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Environments, and then, a mix of other environments throughout for residential and more flexible retail and commercial use. The design controls i should say the sud along with the the proposition that the voters passed regarding heights and bulk and the design controls Work Together to assure again, that as i said, we have a livly skyline for mission rock. But that also but with a design controls, having more specific controls for character and modulation of the building. Finally, the regulations and amendments before you will call for further design processes as these projects as the buildings become ready for actual implementation. There will be a phase Design Review process that is actually something that the port will take the lead on, the Design Review of vertical or a building is something that the Planning Department will take the lead on and is outlined in the special use district before you. That concludes my portion of the presentation, and im now going to hand it over to adam van der water who will talk about the southern bay front strategy. Thank you. Thanks, matt. Gamp. Adam van der water from the office of economic and Workforce Development. I wont belabor this, but we did present the concept of a negotiated waterfront stretching from bay front to the brisbane border. Wed be happy to come back and present under more detail. Generally speaking, there is an area of growth in San Francisco, where we have about 36,000 exiting residents and 23,000 existing workers, but its experiencing change. Our office is engaged in a number of Major Projects along this area, from mission rock at the north through the Chase Center Arena currently under construction in mission bay, pier 70, which this body recently considered, the potrero power station which will be before you later this year, through to the former Hunters Point plant, india basin, executive basin and candlestick park. These projects, in and of themselves on top of any smaller projects that are occurring in these neighborhoods will represent approximately 20,000 new hows holds, a third of which we are aiming to be affordable, about 38,000 new jobs, and not aarea of oparea an area of open space equivalent to the park today. You heard phil, jack, fran, and jack touch on a number of these when we negotiate these are our private partners, we are looking to maximize a basket of public goods that include housing affordablity, transportation integration, sustainablity, Sea Level Rise protection, community facilities, open space, Workforce Development, and if there is existing use onsite, historic preservation. When we look specifically at mission rock, you see that they are meeting or exceeding a lot of those targets, and provide a set of Public Benefits that were extraordinarily pleased to present to you today. You heard much discussion about the 40 standard for Affordable Housing. We have transportation, and ill be turning it over to karly payne, mta, to discuss it in more detail. You heard fran about sea rise. There is an option to provide up to 15,000 gross square feet of Community Serving facilities, the eight acres of open space. And then what hasnt yet been mentioned is a very robust Workforce Development program with local Business Enterprise access, first source hiring, administration, citybuild jobs, and a commitment by the project to fund a number of trapiining programs to get pile drivers for these pile supported streets and landscape gardeners to provide ongoing maintenance that the site will fund. Happy to answer any questions or discuss this further, but wanted to link this back to a broader conversation that our office has been facilitating for the last two years, and before doing so, wanted to turn it over to karly payne from the sfmta. Im sorry. Before we transfer to sfmta, before we go back to the previous slide im sorry. Maybe i have the wrong copy. Before that one. The first square should be 33 will be affordable below 120 ami. So these tenants are throughout the southern bay front, and they are targets for all of the nine. Oh, not just including mission rock. Mission rock is for a phase of amis between 80 and 150 . Okay. So this is regarding the entire southern bay front, so i misunderstood that. Thats correct. Okay. So the front front has no housing onsite, but there is a totali totali total this is a totality of all the nine projects. Okay. Got it. Good afternoon, chair tang, members of the committee. Karly payne from sfmta. Just want to provide a little context for the transportation framework component of this particular project. So to remind you, this project is right in the middle of an area a number of long planned and now on the verge of being delivered transportation projects thats really going to transform the Transportation Options along the southern bay front but definitely and very intensely for this future new neighborhood. The central subway and the associated increase in t3rd frequency. As they projects come together and build out the greenway, elect 2k4 electrification of the bike way. What we see in this neighborhood right now in terms of Transportation Options is not what the future residents and employees and visitors to this site will experience. Its going to be a quite different landscape. So as adam mentioned, one of the components of the southern bay front transportation negotiation framework is transportation. When we look at transportation, were really looking at four things. First is site design and as youve heard from the project team, the site has really been designed with a lot of attention to modal hierarchy, supporting people walking, bicycling, taking transit through the design. We also looked to make sure that the Design Principles dont end at the design, but the site is being designed, and the site is being enhanced to the existing surrounding neighborhood. The