Transcripts For MSNBC The Last Word With Lawrence ODonnell 2

Transcripts For MSNBC The Last Word With Lawrence ODonnell 20240926

Develop. Rfk Is comIng to mIchIgan. DoIng the town hall. The'>Court Case Is playIng out. But as you know In polItIcs, a lot of tImes people push for somethIng, thIs Is our strategy we wIll wIn the electIon wIth thIs. And then It actually backfIres. Well see what happens. CraIg, great the see you. Thank you for your tIme tonIght. That Is our show from mIchIgan. Thank you to the mIdtown'>BrewIng Company for hostIng us here. Ill see you all agaIn tomorrow at my usual desk. The last word wIth'>Lawrence Odonnell Is'>ComIng Up next. Andrew weIssmann wIll be joInIng us wIth some'>Defendant Trump News but fIrst, Im goIng to tell you the most hopeful story I know. Its the story about the place where'>Joe BIden went today. The place where'>Joe BIden was applauded by grateful people from around the world. Before new'>York Voters elected hIm to four terms In the unIted'>States Senate where I went to work for hIm In the 1990s. The tItle, a dangerous place referred to the world and the place where the world began to gather after'>World War II to prevent another'>World War. Ambassador moynahan served at the heIght of the'>Cold War. The nuclear threat dId not appear to soften hIs language about the'>SovIet UnIons ImperIalIstIc dIctatorshIp. Many years later, he dIscovered the power of those harsh words. It was my fIrst tIme vIsItIng the'>News DIvIsIon In the buIldIng where I now work. I was'>StaffIng Senator Moynahan for an appearance on the'>Today Show. It was not long after the collapse of the'>SovIet UnIon. SomethIng'>No One In the cIa or the amerIcan government had predIcted. Except for the senator. In 1979, he saId the'>SovIet UnIon was economIcally and socIally unsustaInable. It could blow up, he saId. A dozen years later It dId. Across the large'>Green Room full of'>Breakfast Snacks and coffee at the'>Today Show was the new russIan delegatIon. To the'>UnIted NatIons. The post sovIet delegatIon. The russIan ambassador was scheduled to appear on the'>Today Show after'>Senator Moynahan. What happened In that room that mornIng changed my understandIng of the possIble. It changed my understandIng of the world. And It changed the way I lIstened. To presIdent bIdens fInal words to the'>UnIted NatIons today. In that corner of the room, the senator was whIsperIng to me about the russIans he recognIzed from almost 20 years ago. The ones he thought maybe were kbg agents then. The producer entered to lead the senator to the set as'>Senator Moynahan took hIs fIrst step out of the room wIth me traIlIng hIm In the doorway. A rough voIced russIan man who was one of the suspected former kgb agents. Came rushIng up behInd me sayIng somethIng that sounded lIke russIan over my shoulder to the senator. We turned. He saId It agaIn. It wasnt russIan, It was heavIly accented englIsh. We stIll dIdnt understand It. It was In the mIddle of the thIrd tIme he saId It that I notIced how bIg hIs smIle was. How admIrIngly he was lookIng up at'>Senator Moynahan who towered over both of us. Suddenly, the words made sense to both of us. The bIggest smIle I had ever seen on hIm. The russIan possIbly former'>Kgb Guy was sayIng we were lIstenIng. We both saId thank you to the russIan a couple of tImes. He beamed one more we were lIstenIng. We were lIstenIng. MeanIng when you stood up In what seemed lIke the most'>Hopest Protest agaInst what the'>SovIet UnIon was doIng, the'>SovIet UnIon was lIstenIng, some of us were lIstenIng. We were lIstenIng. It was a valIdatIon of'>DanIel PatrIck moynahans lIfes work. WIthout knowIng If the kIds were InterestIng. Then ambassador to IndIa, then the'>UnIted NatIons, then a senator. We were lIstenIng was all the'>Professor Ambassador Senator was ever hopIng for. Thats the fIrst thIng. The most Important thIng. The nest thIng. Maybe we can solve thIs problem. Maybe we can solve the bIggest problem. Maybe we can end wars. Maybe we can save lIves. Maybe we can make thIngs less dangerous. The'>BerlIn Wall exIsted for my entIre lIfetIme before It collapsed. People were shot dead In theIr tracks for almost 50 years for tryIng to cross the'>BerlIn Wall and escape the sovIet controlled dIctatorshIp of east germany. People got executed on the spot tryIng to clImb that wall because that wall comIng down was unImagI<\/a>s comI<\/a>ng to mI<\/a>chI<\/a>gan. DoI<\/a>ng the town hall. The I<\/a>\/news\/court-case'>Court Case<\/a> I<\/a>s playI<\/a>ng out. But as you know I<\/a>n polI<\/a>tI<\/a>cs, a lot of tI<\/a>mes people push for somethI<\/a>ng, thI<\/a>s I<\/a>s our strategy we wI<\/a>ll wI<\/a>n the electI<\/a>on wI<\/a>th thI<\/a>s. And then I<\/a>t actually backfI<\/a>res. Well see what happens. CraI<\/a>g, great the see you. Thank you for your tI<\/a>me tonI<\/a>ght. That I<\/a>s our show from mI<\/a>chI<\/a>gan. Thank you to the mI<\/a>dtown I<\/a>\/news\/brewI<\/a>ng-company'>BrewI<\/a>ng Company<\/a> for hostI<\/a>ng us here. Ill see you all agaI<\/a>n tomorrow at my usual desk. The last word wI<\/a>th I<\/a>\/news\/lawrence-odonnell'>Lawrence Odonnell<\/a> I<\/a>s I<\/a>\/news\/comI<\/a>ng-up'>ComI<\/a>ng Up<\/a> next. Andrew weI<\/a>ssmann wI<\/a>ll be joI<\/a>nI<\/a>ng us wI<\/a>th some I<\/a>\/news\/defendant-trump-news'>Defendant Trump News<\/a> but fI<\/a>rst, I<\/a>m goI<\/a>ng to tell you the most hopeful story I<\/a> know. Its the story about the place where I<\/a>\/news\/joe-bI<\/a>den'>Joe BI<\/a>den<\/a> went today. The place where I<\/a>\/news\/joe-bI<\/a>den'>Joe BI<\/a>den<\/a> was applauded by grateful people from around the world. Before new I<\/a>\/news\/york-voters'>York Voters<\/a> elected hI<\/a>m to four terms I<\/a>n the unI<\/a>ted I<\/a>\/news\/states-senate'>States Senate<\/a> where I<\/a> went to work for hI<\/a>m I<\/a>n the 1990s. The tI<\/a>tle, a dangerous place referred to the world and the place where the world began to gather after I<\/a>\/news\/world-war'>World War<\/a> I<\/a>I<\/a> to prevent another I<\/a>\/news\/world-war'>World War<\/a>. Ambassador moynahan served at the heI<\/a>ght of the I<\/a>\/news\/cold-war'>Cold War<\/a>. The nuclear threat dI<\/a>d not appear to soften hI<\/a>s language about the I<\/a>\/news\/sovI<\/a>et-unI<\/a>on'>SovI<\/a>et UnI<\/a>on<\/a>s I<\/a>mperI<\/a>alI<\/a>stI<\/a>c dI<\/a>ctatorshI<\/a>p. Many years later, he dI<\/a>scovered the power of those harsh words. It was my fI<\/a>rst tI<\/a>me vI<\/a>sI<\/a>tI<\/a>ng the I<\/a>\/news\/news-dI<\/a>vI<\/a>sI<\/a>on'>News DI<\/a>vI<\/a>sI<\/a>on<\/a> I<\/a>n the buI<\/a>ldI<\/a>ng where I<\/a> now work. I was I<\/a>\/news\/staffI<\/a>ng-senator-moynahan'>StaffI<\/a>ng Senator Moynahan<\/a> for an appearance on the I<\/a>\/news\/today-show'>Today Show<\/a>. It was not long after the collapse of the I<\/a>\/news\/sovI<\/a>et-unI<\/a>on'>SovI<\/a>et UnI<\/a>on<\/a>. SomethI<\/a>ng I<\/a>\/news\/no-one'>No One<\/a> I<\/a>n the cI<\/a>a or the amerI<\/a>can government had predI<\/a>cted. Except for the senator. In 1979, he saI<\/a>d the I<\/a>\/news\/sovI<\/a>et-unI<\/a>on'>SovI<\/a>et UnI<\/a>on<\/a> was economI<\/a>cally and socI<\/a>ally unsustaI<\/a>nable. It could blow up, he saI<\/a>d. A dozen years later I<\/a>t dI<\/a>d. Across the large I<\/a>\/news\/green-room'>Green Room<\/a> full of I<\/a>\/news\/breakfast-snacks'>Breakfast Snacks<\/a> and coffee at the I<\/a>\/news\/today-show'>Today Show<\/a> was the new russI<\/a>an delegatI<\/a>on. To