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Seven speedboats hit the rivers for the Yukon 800 : comparem
Seven speedboats hit the rivers for the Yukon 800 : comparem
Seven speedboats hit the rivers for the Yukon 800
As of 9 p.m. Saturday, Wake 'Em Up captained by Kyle Malamute made it to Galena first, followed by the Be-Bi-Bones Express, captained by Tom Kriska, and Yukon Fury captained
Related Keywords
Jerry Evans ,
Walter Lord ,
Tom Huntington ,
Tom Kriska ,
Marshalaj Dick ,
Earl Mahler ,
Charlie Huntington ,
Jim Movius ,
Riley Hedelius ,
James Sweetsir ,
Fairbanks Outboard Association ,
Fairbanks Outboard Association Facebook ,
Chena River ,
Galena Saturday ,
Tanana River ,
Yukon River ,
Be Bi Bones Express ,
Manley Hot Springs ,
Secret Weapon ,
Little Red ,
Every Turn ,
Kyle Malamute ,
Yukon Fury ,