second is Transportation Demand within this project. Theres a commitment to not creating or reducing 20 of auto trips that otherwise would be estimated from a project of this type through different amenities and offerings within the site to the future visitors and residents and workers of the site to really support them in making sustainable trip choices. The third is something that we expect from every project in the city which is to mitigate any impacts on the transportation system. And for this project, the kinds of mitigations that are expected are things that enhance pedestrians safety. For instance on 4th street through creating new Traffic Signals or addressing cueing or preventing cueing along the t third line to prevent delays. And then, the fourth is looking at the fees that the project pays. Now this project because of its initial application dates was grandfathered to a lower transportation fund, and theyre paying the full transportation sustainable fee equivalent, and we at mta with our City Partners have agreed with these revenues along with the pier 70 development which has already been approved will be reinvested in this area as opposed to distributed citywide, and the reason we feel really comfortable doing this is this neighborhood and southern of this area are really aware where the majority of this effort is happening and do deserve concentrated investment. The kind of investments that youll see is building along that network that i described earlier, so really looking at the t third line. Exposing and concealing gaps in our bicycling networks, and funding improvements for bus transit in the area. So with that, im going to turn it back over to phil, from the port. Supervisors, that actually concludes our presentation today. We are available to answer any questions that you may have. Thank you. Great. Thank you so much. 1k3 and so i want to call up members of the public who wish to speak. People flock to these different neighborhoods in saech search of something novel and different. Yet where i live, people drive through on their way to a different destination. Those that live in the area leave to go to other neighborhoods. Mission rock will create an inviting, inclusive, vibrant neighborhood drawing on the residents of mission bay, mission rock and south beach. Mission rock will bring about new friendships and relationships, the very essence of community. Neighbors supporting new small businesses. It will friday more Affordable Housing, presently in short supply, and with eight acres of open space, it addresses a desperately needed facet of urban living. It is important to recognize then in the undertaking of this project, the giants held numerous workshops and open houses. It was commendable the hard work and dedication exhibited by local groups such as south beach rincon hill Mission Bay Neighborhood association and the Mission Bay Citizen Advisory Committee whose voices helped shape this project. With their input and commitment to a better San Francisco along with civic leaders, social interest groups, and other political leaders citywide, the Mission Project is a model development. It is a winwin for all. The reverend Arnold Townsend said something at the Port Commission hearing january thank you. And as the timer comes up, youre welcome to finish your sentence, so if we can allow people to do that, thank you. Thank you. Hi. My name is stephanie mueller. Im here to represent delancey street neighborhood. I agree weve been friends and partners of the giants with at t park and the entire building of the community, and we are so looking forward to the possibility of jobs, the possibility of some Affordable Housing. Just as an aside, you know, as you know better than anyone here, delancey streets dedicated to helping people change their lives, and they spent two, three, four years in this neighborhood. When they graduate, looking for jobs or housing in San Francisco, its impossible, so we are so supportive and so excited about this project. And i just wanted to come here to be able to say that, so thank you. Thank you, and we love delancey street. Good afternoon, chair tang, supervisors kim, safai. My name is bruce, and im speaking in support of the items associated with the mission rock development. Im involved in the community, serving on the board and transportation rep of the south beach, rin son hill Neighborhood Association, however, my Public Comment today is being provided specifically as a native san franciscan and a nine year resident of mission bay. Over the past six years, ive had the opportunity, along with my neighbors, some for up to ten years being involved in the process fof the planning of the mission rock development. This included providing feedback on a variety of public documents and had Numerous Community outreach meetings and wosh shops. Nod to current residents and local businesses, the developers of mission bay were also involved in the process. This is good for us as neighbors, our community and ci city. As i mentioned, this helped shape the project we see today, striking a delicate balance on the amount of parks, waterfront access, housing, neighborhood serving retail and restaurants, preparation for Sea Level Rise and office space. Im not an expert in the financial aspects of development, but this project brought together an amazing and Diverse Group of stakeholders and experts to find the optimum mix of land uses while providing some flexiblity to ensure success of the project. There were some land minute discussions, thank you, supervisor kim to agree that this project could raise its Affordable Housing from 33 to 40 . With that, we have the parking along the waterfront, and please provide the necessary approvals to allow the mission bay waterfront to move forward. Thank you. Good afternoon, supervisor kim and supervisors. My name is vanessa, and im here to show my support for