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Orange County Towns Given Awards by State, National Groups :
Orange County Towns Given Awards by State, National Groups :
Orange County Towns Given Awards by State, National Groups
The towns of Chapel Hill, Carrboro and Hillsborough each received honors from a variety of organizations in the last two weeks.
Related Keywords
United States ,
Orange County ,
North Carolina ,
Town Of Hillsborough ,
Hillsborough ,
Town Of Carrboro ,
Chapel Hill ,
Carrboro ,
Karen Stegman ,
Lydia Lavelle ,
Arbor Day Foundation ,
Energy Conference ,
Excellence In Communications Award ,
Carolina League ,
Carolina Forest Service ,
Chapel Hill Town Council ,
Us Department Of Energy ,
State Energy ,
Solsmart Gold ,
Tree City United States ,
North Carolina Forest ,
Communications Award ,
North Carolina City ,
County Communicators ,
Historic Orange County Courthouse ,
Mayor Jenn Weaver ,
Citizen Participation ,
Carrboro Connects Comprehensive ,
Small Town Pride ,
Most Creative Least Dollars ,
North Carolina League ,
Honorable Mention ,
Direct Reflection ,