Transcripts For MSNBCW The 20240622 :

Transcripts For MSNBCW The 20240622

and run into malcolm kenyatta, who's a fellow pennsylvanian. and it was great to see him. and you know, the campaign has people like him talking about what people are actually feeling out there, i think that's going to be very, very helpful. you can give people statistics, you can give people all sorts of stuff, but we have to have real conversations about how are these things affecting you at home. so i thought, lot of surprises for me, lot of fun in one hallway running into two of my old friends. i'm going to see you in not too many hours. >> we're going to do this all over again. >> get some sleep, my friend. a surprise from the supreme court today a ruling in favor of common sense. all the justices except thomas joined in favor in the case of preventing domestic abusers from having guns. chief justice roberts in the majority opinion wrote, quote, the laws confirm what common sense suggests, when an individual poses a clear threat of physical violence to another, the threatening individual may be disarmed, end quote. when an individual poses a clear threat, that threatening individual may be disarmed. it's a good concept. does it apply to this individual? >> those january 6th warrior, they were warrior, but they were really more than anything else, they're victims of what happened. all they were doing was protesting a rigged election. >> the supreme court again today said nothing about that individual. he's not trying to buy a gun. he's trying to get complete immunity for the effort to overthrow the election that culminated in the violent attack on the capitol on january the 6th. he's calling the convicted attackers his warriors. victims. those are the people who beat police officers, hunted members of congress, threatened to hang the vice president. he's repeating the lie that the election he lost was rigged. he has not been deterred in the least. he's doubling down. trump is saying he will pardon these criminal, offering them immunity and possibly the opportunity to do it again. and the court said nothing on that today. even though it's been six months since special prosecutor jack smith asked for expedited consideration of this matter. four months since a federal appeals court panel unanimously ruled that trump should be disarmed by simply making him subject to the law like everyone else in this country. in the meantime, donald trump has been convicted by a jury of 34 felonies related to his effort to influence the 2016 election and still the supreme court is effectively immunizing trump by helping him run out the clock on federal prosecution. trump today is worse than he was in 2016 or in 2020. and he and the country will be worse if he is returned to the presidency. to protect democracy, america must defeat trumpism. if trump is able to come back from inciting an insurrection, the message will be that lawlessness win, criminality win, fraud wins, sexual assault wins, overthrowing the will of the voters wins, threatening to assassinate the vice president for upholding the constitution wins, beating police officers wins, threatening judges and prosecutors and juries wins. if trumpism wins, the candidate who comes after trump will be worse. because they won't be pretenting like some republican senators who are cowards but know exactly who trump is. >> this is now multiple rallies where people are assaulted and beat up, where a guy gets sucker punched by one of the trump supporter, and then instead of condemning it, trump is silent. when the guy is released from jail he says next time maybe we should kill the protester. again, silence. then he goes on stage and just makes things up. he keeps telling this story about a general who dipped bullets into pig blood and shot a bunch of prisoner, muslim prisoner, not only is it outrageous, it's a lie. he has said to people why don't we basically beat up the protesters and the hecklers and i'll pay your legal bills. here's what people have to understand, maybe you think it's a joke, but there are people out there that are not balanced. there are people out there that are not completely in control of themselves, and they hear something like this from a leader, you don't know what they're going to do next. and when someone is seeking a position of leadership and is already in a position of influence, you speak responsibly. this notion that a president can just say anything they want or even a presidential candidate can say anything they want, whatever comes to mind, it's just not true, and it's reckless, and it's dangerous. >> pretty refreshing. you're not going to hear that anymore as marco rubio is on the short list to be a vice presidential candidate for donald trump. but that's exactly what happened, except instead of trump paying those protesters' legal bill, his supporters pay his legal bills now. trump's lies and attacks have led to death threats. today in florida the trump appointee, judge aileen cannon, is holding a hearing on a trump motion arguing that special prosecutor jack smith's appointment itself was unconstitutional. never mind that this is just a flimsy attempt that has failed before, in judge cannon's courtroom every trump objection is infinitely more important than voters learning through a criminal trial whether the former president stole classified document, left them fully accessible to bad actors at his golf club, and what lengths he went to stop the government from getting those documents back. you cannot have a successful