thank you, mayor breed also as a resident of the coo at the scale of the problem we're facing and you have my full support and partnership. and i want to thank chief carol and director scott and chief kunis for your partnership on it. i want to introduce the person who is going to lead this effort through the covid-19 pandemic bringing together resources, bringing together staff. unprecedented focus and speed to confront a pandemic. we have to do it again with this deadly epidemic of drug overdose. so i want to welcome up now director caroll. >> director: thank you, mayor breed, and thank you, supervisor haney. in emergencies, people need resources immediately and not months from now. an emergency declaration allows san francisco to cut through the red tape, to obtain the contracts, the resources and the personnel that we need to address the crisis conditions in the tenderloin. we only have to look at our covid response to see how an emergency declaration allowed us to quickly lease hotels, hire critical staff and establish testing and vaccines. if you remember, when we did that declaration, there is a lot of questions about why we were doing a declaration so early before we even had a case in san francisco. it is because we knew the lead time that we needed and we knew how important it was to have the ability to conduct those resources. that's what it's about. this includes speeding up the establishment of a linkage center that once activated. the site will connect individuals in crisis to resources like substance use treatment, counseling, and medical care. to date, we have conducted neighborhood assessments, community stakeholder engagement. we've coordinated interventions, and helped people in crisis connect to social services. i just want to reiterate that the emergency declaration is really about removing obstacles so that we can go in and conduct the work we need to do to help the residents of the tenderloin. our goal is to get those services coordinated as quickly as we can in order to alleviate the overall suffering that people are experiencing in the neighborhood. thank you very much. i'll turn it back to you. >> so, with that, are there any questions? >> question: the chronicle was told two months ago, if you declare it an emergency, it could practically allow -- not practically allow, but you can do anything [inaudible] today. what does this mean in two months? >> can you go back to the first question? >> question: [inaudible] >> so the challenge we have with our conservetorship process is we wait until someone is 51/50 which is a 72-hour hold before we can implement a course of action which goes through a lengthy court process. from my perspective, it's not strong enough to be as effective as we would like it to be and i think that's why we have to use our alternative of not giving people any option when they are struggling with addiction and have challenges with mental health. we have to take them somewhere. so either that somewhere is going to be san francisco general depending on their condition or that somewhere is going to be a location that we will set up as a result of this emergency declaration and the goal is to not let anyone stay out in the streets and not give them an option and to enforce many of our various laws that are on the books including sit lie and camping and sleeping and other things. so we're going to be a lot more aggressive with implementing existing laws on the books in order to get people off the streets and unfortunately the conservatorship does not work as effectively as is it should. >> question: and why the change in two months? if we did declare an opioid crisis that we would not be able to do anything that we're not doing now. so i'm wondering what's is changed in two months? >> what's changed is at that time we were working with the department of public health and the city attorney's office to understand how we can get more creative on declaring a state of emergency because the problem we were having is technically under some of of 0 our various laws, it wasn't in terms of what was put forward and what was suggested, it wasn't something that technically we could use legally as a basis. so we had hunkered down, got creative and workeded with our attorneys to figure out a way. even at that time, it was a crisis. this is not something that just all of sudden happened. we were able to find a way which we needed in order to address it and so that's what we did. >> question: mayor, do you think this declaration will save lives? >> my hope is that it will save lives. people laid out on the streets, we don't know if they're dead or alive. the ability for our street wellness teams to do checks, but most important, that person probably needs to be monitored and so part of our process is removing them from that location and moving them inside to a location where we have the kinds of folks that can monitor, that can provide resources, but more importantly, we're not here to judge. we're here to say, we're here, we're paying attention, we don't want you to die and so we're going to do everything we can to support you but we've got to they you off the streets. >> question: a public defender said that expanding police presence is going to be harmful to people who are already overpoliced and it cuts the promise you made in the wake of the george floyd murder death. what is your response to that? >> answer: it doesn't. you see significant investments in programs including commitment to the african american community for $60 million a year ongoing. and so you tell that to the families who i met with who are in tears from the attacks and telling me that they want the police there. telling me that they call the police and they want them to show up. the families and the people who live there, has anyone from the public defender's office or anyone else had a conversation with these families who feel uncomfortable walking their kids down the street. so have the public defender give them a call and see what they want and they need to protect their lives and their children. everyone in theory can is talk about all the policies they want around no police and defund the police and all of these other things, but at the end of the day, if someone beat your kid like that 11-year-old girl, who are you going to call to protect you? and that's the point of this. we have worked very hard in this city to turn things around with the challenges that have existed historically in the police department of san francisco and i'm very proud and confident in bill scott and his leadership and the various trainings, anti-bias trainings, the new recruits which have made the department more and more diverse and understanding of various communities, making sure that we're sensitive to the need and we're not creating these barriers to those who in the past have historically had challenges with the police. we have people who want a relationship. businesses in the tenderloin who want a relationship and treat their police officers with kindness and respect, the same with the police officers towards them. so folks can say what they want about all of this going back on your word this and that, but at the end of the day, the people in this community are not safe and it is not fair and it's not right. and part of the response to this is definitely police officers. >> question: [ indiscernible ] >> answer: and they're deployed in the tenderloin too. but let me just be clear and the chief can talk about that. this declaration of emergency is more so about making sure that we are dealing with our public health crisis on the streets and part of it separately from that is definitely a significant increase on our police response. so, if you want, i can bring chief scott up if you have a question. yes. >> thank you, mayor. everything that was said today only enhances our ability to do our jobs. enforcement, we have to enforce. we have to arrest drug dealers. a lot of what people complain about are the street conditions, open air injections of whatever is being injected in peoples' arms and toes and those things have to be addressed. the other side of that is our officer has said time and time again, let's have a system where we can get the social workers involved and that's exactly what this does at the front end so we can go and do the things that the public wants us to do. arrest people that are hurting people. stop the open air drug uses. stop some of the craziness that's going on on our streets and that's what most of us came on this job to do and this only enhances our ability to do that because our officers will work in partnership with the health department and social services so they don't have to do that. we know to treat people with dignity and respect. we came on this job to be cops and this will only enhance that and the deployment that's already been increased. and i want to echo that in my comments that the mayor said. thanks to the mayor and the support of her budget office than any other community by far year to date. all this needs to come together. we will continue to invest in the tenderloin, our officers have worked a lot of hours and they don't mind doing that, but they want good outcomes. so when we enforce, we want consequences when the evidence is there. we need to support so they're not doing social work. we understand we have to treat people well and do the job the way we have expected. and we need the support. the emergency declaration and my professional opinion will give us that support right now. so thank you. >> question: mayor breed, you mention an intention to move people to a place they need to be monitored. can you expand on where they will be moved to? >> answer: yes. mary ellen caroll can answer that. >> yes. so we made reference to a linkage center and we will have people who are experiencing substance abuse disorder, they can link up with the department of public health resources. they can link with community based organization resources and treatment. we can find out where they are in the housing system if they need housing and we can also meet them where they are with some basic hygiene, food. we really want people to -- this is really intended to be a warm intervention with people to engage people. i think i can tell you personally and i think a lot of people feel frustrated with the lack of intervention and the lack of ways to intervene with people who are suffering on the street. and so this is a place that we can pull people in and get them warm, get them dry. get them fed and have them connected to all of the many services and resources that the city has. >> question: [ indiscernible ] >> answer: yes. it is voluntary. people can come in on their own. people will also be given choices. so there is a push pull. our intention is to be more pull than push, but there will be and as the chief has talked about, there may be instances where people have a choice. you know, you're doing something illegal, something that's harmful in the neighborhood in this situation. we have this option for you to go here and we're hopeful that people are going to take us up on that option as much as possible. >> good morning p.welcome to the january 14th. meeting of the youth, young adult and families commission. we are joined by supervisor safai and member melgar. our clerk is erica major. any announcements? >> yes. minutes will reflect this is a areremote meeting. we invite public participation in the following ways. public comment is available on each item on the agenda. through sfgovtv they are streaming the number on the screen. each speaker is allowed two minutes to speak. comments to speak during

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Transcripts For SFGTV Transbay Joint Powers Authority 20240709 :

Transcripts For SFGTV Transbay Joint Powers Authority 20240709

