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Transcripts For SFGTV Police Commission 20240712 : compareme
Transcripts For SFGTV Police Commission 20240712 : compareme
SFGTV Police Commission July 12, 2024
Sf sfg. Vice president taylor good evening and welcome to the june 10, 2020 meeting of the
San Francisco
Police Commission
. Sergeant youngblood, can you please call roll . Clerk yes, can you, commissioner. [roll call] clerk okay. So commissioner taylor, you do have a quorum. Also with us today are chief
William Scott
and director
Paul Henderson
from d. P. A. Vice president taylor okay. So for members of the public who would like to make
Public Comment
on items on the agenda or during general
Public Comment
, the phone number to dial is 4084189388. Ill repeat that because our phone number has changed. 4084189388. The access code is 1469430274. I would remind the public to be in a quiet place. For the commissioners, ill ask you to mute yourself to minimize background noise, and if you would like to be heard, click your name or the emoji of your choice to be recognized. I would ask that you not put a full sentence because it makes it hard to know who wants to be heard. Okay. Go ahead, sergeant youngblood. Youre muted. Clerk thank you. Thank you, commissioner. For the members of the public, this meeting is being televised by sfgtv. If youd like to call in, our procedures have changed from our last meeting. If youd call to call in, dial the number for the meeting and then the access code and then pound, and then pound again to join the access code as a participant. You will hear a beep when you have entered the meeting. For general
Public Comment
Public Comment
, dial starthree to enter
Public Comment
. When you hear your line has been unmuted, this is your opportunity to provide
Public Comment
. Youll have two minutes to provide your comments. Once your two minutes have ended, youll be moved out of the speaker line and back into listening as a participant in the meeting unless you decide to disconnect. Members may stay on and comment on another
Public Comment
by pressing starthree. The number to dial in is 4084189388, and the access code is 1469430274. Thank you again for your patience. Vice president taylor thank you. And commissioner brookter seems to be having technical issues with hes here. He can hear us and see us, but we cant see him, so maybe someone else could work offline with him. Before i ask to call the first line item, commissioner elias brought an item to my attention, and i want to give her an opportunity to speak, and i think its fair to say that shell be speaking on behalf of the commission, and certainly speaking on my behalf, and apologizing. Commissioner elias thank you. I wanted to take a moment to apologize to the deaf and hard of
Hearing Community
and all those who worked on creating the d. G. O. That was on our agenda last week. I understand when last weeks meeting started, we did not have a sign
Language Interpreter
available so that members of the deaf and hard of
Hearing Community
could engage and follow along with our meeting and until halfway through our very long meeting we were able to secure an interpreter. Additionally, people who had worked on this d. G. O. Or who had a vested interest in this topic who intended to speak during
Public Comment
were on hold for more than three hours. By the time we were able to discuss this d. G. O. , most of them had given up. This is just unacceptable. Whats even worse is the process began in 2017, and three years later, this still has not been finalized. While the commission is somewhat to blame, the lack of diligence is squarely attributable to sfpd, the chief, and director mcguire, so we should all bear the responsibility for these unreasonable delays that occurred during this process. This is a huge failure on our part, and the chief and director mcguire, the buck has to stop with you, and we need to do better. So i want to apologize to inspector ford who took his time being deployed out in the fields dealing with the riots or the protests, i mean, the protests, who called in and everybody who worked on the d. G. O. Or had a vested interest in this area. We thank you for your work, and i and my fellow commissioners are dedicated to doing that. Thank you. Vice president taylor yeah. I was not aware that the sign
Language Interpreter
was not available for the first half of the meeting. As with everything else, we will deal when that d. G. O. Is on, and i dont want to rehash what happened last week. Commissioner hamasaki, i allowed commissioner elias to apologize on our behalf. Commissioner hamasaki, if you have something brief to say, please go ahead, otherwise, well continue with the line item. Commissioner hamasaki thank you, commissioner taylor, and thank you, commissioner elias for saying that. I wanted to follow up, and i said this a little in the meeting after it came up. Everything that commissioner elias described was something that i carried around for a year, and i let my frustrations show in a way that im not proud of at the last meeting, and i wanted to apologize to everybody involved because, you know, really, i think it distracted from the hard work of a really inspiring group, and i had a chance to talk with director mcguire today and others around this. I think exactly as commissioner elias said, i should have done better. If i wouldnt have pushed it forward, it wouldnt have gotten to that stage, but i really am grateful to the deaf and hard of
Hearing Community
for all of their hard work, and im very excited to continue to move this forward. Thank you. Vice president taylor thanks. So well allow two minutes for
Public Comment
. We have a full agenda today. Im concerned that i dont see commissioner brookter. I hope that he can join us soon, but with that, commissioner youngblood, can you read the first item. Clerk item 1, chiefs report. Weekly crime trends. Provide an overview of offenses, including violence crime trends and strategies occurring in
San Francisco
. Significant incidents or events, provide a summary of planned activities and evented occurring since the previous meeting, including summary of response to events related to scheduled demonstrations and a brief overview of any unplanned events or activities occurring in
San Francisco
having an impact on
Public Safety
. Commission discussion on unplanned events and activities the chief describes will be limited to determining whether to calendar for a future meeting. Commission inquiries, provide a brief follow up to inquiries made by commissioners during previous meeting to drunk sb 1421 requests. Presentation of the safe streets for all
First Quarter
2020 report. Ill start with crime trends. We were down 41 overall. Overall, our department
Violent Crime
in the city was down 3 last week, and year to date was down 13 this last year. In that, our homicides are up 11 . There was one homicide during this past week, and there are a total of 19 homicides in 2020 compared to 17 for 2019. There was one homicide so far in june, and there were four homicides in may. 10 of the 19 cases this year have been cleared, nine cleared by arrest, and one, an exceptional clearance. In terms of gun violence, were down by 15 thats 15. In total, there are 43 injuries year to date injury incidents, rather, resulting in the injuries of 43 victims with our gun violence. Overall, part one property crimes, we are down 28 this week over last week. Year to date, were down 14 . Our auto burglaries are down 30 compared to this time last year, and down 37 compared to 2018, and down 46 compared to 2017. 2017 was a very difficult year, so were pleased with that and hope that that will continue as we reopen our city. Every other part one
Violent Crime
category, were down rape, robbery, assault, and human trafficking, we are trending downward. In terms of property crimes, as i mentioned at last
Weeks Commission
meeting, we are up significantly in burglaries. We are up 30 year to date. Thats the equivalent of almost 700 more burglaries than this time last year. Our
Motor Vehicle
thefts were up 17 , the equivalent of a little bit over 300 vehicle thefts this time last year, and arsons are up 27 . Some of that spike in burglaries and arson are based on the events of this past week, but even before, we were trending up on burglaries before covid and before the civil unrest events of last week, so its something that were going to keep crafting strategies. Weve made many arrests, so hopefully, that will help slow this number down, but its a challenge, and its something that we have to stay on top of. Our year to date shooting victims, as i said, were down. There were 27 nonfatal shooting victims this year to date, 2020, compared to 37 last year, so thats 27 decrease, and our homicides with firearms are up. 11 of our 19 homicides are firearm related, as opposed to nine this time last year, so thats a 22 increase. Our total gun violence, that includes shooting victims and homicides, were up no, were actually down. 46 this time last year compared to 38 year to date 2020. As far as the trend line for fiveyear trend [inaudible] i dont know what happened there. Any way, when we look back on the fiveyear trend, we were trending about where we were for the last two years, a little bit up from last year, a little bit up from 2018, significantly lower from where we were in 2017, and lower than in 2015 and 16. So hopefully we can keep this going in this direction when it comes to homicides this calendar year. The commission asked us to give a more detailed look on our crime picture from the last report, and this was in response to the shooting violence that we experienced in the bayview, ingleside, and
Mission Districts
particularly during the shelter in place order and the recent weeks with civil unrest. So there have been 19 homicides, as i stated, so far this year. 58 of those homicides occurred in those three districts thats the bayview, mission, and ingleside, where our overall gun violence is trending downward. The total number of deaths related to guns, as i stated, is trending upward. Our suspected gang related incidents makeup about 15 of all shooting incidents, which include fatal, nonfatal, and all shooting incidents. This represents a citywide increase of 4 of those type of incidents. Were talking about suspected gang related shootings compared to 2018. The bayview neighborhood accounts for 40 of the suspected gang related shooting incidents. Ingleside accounts for 21 of the total shooting incidents in 2020, and 20 of the suspecte gang related shooting incidents. Mission district accounted for 10 of our shooting incidents, and 25 of the gang related shooting incidents. The main number of our incidents are in the bayview. In the ingleside, the focus has been the sunnydale housing development, and the area of brookdale and sunnydale. In the
Mission District
, the focus has been
Valencia Gardens
and the garden street housing department. So i want to summarize the incident and where we are right now. There were numerous shootings in ingleside and bayview where officers recovered shell casings, including. 9 millimeter and 7. 62by4. 28 casings. Through an incident by our
Gang Task Force
and with the assistance of our gun
Crime Investigation
center, on may 25, our sfpd officers were assisted by
Sacramento County
San Mateo County
units and served warrants in seven cities as a part of this investigation. Five suspects were arrested, and ten firearms and multiple rounds of ammunition were seized. The suspects ranged in age from 19 to 25 years old, and all had addresses outside of the city and county of
San Francisco
. All ten of the suspects were suspected to be gang members or
Gang Associates
gang member associates, and of the ten firearms that were seized, many had high capacity magazines, and those firearms included rifles, handguns, and ammunition. Please note that this investigation is still ongoing. Since then, our gang related shootings or suspected gang related shootings have subsided, but there have been other shootings that occurred specifically in the bayview, mission, ingleside, and in the tenderloin with minimal involved shooting involving suspected gang members. Some of our strategies that weve employed to address this of course our investigation strategies have included a
Community Education
component. Weve had high visibility patrol in each of these districts, including the area where these crimes were centered. Weve conducted search warrants, firearmrelated arrests. Were working with outside entities, including the ones i mentioned and federal partners, and that has yielded a good network of sharing of information. Our
Field Operation
strategy and our immediate enforcement includes our annual meetings to coordinate our
Law Enforcement
efforts. We weve increased patrols in the alemany area. Our crime strategy division, headed by officer sutton, is developing a coordinated response team. Weve also engaged in a partnership with a
California Partnership
in safe communities. They are developing a holistic approach to address gun violence in a
Service Intervention
model. We were funded for that in a past fiscal year, and we just recently signed a contract to work with the
California Partnership
for safe communities, which is a nonprofit. Weve applied for a 1. 5 million grant for the calvip to conduct intervention strategies. We will know if we have been awarded this grant in september of this year. Weve also created a violence prevention
Strategic Team
specifically focused on building out prevention programs for atrisk youth in our young adult our young adult and adult population, 18 to 35 years old, who are at the highest risk of committing or being victims of gun violence. So that is where we are on our violence. Next, i want to talk a bit about our
Critical Incidents
and response to civil unrest that we saw in our city. I know last wednesday night, we were in the midst of several civil protests, and i want to report that that civil protest, by and large, was overwhelmingly peaceful. Thousands of people attended, and i want to give my hats off and thank the
Community Organizers
who put that together. It was encouraging to see, and it was organized by young adults and even teenagers. So from may 30 to june 8, there were a total of 273 protestrelated arrests. 153 of those were cites for curfew violations, and the majority of those weincidents were already violent or about to turn violent. 139 of the 273 arrestees, so 51 are residents of
San Francisco
. 49 had addresses outside of
San Francisco
. This past weekend, june 5 through june 7, there were only five additional arrests made for burglary and looting. By and large, since the violence of may 30, with the civil unrest we saw in our city and the massive looting and property destruction, we have been largely peaceful. We did have incidents to occur reported this last week, the following day, on may 31, aided with mutual aid, we were able to quickly stop those events from happening. We made numerous arrests that night, and since then, its been largely peaceful. We have had sporadic incidents of vandalism and looting since then, but we are fortunate that the majority of the people of our city were peaceful after that night of violence, and we pretty much came to this without any serious injuries, and definitely, we had no loss of life, which is definitely encouraging. In terms of the businesses that were looted, we had 100 businesses looted. This is not just the area that i spoke of, but this is across the entire city between the dates of 530 and 68. 55 were what we consider
Large Businesses
and 45 were
Small Businesses
. 25 of the 55 businesses were dr drugstores, high end boutique stores, two camera stores, the mall the westfield mall was one, which had many stores in it. Also of the
Small Businesses
, 10 of the 45 were marijuana businesses, and we did make a number of arrests of individuals who had looted marijuana dispensaries, and there were a whole lits f list of businesses, but the breakdown is 45 were
Small Businesses
and 55 were
Large Businesses
. From may 30 to june 8, there were 22 uses of force. Of those 22 uses, force was used 44 times, so there were some individuals that had multiple incidents of force used. There were no injuries resulting in the use of force, and the tally is we had 45 of the subjects were african american, 15 were hispanic, latinx, 15 white, 23 unknown ethnicity, and it was o. C. Pepper spray, physical control holds, and eirw. In terms of injuries, there were three officers injured during this period. One officer received a blow to the head by a hard object. No injuries. One officer was assaulted by a chemical agent. One officer was stuck by what was believed to be plastic beverage bottles as they drove down the street. Cans and bottles and other objects were thrown at many officers during this time period. We had one police car that was vandalized when the window was broken, and thats the summary of the injuries and damage to
San Francisco<\/a>
Police Commission<\/a>. Sergeant youngblood, can you please call roll . Clerk yes, can you, commissioner. [roll call] clerk okay. So commissioner taylor, you do have a quorum. Also with us today are chief
William Scott<\/a> and director
Paul Henderson<\/a> from d. P. A. Vice president taylor okay. So for members of the public who would like to make
Public Comment<\/a> on items on the agenda or during general