democracy when the governing vision of one of the two parties is trumpism. >> a lot of republican politicians have surrendered to it. of course, many of the same politicians who now publicly embrace trump privately dread him. they know what a disaster he's been and will continue to be for our party. they're just too afraid to say it out loud. i feel no need to kiss the ring. i have no fear of trump's retribution. i'm not -- -- >> that was a great speech. she spoke truth to power. and you know what happened next? she said she's voting for trump. but did you hear those cheers? that was republican voters cheering the words i have no fear of trump. trump lost 16% of the vote in the republican primary in pennsylvania, 18% of the vote in the republican primary in arizona, 20% of the vote in the republican primary in wisconsin. all of those elections, all of those primaries were held after nikki haley dropped out. so even when there isn't somebody running against him, he's losing those numbers. those voters weren't voting for haley, they were voting for a better, saner party, republicanism without trumpism. voting for what i like to call mrns, make republicans normal again, mrna. i don't know if the republican party will become better if trump loses, but i know our democracy will be worse if he wins. people in a functioning, healthy democracy are not forced to wait on tender hooks wondering, today, will democracy hold? or will the courts give the guy who lost a free pass for his coup? there is no calvary coming. you are it. it's up to voters to show trump that democracy will ultimately win. and honestly, is it really so hard to stand up to this? >> so there's a shark ten yards away from the boat, ten yards or here, do i get electrocuted? if the boat is sinking, water goes over the battery, do i stay on the boat and get electrocuted? the late, great hanable lecter sr. a wonderful man. joe biden ease forming granting mass -- >> joining us now, tom nichols a former professor at the u.s. naval war college and staff writer at the atlantic, where he's author of the atlantic daily newsletter. jennifer ruben, an msnbc political analyst. where to start with donald trump? it does have to end. for people who are conservatives, and there are many in this country, they need a future. they need somebody to vote for, ideas to debate. none of this is going to happen until donald trump is out of the way. and not just donald trump but this whole concept that he has brought to life in america. >> well, there's really three groups when you talk about republicans. one is the donald trump base, the cult that is now the base of the republican party. then there are the republican electeds who are just at this point cowardly opportunists. people who have no reason not to speak out against trump still snow think they're going to be, you know, movers and shakers in some better world that's just around the corner. but then there's a third group of, you know, normal, patriotic american conservative, people who are right of center who disagree with people on the left, who really have nowhere to go. but they're a small group, and they're trapped in between a cult that couldn't care less about right or left or up or down and care only about this reality show that they're watching and they're trapped by republican electeds like nikki haley and marco rubio who talk about how no -- trump is completely unfit for office but is now, you know a guy they just have to vote for. so they have nowhere to go. i don't think that short of multiple electoral wipeouts that take not just trump but these spineless politicians out of office, i don't think there's much hope in the near term. >> it's a strange situation where we have 340 million plus people but the president is going to choose -- but the presidential candidate, donald trump, is going to choose a vice presidential candidate from a pool of people who have been harshly critical of him in the past, some in the near past, doug or j.d. or marco rubio as we're reporting today. what do you make of this? and what do you make of whether any of them are going to be useful to donald trump given circumstances we're talking about? >> well, these are the spineless of the spineless. they have clawed their way up to be the creme de la creme of sycophants. so that's why they're in the vp race, and the fact that in the past they may have said critical things, but they have capitulated in donald trump's twisted mind makes them even better, because they have bent to his will. and these people, i think, know better. i know that marco rubio knows better. marco rubio used to be in favor of immigration reform. he used to speak critically of trump. he used to be a hawk. he, apparently, is willing to shove all that aside just for the pleasure of being the next guy that trump would call the mob out to assassinate if it need be. so i think they are the perfect example whether you call them enablers or you call them sycophants, it's all the same. they make trump possible because they don't stand up to him and they don't offer an alternative to voters. but i think tom just said something really important. it's not going to be enough for one election. >> right. >> because if and when, i pray, trump loses, republicans will say, well, that was just because trump was crazy. his ideas were good, we need to try them again. and those ideas, those frightful ideas which are embodied in the 2025 project, they will sell to the next guy who comes along and the next guy after that. so it's not