Of Credit Recovery or because of their grades, and if we dont get their grades on track and they still wont have access to that. Similarly, during the summer, they have to go to Summer School so summer jobs arent available to them. We are trying to build up about 5 million that has been put into the oh, ew d. Budget. A good portion of that is, around a million of that is specifically for the Service Providers to be able to help with Community Outreach and engagement. The studies that we are seeing show that young people and people in general, in terms of moving from moving out of poverty, need to feel valued in their community, and we want to make sure we are also valuing the Community Partners that lead that work. There is a little over a million that is put in for education liaisons and support. There is also money specifically for hope s. F. Students and africanamerican achievement Leadership Initiative groups to get yearround. We found, the last two summers, just through during the school district, theres a group called black star. They are going into the front third summer. We have seen that a lot of those students are now in Credit Recovery, and it just goes against the whole reason why the Summer Program was created. We are trying to figure out for the hope s. F. And the black star students how to be more intentional and to address the disparities that are all tied together, and if we dont Work Together to do that with mentors and education support, we will keep seeing the same group of students. Do you know the whole budget opportunities for all . The budget is 520 million that is currently allocated toward and that is through oewd, and that is through the course of two years. So you dont have a budget in h. R. C. For the work that you do to supplement . Right, we are negotiating to have that. And you are looking for how much . For us, we are going to get additional staff, and then we are still negotiating between three and 500,000 to get put back into the h. R. C. Budget. I want to be clear, too, the human rights commission, the department of children and their families, office of economic and workforce development, and the school district, this is been a great opportunity for us. We have had very serious conversations about what the gaps are, and how to do a better job of addressing those gaps. The funding is going there because they have the infrastructure that is what we are drilling down on. And part of that is how we Work Together to address that. So the 300 to 500,000 that you are speaking about would come from this fivepoint to and be transferred from oewd . I see. And then does sfusd also get funding, or not . There is 1 million specifically for stipends, and allen i want to say this year , school has in school has gotten out, june 4th through now, we received 231 applications. What we are seeing since school has let out is all the kids that this was really created for, are now starting to come online, and most of them dont have the school sets skill sets. There is a lot of money putting specifically for young people. It is very little comparatively for staff. Most of the money is going to Service Providers to support young people or directly to young people. I see. So are all of the opportunities for young people now going through opportunities for all, or is there additional programs that are out there . The mayors intention is that as we use this to centralize and get an understanding that they will all fall under opportunities for all. Currently we have, for the opportunities for all that we are connecting, weve gotten to got in 2,000 new applicants in the last three months, and then there are 2,000 that are three youth work, project pull, and other programs that we are also counting. We are trying to get a better handle on what is real. We know in the past we have had these numbers of who was employed during the summer, and we are also using this to get a better handle on that. We are working with the university of San Francisco to track. Right now there is youth work that we are counting as part of that, and then we are trying to see what other programs exist, but we have about 50 departments that are also sharing our information that we are tracking through opportunities as well. So the budget for youth works is included in this . No, that is extremely large. I also want to say that since this budget sits in oewd, and they are coming before us, this is probably where those questions should be directed because they need to be drilled down into that budget. Thank you. Correct. Director davis did share that it is across mainly three city departments, of which, over 5 million is through oewd, and we are working to figure out what portion can be sent back to h. R. C. To ensure continuity of services. There are positions budgeted in h. R. C. s budget. I believe three positions, two positions, four positions, apologies, about four positions in h. R. C. To support the continuity of work. And milling dollars a year for the stipend. It is actually 8 million total when you take into account the position. And oewd can speak to the specificity of what is budgeted, but it is a very coordinated effort of which h. R. C. Plays a main convening and implementation role. Thank you. Supervisor mental him in . Do you currently have any vacant positions . We have three. How long have they been vacant . They are actually connected to the office of sharp, so it is part of a process. They have been vacant since we were given them, but there was a process to go through hiring, which is which has slowed us down. How long has that