Transcripts For RT Keiser Report 20240712 :

RT Keiser Report July 12, 2024

You know im going to read some poems im going to think of some poems that america right now because we are the u. S. Dollar we are so we are the empire and you know robert frost said the woods is lovely dark and deep but i have promises to keep in many miles to go before i sleep and of course Emily Dickinson said something along the lines of because i could not stop for death you know i was just too busy i had all these things to do lunch appointments all that sort of stuff he kindly stopped for me the same thing is like were very busy i guess bit busier busier we have all sorts of cultural issues and partisan war and all this sort of stuff going on but if you look calmly around you you see that death has stopped kindly for the us empire and all its debt its easier to pretend our Economic System works and just blow endless asset bubbles yesterday saw the us comprehensively beat china not in any sporting sense and certainly not in any dimension of the current cold war for those who still like to think the latter isnt happening just listen to what u. S. Attorney general bar said yesterday he attacked china for quote economic blitzkrieg and aggressive orchestrated whole of government indeed whole of Society Campaigning to seize the commanding heights of the global. Conny interest to pass the United States as the worlds preeminent superpower well those are our strong words right blitzkrieg course brings in the whole world war 2 imagery and remember reagan called the axis of evil you know 3 countries that resulted in the collapse of the soviet union right that was a seismic political event globally and could this be a portents of some kind of equally seismic Global People you know it sounds like a feels like it to me of Emily Dickinson are writing today shed probably write Something Like because. I really noticed all the death around me because i was too busy eating it for 4 from a macro kano. Kindly stop for me this article by rob a bank big bank in europe goes on to point out that like the answer is right there in front of america but they wont they wont see it they refuse to see it because theyre stuck in this old dead way of thinking about the economy and us as a us empire and our dollar as a coercive sort of forced a trade with us send us your free good for send us your goods that took you all this time to make and well send you these dollars the other thing about poetry is that there are some basic rules to it right that has to be so certainly a haiku its a very regimented form of poetry that you very strict syllable count but all poetry has to have certain inherent rules and there are people that violate those rules like ecom and for some reason has come up a lot lately but in the world the finest are no rules just do it everyone and print more money so that its not poetic in any sense its not beautiful in any sense its just put money printing certainly since reagan which followed right after the fiats system is we know for certain our rule is that we just cannot rise that is the. Death of what our system is which is run by finance its a Financial Life system so if we just rise the system will be destroyed we are told and therefore part of sending all these jobs so here. Barr is saying that this is an economic blitzkrieg that we our own Companies Apple amazon walmart all of our corporations sent all our jobs overseas and suddenly were waking up and like hey why do you have all our manufacturing over there was my factory doing in your country you know its not like some weird pantomime but what rob a bank is pointing out is that right now america is beating china in one thing which is consumption consumption is almost at back to where it was preplanned demick and how is that happening why did that happen because wages were not. So what is driving this latest round of the u. S. Consumer americal the 600. 00 a week and special virus related Unemployment Benefits in many instances this is worth more than peoples pre crisis salary and they go on to say we seem to think we live in an economic puzzle that like its like really complex were trying to put it together but the answer like rob a bank is saying well everybody is making more money. Hold on hold on one minute youre saying a wages are going up yes theres a term called earned income which we refer to earnings as a result of work but the cash is being injected as a subsidy for consumers its an earned income the subsidized income that they are in turn using to consume theyre being paid to consider. And. Of course theres never been meaningful production in america for decades and now they finally figured out that the only way to get g. D. P. Is to pay people to consume by printing more money theyre saying that the United States will not recognize that due to their ideology which is that we just cannot rise and they they do believe that they are they most people they say and the elites do not seem to understand that all our manufacturing us in china all our Wealth Creation is overseas we dont actually create wealth but theyve forgotten that they dont know that they dont believe that they believe that theres somehow a divine right to the empire to have these wealth and goods and services sent to us and that were not just money printer so theyre saying that you know the 600. 