the mission rock. Im a proud san franciscan and living in dogpatch for over 14 years, and this community is my family. I lived in various neighborhoods, but this dogpatch is my really connect close hearted people. That being said, as board of member of the dogpatch association, ive seen amazing changes all around dogpatch community, the bayview district, mission bay, and mission rock. This is exciting. We are living in exciting i am times because our city is growing for the best. Heres why i ask you to support the mission rock project Mission Project will address the need of Affordable Housing which is desperately needed. As we all know our population is increasing, and having Affordable Housing now is key. Mission rock project will support area Median Income which will support low to middle income households, include Public Servants such as nurses and teachers. Mission rock will have units for transitional age youth, and id like to share with the last 30 seconds i have here how important transitional age youth is because i used to live in a group home. Ward of court of San Francisco. I did not have those services after i left the group home, and i think what the giants and mission rock are doing is great to support transitional age youth from foster and group homes. I ask that you please approve the mission rock project and lets keep the communication going. Thank you and have a great evening. Good evening, supervisors. My name is karen alschuler. Im a resident of San Francisco. I cant stay away from the excitement of the edge of a city of a great city or working to find the best role for that edge in the city or reaping the benefits of the investments we and private people city and the private people make in those areas, and taking leadership because its so visible. It tells the story about a city. In that experience, i think mission rock stands out for me. Ive been engaged since day one, jack, on the project, and i think its really stayed true to its values, open arms and focus on the public first. Id like to emphasize the way in which the community has played a significant rollover ten years, and in ten years i have to stay engaged, nimble, and inventive. We have made partners, partners from the local community, partners around key issues, environment and energy, and focusing then, inviting them to be our partners and making decisions are what this committee looks at, land use and transportation. We invited them to be our partners in order to get down to specifics. The neighborhoods and particularly the local neighborhoods where people have grown to create a Mission Bay Community in those years have been invited to the table to make choices about what is needed, what fills the gaps, what needs to be programmed, so that it will be rewarding for all. Theres no back door to mission bay, mission rock project. Its open to all of its neighbors, and i invite you all to come to the table to discuss, live in, and enjoy it. Thank you. Good afternoon, supervisors. My names corrine woods. Ive been involved in this project for more than ten years and in mission bay for much longer. Im also a close neighbor to the mission rock project and at t park. I wanted to thank the giants for the collaborative way they approached this process. Weve had many, many meetings, many, many workshops over the last ten years, and the giants listened to the community. I get my park up front, which is really important. I want to thank all of the other city agencies who have cooperated on this. This has been a tremendous interagency cooperative effort oewd, mta, planning, public works. Everybody has worked together on this to get to a project that i hope will be better than mission bay, and i urge your support. Thank you. Good afternoon, supervisors. Good afternoon, madam chair and members of the public. My name is maya aguilar, and i serve as the manager for the San Francisco Parks Alliance. We are over 200 Community Groups leveraging every year, we try to raise millions for or parks, playgrounds and open spaces. Im here representing the Parks Alliance in support of the mission rock project. I served in the Parks Alliance for two years and ever since completion of the big trail has been a huge priority for us. We believe that opening the waterfront and making connections to reconnect the waterfront to the population, its a really important piece of this project, and we applaud the Mission Rocks efforts on planning eight acres of new open spaces and revitalizing th the mission for San Francisco residents. The parka lines believes that giants have been extremely in addressing the city needs for more active recreation opportunities. We are truly thrilled to see the San Francisco giants commitment on prioritization of parks by the first phase of their plan. Were particularly pleased with the considerations that have been made to address Sea Level Rise, the creation of open waterfront and investments towards the use of alternative methods of transportation such as bike connections and bike share stations. On a personal note, on the Parks Alliance, we have been trying to inform and engage Community Members from all the waterfront to the big front projects that are happening on those areas. It doesnt matter in f we had groups of five or 50 people, the mission rock project was always open to receive people who were here on those projects. Thank you so much. Im here today okay. Thank you. Good afternoon, supervisors. Im alice rogers, and id like to comment through three different lenses. First as a neighbor, im going on a quarter century here in San Francisco. Here from the sausalito waterfront and now on this waterfront. As a neighbor, i did participate in the many workshops and hearings on this project, and i cant say highly enough how extensive the outreach was and how engaging all of the visuals so that neighbors could really engage in a thoughtful way. Id