until they get wiped out repeatedly and badly that there is any incentive for them to compete for the rest of the electorate. >> tom, this is an interesting situation, because it's not healthy for democracy, as much as some of our viewers may enjoy watching the demise of the republican party, we're not even sure it's a demise at the moment, because they may win elections to come, but it's not healthy for a functioning democracy to not have parties with different views on things. so for that small group, that third group of conservatives you're talking about, what has to happen? does this republican party have to burn down and fail? because that may not happen in large swaths of this country. how do you rebuild a conservative movement in this country? >> well, you have to start somewhere, and the first thing is i think that the republicans have to decide that those sensible republicans have to decide that they have to be wherever donald trump isn't. that they have to be part of a coalition that's in favor of constitution -- the constitution and the rule of law and democracy. and i think that that -- that's job one, because otherwise you're not going to get a healthy republican party, because that party is not going to go away. it's an institution. it has deep roots. it has money and offices and so on. and so, you know, the notion that somehow tomorrow the republican party goes away and there's a new conservative party, i don't think is realistic. and i think, ali, you're right, every democracy needs -- we need a sensible conservative and a sensible liberal party. i know jen's been making the same case for years as well. so anyone who thinks this is merely the end of all conservative politics is fooling themselves and it leaves a space for people like trump and the people who support him. and that's a bad idea. >> jennifer, you pointed out something to me. donald trump's going to be talking tomorrow. you often are with me on sunday mornings after he does these rallies. you never know what he's going to do. he's either going to dial up his authoritarian rhetoric to an 11, but increasingly these days he's just saying ridiculous things. the whole sharks and electrocution matter. i don't know what he was talking about with joe biden and fingers. he just says nonsensical things. the crowd goes along with it like they're in on the joke. i'm pretty clear nobody knew what he was talking about when he was talking about sharks and batteries and electrocution and choosing death by shark over electrocution. how are we supposed to have this conversation? people talk about joe biden and his age, what about donald trump and the weird stuff that he just comes up with? these non seq. or the, hannibal lecter, referring to him as though he's a real person. what do we do about this? >> he's nuts. whether clinically or medically nutss, i'm not prepared to say, but his brain does not function properly. he leaps from one topic to the other, has non seq. or thes, sometimes he can't get a word out. something is seriously wrong with him. what we have, of course, is the emperor has no clothes. those crowd cult members, of course, don't admit that he's a lunatic and that there's something bad with his brain. they simply stand there cheering along. and no one has the guts to say, gosh, he makes no sense. so it's going to be really interesting. i have encouraged the biden campaign and the president through my writing. i don't know whether he's going to take the advice to turn to donald trump when he does this at the debate and say i don't know what the hell you just said, you sound nuts. it's not until he's confronted, until people point out that he is incoherent, that he is in some sense not all there that i think you break down the illusion. and you know, he thrives because people pretend to fill in the blanks and treat him like he's a normal or even a super normal person. and he's not. he's wholly uninformed. he's dumbed. and he's dangerous. >> i know our viewers don't tend to like to watch these rallies or even clips of them. and i totally get it. life would be simpler without listening to donald trump. but i think sometimes people have to listen to these things so they can talk to their friends supporting donald trump and say, what is he talking about? thanks to both of you. a pleasure to have you on. thank you, friends, for being here tonight. coming up, monday's going to mark two years since the supreme court eliminated the constitutional right for women to have an abortion. it hasn't stopped there. women's bodily autonomy is under assault by republicans everywhere, even for women in blue states. we'll talk about that next. blue states. we'll talk about that next the age to scr een was now 45? 