Public Comment<\/a>, the phone number to dial is 4084189388. Ill repeat that because our phone number has changed. 4084189388. The access code is 1469430274. I would remind the public to be in a quiet place. For the commissioners, ill ask you to mute yourself to minimize background noise, and if you would like to be heard, click your name or the emoji of your choice to be recognized. I would ask that you not put a full sentence because it makes it hard to know who wants to be heard. Okay. Go ahead, sergeant youngblood. Youre muted. Clerk thank you. Thank you, commissioner. For the members of the public, this meeting is being televised by sfgtv. If youd like to call in, our procedures have changed from our last meeting. If youd call to call in, dial the number for the meeting and then the access code and then pound, and then pound again to join the access code as a participant. You will hear a beep when you have entered the meeting. For general
Public Comment<\/a> or
Public Comment<\/a>, dial starthree to enter
Public Comment<\/a>. When you hear your line has been unmuted, this is your opportunity to provide
Public Comment<\/a>. Youll have two minutes to provide your comments. Once your two minutes have ended, youll be moved out of the speaker line and back into listening as a participant in the meeting unless you decide to disconnect. Members may stay on and comment on another
Public Comment<\/a> by pressing starthree. The number to dial in is 4084189388, and the access code is 1469430274. Thank you again for your patience. Vice president taylor thank you. And commissioner brookter seems to be having technical issues with hes here. He can hear us and see us, but we cant see him, so maybe someone else could work offline with him. Before i ask to call the first line item, commissioner elias brought an item to my attention, and i want to give her an opportunity to speak, and i think its fair to say that shell be speaking on behalf of the commission, and certainly speaking on my behalf, and apologizing. Commissioner elias thank you. I wanted to take a moment to apologize to the deaf and hard of
Hearing Community<\/a> and all those who worked on creating the d. G. O. That was on our agenda last week. I understand when last weeks meeting started, we did not have a sign
Language Interpreter<\/a> available so that members of the deaf and hard of
Hearing Community<\/a> could engage and follow along with our meeting and until halfway through our very long meeting we were able to secure an interpreter. Additionally, people who had worked on this d. G. O. Or who had a vested interest in this topic who intended to speak during
Public Comment<\/a> were on hold for more than three hours. By the time we were able to discuss this d. G. O. , most of them had given up. This is just unacceptable. Whats even worse is the process began in 2017, and three years later, this still has not been finalized. While the commission is somewhat to blame, the lack of diligence is squarely attributable to sfpd, the chief, and director mcguire, so we should all bear the responsibility for these unreasonable delays that occurred during this process. This is a huge failure on our part, and the chief and director mcguire, the buck has to stop with you, and we need to do better. So i want to apologize to inspector ford who took his time being deployed out in the fields dealing with the riots or the protests, i mean, the protests, who called in and everybody who worked on the d. G. O. Or had a vested interest in this area. We thank you for your work, and i and my fellow commissioners are dedicated to doing that. Thank you. Vice president taylor yeah. I was not aware that the sign
Language Interpreter<\/a> was not available for the first half of the meeting. As with everything else, we will deal when that d. G. O. Is on, and i dont want to rehash what happened last week. Commissioner hamasaki, i allowed commissioner elias to apologize on our behalf. Commissioner hamasaki, if you have something brief to say, please go ahead, otherwise, well continue with the line item. Commissioner hamasaki thank you, commissioner taylor, and thank you, commissioner elias for saying that. I wanted to follow up, and i said this a little in the meeting after it came up. Everything that commissioner elias described was something that i carried around for a year, and i let my frustrations show in a way that im not proud of at the last meeting, and i wanted to apologize to everybody involved because, you know, really, i think it distracted from the hard work of a really inspiring group, and i had a chance to talk with director mcguire today and others around this. I think exactly as commissioner elias said, i should have done better. If i wouldnt have pushed it forward, it wouldnt have gotten to that stage, but i really am grateful to the deaf and hard of
Hearing Community<\/a> for all of their hard work, and im very excited to continue to move this forward. Thank you. Vice president taylor thanks. So well allow two minutes for
Public Comment<\/a>. We have a full agenda today. Im concerned that i dont see commissioner brookter. I hope that he can join us soon, but with that, commissioner youngblood, can you read the first item. Clerk item 1, chiefs report. Weekly crime trends. Provide an overview of offenses, including violence crime trends and strategies occurring in
San Francisco<\/a>. Significant incidents or events, provide a summary of planned activities and evented occurring since the previous meeting, including summary of response to events related to scheduled demonstrations and a brief overview of any unplanned events or activities occurring in
San Francisco<\/a> having an impact on
Public Safety<\/a>. Commission discussion on unplanned events and activities the chief describes will be limited to determining whether to calendar for a future meeting. Commission inquiries, provide a brief follow up to inquiries made by commissioners during previous meeting to drunk sb 1421 requests. Presentation of the safe streets for all
First Quarter<\/a> 2020 report. Ill start with crime trends. We were down 41 overall. Overall, our department
Violent Crime<\/a> in the city was down 3 last week, and year to date was down 13 this last year. In that, our homicides are up 11 . There was one homicide during this past week, and there are a total of 19 homicides in 2020 compared to 17 for 2019. There was one homicide so far in june, and there were four homicides in may. 10 of the 19 cases this year have been cleared, nine cleared by arrest, and one, an exceptional clearance. In terms of gun violence, were down by 15 thats 15. In total, there are 43 injuries year to date injury incidents, rather, resulting in the injuries of 43 victims with our gun violence. Overall, part one property crimes, we are down 28 this week over last week. Year to date, were down 14 . Our auto burglaries are down 30 compared to this time last year, and down 37 compared to 2018, and down 46 compared to 2017. 2017 was a very difficult year, so were pleased with that and hope that that will continue as we reopen our city. Every other part one
Violent Crime<\/a> category, were down rape, robbery, assault, and human trafficking, we are trending downward. In terms of property crimes, as i mentioned at last
Weeks Commission<\/a> meeting, we are up significantly in burglaries. We are up 30 year to date. Thats the equivalent of almost 700 more burglaries than this time last year. Our
Motor Vehicle<\/a> thefts were up 17 , the equivalent of a little bit over 300 vehicle thefts this time last year, and arsons are up 27 . Some of that spike in burglaries and arson are based on the events of this past week, but even before, we were trending up on burglaries before covid and before the civil unrest events of last week, so its something that were going to keep crafting strategies. Weve made many arrests, so hopefully, that will help slow this number down, but its a challenge, and its something that we have to stay on top of. Our year to date shooting victims, as i said, were down. There were 27 nonfatal shooting victims this year to date, 2020, compared to 37 last year, so thats 27 decrease, and our homicides with firearms are up. 11 of our 19 homicides are firearm related, as opposed to nine this time last year, so thats a 22 increase. Our total gun violence, that includes shooting victims and homicides, were up no, were actually down. 46 this time last year compared to 38 year to date 2020. As far as the trend line for fiveyear trend [inaudible] i dont know what happened there. Any way, when we look back on the fiveyear trend, we were trending about where we were for the last two years, a little bit up from last year, a little bit up from 2018, significantly lower from where we were in 2017, and lower than in 2015 and 16. So hopefully we can keep this going in this direction when it comes to homicides this calendar year. The commission asked us to give a more detailed look on our crime picture from the last report, and this was in response to the shooting violence that we experienced in the bayview, ingleside, and
Mission Districts<\/a> particularly during the shelter in place order and the recent weeks with civil unrest. So there have been 19 homicides, as i stated, so far this year. 58 of those homicides occurred in those three districts thats the bayview, mission, and ingleside, where our overall gun violence is trending downward. The total number of deaths related to guns, as i stated, is trending upward. Our suspected gang related incidents makeup about 15 of all shooting incidents, which include fatal, nonfatal, and all shooting incidents. This represents a citywide increase of 4 of those type of incidents. Were talking about suspected gang related shootings compared to 2018. The bayview neighborhood accounts for 40 of the suspected gang related shooting incidents. Ingleside accounts for 21 of the total shooting incidents in 2020, and 20 of the suspecte gang related shooting incidents. Mission district accounted for 10 of our shooting incidents, and 25 of the gang related shooting incidents. The main number of our incidents are in the bayview. In the ingleside, the focus has been the sunnydale housing development, and the area of brookdale and sunnydale. In the
Mission District<\/a>, the focus has been
Valencia Gardens<\/a> and the garden street housing department. So i want to summarize the incident and where we are right now. There were numerous shootings in ingleside and bayview where officers recovered shell casings, including. 9 millimeter and 7. 62by4. 28 casings. Through an incident by our
Gang Task Force<\/a> and with the assistance of our gun
Crime Investigation<\/a> center, on may 25, our sfpd officers were assisted by
Sacramento County<\/a> and
San Mateo County<\/a> units and served warrants in seven cities as a part of this investigation. Five suspects were arrested, and ten firearms and multiple rounds of ammunition were seized. The suspects ranged in age from 19 to 25 years old, and all had addresses outside of the city and county of
San Francisco<\/a>. All ten of the suspects were suspected to be gang members or
Gang Associates<\/a> gang member associates, and of the ten firearms that were seized, many had high capacity magazines, and those firearms included rifles, handguns, and ammunition. Please note that this investigation is still ongoing. Since then, our gang related shootings or suspected gang related shootings have subsided, but there have been other shootings that occurred specifically in the bayview, mission, ingleside, and in the tenderloin with minimal involved shooting involving suspected gang members. Some of our strategies that weve employed to address this of course our investigation strategies have included a
Community Education<\/a> component. Weve had high visibility patrol in each of these districts, including the area where these crimes were centered. Weve conducted search warrants, firearmrelated arrests. Were working with outside entities, including the ones i mentioned and federal partners, and that has yielded a good network of sharing of information. Our
Field Operation<\/a> strategy and our immediate enforcement includes our annual meetings to coordinate our
Law Enforcement<\/a> efforts. We weve increased patrols in the alemany area. Our crime strategy division, headed by officer sutton, is developing a coordinated response team. Weve also engaged in a partnership with a
California Partnership<\/a> in safe communities. They are developing a holistic approach to address gun violence in a
Service Intervention<\/a> model. We were funded for that in a past fiscal year, and we just recently signed a contract to work with the
California Partnership<\/a> for safe communities, which is a nonprofit. Weve applied for a 1. 5 million grant for the calvip to conduct intervention strategies. We will know if we have been awarded this grant in september of this year. Weve also created a violence prevention
Strategic Team<\/a> specifically focused on building out prevention programs for atrisk youth in our young adult our young adult and adult population, 18 to 35 years old, who are at the highest risk of committing or being victims of gun violence. So that is where we are on our violence. Next, i want to talk a bit about our
Critical Incidents<\/a> and response to civil unrest that we saw in our city. I know last wednesday night, we were in the midst of several civil protests, and i want to report that that civil protest, by and large, was overwhelmingly peaceful. Thousands of people attended, and i want to give my hats off and thank the
Community Organizers<\/a> who put that together. It was encouraging to see, and it was organized by young adults and even teenagers. So from may 30 to june 8, there were a total of 273 protestrelated arrests. 153 of those were cites for curfew violations, and the majority of those weincidents were already violent or about to turn violent. 139 of the 273 arrestees, so 51 are residents of
San Francisco<\/a>. 49 had addresses outside of
San Francisco<\/a>. This past weekend, june 5 through june 7, there were only five additional arrests made for burglary and looting. By and large, since the violence of may 30, with the civil unrest we saw in our city and the massive looting and property destruction, we have been largely peaceful. We did have incidents to occur reported this last week, the following day, on may 31, aided with mutual aid, we were able to quickly stop those events from happening. We made numerous arrests that night, and since then, its been largely peaceful. We have had sporadic incidents of vandalism and looting since then, but we are fortunate that the majority of the people of our city were peaceful after that night of violence, and we pretty much came to this without any serious injuries, and definitely, we had no loss of life, which is definitely encouraging. In terms of the businesses that were looted, we had 100 businesses looted. This is not just the area that i spoke of, but this is across the entire city between the dates of 530 and 68. 55 were what we consider
Large Businesses<\/a> and 45 were
Small Businesses<\/a>. 25 of the 55 businesses were dr drugstores, high end boutique stores, two camera stores, the mall the westfield mall was one, which had many stores in it. Also of the
Small Businesses<\/a>, 10 of the 45 were marijuana businesses, and we did make a number of arrests of individuals who had looted marijuana dispensaries, and there were a whole lits f list of businesses, but the breakdown is 45 were
Small Businesses<\/a> and 55 were
Large Businesses<\/a>. From may 30 to june 8, there were 22 uses of force. Of those 22 uses, force was used 44 times, so there were some individuals that had multiple incidents of force used. There were no injuries resulting in the use of force, and the tally is we had 45 of the subjects were african american, 15 were hispanic, latinx, 15 white, 23 unknown ethnicity, and it was o. C. Pepper spray, physical control holds, and eirw. In terms of injuries, there were three officers injured during this period. One officer received a blow to the head by a hard object. No injuries. One officer was assaulted by a chemical agent. One officer was stuck by what was believed to be plastic beverage bottles as they drove down the street. Cans and bottles and other objects were thrown at many officers during this time period. We had one police car that was vandalized when the window was broken, and thats the summary of the injuries and damage to
Police Department<\/a> property. So that concludes this portion of my report. Are there any questions by the commission . Commissioner elias i have some questions. The increase 30 of burglary, what do we know about the demographics of these victims . Are with the 11 of these homicides, who were the victims . Black and brown, persons of color . Yes. Commissioner elias if a mother loses a child in the bayview, she feels like she should be able to call the police and have them respond like that. So what is the department doing do devote the time and resources and care to make sure that these mothers who lost their kids have these cases prosecuted, have the killers of their children be prosecuted . What is the department doing to make sure the resources are put in the right place . Well, first of all, the resources are definitely focused on those investigations. Nine of the 19 or 10 of the 19 have been cleared, so thats the first thing, to do a thorough investigation. The other part thats really important is the outreach to the family, the
Wraparound Services<\/a> that are provided by the city not the
Police Department<\/a>, but the city, and oftentimes, our investigators are the facilitators are connecting families with services. The one thing that weve seen over the past few years, in the initial stages of an individual, the
Wraparound Services<\/a> tend to be rather intense. Oftentimes, as a case starts to go goal, and the leads dont develop, we requested the funding last year to work with d. P. H. , department of