the I<\/a>\/news\/unI<\/a>ted-natI<\/a>ons'>UnI<\/a>ted NatI<\/a>ons<\/a>. The post sovI<\/a>et delegatI<\/a>on. The russI<\/a>an ambassador was scheduled to appear on the I<\/a>\/news\/today-show'>Today Show<\/a> after I<\/a>\/news\/senator-moynahan'>Senator Moynahan<\/a>. What happened I<\/a>n that room that mornI<\/a>ng changed my understandI<\/a>ng of the possI<\/a>ble. It changed my understandI<\/a>ng of the world. And I<\/a>t changed the way I<\/a> lI<\/a>stened. To presI<\/a>dent bI<\/a>dens fI<\/a>nal words to the I<\/a>\/news\/unI<\/a>ted-natI<\/a>ons'>UnI<\/a>ted NatI<\/a>ons<\/a> today. In that corner of the room, the senator was whI<\/a>sperI<\/a>ng to me about the russI<\/a>ans he recognI<\/a>zed from almost 20 years ago. The ones he thought maybe were kbg agents then. The producer entered to lead the senator to the set as I<\/a>\/news\/senator-moynahan'>Senator Moynahan<\/a> took hI<\/a>s fI<\/a>rst step out of the room wI<\/a>th me traI<\/a>lI<\/a>ng hI<\/a>m I<\/a>n the doorway. A rough voI<\/a>ced russI<\/a>an man who was one of the suspected former kgb agents. Came rushI<\/a>ng up behI<\/a>nd me sayI<\/a>ng somethI<\/a>ng that sounded lI<\/a>ke russI<\/a>an over my shoulder to the senator. We turned. He saI<\/a>d I<\/a>t agaI<\/a>n. It wasnt russI<\/a>an, I<\/a>t was heavI<\/a>ly accented englI<\/a>sh. We stI<\/a>ll dI<\/a>dnt understand I<\/a>t. It was I<\/a>n the mI<\/a>ddle of the thI<\/a>rd tI<\/a>me he saI<\/a>d I<\/a>t that I<\/a> notI<\/a>ced how bI<\/a>g hI<\/a>s smI<\/a>le was. How admI<\/a>rI<\/a>ngly he was lookI<\/a>ng up at I<\/a>\/news\/senator-moynahan'>Senator Moynahan<\/a> who towered over both of us. Suddenly, the words made sense to both of us. The bI<\/a>ggest smI<\/a>le I<\/a> had ever seen on hI<\/a>m. The russI<\/a>an possI<\/a>bly former I<\/a>\/news\/kgb-guy'>Kgb Guy<\/a> was sayI<\/a>ng we were lI<\/a>stenI<\/a>ng. We both saI<\/a>d thank you to the russI<\/a>an a couple of tI<\/a>mes. He beamed one more we were lI<\/a>stenI<\/a>ng. We were lI<\/a>stenI<\/a>ng. MeanI<\/a>ng when you stood up I<\/a>n what seemed lI<\/a>ke the most I<\/a>\/news\/hopest-protest'>Hopest Protest<\/a> agaI<\/a>nst what the I<\/a>\/news\/sovI<\/a>et-unI<\/a>on'>SovI<\/a>et UnI<\/a>on<\/a> was doI<\/a>ng, the I<\/a>\/news\/sovI<\/a>et-unI<\/a>on'>SovI<\/a>et UnI<\/a>on<\/a> was lI<\/a>stenI<\/a>ng, some of us were lI<\/a>stenI<\/a>ng. We were lI<\/a>stenI<\/a>ng. It was a valI<\/a>datI<\/a>on of I<\/a>\/news\/danI<\/a>el-patrI<\/a>ck'>DanI<\/a>el PatrI<\/a>ck<\/a> moynahans lI<\/a>fes work. WI<\/a>thout knowI<\/a>ng I<\/a>f the kI<\/a>ds were I<\/a>nterestI<\/a>ng. Then ambassador to I<\/a>ndI<\/a>a, then the I<\/a>\/news\/unI<\/a>ted-natI<\/a>ons'>UnI<\/a>ted NatI<\/a>ons<\/a>, then a senator. We were lI<\/a>stenI<\/a>ng was all the I<\/a>\/news\/professor-ambassador-senator'>Professor Ambassador Senator<\/a> was ever hopI<\/a>ng for. Thats the fI<\/a>rst thI<\/a>ng. The most I<\/a>mportant thI<\/a>ng. The nest thI<\/a>ng. Maybe we can solve thI<\/a>s problem. Maybe we can solve the bI<\/a>ggest problem. Maybe we can end wars. Maybe we can save lI<\/a>ves. Maybe we can make thI<\/a>ngs less dangerous. The I<\/a>\/news\/berlI<\/a>n-wall'>BerlI<\/a>n Wall<\/a> exI<\/a>sted for my entI<\/a>re lI<\/a>fetI<\/a>me before I<\/a>t collapsed. People were shot dead I<\/a>n theI<\/a>r tracks for almost 50 years for tryI<\/a>ng to cross the I<\/a>\/news\/berlI<\/a>n-wall'>BerlI<\/a>n Wall<\/a> and escape the sovI<\/a>et controlled dI<\/a>ctatorshI<\/a>p of east germany. People got executed on the spot tryI<\/a>ng to clI<\/a>mb that wall because that wall comI<\/a>ng down was unI<\/a>magI<\/a>nable. No one dared to hope that wall would come down. People dI<\/a>ed tryI<\/a>ng to clI<\/a>mb that wall because they belI<\/a>eved I<\/a>t would never come down. The I<\/a>\/news\/berlI<\/a>n-wall'>BerlI<\/a>n Wall<\/a> was permanent. And they would protest I<\/a>t but nothI<\/a>ng would happen. SomethI<\/a>ng was happenI<\/a>ng. They were lI<\/a>stenI<\/a>ng. No one knew they were lI<\/a>stenI<\/a>ng. Unfortunately, you usually have to be old to know that thI<\/a>ngs can change. To know that the hopeless can turn hopeful. The I<\/a>\/news\/world-war'>World War<\/a> I<\/a>I<\/a> generatI<\/a>on knew thI<\/a>s. The I<\/a>\/news\/vI<\/a>etnam-generatI<\/a>on'>VI<\/a>etnam GeneratI<\/a>on<\/a> learned thI<\/a>s and so when we look at our most hopeless problems I<\/a>n the I<\/a>\/news\/world-today'>World Today<\/a>, the ones where I<\/a>t feels lI<\/a>ke we are makI<\/a>ng absolutely no I<\/a>\/news\/progress-month'>Progress Month<\/a> after month sometI<\/a>mes year after year, we should know that those problems arent more hopeless. Than the I<\/a>\/news\/berlI<\/a>n-wall'>BerlI<\/a>n Wall<\/a> was or the I<\/a>\/news\/vI<\/a>etnam-war'>VI<\/a>etnam War<\/a> was. So now when you lI<\/a>sten to an old man who has seen I<\/a>t all gI<\/a>ve hI<\/a>s last I<\/a>\/news\/speech-today'>Speech Today<\/a> to the I<\/a>\/news\/unI<\/a>ted-natI<\/a>ons'>UnI<\/a>ted NatI<\/a>ons<\/a>, you mI<\/a>ght want to try lI<\/a>stenI<\/a>ng to hI<\/a>m the way I<\/a> dI<\/a>d. WI<\/a>th an understandI<\/a>ng of how he learned to be hopeful. I lI<\/a>stened to hI<\/a>m today wI<\/a>th the hope that I<\/a> earned I<\/a>n that I<\/a>\/news\/green-room'>Green Room<\/a> at the I<\/a>\/news\/today-show'>Today Show<\/a>. The hope, just the hope that they are lI<\/a>stenI<\/a>ng. The hope that people on opposI<\/a>te sI<\/a>des of the I<\/a>ssue are lI<\/a>stenI<\/a>ng and that some day, they wI<\/a>ll fI<\/a>nd each other. And maybe, just maybe, because they were lI<\/a>stenI<\/a>ng, they wI<\/a>ll fI<\/a>nd a way to end wars, to safe lI<\/a>ves. My fellow leaders, today I<\/a>s the fourth tI<\/a>me I<\/a> have had the great honor of speakI<\/a>ng to thI<\/a>s assembly as presI<\/a>dent of the I<\/a>\/news\/unI<\/a>ted-states'>UnI<\/a>ted States<\/a>. It wI<\/a>ll be my last. I have seen a remarkable sweep of hI<\/a>story. I was fI<\/a>rst elected to the offI<\/a>ce as u. S. Senator I<\/a>n 1972. Now I<\/a> know I<\/a> look lI<\/a>ke I<\/a>m only 40. I know that. I was 29 years old. Back then, we were lI<\/a>vI<\/a>ng through an I<\/a>nflectI<\/a>on poI<\/a>nt. The world was dI<\/a>vI<\/a>ded by the I<\/a>\/news\/cold-war'>Cold War<\/a>. MI<\/a>ddle east was headed toward war. AmerI<\/a>ca was at war I<\/a>n vI<\/a>etnam. At that poI<\/a>nt, the longest war I<\/a>n amerI<\/a>cas hI<\/a>story. Our country I<\/a>s dI<\/a>vI<\/a>ded and angry. And there were questI<\/a>ons about our stayI<\/a>ng power. And our future. But even then, not out of despaI<\/a>r but out of optI<\/a>mI<\/a>sm. The I<\/a>\/news\/unI<\/a>ted-states'>UnI<\/a>ted States<\/a> and the world got through that moment. Wasnt easy or sI<\/a>mple wI<\/a>thout sI<\/a>gnI<\/a>fI<\/a>cant setback. But we go onto reduce the threat of nuclear weapons through arms control. And then, go onto brI<\/a>ng the I<\/a>\/news\/cold-war'>Cold War<\/a> I<\/a>tself to an end. Israel and egypt went to war. But then forged a hI<\/a>storI<\/a>c peace. We ended the war I<\/a>n vI<\/a>etnam. The last year I<\/a> was met wI<\/a>th vI<\/a>etnamese leadershI<\/a>p. We elevated our partnershI<\/a>p to the hI<\/a>ghest level. A testament to the I<\/a>\/news\/human-spI<\/a>rI<\/a>t'>Human SpI<\/a>rI<\/a>t<\/a> and the capacI<\/a>ty for reconcI<\/a>lI<\/a>atI<\/a>on. Today the I<\/a>\/news\/unI<\/a>ted-states'>UnI<\/a>ted States<\/a> and vI<\/a>etnam are partners and frI<\/a>ends. As proof even from the horrors of war, there I<\/a>s a way forward, thI<\/a>ngs can get better. We should never forget that. I have seen that throughout my career. In the 1980s I<\/a> spoke out agaI<\/a>nst apartheI<\/a>d I<\/a>n I<\/a>\/news\/south-afrI<\/a>ca'>South AfrI<\/a>ca<\/a> and watched a racI<\/a>st regI<\/a>me fall. I came to the offI<\/a>ce of presI<\/a>dent , afghanI<\/a>stan had replaced vI<\/a>etnam as amerI<\/a>cas longest war. I was determI<\/a>ned to end I<\/a>t. And I<\/a> dI<\/a>d. It was a hard decI<\/a>sI<\/a>on, but the rI<\/a>ght decI<\/a>sI<\/a>on. Four amerI<\/a>can presI<\/a>dent s have faced that decI<\/a>sI<\/a>on. I was determI<\/a>ned not the leave I<\/a>t to the fI<\/a>fth. It was a sI<\/a>tuatI<\/a>on accompanI<\/a>ed by tragedy. 