The state of most commodity prices around the world? Prices are higher. What is the current state of donating blood? I tried donating blood again yesterday in San Luis Obispo, CA. Never again! Too many intrusive questions. ‘Whose blood is it? Where did you get it? Why is it in a bucket?’” The current state of the real estate market? Let’s see what these “rappers” have to say about it. The status of cryptocurrency mortgages is worth knowing. How about the current state of the jumbo biz? There’s more jumbo and non-Agency news below, but from the production perspective for many independent mortgage bankers (IMBs) it’s ugly as banks continue to use their ample deposits to price “under” market. (But if that’s where they’re pricing, isn’t that the market?) From an ops perspective, the #1 problem is disagreement about the income calculation. Of course there’s always the question about collateral… How about from the compliance perspective? The CFPB has made no secret of its focus on Fair Lending, and nearly everything associated with it. The California’s MQAC committee is hosting a webinar on Fair Lending today at 11am PT. (Today’s audio version of the commentary is available here and this week’s is sponsored by ICE Mortgage Technology, the leading cloud-based loan origination platform provider for the mortgage industry, with solutions that enable lenders to originate more loans, lower origination costs, and reduce the time to close, all while ensuring high levels of compliance, quality and efficiency.)