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>> good morning everyone. welcome to 2022. i would like to call the board of directors meeting january 13, 2022 to order. my apologies we are waiting. we had technology gremlins this morning. we are trying to ask them to leave the table this morning. i am the board chair. this is conducted pursuant to the brown act. in compliance with the california state assembly bill ab361 to facilitate teleconferencing to reduce risk of covid-19 transmission at public meetings. ordinarily the brown acts sets strict rules for teleconferencing. a b361 has suspended those rules. this meeting is being held during a state of emergency and state and local officials have imposed recommended measures to promote social distancing. as noted the agenda members of the public may observe via sfgovtv and offer public comment by calling the public comment phone number. welcome to members of the public and staff watching live on sfgovtv. i would like to thank the sfgovtv staff for support and services. please call the roll. >> thank you. i would note director borden will be sitting in as alternate. please respond when i call your name. director borden. >> present. >> forbes is expected. director john baptist. >> present. >> director lipkin. >> present and on camera. >> welcome. director shaw. >> present. vice chair mandelman. >> present. chair gee. >> present. >> interest we have a quorum. item 3 is communications. we like to remind the public the public comment is listed on the agenda and streaming on the screen. i will call your next item. >> item 4 is board of directors new and/or old business. item 5 is the executive director's report. >> thank you. good morning, directors. happy new year. it is my on for to join you. my first meeting as the new director. i want to give you an update on the first six days in the office where we stood since the last meeting at the end of last year. 2022 is starting out to be an exciting year of great momentum and progress. i have been using the relative quiet at the transit center to learn the operations from facility and security to touring the center, the park, security operations center, walking the alignment with the product manager, reacquainting myself with and scheduling time with stakeholders. understanding the milestones regarding finance and communications and advocacy. there is a lot to do. this is to stabilize services with retail and community partners to facilitate return of users. if you haven't been down here, it is quiet at the moment as it should be through the omicron surge. 2022 will be a critical year for the dtx. we are committed to ensuring we meet the funding milestones andtine lines for the grant agreement in august of 2023 to bring rail service downtown to create the regional transit system. i have started meeting with key stakeholders. i will be working to elevate the program at essential transportation infrastructure. not only for san francisco but the bay contrary, the state and the nation. here in the office because of covid-19 all employees are masked in common areas. masks required throughout the center. we are still. [indiscernable] for those able to do so. the park continues to be an open space resource for the neighborhood. we are working to expand public access signage so the neighborhood is aware of the gym a few stories above street level. this week at the meeting yesterday, committee members approved $200,000 for tjpa to support upgrades to digital way finding at the center. this will add to existing budget to advance this effort. we expect to be to the board on january 26th. last april we restarted free public programming. over 280 activities and serves 7,000 attendees. we offer exciting fun and free activities at the park. i don't want to steal too much of january's update later today. this past saturday afternoon, january 8th, the center experienced a temporary power outage. power was out for about 90 minutes. all transit services continued to operate. security operations center sprang into action. emergency lighting came on and we have reached out to p.g.e. for additional information and evaluating to better prepare for these power outages in the future. we continue to seek funding for transbay program including center and dtx. we are working on transit inner city rail application due on march 3rd. coming up very soon. similar to our application of the federal railroad application. working on letters of support from partners and stakeholders for the application and asked them to endorse us. as reported in the december meeting, the project was accepted to enter federal capital investment grant new starts program. this is key to move this forward to position for funding from the infrastructure line. that was the region 9 director to discuss that. we of course were honored to host speaker pelosi on the signing of the structure line on december 11th. we were joined by jackie speer, representative and future rail operators, caltrain and california high-speed rail authority and partners. this highlighted the transbay program and transit center as example of what the law can provide to the bay area and what the american reinvestment act of 2009 did for completion of the train box. through a $400 million grant agreement, we are able to have the train box built in phase one construction. it is not if but when trains will enter the center. as you know, we are busy with federal advocates. we are getting scheduled to meet in the coming weeks and continuing to share progress information on the dtx project with federal funding opportunities. they will be at the forefront of the congressional delegation and tracking progress of federal funding including signing of infrastructure law. today on consent item 8.3 we will consider extension of one year extension of federal advocacy contract. the cap. my first meeting this week. we started the annual recruitment process next year. filling seven seats. we will conduct online awareness campaign about the process which when include e mail, social media and ad placement in neighborhood newspapers and i will accept applications until all seats are filled. this concludes my introductory remarks. now we have a state legislative update for you. the new legislative session started this month. we have the public affairs here to provide update on the state session and funding opportunities. we are tracking including the release of governor newsom's budget proposal. the advocacy team from sacramento will provide the update. we will have them promised. -- promised. promoted. >> hello, board members. i am nikko. we have a presentation for you. my colleague is going to lead the powerpoint. we will chime in with updates. i will be happy to answer any questions you may have. >> thank you. we are located here in the sacramento office alongside nick co. first slide please. general overview. the legislature did return from their recess last week on january 3rd to begin second year of two year cycle. the second year of the cycle means that in addition to some bills carrying from the previous year there will be new legislation introduced. this year there is a bit of slower rollout of legislative packages due to number of covid outbreaks that are happening in the capitol community. additionally, the governor introduced his january budget proposal on monday. we will do a deeper dive into that in a later slide. this year we have been told that the legislature's focus will be on covid response, housing, homelessness, climate resiliency and how to spend another budget surplus. it is also something we will dive into deeper at a later slide. additionally, there are musical chairs going on in both houses of the legislature. currently we have four vacant seats and of course redistricting process will put us against others in 2022 elections. a number of legislators have announced they will be candidates for perhaps higher office. additionally, some will be running for new district in their current be roles, some will be retiring. we will definitely have some new political makeup in sacramento come 2022. the last thing i should note is that legislators and staff have moved to the new sweet space as the capitol office spaces in the capitol building are remodeled. that is a five year period. there is a bit of transition. there are several committee hearing rooms in the new space, however, the majority of the session will continue in the traditional capitol building. a little bit of budget forecast. as we stated, the governor gave the january budget proposal on monday for 2022. there is a $45.7 billion operating surplus. i should note not all is available for discretionary use. one is the limit. prop 98 set aside and the commitment for pay downs. you know, $20.6 billion of this will be available for discretionary use. we should note that the latest surplus estimate was described by the governor and department of finance which is the administrations fiscal analyst. the legislative analyst office has different forecasts. we can expect some adjustment and variation to those numbers in the coming weeks and months. the winds fall is fueled with tax revenue and federal funds. a little more on the budget forecast. the governor's proposed budget is largely focused on the california five threats which include addressing the covid crisis, investment in climate resiliency, rising cost of living, homelessness and public safety. the governor has proposed early actions within the budget including $1.4 billion in emergency funding for covid-19. this is something that was done in the previous budget cycle. this money will be available for more immediate use. what we are all interested in the governor's transportation proposal for the 2022 budget. i want to provide everyone a gentle reminder all of this is subject to change as the legislature develops their respective budget proposals. budget informational hearings within the legislature will begin in coming weeks and going over what the governor and administration proposed and formulate their own budgets. what the governor proposed in his transportation proposal with regard to infrastructure is $4.2 billion from prop a for high-speed rail to advance the central valley portion of the project. $3.75 billion in general fund for transit and rail projects. part of that is for grade separation to be administered through caltrans it is and the parcp which the team is engaged in. $500 million for atp active transportation. $400 million for climate adaptation. $150 million to establish reconnecting communities. highways and converting under utilized to corridors. $100 million for bying and pedestrian safety projects. the second part of the governor's infrastructure proposal $1.2 billion for court related high priority projects increasing goods movement on rail and roadways that serve ports and terminals and increasing rail yard expansion, new bridges, modernization projects as an effort to restimulate the supply chain and flow of goods movement. now the third part of the proposal includes $6.1 billion in zero emission vehicles and technology. while not all of this is directly relevant to tjpa we did want to highlight this more for everyone's situational awareness and to get a better understanding where the administration's mind set is with regard to the future and zero emissions vehicles. just highlighting a couple. $1.5 billion for school transportation including electric school buses, $1.1 billion for zero emissions truck buses, off-road equipment infrastructure. $400 million to enable the port electrifycation like the last slide. $200 million for demonstration projects rail and other off-road applications. next slide, please. just a little bit more on the transportation proposal. the governor is proposing that the state forego adjusting the gas tax for inflation as prescribed by sb1. that was 2017 authored for former senate transportation chair jim bell. this would reduce transportation funding. $523 million estimate. half state and half from local streets and roads. it is unclear whether this would result in any reduction in fuel prices. of course, it could lead to similar reduction in transportation funding every year going forward. this is the governor's proposal. legislature will formulate their version of the budget and at the end a consensus. this is all preliminary. next slide. i will pass it to my colleague to describe the ongoing efforts that tpa and tjpa have been undertaking. >> to the board a lot of what we are working on and i want to thank many of you individually for your day jobs what you also have been helping us push is to ensure this goes back to