Public Health<\/a> and a liaison to firm up this gap. Periodically, quarterly, we were meeting with a group of family members to make sure that their cases werent gotten about. Number two, we had d. P. H. Attend those meetings along with our homicide investigators so we can address what the needs are. That was a very successful as far as that was concerned. Covid put a damper on that, but hopefully, we can continue to hold that and continue to takeoff. Many families felt like their cases were forgotten, and we cant allow that to happen. Many times, when these cases go cold, we need to continue to stay in touch with the families and investigate these cases until theyre solved, so that is what we need to bring to fruition. We already have the funding for it. We did have an interruption in those meetings in the past year, but we hope to reopen that as we reopen our city as we intended to. Vice president taylor thank you. Commissioner elias with a new emoji. Commissioner elias oh, im unmuted. Okay. So chief, i had a question about i noticed in your report there wasnt any mention about sort of the allegation that one of the media people was arrested were arrested on during some of these protests, so i was wondering if you could address that, as well as some of the images that i observed in the paper, and im sure other commissioners did, as well, of officers surrounding individuals while all this was going on. Yes. In terms of the media, one of the local individuals was detained during that wednesday night protest. We actually reached out to the reporter, and myself and my staff from the media
Office Actually<\/a> sat down with the reporter monday or tuesday to really discuss how the
San Francisco<\/a>
Police Department<\/a> can be better moving forward. That, in my opinion, was a very productive meeting. I apologized to the reporter for the detention. There were definitely some things that we saw that we can do better, and we pointed those out. Theres some things that we hope we can work with the media onto prevent this from happening again. The bottom line is we have to be better at what we do in that regard, and we saw some things where we can get better. As far as the videos that i saw, both posted online and our
Body Worn Camera<\/a> videos, there is definitely room for improvement. There was a lot going on. It was a fluid situation. The arrest that you were au talking about, with the group in circles, the information being put out was garbage was being dumped in the streets. There were already two fires that night. The information that officers are was they believed the individuals h individuals had accelerant, so thats why the arrests occurred. The reporter was caught in the middle of that circle, and the reporter had a press pass, and to be quite frank with you, it was there were attempts to get him out of the circle, and at the end of the day, he ended up inside the circle, so he was detained for 20 minutes or more. The captain at the scene actually talked to the reporter and he was released. So definitely theres some
Lessons Learned<\/a> that we will take forward and get better from this, and that was the arrest and the reporter incident. Vice president taylor commissioner hamasaki. Youre on mute. Commissioner hamasaki technology. So tricky. Its really not. Just have to click a button. Just to follow up on commissioner elias point. It was julian amar from mission local, and i guess we had this whole issue with questions around journalists rights and freedoms coming out of the jeff adachi incident that i believe we commissioner dejesus, were you working on a
Group Related<\/a> to that . Vice president taylor both commissioner dejesus and i are on that, and were still waiting to meet. Commissioner hamasaki is this something is this something related enough to that to maybe consider how to how to interface with journalists at protests or generally because, you know, i think i think theres been a fair amount of media around the attacks of journalists that have happened, and injuries. One journalist lost her eye, so i think it would be good to have some better guidance in place for dealing, addressing media covering any incident actually. Vice president taylor yeah. The chief and i have already discussed that, and i think chief, i dont want to speak for you, but i definitely think thats on the table, and the chief acknowledges that could have been done better and needs to be done better in the future, but ill let you speak for yourself, chief. Yeah. And one of the reasons mr. Amar was here was to hear his point of view and to move forward. What you and commissioner taylor said about codifying, the way we have to get better. So it was really important for us to hear from the reporter and have him, first and foremost, give his input on how we can get better. I think theres some good input out of that, and well use that to get better and move forward. Commissioner hamasaki yeah. I just wanted to make sure that there is another issue of press freedom and maybe theres a way to wrap it in there and maybe work with the commission to find a way that we have good
Media Coverage<\/a> of whats going on in our country even under difficult times. The second issue that came up this week was the officer at mission station who took a knee along with the protesters, a gender nonbinary officer who, although our current rules prohibit wearing earrings, the understanding from the media was he had been allowed to up until this time, and after he took a knee with the protesters, a sergeant and a lieutenant were involved in sending him home, essentially applying discipline to him for wearing those earrings, can you tell us where things are with that . Sure. So first of all, i want to just make it clear that i and this
Police Department<\/a> report officers who wireport support officers who wish to take a knee to support protesters. I took a knee myself, and many other officers did, also, so i want to make sure that the public knows that the departments position is that. Weve been working on readvising that policy to get it in front of the revising that policy to get it in front of the commission, and it goes beyond earrings. The things were considering is tattoos, facial hair, hairstyles. It really will be a total revision of the grooming standards policy to get before the commission. How weve been addressing that is weve had a number of focus groups with our members, with our officers, command staff. I have been involved in all of those focus groups and spoke with hundreds of officers to get their input on this issue. We had started just before the covid pandemic shut everything down, started to also do community outreach. We met with community groups, and then covid struck, and that got shutdown, to get the communitys input, so we were in the process of that. We know that changes are coming, because it really goes beyond hearings. We met with the
City Attorney<\/a> on this, we met with d. H. R. On this, and weve done all the legwork to get with the commission. Once we land on whatever policy were going to land on, that is in process. As it stands now, earrings are still not permitted. I cant tell you, commissioner hamasaki, that in every instance, theres enforcement on that, and thats a problem. Just like facial hair, theres policy guidelines right now for facial hair for men, policy guidelines for earrings. The policy is still an active policy. It does become a problem with that enforcement of that policy is either erratic or inconsistent, but the best course of action is to get that policy worked through and get it to the
Police Commission<\/a> because thats way overdue. That policy is i dont know how many years that policy is old, but were at a different generation. Society has different standards, so we need to get that before the
Police Commission<\/a>. What we hope to do before we do that is complete our rounds of community meetings, including communities of color, lgbtq communities, and so we had a
Broad Perspective<\/a> of what are the expectations from the people that we serve in terms of our grooming standards . You know, they wont dictate the policy, but they should have impact. Thats what were hoping to finish, and well get that up and get that before the commission, but thats been a long, ongoing process. Commissioner hamasaki okay. Chief . Chief. I guess and ill say im aware of that process. I knew that process was going on. I think ill speak for myself. I think im glad to see the
Department Taking<\/a> a proactive approach to addressing, you know, the acceptance with which society is growing around issues of gender, and following basically human rights. How this came out, it looked like retribution, and it looked like retribution for taking a stand with the black lives movement and against
Police Brutality<\/a>. According to the media reports, this had happened the day after taking a knee in public and shared widely. I think all of them or not all of them, but a lot shared on social media. People liked to see that. Hey, heres an officer standing with us, saying no more
Police Violence<\/a>, and you have supervisors who are choosing at that time can you address whether theres a disciplinary issue underway . Let me say this first. You know, we support that type of expression. The internal messaging that we sent to supervisors, then our officers, that needs to be coordinated, particularly in a situation where officers are tasked with being in a squad formation because this was a protest environment, and the direction was just generally, the direction was and is, based on this incident, it needs to be coordinated. If youre on the line, and you have a respond as part of a squad, as an officer, you cant just abandon that responsibility and go and participate in a protest. So we encourage officers to do it, but it has to be done with some coordination to make sure that the things that the officers are there in the first place for dont get compromised. So communication is the key to all of this. There definitely are some things that came out of this that we had to go back to the basics of. Theres a certain discipline that goes through, when youre facilitating crowd management during protests, and the thing is, the officers have to be disciplined during those types of issues. We all do. If someone or an officer wants to participate in protests or kneeling, thats fine, but we need to make sure theyre done in coordination. Im saying that some issues surfaced during our review of this, and we have to make sure that when we facilitate officers who want to participate in these type of incidents, that its coordinated with onscene officers who are supervising the incident. Commissioner hamasaki okay. Im just going off of what i read by the media, but he wasnt sent home for stepping out of line, he was sent home for wearing earrings. I dont think the public forum is the place to discuss the details because there are some issues that we have to address in this commissioner hamasaki okay. I think ill let it go here. When the investigation is complete, if theres not a disciplinary issue, you can let us know and well have another agendized discuss around that. My phone just went off, and multiple journalists let me know that a kqed reporter was also detained and had similar incidents the same night with his press credentials. So it may be a training issue, it may be a policy issue, but press freedom has to come at the forefront in how were engaging with the public because the worry is if the press is being intimidated, the rest of us dont get the news, and the rest of us dont learn what happened out there. So i trust commissioners dejesus and taylor will
Work Together<\/a> with you, and i look forward to hearing how the departments going to address this. This is something that we had a lot of discussion last year, but i think that people are paying attention in a way thats very positive right now, but i think people want to see us taking some action, so thank you. Thank you, commissioner, and we will address that. I was not aware of that, but if you can get that information, ill reach out. Vice president taylor chief, without going into the investigations thats going on right now, i would say that i would hope that discipline was not being handed out inconsistently for things like earrings, especially in todays situations. Commissioner dejesus . Youre on mute. Youre on mute. Youre still on mute. Yes, youre back. We can hear you. Commissioner dejesus all right. So ive just got to follow up on this, and ill let it go. Chief, the bottom line is the way its reported it he always wore an earrings. He kneeled, and the next day, he was sent home. Its the perception that he kneeled with the community. Its more than that. Its the subtlety is that he was being taught a lesson not to stand with the community, but he should stand with the blue line. Thats whats going around the community, and thats what is disturbing about this incident. So yeah, the policys going to be changed, yeah maybe he shouldnt have worn earrings, but what happened was he wore an earring, he always wore an earring, and he was sent home. That goes to the department, that theyll find a way to discipline you if you work with the community and support the community, and thats what everyones talking about. How do you change the culture is is the question, but how do they sustain their culture is by doing extraordinary discipline. Because if it was because he kneeled down, they should have said it clearly, but thats my two cents. When we talk about executing a search warrant on journalists, we might want to include how to treat journalists at demonstrations, and it does mesh with that. The last thing i i wawant to t about, when you talk about high rounds, that was those 60 to 100 rounds. Im assuming when you recovered the casings, they are automatictype weapons, and did you recover those in the gangrelated shootings where theyre firing large numbers of rounds . Yes, there were those types of bullets used in the high velocity, high volumetype of shootings that i talked about. Commissioner dejesus and how does your
Community Protect<\/a> against drive bys with these high velocity, hi capacity type of weapons . Whats your opinion . We try to do as much as we can do to get those weapons off of the streets off at least out of the hands of people who were going to use them for that purpose. Theres a lot of guns out there, and we know that. The other thing, in terms of resiliency, we can have officers posted in places where we believe these retaliation shootings will occur, the problem is, you know, for example, in the housing developments, they have really robust
Security Systems<\/a> and camera systems, so that helps in terms when people know that. Sometimes they do it any ways, but in terms of being resilient, people who are aware of whats happening out there this is the part on the prevention end. Certain individuals have a higher risk of being victimized because of their affiliations or because of incidents in the past. So trying to work with those individuals and their families to try to do what we can to prevent the retaliatory shooting, thats what some of these services and organizations are really about. And really, by and large, i think over time, the city has done a good job in reducing those types of incidents. Weve just got to keep at it. Theres no sure fire way to do it, but weve seen it, its well documented,
Wraparound Services<\/a> and working with families to try to prevent the younger kids from getting involved in atrisk activities, but those things work, they take an investment, and weve got to keep doing these things. Commissioner dejesus and the last thing i want to say last thing i want to say, im an old timer. I havent heard the orange street housing called army street in a long time. For everyone who doesnt know, thats on cesar chavez. Thanks. Yes, thank you. I do have one other thing, just before i close. I just want to address, because weve gotten a lot of
Public Inquiry<\/a> on apparently a social media post that was made by the p. O. A. Today regarding the m. T. A. , and the m. T. A. Put out a statement saying were not going to transport our sfpd squads in m. T. A. Buses, and theres a couple of things on that. We were already in the process of not having them transport us, you know, during a very sudden emergency when we asked them to do that, but there has been, you know, incidents in the city where buses were actually attacked when they transported squads of officers transported and damaged severely, so were already looking at alternate strategies to transport our officers around. There was a tweet today, and some of the inquiries that we have gotten from the media, some comments said dont call us if youre not going to transport us. I just want to put something out regarding the media inquiries. Number one,
San Francisco<\/a>
Police Officers<\/a> are sworn to protect and preserve the peace. When we are called to respond to an emergency, no matter whos calling, i want all san franciscans to be assured that we will be there, and we will come. Any suggestion otherwise, whether its social media or elsewhere, is mistaken and irresponsible. Whenever were needed, the
San Francisco<\/a>
Police Department<\/a> will be there, and thats a promise as your chief of police, and its a promise that every officer in this department is sworn to uphold, so i want to make sure that i reemphasize that. Some of us on social media does not represent the views of the
Police Department<\/a>, and its important that
Everybody Knows<\/a> that. Vice president taylor thank you. So i want to be efficient so we can get to
Public Comment<\/a> here. So oh, commissioner hamasaki. Youre on mute. Commissioner hamasaki thank you, chief, for raising that. I didnt say, but i think it would be great if the
Department Issues<\/a> a statement to that effect. I think that people are concerned if you have an organization that ostensibly represents the police saying theyre not going to come when theyre called or doing their duty, so i appreciate that. The other thing im going to say is were having record
Public Comment<\/a>, and it might be nice if we can have
