Person of usfld and make ends meet and showing support of people who have been experiencing something thats so, like, difficult during a pandemic and has affected so many families across the board . I want to fo know if theres any specific resources that youve given to staff that have been potentially laid off or have been, you know, reduced in hours because i know that affects a lot of nex income and families. Can you repeat the question . My main question was, basically how are staff and personnel being affected through phase one . I dont want to make any assumptions off the bat. But what are some resources that have been shared with staff and personnel whose hours might be cut or have been cut . I know personally, i know someone whose hours have been reduced to two hours a day and thats on minimum wage. And i would like to share that we have solidarit solidarity wif our workers and i want to know if there are any resources that come to mind, that would help these people or if anything that you would like to clarify because im not too sure how staff and personnel are affected personally. And its just insight amongst, like because phase one will mean a lot of people are kind of, you know, thinking about custodians, and im not sure if theyll be working so insight on that. Thats a great question. There were folks struggling and some doing just fine and some had anxiety. In the spring, we paid folks even if we werent sure what they were doing and we are committed to leveraging every one of our Staff Members but we have work to do to figure out what that work is. On the topic of wellness, i think one of the things that were going to be doing is revamping that staff survey in compliance with legislation because we think its the right thing to do to keep a check on how folks are doing and what they need and well be using that data to inform our supports. We do have an employeeassistance program and working on wellness supports, as well. I dont know, melanie, if theres anything you wan want to stay there. But well stay in touch to make sure folks have what they need and monitoring staff and doing what we need to do there, too. Thank you. You want me to add something. So in terms of staff wellness, that is a part of the coordinated care plan and we did have some sorry, i just blanked, relationship with our City Partners to provide support to our staff and not many accessed it and were not sure if we need folks know about the resources. So as we go into this new school year with the support of the hr team and the different staff surveys well be looking at, to understand what staff are asking for, well be working with City Partners to identify resources for staff. Thank you. Thats great to hear. And so, another question i have i dont want to open a can of worms, but i think this is a reality that were living in and so, i just want to know if anyone has any specifics to how is this years budget cut affecting distance learn i think it would be transparent to share this information as this affects everyone in one way or another. So, as were just engaging in Distance Learning for this year and a our expectation is it is more robust, with the impact of the budget will be on a more robust system and we do know, of course, that the more dollars that we have, the more we can invest in the system and invest in technology and professional development and so, we know that if we have less dollars, we can do less. So in terms of what the impact was since we are expecting, as i said, for this one to be more robust, its hard to say what the impact will be at this time. Ok, thank you. And my last question, i really, really, really appreciate the amount of acknowledgement across the board in regards to special education students and their specific needs. I would like to hear of any behind the scenes training that the paraprofessionals are given and of any resources shared with these families, especially considering the fact that i think its kind of the sad truth that paraprofessionals and special education students are always the first to be impacted when it comes to these budget cuts and i would like to know if theres any behind the scenes training supporting the paraprofessionals or if any way that you guys have been reaching out to special education students. I know that its pretty early, so its kind of hard to say because school hasnt started, but if theres any plan tha thau guys have. About the educator plan, im the executive director in curriculum instruction. I love your questions. These are Great Questions to make sure were covering all of our bases. We have a robust plan for paraeducators this fall and so every year we offer this is our fourth parainstitute and normally we hold it for two days, the week of what would be august 10th and this year well offer this for four full days and there will be virtual sessions to allow paraeducators and other staff to engage in Technology Foundations and also workshops allowing them to work more robustly with educators in their classrooms. Theyre invited to the new teacher orientation. We understand not everyone can attend in the week of august 10th. And so, the week of august 3r august 3rd, the 3rd and 4th, there are sessions for new teachers and paraeducators are invited. Theyve been invited through the union and Human Resources team and also through special Education Division and our team because we have multiple ways of entry. And so hopefully every paraeducator has received these opportunities and we have a number of individuals working on workshops, including the special Education Division, students, family, community, the court division, the curriculum and instruction and others to make sure that they have sufficient workshops to help and support students come fall. And i dont know, jean, if youre wanting to add other things youre doing for paraeducators or melissa. Hi, everybody. This is melissa and im happy to jump in. I wanted to share on august 10th, its our annual district day which is an allday learning opportunity for paraeducators and all staff in the district