last year our team and the tjpa leadership team were making sure everyone is aware of all of the great aspects of our project. how we can use various funding for different projects and how we can support the efforts of the administration and our delegation. what does that mean? we have been working closely with san francisco delegation. senator weiner and chang to make sure they are aware of what we are working on, how it impacts us, how to utilize the funds and how quickly to go to work. we have been working closely with the high-speed rail authority to push the governor's proposal for $4.2 billion funding out the door as soon as possible. ensuring the bay area caucus are aware of the regional benefit. yes, the transit center is in san francisco. it provides benefit to east and south bay and peninsula and all counties. making sure other committee chairs like the senate, transportation committee, chair, transportation chair laura friedman are aware of the different benefits of the project to get to the finish line and the next steps. as you may be aware, last year the loggerhead came down to concerns in the assembly as to how high-speed rail funds would be used and that held up the entire package. we want be everyone to be aware of the work we are doing. it was a geographical battle between los angeles pushing harder for the funds and lined up to be a bit of caucus. they are asking for new program there are great barrier programs to help push. i want to acknowledge the staff for all great work with m.t.c., caltrain, many of you on ensuring they understand the regional benefit. we continue to work on this. we continue to push and advocate. it is a great team effort. next steps. this is our top four issues. we are flexible and things could pop-up. one, working on transportation budget. that is is top. two, working with the team on funding the tircp program and many others. three, new executive director excited to introduce him to the members, committee staff, people we work with to do that introduction and keep the lines of communication open. of course, the progress of dtx. fourth, regional efforts including tours. part of the teamwork and effort to ensure that elected at local level or county level and east bay and peninsula understand how important it is and gets people to economic hubs, great job creation machine and other benefits. we have seen when we give the tours and appreciate the work of the staff. we give the tours. understand the sheer magnitude of the center and how it is a great engine to reduce carbon footprint and get people to work and make commuters' lives easier. those are top four issues. we are excited about the new year and working with the new executive director and we are happy to answer any questions. >> thank you for the report. it looks like great opportunities. directors, any questions on the state legislative report? >> this is director shaw. thank you very much. this is very helpful to break it down the way you did. the question i have for you what are your thoughts about the resignation of david kim, secretary kim? who do you think will replace him? any thoughts? he was a very big supporter of transit. i think he will really be missed. i wondered what your thoughts were there? >> great question. he is stepping down. the information is he wants to spend more time with his family in virginia. no one can fault that. i can't imagine having family on the other side of the nation. we are hearing different rumors there. are a lot of people interested in the job. to be clear about that. some of the names are worthwhile. others make you do a double take. the governor is open-minded in his hiring. doesn't matter if people are from california or outside the state. one of the things we want to make sure we are deputies. today's deputies can be tomorrow's cabinet secretaries. i think there is great internal hires. what we heard yesterday the governor is open to many different suggestions. he is not handcuffed to one person or another. he is going to ensure this is a busy time and whoever is hired will be a great pick. i don't have any exact names to share with the team. i can tell you based on the rumors we have heard, excited for whoever it is. we did a briefing the other day with deputy secretary and his team. their ongoing support for transit makes you happy and proud to show the great work that you are doing and the ongoing briefings are worthwhile. as soon as we hear anything i am happy to ensure names are shared with everybody. >> any other questions for the state legislative team? >> chair gee, i appreciate the reports. just a couple things to add. the shoes i it is in because a lot was about the budget stuff. one quick mention about some of the conversation between the california delegation and differences in perspective we have seen. from our standpoint where we have ongoing construction our focus is completing that, putting into service as we continue to advance the work state wide. part of the funding to advance that statewide work on the entire program. the folks from southern california said we have local transit projects to see funding for as part of the package last year it was going again. a an variety of transit and rail and other programs they would like to see. more conversation with the legislature the january budget and june budget. a long way to go. we have appreciated the strong support in line with administration's push how to get this stuff resolved. not that we are done with that conversation. last thing that is important for colleagues here is that how we kind of do our long-range budgeting through baseline revisions which for example new scope as funds become available. we have had a pending budget revision dependent on the appropriation request to complete the funding package. we also have the set aside that we intend to use toward our contribution toward project development. those are tied together for our ability to put those funds forward depends on our ability to have the funds to fund the construction. i know those are conversations from last year. we have made an interim step of a little budget revision or adjustment last year. that is all pending depending what happens with the legislature. we will be talking with the administration with folks about that coming forward. >> thank you, director. any other questions or comments to state on the state legislative update? >> appreciation for the report and the governor's budget is once again a surprise opportunity. we have had so many positive surprises at the federal and state level. very good report. adam, you have your hands full. excellent opportunities but you have a great team and great staff to get us there. exciting news. >> good morning and happy new year. there was an item for port connected related activities. maybe we can connect the port. >> maybe we can. it is time to think out of the box. maybe there is a good connection. >> any other questions or comments from directors? i would just ask one thing. in the advocacy component, don't forget the board. the board members can play a big role in leading with relationships each of us has as well as speaking to the public and others to help promote dtx and the importance to the region. under that last slide perhaps there is an item 5 how board members can lean-in to help out. >> absolutely. i would be happy to bring the board in to work through the executive director. i appreciate that. i know you are extremely busy. i want to highlight one comment be from the commissioner for the great work with the high-speed rail and his team. towards the end of last year, senator weiner submitted a joint letter. we were one of the few projects that he highlighted. appreciate all of the support from the san francisco delegation. as the commissioner mentioned the moment the southern california delegation mentioned the list of needs. it was great to see the area caucus and rise to what their needs are. billions of dollars is strange to say billions. >> thank you for the hard work. we look forward to working together more and looking forward to making sure dtx gets funding to keep moving forward. >> we have more reports under your section? >> next item is update on facility operations. >> good morning. i will give you a facility operations update. the qr code to the signs to provide more current information and links to additional information. of course, that also gives us the ability when you use one of those signs and the qr code to carry that information with you on your personal device. following the tree lighting that the mayor attended in early december, we did a series of holiday events which we get revenue from. holiday mixers, taking advantage of the decorated park and fortunately they picked the right days. special event be request and program design attendance were in the upswing in early december. got quiet at the end of december and of course omicron were quiet on the private events. some are coming in february. corporate mixers, meeting with high school this afternoon about prom in the park because s.f.u.s.d. has a rule you can only have that outside. i hope we can make that happen. that would be beautiful and memorable. we hosted winter fest for three days december 17, 18, 19. that was a cold weekend. we had 950 plus people in attendance. music, dancing, crafting, movies. these photos are from the swing dancing on friday evening. the band and the couples on the dance floor. other photos show how many turned up to take advantage of the craft center and gift wrapping station as well as other musical events. winter fest and everything i will talk about are free and open to the public. we continue the efforts to make sure people are aware of these programs. coming up january through april we have more than 110 presentations over that four month period of time where we are expanding the toddler tuesday to include thursday. if you have young children we do that on tuesday and on thursday music provides a little bear program for toddlers. that is new. that started last thursday. and again this morning. there are five fitness classes per week offered by sf fitness. i have been taking them the midday dance class. you are welcome to join on wednesday or thursday. new things. we continue to add new things. there is a drumming circle that will happen once each month on sunday in the amphitheater. saturday music program on the lawn 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. that is the area between the playground and amphitheater. stop in for that. the garden tours continue monthly. i want to give you a brief retail leasing update. this is a new map. this shows the grounds layout of ground floor between first and second street. the colors are the turquoise. upper left and lower right. there are other things on other level open. fitness sf and spring fertility are open also. as well as the greyhound package is open and highlighted on this map. available for lease and i think that is where our focus is right now to get this fully leased in the yellow spaces. the blue spaces are leased but not open. we have a leasing focus and get those tenant improvements completed and more dining and retail open. working with our leasing partner we met this week. we have renewed marketing packages ready tj pa offices second floor and the yellow that you see here. the next tenant improvements and i am sure you are aware of kitchen exhaust project. we are in the control phase right now so that can be turned over. we are pivoting to advance the tenant improvements as quickly as possible. working with tysons kitchen. next slide please. here is the likely opening date. they are planning grand opening for march 1st. i don't know how aspirational that is. i am excited about it. they did provide a pop-up as part of winter fest. they are making connections for people in the park and trying to raise awareness. with q2 we will see bear bottle in the park. kaiser open up anti -- the tycoon kitchen. in the third quarter. i met with the architects this week and plans are coming along well. i think that is going to be an asset to the area. we are talking about outdoor seating and ways to invite people in. now we need people to return to the towers. thank you for your time. i