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Retired educator, politician turned to career in real estate
Retired educator, politician turned to career in real estate
Retired educator, politician turned to career in real estate
Editor’s note: For Roger Baker, a career in real estate wasn’t driven so much by a need for income as for a need to continue to be engaged — the thing
Related Keywords
Minnesota ,
United States ,
Springfield High School ,
Ohio ,
Delaware ,
Ohio Wesleyan University ,
Ankenytown ,
Clark County ,
Richland County ,
Springfield ,
Judy Capelli ,
Sonia Baker ,
Max Cordle ,
Florence Huebner ,
Jim Miller ,
Roger Tackett ,
Jimmy Sheehan ,
Lou Kerrigan ,
Eddie Dunn ,
Bob Pyle ,
Jim Walsh ,
Bob Burton ,
Harold Stassen ,
Tom Payton ,
Nancy Baker Doyle ,
Salvation Army ,
Clark County Republican Party ,
Ohio Senate ,
Goodrich ,
Springfield Public High School ,
Kiwanis Club ,
Baker Air ,
Butler Village ,
Air Force ,
Great Lakes ,
Springfield Public High ,
North High ,
Franklin Junior High ,
Roosevelt Junior High ,
Kenwood Avenue ,
Democratic Commissioner Roger Tackett ,
Merle Grace Kearns ,
Democrat Jimmy Sheehan ,
Springfield Board ,
Springfield City Schools ,