News No Comments The University of Arkansas at Little Rock Staff Senate honored three of its staff members for excellence in the areas of service to the university, community service, and personal growth. Heather Reed, director of student retention initiatives, has received the Ben Fry Service to UA Little Rock Award. Additionally, Kelly Rigby, project coordinator, has received the Staff Achievement Award for Community Service. Tina Medlock, director of communications at William H. Bowen School of Law, has received the Staff Achievement Award for Personal Growth. “The Staff Senate are very excited for our annual Years of Service Awards,” Staff Senate President Cody Henslee said. “Chancellor Drale was kind enough to expand this year’s top category awards to $3,000 over our previous year’s $2,000 per category. We are delighted to be able to honor members of our staff for all of their hard work and to afford them an award of this value as a token of our appreciation and support for their continued contributions to UA Little Rock.”