am here to answer questions. >> thank you very much for the report. directors, any questions on the facilities update? >> thank you very much. >> one more item. project labor agreement quarterly report. it is in your packets. highlights include safety achievements from the construction team. zero reportable lost time accidents in all of 2021. that is great news. we included notes from the 26th meeting of the joint administrative committee covering items discussed on december 16th. we received a great report from union representatives. operating engineers local 3 stating they worked with city build and the rising center for opportunity in oakland. all women's apprenticeship that is growing. all exciting news from the delivering trains to the train box. this concludes all items in the executive director's report. if you have any questions we are happy to field them at this time. >> any questions on any of the reports? thank you. we can stop counting the days you are on the job. welcome to our family here. we are glad you are on board. before we go on. any public comment on the executive director's reports? >> a hand was raised. >> thank you. this is jim patrick, patrick and company. i want to go to the executive director's report and loss of power at transit center. we had the city electrical service one source and pg&e another source of power. in the event one would fail the other would operate. that seems not to have worked. i just wondered what happened there. thank you. >> to my knowledge we never lost transportation, never stopped transit operations. we were on emergency power. power was out for 90 minutes. we are working with power providers to assess problem and resolve for the future. >> any other public comments? >> that concludes public comment. next item. >> director's item 6. cac update. >> happy new year, directors. our january tjpa cap meeting went great. we appreciated the opening report and recap of the significant progress during the end of 2021 including acceptance into the federal program. we appreciate the legislative updates. we received a great look at some of the inner workings and efforts during this legislative update. there was a new discussion regarding the changes and dynamics at state level. howard long asked for i sight how the different bay area transportation agencies collaborate together and at the same time compete for state transportation funding. cac members pleased to hear the regional transportation agencies work together in many cases to benefit the overall region. the new report from jim norris was well received. members, questions and comments and discussion involved around the past december winter fest, building and rate structure private functions of the park level. the potential to have a means to draw folks to building and park. advertising methods and participation level for movie nights. the level of risk and liability tjpa and transit center takes on the someone contracts covid while in a event in the transit center. we appreciated the report from mr. rodriguez cac members long and jackson asked questions regarding how projects such as dtx are considered for delivery in other countries. request for additional project delivery information in the future. we always appreciate comments from the public including the topic of competitive procurement processes unsolicitting proposals. we wrapped up with closing comments from our new executive director. this concludes my report. i am here for questions. >> thank you. happy new year to you and members. directors, any questions on the cac report? very good. thank you. appreciate the report and update. any public comments on the cac report? >> no public comment at this time. i will call next item. >> 7 is public comment. opportunity for members of the public to address the authority on matters that are not on today's calendar. these do have a number, moderator. >> please state your name. two minutes begins now. >> jim patrick, patrick and company. you mentioned in the report about thinking out of the box. as we met this is really the idea for the board to kick around. we have never paid any attention to the freight business. i saw in a recent report there are going to be 17 trucks each day between the amazon facility in tracey to the new one in san francisco at the fourth street station yet to be designed. what is the matter with a elevator like an aircraft carrier to drop a container on a freight car which is attached to the very end of the bart train, getting to the freight location and is extracted in the amount of time it takes for the train to stop? that is thinking out of the box. thank you. >> any other public comments? >> that concludes public comment. i will call your next item. >> please. next item is consent calendar. all matters listed are considered routine and acted upon by single vote. no separate discussion unless a member of the board or the public so requests in which the matter shall be removed from the consent calendar and considered separately. i have not received any indication that a member would like to do so. is there a first and second be. public comment first. i do not see any. >> i will make the motion. >> second. >> was that director baptist or forbes? >> the first was by director forbes and second director lipkin. >> thank you. roll call vote. director borden. >> yes. >> director forbes. >> aye. >> director john baptist. >> aye. >> director lipkin. >> aye. >> director shaw. >> aye. >> vice chair mandelman. >> aye. >> chair gee. >> yes. >> there are seven ayes. the concept be calendar is approved. call your next item. >> item 9 is approving the fiscal year 2022-23 preliminary operating projection in the amount of $30,611,000,000. the chief financial officer will present this item. >> good morning. let's dive into this. the board is going to consider the operating projection. in front of us on the screen is the budget calendar. back in september of last year there were some preliminary operating projections sent to the tenants of the transit center. between then and now we have been working closely with counterparts of these primary tenants to develop projections presented today to the board because the primary tenants require the board to approve this preliminary projections for the transit center this time of the year for the forth coming fiscal year. to help the budget i just want to again highlight where we are in the budget process. after today's presentation we are going to dive into the core budget development process of developing not just operating budget but debt service and capital budgets. i will come back to the board in april to inform the board on the budget outlook followed by the presentation and public hearing of the draft budget in may and come back to the board in june to ask for the board's review and add adoption of these budgets. here are some highlights for the report that is in your packet this morning. preliminary operating projections $30.61 million. in which the regional measure two and three are somewhat major reimbursement sources from m.t.c. however, both of these fund sources faced uncertainty for tjpa. four rm-2. the current fiscal year is the last of the five year period in which the transit center receives $3 million each year for starting up. given the financial challenges posed by the pandemic to the transit center, tjpa staff has reached out tomtp asking for extension of this funding. the request will be considered by the commission in subsequent months. rm-3 funding is going through the litigation process at the state supreme court. both of these fund sources face uncertainties. that explains the reason why the primary tenants contribution projected now higher compared to the current fiscal year. our goal is to ensure as we move forward and our historical record shows that by the time we present the doubleetto the board in the year those contributions hopefully with the possible extension of rm-2 funding it could go back to a similar level as budgeted in the current fiscal year. the projections are consistent be with three year projection presented to the board last june. this slide shows the various reimbursementses and revenue sources that we are projecting right now for the next fiscal year. as i mentioned, rm-2 and rm3 accounts for significant share of revenue sources. thankfully we have had some grants coming in in the stimulus packages due to pandemic. we are projecting to reach $1.7 million of the american rescue plan act funding in the next fiscal year. we have also actively pursuing way finding requests, grants from outside sources and as adam pointed out earlier we have been have beenon making progress. we are projecting we will be augmenting or leveraging. i also want to point out that the reimbursement figure we have a very strong partnership with the east benefit district covering close to 80% of the operating expense. revenues. as i mentioned, the payments from primary tenants account for considerable share of revenues. in terms of other revenue sources, naming rights and retail revenue and add vertising. those are the major revenue sources of the operating budget. >> expenses. as i mentioned, these projected expenses are consistent with what has been presented to the board for the three year projections last june. as you can see from the table security operations and maintenance expense for the transit center, insurance and way finding account for the lion's share of the transit center operating expenses. this table shows very important part of the operating budget which covers the operating and maintenance expense and management fees of rooftop park of our transit center. this projection will include $950,000 of contingency. in terms of other considerations some of them to be considered. once again the focus of this exercise in terms providing for the operating projections is to identify known revenue reimbursement sources and also uncertainty of such sources. the projections once again assume more activities to happen at the transit center at the time the three year projection was put together. in that spirit both the revenue and expense projections attend be to be conservatively projected. in other words revenues made publicly on the lower side on the range of projection and expense side on the higher side of the projections. in subsequent months we will go through budget process and refinements in revenue and expense highlighted here. i have already covered about the rm-2 and rm3 revenue uncertainties one-time offer of funding to comfort the retail revenue. the projection of those funds is very conservative given what has been shared with us earlier in this board meeting. they are projected hoping schedule of the tenants getting ready for grand opening. on the expense side we try to explore and leverage the sources for the way finding program and also we are striving to have a way to handle the park management and administration. i believe that concludes my very brief presentation and i am happy to answer any questions you may have. thank you. >> thank you very much for the presentation. understand this is a budget process. can we help ease the increase to major tenants should be a priority. s.f.m.t.a. and at transit should be last resort not first. whatever we can do over the next several months to help lower contributions from my standpoint should be a priority. directors, any questions that you have on the preliminary operating budget? director. >> the transit agencies are suffering from reduced overall revenue because of the slow her return to work as has been identified. i have a question about how we have a contingency plan if we can't get rm-3 plans and what we are looking at to tenants and represent not meeting. things are still uncertainty. >> director, thank you for your question. that is in the budget process. a deep dive into looking for all of the fund sources, potential fund sources available to again mitigate projected, contribution here. that is why we have been reaching out to m.t.c. for funding extended for a period of time for short term mitigation. in terms of rm-3. right now it basically having. [indiscernable] basically we do hope that litigation will we behind us by the time the fiscal year starts