Nigeria’s Biosafety Agency Funding Challenge Nigeria’s Biosafety Agency Funding Challenge The National Biosafety Management Agency (NBMA), an agency under the Federal Ministry of Environment, was established in 2015 with the mandate to provide regulatory framework, institutional and administrative mechanism for safety measures in the application of modern biotechnology in Nigeria, thereby preventing any adverse effect on human health, animals, plants, and environment. According to the Act establishing NBMA, the objectives of the Agency are to: (a) establish and strengthen the institutional arrangement on biosafety matters in Nigeria; (b) safeguard human health, biodiversity and the environment from any potential adverse effect of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) including food safety; (c) ensure safety in the use of modern biotechnology and provide holistic approach to the regulation of genetically modified organisms; (d) provide measures for the case-by-case assessment of genetically modified organisms and management of risk in order to ensure safety in the use of genetically modified organisms to human health and the environment; (e) provide measures for effective public participation, public awareness and access to information in the use and application of modern biotechnology and genetically modified organisms; and (f) ensure that the use of the genetically modified organisms does not have adverse impact on socio-economic and cultural interests either at the community or national level.