Tuesday, December 15, 2020 - 1:09 pm BY JIMMY LAWTON North Country This Week OGDENSBURG – As state police investigate a dispute between Ogdensburg Mayor Jeffrey Skelly and suspended firefighter Gerald Mack, the firefighter’s union president is accusing the city manager of provoking Mack in the past. Ogdensburg Professional Firefighters Local 1799 Union President Jason Bouchard says that City Manager Stephen Jellie mocked and taunted Mack after issuing a suspension and disciplinary hearing notice on Dec. 3. Mack was later notified of a hearing that would be held regarding his possible termination. “When Mr. Jellie walked in the room, the first thing he demanded was that one of the two union reps leave. When asked why, he said, 'because I’m allowing one union person here.' When pressed again, he said, 'one, just one.' Being that one of them was on-duty, Mr. Jellie then ordered him to leave the room, by saying “you’re on-duty working for me.”