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Regulatory, Sustainability and the Big Winners: SCC Annual D
Regulatory, Sustainability and the Big Winners: SCC Annual D
Regulatory, Sustainability and the Big Winners: SCC Annual Day 3
The SCC Annual Meeting continued with the awards breakfast, a showcase exhibition and discussions on sustainability and the future of skin care. Following a networking luncheon, regulatory and modern formulating and sunscreen sessions were featured.
Related Keywords
China ,
Australia ,
Japan ,
United States ,
Chinese ,
Stephanie Ross Leshney ,
Kroger Mcmullen ,
Brittany Pease ,
Dennis Abbeduto ,
Anna Howe ,
Philip Ludwig ,
Paul Slavashevich ,
Stellie Balthazard ,
Hilmar Koerner ,
Zhi Li ,
Jennifer Novakovich ,
Alicia Rosso ,
Santanu Deb Choudhury ,
Amy Ethier ,
Valerie Andre Frei ,
Roneisha Hainey ,
Daphne Benderly ,
Mike Fevola ,
Craig Weiss ,
Jolonm Dyer ,
Wrong Kong ,
Harshita Kumari ,
Yun Shao ,
Stefan Clerens ,
Kate Beers ,
Michael Galaburda ,
Cristina Carre ,
Sharon Blinkoff ,
Olivia Meyer ,
Alicia Roso ,
Haley Gershon ,
Evelyne Maes ,
Henry Maso ,
Benjamin Schwartz ,
Katherine Oglesby ,
Josephp Ciaudelli ,
Society Of Cosmetic Chemists Award ,
Evonik Corp ,
Jamesl Winkle College Of Pharmacy ,
A Holistic Approach To Formulation Development ,
Beauty Association ,
Service Names ,
National Institute Of Standards Technology ,
Grant Mudge ,
Sustainable Development During The Infodemic ,
Locke Lord ,
Peptides Network ,
Kobo Products Inc ,
Amway ,
Day One ,
Scientific Meeting ,
Day Two ,
Jeanette Black Award ,
Environmental Impact ,
Synthetic Mica Through Life Cycle Assessment ,
Schaffer Award ,
Personal Care Ingredients ,
Immediate Wrinkle Blurring ,
Cosmetic Chemists Award ,
Sustainability Goals ,
Sun Care Products ,
Mudge Award ,
Grant Mudge Trust ,
National Institute ,
Standards Technology ,
Matter Circular Economy ,
Cosmetic Science ,
Protein Cross Links ,
Human Hair ,
Goddard Award ,
Personal Care ,
Environmental Care ,
Holistic Approach ,
Formulation Development ,
Poster Awards ,
Manufacturing Directorate ,
Air Force Research Laboratory ,
Additive Manufacturing ,
Cosmetic Chemistry ,
Steve Block ,
Air Liquide ,
Beta Analytic ,
Development During ,
Lipotec Active ,
Independent Beauty Association ,
Kobo Products ,
Right Tio ,
Regulatory Compliance ,
Ross Leshney ,
China Moves Special Use Cosmetic ,
Ingredient Certificates ,
Colonial Chemicals ,
Sensient Cosmetic Technologies ,