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>> so long as i remained on texas soil, i was to remain pregnant, forced pregnancy, forced delivery, forced to watch him die either in my womb or in my arms. >> exceptions to abortion bans are a fiction. they don't exist in texas, and i am living proof of that. >> just this month republicans have voted against bills to guarantee access to in vitro fertilization nationwide and to protect access to birth control with justice clarence thomas made clear that he would be eager to overturn if given the chance. one way women have been able to obtain an abortion in this post-roe landscape has been through medication abortion. it's -- it actually is how more than half of abortions in this country happen now. the supreme court just rejected one attempt to resist -- to restrict access to the abortion pill mifepristone, but its decision left the door open for another anti-abortion group to challenge that drug's availability. democrats are now targeting 150-year-old federal law that they fear republicans could use to prevent access to abortion pills that are sent through the mail. the democratic senator tina smith who introduced a bill yesterday to repeal the comstock act told "the washington post", quote, there is a very clear, well-organized plan afoot by the maga republicans to use comstock as a tool to ban medication abortion and potentially all abortions. my job is to take that tool away, end quote. joining us now is the democratic senator tina smith of minnesota -- of minneapolis -- i'm sorry, of the state of minnesota. she served as executive vice president of planned parenthood in minnesota, north dakota, and south dakota, senator, good to see you, thank you for being with us. >> thank you, it's great to be with you again. >> people have heard this issue percolate for a little while, but let's just go back to the beginning. the comstock act was an attempt to regulate morality through restrictions on, for instance, sending things that were deemed to be pornographic through the mail system, which is a federal system. how do -- what's that got to do with medication abortion? >> well, exactly. so here you have this 150-year-old zombie law that was designed by the victorian morality police. and it said you can't send through the mail anything lewd or lascivious or obscene or anything that could be used to cause an abortion. and for decades this law has been considered irrelevant. it was sort of consigned to the dust bin of history. but now thanks to donald trump we no long ver the protections of roe in this country. come to find out that these -- this extreme maga movement has seized on the comstock law as a way that they can ban medication abortion and potentially any abortion without ever having any act of congress that could essentially impose a national ban relying, incorrectly, on this old and outdated law. and that's the tool that i'm very concerned they're going to use. and in fact, as you've indicated, in their project 2025 and in many other things ha they've said, they're telling us that this is what they're planning on doing and we should believe them. >> in a normal world you'd say that can't possibly work and it would get to the supreme court and get thrown out. but we don't live in that normal world where we know that would be the case, so what does overturning this zombie law, the comstock act, actually entail? >> well, what we would need to do is to pass -- pass a law in congress in order to strip out the parts of the comstock law that would directly impact -- would definitely be used by a future president trump to deny access to medication abortion. now, understand i think that would be illegal. i think it would go against our constitution, but they don't think that that's the case, and that's the problem that we have. what i'm trying to do with this legislation is to draw attention to this challenge because my view of it is that people who live in states like minnesota or nevada where our reproductive rights have been protected are not understanding that a future trump administration led by these maga extremists could take away our rights even though right now they're protected by state law. >> tina smith, good to see you, thank you for joining us with. senator tina smith of minnesota. coming up, the stock market is at record highs. unemployment is higs or theically low. the jobs market is stable. wages are high, and inflation is cooling. and today the biden administration is taking new action to make sure that americans know what they are doing to help bring prices down. that's next. tog help bring prices down. that's next. with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis or active psoriatic arthritis, symptoms can sometimes take you out of the moment. now there's skyrizi, so you can show up with clearer skin and show it off. 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i asked the former labor secretary, robert rice, that question on this program last month. >> well, you say, yes, it is -- and joe biden is the first president in years, in fact, arguably the first president since franklin d. roosevelt, who has really taken on the structure of the economy in terms of using anti-trust law to break up some of the biggest monopolies, making the labor laws really work for people, making it easier for workers to organize unions, increasing the number of people who get time and a half overtime, and we can go through the list. it's creating a lot of new manufacturing jobs. the chip act and the other investments joe biden has made are very much about building the middle class in this country. it's going to take time. this is not something that can be done overnight. and it's not going to be very persuasive to people who are cynical about the economy and feel that they're not getting ahead to say, oh, you're doing very, very well. that doesn't work. you've got to say, well, here is the direction the economy is taking under joe biden, here is why biden is doing it, and here is why you are and your children are going to be much better off in the years ahead. >> and joining us now is jarred bernstein, chair of the white house council of economic advisors. jarred, good to see you. you tweeted on june 12th something fairly similar. you said, to be clear, even as wage growth is greater than