been . A year basically, because funding was given last fiscal year, but it would have actually been higher a arm starting in october or november. Wow. To the chair, can i answer . Yesterday at the board of supervisors we passed an ordinance to fix a hiccup that came up in the hiring process, because it is a very special, new department. We wanted Community Involved in the hiring process, but there were laws that conflicted with that that we overwrote in that legislation yesterday, which is partially why there has been this delay. Okay. Thank you. When you had to propose reductions, what did you propose , how did you deal with that . In all honesty, when we talked about reductions, we talked about the fact that we had been doing some reductions for a while and that we were doing a lot of temporary positions and we proposed to maintain, because we actually were operating under a debit deficit. Okay. , all right. Thank you. Any other questions . Thank you very much. Lets move on to the department of the status of women. I think we have a status writer here. Please set the timer. Thank you. Good afternoon members of the budget committee. I am the director of the San Francisco department on the status of women, joined by fiscal and policy manager, natalie. I want to thank our budget analyst for her work with our department. Next slide. The mission of our department is to foster equitable treatment and advancement of all women and girls throughout San Francisco their policy, legislation, and programs. One of the questions was about our strategic goals. We advance gender equity initiatives and our goal is to end genderbased violence. Those are our two primary service areas. And just a few data points about the status of women, women provide comprise 40 9 of the citys population, so chair fewer in district one, you are tied for second place with 50 2 women. Supervisor stefani, district two is in first place with 50 3 , supervisor mandelman, district eight, has 44 women, supervisor ronen, district nine, 48 , and president you, you are tied at second place with 50 2 women. Of all the women in San Francisco, women of color make it 50 7 , and account for 50 3 of all immigrants in San Francisco, over two thirds are from asia. Women in poverty account for 13 of all women in San Francisco, however race matters. Half of all Pacific Islanders that are single mothers experience poverty. One in three africanamerican single moms, and one in four latin x. Single moms are poor. Fourteen of asian whites and go moms represent poverty, and one of the root causes is Domestic Violence, which is a major part of our work. We address equity issues by analysing data for gender, race, and other characteristics. This is a three year budget comparison. The proposed budget includes an increase of about 200,000 for the cost of doing business in San Francisco, and well go directly to our city grant partner. The single Largest Program is the violence against women prevention and Education Grant program. Other admin expenses are 16 , and we are not proposing any change to our six f. T. E. In terms of department initiatives, the Mayors Task Force on trafficking, the most recent report showed 673 cases of Human Trafficking in San Francisco. It encourages committee and helps implement reform, to eliminate Domestic Violence homicide for a period of four years beginning in 2010, but since 2014, we have had about eight incidents of murder, so there is still work to do. We are doing work on a citywide Racial Equity working group with the leadership of the human rights commission. We are implementing a new database on Racial Equity and using Racial Equity tool for internal policy. I wanted to plant a seed next year. We will be celebrating the centennial of the womens right to vote since august in august 2020. Next, his department initiatives they are all grant funded. We have a u. S. Department of office against women, Domestic Violence assessment which is a three year grant. 750,000 in partnership with the d. A. , and a. P. A. Family advocates. Number 2 is a blue shield of california Violence Prevention Program with safe and sound Young Community developers for 384,000. And then we received an intent to award from the California Department of social services, a 9 milliondollar grant to address the need of commercially sexually exploited children. And then in terms of our single Largest Program, the violence against women, our funding allocation is 8 million, and the chart shows the growth over time. Fifty funds crisis line services, legal services, intervention, and advocacy. Theres about 21 that goes to support prevention. My last slide, this is my summary of the performance measures. We can tell you we funded 25,000 crisis calls, 7,000 shelter bed nights, 7,000 individuals were served in 27 and 2018 budget. I will conclude there, and answer your questions. Thank you very much. Colleagues, any questions or comments . Just a quick one. Yes . So i know you explained it in your presentation, but the intergovernmental revenue from this state, what does that pay for . It is an intent to award, we do not have the award in hand yet, but it is a Wraparound Service and housing option grant for commercially sexually exploited children. We will have ten partners on that grants, principally huckleberry house and freedom forward, but also edgewood, and there is a whole roster. We are waiting to get the contract approved at the state level to be in the next two weeks. And that is just a oneyear contract . It is a threeyear contract. It is a three year contract, but it is not over three