On January 23 rd of this year, a potential Bigfoot sighting occurred just south of Garberville, California, on highway 101. A man named Rick Bates made the sighting between Benbow Inn and Richardson Grove. In his report explaining his sighting, Mr. Bates wrote in part, “The road makes a few turns and the speed limit drops in the area. As I rounded a sweeping right hand turn I saw a figure on the south bound shoulder of the highway. I was the only vehicle in the area about 8:15 PM. My speed was about 45-50 MPH as I passed the figure.” He went on to describe the creature, “The figure was laying on the shoulder of the road on its right side. I estimated the height to be about 7’. I was looking at the creature’s back and noticed it had broad shoulders and was thick torso shape. While the shape [was] similar to a human it was not human. It was not a bear either. I could see muscular features in its glutes and a head on the shoulders that was somewhat tapered toward the top and being held off the ground. Its hair was a chocolate brown and very coarse. The hair was not fur like of a bear at all.”