price growth, households are still struggling with price levels that are too high. both of these things can be and are true. so what to you tell people the solution is to that? >> well, thank you for having me on, and you've already ticked through so many important parts of that solution. simply put, it's to build on the progress we've made thus far. maintaining the strong job market, a plan to add 2 million affordable homes to that housing supply shortage that you so dramatically took us through a minute ago, that's critical. plans to reduce child care costs so child care is affordable to every caregiver who wants to go to work, that's good for them. it's good for their budget. it's good for the economy. and at the same time, while we maintain the progress we've made continue to put downward pressure on inflation, lower costs, lower healthcare premium, lower insulin drug costs, lower prescription drug costs, lower cost for broadband, for grocery, for utility, we're going to keep pushing as hard as we can in that direction. and that combination leads to rising real wage, rising real income, more buying power. again, building on the progress we've made. not there yet but moving in the right direction. >> let's talk about, this because when people have inflation, it's not an abstract number, it's specific things. in some cases it's their housing prices, their rental prices, their car prices, their child care prices, so what you're describing is hand to hand combat with inflation. literally. >> right. product to product. >> right. if housing prices are too high, make more housing. if child care is an issue, provide more child care. if, you know, what you call providing downward pressure, we economically think of that as interest rates. keep interest rates high, it suppresses the economy or cools things down. you're talking about something that sounds more tangible to the american people than monetary policy. >> well, it has to be very tangible, because if you think about some of the most salient prices in people's everyday live, gas and groceries. when it comes to gas, you have a president who just oversaw the release of a million barrels of gasoline in the northeast, and this is right to help with the july 4th upcoming weekend. and we've actually seen gas prices this year that are below, below the price they were a year ago. at the same time, again, while wages are higher, meaning more buying power at the pump. you talked about housing and child care. those are two areas where the market left to its own devices simply won't provide the affordable services that people need. there's far too little affordable housing. we have a plan to change that to the tune of 2 million units. congress has to work with us on that. similarly with child care, we've actually done a lot already through the stabilization fund and the rescue plan to make sure we preserve child care providers over that hump, make sure families have the income they need. but that's already expired, so we need to get back with congress and make sure we get the affordable child care, affordable housing that people need. >> the housing issue has come up a lot because of the conversation about immigration. and it's everywhere in the world, right? everybody always says we don't have housing for these imfwrabts. we have infrastructure issues in which we don't have enough housing in pretty much every major city in the world, but one of the other things that comes up is immigration and its effect on the economy. the congressional budget office has come out with a projection that indicates a lot of our economic growth over the next decade or so is going to be as a result of immigration. >> well, first of all, on housing, let me point out that this housing shortage was ten years in the making. okay? this met us when we got here, prior administration, simply hadn't been able to get much done in that space. we've already done a lot to help keep evictions and foreclosures way down during the pandemic, but now that we're on the other side of, that we have to implement the broader plans we were just talking about. when it comes to immigration, the president has always had a twofold program, secure the border and make sure we have a welcoming path of legal immigration for people who want to be part of the fabric of this country, of this economy, of our culture. that's something the president has been committed to since we got here. but securing the border is definitely a piece of that. it's something we've tried to work with folks across the aisle. unfortunately, they have often been unwilling to shake the president's hand on this issue. >> one of the things that's going to come up in this election, because donald trump talks about it, is tariff, imposing tariffs on other countries, particularly on china. he's talking about an across the board tariff on china. complicated issue, because it's a real issue, right? the cheap goods that we get from china, there are a lot of americans who think it undercuts american manufacturing and american jobs, but there's going to be pressure because he's talking about an across the board tariff for joe biden to be talking about the kinds of tariffs and things he's going to do on china, which has started to happen. what's the real answer here? >> yeah, i don't think it's that complicated. i think it's the difference between the narrowly targeted, very precisely targeted tariffs that president biden has put in place in areas where we import very little from china. in fact, a little bit less