Public Comment<\/a> after we have the chiefs report so we can hear from people after it gets too late, and i think theres a lot of passion and excitement around reform right now, so id ask that madam president consider advancing that on the agenda. Vice president taylor so i want to make sure that we are efficient with our comments. Public comment is my favorite part of these meetings, so id like to get to that part, as well. It i want the chief to be able to get through his agenda, thats great. If we can get the chief to get through his agenda, then ill take
Public Comment<\/a>. That would be great, but i dont want to do it before we get through the chiefs comment because weve done that, and its caused problems before. Sure. Im done with my portion. Next, we have commander osullivan, if you want him to go. Im done with my portion, though. Vice president taylor great. Commander . Good evening, commissioners. Can you hear me . Vice president taylor yes. Okay. Thank you. Commissioner taylor,
Vice President<\/a> taylor, members, chief scott, members of the public, im here to give you an update with regards to the weekly 1421 report, and id just like to start with a little bit of background for the public. Senate bill 1421 requires the disclosure of records and information concerning the following types of incidents. There are four an officers discharge of a firearm at a person, an officer kazz use of force against a person which results in great bodily injury, auto sustained finding that an officer engaged in
Sexual Assault<\/a> involving a member of the public, and fourth, a sustained finding of dishonesty by an officer. Since january 1, 2019, the department has received 142
Public Record<\/a>s act requests related to senate bill 1421. Ill just speak very briefly for highlights for the preceding week. For the period may 27 through june 2, the department received no new
Public Record<\/a> requests. The department did produce 45 new releases, and a release is defined as a production of records and or a determination letter which indicated to the requester that the department has or has not identified records responsive for disclosure to a specific officer. We closed one request this week, and we released one additional officer shooting file that included 1,383 pages. That concludes my report, and im happy to take questions. Vice president
Taylor Sergeant<\/a> osullivan, thank you. [inaudible] commissioner elias thank you for adding the two categories of
Sexual Assault<\/a> and dishonesty. I notice that there are big zeros for those categories. Is that because people arent asking for those categories or because there are mono cases tt the
Department Finds<\/a> would fit under those two categories . So the answer is the second. We have not yet found any cases that are responsive to those two categories. As i think has probably been mentioned in previous meetings, we often times have received general inquiries requests that ask for any documents, any reports that are responsive for every officer in the department across the four categories. So we have, and we continue, to receive requests with regards to those two categories. We just do not at this time have any documents that are responsive. Commissioner elias and who is it my other question is who is it thats reviewing these cases, and who is the gatekeeper . Because that obviously makes a difference in how the department determines whether something is responsive or not. Its very subjective, and thats one of the huge issues that we had when we worked on the 1421 protocols. So i just find it hard to believe or its shocking to me that there are no cases of dishonesty that the department feels would be that would qualify under that category. So my
First Response<\/a> is i want to be clear, im not saying that there are not any. So we may find that in the future as we go about being responsive to the public requests, and in response to the process, the gatekeeper, if you will, the internal process without getting into how all the communication goes, how we receive the requests, as these
Public Record<\/a> requests are assigned within our division, they start with one of our legal assistants, and those legal assistanted do the reach to find documents to look for documents that are responsive, and once they receive or theyve done their due diligence, then, they create a packet thats submitted to the sergeant in the unit, and that sergeant this up forwards who offers her opinion as to whether or not a document is responsive to one of the four categories. So thats the first check. You know, first line of review, and then, ultimately, all of those packets go to the lieutenant or the officer in charge, and she reviews it, as well. Commissioner elias so its going to a two threelevel review. Someone researches it, and then, it goes to a sergeant, and then, it goes to the lieutenant . Thats right. Commissioner elias all right. And who are the sergeants and lieutenants that are reviewing them . Commissioner, are you asking their names . Commissioner elias yeah. Okay. So
Sergeant Mina<\/a> tu mmavi, and then, lieutenant kate wallin. Vice president taylor okay. Next line item . Next, we have dan correa on the safe streets quarter one report. Good evening, everyone. President taylor, commissioners, director henderson, chief scott, and members of the public. Im commander dan correa from the
San Francisco<\/a>
Police Department<\/a>. My presentation tonight is regarding our statistics for the
First Quarter<\/a> of this year, 2020, our safe streets for all initiative. Next slide, please. Hello, commanders. Give me one second to get this up here. I should have asked if you can hear me before all of that. Vice president taylor yes, we can hear you. Okay. Thank you, commissioner. So our goals here on slide 2, the initiative is to reduce fatalities and serious injuries, injury on enforcement corridor networks that are located throughout the city, to collaborate with other agencies, like you see below, sfdph, which is the
San Francisco<\/a> department of
Public Health<\/a>, sfmta, the
San Francisco<\/a> municipal transportation agency, to educate the public, and to promote
Traffic Safety<\/a>. The next slide, please. One of the ways that we inform members of the public about our efforts as well as to provide education is through our sfpd
Traffic Safety<\/a> twitter account, which has increased followers to just short of 3100 followers. We put information on our twitter account that is specific to enforcement that we do. Traffic safety prevention operations, we have some examples here, focused around kids and seniors in golden gate park, in the area of fulton and presidio. To the right of that first slide, theres another tweet that was put out regarding a speed operation
Speed Enforcement<\/a> operation conducted by the
Vision Zero Enforcement Team<\/a> who are on motorcycles. Theyre one of their largest roles is in
Traffic Safety<\/a>. That was an operation that was conduct conducted, and the two slides on the bottom are from operations for speed, conducted in the southern district. Not only do we put out the information on our twitter account, but we tag other stations in the department and interested parties and stakeholders so that we can get the message out to as many people as possible. Next slide, please. So our our next slide is traffic vie in the
Traffic Violation<\/a> report from the
First Quarter<\/a> for january through march of this year. Most notable is in bold next to the focus on the five violations, the percentage of 54 . So we had 1,810 violations that we issued citations for. 4,413, 54 , were focused on the five violations in the vision zero strategies. Those five violations for anyone watching who arent familiar with them are failing to yield to a pedestrian, failing to yield while turning, red light, stop sign, and speed. All five of those violations have been shown through
Statistical Analysis<\/a> to be the most common violation in serious injury and fatal collisions, so you can see the differences or the break out there for all of the district stations. And the last is our traffic company. Again, the motorcycle
Officers Office<\/a> refer to it as a solos. This slide shows the comparison between the 2019 and 2020
First Quarter<\/a>, which is, again, january through march. Significant down in the lower left, in the gray box, the percentage of focus on the five violations, which weve are constantly putting all to members of the
Police Department<\/a> to request that they focus on the five. This quarter compared to last quarter, we have a 13 increase. Were at 54 as opposed to 41 for the quarter in 2019. And the next slide, please. This slide, number 6, has one of our tweets, showing our
Vision Zero Enforcement Team<\/a> whose primary
Mission Every<\/a> day is to do
Traffic Safety<\/a> prevention and operation. Were focused on the five violations. During the
First Quarter<\/a>, that group issued 810 violations. 741 were focused on the five, 8 81 , and 9 were for other things. The reason why this doesnt add up to 100 is they might be seeing things that jeopardize
Public Safety<\/a>. For example, theyre driving while using a mobile device, taking their eyes off of driving and creating a hazard to everyone in the area. Next slide, please. So this slide has our vision zero traffic fatalities
First Quarter<\/a>. We had three fatalities involving pedestrians, two involving motorcyclists, one the driver of a vehicle who struck a fixed object. Youll see muni l. R. V. , which is the muni railway, the light rail vehicles. There was a person who was riding on the exterior of one of the vehicles of the coupler that joins the two cars. It fell off from that location where people are prohibited from riding and unfortunately lost his life as a result of the collision or the fall. Next slide, please. This slide shows the percentage or the numbers of individuals who lost their lives in traffic fatalities by the break out of age range. Three in the 30 to 39 range, two in the 40 to 49, two in the 65 to 80 range are our fatalities. And then, the next slide, please. This slide shows our fatalities from the
First Quarter<\/a> 2019 compared to 2020, and we had a decrease of 30 from the
First Quarter<\/a> of this year compared to
First Quarter<\/a> of last year. Next slide, please. And that is the end of my presentation, commissioners, if anyone has any questions. Vice president taylor thank you. I dont see any questions. Can we i think thats the next thats the last line item in 1a, so can i have a motion to separate 1a from line items 1b, c, and d. Commissioner elias ill make that motion. Vice president taylor is there a second . Commissioner hamasaki second. Vice president
Taylor Sergeant<\/a>, can you please call roll . Clerk yes. [roll call] clerk you have five yeses. Vice president taylor okay. So question will the motion passes. We will have
Public Comment<\/a> on item 1a only. Thats only the subject areas that youve heard. Its not general
Public Comment<\/a>, nor is it
Public Comment<\/a> on anyone thats coming later on in the agenda. So with that, lets have
Public Comment<\/a> online item 1a. Clerk moderator, do you have a caller online . Operator we have 32 callers in the queue. Ill post the first caller. Clerk thank you. Good evening, caller. You have two minutes. Hi, good evening. Can you hear me all right . Clerk yes. Thank you. Well, good evening, everybody. My name is lindsey. San francisco resident and voter. I think a lot of comments that were posed on this all kind of indicate that were all [inaudible] by the treatment of
Peaceful Protesters<\/a>. Weve seen that protesters elsewhere have been effective in reforming conduct by the police. [inaudible] so thank you for your time and your consideration. I look forward to progressive change in our city. Clerk thank you. Next caller, please. Operator yes. Hi. Can you hear me okay . Clerk yes, go ahead. You have two minutes. Hi. Im kaitlyn. Im a
San Francisco<\/a> resident and voter. I am calling because ive also been disgusted by the recent displays of state sponsored terrorism against the citizens of this country also. I want to say that it is ridiculous how you all sipend time for singling out a nonbinary officer for a dress code violation. Also, you misgendered the officer on this call. Im calling for justice for alex nieto, mario woods, and jessica henson. Abolish the police. Clerk thank you. Moderator, next caller. Good evening, caller. You have two minutes. Hi. Can you hear me . Clerk yes. Hi. My name is nani, and im a resident of
San Francisco<\/a>, california. Im calling, like the other callers here, to ask to abolish the
San Francisco<\/a>
Police Department<\/a>. I agree with what everyone said. The
Police Department<\/a> has no right to be enforcing acts of terrorism on its citizens, and id like to comment on whoever said earlier that the people here, commenters are calling for it because its in fashion, and that is absolute bullshit. This is not in fashion, its our right to call in. Were using our voice, and the
San Francisco<\/a> p. D. Has not done much. My twin brother was murdered seven years ago, and have i gotten justice . No. Im calling for the black and brown people that continue to be victimized by the
Police Department<\/a>. We need to defund the
Police Department<\/a> and put that money for education, or the neighborhoods, for everything. We dont need a
Police Officer<\/a> to go and get a call for a d. V. Saying they dont know whats going on. Im also a former social worker, and when my clients have police come over to their house, they have no idea what theyre doing. Take away their guns, take away their badges, defund them. Thank you. Operator okay. We have 39 callers remaining. Clerk hi. Good afternoon, caller. You have two minutes. Hi. Im calling in and ive been a bay area resident my entire life. We need to completely defund and dismantling the sfpd. Thank you for your time. Clerk thank you for your call. Next comment, please. Hello . Can you hear me . Clerk yes, you have two minutes. Hello . Thank you. Hello. My name is jacqueline, and i live in
San Francisco<\/a>s district 10. Im calling you to, like everyone else, defund the police. The funds come at the cost of real housing and solutions that affect everybody. Their budget is more than enough to hows every homeless person in
San Francisco<\/a> while creating safety programs that actually protect persons. Weve been trying to reform the police for years, and the sfpd has been laughing off this commissions attempts at reform. They even rang a
Ballot Initiative<\/a> to strip this commission of their powers. The
Police Commission<\/a> should not be responsible for
Police Department<\/a> should not be responsible nor should they be expected to respond to the money types of incidents that they respond to. You should not be doing homeless sweeps for optics. Its outside the scopes of your responsibilities. I myself have watched sfpd use brutal techniques on members of the lowincome housing and homeless. I personally have watched multiple
Police Officers<\/a> choke and restrain a black woman in the middle of a
Mental Health<\/a> crisis. That could have been addressed by trained, unarmed
Community Services<\/a>. I am afraid constantly because of their track of training. [please stand by] violent. During a board of supervisors meeting, incendiary advice. No incendiary device was found. A journalist calls into the
Board Meeting<\/a> contradicted what scott said. The journalist was not caught in the middle. And there were no attempts to get him out of the circle. The officer shoved the journalist and the officer put the journalist in the circle and then arrested them. Because the sfpd is such big babies and cant be held accountable for murdering people in the city. Mario woods, say their name, the sfpd decides to retaliate against young people, high schoolers, who chief scott claims to thank. The chief is lying. The police are lying. We do not want the sfpd on the streets. Make the budget zero dollars. Defund, dismantle and abolish the sfpd. There are 50 callers remaining. I am mary ann. [inaudible] i want to really address the poor handling of the
Homeless Community<\/a> within our everywhere. Cops have definitely taken upon themselves to escalate situations. Its unconscionable that the sfpd take it upon themselves to harass
Homeless People<\/a> who have nowhere to go. And optics, mayor london breed, you should be ashamed of yourself. Sfpd should be directing their attention on actual crime. Funding should go to
Mental Health<\/a> services, not sfpd. Im in favor of what the callers said before me, abolish the police, defund. In terms of the police chief, you said you support your employees, if that were the case, there is no reason that
Police Officer<\/a> had been suspended and relieved of their duties for taking ear ring or not, there is no reason why. Especially for optics. If you want to be for the people, you do not reprimand or punish someone for taking a knee. That looks very bad. Its obviously youre in the for people in the city. If people protest, the main people, the sfpd should not arrive with tear gas and not verbally threaten i would know. There were cops verbally getting into arguments with protesters who have the right to speak. Lastly, i want to say mention of a curfew and limiting people to their
