May 20, 2021
From the Game Commission
Blair and Bedford counties Game Warden Brandon Pfister reports a Bedford County resident has pleaded guilty to feeding deer in a CWD Disease Management Area. Fines for this offense totaled $194.
Blair and Bedford counties Game Warden Brandon Pfister reports a Blair County man is being charged with possession of marijuana on Hunter Access property.
Blair and Bedford counties Game Warden Brandon Pfister reports a Bedford County man has pleaded guilty to possessing a prohibited-offenses weapon, drugs and drug paraphernalia. He will serve four years in jail along with fines in excess of $3,800.
Blair County Game Warden Michael College reports a Blair County man has been charged with littering, driving on a closed road, possession of methamphetamine and drug paraphernalia, operating a vehicle without an ignition interlock, driving with a suspended license, and operating an unregistered vehicle. If found guilty, he could face jail time and thousands of dollars in fines.