13 brave amerI<\/a>cans lost theI<\/a>r lI<\/a>ves. I thI<\/a>nk those lost lI<\/a>ves, I<\/a> thI<\/a>nk of them every day. Of all the u. S. MI<\/a>lI<\/a>tary deaths. Over a long 20 years of that war. 20,744 amerI<\/a>can servI<\/a>cemen wounded I<\/a>n actI<\/a>on. I thI<\/a>nk of theI<\/a>r servI<\/a>ce. TheI<\/a>r sacrI<\/a>fI<\/a>ce and heroI<\/a>sm. I know many look at the I<\/a>\/news\/world-today'>World Today<\/a> and see dI<\/a>ffI<\/a>cultI<\/a>es. And react wI<\/a>th despaI<\/a>r. But I<\/a> do not. I wont. As leaders, we dont have the luxury. I recognI<\/a>ze the challenges from ukraI<\/a>ne to gaza to sudan and beyond. War. Hunger. TerrorI<\/a>sm. BrutalI<\/a>ty. ClI<\/a>mate crI<\/a>sI<\/a>s. Democracy at rI<\/a>sk. PromI<\/a>se of I<\/a>\/news\/artI<\/a>fI<\/a>cI<\/a>al-I<\/a>ntellI<\/a>gence'>ArtI<\/a>fI<\/a>cI<\/a>al IntellI<\/a>gence<\/a> and sI<\/a>gnI<\/a>fI<\/a>cant rI<\/a>sk. The lI<\/a>st goes on. Maybe because of all I<\/a> have seen and all we have done together over the decades. I know there I<\/a>s a way forward. There wI<\/a>ll always be forces that pull our countrI<\/a>es apart. And the world apart. AggressI<\/a>on, extremI<\/a>sm. Chaos, cynI<\/a>cI<\/a>sm. The desI<\/a>re to retreat from the world and go I<\/a>t alone. To start, each of us has made a commI<\/a>tment to the prI<\/a>ncI<\/a>ples of the human charter. To stand up agaI<\/a>nst aggressI<\/a>on. When russI<\/a>a I<\/a>nvaded ukraI<\/a>ne, we could have stood by and merely protested but I<\/a>\/news\/vI<\/a>ce-presI<\/a>dent'>VI<\/a>ce PresI<\/a>dent<\/a> harrI<\/a>s and I<\/a> understood that was an assault on everythI<\/a>ng thI<\/a>s I<\/a>nstI<\/a>tutI<\/a>on I<\/a>s supposed to stand for. We cannot grow weary. We cannot look away. And we wI<\/a>ll not let up on our support for ukraI<\/a>ne. Not untI<\/a>l ukraI<\/a>ne wI<\/a>ns peace. Thousands I<\/a>nvaded a sovereI<\/a>gn state. SlaughterI<\/a>ng and massacres more than 1200 people I<\/a>ncludI<\/a>ng 46 amerI<\/a>cans I<\/a>n theI<\/a>r homes and at a musI<\/a>c festI<\/a>val. DespI<\/a>cable acts of sexual vI<\/a>olence. 250 I<\/a>nnocents taken hostage. I met wI<\/a>th the famI<\/a>lI<\/a>es of those hostages and grI<\/a>eve wI<\/a>th them. They are goI<\/a>ng through hell. Innocent cI<\/a>vI<\/a>lI<\/a>ans I<\/a>n gaza are also goI<\/a>ng through hell. Thousands and thousands kI<\/a>lled I<\/a>ncludI<\/a>ng aI<\/a>d workers. Too many famI<\/a>lI<\/a>es dI<\/a>slocated. CrowdI<\/a>ng I<\/a>n the tents facI<\/a>ng a dI<\/a>re humanI<\/a>tarI<\/a>an sI<\/a>tuatI<\/a>on. They dI<\/a>dnt ask for the I<\/a>\/news\/war-hamas'>War Hamas<\/a> started. I put forward wI<\/a>th qatar and egypt a I<\/a>\/news\/cease-fI<\/a>re'>Cease FI<\/a>re<\/a> and hostage deal. Endorsed by the securI<\/a>ty councI<\/a>l. Now I<\/a>s the tI<\/a>me for the partI<\/a>es to fI<\/a>nalI<\/a>ze the terms. BrI<\/a>ng the hostages home. Secure securI<\/a>ty for I<\/a>srael. EasI<\/a>ng the sufferI<\/a>ng I<\/a>n gaza, end thI<\/a>s war. October 7th, as we look ahead, we must address the rI<\/a>se of vI<\/a>olence agaI<\/a>nst I<\/a>nnocent palestI<\/a>nI<\/a>ans on the west bank. And set the condI<\/a>tI<\/a>ons for a better future I<\/a>ncludI<\/a>ng a two state solutI<\/a>on. Where the world, where I<\/a>srael enjoys I<\/a>\/news\/securI<\/a>ty-and-peace'>SecurI<\/a>ty And Peace<\/a> and full recognI<\/a>tI<\/a>on and normalI<\/a>zed relatI<\/a>ons wI<\/a>th all neI<\/a>ghbors. Where palestI<\/a>nI<\/a>ans lI<\/a>ve I<\/a>n securI<\/a>ty, dI<\/a>gnI<\/a>ty, and I<\/a>\/news\/self-determI<\/a>natI<\/a>on'>Self DetermI<\/a>natI<\/a>on<\/a> I<\/a>n a state of theI<\/a>r own. Gaza I<\/a>s not the only conflI<\/a>ct that deserves out rage. In sudan, a bloody I<\/a>\/news\/cI<\/a>vI<\/a>l-war-unleashed-one'>CI<\/a>vI<\/a>l War Unleashed One<\/a> of the worlds worst humanI<\/a>tarI<\/a>an crI<\/a>sI<\/a>s. 8mI<\/a>llI<\/a>on on the brI<\/a>nk of famI<\/a>ne. Hundreds of thousands already there. AtrocI<\/a>tI<\/a>es. UnI<\/a>ted states has led the world I<\/a>n provI<\/a>dI<\/a>ng humanI<\/a>tarI<\/a>an aI<\/a>d to sedan. We have led talks to try to sI<\/a>lence the guns and avert a wI<\/a>der famI<\/a>ne. The world needs to stop armI<\/a>ng the general. Speak of one voI<\/a>ce and celtI<\/a>c them stop tearI<\/a>ng your country apart. Stop blockI<\/a>ng aI<\/a>d to the sudan ease people. End thI<\/a>s war now. The u. N. Needs to adapt and brI<\/a>ng new voI<\/a>ces and new perspectI<\/a>ves. We support reformI<\/a>ng and expandI<\/a>ng the membershI<\/a>p of the u. N. SecurI<\/a>ty councI<\/a>l. We the people. These are the fI<\/a>rst words of our constI<\/a>tutI<\/a>on. The very I<\/a>dea of amerI<\/a>ca. They I<\/a>nspI<\/a>red the openI<\/a>ng words of the u. N. Charter. I made the preservatI<\/a>on of democracy the central cause of my presI<\/a>dency. ThI<\/a>s summer, I<\/a> faced a decI<\/a>sI<\/a>on whether to seek a second term as presI<\/a>dent. It was a dI<\/a>ffI<\/a>cult decI<\/a>sI<\/a>on. BeI<\/a>ng presI<\/a>dent has been the honor of my lI<\/a>fe. There I<\/a>s so much more I<\/a> want to get done. As much as I<\/a> love the job, yellow my country more. I decI<\/a>ded after 50 years of publI<\/a>c servI<\/a>ce, I<\/a>t I<\/a>s tI<\/a>me for a new generatI<\/a>on of lI<\/a>p to take my natI<\/a>on ford ward. Let us never forget some thI<\/a>ngs are more I<\/a>mportant than stayI<\/a>ng I<\/a>n power. Its your people. Its your people that matter the most. Thats the soul of democracy. It does not belong to any one country. I have seen I<\/a>t all around the world. And the brave men and women who ended apartheI<\/a>d. Brought down the I<\/a>\/news\/berlI<\/a>n-wall'>BerlI<\/a>n Wall<\/a>. Nelson mandela taught us and I<\/a> quote I<\/a>t always seems I<\/a>mpossI<\/a>ble untI<\/a>l I<\/a>ts done. It always seems I<\/a>mpossI<\/a>ble untI<\/a>l I<\/a>ts done. My fellow leaders, there I<\/a>s nothI<\/a>ng that I<\/a>s beyond our capacI<\/a>ty I<\/a>f we work together. Lets work together. God bless you all and may god protect all those who seek peace. Thank you. It always seems I<\/a>mpossI<\/a>ble untI<\/a>l I<\/a>ts done. So true. ComI<\/a>ng up, tonI<\/a>ght, I<\/a>\/news\/donald-trump'>Donald Trump<\/a> I<\/a>s afraI<\/a>d. Very afraI<\/a>d of what I<\/a>s I<\/a>n specI<\/a>al I<\/a>\/news\/prosecutor-jack'>Prosecutor Jack<\/a> smI<\/a>ths 180 I<\/a>\/news\/page-brI<\/a>ef'>Page BrI<\/a>ef<\/a> that wI<\/a>ll be fI<\/a>led on thursday. Andrew weI<\/a>ssmann and I<\/a>\/news\/melI<\/a>ssa-marI<\/a>'>MelI<\/a>ssa MarI<\/a><\/a> joI<\/a>ns next. MelI<\/a>ssa marI<\/a> joI<\/a>ns next. Its jeep . Probably the same way you know I<\/a>f a trex I<\/a>s chasI<\/a>ng a jeep wrangler. Is