ROCK SPRINGS — During an informal meeting today between some Rock Springs City Councilors and Senator Tom James, R-Rock Springs; Senator-Elect John Kolb, R-Rock Springs; and Representative-Elect Chad Banks, D-Rock Springs; the group discussed the state’s budget shortfall and many other topics. The discussion ranged from ideas around implementing a special purpose tax and solar and wind farm taxes, to looking at cuts to K-12 funding and consolidating school districts. Various other topics were discussed in an effort to gather ideas on how to prepare for the upcoming budget shortfalls. Special Purpose Tax Rock Springs Councilor Rob Zotti asked what the special purpose tax could be used for and if the city could use it to pay for ongoing expenditures and payroll expenses. After taking some time to research the statute, Matt McBurnett, Rock Springs Director of Administrative Services, said from what he found, it could be used for general or specific purposes.