years . We are the only ones in the state to receive it, and it is a pilot to see how we can grow the capacity of foster families to take in survivals of human truck survivors of Human Trafficking, into make sure their Wraparound Services available. Thank you. I will ask my standard questions. Do you have vacancies currently . We have six fulltime f. T. E. We have 64 in those positions. We have a halftime grant funded position that is vacant and we will have another one beginning in july 1st, assuming the state grant the state grant comes through and we are in the process of hiring. How did you deal with the directive, when you had to propose reductions, how did you deal with it . We are asked to identify cuts we have worked closely with our grant partners and rather than picking and choosing, we have a very Strong Network of Service Providers and the approach we take is an acrosstheboard cut to need to be meet the budget target, but thankfully, the mayor has decided not to impose those cuts for these lifesaving , Homelessness Prevention programs. What is the balance of general fund versus grants . We are 100 general fund. These numbers reflect general fund dollars. When you say you have a halftime grant funded position, you have budget in addition to the night before Million Dollars that is the blue shield grant it will be for two years. I guess i am asking, how much money is being leveraged outside of the general fund . A Million Dollars plus the potential 9 million. That is the only grant you have . We have three grants, the state grant, the blue shield for 385 and then the u. S. Department of justice for 750. Thank you. Can you walk through the six positions and what each persons title is and what they do . We have a director, we have a commission sector terry who doubles as a recycling coordinator, all the different citywide responsibilities. We have a policy and Program Policy and projects director who is responsible for the overall direction of policy on both workplace and the ending violence, we have a policy and grant manager who helps us look for grants and is stuffing the the department of justice, Domestic Violence prevention effort, naturally serves as our fiscal policy manager, and lets see, how many is that . And the associate director who manages our entire violence against women prevention and grants program, our single Largest Program, the 8 milliondollar program that was five positions. Myself, the commission secretary, programs, lets see, policy director, fiscal policy manager, grants associate, and our associate director. So i have director, secretary , policy and projects director, then theres is there a policy manager and a grants manager . Policy and grants manager. Okay. Fiscal policy manager. Fiscal policy . Fiscal and policy. And the final one is associate director. So how is the physical and policy manager different from the policy and grants manager . Or policy and grants manager supports the department of justice, Domestic Violence intervention, and goes out and seeks grants. One of the things that miss alvarez is working on is she is, in this year crew core heart, and looking at our internal policies that we want to align with the board, and the mayors priority on equity. For example, we have a very antiquated system of collecting data, so we cant really tell you how many recommendations how many women are accessing our services. Miss alvarez is spearheading an effort to have a tool that will collect that data for us so we can do more disaggregated analysis. Okay. Sorry, im sorry if i missed this, but supervisor mandelman said there was a vacant positions. You said there was one . 0. 5 currently, and there will be one beginning july 1st, assuming things go well at the state. These are both grant funded. The general fund funded positions are all full. Of these six positions, which one are general fund . All of them. Those are additional grants and positions that arent included in this. Yes. Thank you. Any other comments or questions . I just have one, a couple of questions, i wanted to mention that i understand that what youre department does is it gives out a life grant that aligns to your Mission Statement , but again, i think i said this last year, is that what i dont get from the department on the statuses of women, is actually what is the status of women in San Francisco i know you have given demographic information about how many women are in each of our district, but really, what we want to know is, how are women faring in this job economy how are they fearing in the homeless crisis, how many in our affordability crisis . How does this affect single women with children . How has this gone up in comparison, inconsistently, since i have been on the board, i have not seen that. I have seen a report from your department. It says what your department is doing. I do not see your report on the status of women of San Francisco this, in my opinion, is the most disappointing thing. I see you have six members of your staff that are all general fund. I see five of these could be grant generated money and not general fund money. That is just my personal opinion i think there is disappointment of not really knowing what the status of women really is, and we are somehow setting and also, as a board, we are setting policy not knowing how this might impact the status of women , how well are they fearing as women . Are certain policies are redoing , are they adversely affecting women, are they encouraging the vitality and viability of women being able to stay here in San Francisco . Who is leading San Francisco