to build their own capacity with technology and this is the fifth year were hosting Digital District day and we get about a thousand participants, educators are eligible for hours for it, assistants iandour keynote is gl be presenting on surviving to thriving and culturally responsible practises during these times of covid, as well as what jen was sharing in terms of the parainstitute, our Digital LearningTeam Offering is embedded in there, as well, offering a whole host of workshops related to building foundational skills for technology and similarly, we offer training and opportunities, office hours, as well, in the spring. Thank you so much for answering my question and i dont have any questions. Thats it for now. But thank you so much for answering them and also, thank you everyone, as i said in the beginning, everyone who is a part of the work groups or joins the town halls, thank you to help host the student town hall. I heard chuvaughn did absolutely amazing. Thank you and ill hand it to the next speaker. Thank you so much student delegate. Commissioner maliga. Thank you, president sanchez. Thank you, everyone, for your hard work and thank you for all of the Public Comments. I do appreciate all of the parents. As a father, i pretty much would do anything for my kids, right . And i could hear that with all of the parents and they just want the best for their kids. And i appreciate you all. And i hope we can continue working together. Chief marsel alsol, i had a quen around the minimummall minimall. Could you expand on that and talk about what that is or what that group is. I have an idea in my head but i want to hear it from you. So, remember, we had a i was mentioning that in my previous response. We had a low bar to monitor Student Engagement and we were able to do that in our students third through 12th grade who engaged in Distance Learning and this was to track if and how often students logged on to various websites like google classroom, their email, participated in a zoom class and if they did, we were able to say, you were, quote, unquote, at school or participated. And again, this is a low bar. Even with that low bar, we know that we had a number of students who did not engage at all or other engaged 60 of the game and to name as a focal population, and even if our internal conversations at district staff, we thought it was important to lift and hole d those students to be that much more intentional to make sure we are able to reach students who were not engaged a lot and were not engaged at all. As i mentioned in my presentation, the students who are in that minimally engaged Student Group who are underserve and hard to reach, even the brick and mortar. You see parallels around zip code as you dig deeper into who those students are. That is what i wanted to hear. Because for me, like this thing around our black and brown kids, obviously some succeeded, but, like, there was a group that didnt, right . And so, i really want to i was looking through the plan that you all sent and i didnt see it in there just yet, but folks are probably currently working on it and i wanted to see what our plans were to engage with that population. I was in sunnydale and watching kids running around and hearing things out there about low connectivity, engagement, the lack of resources and so, when i saw that minimally engaged, you know, i knew what you were talking about and i just wanted to hear, you know, if we had a more detailed plan around that. And i really want to highlight because theres not a lot of people that come and talk about the earn issues thate happening in the community. And i know our groups, some students had the highest lead in terms of technology, right. The schools have been a safe space for a lot of these families and now that the schools have closed down, what does it look like now for the kids to be at their homes and ill just be open and honest, some parents are not there and parents are going to work, you know, and all of the other things that happen through depression and poverty. And we can talk about that indepth. Its a real thing and people are talking about it and not at these board meetings, specifically talking about the issues talking about in these communities. It will be what that engagement looks like, what can be expected by parents and so much more of the i just want to say i saw you lean back and couldnt help myself. But anyway, much more will be engaged in what you just described will be addressed in the learning guide that the teaching and learning guide that comes forward and as i said, as i started, this is, basically, describing some of what were trying to do and it is more in terms of teaching and learning, its more visionary in what youre seeing today and what comes forward will be prescriptive in detail and as were talking about the lcap and describing what were doing, that is more of what will come through whats following this or comes out of this. Thank you. Thank you. Commissioner cook. Yes, good evening and thank you to everyone that spoke at Public Comment and for the presentation and for all of the hard work tha and the frameworkd the questions everyone has asked thus far. I have a few specific things to follow up on. And there was a discussion about educators with families. And educators that have young families and can someone speak to how were thinking about supporting the educators, what to teach and having their own judgment. We know that its educators with young family or people who have to work and what does that mean for kids if the students who would be left alone if going to work. All of these things are considerations that we have, but, you know, this is to be honest with you, this is a plan that doesnt address every problem that cup comes through h Distance Learning. And i would say in the spring, part of for some families, it made it the fact that they could teach from home. Actually, they made it it actually helped because they were there to be there with their students if they ha. So i know in those cases, it helped. But as we