also like to mention im a director or an officer of the south beach rincon Neighborhood Association and mission bay. We do engage in policy levels, and this Development Team was very generous in meeting with us on the retail and public realm component, and they, over the course of their development, shared the information that they were cultivating, and they really are a beacon for us in terms of retail and public realm. We have a failed retail and public realm at the moment, so we are very looking forward to this. And lastly, im a director on of block San Francisco, and i would like to commend this project in terms of its pedestrian safety. It again is a standard bearer on that level. It addresses our values of diversity, inclusion, and equity, and after that, we hope that you wont see mission bay on the map as a data point because theyve instituted so many of the better streets and safe streets standards. Thank you. Thank you, miss rogers. Good afternoon, madam chair, supervisors. My name is ken tray. Im a retired 25 year social studies teacher in San Francisco, and im here representing the united educators of San Francisco. Were the 6,000 plus folks who keep our Public Schools running day in and day out. So the first thing that uesf wants to note here is that we are in full support of this project and in fact, if i was wearing my hat, id tip it to the giants, to supervisor kim, to the neighbors, to our labor partners, local 2, the Hotel Workers and others, who reached the 40 affordable rate of housing, 40 affordable rate of housing in the city of San Francisco. So i have been involved in many negotiations over too many years, and this out come is superlative. It represents San Francisco values. One thing i want to note, and im sure the follow through will be there is that in the plan, there is the space to make sure that San Francisco educators find their homes in the mission bay project. And so i know that in a few years therell be a number of teachers and other school staff with the other thousands of neighbors who will be enjoying the incredible open space, the livable breadth of the roads and the retail shops will be enjoying that space and also will have a number of teachers and school staff who will be able to walk to teacher night at the ballpark. Thank you, mr. Tray. Thank you, madam chair, members of the committee. My name is amy lemley, and im the executive director of john burton advocates for youth. We work on behalf of Homeless Children and youth and children in california yaez juvenile justice and foster systems. The good news is californias system has improved considerably in the last ten years. The majority of young people will be safely reunified with their family or to adoption, however, theres a significant number of young people who dont progress to that, who actually remain in our foster care system until thiss no longer age eligible. Within 24 hours, one in three will experience homelessness. Longterm, its even worse. If we really care about longterm, public homelessness, this is the opportunity to intervene, and im very happy to report, thats exactly what this project does. It has set aside these beautiful units for San Franciscos former foster youth and integrated those units into the mainstream housing, which is just spectacular. So we know that with this foundation, former foster youth in San Francisco will have the opportunity not just to stay in their community but also to get a leg up in Higher Education as well as have economic security. So i urge your support, and thank you very much. Good afternoon, madam chair tang, supervisors kim, safai, and peskin. My name is henry kanilowicz. Im the president of the San Francisco district of mer kmants associations. I got your names right, right . Thank you, supervisor. It is a really fabulous thing that the giants are doing. Not just building a place for housing, for shopping, but scm village, and a vehicle tack lar project it is. Here they are, and as she just said a second ago, 40 Affordable Housing, however do we get that . I commend the giants for what they do for this city, and what theyre doing for this part of town. I look forward when theyre finished of going into the shops, be it a grocery shop or a cafe or barber or whoever is going to be there. The open land, fabulous project. Its great. Go giants. Good afternoon, supervisors. Im todd elberling of toddco. This project does not provide enough housing for all of its future workforce that will be in the offices on that site. It does not achieve 100 jobshousing balance. Its clear tho everybody in this ro to everybody in this room of the expansion of the Technology Jobs in our area. Its no fair to promise other housing thats going to be built on Treasure Island to meet the deficit that this project will cause. From now on, these large projects like pier 70, india basin, this project, the power plant site and maybe others, need to be completely selfsufficient with a 100 jobshousing balance. This is a great housing site. Its a great site. Theres no problem with the economic feasiblity to build the housing here. There is a way to not solve the problem but do a lot to lessen the deficit. This project includes flex sites that could be either housing or Office Development in the future. What should be done is this agreement should be modified so that those sites will have to be housing sites. Thatll bring it pretty close to full jobshousing balance, just like pier 70 achieved. Thank you. Good afternoon, supervisors. My name is kristin hall. Im a San Francisco resident, and i work in the neighborhood of mission rock, but im here to discuss my experience working on this project over the past five years and share that its such a model for development in this city. Its especially a model for how to collaborate with many city agencies, make them partners for development, really working collaboratively with