00 allegedly will end in 2 weeks but it probably wont the probably have to extend it but they are whole system has been based to this point and perhaps its going to change. But to this point they believe that we just cannot go up that workers if these people were to leave the house from lock down and go back to a job that certainly cannot pay them that much well i can explain exactly what that means because in order to justify all the money printing the fed has to claim that theyre fighting deflation if wages go up that would be inflation and therefore theyd have to stop printing money which means id have to stop bailing out banks and solvent banks to zombie banks. So by claiming that theyre fighting deflation it gives them cover to keep this continuous rolling bailout of the zombie banks if they were truly interested in encouraging inflation they would in fact allow wages to go up and then wed have inflation in america and then wed have a healthy economy but that would do devastating impact on the zombie banks because they would not be able to hide the fact that theyre insolvent so thats not going to happen well as i say that the u. S. Retail data shows that if you want to strong domestic led up turn all you need to do is put more money in the pockets of poor people and they will spend most of it a. S. A. P. Weve said that over and over of course that makes sense because thats why weve see the money velocity collapse because you know the aristocrats in this country do believe like if you give 600 dollars a week to this person you have to give me 60000. 00 a week like thats just right but their money doesnt circulate so thats why we will never have inflation because they dont have an theres not enough stuff in the world to spend it on and so that system is over as rebel bank is looking out from you know i think its in the netherlands right looking over to the americas you know they see us and they see its its quite obvious that you know where we are pretending our Economic System works but it doesnt were in a state of denial and of course the number one ingredient to any life system any eco system any economy is energy and here is more data on that because while that average worker former worker pre pandemic who is now making more 75 percent of americans make more money at home with this special enhanced Unemployment Benefits. The Energy Companies that made us the Number One Energy producer in the world as we said you know we did want you we did tell everybody this but the Great American shale oil and gas massacre. Her bankruptcy is the fall to debt or slow shares collapse prices of oil and gas the Great American oil bust started in mid 2014 when the oil prices of crude oil benchmarked up e. T. I. Began its long decline from over 100. 00 a barrel to briefly minus 37. 00 a barrel in 2028 so theyve never made money they didnt make money at 100. 00 something dollars a barrel and they dont make it at negative 37 no they make clear they say that decline started at a certain date the decline started the 2nd that. Popped into somebody said that you could be profitable hydraulically fracking gas from the cost of the earth thats in america that has never ever been profitable for any company they were they were allowed to exist because it was a great way to sell junk bonds a wall street depression funds at above Interest Rates then you would find in the treasury bond but that didnt mean that the Underlying Company made any money and tragedy devastation so many of these companies that are going into bankruptcy are simply walking away from the environmental disasters just leaving that for the taxpayer to pay for someday if they ever get around to it as doubly tragic so i mean it happens because of a few different circumstances as we have mentioned you know the us empire and we are an empire but hopefully will be post empire because i think itll be better for the ordinary citizen post empire because they need the consent of the ruled to rule you so right now they dont because they just print money and get whatever they want but here you know they do print a lot so the printing in order to avoid causing inflation you have to create a lot of fraudulent or unpayable debt or bad debt so that it could blow up and kind of put out the fire that is the money printing so it was a good use of of kind of like a controlled burn of a forest like in this case the controlled burn of our by. Cash so you want you dont want it to cause inflation especially wages you dont want us to rise but here they control they blew up a lot of debt in fact they point out that its 260 2000000000. 00 as evaporated since 24. 00 team so that blew up the debt it gave it allowed some Pension Funds to survive another month or quarter or year because of the yield that was paid on the debt which was pretty high and it was a jobs program it was a Good Jobs Program for a lot of mostly men kind of like in the 95 to 125000 dollar year range which is pretty high here in america right right good point that the fracking industry did just become a toxic debt goal to evaporate all that free money they were printing and cycle it to throw us to make sure that it didnt end up being in higher wages for the economy in aggregate they needed to destroy it and there was destroyed in this bogus facade called fracking and it was also kind of like it was like one of these weapons programs they know the pentagon will i dont know how many trillions spent on the f. 35. 