so we will have -- we can ask for reinvestment. >> thank you. directors any other questions? director john baptist. >> thank you, chair "glee." one clarifying questions and perspective to offer. one question was just what the timeline be looks like on the resolution of the rm-2 and rm-3 question. you were hoping prior to the next fiscal year. i am curious on the term of the naming rates when that needs to be up for renewal. the perspective is that it would be helpful as we think about the burden placed on operators as well as the differential between our policy goal with operating reserve and what we are able to achieve to look at longer term projection on the budget. you have done three year projection. even five year or perhaps longer view would help us to understand what is the point of time and strategy that allows us to meet our goals of hitting a 25% operating reserve? also substantially reducing the amount that is requested for the transit and m.t.a. we are all in the business of wanting to see transit succeed. without being able to see what that long term vision is of how we get to greater self-sufficient see it is hard for me to know how to respond to the current strategies. actually is there a future in which there is greater self-sufficient see? i would love to see that as part of our budget conversations going forward. i run a non-profit. i understand that sometimes we set policies in terms every serves that are aspirational. at some point there is a true up in terms what we are representing our goals to be and what reality is going to be. i want to be as transparent as we can as we go through this planning process going forward. i would like to know just what that timeline is and when you are thinking the rm-2 and rm-3 questions get resolved. thank you. >> thank you for your question. for rm-2 timing, i am being told it will be in the spring of 2022 that the commission will consider this request for extension. the timing will be just right for me to -- depending on the outcome of the commission decision to bring it in front of the budget to the board. in calendar year rm-3. i don't have a crystal ball. i am one to point out that right now the rese r.v. e should be short term. i agree with you that that will be some other dive into the long-term planning and projection going forward financially. >> two more points of clarification. we hear from our legal advisers and advocates that they are expecting rm-3 to be resolved the latter portion of the calendar year. there is a legal precedent in the courts similar issue be resolved before they resolve rm-3. in terms of the names rights the agreement was signed july 24, 2017. with a commencement date of 2018 for 25 year term. >> that means the directors cannot leave? we are not going there. [laughter] >> director shaw. >> i will say that for the transit is it is a big hit from $3 million to $5 million. around rm2 you talk about timing in the spring. have you guys decided if there is anything we can do to try to encourage m.t.c. to go that direction? anything to do as board members or as transit staff to put letters of support the get that to happen? secondly, our big expense when you look at that is security. while we all know security is important, in light of what we heard earlier about public safety being one of the key things the governor is looking at is there more funding or grants to take those expenses down to help in that area? thank you. >> thank you, director shaw. thank you for your generous offer of support. for me and my team for the budget process, i believe any support that you can provide would be helpful in extending the funding. for the security side definitely the grants to help us to cover some of the security expenses. that is something that in the next several months that we will look into. >> director shaw. any follow-up questions? thank you. any other questions from directors? >> i have one comment with the ongoing rm-3. we need to keep an eye on cash flow. that is reimbursement program. we are not cash rich. that is just not the way tjpa is with grants and reimbursements. as you move forward and come back, make sure that analysis is done to the request from the director. cash flow can hurt us in the short term significantly. any other questions or comments? this is an item for action. preliminary budget approval for operating budget. ongoing process with more reports coming back before we finally approve. a motion? >> the public comment. >> sorry public comment first. >> moderator. >> please state your name. your two minutes begin now. >> jim patrick again. i would like to follow up on the security question. if you notice the security line item $7,353,000,000. that is 25% of the budget. i believe the majority of that money is going to the san francisco police department for their four offices 24/7. i suggest we should bid this out like any other contract we might have. i don't believe it is bid out. we should look at private market to achieve same results. i bet you we could half or one-third the costs. we don't seem to be able to do that. that is an error. i suggest we look at that dollar item. it is the major item in the budget. thank you. >> that concludes public comment. first and second. >> so moved. >> second? >> second lipkin. >> thank you. roll call vote. director borden. >> aye. >> director forbes. >> aye. >> director john baptist. >> aye. >> director lipkin. >> aye. >> director shaw. >> aye. >> vice chair mandelman. >> aye. >> chair gee. >> yes. >> there are seven ayes. item 9 is approved. >> with the current scheduling conflict we would like to call item 12 next. >> is there any issues with moving item 12 up to take next? no one opposed we will move 12 up next. thank you, board. >> directors, item 12 is the san francisco peninsula rail program. executive acting director and chair will present. >> good morning. i do appreciate your flexibility on this item today. this is a item that i am going to focus on a single work stream that the esb and ipmc have been working on diligently over the last several months. we are continuing to work on it. it is the item for the dtx project. overview of progress as we move towards recommended approve for consideration. this is a first view and bite at the apple, not the last. esc will consider the adoption as we move forward. our approach to the strategy is influenced by many factors. very complex. in considering how to contract for construction the needs of broad range of stakeholders are considered. we need to consider many questions. for example how should we allocate risk among parties, how does cash flow stick with skill-developing funding, how do we insure appropriate involvement in design and construction, what skills are required to manage design and construction within the agency. how do we get the best value at fair cost? these are a few questions we intend to answer when we bring forth our recommendation to the board. the timing of that is likely to be in the summer. next slide please. this is he bit of an eye chart. there is within five general packages. the left side describes these. they include enabling works. utility relocation and site cleanup. general civil work including station boxes, bench structures and street restoration and cut and cover type work. tunnels including the tunnel construction in the road structure. the supporting systems including the architectural finishes and safety systems anchor systems which includes train control, communications and railroad infrastructure itself. tracks interlocking. at the top when you look at the option you will see 10 combinations the team began with to examine to how these contracts packages can be delivers. these range from disaggregated approach so if you look at approach 1. several contract packages with different delivery. there is a fully aggregated pack aim. those are options close to the right side. the individual colors referred to different methods designing build, c -- we are weighing these how we would answer the questions. next slide please. in looking at all of these options. the project team have recommended a short list of delivery options considering issues risk allocation, cash flow, legal authority, lead agency capable to manage design and construction, best value, operator involvement in designing construction. short list includes option 6. it is conventionally financed. 5, 6, 7 are conventionally financed approaches. progressive design build fortunenels and civil components and the systems rail and stations. options 5 and 6 are variations with the team. number 7 if there is a desire for a financed approach that is what we have there. as an extreme alternative the team also an going to continue to assess option 10. the project development agreement involving design build financing approach given overall estimated cost and current funding. we believe further analysis of this option is warranted. part of our due diligence leading to future recommendation to this board. to the next slide. this is a bit of an eye chart. what it is meant to convey is that the project delivery strategy is closely inter dependent to two work streams. capitol funding and governance plan. all activities will be worked on diligently over the course of the next few months and to next year all with the goal of full funding grant application to fta by august 2023. with all of these, they are working diligently through the esd. we will be bringing recommendations to the board when they believe they are ripe and warranted for a recommendation. part of milestone one i informed you of progress. we are going to continue to work with ipnt for options for final recommendation to this board as i mentioned sometime in the coming months over the summer for milestone two. one of the most important things is to further refine the funding strategy with a particular focus on developing funding required to progress through the fta new starts process. they will advance remaining delivery options and begin the study. again, i mentioned all of this to you because we do believe these efforts are dependent on each other and the ipmt in my view just doing a great job leveraging all of the resources and subject matter experts to have robust discussions at the esc to bring to this board. with that i would like to conclude my presentation. i want to thank the ipmt for focusing on this important stream of work. if there are any questions we have assistants to help with questions. i appreciate you advancing this item. >> as we expand the code speed we need an acronym slide in here. director borden our apologies for all of the acronym speak in here. it doesn't mean it is right. as we get more details we probably should have a little bit more than pdb, pdm. progressive design build, progressive design maintenance. we should have an acronym slide in here somewhere. >> directors any questions for michelle and her team on the report? >> i have a question. michelle thank you for the presentation. i don't live in this world. as i ask this question help me understand where this value would fit. you talk about the criteria used to figure out what delivery method fits best. one thing i heard missing is values of creating local jobs, opportunities for jobs, participation with local small businesses. the sort of equity component of delivery. is that a method to consider that or does that come down the road in the solicitation process? >> this is an excellent question. i would like to ask alfonso if we have got an answer for that. if not, certainly we will get back to you. [indiscernable] we continue to brief our labor partners on the progress of the project, much like we do in our normal course of outreach. the contractingmoth thousand dollarss each one -- method will be subject to progress labor agreement. that is a powerful tool to ensure we deliver on the promise to the labor community who are so well organized in helping us advance our objective. i feel good about having that in place. i don't see much of a difference across the various delivery options to impact that. it is certainly one of the core values as we approach the budget delivery strategy. >> thank you. any follow-up questions? director shaw. >> thank you for the report. i used to