the city. Its also a model for a walkable urban environment to create a really wonderful exciting waterfront experience with many paths to the quarter front. Its also a model for how to commit and create a retail environment that is supportive of small businesses, and a lot of that information we learned by working with the mission bay rincon hill association. Its also a model for how to move bikes through the neighborhood along the waterfront. Its a model for designing for Sea Level Rise and adapting to changing conditions, and as an example of that, we started by looking at 55 inches of Sea Level Rise, and over the ten years that weve been working on this project, the projections increased, and we adapted our responses to make sure that we were still at the highest level of 66 inches of Sea Level Rise. Its also a great example of how you can use ongoing conversations with neighborhood groups and City Partners to really continually make sure that it will be a model for development in the city moving forward. Thank you. Thank you. Supervisors, very quickly, i support this project wholeheartedly. It is outstanding. Very early on when i first read about the project, before i had even spoken with anyone on the Development Team or with the giants organization, i expressed with mayor lee, that all things being equal on large projects, we should never accept anything less. Not only struck by how much Affordable Housing is, but the deep affordablity. As most of you know, the constituency that we serve out of our church and the fillmore district cannot really afford what we call Affordable Housing. This has deep affordablity, and we can perhaps quit losing our members to churches in antioch and pit burg atsburg and many who cant live in San Francisco. Also, the amount of work it will provide, but theres Something Else that hasnt been talked about. In talking about the commercial units, looking at them, and with the giants willingness to create new commercial units, so people who own businesses, people who are hopeful of becoming entrepreneurs, can come here and open up. In our community, the lack of African American businesses, disgraceful in this city, and we usually just cant afford the spaces that are available. This has an opportunity to change some of that. You need to support this 100 . Thank you so much. Thank you so much, reverend townsend, and seeing no further Public Comment, ill ask the chair if we can close Public Comment. All right. Public comments closed. I want to thank all of the members of the public for coming out today, and also as we talked about vacancy storefront in our previous hearing, i know the giants have spent a lot of time talking about how we can bring the amenities and services that i was talking about, and i appreciate the smaller footprint for the Commercial Area so we can have more businesses that are truly San Francisco small businesses. I have several amendments that id like to make and put into the record, and ive made copies for all the members of the committee on item number five, online 19 through 25. Im making the amendment, which i had talked about earlier, which would move the hotel potential use to the commercial parcels and out of the residential parcels. On page 11, in section 4, Striking Hotel uses up to 300 rooms are permitted in any location in which residential uses are permitted, we are striking that, also, in spirit with what id spoken in my opening remarks. On items number 6, to the ceqa findings on page 3, line 20, adding a new whereas clause, just that the board has reviewed and considered the information on those following dates, and also that the final iar considered constructing a 300 room hotel, and we a considers moving it to the residential but are moving it to the commercial. And then on page 13, further resolve that the board of supervisors find that the modifications incorporated into the project including without limitation the change in the hotel variant, and the planning memorandum. So all of these amendments were put into place through agreements with the project sponsor, to again move the hotel out of the residential parcels so that we can build as much housing as possible. I do want to appreciate John Elberling who came to speak. I can appreciate the housing in this project. We do need to build for office space. There is a need for that, but we arent meeting for housing need, so i appreciate the aggressive advocacy that we have at every meeting that weve got to have our Housing Needs met. It is unfortunate how slow going these Major Projects can be with the Infrastructure Investment thats involved in them. But i think that we have to continue that conversation beyond this project, and i look forward to continuing that conversation with planning and office of economic development. So colleagues, i have made any motion to amend to these items. All right. So colleagues, for items, again, just to repeat, 5, page 9 and 11, and then, item 6, page 3 and 4, so if we could do that without objection, well adopt the amendments for those two items. And then on the balance of all the items. Colleagues, i just make a motion to move this forward with a recommendation to the following Board Meeting next tuesday. Okay. And that would be for items four through six. Well do that without objection. Congratulations. Congratulations. All right. Mr. Clerk, can we please call item 7, and we are now joined kbi supervis ed by supervisor pes ken. To allow recovery of costs by third party experted and other related experts in making appropriate findings. Thank you, supervisor peskin. Thank you, madam chair, supervisor safai, supervisor kim. This is a very basic change to the Building Code which mr. Strom here can speak to, but basically legislation would allow the department to engage Third Party Experts for evaluating permits for complex projects. This grows out of discussions and hearings