than 4% of our imports as regards to the recent announcement that the president has made. i moon, when it comes to electric vehicle where is the president took that tariff rate up to 100% for chinese evs, we import less than 400 million with an m. so that's, you know, virtually nothing with an economy that's $28 trillion in size. on the other hand, the former president has a set of tariffs that are incredibly sweeping and the opposite of targeted on 60% tariff on everything from china and 10% on all imports. now, let's stop calling it a tariff. let's call it a tax. it is a tax on consumer spending that will hit middle class families and have exactly the opposite effect on inflation of everything we've talked about so far in this president's agenda. we are working hard to lower costs in prescription drugs and all the areas we've talked about and republicans want to repeal those rules, which of course, would mean higher prices in the area of healthcare, in the area of energy, in the area of housing and child care, certainly in healthcare coverage. and then on top of that add a massive, sweeping set of tariffs which are a sales tax for consumers, highly regressive, hit the middle class hard, and highly inflationary. even estimates by former members of the trump team tell us that that will raise inflation. so exactly the wrong direction to go on that. >> jared, good to see you as always. jared bernstein is the chair of the white house council of economic advisors. the future of american democracy is one of the biggest issues for voters on the ballot. and our next guest wants to save democracy from the hands of donald trump and the like, which lieutenant colonel -- i'm sorry, colonel eugene has done once before by blowing the whistle on donald trump's attempt to solicit foreign interference. colonel eugene joins us next. foreign interference colonel eugene joins us next yep, there's plenty of space. i've even got an extra seat. wait! no, no, no, no, no. [ gasps ] [ indistinct chatter ] [ sigh ] let's just wait them out. the volkswagen atlas with three rows of seating for seven. everyone wants a ride. [ snoring ] ok, get in. 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ubrelvy is another option. it quickly stops migraine in its tracks. do not take with strong cyp3a4 inhibitors. allergic reactions to ubrelvy can happen. most common side effects were nausea and sleepiness. ask about ubrelvy. on tuesday, virginia voters eleblged colonel eugene vindman to be the democratic nominee for virginia's seventh congressional district. colonel vindman is a defender of america's democracy. in 2019 he filed the whistleblower report that led to trump's first impeachment, which involved the former president attempting to extort ukraine into digging up dirt on joe biden. >> in congress i will continue to put country over party. i came to this great nation -- thank you -- as an immigrant, a refugee from the communist soviet regime a bigoted regime with my family of five. we had less than $800 between us. the first night in the united states alex and i as young children slept on luggage at jfk airport. but through hard work and perseverance we accomplished the american dream. my dad was a union sand hog that built the water tunnels under new york city so that my brothers and i could live our own version of the american dream. >> colonel vindman's opponent is pro-life republican derek anderson, who believes the january 6th capitol attack was not an insurrection. anderson also believes investigations into the capitol attack are a cover-up. the race for virginia's seventh district is one of the most competitive this year in their respective primary, colonel vindman received only 726 more votes than anderson. the two candidates have very different visions of how to uphold our democracy. a new fox poll shows the most important issue for voters is the future of american democracy with 68% saying it's extremely important. it's extremely important to colonel vindman too. >> as donald trump tried to extort president zelenskyy into digging up dirt on his political opponent, my brother alex listened on. shaken, alex came into my office. we reported the call together. i'm running for congress in virginia's seventh district because the threat remains. i never thought politics would be in my future, but when i hear the call to serve, i answer. >> one of the authoritarian's colonel vindman is referring to is vad mrir putin who travelled to north korea to meet with kim jong-un, and to find one of the extremists colonel vindman mentioned, look at the top of the republican ticket. the top o the republican ticket. biggest issue. thus i evenly distributed. for democrats it is not necessarily for republicans or swing voters. that is a challenge, right? >> it's been a whirlwind week for anniversaries and momentous occasions. today is the three-year anniversary. it is a warning of what happened when the military service, the civil service is politicized. all of these issues, whether we are talking about the rights on reproductive rights, but man's, democracy is overwriting. the direction the country goes in over the next few years will be to dated this november. the states could not be higher. the contrast could not be more a stark than they are. >> you mentioned that civil service is politicized. when you immigrated to the united states you were young but you come from a place where it was politicized. it's not just politics which isj really important that you stepped into but on the other