live in this world and the accromins. before the next report if there is a opportunity to highlight what this is or what is important to us. some of it is detail enough that it is not necessarily important. what was brought up by director forbes is a great point and a way to highlight where that is and where we need to pay attention so we can understand as we go forward and make this decision what are the things that impact that. thank you. >> we will do. this has been a quick run. it has taken the esc a couple good sessions to dive into this including the acronyms and what they mean. we will follow up on that. >> a follow up comment for the board. i think the labor agreement that alfonso mentioned is important. i think as we move through the process we need to consider contracting opportunities for the smaller local firms to team up because that is so critical to support the local small business system and equity. i don't think that is a delivery method but something to consider down the road. i want to make the project team aware of that future conversation. thank you. >> thank you for your comment. how i would characterize what you shared. there are core values of the board we want reflected in any project delivery method of local jobs, inclusion, small business. those core values should be reaffirmed at some point going forward and embedded in what we do going forward. thank you, director forbes for asking that. director shaw i would think as we move forward this is going to get more complicated than easy. for directors if there is an opportunity to reach out to execsive director for one-to-one. this is a decision this board will make we need to fully understand the options that will come before us later this year. other questions from directors or comments be. >> dr. john baptist. >> thank you. >> one question. i think i understand what is meant when we say we are looking at project governance options. i hope you can define what we mean when we say that we are analyzing institutional governance options. is that ownership of the downtown extension in long run? what does that refer to? second question. obviously this analysis and this set of thinks is happening in the backdrop of a whole slew of conversations around rail governance and project delivery and a desire that is somewhat broadly shared for us as region to be able to put our best foot forward when it comes to planning and delivering our transportation services. in addition to really giving ourselves the capacity to hold institutional knowledge on mega project delivery. that is something challenging because we often times create project delivery for each project out of full cloth. i hope you can speak to how the process that the esp is undertaking relates to those parallel conversations analysis occurring in various locations around the region right now. >> i am going to try to unpack that a little bit. it is a great question. chair gee is smiling. as someone who is involved in an extended governance process, complexity of that and what you have highlighted there is not one level, there are several level. i do need to turn it back to alfonso. the study is lagging a little bit. it is very. in lagging, in time it will follow this one. i believe that work and again i will defer to alfonso. it is still defined. we have not considered any of that yet. good news is that folks on the esc that has intimate knowledge not only of governance within organizations but also of this area things going on. we have caltrain, m.t.c., we have got the ta represented as well as tjpa. what i will say is the folks that would be cog anysant of the efforts going on right now are sitting at the table. we can bring that feedback back. i would like to say and this is my comment again. i am interested in hearing what executive director thinks on this or that alfonso thinks. a lot of this is just being defined. as region we are defining what issues are out there. we haven't defined processes how to bring them together. i think one of the challenges will have to tackle with this is that it is not that this governance issue is going to be considered within well defined processes. i think it is important to figure out what the touch points are. as we begin our process how it makes it to others. i realize that is draining a little bit. it is complex and a lot of these efforts are just starting to be thought about. it is very dynamic situation. adam, i don't want to put you on the spot. if there is anything else to contribute. >> this is a substantial decision that impacts risk and ownership and delivery and cost over the course of the project. good news as the director showed in the second eye chart. many opportunities for discussion. the take away today is that the steering committee narrowed the list of options they recommend from 10 down to 4. they will continue the discussion at more detailed technical level. a question to discuss with the board is how often you would like to get updates from the steering committee before the decision. we will have this back to the board at least one more time prior to any decision making. at least two more times. that will be an all day conversation. >> if i could and thank you both for that. given be the moment that we are in and the conversations and the consequence of this decision in front of us, two things i find helpful in this set of conversations. on the governance side you have, i thought, although very acronym a chart you laid out in terms of project delivery options. it was helpful in being able to convey the suite of things we are for. if we could have something to track the governance questions with respect to this project and the regional conversations that would help me orient in this conversation. secondly with our project delivery method if we could put in place a stake in the ground. the method that we are striving towards has future compatibility with more regional approach. that is something i would appreciate. i don't know if other directors share that. to offer a potential path forward. >> maybe a little framing would help to think about, at least in my mind the three level. some related and some at what happens in other level. first level governance institutional level. right now tjpa is taxed with delivering the mandate. one option is to change that arrangement in some form. that is something the region could endeavor upon. second level is the management and policy level how we are set up to manage the work and what policies like the small business and inclusive labor practices we have had. those are the things that is within we would want to apply across construction delivery. management things to do differently in terms of managing one contract versus small contracts. you want different staff level and expertise. those are all decisions that ties this management layer to the delivery method. on the delivery method those are things that are by project circumstances in terms what is the work to be done. you can see a long discussion around the packages if we have somebody doing tunnels and other civil work. you want two contractors. you want to be more integrated. what we were talking about the delivery method to a certain degree can be agnostic. it has relationship with management and overlays on the policy side but the decision here doesn't drive what you can or can't do on the other level. great to have that conversation. i want to answer the right question at the light level in terms of the discussion. >> thank you for the discussion. i think probably given the layers of conservation underway executive director perhaps february or march board meeting we can have a report on the m.t.c. regional initiatives to see how these conversations may fit into it or conversely i was talking with a colleague yesterday about the future. he found the crystal balon amazon. we can all order a crystal ball about the future. any comments on the report? anybody else wanting to raise a hand that i am missing which is extremely possible? >> i see no hands at this time. >> any public comment on this item? >> no public comment. >> thank you for allowing us to move this item up. thank you for the report. >> thank you very much. >> we will go back to the regular agenda. >> item 10. adopting board policy no. 20. unsolicited proposal policy outlining procedures for receiving and receiving unsolicited proposals for the purpose of considering innovative solutions offering value, cost efficiency, enhanced financing and/or funding options. technical innovation, schedule acceleration and/or risk transfor for the downtown rail extension project. i can't hear you, alfonso. >> this item is a policy jpa staff is recommending for adoption by the board considering unsolicited proposals. the policy will establish procedure for receiving and evaluating the proposals. the reason is to have the board approved guidance in place before the proposal or inquiry is received. from the industry outreach meeting last year we generated a strong project interest in the private sector. it is distinguishable for innovative solutions not previously considered or should offer added value cost reduction, enhanced financing, funding. technical innovations, schedule acceleration or risk transfer. unsolicited proposal applies to proposals related to design and construction of dpx. though operation and maintenance of the facility can be considered it excludes rail operations and rail maintenance as part of any proposal received. as i mentioned, this describes the procedures for receiving and reviewing the unsolicited proposals. it is written to ensure open competition, rational decision making and add hererance to federal requirements while adding value to the public. this is the existing procurement policy. developing the policy staff reviewed the speed rail and metropolitan transportation and tjpa council. policy envisions three phased process. phase one they will receive a brief written be proposal describing the organization, short technical proposal of supporting information. purpose for the authority to make a threshold determination if the proposal has merit and if so to request more detailed proposal. they are assemble an evaluation team for the proposal to include technical and legal and financial. representatives with technical and legal and financial subject matter background. it will draw from our agency partners. two requires a request for detailed proposal. the evaluation team will continue the evaluation with more detailed proposal and make a recommendation to the executive director as to the value the proposal has to the agency. after consulting with the evaluation team should the executive director judge further development is warranted. they will difficult you, the board of directors, to seek authorization for procurement in accordance with the policy. that summarizes the unsolicited proposal. i am available to answer any questions you may have on those. >> directors, questions? >> thank you. this is great. i am glad to see us moving forward with that. la metro has taken advantage of these proposals and put things in place. it is good for them. i am glad to see this. my question goes around the question on the proposer paying a be. what are the circumstances where that would happen? is that put in this there depending on the size of the proposal and what the proposal is in. >> that is why we don't have the schedule. it is going to be tailored to the nature of amount of evaluation and the proposal we received. >> thank you very much. >> other questions? comments? >> i would move forward with approval of the policy. >> thank you, director shaw. >> second. it is innovative and something to think about. >> thank you, director borden. any other comments on the motion? if not public comment. >> we have two members. first caller. >> happy new year. before getting to the comment in my letter, i want to know that i really appreciate you moving item 12 ahead of this one. because unsolicited proposals have potential to bypass and eliminate the majority of the impediments that have been discussed. moving to my letter and i appreciated the director's comment about the bidder having to be contributing to the evaluation of the bid. there is a conflict. phase