here, were doing all we can do address what we can and the truth about it is, as i said earlier, that we know that we cant address every issue that comes through with Distance Learning. Ok. And so i want to elevate how difficult all of this is for everyone this is a hard position for everybody to be in and i know that as a district we have longstanding issues we havent been able to resolve and i remember along with the ali program, which i wanted to ask some questions about, you made a presentation about how no matter the initiative by superintendent, we have not moved in the achievement gap at all, very minimally over the last 40 years and weve added a pandemic on top of that. And so the recent discussion which has been divisive about the equity issues and i understand and i appreciate everybody speaking to that. Im highly focused on whats happening with black students and achievement and black families and so distance option is really difficult to accept when we know how much this Community Needs, our Community Needs, my Community Needs and to trust the district will be in the position to resolve it, i think, would have been based on a history of being able to support black families well. I know thats not like a thing that we were in this work to turn that around, but its just the reality of the history of our district and where were at. I think it would be go good to weigh on the district pods but the educators on the Southeast Side of the city, our school principals, if you can give us any insight about how they are thinking about, you know, the pressure weve been under. You asked about the pods and ill start. And so this is really hearing a lot and talking about people separating themselves and i would just say having been born and raised here, the pod phenomenon isnt the only place where weve seen certain families in the city separating themselves from other families. With that being said, this is clearly something that is going to happen and we the administrators administrators,e first day back was yesterday and a couple of times theyve been asked like i said, they have just come back into this movement and were now having conversations about how we situate ourselves in this and how we have the appropriate discussions. But at this point, like i said, its been two days of administrators returning and, basically, about a week of something that caught fire. In terms of after this, ill turn it over. In terms of learning and how much will occur. , youre talking about the movement and what happened, especially with black students. But i would say its our expectation that learning will occur at the highest level possible. We are committed to that. please stand by . You saw an anti racist framework. We talked about the engage and a lot of avenue fern american students. Even as we plan for Going Forward were clear the variability that exists and the word aint new, right. That is why the various teams that came up with those as educators we have to do work with our mind set and follow responsibility that may not be have been form before. I want today say its not going to solve the problem fast but calling out was why we called it out and another thing that as i talk to many black families they often times dont feel heard or included or a part of and so listen and ponte in a way thats thoughtful and in a way that makes sense, right. Just to say that we know, i know, what you said is true and real and we have something to prove to our black families and not just in theory but in practice and us calling our author ten tick partnership with families and our Community Based organization to support these families is our First Step Towards doing this work but im not expecting anything to say we think it will be a win for black kids right now because many conversations we have a lot to prove and we havent realized each and every and thats the work were commit to go and we talked about this today. Were going to go deeper on thursday and understand item distrust exists. I have a few more questions that are shorter. We havent settled yet. I asked last meeting about data around the inperson activities happening at rec centers is there any feedback in terms of like, was there a higher rate of covid for the families that participated in that or do we have any answers on that . We dont have that data at this point and i know we have asked for t do we have that data . No, thats not the data that we have been provided and its not part of im just curious. I asked at the last meeting. The 14th. So, when did you ask the city. Im not getting responses so i want to track. What were asking. I believe and also it was the meeting on the 14th and i believe i asked this past thursday. Ill have to double check. We had one meeting canceled with our dph folks and ill followup with them gone. I dont know that they tracked that information and there are i will keep trying to get it and im not going to make it a long answer. I dont have it. The Community Learning house the city is sponsoring, have we signed on to partner with those . Were signed on. Were having discussions, were in discussions with the city. Yeah. Id like to say i wasnt informed on anything on friday. Miyoung lee said that staff wasnt informed for about like two weeks ago maybe and so, i just want to say i think i would love to work with them but id love for them to partner with us and ive shared with supervisor haney he is trying to connect with us so we can work in collaboration and so that were making sure were fitting together. I appreciate you asking the question and i also think it should be transparent to the public as well. I have two final quick things. Play works and so any sort of outdoor thing that we pay for thats not going to happen and after School Programs are we continuing our contracts with those . What those folks or are we resolving them . I can give you a list of the people i have in mind like our after school providers, the play works, partnership and and pe wont be person i know but there are a part of our district and can someone speak to thos