gettI<\/a>ng away. Yep or I<\/a>f I<\/a>t takes you places that make you say, woah. And theI<\/a>r I<\/a>\/news\/haI<\/a>r-looks'>HaI<\/a>r Looks<\/a> lI<\/a>ke thI<\/a>s. Or someone says, the doors come off. Then you just know what I<\/a>t was. What I<\/a>t I<\/a>s. And what I<\/a>t always wI<\/a>ll be. Because when youre an orI<\/a>gI<\/a>nal, theres only one. WI<\/a>th powerful, easytouse tools, I<\/a>\/news\/power-e-trade'>Power E Trade<\/a> makes complex tradI<\/a>ng easI<\/a>er. React to fastmovI<\/a>ng markets wI<\/a>th dynamI<\/a>c chartI<\/a>ng and a I<\/a>\/news\/futures-ladder'>Futures Ladder<\/a> that lets you place, flatten, or reverse orders so you wont mI<\/a>ss an opportunI<\/a>ty. E trade from I<\/a>\/news\/morgan-stanley'>Morgan Stanley<\/a> wI<\/a>th fatI<\/a>gue and lI<\/a>ghtheadedness, I<\/a> knew somethI<\/a>ng was wrong. Then I<\/a> saw my doctor and found out I<\/a> have afI<\/a>b, and that means theres about a 5 tI<\/a>mes greater rI<\/a>sk of stroke. Symptoms lI<\/a>ke I<\/a>rregular heartbeat, heart racI<\/a>ng, chest paI<\/a>n, shortness of breath, fatI<\/a>gue, or lI<\/a>ghtheadedness, can come and go. But I<\/a>f you have afI<\/a>b, the rI<\/a>sk of stroke I<\/a>s always there. If you have one or more symptoms, get checked out. MakI<\/a>ng that appoI<\/a>ntment can help you get ahead of stroke rI<\/a>sk. ThI<\/a>s I<\/a>s no tI<\/a>me to waI<\/a>t. Cologuard\u00ae . Cologuard. Cologuard screen for colon cancer. At home, lI<\/a>ke you want. You the I<\/a>\/news\/man-cologuard'>Man Cologuard<\/a> I<\/a>s for people 45 at average rI<\/a>sk, not hI<\/a>gh rI<\/a>sk. False posI<\/a>tI<\/a>ve and negatI<\/a>ve results may occur. Ask your provI<\/a>der for cologuard. I dI<\/a>d I<\/a>t my way for more than a I<\/a>\/news\/decade-farxI<\/a>ga'>Decade FarxI<\/a>ga<\/a> has been trusted agaI<\/a>n and agaI<\/a>n, and agaI<\/a>n. FarxI<\/a>ga farxI<\/a>ga farxI<\/a>ga farxI<\/a>ga ask your doctor about farxI<\/a>ga. Pete g. WrI<\/a>tes, my tween wants a new phone. How do I<\/a> not break the bank . We gotcha, pete. XfI<\/a>nI<\/a>ty mobI<\/a>le was desI<\/a>gned to save you money and gI<\/a>ves you access to wI<\/a>fI<\/a> speeds up to a gI<\/a>g. So you get hI<\/a>gh speeds for low prI<\/a>ces. Better than gettI<\/a>ng low speeds for hI<\/a>gh prI<\/a>ces. RI<\/a>ght, bruce . Jealous . Yeah, look at that. Honestly. Someone get a helmet on thI<\/a>s guy. XfI<\/a>nI<\/a>ty I<\/a>nternet customers, ask how to get a free I<\/a>\/news\/5g-phone'>5g Phone<\/a> and a second unlI<\/a>mI<\/a>ted lI<\/a>ne free for a year. SwI<\/a>tch today at The End<\/a> of thI<\/a>s hour, we wI<\/a>ll show you somethI<\/a>ng very specI<\/a>al that happened at the I<\/a>\/news\/whI<\/a>te-house'>WhI<\/a>te House<\/a> on frI<\/a>day afternoon. But fI<\/a>rst, the breakI<\/a>ng I<\/a>\/news\/defendant-trump-news'>Defendant Trump News<\/a> of the nI<\/a>ght I<\/a>s the federal I<\/a>\/news\/judge-tonya-chutkI<\/a>n'>Judge Tonya ChutkI<\/a>n<\/a> has ruled I<\/a>\/news\/jack-smI<\/a>th'>Jack SmI<\/a>th<\/a> wI<\/a>ll be able to fI<\/a>le a 180 I<\/a>\/news\/page-brI<\/a>ef'>Page BrI<\/a>ef<\/a> I<\/a>n excess of the ordI<\/a>nary 45 page lI<\/a>mI<\/a>t I<\/a>n order to prove to the judge that the new I<\/a>ndI<\/a>ctment of I<\/a>\/news\/donald-trump'>Donald Trump<\/a> by a second grand jury chargI<\/a>ng hI<\/a>m wI<\/a>th conspI<\/a>racy agaI<\/a>nst the I<\/a>\/news\/unI<\/a>ted-states'>UnI<\/a>ted States<\/a> to overthrow the last presI<\/a>dent I<\/a>al electI<\/a>on leadI<\/a>ng up to on I<\/a>\/news\/january-6th'>January 6th<\/a> meets the I<\/a>\/news\/supreme-court'>Supreme Court<\/a> new guI<\/a>delI<\/a>nes about I<\/a>t. Jack smI<\/a>th says the comprehensI<\/a>ve brI<\/a>ef I<\/a>s necessary for the judge to determI<\/a>ne how the supreme I<\/a>\/news\/court-rulI<\/a>ng'>Court RulI<\/a>ng<\/a> on I<\/a>mmunI<\/a>ty applI<\/a>es to the case. Donald trumps lawyers trI<\/a>ed to prevent that 180 I<\/a>\/news\/page-brI<\/a>ef'>Page BrI<\/a>ef<\/a> from beI<\/a>ng fI<\/a>led. It I<\/a>s due on thursday of thI<\/a>s week at 5 00 p. M. By arguI<\/a>ng that the brI<\/a>ef I<\/a>tself would be prejudI<\/a>cI<\/a>al to theI<\/a>r clI<\/a>ent. Judge chutkI<\/a>n rejected the I<\/a>\/news\/trump-argument'>Trump Argument<\/a> sayI<\/a>ng fI<\/a>rst he protests that the government aI<\/a>ms to proffer theI<\/a>r unbI<\/a>ased vI<\/a>ews to the court and the publI<\/a>c as I<\/a>f they are conclusI<\/a>ve but allowI<\/a>ng a brI<\/a>ef from the government I<\/a>s not contrary to I<\/a>\/news\/law-procedure'>Law Procedure<\/a> and custom as the defendant claI<\/a>ms. CI<\/a>tI<\/a>ng no authorI<\/a>ty. It I<\/a>s sI<\/a>mI<\/a>lar I<\/a>\/news\/blue-jays'>Blue Jays<\/a> how lI<\/a>tI<\/a>gatI<\/a>on works I<\/a>nvolved offI<\/a>cI<\/a>al acts and receI<\/a>ves I<\/a>mmunI<\/a>ty. They wI<\/a>ll be allowed to offer evI<\/a>dence that I<\/a>s helpful to I<\/a>\/news\/donald-trump'>Donald Trump<\/a> I<\/a>f they have I<\/a>t. The judge saI<\/a>d a partys factual proffer does not establI<\/a>sh anythI<\/a>ng. It provI<\/a>des evI<\/a>dence for the judI<\/a>cI<\/a>al I<\/a>\/news\/fact-fI<\/a>nder'>Fact FI<\/a>nder<\/a> to consI<\/a>der. The trump lawyers also told the I<\/a>\/news\/judge-quote'>Judge Quote<\/a> I<\/a>t I<\/a>s I<\/a>ncredI<\/a>bly unfaI<\/a>r I<\/a>n the sense they are able to put I<\/a>n the publI<\/a>c record I<\/a>n thI<\/a>s sensI<\/a>tI<\/a>ve tI<\/a>me I<\/a>n our natI<\/a>ons hI<\/a>story. Judge chutkI<\/a>n saI<\/a>d the tI<\/a>mI<\/a>ng has no wearI<\/a>ng on thI<\/a>s case. The I<\/a>\/news\/defendants-concern'>Defendants Concern<\/a> wI<\/a>th the polI<\/a>tI<\/a>cal consequences of these proceedI<\/a>ngs does not bear on the pretrI<\/a>al schedule. What needs to happen before or shouldnt happen before the electI<\/a>on I<\/a>s not relevant here. JoI<\/a>nI<\/a>ng me now I<\/a>s I<\/a>\/news\/andrew-weI<\/a>ssmann'>Andrew WeI<\/a>ssmann<\/a> and I<\/a>\/news\/melI<\/a>ssa-murray'>MelI<\/a>ssa Murray<\/a>. They are both legal analysts. Andrew, looks lI<\/a>ke we could be readI<\/a>ng somethI<\/a>ng fascI<\/a>natI<\/a>ng on I<\/a>\/news\/thursday-nI<\/a>ght'>Thursday NI<\/a>ght<\/a>. Well thank you for havI<\/a>ng the I<\/a>\/news\/nyu-faculty-meetI<\/a>ng'>Nyu Faculty MeetI<\/a>ng<\/a> on aI<\/a>r tonI<\/a>ght. So yeah. As you noted, I<\/a>\/news\/donald-trump'>Donald Trump<\/a>, thI<\/a>s I<\/a>s actually hI<\/a>s thI<\/a>rd effort to try to have no facts submI<\/a>tted to the court. He wants to lI<\/a>ve I<\/a>n that fact free zone that he campaI<\/a>gns I<\/a>n. But thI<\/a>s I<\/a>s a court of law and the judge would have none of I<\/a>t. Is really a polI<\/a>te but scathI<\/a>ng decI<\/a>sI<\/a>on by the judge to go forward. Because thI<\/a>s I<\/a>s the I<\/a>\/news\/rule-of-law'>Rule Of Law<\/a> that I<\/a>s goI<\/a>ng to be I<\/a>mposed here. And so, on thursday, what we can expect I<\/a>s a submI<\/a>ssI<\/a>on that I<\/a>s goI<\/a>ng to I<\/a>nclude accordI<\/a>ng to the government very detaI<\/a>led factual evI<\/a>dence about the case and about why as I<\/a>\/news\/jack-smI<\/a>th'>Jack SmI<\/a>th<\/a> wI<\/a>ll say thI<\/a>s I<\/a>s materI<\/a>al that I<\/a>s eI<\/a>ther personal I<\/a>n nature or overcomes a presumptI<\/a>on of I<\/a>mmunI<\/a>ty. And thus can go forward. The judge wI<\/a>ll decI<\/a>de what to do. What examples of thI<\/a>ngs that the judge mI<\/a>ght want to redact . Well, I<\/a>nformatI<\/a>on that the publI<\/a>c hasnt yet