one from my experience you are looking at the unbe solicited bid in $100,000. not a lot of money but $100,000. now you move to phase two. phase three eventually is going to be competition. who is doing this work might not win the eventual bid. it is unreasonable for people to contribute but respectfully suggest that you consider potentially awarding assignment. given they have the potential of saving a couple billion dollars. for saving $2 billion i think -- $2 million stipend would be most welcome. it would encourage more bids moving forward. thank you. >> next speaker. >> please state your name. two minutes begin now. >> jim patrick. patrick and company. i also think this is a very sound idea. i presented a lot of ideas to the tjpa over 10 years. the most i get from those is thank you, mr. patrick. i find that a slap in the face when i make a comment. i get no feedback back. the process we have in place now is really very poor. this is a much larger question. i don't think we ought to charge someone a fee nor it has to be a worthwhile reason for this individual to do this. there has to be the end game. otherwise why should i waste my time. i have a great idea. for the good of tjpa? come on now. structure is the right structure. i don't think there should be a fee to get in the ballgame. if it turns out to be a great savings there ought to be remuneration at the end. thank you. >> any other callers? >> that concludes public comment. i will take a roll calling vote. director borden. >> aye. >> director forbes. >> aye. >> director john baptiste. >> aye. >> director lipkin. >> aye. >> director shaw. >> aye. >> vice chair mandelman. >> aye. >> chair gee. >> yes. >> there are seven ayes. item 10 approved. >> 11. authorizing executive director the execute a second amendment to the lease agreement with transbay fitness for come summer hall lease strategy to address covid-19 impacts and the director will present. >> hello. i have a presentation. i know time is ticking away. before you the second amendment. lease for fitness sf, largest sennant at the center. you are familiar with the covid rationale we have been using. just to remind you that the tjpa board heard retail commercial retail strategy on june 25, 2020 and have negotiated with a number of tenants to come up with lease terms and such that meet people's needs and keep them here at the center. next slide. this next one is to remind you the operating background. eight locations in the bay area. secured a ppp loan $484,000 in 2020. of that only $15,000 was available for rent at this location. we have confirmed they received no additional outside assistance since that time. they have closed according to the health orders and re-opened when possible. they have been re-opened for indoor use since spring of 2020. condition upon health orders including capacity, masking, not masked, then we are back to masking now indoors. since fall of 2021, we have confirmed membership growth has flattened. second amendment be to the lease is negotiated with the tenant retroactive to january 1st, 2022 increases base rent obligation for the common area base fee from $10,000 per month to $20,000 per month. for the period from january 1, 2022 until june 30, 2022. under this reretain percentage rent at 10% gross revenues. the terms of the second anamendment be extended from july 1 to december 1, 20:22ly request and subject to approval by your discretion to economic conditions. the additional term of the lease has been extended to reflect rent for these periods moving the initial termination date to march 31, 2036. this allows the tjpa to recapture the relief granted. i would note the value of approving the second amendment at $440,000 for the period january through june. impact of the amendment is comdated in this fiscal year's budget. that concludes my report. happy to take questions. >> thank you very much for the presentation. directors, questions? >> this is director borden. i assume the tenant is fine with this and feels they can financially make this work? >> actually they have paid the january rent. >> thank you. any other questions from directors? i am not seeing any. this item is for action. motion and second? >> motion to approve. shaw. >> second. >> is that? >> borden. >> thank you, director borden. there is no public comment at this time. go ahead for roll call vote. borden. >> aye. >> forbes. >> aye. >> john baptiste. >> aye. >> lipkin. >> aye. >> shaw. >> aye. >> vice chair mandelman. >> aye. >> chair gee. >> yes. >> there are seven ayes. item 11 is approved. >> at this time the board is scheduled to go into closed section. 9456.8. we have not received any indication the public wishes to comment. they have an opportunity to do so now. >> i am not seeing any hands raised. do we expect any action out of this closed session? >> i am not expecting any report out of this closed session. >> for our public members you are welcome to hang out until we report out or you are welcome to leave. thank you for joining us today. mr. secretary, we will adjourn to closed >> we are back in session. item 16 announcement of closed session. >> item 15. conference of real property negotiators regarding the parcel of the development. it is noted the agenda. there is no action to report. >> thank you. i believe that concludes our business for the day. directors thank you for your time going past 12:00 a little bit. welcome to chinese new year on february 1st. best wishes for a great new year. >> thank you. happy new year. good afternoon everyone. thank you for joining us here today. i'm san francisco mayor london breed and i'm joined today by supervisor matt haney as well as the director of the department of emergency management mary ellen carol. the department of public health behavioral health director dr. hillary kunis and we are also joined by our police chief bill scott. i am here with our various leaders in san francisco to officially declare a state of emergency in the tenderloin community of the city and county of san francisco. we know that there have been a number of challenges that have happened in this community and have persisted over the years. but if we take a step back, when this pandemic first hit san francisco, of course, we immediately in light of what we knew was inevitable declared a state of emergency to deal with the global pandemic of covid-19 and, in fact, what we saw over the last almost two years was san francisco step up, remove the bureaucratic layers and the opticals that get in the way of actually being effective and collaborating with our various city agencies and what we were able to do to deal with the pandemic was extraordinary. we are one of the densest cities in the country and with less than 700 people who lost their lives throughout the entire pandemic, we saw one of the lowest death rates of any other major city in the u.s. and san francisco not just because we acted quickly and shut down early, it's because we had the ability to move quickly and set up our various locations including a covid command center embedded equity into our response to help deal with challenges all over the city. but the sad reality is when we look at the loss of life in the pandemic which every lost life is tragic, we had over 700 people alone die due to a drug overdose last year in san francisco. we have over 600 and counting this year. when we look at the conditions on our streets, it is really unfortunate, it's sad, it's heart breaking, and i must say, what doesn't get publicized enough is the fact that not only do we say and we are a compassionate city, the amount of money that we spend on services to help people struggling with mental illness, substance use disorders, programs. our street overdose team, our wellness team. additional resources for narcan. the additional organizations that assist us with those struggling with addiction and mental illness. the significant increase in number of behavioral health beds in our system. a mental health sf, we've done a lot of work to try and turn things around because we know that suffering from those things are not easy. it is not just about homelessness. it's about addiction. it's about the fact that there is clearly in the tenderloin community with the conditions of not just the streets, but the people living there and the people suffering that we are in a crisis and we need to respond accordingly. it's not just about our police response to make sure that when people cross that line and commit crimes, we hold them accountable. it's about getting people the help that they need and being able to do so quickly. i've said this time and time again, if you don't know what it's like to experience an addiction and i hope to god you never find out, we have to meet people where they are. we can't wait for something to be set up. we have to move quickly. we can't wait until something goes through a layered process. we have to move quickly. too many people are dying in this city. too many people are sprawled out all over our streets. and now we have a plan to address it. a robust, aggressive plan to address it. earlier this week, i made it clear that there are going to be a number of things that this city is going to do to address public safety and part of that is a police response. part of that is accountability. part of that is making sure that we are consistent, but the other part is being aggressive about getting people into services and support and not allowing what has happened on our streets to continue. not only the fact that people who are suffering from these things are randomly committing acts of violence towards people who are just walking down the street not to mention the number of shootings and stabbings and other things that are happening randomly in this community, but also the high number of people who are dying from fentanyl overdoses. so leading this effort to address this emergency will be mary ellen carol and the work that we have in place after our assessment will allow us the ability through this emergency declaration to move quickly, to move fast, to change the conditions specifically of the tenderloin community. this is necessary in order to see a difference, in order to reverse some of the deaths from overdoses and the assaults and attacks and other things happening in this community. so, at this time, i want to introduce someone who's been advocating for resources and let's be clear, this city spends more money on when people walk down the streets of san francisco, they should feel safe. they shouldn't have to see someone sticking a needle in various part officer their body laying out on the streets and wondering what can i do to help them. they shouldn't be spit on. we have to have an honest conversation about people who suffer from mental illness and substance use disorder and that crosses a line and impacts other peoples' ability to feel safe in our city, addressing those challenges, understanding what people are suffering through and meeting them where they are. and i'd like to introduce supervisor matt haney of district 6 to say a few words. >> supervisor haney: i want to thank the mayor for her focus for her urgency and courage in today's announcement. the tenderloin is a community of residents who want and deserve safety, who want and deserve health and who want to survive. they need help. and this is a statement of the urgency that help is on the way. our city came together over the last few years and through everything we had to confront a deadly epidemic. and because of those actions of the people who are standing up here, we save lives. and we have to do that again. the overdose epidemic is taking the lives of nearly two people a day in our city. most of those people in the tenderloin are south of market and mostly fentanyl. and if we are going to stop the epidemic, if we are going to save lives. we are going to once again throw everything we have at it. we need resources. we need coordination. we need tracking and we need it now. we cannot wait to take action. every day that we wait, anything that is getting our way to move slower, may cost lives. and this is something that we know we can do. decades ago, there was another epidemic that we faced which was hiv and aids. and this