First Amendment<\/a> rights to protest and to voice their opinions for unjust murders that happen [inaudible] way too long, mario woods, and so many countless others, they deserve justice now. Thank you, caller. Need to see abolishment. Take the next call. Good evening. Im a 12year resident of the mission and i want to echo the calls echo all the previous callers have said about defunding and abolishing the sfpd. This is over 600 million budget that could be spent on housing, social services, so many on our schools. It could even close the budget and avoid the layoffs that have been threatening our teachers who are already overworked and understaffed. The opportunity costs coupled with the violence and the abuse that the chief alluded to and misled the commission about, the fact is that the opportunity costs of spending all this money on ineffective policing that abuses the population, ends in murder and violence over and over again as weve seen, is the last thing, the chief said we need to do better, we need to do better. But if this was a priority of him, he would bring up the arrests of journalists in his report. He did not bring it up until asked about it. He would have brought up the nonbinary who took a knee. He did not put it in the report. Im disappointed i want to see the sfpd defunded and abolished. Thank you. Next caller. Good evening, you have two minutes. Hello. Okay. So members of the commission, im a proud black woman and a resident of
San Francisco<\/a> and voter. I have not sfpd serving or protecting anyone like me. Ive seen countless instances of police terrorizing blacks and mexican and other people of color. I would like this speak to speak to an incident that happened on sunday, june 7th, around 3 15 p. M. On hyde street. Mohammed, a disabled veteran joined our peaceful protest. He was pulled over and highrisk due to battling cancer. Try to maintain the most social distance. [inaudible] mohammed was pulled over by sfpd in his car for absolutely no cause. They were there to do whatever they like. When i asked an officer why he was being detained, he said something about the license plate. Police are angry at the protesters and they wanted to release the anger on the first black man they saw. We demanded him to be released. Because of the mounting pressure from the crowd, we sang let him go for five minutes, mohammed was released. Mohammed and i am calling for the sfpd to be abolished, not to be defunded and the funds redirected to the community where greater social issues such as homelessness, [inaudible] needs to stop. Thank you, caller. You have 61 callers. Hello, im gracie. I grew up in
San Francisco<\/a> okay. I grew up in
San Francisco<\/a>. Im a resident and voter calling for disbanding of the police. Taking a knee does nothing but postpone the resolution of the issue. Last year the budget was over 600 million. As a taxpayer that is horrifying to me. Sfpd officers murdered mario woods,
Jessica Nelson<\/a> and several other unarmed neighbors. We live in fear of the police and threat of facing unavoidable interactions with them because our local resources and initiatives are underfunded. The existence of your department provides harm. Your officers are knocking people to the ground, arresting 14yearolds, forcing people to lay face down on the sidewalk during a pandemic, and openly laughing at mothers crying about the safety of their children. Massive protests across the world are trying to show you that human safety is not a joke. The implication being they can hurt us without consequence and they enjoy that. They are not wearing body cameras and being paid 192 per hour overtime to do this. This is recorded and widely disseminated. The actions of your department are horrifying especially because of the low funds. A
Restorative Justice<\/a> program reduces crime. In this moment of change, we need to defund our
Police Department<\/a> and immediately begin making provisions not to reform it, but to abolish. The residents of
San Francisco<\/a> will not give up on accomplishing this, because you are terrorizing us. Thank you. 62 callers remaining. Hi, my name is sam. Im a resident and voter in district 1. Im calling to ask this committee to abolish
San Francisco<\/a> police in investing services that would better suit the issues that face the city. More money towards social workers,
Mental Health<\/a> professionals, underserved communities of color. Reform has been proven to not work. Do the right thing and abolish the police. Lastly, i ask the commission to think long and hard how often theyre told the truth by the chief and officers. Thank you, i yield my time. Okay. Hi, my name ismy mi. Im a white woman who lived in
San Francisco<\/a> 35 years. Ive attended a number of
Police Commission<\/a> meetings over the past five years and honestly i dont think its an effective oversight body for the police. No officers who murdered black and brown people in my neighborhood, including louise and lopez, have been fired or significantly disciplined. But the five of you have an
Incredible Opportunity<\/a> today. An opportunity that most people never have in their entire lives. As an individual, you can change history. You can actually have a say in shifting how we keep people safe in
San Francisco<\/a>. You can vote against approving the
Police Department<\/a>s budget. You can help divert significant resources from a system that hurts, more than it helps to a new way of keeping our community safe. Your personal legacy and i speak to each of you as five individuals and that of the commission is at stake. If you vote to i prove this budget approve this budget, you will absolutely be complicit in our racist system of policing. Think about that. I implore you to do the right thing and vote no on the budget and be on the right side of history. Next caller. Hello, ive been coming to
Police Commission<\/a> more than anybody on the commission except for dejesus. I have worked with you try to reform and nothing is changed. Im ecstatic that people are calling for disbanding and send the money to the right people. The trouble is the police force has a military mindset. They set up a black sight during the march. They have peaceful march all day with beautiful young people, who havent been able to graduate, who know what their futures are like. Im a mother and grandmother and appalled that the police chief would allow this to happen, a 14yearold black boy was arrested at 11 00 at night when he was so proud he was out there doing the right thing. We dont want the police anymore. I told you this at the commission. We dont want your guns. We dont want you in the neighborhoods. We want the money to go to social change. It is absurd were paying for you to protect the rich, because thats all you protect. You do not protect us. We are not safe in this city. And im excited that across the world now, were done with the militarization of our governments and we want service and we are taking our power back. Let me be clear, we speak truth and we are were not speaking truth to two power. You dont have the power. We do. Take the next caller. Hi, id like to say that i wasnt going to comment on this part, but i was disgusted to hear scott give his supposed report where he was lying about the socalled dangerous post curfew protesters when the only people with violence post the curfew, that we all saw in the media, all over social media and in media, was sfpd. Scott was excepting protesters on the one hand and used the other to admit sfpd was just arresting those people in case things became violent. Of course, they did become violent after sfpd brought the violence and dragged protesters through the night, forcing them to lay on the ground for an hour first and then dragging them to a black site. And then scott didnt mention incidents of
Police Driving<\/a> cars through protests. And some are being investigated by the
District Attorney<\/a> of pushing people to the ground and other things. This is why. These lies this violence at sfpd is continuing to visit on the city of
San Francisco<\/a>, the people are clearly saying this organization, from the officers to the union to the leadership cant be reformed and its time to defund, disband, disarm them completely and use the money to help people instead of brutalizing them. Thank you. Okay. We have 64 callers. Next caller. My name is francisco. And what i feel has happened in this case is we need to choose whether we want to be in a military force, or whether we want to serve san franciscans, what we
Call Community<\/a> policing. But what really hurt me was when the process was heard was held, everything went off well. And then somebody some entities did not have the idea of what a curfew is. And then you all target a young person. Our
First Amendment<\/a> rights are for everybody. For our children, our youth, our young adults, everybody. And i have been on the front lines for over 40 years. I know most of you all. Let me make it very clear, this
Police Commission<\/a> is dysfunctional. You still have not, in the time given to you all, made the required policy changes. Cops,
Community Oriented<\/a> policing services is dead. And that 272 recommendations given to you to review, you all have chosen not to do anything about it. So, you all have to make up your mind. Speaker after speaker has said what they really feel. And you all have to with your heart in the right place. Thank you, caller. We are san franciscans. We have done the right thing we have 68 callers remaining. Hi, can you hear me . Yes. Yes, thank you. Im a senior resident of
San Francisco<\/a> in the
Mission District<\/a> in bayview. Im also calling to not only defund but abolish the police in
San Francisco<\/a>. The way that i think this the funds could be used a lot better would be to provide housing,
Mental Health<\/a> services. There is plenty of
Community Oriented<\/a> safety programs that you could implement that dont involve the untrained police force, deescalation, all sorts of programs that would make the city a lot safer for everybody else. I call for the abolition of sfpd. Thank you. You have 71 callers. Hello. I am repeating the word of tom boylen who saw sfpd using violence. Mohammed joined the black lives matter protest from his car. Sunday june 7. This incident happened around 3 15 on bay street. The irony of the sfpd abusing their power at a peaceful protest of
Police Abusing Power<\/a> isnt lost on you, i hope. I was in the back for my safety. I am high risk due to battling cancer at the moment. Trying to maintain maximum social distance. The moment the majority of the protesters went over the hill, mohammed was pulled over by sfpd in his car when all the eyes were not on them. The sfpd was free to do whatever they liked. When i asked why he was detained, he said something about the license plate. Does that warrant an arrest . The police were angry at the protesters and they wanted to release this anger on the first black man they saw. Luckily, we were there to record this injustice and to demand mohomicide whom we screamed let him go for five minutes. Mohammed, who has served our country and was injured doing so, making him disabled. Is this what we are doing now, sfpd . Detaining disabled veterans for nothing . Ill take the next caller. Caller . Caller, youve been unmuted. Caller . Hi, can you hear me . Yes, we can hear you. Sorry about that. Im will. A
San Francisco<\/a> resident. Im calling to defund the 650 million of the sfpd. I agree with all of the previous callers who have made wonderful points. Making the best case for defunding the department are the police themselves. The tweet was shameful. The chiefs explanation for arresting a journalist today was embarrassing. I encourage you to defund and abolish the sfpd. I yield my time. We have 71 callers. Hello . My name is aidan keith. Im at the university of california,
San Francisco<\/a>. Im calling like others to demand the defunding and disbanding of the sfpd. There is absolutely no reason the insult and
White Supremacists<\/a> of your ludicrous salaries, needless murder and assault when funding is needed for desperate issues as the sf housing crisis. Disband the sfpd. I yield the rest of my time. Okay. The next caller. Hi. Can you hear me . Yes. My name it jen pollock, im a
San Francisco<\/a> resident and voter in district 5. Im calling like so many other callers to vote no on the budget until we make major changes, instead invest in
Real Community<\/a> resources like housing,
Mental Health<\/a> and education. The city allocates three times as much as money to the department. The know the police cant police themselves. Weve seen them kill over 100 people since 1985. Nothing changed after the
California Department<\/a> of justice called out sfpd for disproportionate use of force against black and latinx people. And we saw it today when the chief of police lied about kettling up protesters and only spoke with regret about a journalist recording it. Its shameful. We need to abolish the police. We need to invest in our community. I yield my time, thank you. We have 69 callers. I want to remind callers its important to deal with only item 1, not on items coming up on the i dont want to interrupt anyone, but i want to make sure were following the rules here. I do have a couple of things on chief scotts report. Im peter, in district 5. First of all on the mass arrest of 2000 kids in the mission, i would love to know what the grounds were that chief scott alleged the officers had to believe that the kids had accelerants when they were not found on them. Second, id like to know what the full list of sfpd socalled lethal weapons. I know he mentioned spray and others, but im interested in seeing the full list of weapons that the sfpd used as well as both the training around the them lethal weapons and nonlethal weapons. Those public budget accountability as well as for people who are dispersed use riot control. We know what the correct treatment is. One other thing. As the previous caller said, i encourage the
Police Commission<\/a> to speak out, such as the testimony of julian mark to compliment the report on the mass arrest in the mission. Accountability means telling the whole truth. And not what the chief didnt tell you that he happened to know. Thank you very much. Caller . Hello . Yes. My name im not talking about item 1. Im sorry. Im talking about budget. My name is im sorry to interrupt. Maam, im sorry. We have a lot to get to, so im going to have to interrupt you. There will be a time for
Public Comment<\/a> on the budget. So sorry about that, but were going to have to move on. Press star 3 to lower your hand and then raise it later without being disconnected. Right. Star 3. Sorry. Okay ill take the next caller. Hello, caller . Hello . Hi. My name is elina and i wanted to just comment on general reform. So attempts to reform the sfpd have failed despite being in the works for years. This past weeks protest has shown this. I was in the protest about 20 minutes before the arrest. And those protesters, which were about 12 kids, all young adults, were incredibly peaceful. I watched you follow one protester all the way down and then arrest them and kettle them. Following the hunger strikes, shootings, multiple incidents of force and homophobic behavior. These reforms have failed. In the
First Quarter<\/a>, use of force by sfpd were against people of color. Early as march march 4, 2020, they wrote that they remain concerned with reports of antiblack bias with the department and the disproportionate use of force against africanamericans and individuals. We must critically evaluate the outcomes of policing. We must reevaluate what the police are asked to do and what impact policing has. Im not going to tell you to defund the police, im going to wait for item 3. But procedural reform is not the way forward. I hope you make an evidence fact decision for what it looks like. Think about it. I yield my time. We have 50 callers remaining. Hello, caller . Hello . Yes. My name is don pe sand. And im a native san franciscan. Going to be 56 years old. So ive seen the transition in the city. Im an entrepreneur, an activist and historian. And what we attempted to do since the city has come under observation for the police and their activity has failed. We had a decree. And were tired of blue ribbon committees. What we need is action. Now im not saying to defund the police. What im saying is lets be intelligent. Lets look at the models that have worked. Lets look at camden, new jersey. Lets dispolice. That means we level it to the ground. We start all over again. And my suggestion is, yes, we have people that can enforce the law. Enforcing the law that first responders. But we also create a department of
Public Safety<\/a> for the county of
San Francisco<\/a>. Which houses our
Mental Health<\/a> experts, our homeless experts thank you, caller. Our drug addiction experts. Hello, caller . Hi there. Im betsy. Im a voter in district 4. Im demanding we abolish the police. The residents of the city have made it clear were fed up. A number of protesters should speak volumes we will not back down and this is not a trend. We have so many communities hurting from lack of resources, resources the police are not equipped to provide. This is our time to come together as a community and call for the redistribution of health care, school, covid relief. The funding is not enough. The residents of the city call for the dismantling and abolishment of the police. We have 44 callers remaining. Hi. My name is elizabeth. I live in the mission for 10 years. Regarding recent events, recently i saw two black people detained right in front of my house. They were detained by 13 cops. It took 13 cops to search their car. And between the two of them, they werent resisting at all. One of them was eventually let go. I was terrified every moment i watched that, that i was about to witness a black person be shot by police. You have got to understand that the police are not a presence, because my black and brown friends, my transgender friends, theyre afraid to call the cops because they might make things worse. Im afraid to call the cops because what if i get people killed. You got to understand. Were begging for human life. I know its off topic, but what were asking for is out of desperation. We spend 800 per person per year, but other ways to keep the city safe. We will help you figure it out. But, please, listen to us and defund the police. Thank you. I yield my time. Next caller. Hello. My name is jason, i live in the