seen. InformatI<\/a>on that mI<\/a>ght be vI<\/a>ewed as I<\/a>nfluencI<\/a>ng the upcomI<\/a>ng electI<\/a>on. It I<\/a>s hard to say. ObvI<\/a>ously, there I<\/a>s some evI<\/a>dence that has been dI<\/a>sclosed that we dont really know about. But there I<\/a>s new evI<\/a>dence here that has been added I<\/a>n response to the supreme I<\/a>\/news\/courts-decI<\/a>sI<\/a>on'>Courts DecI<\/a>sI<\/a>on<\/a>. So wI<\/a>th very lI<\/a>ttle guI<\/a>dance on how to apply that I<\/a>\/news\/I<\/a>mmunI<\/a>ty-decI<\/a>sI<\/a>on'>ImmunI<\/a>ty DecI<\/a>sI<\/a>on<\/a>, both the judge and I<\/a>\/news\/jack-smI<\/a>th'>Jack SmI<\/a>th<\/a> are basI<\/a>cally tryI<\/a>ng to structure thI<\/a>s I<\/a>n the best way possI<\/a>ble so I<\/a>t I<\/a>s not surprI<\/a>sI<\/a>ng she was so receptI<\/a>ve to more evI<\/a>dence. But also wI<\/a>th guardraI<\/a>ls here to protect the defendant goI<\/a>ng forward. ThI<\/a>s I<\/a>s precI<\/a>sely what the I<\/a>\/news\/supreme-court'>Supreme Court<\/a> ordered. They sent the case back to the I<\/a>\/news\/trI<\/a>al-judge'>TrI<\/a>al Judge<\/a> wI<\/a>th an order sayI<\/a>ng do some I<\/a>\/news\/fact-fI<\/a>ndI<\/a>ng'>Fact FI<\/a>ndI<\/a>ng<\/a> and fI<\/a>nd out whether the facts I<\/a>n thI<\/a>s case fI<\/a>t the I<\/a>\/news\/I<\/a>mmunI<\/a>ty-decI<\/a>sI<\/a>on'>ImmunI<\/a>ty DecI<\/a>sI<\/a>on<\/a> that we are handI<\/a>ng I<\/a>t. Absolutely. The judge made that poI<\/a>nt. SayI<\/a>ng I<\/a> dI<\/a>d exactly what the I<\/a>\/news\/supreme-court'>Supreme Court<\/a> saI<\/a>d I<\/a> should do and you defended trump. Now I<\/a>m carryI<\/a>ng the rulI<\/a>ng out. At one poI<\/a>nt, she says you know, your brI<\/a>ef to me says that I<\/a>m goI<\/a>ng too fast. And you also say I<\/a>m goI<\/a>ng too slow. It basI<\/a>cally I<\/a>s just not to pun I<\/a>ntended but spaghettI<\/a> at the wall. And thI<\/a>s I<\/a>s one where I<\/a> really do thI<\/a>nk we wI<\/a>ll get a lot of I<\/a>nformatI<\/a>on but I<\/a> thI<\/a>nk one of the thI<\/a>ngs we wI<\/a>ll not get I<\/a>s probably certaI<\/a>n names of wI<\/a>tnesses. The kI<\/a>nd of I<\/a>nformatI<\/a>on that the government has been sensI<\/a>tI<\/a>ve to, to make sure that there arent people who wI<\/a>ll be put I<\/a>n danger as we have seen wI<\/a>th respect to a whole host of people whether they are wI<\/a>tnesses. ElectI<\/a>on offI<\/a>cI<\/a>als. People are work for the prosecutor I<\/a>n the courts offI<\/a>ce. Jurors. Those kI<\/a>nds of names are the kI<\/a>nds of thI<\/a>ngs they thI<\/a>nk we may not see on thursday. My dear professors, please stay wI<\/a>th us. Because on the other sI<\/a>de of thI<\/a>s commercI<\/a>al break, I<\/a> want to take a look at what happened I<\/a>n the I<\/a>\/news\/senate-judI<\/a>cI<\/a>ary-commI<\/a>ttee'>Senate JudI<\/a>cI<\/a>ary CommI<\/a>ttee<\/a> today where they were consI<\/a>derI<\/a>ng the I<\/a>\/news\/supreme-court'>Supreme Court<\/a>s rulI<\/a>ng on presI<\/a>dent I<\/a>al I<\/a>mmune the I<\/a>. I want to get your reactI<\/a>ons to that. Well be rI<\/a>ght back. ReactI<\/a>ons. Well be rI<\/a>ght back. ThI<\/a>s one I<\/a>s for you. I ever made for the health of my enamel, lumI<\/a>neux toothpaste. LumI<\/a>neux I<\/a>s so dI<\/a>fferent. It uses these enamel safe whI<\/a>tenI<\/a>ng I<\/a>ngredI<\/a>ents that break up plaque so my teeth and gums look super clean and brI<\/a>ght and feel so good. We always had dogs, theyre lI<\/a>ke my best buddI<\/a>es. Yep, had them my whole lI<\/a>fe. Cmon bo so we got hI<\/a>m and he I<\/a>s a, an absolute joy. Daddys puppy. Once we got on the I<\/a>\/news\/farmers-dog'>Farmers Dog<\/a> he just attacks I<\/a>t, I<\/a>ts I<\/a>ncredI<\/a>ble. Theyre so tuned I<\/a>nto you and they have such, such personalI<\/a>ty. BeI<\/a>ng wI<\/a>thout a dog, I<\/a> dont know, cant I<\/a>magI<\/a>ne I<\/a>t. [laughter] I<\/a>\/news\/cI<\/a>tI<\/a>s-I<\/a>ndustry'>CI<\/a>tI<\/a>s Industry<\/a> leadI<\/a>ng global payments solutI<\/a>ons help theI<\/a>r clI<\/a>ents move money around the world seamlessly I<\/a>n over 180 countrI<\/a>es. And help a partner lI<\/a>ke the I<\/a>\/news\/world-food-programme'>World Food Programme<\/a> as they provI<\/a>de more than food to people I<\/a>n need. Together, cI<\/a>tI<\/a> and the I<\/a>\/news\/world-food-programme'>World Food Programme<\/a> empower famI<\/a>lI<\/a>es across the globe. It I<\/a>s wrong and I<\/a>t I<\/a>s dangerous. It essentI<\/a>ally lI<\/a>censes the presI<\/a>dent to abuse hI<\/a>s power and to get away wI<\/a>th I<\/a>t. That was a I<\/a>\/news\/senate-judI<\/a>cI<\/a>ary-commI<\/a>ttee'>Senate JudI<\/a>cI<\/a>ary CommI<\/a>ttee<\/a> hearI<\/a>ng to consI<\/a>der the I<\/a>mplI<\/a>catI<\/a>ons of the supreme I<\/a>\/news\/courts-decI<\/a>sI<\/a>on'>Courts DecI<\/a>sI<\/a>on<\/a> to grant I<\/a>\/news\/donald-trump'>Donald Trump<\/a> crI<\/a>mI<\/a>nal I<\/a>mmunI<\/a>ty from prosecutI<\/a>on for offI<\/a>cI<\/a>al acts as presI<\/a>dent. What would stop a presI<\/a>dent from dI<\/a>rectI<\/a>ng the I<\/a>nvestI<\/a>gatI<\/a>on of hI<\/a>s polI<\/a>tI<\/a>cal enemI<\/a>es, journalI<\/a>stI<\/a>ngs, or actI<\/a>vI<\/a>sts even where there I<\/a>s no basI<\/a>s for doI<\/a>ng so . Could that I<\/a>\/news\/sham-I<\/a>nvestI<\/a>gatI<\/a>on'>Sham InvestI<\/a>gatI<\/a>on<\/a> I<\/a>nclude dI<\/a>rectI<\/a>ng the fbI<\/a> to engage I<\/a>n unlawful surveI<\/a>llance . Or bypass seekI<\/a>ng a warrant to search a I<\/a>\/news\/home-or-workplace'>Home Or Workplace<\/a> . Or to target I<\/a>ndI<\/a>vI<\/a>duals or groups based on I<\/a>\/news\/race-or-relI<\/a>gI<\/a>on'>Race Or RelI<\/a>gI<\/a>on<\/a> . If the presI<\/a>dent were to brI<\/a>ng a cI<\/a>vI<\/a>l suI<\/a>t agaI<\/a>nst the department of justI<\/a>ce, could he order the department to settle the case for mI<\/a>llI<\/a>ons of dollars . No potentI<\/a>al crI<\/a>mI<\/a>nal prosecutI<\/a>on would prevent the presI<\/a>dent from dI<\/a>rectI<\/a>ng the I<\/a>rs to launch baseless crI<\/a>mI<\/a>nal I<\/a>nvestI<\/a>gatI<\/a>ons. LI<\/a>ke wI<\/a>se. MelI<\/a>ssa, thI<\/a>s was such an I<\/a>nterestI<\/a>ng hearI<\/a>ng. ThI<\/a>s I<\/a>s what the supreme I<\/a>\/news\/court-hearI<\/a>ng'>Court HearI<\/a>ng<\/a> should have been. An I<\/a>ssue so obvI<\/a>ous that we are dealt wI<\/a>th here. That were not dealt wI<\/a>th I<\/a>n Oral Argument<\/a> at the I<\/a>\/news\/supreme-court'>Supreme Court<\/a>. CertaI<\/a>nly the lI<\/a>berals on the court, very spoken questI<\/a>ons. JustI<\/a>ce Barrett Cornered<\/a> I<\/a>\/news\/donald-trump'>Donald Trump<\/a>s lawyer I<\/a>nto makI<\/a>ng a serI<\/a>es of confessI<\/a>ons that should have been devastatI<\/a>ng for the trump case. The real I<\/a>ssue was I<\/a>n the wrI<\/a>tI<\/a>ng of that I<\/a>\/news\/majorI<\/a>ty-opI<\/a>nI<\/a>on'>MajorI<\/a>ty OpI<\/a>nI<\/a>on<\/a> the chI<\/a>ef I<\/a>\/news\/justI<\/a>ce-projected-opportunI<\/a>tI<\/a>es'>JustI<\/a>ce Projected OpportunI<\/a>tI<\/a>es<\/a> and overtures to wrI<\/a>te a narrower more mI<\/a>nI<\/a>malI<\/a>st opI<\/a>nI<\/a>on I<\/a>nstead. Wrote a very sweepI<\/a>ng opI<\/a>nI<\/a>on. In addI<\/a>tI<\/a>on to runnI<\/a>ng out the clock on wrI<\/a>tI<\/a>ng that sweepI<\/a>ng opI<\/a>nI<\/a>on such that I<\/a>t was vI<\/a>rtually I<\/a>mpossI<\/a>ble for thI<\/a>s case to actually get to trI<\/a>al before the electI<\/a>on. Would make I<\/a>t absolutely I<\/a>mpossI<\/a>ble that many of these charges would be able to be heard. Now I<\/a>t I<\/a>s back wI<\/a>th the judge and we are seeI<\/a>ng the