city came together we led the way and we saved lives. and so even though this is an epidemic that's not only affecting our city and the tentder loin, it's a national epidemic. we have to demonstrate through commitment and compassion not only looking the other way, but confronting the problem. i think if there's anything we've demonstrated over the last year and a half under mayor breed's leadership that we can absolutely do this. but it takes us treating it like the emergency and the crisis it is and that's what we're doing today. thank you, mayor breed also as a resident of the coo at the scale of the problem we're facing and you have my full support and partnership. and i want to thank chief carol and director scott and chief kunis for your partnership on it. i want to introduce the person who is going to lead this effort through the covid-19 pandemic bringing together resources, bringing together staff. unprecedented focus and speed to confront a pandemic. we have to do it again with this deadly epidemic of drug overdose. so i want to welcome up now director caroll. >> director: thank you, mayor breed, and thank you, supervisor haney. in emergencies, people need resources immediately and not months from now. an emergency declaration allows san francisco to cut through the red tape, to obtain the contracts, the resources and the personnel that we need to address the crisis conditions in the tenderloin. we only have to look at our covid response to see how an emergency declaration allowed us to quickly lease hotels, hire critical staff and establish testing and vaccines. if you remember, when we did that declaration, there is a lot of questions about why we were doing a declaration so early before we even had a case in san francisco. it is because we knew the lead time that we needed and we knew how important it was to have the ability to conduct those resources. that's what it's about. this includes speeding up the establishment of a linkage center that once activated. the site will connect individuals in crisis to resources like substance use treatment, counseling, and medical care. to date, we have conducted neighborhood assessments, community stakeholder engagement. we've coordinated interventions, and helped people in crisis connect to social services. i just want to reiterate that the emergency declaration is really about removing obstacles so that we can go in and conduct the work we need to do to help the residents of the tenderloin. our goal is to get those services coordinated as quickly as we can in order to alleviate the overall suffering that people are experiencing in the neighborhood. thank you very much. i'll turn it back to you. >> so, with that, are there any questions? >> question: the chronicle was told two months ago, if you declare it an emergency, it could practically allow -- not practically allow, but you can do anything [inaudible] today. what does this mean in two months? >> can you go back to the first question? >> question: [inaudible] >> so the challenge we have with our conservetorship process is we wait until someone is 51/50 which is a 72-hour hold before we can implement a course of action which goes through a lengthy court process. from my perspective, it's not strong enough to be as effective as we would like it to be and i think that's why we have to use our alternative of not giving people any option when they are struggling with addiction and have challenges with mental health. we have to take them somewhere. so either that somewhere is going to be san francisco general depending on their condition or that somewhere is going to be a location that we will set up as a result of this emergency declaration and the goal is to not let anyone stay out in the streets and not give them an option and to enforce many of our various laws that are on the books including sit lie and camping and sleeping and other things. so we're going to be a lot more aggressive with implementing existing laws on the books in order to get people off the streets and unfortunately the conservatorship does not work as effectively as is it should. >> question: and why the change in two months? if we did declare an opioid crisis that we would not be able to do anything that we're not doing now. so i'm wondering what's is changed in two months? >> what's changed is at that time we were working with the department of public health and the city attorney's office to understand how we can get more creative on declaring a state of emergency because the problem we were having is technically under some of of 0 our various laws, it wasn't in terms of what was put forward and what was suggested, it wasn't something that technically we could use legally as a basis. so we had hunkered down, got creative and workeded with our attorneys to figure out a way. even at that time, it was a crisis. this is not something that just all of sudden happened. we were able to find a way which we needed in order to address it and so that's what we did. >> question: mayor, do you think this declaration will save lives? >> my hope is that it will save lives. people laid out on the streets, we don't know if they're dead or alive. the ability for our street wellness teams to do checks, but most important, that person probably needs to be monitored and so part of our process is removing them from that location and moving them inside to a location where we have the kinds of folks that can monitor, that can provide resources, but more importantly, we're not here to judge. we're here to say, we're here, we're paying attention, we don't want you to die and so we're going to do everything we can to support you but we've got to they you off the streets. >> question: a public defender said that expanding police presence is going to be harmful to people who are already overpoliced and it cuts the promise you made in the wake of the george floyd murder death. what is your response to that? >> answer: it doesn't. you see significant investments in programs including commitment to the african american community for $60 million a year ongoing. and so you tell that to the families who i met with who are in tears from the attacks and telling me that they want the police there. telling me that they call the police and they want them to show up. the families and the people who live there, has anyone from the public defender's office or anyone else had a conversation with these families who feel uncomfortable walking their kids down the street. so have the public defender give them a call and see what they want and they need to protect their lives and their children. everyone in theory can is talk about all the policies they want around no police and defund the police and all of these other things, but at the end of the day, if someone beat your kid like that 11-year-old girl, who are you going to call to protect you? and that's the point of this. we have worked very hard in this city to turn things around with the challenges that have existed historically in the police department of san francisco and i'm very proud and confident in bill scott and his leadership and the various trainings, anti-bias trainings, the new recruits which have made the department more and more diverse and understanding of various communities, making sure that we're sensitive to the need and we're not creating these barriers to those who in the past have historically had challenges with the police. we have people who want a relationship. businesses in the tenderloin who want a relationship and treat their police officers with kindness and respect, the same with the police officers towards them. so folks can say what they want about all of this going back on your word this and that, but at the end of the day, the people in this community are not safe and it is not fair and it's not right. and part of the response to this is definitely police officers. >> question: [ indiscernible ] >> answer: and they're deployed in the tenderloin too. but let me just be clear and the chief can talk about that. this declaration of emergency is more so about making sure that we are dealing with our public health crisis on the streets and part of it separately from that is definitely a significant increase on our police response. so, if you want, i can bring chief scott up if you have a question. yes. >> thank you, mayor. everything that was said today only enhances our ability to do our jobs. enforcement, we have to enforce. we have to arrest drug dealers. a lot of what people complain about are the street conditions, open air injections of whatever is being injected in peoples' arms and toes and those things have to be addressed. the other side of that is our officer has said time and time again, let's have a system where we can get the social workers involved and that's exactly what this does at the front end so we can go and do the things that the public wants us to do. arrest people that are hurting people. stop the open air drug uses. stop some of the craziness that's going on on our streets and that's what most of us came on this job to do and this only enhances our ability to do that because our officers will work in partnership with the health department and social services so they don't have to do that. we know to treat people with dignity and respect. we came on this job to be cops and this will only enhance that and the deployment that's already been increased. and i want to echo that in my comments that the mayor said. thanks to the mayor and the support of her budget office than any other community by far year to date. all this needs to come together. we will continue to invest in the tenderloin, our officers have worked a lot of hours and they don't mind doing that, but they want good outcomes. so when we enforce, we want consequences when the evidence is there. we need to support so they're not doing social work. we understand we have to treat people well and do the job the way we have expected. and we need the support. the emergency declaration and my professional opinion will give us that support right now. so thank you. >> question: mayor breed, you mention an intention to move people to a place they need to be monitored. can you expand on where they will be moved to? >> answer: yes. mary ellen caroll can answer that. >> yes. so we made reference to a linkage center and we will have people who are experiencing substance abuse disorder, they can link up with the department of public health resources. they can link with community based organization resources and treatment. we can find out where they are in the housing system if they need housing and we can also meet them where they are with some basic hygiene, food. we really want people to -- this is really intended to be a warm intervention with people to engage people. i think i can tell you personally and i think a lot of people feel frustrated with the lack of intervention and the lack of ways to intervene with people who are suffering on the street. and so this is a place that we can pull people in and get them warm, get them dry. get them fed and have them connected to all of the many services and resources that the city has. >> question: [ indiscernible ] >> answer: yes. it is voluntary. people can come in on their own. people will also be given choices. so there is a push pull. our intention is to be more pull than push, but there will be and as the chief has talked about, there may be instances where people have a choice. you know, you're doing something illegal, something that's harmful in the neighborhood in this situation. we have this option for you to go here and we're hopeful that people are going to take us up on that option as much as possible. >> good morning p.welcome to the january 14th. meeting of the youth, young adult and families commission. we are joined by supervisor safai and member melgar. our clerk is erica major. any announcements? >> yes. minutes will reflect this is a areremote meeting. we invite public participation in the following ways. public comment is available on each item on the agenda. through sfgovtv they are streaming the number on the screen. each speaker is allowed two minutes to speak. comments to speak during

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