Richmond District<\/a> of
San Francisco<\/a>. I have a question, would you bring the c. E. O. Of
Philip Morris<\/a> to tell you that why are you relying on the police chief to tell you if its been rectified . Police have proven themselves to be untrustworthy again and again. Doing nothing more than clapping and chanting. That is it. There was overwhelming
Video Evidence<\/a> to show that is the case. They were not violent. They had no weapons. Why are you having the victims overreach and testify before you, instead of people who are repeated liars . Above the law [inaudible] know how many dozens of police i saw on wednesday, not even wearing a mask . They cannot be trusted. They cannot be reformed. Objective budget, disband and abolish sfpd now. Next caller. Hi,
Police Commission<\/a>ers . Can you hear me . Yes. Im a fourth generation san franciscan and when i recommend that you defund the police, i speak from a particular perspective as an emergency room technician. I often help care for homeless patients at ucsf, some battered and abused by
San Francisco<\/a>
Police Officers<\/a>. Some were unpredictable because of the trauma. It was my job to make them feel at ease. I could take their vital signs. Many american workers, my job is more dangerous than police work as indicated by a bureau of labor statistics, but i had no gun, no taser, pepper spray. Just a calm voice and empathy. In that same period, they had won 82,000 starting salary for
Police Officers<\/a>. Thats not counting overtime as adachis investigation indicate. At that time my landlord was a
Police Officer<\/a>, a notorious one, sgt. Jason childrenist. I ask you to defund the police, reopen the investigation of jeff adachis death and take a hard look at a department that rewarded a socalled officer like jason cher nis for his violence. I thank you for your time. Caller . Can you hear me . Yes. Hi, my name the heather and im a long time resident and voter from district 8. In section 1a i heard the police chief saying there were over 200 arrests. That doesnt add up to me. I think that this wild overreach and display of militarized violence by the police shows that we should have already done what the folks on this call are asking for. We need to defund and not reform the police. Thank you. I yield my time. Caller . Hi, can you hear me . Yes. Hi, im calling as a longtime resident of
San Francisco<\/a>. I was shocked and outraejed listening to the chiefs report. This professions to the public proves to the public they cannot be here to protect. The police chief stated that protesters were arrested because they seemed like they were going to get violent. He has just admitted himself that the sfpd makes assumptions about us and on the basis of those assumptions, arrests, detained and physically harm us. Im ashamed of this
Police Department<\/a>. Ill reiterate this in a few moments but the only answer is defunding this shameful sfpd. I want to say in terms of reiterating. Folks, we need to abide by the if you commented, you dont get to repeat your comments later on in the agenda. So i want to make sure people understand, everyone is supposed to get equal time as to what theyre commenting on. This is for item 1a. Were going to move forward on that and that alone. Thank you. Hello, caller . Hello . He low. Hello . Hello . Go ahead, caller. Oh, come on. Caller, we can hear you. Are they done or what . [laughter] caller, we can hear you. Is he muted. Are we muted for him . No. He is hearing the stream as other callers are. And he is unmuted. So he should be able to hear us. Move on, move on. Hello, caller . Hello . Hello . Can you hear me . Yes. You can hear me . Great. So im calling, im a resident of d9, a voter, a
Software Engineer<\/a> and im calling, the sfpd has long history, one of the things that i wanted to just talk about was officer joseph ca deo who took the life of my friends son. And weve been asking for accountability for years and we want him off the force. There should be a simple request, but it hasnt happened. There are so many other issues in the city, from homelessness to sex workers,
Mental Health<\/a>, where the police are just not helping. And im calling to support this. We need to defund the police, we need a different model. Please, if nothing else, chief scott, get officer off the force. Thank you, i yield my time. Caller . My name is brett. I live in district 5. Im calling to demand we abolish the police. Since 1985 over 100 people have been killed by sfpd and 80 of those are black. Why does our city pay more per capita on policing than most major cities . Are we really prioritizing our communities and youth . Echoing what someone said earlier, the budget can fix the homelessness crisis and city and we need to defund sfpd so we can support something as basic as human services. And as of right now, the city, not the
Police Department<\/a>, has been held liable for the brutality. Instead the
Police Department<\/a> should be held accountable for the violence. There are 33 callers remaining. Hello, can you hear me . Yes, we can hear you. Hi, my name it stephanie. Im a
San Francisco<\/a> resident and voter of district 8. Evering everything youre saying has to do with chief scotts report. Our communities will only be saved once sfpd is defunded and the budget is invested into communities and programs that keep people safe, which is
Harm Reduction<\/a> and
Restorative Justice<\/a>. Thank you for your time. Hello, caller . Hello, can you hear me . Yes, we can hear you. Hi. My name is kate. I was born and raised in
San Francisco<\/a>. I too have been disgusted by the violence that has become more apparent in the news recently on the part of police. But i cant say its anything new. I want to echo what an earlier caller said. I, too, would not feel safe calling the police because its very possible that it could get someone killed. So i really want to echo what all the other callers have said. And we need to defund and disband the police. And put more money into programs that actually help people. All the commissioners and to london breed, i have seen you guys, this is optics for you, taking a knee is not enough. Its never going to be enough. Defund and disband the police. You all should vote no on the budget for today, because that hasnt happened yet. Thank you, bye. Hello, caller . Hi. Can you hear me . Yes, we can. Hello . Thank you. My name is anna. Im in the five years that i lived here in
San Francisco<\/a>, my opinion of the police has been going lower and lower. And as other callers have said before, i also feel afraid of calling the police because it only make the situation worse. And, thus, i question what my taxes are paying for in the police service. I was highly dissatisfied with the
Police Chiefs<\/a> report. I was at the protest last monday where chief scott appeared and he said that when he takes off his uniform hes still a black man and he understands what it feels like to be targeted and those were very nice words. And i appreciate them, however, two days later his police force arrested a bunch of children during a pandemic after an extremely peaceful protest, which i also was at, during which these children who organized the protest were able to provide masks, water and food. And direct the protest down the street all by themselves while the police were out hiding in alleyways, staring them down. And after the arrest, the police chief comes to you guys and says something to defend that action . And makes up excuses . I dont think that the police chief is trustworthy. I dont think he can control his department. Weve seen multiple instances. Weve seen them wearing thin blue line masks. Weve seen them attack people. Weve seen the police retaliate. Weve seen the police fail to help the community. This is on the chiefs watch. When he says that the
Police Unions<\/a> tweet doesnt reflect the opinions of the police force, that may be his opinion, but clearly the police force agrees this is not thank you, caller. Hello, caller . Hello, im katy walter. Im an epidemiologist and i see the
Police Violence<\/a> in the city as a
Public Health<\/a> crisis. Im also calling for the disbanding of the police. Lets invest in housing, health and education, not in violent weapons and in salaries for people who perpetuate violence on our communities. Im calling on the commission to work toward what the people of this city want and what will make us safer. Im asking them to work toward defunding, disarming and disbanding the sfpd. As many previous callers have said, attempts to reform sfpd have failed despite having been in the works for years. Since 2016, the u. S. Department of justice has been trying to reform sfpd. These reforms have failed. And sfpd continues to use force excessively and inappropriately. The last quarter of 2019, 76 of all use of force by the
Police Department<\/a> were against people of color. The police have made little to no progress because they have little incentive to do so. And such progress is fundamentally at odds with the structure of policing. Sfpds budget is 700 million as others have pointed out, that is more than enough to house every unhoused person in
San Francisco<\/a>. We need to defund the sfpd now so we can get the services our communities need today. Our communities will only be safe once the
Police Department<\/a> is defunded and disbanded and the budget is invested in our communities. Im calling for the
Police Commission<\/a> to take action tonight to work toward making these tremendous resources of our city into programs that our city actually wants. Thank you, caller. Please vote no for the budget today. We have 32 callers remaining. Hi. My name im a resident and voter of
San Francisco<\/a>. I was calling to say that quite frankly, it isnt just this
Police Department<\/a>. Never mind in this report that we heard just now, we heard things that, like there is no documentation of police dishonesty, which this commission responded to incredibly, because there is no way no
Police Officer<\/a> has been dishonest. Or no resident in bayview should feel safe calling a
Police Officer<\/a>, we all know that is farcical. It doesnt matter whether the sfpd specifically is capable of reforming. The fact is that the
Police Department<\/a>s in and of themselves do not work, cannot work, to defend our communities or to keep them safe. Like the reports that being shown and the things focused on, the stuff that works, isnt policing. The traffic reports are showing that that is not policing. Even in section 1a, the police do not need the budget. Im calling, like everybody else, abolish and defund the
San Francisco<\/a>
Police Department<\/a> and every
Police Department<\/a>, thank you. Hello, caller . Hi, can you hear me . Yes. My name is greg dire, ive been a
Mission District<\/a> resident and voter for eight years. Im calling to ask you to abolish the police, are reduce their funding. The callers make it clear that the police have been behaving in violent behavior during the protest. Sfpd and it needs to be treated like one. I trusting the word of the police who have been known to lie over and over again, including during this meeting. I would like to reiterate that funds have proven ineffective and unacceptable. The sfpd has been ignoring in to strip this commission of the oversight powers in response to the peoples request to keep tasers off the street. Please stand up for the city and defund and abolish sfpd. Thank you. Hello, caller. Can you hear me . Yes, we can hear you. Hi, my name is tom. Im a
San Francisco<\/a> native. Resident and voter. Im calling today for you to defund the
Police Department<\/a>. Vote no on item number 1. Ill let the rest of my time go. Hello . Hello, caller . Hey. All right. How do you spell murder . Sfpd. Im a long term
San Francisco<\/a> resident, a voter in district 8 and social worker in district 5. Police behavior during the past uprising abhorrent. To be clear, i am not seeking reform, im seeking defunding and putting the
Police Dollars<\/a> into the much needed services in
San Francisco<\/a> such as housing,
Robust Health<\/a> care,
Mental Health<\/a> care and individual and group therapy, medication support services, residential treatment, vocational programming,
Domestic Violence<\/a> programs, trauma support services, our teachers and livable wages for the city funded providers. Further, i demand that all
Police Weapons<\/a> are destroyed and not offered to other counties or governments. I am deally concerned that deeply concerned that the sfpd has been allowed to murder individuals with no repercussions and that
Police Violence<\/a> against the
Homeless Population<\/a> is not tracked. Also deeply concerning. I would like to add that i applaud the union for not transporting
San Francisco<\/a>
Police Department<\/a> officers during protests and happy the police have done the work for us as excusing themselves. Lets not forget the murder of kenneth harding. Lets lose the number of the sfpd. The sfpd is a group of murderers with no accountability and they need to go. There is no such thing as a good cop. Also the pledge of allegiance at the start of this meeting, that needs to go and is laughable for what i think are obvious reasons. Jails and sheriffs, you all are next. Im done, thank you. Hello, caller . I live in district 3. I was arrested tuesday night for protesting in front of 850 bryant. There were 150 riot cops to arrest 27 of us sitting and chanting on the ground, one of them bragged he was making 200 an hour. Chief scott and the sfpd are calling them violent like hes calling me violent when the only people being violent is sfpd. I was nearly hit by an sfpd car driving through the protesters on the sidewalk. Theyve threatened me for throwing away an extinguished cigarette butt. I saw people get their heads bashed for imaginary infractions. I cannot imagine the daily of being a black or latinx. We need the 600 million budget for housing and school kids. A thousand kids are homeless and we show that the
Breed Administration<\/a> has ordered chief scott to harass
Homeless People<\/a> who are disproportionately black. Youre setting our money on fire to brutalize us. I ask the commission to defund the sfpd. Be abolish. I kneel please abolish it. I yield my time. We have 46 calls remaining. I already spoke. Caller . Hello, everyone. Im a current resident and active voter of
San Francisco<\/a>. Im calling to demand justice for our community. Im calling to abolish the police, which does not mean reform, or redirecting funds that can be used for health care facilities, schools and covid19 relief. This means completely defunding and dismantling sfpd. I am demanding justice fort greater good for humanity in the city. Thank you, i yield my time. Hi, my name is pamela. Im a black latino woman in
San Francisco<\/a>. In 1985, the sfpd has killed over 100 people. 35 approxima we need to put o communities and youth first and not racism that doesnt work. They have failed us. Th just dont work. You had me and my colleagues doing p. P. E. Collection to help our
Health Care Workers<\/a> when we had the resources and use it for unnecessary riot gear. Thats ridiculous. Abolish the police. Stop caring more about property than real human life. You dont need to be ph. D. S, lawyers to decriminalize the color of our skin. We deserve to live. Black lives matter. I yield my time. We have 44 callers remaining. Hello, caller . Yes, hi. My name is and im in district 4. I bear witness to the military actions of the recent protest we have discussed on this call. And i have also been very aware of how its not just a recent issue, but its been going on for a very long time. It is very clear that reform is not an option. And i feel that sfpd
San Francisco<\/a> has a really large opportunity right now to set an example as a city to others across the nation, historically, as we have led the way with other legislative decisions. Im calling to urge you all to disband and defund the police as they can clearly not be held accountable. Our residents will be kept safe by using the money for
Mental Health<\/a> services, affordable housing, and other
Community Services<\/a> instead. Thank you for your time. Hi, can you hear me . We can hear you. Hi, sorry. The connection is kind of band. Im wily, im a transnonbinary resident and student. Id like to reiterate. Im call for abolition of the police. I want to reiterate that reforms will not be sufficient. The system was created to enforce and [inaudible] black bodies and there is no way to make that any change that without abolishing it entirely. I want to reiterate the point made earlier about policing being a
Public Health<\/a> problem. San francisco has prided itself for many, many years as the forefront of
Public Health<\/a> initiatives and policing with physical, institutional violence, the
Mental Health<\/a> the generational trauma that it inflict is directly [inaudible] already in the middle of a
Public Health<\/a> crisis, thats not going anywhere, but abolishing the police, we can make that end right now. Thank you, i yield the rest of my time. My name is i represent the
Public Health<\/a> collective. Im calling to demand that you vote no on the budget and stand in solidarity. I say black lives matter and demand that we defund, demilitarize and abolish sfpd. Im disgusted with the behavior of sfpd toward the peaceful demonstrators on the streets. As a
Public Health<\/a> professional, i want to highlight the research that sfpd has demonstrated to mitigate civil
Rights Violations<\/a> and has really decreased
Public Safety<\/a> of young, indigenous, black and brown homeless communities. A policy statement was written in 2018 by my peers and passed by the
Public Health<\/a> association proclaiming
Law Enforcement<\/a> violence as a
