Published on: Tuesday, July 20, 2021 By: Sherell Jeffrey Text Size: Kota Kinabalu: Sabah continued to record high Covid-19 cases for three days in a row with a total of 651 new cases on Monday. State official Covid-19 spokesperson, Datuk Seri Masidi Manjun (pic) said a total of 146 of Kota Kinabalu’s 244 cases came from Kapayan Prison and 26 of Tawau’s 60 cases are from the district’s prisons. While 86 of Keningau’s 90 cases are from two clusters, while Agathis cluster contributed 39 of the 40 cases in Kalabakan. ADVERTISEMENT He said the new cases on Monday were contributed by cases from clusters with a total of 57.14 per cent, while prisons contributed 25.83 per cent of the new cases.