that weve had around the Millennium Tower issue. And bill, if you want to make a or mr. Tom, if you want to make a quick presentation. I know my colleagues have been in this committee for hours and hours, the floor is yours if the chairs so like. Thank you very much, supervisor and thank you for sponsoring this. I think you framed it very well. Were in the process, as i believe you know, of setting up through an rfq process, a pool of third party future Tall Building peer review experts, and that process actually is going to conclude at the end of this month. So having this Cost Recovery fee mechanism in place is very important for the department because it will then enable us to make sure we can issue the contracts and we will change the old way of doing business and well have what we think is a much better way of doing business, so thank you very much. Supervisor peskin thank you. And that is it for the presentation . Okay. And we have this other sheet here, so colleagues, if you have any other questions, you can refer to that. So shall we open it up to Public Comment . Okay. Any member of the public wishing to comment . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Supervisor peskin. Supervisor peskin if youre willing, id like to send this to the full board without objection. Okay. And supervisor peskin is now a voting member. Item 8. Update provisions on street encroachment permits, establishing peal procedures fee payment for certain promgs, modifying the street encroachment permit process, and creating a temporary street encroachment permit for a maximum period of 30 months. Thank you, and supervisor peskin, would you like to start this item . Supervisor peskin sure. As you recall, this legislation came to committee back in june and was the subject of some amendments at the board back in july, and we heard some concern about those amendments, and on second reading sent the legislation back to committee and over the last several months, we have had a working group, and i want to thank Andres Howard from the Mayors Office and public works, and robin havens and ken rich also from the Mayors Office and my staff, and most particularly, the person whos had to grapple with the drafting, john. I also want to acknowledge my interns who did some Extensive Research that i dont think anybody had ever done before going back to 1975 at the dawn of major encroachment permit granting by the city. And they really helped us with data that informed what is before you today. Let me just start out by saying that really what this does is bring our major encroachment permitting scheme into the 21st century. Its 40 years old. It had no due process appeal rights, and i think what weve crafted in front of you is the subject of a lot of collaborative work and agreement. I also want to thank mohamed nuru who sent me a text message earlier today supporting the legislation. Again, i know you guys have been in here for hours and hours. I adopted something in here from a piece of legislation i actually passed almost exactly 17 or introduced almost exactly 17 years ago. I just want back on legistar. On february 1st of 2001, i actually proposed a change to the conditional use process that allows five members of the board to bring appeals of conditional ulses to the board itself, and we have copied this in virtually the same way. It allows neighbors and neighborhood groups to get a hearing in front of the director of public works on encroachment permits; allows applicants to get hearing in front of the director of public works. I think it is well thought out. Im happy to answer any questions. I do have a number of questions which deputy City Attorney malamut can speak to, i am happy to answer questions from my colleagues, and the clerk has a copy. Supervisor safai has asked me to read them in the record. The first in summary is to require that major encroachment permits include detailed obligations of the permity and required them to keep maintenance records as a further incentive to keep such improvements in a good state of repair. The next thats on page 3, the red language there. The second one is requires board of supervisors findings for the basis of revocation, including costs of revocation and restoration; also, changes the previous legislation that says if the board of supervisors fails to act, the directors underlying decision stands. The next one, on page 6 is the Community Appeal for administrative hearing provision and builds in time frames for an opportunity for the permity to cure any defects. The next one on page 6 also is director can approve the petition to revoke Community Appeals that three Community Appeals are grounds for revocation which include failure to cure. Next one, on page 7 limits the grounds for revocation and narrowly tailors them and indicates that demonstrative evidence must be included. And then, if the board requires the posting of a bond or other security, the permitee shall provide security to the bond that thats approved to an annual basis. If the board allows a transfer assignment of the permit, that will be subject to a maintenan maintenanc maintenance endowment. That is all of the amendments. Thank you, supervisor peskin. Any other questions or comments . No . Okay. So lets open up item 8 to Public Comment then. Any members of the public . Seeing none, item 8, Public Comment is closed. Do we have a motion . Supervisor peskin i would like to move the amendments and then send the item to a full board with recommendation. All right. Well do that without objection. And thank you, madam clerk, is th that is there any other business before us today . Clerk that concludes the calendar. Thank you. We are adjourned. Raise your right hand please. I mark farrell. I mark farrell. Do solemnly swear. That im support and defend. The constitution of the united states. And the constitution of california. Against all enemies