Public Health<\/a> crisis. This outlines alternatives. And as epidemiologist said earlier, we would not be speaking about the disproportionate race. 71 of those killed by sfpd are people of color. San francisco has yet to hold accountable been accountable for the kenneth harding, junior, lopez, mario woods,
Jessica Nelson<\/a> and countless more. We havent also forgotten that just a few years ago there was a racist scandal between officers. Sfpd budget is more than half a
Million Dollars<\/a> and we should be more strategic investing in all the services outlined earlier. While defunding the police may seem like a radical idea, its a shame that its been normalized in the last few decades. Were ready to reenvision policing our communities. We have 43 callers. Hi, you can hear me . Yes, we can hear you. Hi, my name is phofiona. Im a resident of
San Francisco<\/a> and im asking the
Police Commission<\/a> to vote no on the budget tonight until there are divestments. I love what the previous caller before he said. People react to the notion of defunding the police and abolishing the police as if it is a radical idea. The reality of defunding schools,
Public Health<\/a>, and all manner of services that actually promote human health and wellbeing. We know that
Police Department<\/a>s promote violence. Its a systemic issue. There is no such thing as a cop that is good and that can fight violence that is built into the system. Im asking you to vote no on the budget and abolish
San Francisco<\/a> police. I yield my time. My name is alexander post. Im also a district 10 resident and a lawyer. I was a dedicated criminal justice reformer, but over the years this body has demonstrated over and over again the uselessness of changing
Police Behavior<\/a> with reform. One example is the adopt of carotid restraint and then we saw officers kneeling on the neck. Aggravated sitting on the ground after 8 00 p. M. You can adopt 272 reforms or a thousand. The sfpd will laugh you off. Theyll strip you of their power. Because they know youll rubber stamp regardless. Weve been trying to get you to do your job. Youve failed time and again to rein them in. Minneapolis thought to reform their
Police Department<\/a>. Said all the right things and never took the substantive action necessary. They got sick enough getting harassed and killed, they burned down the
Police Precinct<\/a> and forced them to disband. Were demanding that you defund and disband this
Police Department<\/a>. Im going to yield the rest of my time, but know that your time to control this process is running out. Hi, my name is jessica. Im a resident and voter in district 1 in
San Francisco<\/a>. Speaking to item 1a in the meeting, i was appalled by the chiefs report. The description of arresting protesters for the possibility of violence is arbitrary and prejudice given the bias already deeply ingrained in the system, echoing many of the stats that previous callers pointed to. And evidenced as many videos across various media, the protesters were not violent. But were met with a response of violence from the police. Especially illustrated in the case of the youth arrested in the mission after a peaceful protest. This is one of many, many reasons that we need to abolish and defund the police. I ask the commission to think critically about the chiefs report. And the information they received from sfpd. I yield my time. Hello . Hello, we can hear you. All right. So, i just wanted to echo callers on the police, and also wanted to address that this community is nothing but a game of [inaudible] not referring to the one and i yield my time. Thanks. Hello. [inaudible] i have no confidence in the sfpd. In particular john burke acted in unprofessional ways escalating the crowd. When protesters took a knee, lieutenant burke came out and stared at them in intimidating ways and we learned an officer was disciplined the next day. This is the bad behavior of the department that shot and killed kelly. Including mario woods, jessica williams, and others. Say their names. In a moment when our schools are placing 200 million in cuts and the department of youth and families will lose 25 million, we need to defund the
Police Department<\/a> by 23 million. Our
Public School<\/a> hasnt had a nurse and our social workers are cut to half time. The city of
San Francisco<\/a> should defund the sfpd and work to replace it with communitybased alternatives to policing. Thank you. We have 43 callers. Hello . Hello, we can hear you. My name it [inaudible] district 11. Echo the callers defund, disband and abolish [inaudible] will not work. Have tried and it has not made any significant difference from the actions of [inaudible] on duties where i have seen with my own eyes harassment [inaudible] black people and brown people, because [inaudible] criminal acts. And i do not feel safe calling i do not feel safe in [inaudible] and i have support and full of lies and you know, im emotional personal issues. This people is people. [inaudible] police have not contributed to that. And they will not. Because i agree with the [inaudible] i yield the rest of my time, defund, abolish sfpd. Hello . Are you listening . Yes, we are. Youre listening. Great. We have a
Health Pandemic<\/a> going on. There are giant pieces of shit
Walking Around<\/a> our city beating people up and committing violence against our citizens. You think its radical to abolish this group of people when its actually radical to not pay for anything that actually helps society. You can try to reform a piece of shit into any shape you want to reform that piece of shit into, but what youre left with is a big piece of shit. I yield my time. Its not going to do anything anyway. Hi. My parents are born in district 11. I was born in district 11. My children were born in district 11. I appreciate people with individual stories. Police brutality has been my entire life. The entire life of my children. And it is amazing there are so many white allies on this call and we have a black police chief who says hes black at the end of the day, but will stand by we have a black mayor who will stand by and support the police chief and at the end of the day black lives matter. Police murder everybody indeterminately. Im calling to abolish the police. To give the funds to the homeless crisis in
San Francisco<\/a>. Im a teacher in the unified school district. Theyre largely harassing people with
Mental Health<\/a> issues. And to echo the sentiment of another caller before me. The sheriff and the jail system is next. I yield my time. Hello,
Police Commission<\/a>er. Im a resident of
San Francisco<\/a>. I dont think the police are safe. I dont think the police are effective. I know as a young man in america that one of my leading causes of death is being shot by the police. I know as a san franciscan if i gather in a park, the police will come and disrupt me. Thats what i want to emphasize about the item 1a. Im happy to stick around until the later comments. What the police chief chose to emphasize here is the protest. They raef the arrested the protesters. They brutalized these children. They arrested this journalist. Thats what was important to focus the
Police Attention<\/a> on. Not the rioters. Not the 962 rapes last year. Not the horrible quantity of assault in our city. That didnt need attention. Not the
Homeless People<\/a> on the streets. That didnt need attention. What the sfpd is purchasing equipment to resolve, is protests and political speech. Their purpose, their primary purpose, is to oppress political speech. Its what they spend their money on. Its what they spend their time on. Its what they spend their officers on. When i need the police, they dont come. When i need the police, its hours of time. There is no functional purpose for that organization. Except except if there is a public gathering. Then, theyre there with banned u. N. Chemical weapons and wellused batons. There to brutalize us with shields and body armor. Thank you, caller. Greatest portion. Caller . Ive already spoken, but i can tell you i would like the police to be abolished again if you would like. Hello, caller . Are the same callers speaking again . Thats what he said. There are so many callers jumping through, i have to mark them off. Im taking the next caller in the queue that has not been marked off. But are we getting back in the queue and speaking again is my question . Um, if they lower their hand and raise their hand, they go to the bottom of the queue. Okay. Hello, caller . Hello. Yes. You can hear me, yes . Yes. Okay great. My name is ryan. Im an sf resident, i live in the marina and voter. Im calling to demand they defund the police and shift that funding to support the needs of the community. And i believe can prevent the calls that trigger 911 calls. Poverty, homelessness, just to name some. The police overwhelmingly tend to escalate rather than deescalate. Their huge statements of values. Do i please asks you to support please vote your values. Thank you. Hello, caller . Hi, i am a resident of district 5. I just moved to
San Francisco<\/a> recently. And am horrified by the behavior of the
Police Department<\/a> that i seen toward protesters, toward
Peaceful Protesters<\/a>, young
Peaceful Protesters<\/a> that are very clear about their intentions and activism and seeing them corralled and treated brutally. Its just another example of the violence weve seen by this department historically it seems for decades. And i think that this institution is not going to improve in any way with reforms and needs to be defunded entirely. And taken down completely replaced with
Community Programs<\/a> that are have an emphasis on care and support of those who need it most, the most vulnerable populations. Thank you so much. I yield the rest of my time. Hello, caller . Good evening. My name is olivia parks. I was born and raised in
San Francisco<\/a>. Was a special education teacher. As a physician and
Public Health<\/a> scholar,
Police Violence<\/a> is a
Public Health<\/a> emergency. Because im committed to the health of my patients and their communities, im asking the
Police Commission<\/a> to vote no on the
Police Budget<\/a> until there are real divestments from sfpd. Ive heard
Police Officers<\/a> lament they do not join to be social workers, or to deal with the homeless or to deal with
Mental Health<\/a> crisis, or domestic issues. Police have said it themselves. We need to invest in our communities instead of the police, because right now theyre being paid, to instead of doing the work of social workers, or deal with our housing apocalypse, or deal with our
Mental Health<\/a> issues, theyre being paid to perpetuate harm and inflict violence and terror in our communities of color. The sfpd budget is two times larger than that of children, youth and family. Three times what we spend on homelessness. And four times what we spend on library. Policing has ties to the countrys racist, white supremacist creation. Now is a window of opportunity to show that your political will is on the right side of the street. To be clear, im asking to disband sfpd. Thank you so much. It seems these callers are more towards the issue toward the budget, which appears to be later in the agenda. Is there a way we can make a motion to resume the agenda, so that way we can have the callers calling for the budget, which is what a majority of these callers are . I can clear the list of the hands raised and then you can request that callers who wish to speak on the specific item raise their hands once ive cleared the list. Sorry. Lets do that. You know, well never get to the budget which i think is what a lot of people want us to get to if were in
Public Comment<\/a> for the next i dont know how much longer. There are there is no shortage of incoming calls. Id like to be able to review the budget and analyze it. And at this point were not going to get there. If youre not calling about line item 1a, and calling about the budget, please lower your hand and call later on in the agenda. So we can get to the budget and review it. Do i need to make a motion . My
Management Level<\/a> for managing the callers. I will clear all of the hands right now in the queue. And if you wish to speak specifically to that. Once i have cleared it, then raise their hand. So im clearing that right now. So this is for speaking specifically to the chiefs report, not to the budget or anything else coming later in the agenda. If they are speaking to that, were going to ask that sgt. Young blood or the callers move them back into the queue. Yes, they automatically move back into the queue when their hands are lowered by the motion. While were waiting, i have one
Public Comment<\/a> that was written in. It is specifically for item number 1. Great. Thank you. So ill read the comment into line from line item 1,
Police Commission<\/a>ers, first of all i want to advise the commission that the discussion it had in the beginning of the meeting was illegal and violated the sunshine act. That was not on the agenda nor was it allowed to provide
Public Comment<\/a>. I will be filing a complaint with the
Sunshine Task<\/a> force. They have an obligation to post items discussed on the agenda. During the
Commission Meeting<\/a> on june hi statement thank you. Excuse me, there is somebody on the line. Ill continue. I would like to express my disgust if in one of the
Police Commission<\/a>ers behavior. He was disrespectful and clearly yes. Something is saying ciao. That needs to be muted. He was disrespectful and clearly showed his bias toward women in the entire meeting. While he apologized to the deaf and hard of
Hearing Community<\/a>, he should not be allowed to threaten deaf and hard of
Hearing Community<\/a> will be on her hands and neck and death of the hard of
Hearing Community<\/a>. Shame on you for i wonder how john can be allowed to preside when he cant control his own behavior and expect his halfhearted apology to make it all go away. Last week, he made a threat to step down from the
Police Commission<\/a>. I urge him to make good on the threat so the
Police Commission<\/a> can continue their work without the constant racist behavior. There are now 15 callers for this item. Okay. Thank you. Hello, caller. My name is cole. Im a long time voter, first time resident. And im calling because many of the people that i care about have to go back to their daily lives wondering whether theyll be safe, whether they can get into a car and whether theyre going to be stopped by the sfpd. One of them was suspended and now charged with bank robbery. And here i am having to call you because nobody should have to grow up in that world. Because the folks that represent them knew and protect them the cops, have turned their backs on them and murdered them. Nobody should have to do that. Nobody should have to tell that to their child or have their conversation with their kid. And thats really sad. Youve heard callers talk about budgets and i got back into the queue to do the same, because you asked, why do you need to get to the budget . And i asked, how is it so confusing . How is it confusing you to have to get to the budget . Its clear sir, i dont want to have to direct you, but please that money to
Public Safety<\/a> sir . Sir . Were not going to accepting
Public Comment<\/a> about the budget. I apologize, but that yourself. Please call when that you are next. Lets move on. Ill take the next caller. Hello . Hello. Can you hear me . Hi, im joe. I was [inaudible] and i just wanted to say how im ashamed at the sfpd and the report that the chief made arresting the protesters and doing all this stuff. Ive been active in the protesting and i think what hes doing is very disgraceful. I just think they need to remove him and remove everybody and start fresh. I think for you guys being complete fucking ass holes and cutting everybody off. Shame on you ass holes. I yield my fucking time. Hi, i have a question. So when you vote on line item 3, will
Public Comment<\/a> precede the decision or be after the decision . Public comment will precede any vote on line item 3. Okay, so well have the opportunity to say defund the police before you say line item 3 and vote on it and that will supposedly influence your decision . Correct. I have callers behind me. Okay. Great thank you. Next caller. Hi, my name is heidi. Im from district 5. Id like to comment on the chiefs report. It doesnt tell us how the police are impacting our community. We know from many people interaction with the police is very fearful. People are dying are traffic violence at the same rate as homicide last year. Were using this reporting style and it doesnt show us a lot of detail about our community. How many bikes are stolen . We can figure out how to answer that by knowing what our
Transportation System<\/a> means. What these measures matter and what the report needs to be reimagined to better inform a policy decision. Thats it. I just wanted to chair in the reporting and i yield the rest of my time. Hi, how are you . My name is john. Im a resident of
San Francisco<\/a>. Im call today to ask that the commission and the chief agree. You took an oath to serve and protect the public. In your report you mentioned that robbery. You mentioned working with community agencies. Are you aware if we fund them with the budget, we dont need you any more. I think youre trying to save the jobs. You fear it will make your jobs no longer relevant. I observed
Police Attack<\/a> and has race harass the mentally ill. I have no faith in their abilities. The
Alarm Company<\/a> i had called the police on me because my house was broken into. Three hidden officers showed up and had guns pointed to my face. If i was black, i wouldnt be here today. Is the commission okay with the way you behave . I yield my time. Byebye. Caller . Hi, my name is hello . We can hear you. Im a voter in
San Francisco<\/a>s district 4 and im calling to speak about the
