HAMPTON — Paul Aretus Fleming, 84, died Thursday, Dec. 10, 2020, after several years of failing health. He retired under the Virginia Retirement System after 31 years of service in the public school system. He had been a classroom teacher and assistant principal at Waterman Elementary School in Harrisonburg in the early 1960s and relocated to Hampton in 1965 to become principal of the former Fort Monroe Elementary School. When that school closed in 1979, he was transferred to be principal of Robert E. Lee Elementary School, where he worked until retirement in 1991. Paul was born and grew up in Paddleton County, West Virginia, and was the son of the late Marvin A. Fleming and Willia Gladys Rexrode Fleming. He graduated from Shepherd College (now Shepherd University) at Shepherdstown, West Virginia, in 1956 and received a master’s degree at Madison College (now JMU) in 1963.