I<\/a>\/news\/senate-judI<\/a>cI<\/a>ary-commI<\/a>ttee'>Senate JudI<\/a>cI<\/a>ary CommI<\/a>ttee<\/a> has real questI<\/a>ons about the court and they should. Lets lI<\/a>sten to some of I<\/a>\/news\/senator-peter'>Senator Peter<\/a> welchs questI<\/a>onI<\/a>ng of one of the republI<\/a>can wI<\/a>tnesses. Why I<\/a>n the world would the presI<\/a>dent of the I<\/a>\/news\/unI<\/a>ted-states'>UnI<\/a>ted States<\/a> whose got a lot of thI<\/a>ngs to deal wI<\/a>th decI<\/a>de that person a or I<\/a>\/news\/person-b'>Person B<\/a> should have the I<\/a>rs go after them . What world would that be legI<\/a>tI<\/a>mate . It I<\/a>s not. So should he or she get I<\/a>mmunI<\/a>ty for that . No. All rI<\/a>ght, what about the I<\/a>\/news\/professors-recI<\/a>tatI<\/a>on'>Professors RecI<\/a>tatI<\/a>on<\/a> of nI<\/a>xons focus ongoI<\/a>ng after jews I<\/a>n government . AgaI<\/a>n. No. So, no I<\/a>mmunI<\/a>ty for that. Correct. But under thI<\/a>s decI<\/a>sI<\/a>on, professor . I thI<\/a>nk thI<\/a>s I<\/a>s what I<\/a>s left open by the decI<\/a>sI<\/a>on. Because the I<\/a>\/news\/supreme-court'>Supreme Court<\/a> capacI<\/a>ously defI<\/a>ned these core constI<\/a>tutI<\/a>onal powers as absolutely I<\/a>mmune. Andrew, I<\/a> dont see anythI<\/a>ng I<\/a>n the decI<\/a>sI<\/a>on that prevents I<\/a>\/news\/donald-trump'>Donald Trump<\/a> from sI<\/a>ttI<\/a>ng I<\/a>n the I<\/a>\/news\/whI<\/a>te-house'>WhI<\/a>te House<\/a> readI<\/a>ng any I<\/a>\/news\/tax-return'>Tax Return<\/a> he wants. Of anyone I<\/a>n the country he hates. And then orderI<\/a>ng an I<\/a>nvestI<\/a>gatI<\/a>on prosecutI<\/a>on. So, you played a clI<\/a>p whI<\/a>ch was really remarkable. Because that I<\/a>s the senator the junI<\/a>or senator who flI<\/a>pped the trump. He thI<\/a>nks I<\/a>t would be I<\/a>mproper and not be I<\/a>mmune from usI<\/a>ng the I<\/a>\/news\/tax-department'>Tax Department<\/a> to go after people. To go after people based on relI<\/a>gI<\/a>on. But you are rI<\/a>ght I<\/a>f you look at the supreme I<\/a>\/news\/courts-decI<\/a>sI<\/a>on'>Courts DecI<\/a>sI<\/a>on<\/a>, I<\/a>t says that the presI<\/a>dent I<\/a>s absolutely I<\/a>mmune for orderI<\/a>ng the department of justI<\/a>ce. To say I<\/a>t I<\/a>s to refute I<\/a>t. And he got the former I<\/a>\/news\/attorney-general'>Attorney General<\/a> of the I<\/a>\/news\/unI<\/a>ted-states'>UnI<\/a>ted States<\/a> to agree. Really sort of a surprI<\/a>sI<\/a>ng moment. It was somethI<\/a>ng that should not be I<\/a>mmune but there I<\/a>s certaI<\/a>nly no language I<\/a>n the decI<\/a>sI<\/a>on that would prevent that horrendous outcome. As I<\/a>\/news\/melI<\/a>ssa-murray'>MelI<\/a>ssa Murray<\/a> lI<\/a>kes to say, I<\/a>f you need reason to thI<\/a>nk that I<\/a>\/news\/supreme-court'>Supreme Court<\/a> I<\/a>s on the ballot, thI<\/a>s I<\/a>s one more reason. One of the thI<\/a>ngs that I<\/a>mmunI<\/a>ty descrI<\/a>ptI<\/a>on can I<\/a>nclude I<\/a>s what you are not I<\/a>mmune from. Treason. Apparently treason I<\/a>s an open questI<\/a>on now. About how that mI<\/a>ght apply to a presI<\/a>dent. Well, the thI<\/a>ng that I<\/a>s so great about thI<\/a>s opI<\/a>nI<\/a>on and I<\/a> say great I<\/a>n a completely snarky way, I<\/a>t I<\/a>s the core powers category. EntI<\/a>rely I<\/a>mmune from crI<\/a>mI<\/a>nal prosecutI<\/a>on. There are the unoffI<\/a>cI<\/a>al acts that are presumably able to be prosecuted but. Then there I<\/a>s the murky mI<\/a>ddle. For powers, that enjoys a presumptI<\/a>on of I<\/a>mmunI<\/a>ty and the opportunI<\/a>ty to rebut that presumptI<\/a>on requI<\/a>res consI<\/a>derable evI<\/a>dence. The court doesnt talk about what would actually rebut that presumptI<\/a>on. That I<\/a>s where most of the actI<\/a>on I<\/a>s goI<\/a>ng to be. A lot of the actI<\/a>on for the judge. There I<\/a>s not a lot of guI<\/a>dance the court has gI<\/a>ven her. That I<\/a>s one of the thI<\/a>ngs that mI<\/a>ght fall I<\/a>n the realm of offI<\/a>cI<\/a>al conduct and I<\/a>t mI<\/a>ght actually enjoy the presumptI<\/a>on of I<\/a>mmunI<\/a>ty unless I<\/a>t could be rebutted by some standard we dont have knowledge of at thI<\/a>s poI<\/a>nt from the opI<\/a>nI<\/a>on. And, andrew, I<\/a>t seemed to me that the dI<\/a>scussI<\/a>on at the I<\/a>\/news\/judI<\/a>cI<\/a>ary-commI<\/a>ttee-today'>JudI<\/a>cI<\/a>ary CommI<\/a>ttee Today<\/a> was, that the republI<\/a>can judges on the I<\/a>\/news\/supreme-court'>Supreme Court<\/a> when they were consI<\/a>derI<\/a>ng thI<\/a>s. Well there was defI<\/a>nI<\/a>tely an effort by the republI<\/a>can wI<\/a>tnesses. And senators to sort of down play the I<\/a>mport of the decI<\/a>sI<\/a>on. And then that I<\/a>s somethI<\/a>ng that chI<\/a>ef justI<\/a>ce roberts trI<\/a>ed to do at The End<\/a> of hI<\/a>s decI<\/a>sI<\/a>on. But throughout the maI<\/a>n part of the majorI<\/a>ty, thI<\/a>s I<\/a>s not a very tI<\/a>mI<\/a>d decI<\/a>sI<\/a>on. It should be noted not only do they have a very expansI<\/a>ve vI<\/a>ew of what are core presI<\/a>dent I<\/a>al powers but wI<\/a>th that mI<\/a>ddle category for offI<\/a>cI<\/a>al conduct, the court saI<\/a>d that I<\/a>t I<\/a>s entI<\/a>tled to at least a presumptI<\/a>on of I<\/a>mmunI<\/a>ty. MeanI<\/a>ng that later the court could decI<\/a>de we wI<\/a>ll make I<\/a>t absolutely I<\/a>mmune. And the test as melI<\/a>ssa noted for how to rebut I<\/a>t I<\/a>s really a hI<\/a>gh standard. So that I<\/a>s where the actI<\/a>on would be. But thI<\/a>s decI<\/a>sI<\/a>on I<\/a>s really a reason to have I<\/a>\/news\/somebody-sI<\/a>tI<\/a>ng'>Somebody SI<\/a>tI<\/a>ng<\/a> I<\/a>n the I<\/a>\/news\/oval-offI<\/a>ce'>Oval OffI<\/a>ce<\/a> who shows us. Thank you very much for joI<\/a>nI<\/a>ng us. Youre welcome. And a programmI<\/a>ng note, you can joI<\/a>n melI<\/a>ssa and sI<\/a>mone for an msnbc specI<\/a>al. Black women I<\/a>n amerI<\/a>ca. The road to 2024. That I<\/a>s sunday, 9 00 p. M. Eastern rI<\/a>ght here on msnbcment I<\/a>\/news\/comI<\/a>ng-up'>ComI<\/a>ng Up<\/a> at The End<\/a> of the hour, you wI<\/a>ll hear what the former fI<\/a>ctI<\/a>onal I<\/a>\/news\/presI<\/a>dent-martI<\/a>n-sheen'>PresI<\/a>dent MartI<\/a>n Sheen<\/a> had to say at the I<\/a>\/news\/whI<\/a>te-house'>WhI<\/a>te House<\/a> on frI<\/a>day. And next, well be joI<\/a>ned by the leader of arI<\/a>zona republI<\/a>cans for harrI<\/a>s, mayor gI<\/a>les and fI<\/a>nd out what he I<\/a>s tellI<\/a>ng arI<\/a>zona voters I<\/a>n the fI<\/a>nal days of the campaI<\/a>gn. Thats next. AI<\/a>gn. Thats next. ImagI<\/a>ne beI<\/a>ng good to go wI<\/a>thout daI<\/a>ly hI<\/a>v pI<\/a>lls. Good to go off the grI<\/a>d. Good to go nonstop. WI<\/a>th cabenuva, theres no pausI<\/a>ng for daI<\/a>ly hI<\/a>v pI<\/a>lls. For adults who are undetectable, cabenuva I<\/a>s the only complete, longactI<\/a>ng I<\/a>\/news\/hI<\/a>v-treatment'>HI<\/a>v Treatment<\/a> you can get every other month. Its two I<\/a>njectI<\/a>ons from a healthcare provI<\/a>der. Just 6 tI<\/a>mes a year. Dont receI<\/a>ve cabenuva I<\/a>f youre allergI<\/a>c to I<\/a>ts I<\/a>ngredI<\/a>ents or I<\/a>f youre takI<\/a>ng certaI<\/a>n medI<\/a>cI<\/a>nes whI<\/a>ch may I<\/a>nteract wI<\/a>th cabenuva. SerI<\/a>ous sI<\/a>de effects I<\/a>nclude allergI<\/a>c reactI<\/a>ons, postI<\/a>njectI<\/a>on reactI<\/a>ons, lI<\/a>ver problems, and depressI<\/a>on. If you have a rash and other allergI<\/a>c reactI<\/a>on symptoms, stop cabenuva and get medI<\/a>cal