foreign and domestic. I will bear true faith in allegiance. To the constitution of the united states. And the constitution of the state of california. I take this obligation freely. Without any reservation or purpose of evading. And that i will well and faithfully discharge. The duties upon which im about to enter. And during such time as i hold the mayor of city and county of San Francisco. cheering good evening everybody. It is an honor to stand before you this evening. The past six weeks have been an incredible roller coaster for the city of San Francisco. For those of us who knew and worked with mayor ed lee, it has been an incredibly challenging time. He was someone i admired greatly, both personally and professionally. He was incredibly kind to my family, in particular our three children, and hes gravely missed. Agree or disagree with his politics, we can all agree he was a great human being, a devoted Public Servant to the city of San Francisco and someone whose life i hope we celebrate as a city for years to come. I personally want to thank london breed for her grace and leadership during this difficult time. She led our city during the mourning of mayor lee and i know she works tirelessly for the residents of San Francisco. I want to thank my colleagues on the board of supervisors for trusting me with this position. I assume this role with great pride and humility. The most important concern for me is the continuity of the government of the city and county of San Francisco. Residents waking up tomorrow morning, expect muni buses to run on time. They expect Police Officers to be walking the beat, public works cleaning our streets and all Vital Services that the public expects us to deliver as a city and well do exactly that. And it means tackling the most pressing issues, getting homeless off the streets and into shelter and housing. Making sure our streets are safe and clean for San Francisco residents. Continuing to build on mayor lees legacy of housing and addressing the housing crisis. The next six months will be incredibly active. San francisco residents deserve nothing less. San franciscos future, our future is incredibly bright. And despite our issues, we live in the most amazing city in the world. Thriving local neighborhoods, the booming economy, Natural Beauty unrivalled anywhere in the world and adversity and inclusion. This is a time for leadership. Its a time to look ahead. I look forward to the road in front of us all. Thank you very much. Will you take a couple of questions now . Go ahead. Reporter the reaction to your nomination and vote to point you in this position were very emotional, people were very upset in the board chamber, claims of racism. Theres a division in the city and how will you bring people together and whats your reaction . To me this is not about politics. Its about moving the city forward and the continuity of our government. All i can say is i will work to represent every single San Francisco resident, no matter the race, ethnicity, religion. It doesnt matter. My job for the next six months is to build on the legacy of mayor lee, to build on what supervisor breed did during her time as acting mayor and make sure San Francisco residents get everything they deserve out of the City Government and that will be my job. Reporter did you see the nomination coming for mayor . Again, i have heard many different rumors as many people had. But, again, to me, this is not about politics. My focus is not now on the past. I thank my colleagues on the board of supervisors for entrusting me in this position. I appreciate their support and trust. In my office this is about moving the city forward though. Reporter mayor farrell, perhaps or wait for june. Which path do you choose . To me theres one path, making sure that the city and county of San Francisco continues to function, deliver the services it does for the city and residents. Theres going to be a heated Mayoral Election and campaigns that have already started over the past few weeks and that will continue through june. My job over the next half year is to make sure our muni buses run on time, we do everything we can to get the homeless off the street. Have Police Officers on the street, make residents feel safe and deliver all functions that residents expect. Reporter you didnt touch on Affordable Housing. That seems to be the biggest issue. Affordable housing is top of the list. Thats an issue mayor lee spent his entire time in office focusing on and i will continue to build on that through housing and Everything Else in the city that San Francisco is as affordable as it can be for every resident. Reporter [indiscernible]. To me, again, this isnt about politics, this is a situation that our city charter contemplates. My colleagues, i do trust their i appreciate their trust and their judgment in putting me in this position. I look forward to leading the city of San Francisco for the next six months and making sure that everything that our San Francisco residents expect continues to get delivered as a government. Reporter there were people so passionate and so upset tonight, what do you as mayor now say to them and the people they represented tonight about what has happened and how you plan to charge a path forward. I heard the emotion in the room, i was there as well and felt that also. People were passion on many sides of the discussion. Over the course of the last month as i have talked with people and residents across the city of San Francisco, those emotions have come through. What i will say, i will be mayor for every single San Francisco resident. My focus and job as mayor is to represent everybody in the city of San Francisco. No matter what their race, ethnicity, religion. My job is to represent everybody and i will do that over the next half year. Thank you everybody. What is

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