Transcripts For SFGTV Government Access Programming 20240714

Transcripts For SFGTV Government Access Programming 20240714

We have a quorum. Thank you. I will proceed with the chairs reports. Colleagues, i would like to begin this meeting with offering our collective deepest condolences to the families of Michael Evans and Benjamin Dean who were hit and killed in horrific crashes on our streets last week, as well as kelly dean who is critically injured and in the hospital. As was noted at the rally on the steps of city hall this morning, commissioner haney organized it, and motorists must slow down. The tenderloin, which is an area that commissioner haney and i share, his not a traffic sewer, it is a neighborhood, and i did not have a chance to say this morning at the rally, but when you drive through there, if you are watching my face, when you drive through there, you drive through there at 25 miles an hour or less. Speed kills. I am going to depart from my remarks and say the following thing, which is we are joined by we were joined by senator weiner this morning who lamented the fact that Law Enforcement statewide has killed San Franciscos repeated attempts to get automated Speed Enforcement. If you are looking at me, i would like the Police Officers association of San Francisco to get an expressed carveout, so only this city and county can have automated Speed Enforcement i will leave the other 57 counties and their state delegates to their own means, but i am calling on the p. O. A. To petition the state legislature to get us automated Speed Enforcement. Finally, what were talking about Law Enforcement, to every cop who isnt who is in a radio car, to every cop who was on a bike, i want it to be abundantly clear that when you drive in San Francisco over the speed limit, you are going to get busted. I am not known for generally wanting to increase San Franciscos police force, but i will give anything to get cops to start issuing tickets for speeding in this town. That and a whole host of Pedestrian Safety improvements that are timeconsuming and costly are going to start saving lives in the city and county of San Francisco. [applause] weve got a bunch of stuff on our agenda today that relates to Pedestrian Safety, we have approval of our vision zero ramp study, and a key set of safety scramble projects in my district at kearney and columbus, as well as an update on programs to protect kids through safe routes to school, which i have to shout out, as i always do, our former colleague, katie tang, and we have 18 c. Tax on the ballot, or hopefully we will this afternoon we have atn see tax on the ballot. Theres a hell of a lot more to do. I want to think commissioner yee who has steadfastly stewarded our vision zero efforts. I would like to ask our t. A. Staff to work closely with all of us, and particularly commissioner yee, the m. T. A. , and let me just underscore the sfpd as it relates to our vision zero commitments. With that, i will conclude the chairs remarks and mr. Clerk, please read the next item. Commissioner ronen . Commissioner ronen . Thank you. I have never commented on the chairs remarks before, but i just have to back you up 100 , chair peskin. I am angry, we are angry, every member of this board is devastated by the amount of pedestrian and traffic deaths that are happening on our streets on a monthly basis. How are kids, our seniors, our families, we should be able to walk around the street and not have that and our life. The fact that we are not doing everything in our power collectively as leaders of this city to end this senseless killing of people on our streets on a monthly basis is outrageous we have all got into our wits end on this topic. It is unacceptable that this is happening every single day and we have two institute, immediately in a crisis manner, every single Pedestrian Safety option that is out there. I just had to respond to supervisor peskins remarks because i am at my wits end. I, too, am angry. This bloodshed has got to stop. Thank you. Commissioner haney . Thank you. I dont want to take us too far off topic, but i did want to thank you for your remarks and to my colleagues for joining us this morning. We stood right before this meeting and called for a state of emergency around Traffic Safety in San Francisco, and im going to be introducing a resolution later today at our board of supervisors meeting that i hope you all will join me in. We have a situation that is, as you have said, a crisis. It is out of control, and we need much more sweeping and urgent action. I think that if we dont do something different, in a much bigger way than what were doing now, were going to continue to see far too many people hurt or killed on our streets. Thank you for that call around enforcement and state action, and im going to put forward a resolution today, and hopefully we will be joined by you all to call for a state of emergency that can hopefully bring about some of these changes sooner. Thank you. Commissioner fewer . I just wanted to add that as someone whos district has suffered two fatalities, both of them seniors, both of them chinese, older women, i dont think enough attention has been put on about the importance of also abiding by spee laws my speed laws and we also need more enforcement. I hope also want to thank my partner here, supervisor mandelman. We have worked to actually get more motorcycle cops on the streets, and i think that we really, really need to speed up enforcement. We have to ramp it up. Because, actually, it is the only