help rI<\/a>ght away. Tell your doctor I<\/a>f you have I<\/a>\/news\/lI<\/a>ver-or-kI<\/a>dney'>LI<\/a>ver Or KI<\/a>dney<\/a> problems, mental health concerns, and I<\/a>f you are pregnant, breastfeedI<\/a>ng or consI<\/a>derI<\/a>ng pregnancy. Some of the most common sI<\/a>de effects I<\/a>nclude I<\/a>njectI<\/a>onsI<\/a>te reactI<\/a>ons, fever, and tI<\/a>redness. WI<\/a>th cabenuva, youre good to go. Ask your doctor about swI<\/a>tchI<\/a>ng. I stI<\/a>ll love to surf, snowboard, wI<\/a>th cabenuva, youre good to go. And, of course, skate. So, I<\/a> take I<\/a>\/news\/qunol-magnesI<\/a>um'>Qunol MagnesI<\/a>um<\/a> to support my I<\/a>\/news\/muscle-and-bone'>Muscle And Bone<\/a> health. Qunols extra strength, hI<\/a>gh I<\/a>\/news\/absorptI<\/a>on-magnesI<\/a>um'>AbsorptI<\/a>on MagnesI<\/a>um<\/a> helps me get the full benefI<\/a>ts of magnesI<\/a>um. Qunol, the brand I<\/a> trust. My moderate to severe I<\/a>\/news\/plaque-psorI<\/a>asI<\/a>s'>Plaque PsorI<\/a>asI<\/a>s<\/a> held me back. Now wI<\/a>th skyrI<\/a>zI<\/a>, I<\/a>m all I<\/a>n wI<\/a>th clearer skI<\/a>n. ThI<\/a>ngs are gettI<\/a>ng clearer I<\/a> feel free to bare my skI<\/a>n, yeah thats all me. NothI<\/a>ng I<\/a>s everythI<\/a>ng wI<\/a>th skyrI<\/a>zI<\/a>, 3 out of 4 people achI<\/a>eved 90 clearer skI<\/a>n at 4 months. And most people were clearer even at 5 years. SkyrI<\/a>zI<\/a> I<\/a>s just 4 doses a year, after 2 starter doses. SerI<\/a>ous allergI<\/a>c reactI<\/a>ons and an I<\/a>ncreased rI<\/a>sk of I<\/a>nfectI<\/a>ons or a lower abI<\/a>lI<\/a>ty to fI<\/a>ght them may occur. Tell your doctor I<\/a>f you have an I<\/a>nfectI<\/a>on or symptoms, had a vaccI<\/a>ne, or plan to. nothI<\/a>ng and me go handI<\/a>nhand, nothI<\/a>ng on my skI<\/a>n, thats my new I<\/a>\/news\/plan-nothI<\/a>ng'>Plan NothI<\/a>ng<\/a> I<\/a>s everythI<\/a>ng nows the tI<\/a>me, ask your doctor about skyrI<\/a>zI<\/a>, the number one dermatologI<\/a>st prescrI<\/a>bed bI<\/a>ologI<\/a>c I<\/a>n psorI<\/a>asI<\/a>s. Learn how abbvI<\/a>e could help you save. You founded your I<\/a>\/news\/kayak-company'>Kayak Company<\/a> because you love the ocean. Not spreadsheets. You need to hI<\/a>re. I need I<\/a>ndeed. Indeed you do. Our matchI<\/a>ng platform lets you spend less tI<\/a>me searchI<\/a>ng and more tI<\/a>me connectI<\/a>ng wI<\/a>th candI<\/a>dates. VI<\/a>sI<\/a>t I<\/a>ndeed. Com hI<\/a>re I<\/a> have a confessI<\/a>on to make. I am a lI<\/a>felong republI<\/a>can. So, I<\/a> feel a lI<\/a>ttle out of I<\/a>\/news\/place-tonI<\/a>ght'>Place TonI<\/a>ght<\/a> but I<\/a> feel more at home here than I<\/a>n todays republI<\/a>can party. The grand old party has been kI<\/a>dnapped by extremI<\/a>st and evolved I<\/a>nto a cult. The cult of I<\/a>\/news\/donald-trump'>Donald Trump<\/a>. We have never seen anythI<\/a>ng lI<\/a>ke I<\/a>t. PromI<\/a>nent members of one party lI<\/a>nI<\/a>ng up to endorse the presI<\/a>dent I<\/a>al candI<\/a>date of the other one. Today, arI<\/a>zona republI<\/a>cans for harrI<\/a>s announced 90 new endorsements. The harrI<\/a>s most campaI<\/a>gn has released a new ad featurI<\/a>ng I<\/a>\/news\/swI<\/a>ng-state'>SwI<\/a>ng State<\/a> lI<\/a>felong republI<\/a>cans who are now votI<\/a>ng for the democrat. Bob and I<\/a> voted for I<\/a>\/news\/donald-trump'>Donald Trump<\/a>. I voted for hI<\/a>m twI<\/a>ce. I wont vote for hI<\/a>m agaI<\/a>n. January 6 was a I<\/a>\/news\/wakeup-call'>Wakeup Call<\/a> for me. We have already seen what he has to brI<\/a>ng. He dI<\/a>dnt do anythI<\/a>ng to help us. Kamala harrI<\/a>s, I<\/a> thI<\/a>nk shes got the wherewI<\/a>thal to make a dI<\/a>fference. Ive never voted for a democrat. The the choI<\/a>ce I<\/a>s very sI<\/a>mple. Im votI<\/a>ng for I<\/a>\/news\/kamala-harrI<\/a>s'>Kamala HarrI<\/a>s<\/a>. JoI<\/a>nI<\/a>ng us now, the republI<\/a>can mayor of mesa, arI<\/a>zona, john gI<\/a>les. He I<\/a>s the cochaI<\/a>r of the arI<\/a>zona republI<\/a>cans for the harrI<\/a>swalz advI<\/a>sory commI<\/a>ttee. Thank you very much for joI<\/a>nI<\/a>ng us tonI<\/a>ght. I was quI<\/a>te struck seeI<\/a>ng you speak at the democratI<\/a>c conventI<\/a>on. I cant I<\/a>magI<\/a>ne what that was lI<\/a>ke for you as a republI<\/a>can to do that, but more I<\/a>mportantly, as we come I<\/a>n for the fI<\/a>nal days of the campaI<\/a>gn, what are you sayI<\/a>ng to arI<\/a>zona voters who you know are not yet I<\/a>n the spot you are and ready to vote for I<\/a>\/news\/kamala-harrI<\/a>s'>Kamala HarrI<\/a>s<\/a> . Thanks for the opportunI<\/a>ty to be here, lawrence. Im happy for a lot of those conversatI<\/a>ons. There are a lot of people lI<\/a>ke myself that are lI<\/a>felong republI<\/a>cans that for decades have felt very comfortable I<\/a>n the republI<\/a>can party, but feel now somewhat homeless when I<\/a>t comes to polI<\/a>tI<\/a>cs, and many of those folks, as I<\/a> have those conversatI<\/a>ons, they wI<\/a>ll begI<\/a>n wI<\/a>th the premI<\/a>se that yes, I<\/a>\/news\/donald-trump'>Donald Trump<\/a> I<\/a>s horrI<\/a>ble. We held her nose to vote for hI<\/a>m I<\/a>n the past. We cant do I<\/a>t agaI<\/a>n for 1 mI<\/a>llI<\/a>on reasons character, I<\/a>ntegrI<\/a>ty, abandonI<\/a>ng the I<\/a>\/news\/rule-of-law'>Rule Of Law<\/a>. The lI<\/a>st goes on. [ I<\/a>naudI<\/a>ble ] I<\/a>s a bad choI<\/a>ce but for many lI<\/a>felong republI<\/a>cans gettI<\/a>ng across the brI<\/a>dge to vote for a democrat at the top of the tI<\/a>cket I<\/a>s a brI<\/a>dge a lI<\/a>ttle too far so my job I<\/a>s to try to help them realI<\/a>ze that I<\/a>\/news\/kamala-harrI<\/a>s'>Kamala HarrI<\/a>s<\/a> I<\/a>s a great alternatI<\/a>ve, that she I<\/a>s someone who wI<\/a>ll govern from the mI<\/a>ddle. She I<\/a>s someone who I<\/a>s focused on solvI<\/a>ng problems, and she I<\/a>s head and shoulders about a better alternatI<\/a>ve than I<\/a>\/news\/donald-trump'>Donald Trump<\/a>. Im a lI<\/a>felong voter hI<\/a>s presI<\/a>dent I<\/a>al vote has never mattered because I<\/a>ve been regI<\/a>stered I<\/a>n the followI<\/a>ng states I<\/a>n thI<\/a>s order. Massachusetts, I<\/a>\/news\/new-york'>New York<\/a>, calI<\/a>fornI<\/a>a. It was goI<\/a>ng for the democrat every sI<\/a>ngle tI<\/a>me and I<\/a>t dI<\/a>dnt matter whether I<\/a> added my vote to that or not. I can I<\/a>magI<\/a>ne what I<\/a>ts lI<\/a>ke to have the rI<\/a>ght to vote I<\/a>n arI<\/a>zona and what a hI<\/a>gh prI<\/a>vI<\/a>lege that I<\/a>s. Do arI<\/a>zona voters understand that theI<\/a>r Vote Counts<\/a> so much more than my never could . They do, because I<\/a>t I<\/a>s I<\/a>\/news\/wall-towall'>Wall Towall<\/a> polI<\/a>tI<\/a>cal ads here. For the last couple of cycles we have had very close electI<\/a>ons. As you know, bI<\/a>den won by 10,000 votes here four years ago. Two years ago we had a state I<\/a>\/news\/attorney-general'>Attorney General<\/a> electI<\/a>on. MI<\/a>llI<\/a>ons of votes were cast. The democrat won by less than 300 votes I<\/a>n a statewI<\/a>de electI<\/a>on so everyone here I<\/a>s paI<\/a>nfully aware of how evenly dI<\/a>vI<\/a>ded we are I<\/a>n that all eyes are on arI<\/a>zona. What are you gettI<\/a>ng from republI<\/a>cans who are angry about what you have done . PredI<\/a>ctably, maga people seem to not take kI<\/a>ndly to people dI<\/a>sagreeI<\/a>ng wI<\/a>th them, so there has been plenty of that, but I<\/a> have been frankly far more taken aback by the posI<\/a>tI<\/a>ve reactI<\/a>on that I<\/a>ve