00 program for example its kind of a jobs program but it also like its Like Star Wars under reagan its like were going to build this blossom as a system here is the same thing geopolitically it of course does allow you to say where the Number One Energy producer at certain points were at Number One Energy producer like it didnt matter how much its costing us the fact is numbers wise it was we were number one briefly. Cosmetics for optics it was great for a couple of months to claim to be number one even though it meant a further destruction of the economy and a slippery slide into oblivion speaking of oblivion we bit of a chasm here a break but when we come back for her coming your way. Problem drugs dont always come from unscrupulous dealers but from pharmacies to in every state in the United States we see me very sharp increase in the number of people seeking treatment for addiction to prescription opioids oids invaded america under the banner of medicine persisted with the pain but instead of trying to wean him off though she just goes after dose after dose after dose and really became his drug dealer whos to blame patients doctors manufacturers. Welcome back to the kaiser report has a time now to go to rand nooner he is the host of stand by a stays crypto traitor rand great to finally have you on the show right good to see you again as always writing now razor or doing this year last week you posted what i thought was a remarkable video from inside a way work and pride man that location it was totally deserted this is a big story of course youre in new york youre an eyewitness youre journalist so i said lets get ran on to talk about this tell us more like you know im a very positive person generally and i always try and see the costs and ive been trying to do that as much as i can in new york and when i look at the stock markets the stock markets tell me that everythings going to be ok but when i go for a walk in new york city outside my apartment and i live in soho and i welcome steve. 80 percent i didnt businesses on my streets closed down a lot because because of the of code good they closed down wrist runts ott stores jones boutiques they all closed down and i was going mad working from home with the kids around so i came to get office yet and we were because i wanted to you know leave the kids at home for a little bit as much so that my kids and i took an office of the we work in and had some streets in soho which is actually a very lasting business serious used and im the only person working in a freak show we were and that to me sounds bigger longboats you know its great having a perspective because i was just thinking about to talk bill who was french and he came to america any he wrote about the american character and his right insightful because he was from outside the us year of course our came to the us from south africa and youre in new york city this is your 1st summer in new york city and youre so youre seeing really from the perspective of fresh eyes you because you know youre not a native new yorker so tell us more what you what your impressions so far of new york you know you have that access to the hamptons of course from this shishi a crowd as i was out there and is that still ongoing or is that been interrupted and again you know as i am asking you to put your kind of your journalist had on tell give us an idea whats whats it like in new york because when im im reading headlines and i see the hotels are closing and erap cern festing the strait and theres a murder rate is skyrocketing and im thinking you know this sounds like were back the 1970 s. But please can it kind of give us an idea of whats going on well next said reality and just to correct you this is my 2nd son yoko was here last summer and saw quite a great comparison between last summer and december and of course there has been this whole expose this through the hemp. And to florida you know new york has a ways out of their homes and they spend a lot of time in there how did to him what baffles me is that people are talking about a recession in fact theyre talking about to be the worst recession of our lifetime and even though people are talking about a recession then new york is has not compromise on a Summer Holiday plans and theyre all in the mountains all going to florida and having they see months off during the summer and you know to me thats kind of strange thing going on the one hand were talking about recessions and Everything Else on the other hand well you know let them eat cake and be an absence in terms of the situation on the ground here in new york. Im not sure its as bad as the media says it but it certainly isnt the same new york city that i came to a year ago it has become much more seedy theres a lot more homelessness you can see that the bottom of the pyramid already suffering and its starting to get that San Francisco homeless feel thats going on. Another thing is it seems like theres a lot more lawlessness and im not sure thats in response to this defund the Police Movement thats going on here and the police now saying well you know were defunded and therefore the city must now live with the implication you know i moved to new york city in the seventys and it was the height of the murder rate and the broncos burning and punk rock was raging on the Lower East Side that was a huge Homeless Population drug use was rampant Homeless People camping out in various parks and then id say you know as an earlier last year there was a cry from those who were new york veterans saying you know that has become like this day and the Lower West Side has become google and facebook and tech it was like San Francisco the tech scene Silicon Valley thing and now within one year its become San Francisco Haight Ashbury the home of sane and one here and i want to just kind of shift gears for a 2nd so youre a world traveler i meet you all over the world at different events and things and you have to a great job covering a things and you have seen different cultures and you cover from the business perspective and im curious about how Different Countries have responded to the covert 19 virus in different ways it seems like an asian they had a different approach and they had a different outcome so just putting aside kind of any you know the story of the virus itself but just as it hit the ground and hes Different Countries have you noticed a difference the way it plays out in Different Countries and in the United States. Are they prepared in a way are they reacting to it in a way that makes business sense to you ram look i would like to be in the shoes of any of the president s all re

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