thing i think that is a real deterrent. Once you get a ticket, you are more cautious as a driver. I am just going to ask the Police Department to beef up their citations and also, especially around hi and record doors, and also, i am going to ask m. T. A. To be looking at ways that we can keep pedestrians safer, such as extending crossing times at crosswalks, repainting the crosswalks that are fated already, and what other kind of improvements we can do around these busy intersections, including those crosswalks where everyone walks crosses the street diagonally anyway, thank you for your remarks, chair, and we agree. Commissioner you . I will join everyone else and saying thank you, chair peskin for your remarks and also commissioner haney for organizing todays rally, i dont know if you want to call it a rally, but still, it was to point out that we havent done enough. We have done some things. My office is currently working on legislation similar to what it did with daylighting the corners in regards to finding a way to roll out, in a faster, more efficient way, the concept of the scrambles and intersections, and what i want to do is to make it a goal to reach so many of these intersections, that they be put into have this element, and we really need to get the state to Pass Assembly on Speed Enforcement. Thank you. Commissioner brown . Thank you, chair peskin, for your remarks. I think that this city and most cities in the country were built around cars. We have to change in reverse that mentality of the way we design streets in the way streets are run and it has to be pedestrians and bicycles first and cars second or third. We need to take a look at no turns and get the help or no turns on a red light, and then also, because i have been on to visit darrow a lot lately, what i have been seeing with four lane streets or boulevards is that when someone is turning left, they actually gun it because of two lanes of cars coming and they gun it into a crosswalk. I have had five fatalities in a year, and two of them were people turning left and actually gunning it to get through. So i think that we really need to look at all these measures as we go forward of keeping our streets safe. Thank you. Commissioner walton . Thank you, chair peskin. I just want to echo the sentiments of all of my colleagues. I have had a few fatalities in my district, as well. There are so many things that we can do to mitigate the impacts and make sure that we have less accidents. There were a lot of suggestions made today. We are going to be working hard as a body to focus so we can keep people safe. This cant keep happening. Not only is it happening, but it is happening in a volume of numbers that we know we can avoid. I just want to thank all of you for being dedicated to making the changes that we need. I was just receiving a text from a constituent because we removed an island on a street, and now she immediately is asking for speed bumps to mitigate some of the speed impacts that are happening on her street. I have a resident in my district to is, right now, in the hospital. He had to get his leg amputated because he was hit by someone who was on a cell phone while they were driving. There are so many things that we have to work on to make changes to keep people safe. Yes, he is still alive, but he has lost a limb because of things that we can do to make sure that drivers do a better job. Thank you, all for your dedication and commitment to making change. Thank you, commissioners. We are of one mind. Madam executive director, the floor is yours. Thank you. Our heartfelt condolences to the families of those lost. I wanted to start on a safety update. We were pleased to join commissioner mar at the safe streets townhall this month out in the sunset district. That was attended by sfmta and walk San Francisco, by coalition transit riders and senior disability action, communitywide conversation is really important to discuss projects such as the 19th avenue and 20th avenue neighbour way projects and upcoming improvement studies for mobility and safety. I understand commissioner fewer also hosted a shared mobility meeting in her district. I wasnt able to attend, but i appreciate the conversation there to ensure that shared Mobility Services and companies are also part of this communitywide effort to fix our streets and ensure safe operations of their Safety Improvement project in district one. It is also wrapping up. That is due to a lot of hard work sfmta and Community Members to develop the bicycle facility there and a whole bunch of crosswalk enhancements and striping and pedestrian improvements to go with the buffered bike lanes. Quick updates there. Turning to the regional level, the caltrain Business Plan is making great progress. This week they conducted a two hour online town hall meeting on youtube. I encourage anyone who is interested in caltrain in the business effort, it is really a once in generation look to see what it is take to realize our vision for highquality, highfrequency Caltrain Service up and down the peninsula. That is available. The Service Vision that they are looking at involves up to potentially 12 trains per hour, and that would be eight caltrain his and eight highspeed rail trains. Theyre looking at more likely the middle ground scenario, but taking input from the public. It would increase ridership from 65,000 brides a day to 180,000 estimated in 2040. It is not inexpensive. It would take about 25 billion and whole host of investments and tracks and grade separations , maintenance facilities, and the like, as well as our downtown real extension and other complementary investments. Caltrain is also looking at organizational changes that would need to happen to realize such a vision in terms of service delivery, internal organization and governance et cetera. We do appreciate supervisor walton serving on that board and looking at all of these issues together with our other representatives from San Francisco and up and down the peninsula. We will continue to track the next stages and offer comments in coordination with the city and county of San Francisco. Turning to a related issue over here at the salesforce transit center, we are happy to announce the center has been reopened as of july first and we welcome visitors. There is a plan to have a full bus service in august as the a. C. Transit folks are conducted training, but munimobile are already operating there, as well as golden gate. A. C. Transit and greyhound and other services will also Commence Service as of august. Another piece of good news is the Transbay Joint Powers Authority that the federal Transit Administration has signed off on the Environmental Review documents for the downtown real extension. This is a significant project milestone. We are very pleased and congratulate them on obtaining that approval. It does set the stage for project development activities. On that front, our peer review continues to work hard. They wanted to follow up on Stakeholder Input we heard following the june presentation of their initial recommendations they also wanted to review the caltrain Business Plan, the organizational and governance recommendations to include those for their consideration, as well as for Partner Agencies to have time to develop a potential joint funding item to present to the Transportation Authority in september. The new date for the final peer review final report would be september, potentially together with a funding item to kickstart the activities and project development. I also wanted to mention that earlier this month, many of us appreciated the outgoing transpiration Transportation Agency director on his service in San Francisco. Chair peskin and supervisor fewer and i did attend the sfmta Board Meeting and all of you did recognize him and thank him at your board of supervisors meeting. I just wanted to very much appreciate his partnership and his leadership. Not only in San Francisco, but really across the nation and beyond in leading one in the country where we have transit and shared mobility and all the active modes under one roof. Whether it is vision zero, transit priority and moving forward, whether it is the vanguard of newman nobility policy, i really enjoyed and working closely with director reiskin. We wish him all the best with his new post at the city of oakland, which was just announced. The Performance Working Group will be kicking off soon, as well. With mayor breed, supervisors mandelman and peskin, converting convening a working group to understand the performance needs and requirements for munimobile to have reliable service. That will be a comprehensive look at their operations, about service delivery, about funding, and Capital Improvements to improve munimobile service and performance and reliability. It will be cochaired by Ed Harrington and gwyneth borden, the chair of the sfmta. And there will be participation with a whole host of experts throughout the country, actually we look forward to bringing you updates on that with supervisor mandelman and chair peskin. Our downtown congestion pricing study has kicked off. This was following the boards approval of funding in the m. T. C. Can commission contribution. Were very much appreciate the support and copper up cooperation on that. Not only will it address congestion and quality of life and health, but also safety issues that are worsening throughout the city, and particularly in the core. With that, im happy to take any questions. Any questions for the executive director . Seeing none, is there any Public Comment on the chairs report release active directorys report . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Please read the consent agenda. Items 411 comprises a consent agenda. Items five through ten are now being considered for final approval. Stuff is not planning to present on these items but may do so if the board board would like to consider them. Thank you. Is there any Public Comment on item number 4, the minutes from our july 9th meeting . Seeing none, Public Comment is close. Colleagues, i would like to sever item five. Could you please read item number 5 . Item five is a final approval of Fund Exchange of approximately 3. 31 million bay Area Grant Fund from the john chin safe routes to School Project with an equivalent amount of prop k. Funds from the better Market Street fund and allocate 3. 8 million and prop k. Funds including Exchange Funds of conditions to the project. This is an action item. I understand you have an update relative to this project. I do. Thank you. Im the Deputy Director for policy and programming. At the july 9th Board Meeting, there were some questions asked by Board Members in regards to the construction schedule and also about how s. F. Public works will ensure safe crossings for schoolchildren given that this is a safe routes to School Project and construction will be underway during the school year. I am pleased to note that public works is updating its construction bid document to refle

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