Police Chiefs<\/a> report. [please stand by] [please stand by] weve heard from residents about how the police chief has lied and how theyve handled previous investigations. Personally, ive seen [inaudible] excuse me . Personally, ive seen
Police Board City<\/a> buses and harass brown and black passengers for tickets and not do the same for white passengers, and i think its totally disgusting. I think that theres a culture of racism that pervades the department. There is still a culture of racism in the department, and i dont think anything the chief says should be listened to. I yield my time. Thank you. Good evening. This is the voice of reason from district 7. There are 375 million annual contacts that the police have with the public every year. The
Police Fatally<\/a> shoot or had fatally shot nine unarmed blacks and 19 unarmed whites in 2019 according to a
Washington Post<\/a> database, which is down from 38 and 32, respectively, in 2018. In 2019, there were 4,708 victims of shootings. Those nine men represent. 09 of black men killed in 2019. In chicago alone on memorial day weekend, ten
African Americans<\/a> were killed in driveby shootings. The following weekend, 80 chicagoans were shot in driveby shootings, 21 of them fatal. The victims were overwhelmingly black. Police are not the suspects in these, other black suspects are. Officers are being shot at while they try to apprehend suspects or respond to shootings. If the ferguson effect of the officers backing off
Law Enforcement<\/a> and neighborhood callers is reborn clerk thank you, caller. Hello. My name is wren. Im a
San Francisco<\/a> resident and caller. Im calling over my dissatisfaction with chief scotts report. Police vehicles accelerating dangerously on crowded sidewalks or officers pointing weapons at protesters. Im also disturbed by scotts unsubstantiated claim that a small group of protesters in the mission were surrounded and forced to lie down on the ground but not because they posed some sort of imminent incendiary threat. I call on the commissioners to challenge the police. Im also pretty disgusted by the fact that that last caller didnt talk at all about 1a, unlike others who called in for the same reason, so thats something to think about. All right. I yield my time. Good evening, commissioners. My name is emily lee. I am the director of
San Francisco<\/a> rising. We are a
Multiracial Alliance<\/a> in
San Francisco<\/a>, and we organize amongst the black, latinx, and chinese communities. We realize we dont feel safe in the neighborhood, and in this respect, sfpd is actually failing our community. Some of the examples of the report around sfpds arrests of protesters, using unnecessary force, and also many
Police Murders<\/a> that have happened in black and
Brown Community<\/a>, as well as in the chinese community, theres been a lot of frustration and anger about the lack of response to assaults of chinese citizens. [inaudible] as many people are parents, seniors, or people who its not reasonable to expect them to wait hours to give comments, and i hope that the commission in the future will give the people some consideration. Im asking the
Police Commission<\/a> to not approve the budget tonight until theres really divestment from the
Police Department<\/a>. Thank you so much. Hey, how are you all . Its been a long night. Can everybody hear me . Vice president taylor yes, we can hear you. Awesome. Yeah, id first like to really thank everyone for listening to the
Community Members<\/a> who have called in today, and id also like to thank all of the
Community Members<\/a> themselves for calling in. Its pretty encouraging to hear this much support for the end engagement in the community. My name is alex, and im a black registered voter, and im a mechanical engineer here in
San Francisco<\/a>, and im proud to call haightashbury my home. I think one thing that our allies and others kind of must under in this time is, you know, none of this
Police Brutality<\/a> and violence is really new. You know, the black and
Brown Community<\/a> across the country has always been terrorized by the police. San francisco is no exception to that, and id be interested in how the
Police Report<\/a> you know, the police didnt reference these concerns of the community a, and id be interested in not spending time on dress
Code Violations<\/a> in the
Police Department<\/a>, instead, specifically talking about how it helps our community. Consistently, you know, walking down the street to get pizza, i watched groups of five to six
Police Officers<\/a> surrounding someone whos down on their luck and really has no time nor home, laying down on the ground. And ive always asked, why five . Why five
Police Officers<\/a> are necessary to hold somebody down on their luck. Seems kind of unnecessary. One of my friends was shocked in the marina for jaywalking, that the sfpd had three officers handcuff him and sit down on the curb sha, and hes engineer with me. Hes a black engineer from oakland that happened to be in the community with me. Vice president taylor not this past call, but the caller before him was speaking, i was actually looking for the mayors policy on discriminatory or harassing remarks, and i think that was the reason for my delay in addressing that the previous caller. Sorry. Talking about, you know, officers being killed by black people, so i want to take the opportunity now to read the mayors policy, the city policy prohibiting discrimination or harassing remarks. The city invites
Public Comment<\/a>s about its operations, including comments about the performance of its
Public Officials<\/a> and employees at
Public Meetings<\/a> of city boards and commissions. The city policies, along with federal, state, and local laws prohibit discrimination against or harassment based on race, sex, or any other categories liste listed below, it lists all those categories. The city policy prohibits discrimination or harassment on the basis of race, color, ancestry, national origin, ethnicity, place of birth, sex, creed, medical condition, aids hiv status, sexual orientation, marital status, pregnancy, weight, height, or any other discrimination prohibited by local employment laws. So that is my response to the caller who decided to educate us on the probability of
Police Officers<\/a> getting killed by black people. I dont know where that person got that specific, but it was offensive to me, and i thought it would be helpful to read that policy. Thank you. Next caller. Hello, caller . Hi, yeah, can you hear me . Operator yes, we can. My name is jessie. Im a resident and a voter in district 11, and im calling because im incredibly displeased with the handling of the protests over the last week by the sfpd, unnecessary use of chemical agents by the
Police Department<\/a>, and so on. This cant continue, and the
Police Department<\/a> should be disbanded and defunded. Additionally, like, the guy who called in to talk about black on black crime can go fuck himself. Thank you, and i yield my time. Hello. My name is shayda wu obowie. I call tonight to denounce the overwhelming force used against black and brown persons and to disagree vehemently with chief browns description of the city. Ive attended a
Community Vigil<\/a> honoring the life of 19yearold jesus duarte who was shot over 19 times in the
Mission District<\/a> in 2018. Say his name. This is personal. Lives are on the line. Over three years ago, i chose to move to
San Francisco<\/a> from a small town in order to train for a future career in medicine . I was hopeful. Instead, in many ways, ive undergone a rapid brutal education in
Police Violence<\/a>. Ive learned how the hands of the state are used over and over again to brutalize the most vulnerable of our
Community Members<\/a>. I urge you to abolish and defund
San Francisco<\/a>
Police Department<\/a> and instead build community housing. I yield my time. Fuck the police. I yield my time. Hi. Can you hear me . Operator yes, we can hear you. Hi. My name is rebecca ruiz. Im calling because on saturday, itll be 19 years to the day that idra celli was shot during a
Mental Health<\/a> crisis. His mother has been working to get more money cal indicated into
Mental Health<\/a> services, social services instead of throwing money at a historically corrupt
Police Department<\/a>. I want to urge the commission to be on the right side of history reahere. Were seeing
International Movements<\/a> to allocate money to social services, to preventative measures that can actually stop violence, whereas we in the bay area are supposed to be this mecca of progressive thought keep running up against
Police Commission<\/a>s, keep running up against politicians that think that the police are the only way to stop violence, when in reality, theyre contributing to a lot of violence in black and brown communities. Not just the death of black and brown
Community Members<\/a>, but also the harassment, the brutality. Let us not forget the child
Sexual Assault<\/a> ring that was happening, as well, so i just wanted to urge you to be on the right side of history here and defund the police and disband the police. I yield my time. Hello. I am a resident of
San Francisco<\/a> and ive been listening to
Police Chiefs<\/a> reports, and i notice that there was no line for how many people have been killed by the police. Usually, the answer is pretty loud. But i did a cancellation that if you if you took the 600 million that the police got last year, you could house the enti entire s. F. Population and pay the back rent for the covid19 for 100,000 people in
San Francisco<\/a> if you defund the police. Bye. Hi. My name is cesar. Can you hear me . Operator hi, yes, we can hear you. [inaudible] i shouldnt have to be afraid just to go to work. I already have, you know, to worry about either getting raped ive already been raped and assaulted, but i cant go to the police. Like, i dont trust them, so yeah, i agree with the other caller. I think weve been trying to reform, but i think abolition is really the [inaudible] and because of all this distrust, these reports, theyre not accurate, and people dont trust the reports of the police anymore. What ive learned from coming to some of the
Police Meetings<\/a> is the police dont know how to report, they only react. So yeah, weve got to do better. Also, one of my friends, his uncle, you know, the police, they put their knee down on him, and thats how he passed away, and its very traumatizing, so yeah, we must
Public Safety<\/a> really is about, you know when i was homeless, there wasnt any
Services Available<\/a> to help us, unfortunately. I think we need to defund the police and that should be used for emergency
Homeless Housing<\/a> and for those things that could actually keep us safe. Thank you. Hello. We need to speak about the undemocratic process of this meeting tonight. The technology is a disaster. People dont know theyre on the line. I can speak on this because we need to change the process. We dont see you when were speaking. Your faces arent on the screen. We are using
Technology Every<\/a> day. Vice president taylor maam, thank you very much. This is not about line item 1a. I hate to cut you off if youre not calling about item 1a, im going to ask the moderator to proceed to the next caller. Hello . Operator hello . Vice president taylor yes . Hi. You can hear me . Operator yes . Hi. So my names
Danny Montoya<\/a> yes, my names danny, and im a resident and voter in district 1, and i just wanted to offer an analogy about this whole the line item 1a, okay . Im just talking about line item 1a. So every winter, every holiday season, you go by any
Police Department<\/a> in
San Francisco<\/a>, across the nation, and you will see a line of people all the way around the block, for blocks and blocks, waiting for toys from a
Police Department<\/a>, okay . Now if you look at those lines, if you look at the people in those lines waiting for those toys, they are the exact people who these police terrorize and brutalize and murder, so the analogy im making here is this when we listen to chief scotts report, that is what i see in my mind. Thats what all people see in their minds, is theyre seeing white supremacy. That is white supremacy, that is white power. The people youre brutalizing, you handout toys to every holiday season, and you expect them to think oh, everythings fine. Theyll remember this nice moment, and those children that are getting those toys grow up to be the very people you brutalize and terrorize and murder, and regardless of what
Vice President<\/a> taylor this has nothing to do with line item 1a. Its almost 9 00. Were going to move on, caller. [inaudible] hello. My name is dr. Can you hear me . Yes, we can hear you. Yes. Im a professor of medicine at u. C. San francisco. I wanted to respond to line item 1a and to resonate with all of the comments that ive heard today. Im calling to defund and dismantle the sfpd. I have been researching the impacts of
Law Enforcement<\/a> violence, specifically, the violence committed on families and peers in
San Francisco<\/a>. We will be publishing our findings in the literature next month, and the literature review as well as our data shows an overwhelming amount of data of people all across
San Francisco<\/a> because of experiencing
Police Violence<\/a>. What happened at these peaceful protests is another example of experiencing
Police Violence<\/a>. What we know is longstanding trauma over a long period of time result in inflammation in the body and could be resulting in some of the diseases that were seeing in our brown and black population in
San Francisco<\/a>. Compounded with the neglect of unhoused people who remained unhoused during this entire pandemic, im highly concerned about the priorities of
San Francisco<\/a> in general, specifically, the sfpd. The communities need to be changed to center on a culture of care. Thank you so much. Operator one second, please. Im speaking on
Police Violence<\/a>. The rest of the time on the report, im seeing burglaries,
Motor Vehicle<\/a> thefts, rising. If theyre rising year after year, and were giving the police these budgets, then what evidence do we have raising the budgets for the
Department Works<\/a> . These are crimes, these are
Economic Crimes<\/a> that people do when they dont have any other way out of extreme poverty, so its from their own crime report, you can see that burglaries are on the rise,
Motor Vehicle<\/a> thefts are on the rise. Once people are desperate, were not seeing any evidence that the police are the right way to deal with this problem because if this is going on year after year, why should we assume that theyre fixing the problem . The problem should be fixed through other means. Abolish the police, and also want to say that [inaudible] he should never have done that, and he should be he should be forced to resign, along with the rest of the
Police Officers<\/a>. I yield my time. Thank you. Operator hello, caller . Hello, caller . Ive just joked because im not sure if im still on mute. Hi. My name is stevie cates. Im a white parent and mother. Im here to say im absolutely disgusted by the actions of sfpd over the past few weeks. The chiefs report was full of easily provable lies, im here to encourage you to immediately abolish and disband the sfpd. The issues were talking about here predate the recent incidents. The pattern of racism and oppression has gone on far too long. Ive seen firsthand the dehumanizing treatment of my neighbors by sfpd. San francisco can do so much better than this. Black lives matter. Defund and disband the police now. I yield my time. Operator hello, caller . Yes. Im calling to have s. F. Disband the police. Theyre a corrupt institution. They do the opposite that they say they will. It costs us 600 million for us to house our homeless citizens that have been negatively impacted by the coronavirus pandemic thats going on, and weve had a laughable response. Lets invest in our communities, lets invest in each other, and dismantle white supremacy. I yield my time. Operator hello, caller. Hello. Can you hear me . Operator yet, we can hear you. Im calling you to say fuck you to the person who thinks hes the voice of reason. I yield my time. Hello. My name is donna. I live and work in
San Francisco<\/a>. Im sorry to say that
San Francisco<\/a>
Police Department<\/a> is one of the most racist and classless
Police Department<\/a>s in the country. They dont follow the rules, and they are one of the biggest gangs around, and we reward them every year. They basically havent followed the d. O. J. Reforms, yet they get more and more money, no accountability, no change. They murdered people of color, still no one was held accountability. A noise complaint, a trespass, a
Traffic Violation<\/a> end up as an attempted murder because police have no idea how to respond without aggression or violence. Ive seen police put a man in a chokehold because he was trespassing despite chokeholds being banned for years, and no supervisor reviewing that case noted any issue and
Nothing Happened<\/a> to the officer. Same thing for the officer that kneeled on the mans neck. Until the media weighed in, no one had called it out. No officer found anything wrong. Text messages show sfpd officers calling black people monkeys, saying, you may have to kill the half breed kids, too. Dont worry, theyre an abomination of nature any way. Im not aware of any accountability or repercussions that happened to those officers. We need to dismantle this white supremacist gang of citizens","publisher":{"@type":"Organization","name":"","logo":{"@type":"ImageObject","width":"800","height":"600","url":"\/\/\/35\/items\/SFGTV_20200611_003000_Police_Commission\/SFGTV_20200611_003000_Police_Commission.thumbs\/SFGTV_20200611_003000_Police_Commission_000001.jpg"}},"autauthor":{"@type":"Organization"},"author":{"sameAs":"","name":""}}],"coverageEndTime":"20240716T12:35:10+00:00"}