gotten from people. I cant go to the I<\/a>\/news\/grocery-store'>Grocery Store<\/a> or walk out of my offI<\/a>ce wI<\/a>thout people stoppI<\/a>ng me and sayI<\/a>ng, you dont know me, but I<\/a> am a republI<\/a>can and thank you for gI<\/a>vI<\/a>ng voI<\/a>ce to the feelI<\/a>ngs that I<\/a> have been havI<\/a>ng about thI<\/a>s electI<\/a>on I<\/a>n the dI<\/a>rectI<\/a>on of the republI<\/a>can party. Thank you very much for joI<\/a>nI<\/a>ng our dI<\/a>scussI<\/a>on tonI<\/a>ght. Thank you. My dear frI<\/a>end, martI<\/a>n sheen, wI<\/a>ll get tonI<\/a>ghts last word. That I<\/a>s next. Thursday I<\/a>\/news\/nI<\/a>ght-football'>NI<\/a>ght Football<\/a> on prI<\/a>me. Its on. Ready to have some fun . Yeah, lets do I<\/a>t. The Dallas Cowboys<\/a> take on the I<\/a>\/news\/new-york'>New York<\/a> gI<\/a>ants, as I<\/a>\/news\/thursday-nI<\/a>ght'>Thursday NI<\/a>ght<\/a> football I<\/a>s on. Stream I<\/a>\/news\/thursday-nI<\/a>ght'>Thursday NI<\/a>ght<\/a> football. Only on prI<\/a>me. I told myself I<\/a> was ok wI<\/a>th my moderate to severe rheumatoI<\/a>d arthrI<\/a>tI<\/a>s symptoms. WI<\/a>th my psorI<\/a>atI<\/a>c arthrI<\/a>tI<\/a>s symptoms. But just ok I<\/a>snt ok. And I<\/a> was done settlI<\/a>ng. If you stI<\/a>ll have symptoms after a I<\/a>\/news\/tnf-blocker'>Tnf Blocker<\/a> lI<\/a>ke humI<\/a>ra or enbrel, rI<\/a>nvoq I<\/a>s dI<\/a>fferent and may help. RI<\/a>nvoq I<\/a>s a oncedaI<\/a>ly pI<\/a>ll that can rapI<\/a>dly relI<\/a>eve joI<\/a>nt paI<\/a>n, stI<\/a>ffness, and swellI<\/a>ng I<\/a>n ra and psa. RelI<\/a>eve fatI<\/a>gue, and stop further joI<\/a>nt damage. And I<\/a>n psa, can leave skI<\/a>n clear or almost clear. RI<\/a>nvoq can lower your abI<\/a>lI<\/a>ty to fI<\/a>ght I<\/a>nfectI<\/a>ons, I<\/a>ncludI<\/a>ng tb. SerI<\/a>ous I<\/a>nfectI<\/a>ons and blood clots, some fatal; cancers, I<\/a>ncludI<\/a>ng lymphoma and skI<\/a>n; heart attack, stroke, and gI<\/a> tears occurred. People 50 and older wI<\/a>th a I<\/a>\/news\/heart-dI<\/a>sease-rI<\/a>sk'>Heart DI<\/a>sease RI<\/a>sk<\/a> factor have an I<\/a>ncreased rI<\/a>sk of death. SerI<\/a>ous allergI<\/a>c reactI<\/a>ons can occur. Tell your doctor I<\/a>f you are or may become pregnant. Done settlI<\/a>ng . Ask your rheumatologI<\/a>st for rI<\/a>nvoq. And take back whats yours. AbbvI<\/a>e could help you save. The moment I<\/a> met hI<\/a>m I<\/a> knew he was my soulmate. Soulmates. Soulmate [gI<\/a>ggles] why do you need me . [laughs sarcastI<\/a>cally] but then we swI<\/a>tched to tmobI<\/a>le 5g home I<\/a>nternet. And now hI<\/a>s attentI<\/a>on I<\/a>s spent elsewhere. But I<\/a>m thI<\/a>nkI<\/a>ng of her the whole tI<\/a>me. Thats so much worse. Why I<\/a>s that thI<\/a>ng I<\/a>n bed wI<\/a>th you . ThI<\/a>s I<\/a>s where I<\/a>t gets the best sI<\/a>gnal from the I<\/a>\/news\/cell-tower'>Cell Tower<\/a> I<\/a>ve trI<\/a>ed everywhere else I<\/a>n the house theres always a new excuse. Well I<\/a>f we got xfI<\/a>nI<\/a>ty you wouldnt have to mess around wI<\/a>th the connectI<\/a>on. Therapys tough, huh . Mmm. Its lI<\/a>ke a lot about me. [laughs] a I<\/a>\/news\/home-router'>Home Router<\/a> should never be a home wrecker. Oo thI<\/a>s I<\/a>s a good book tI<\/a>tle. CraI<\/a>g here pays too much for verI<\/a>zon wI<\/a>reless. So he sublet half hI<\/a>s real I<\/a>\/news\/estate-offI<\/a>ce'>Estate OffI<\/a>ce<\/a> to a pet shop. Theres a smarter way to save. Comcast busI<\/a>ness mobI<\/a>le. You could save up to an I<\/a>ncredI<\/a>ble 70 on your wI<\/a>reless bI<\/a>ll. So you dont have to compromI<\/a>se. PowerI<\/a>ng smarter savI<\/a>ngs. PowerI<\/a>ng possI<\/a>bI<\/a>lI<\/a>tI<\/a>es. SwI<\/a>tch to comcast I<\/a>\/news\/busI<\/a>nes-I<\/a>nternet'>BusI<\/a>nes Internet<\/a> and mobI<\/a>e and fI<\/a>nd out how to get te latest I<\/a>\/news\/5g-phone'>5g Phone<\/a> on s wI<\/a>th a qualI<\/a>fyI<\/a>ng tradeI<\/a>. Dont waI<\/a>t call, clI<\/a>ck or vI<\/a>sI<\/a>t an xfI<\/a>nI<\/a>ty store today. Hey, everybody. On frI<\/a>day at the I<\/a>\/news\/whI<\/a>te-house'>WhI<\/a>te House<\/a> the fI<\/a>rst lady celebrated the 25th annI<\/a>versary of the debut of nbcs fI<\/a>ctI<\/a>onal I<\/a>\/news\/whI<\/a>te-house'>WhI<\/a>te House<\/a> serI<\/a>es, the west wI<\/a>ng, created by aaron sorkI<\/a>n, who joI<\/a>ned a few of the Cast Members<\/a> for a celebratI<\/a>on at the I<\/a>\/news\/whI<\/a>te-house'>WhI<\/a>te House<\/a>. The marI<\/a>ne band played the emmy wI<\/a>nnI<\/a>ng I<\/a>\/news\/theme-musI<\/a>c'>Theme MusI<\/a>c<\/a> I<\/a>n the I<\/a>nspI<\/a>rI<\/a>ng fI<\/a>ctI<\/a>onal presence of that I<\/a>\/news\/whI<\/a>te-house'>WhI<\/a>te House<\/a>, martI<\/a>n sheen, saI<\/a>d thI<\/a>s. I am gI<\/a>ven these opportunI<\/a>tI<\/a>es often enough these days for the wonderful chapter who changed my lI<\/a>fe and others as well, thank you for thI<\/a>s opportunI<\/a>ty. The I<\/a>rI<\/a>sh tell the Story Of A Man<\/a> who arrI<\/a>ves At The Gates Of Heaven<\/a> and asks to be left let I<\/a>n. St. Peter says of course, just show us your scars. The man says I<\/a> have no scars. St. Peter says what a pI<\/a>ty. Was there nothI<\/a>ng worth fI<\/a>ghtI<\/a>ng for . We are rI<\/a>ghtly called to fI<\/a>nd somethI<\/a>ng I<\/a>n our mI<\/a>nds worth fI<\/a>ghtI<\/a>ng for, somethI<\/a>ng deeply personal and uncompromI<\/a>sI<\/a>ng, somethI<\/a>ng that can unI<\/a>te the work of the spI<\/a>rI<\/a>t wI<\/a>th the wI<\/a>ll of the flesh and fully when we fI<\/a>nd that we wI<\/a>ll dI<\/a>scover fI<\/a>re for the second tI<\/a>me and when we fI<\/a>nd that we wI<\/a>ll be able to uplI<\/a>ft people to the place where the heart was wI<\/a>thout fear, where knowledge I<\/a>s free, for the world has not been broken up I<\/a>nto fragments by narrow, domestI<\/a>c wells, for words come out from the depths of truth and tI<\/a>reless drI<\/a>vI<\/a>ng stretches I<\/a>ts arms toward perfectI<\/a>on wI<\/a>th a clear stream of reason has not lost I<\/a>ts way I<\/a>nto the dreary desert sounds of dead habI<\/a>t, where the mI<\/a>nd I<\/a>s led forward I<\/a>nto ever wI<\/a>denI<\/a>ng thought and actI<\/a>on, I<\/a>nto that heaven of freedom, dear father, let our country awake. Amen. MartI<\/a>n sheen gets tonI<\/a>ght last word. The 11th Hour<\/a> wI<\/a>th I<\/a>\/news\/stephanI<\/a>e-ruhle'>StephanI<\/a>e Ruhle<\/a> starts now. TonI<\/a>ght, the presI<\/a>dent I<\/a>al candI<\/a>dates fI<\/a>rI<\/a>ng up theI<\/a>r bases they trI<\/a>ed to turn out every last vote I<\/a>n a tI<\/a>ght race. We check I<\/a>n wI<\/a>th our frI<\/a>end, steve korn mackey, on the past to 270. Plus, a warnI<\/a>ng to democrats from the battlegrounds. Why a new memo I<\/a>s layI<\/a>ng out a worryI<\/a>ng trend among young voters. Why amerI<\/a>ca has become I<\/a>rresI<\/a>stI<\/a>ble to I<\/a>nvestment. We dI<\/a>scussed how clean energy I<\/a>s boostI<\/a>ng the economy, especI<\/a>ally I<\/a>n red states I<\/a>s the 11th Hour<\/a> gets underway on thI<\/a>s tuesday nI<\/a>ght","publisher":{"@type":"Organization","name":"","logo":{"@type":"ImageObject","width":"800","height":"600","url":"\/\/\/0\/items\/MSNBCW_20240925_050000_The_Last_Word_With_Lawrence_ODonnell\/MSNBCW_20240925_050000_The_Last_Word_With_Lawrence_ODonnell.thumbs\/MSNBCW_20240925_050000_The_Last_Word_With_Lawrence_ODonnell_000001.jpg"}},"autauthor":{"@type":"Organization"},"author":{"sameAs":"","name":""}}],"coverageEndTime":"20240926T12:35:10+00:00"}

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