sides, too. donald trump calls the deep state and project 2025 and other efforts are designed to do what you are warning against. it is designed to politicize the civil service in america. >> that is 100% true. the district on the outskirts of washington, d.c., within or immediately adjacent, not including all the installations in washington, d.c. all civil servants whether they work for the department of defense, homeland security, contractors, a deeply important issue to the voters in this region. project 2025, is a further politicization of public service. alex and i were politicized, my twin brother and i were politicize when we blew the po whistle on donald trump. he retaliated and now he wants to further metal into his administration with his minions. i count my opponents against pp them. it's a deep personal issue for my family and for my friends and neighbors who i hope to represent in a few short months in congress. >> you have real issues that are domestic and close the people but you want people to understand the dangers to the world if donald trump is reelected. we saw kim jong-un and vladimir putin were very nice to each other. they gave each other nice e gifts. let them report and gave kim jong-un a car. if donald trump is elected he indicated that u.s. support for nato and ukraine will wane. that work could tilt to russia and be over by the end of the year if donald trump has his way. >> the consequences could not be more stark in this context. you think about the best friends that kim and putin are, who is missing from that? who says they have a great relationship? donald trump. it's almost laughable statement that our former president and future contender for president wants to be charms with dictators. the issue in ukraine, the dangers we are facing around the world, the rhetoric that we hear against the u.s. from these dictators is actually mirrored by donald trump and maga extremists. that will be the choice voters e will face. frankly, it is not something i would imagine that this country -- they took my family in as refugees, that it would turn into. you have the start contrast in values and vision for this country. i am an optimist. i think this country is good and on the trajectory that is not perfect but on the right trajectory. the other side has a very dark future for this country at stake. >> colonel eugene vindman. congratulations. thanks for joining us. we will be right back. whether you're 18 or 80. with one small pill, biktarvy fights h-i-v to help you get to undetectable—and stay there whether you're just starting or replacing your current treatment. research shows that taking h-i-v treatment as prescribed and getting to and staying undetectable prevents transmitting h-i-v through sex. serious side effects can occur, including kidney problems and kidney failure. rare, life-threatening side effects include a buildup of lactic acid and liver problems. do not take biktarvy if you take dofetilide or rifampin. tell your healthcare provider about all the medicines and supplements you take, if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, or if you have kidney or liver problems, including hepatitis. if you have hepatitis b do not stop taking biktarvy without talking to your healthcare provider. common side effects were diarrhea, nausea, and headache. no matter where life takes you, biktarvy can go with you. talk to your healthcare provider today. nothing dims my light like a migraine. with nurtec odt, i found relief. the only migraine medication that helps treat and prevent, all in one. to those with migraine, i see you. for the acute treatment of migraine with or without aura and the preventive treatment of episodic migraine in adults. don't take if allergic to nurtec odt. allergic reactions can occur, even days after using. most common side effects were nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. it's time we all shine. talk to a healthcare provider about nurtec odt from pfizer. okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. 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Whoa , Kiddo , Hi Honey , Ahhh , Body , Strength Lidocaine , Contours , Pay , Patch , Otc , Salonpas Lidocaine Flex , Medicine , Relief Plus , Vitamin B12 , Food Digestion , Bacteria , Gut , Salonpas , Interest , Aid Digestion , The Darkness Of Bipolar Depression , Medicines , Depression , Relief , Caplyta , Bipolar , Lyte , Symptom , Trials , Discover Caplyta , Weight Gain , Movement Disorders , Thoughts , Risks , Mood Changes , Dementia , Behaviors , Anti Depressants , Stroke , Psychosis , Patients , Nausea , Sleepiness , Muscle Movements , Life Threatening , Muscles , Report Fever , Aren T , Confusion , Dry Mouth , Dizziness , The Darkness Of Bipolar I Ii Depression , Support , Savings , Caplyta Com , Thigh , Highs , Saw , Performance , Dow Jones Industrial Average , Expectations , Net New Jobs Created Last Month , 272000 , Data , Home Construction , Bureau , Sentence , Clouds , , 5 , Rate , Homes , Estimate , 1277000 , 1352000 , 1583000 , 2023 , 19 , May 2023 , Interest Rates , Robert Rice , Interest Rate Cuts , Uncertainty , Economy , Program , Question , Structure , Franklin D Roosevelt , Workers , Terms , Labor Laws , Monopolies , Number , Unions , Chip Act , Manufacturing Jobs , Overtime , Class , Investments , Direction , Children , Doesn T Work , Council Of Economic Advisors , White House , Jarred Bernstein , Wage Growth , June 12th , Price Levels , Households , Price Growth , Solution , Progress , Job Market , 2 Million , Child Care , Work , Caregiver , Housing Supply Shortage , Child Care Costs , Pressure , Healthcare , Costs , Insulin Drug Costs , Budget , Premium , Buying Power , Income , Prescription Drug Costs , Wage , Combination , Grocery , Broadband , Utility , Housing Prices , Child Care Prices , Rental Prices , Car Prices , Cases , Let S Talk About , Housing , Product , Combat , Gas , Monetary Policy , Groceries , Release , Barrels , A Million , Price , Gas Prices , Northeast , Gasoline , July 4th , Areas , Market , Services , Devices , Pump , Tune , Child Care Providers , Rescue , Stabilization Fund , Hump , Similarly , Immigration , Housing Issue , Issues , Effect , Projection , Everybody , Congressional Budget Office , City , Imfwrabts , Housing Shortage , Growth , Result , Making , Side , Keep Evictions , Pandemic , Foreclosures , Hadn T , Border , Fabric , Path , Hand , Folks , Something , Culture , Piece , Aisle , Tariffs , Tariff , China , Countries , Talks , Goods , Board Tariff , Jobs , Manufacturing , Kinds , Difference , Narrowly , Imports , Electric Vehicle , Place , Regards , Announcement , Moon , Tariff Rate , Size , Chinese , 400 Million , 8 Trillion , 100 , 28 Trillion , Stop , Set , Let , Opposite , 10 , 60 , Tax , Prescription Drugs , Consumer Spending , Agenda , Middle Class , Energy , Area , Rules , Healthcare Coverage , Top , Consumers , Sales Tax , Hard , Massive , Add , Team , Chair , The Future Of American Democracy , Lieutenant Colonel , Hands , Whistle , I M Sorry , Like , Ballot , Colonel Eugene , Interference , Plenty , Eastern Next , Yep , Gasps , Atlas , Seating , Rows , Bride , Snoring , Seat , Indistinct Chatter , Sigh , Volkswagen , Seven , Joints , Speaking Minionese , Hi , Despicable Me 4 , Theaters July 3rd , July 3rd , Cosentyx , Grandpa , Back Pain , Tenderness , Damage , Tuberculosis , Inflammatory Bowel Disease Symptoms , Chills , Skin Reactions , Fevers , Sweats , Muscle Aches , Cough , Eczema , Mint , Moves , Rheumatologist , 30 , 0 , Weight , Light , Power , Trouble , Stop Wegovy , Don T Take Wegovy , 46 , 35 , Shouldn T , Heart Disease , Overweight , Obesity , Events , Fda , Family , Stomach Pain , Reaction , Lump , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Semaglutide , Glp 1 , Changes , Blood Sugar , Gallbladder Problems , Vision Problems , Pancreatitis , Heart Racing , Suicide , Diarrhea , Dehydration , Kidney Problems , Cv Risk , Vomiting , Coverage , Health Care Professional , Ubrelvy , Migraine Strikes , Option , Tradeoffs , Tracks , Inhibitors , Cyp3a4 , Cyp3 , Whistleblower Report , District , Colonel Eugene Vindman , Eugene Vindman , Defender , Nominee , On Tuesday , Virginia Voters Eleblged , 2019 , Impeachment , Ukraine Into Digging Up Dirt , Immigrant , Regime , Refugee , Nation , Five , Night , Soviet Regime , 800 , Union Sand Hog , Perseverance , Dad , Luggage , The American Dream , Jfk Airport , Derek Anderson , Water Tunnels , Opponent , Brothers , Version , January 6th Capitol Attack , New York City , Race , Cover Up , Investigations , Capitol , Votes , Candidates , Visions , Poll , Fox , 726 , Son , Zelenskyy Into Digging Up Dirt , Brother Alex , 68 , Call , Threat , Remains , Vad Mrir Putin , Kim Jong Un , Authoritarian , North Korea , Ticket , Top O , Swing Voters , Warning , Anniversaries , Occasions , Civil Service , Democracy Is Overwriting , Military Service , Man S , Contrast , Sides , Efforts , Outskirts , True , Washington D C , Contractors , Servants , Installations , Homeland Security , Department Of Defense , Politicization , Public Service , Region , Opponents , Brother , Minions , App , Neighbors , Dangers , Each Other , The , Gifts , Vladimir Putin , Car , Ukraine , Nato , Russia , Consequences , Context , Putin , Statement , Contender , Charms , Relationship , Dictators , Around The World , Voters E , Maga , Choice , Frankly , Trajectory , Refugees , Optimist , Values , Congratulations , Stake , Biktarvy , Pill , Stay , Research , 80 , Liver Problems , Kidney Failure , H I V , Sex , Transmitting , Buildup , Lactic Acid , Dofetilide , Healthcare Provider , Kidney , Breastfeeding , Hepatitis , Rifampin , Hepatitis B , Migraine Medication , Nurtec Odt , Episodic Migraine , Indigestion , Laura , Shine , Mission , Strength , Nutrients , Vitamins , Minerals , Nutrition , Pfizer , Yay Woo Hoo , 27 , Type 2 Diabetes , Health , Protein , Taking Jardiance , Sugar , Twenty Four , Urinary Tract Infections , Kidney Function , Ketoacidosis , Genital Yeast , Perineum , Stop Jardiance , Insulin , Infection Ketoacidosis , Limb Loss , Feet , Legs , Sulfonylurea , Pain Won T , Pain Relief , Passions , Anesthetics , Absorbine Pro , Pro , Indigo Books , Toronto , 7 , Book , Discussion , Journalist , Advance , Show , Eastern On Msnbc , Cbc , Meeting , Boyhood , Adulthood On , Jackson , Book Club , Mississippi ,

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and run into malcolm kenyatta, who's a fellow pennsylvanian. and it was great to see him. and you know, the campaign has people like him talking about what people are actually feeling out there, i think that's going to be very, very helpful. you can give people statistics, you can give people all sorts of stuff, but we have to have real conversations about how are these things affecting you at home. so i thought, lot of surprises for me, lot of fun in one hallway running into two of my old friends. i'm going to see you in not too many hours. >> we're going to do this all over again. >> get some sleep, my friend. a surprise from the supreme court today a ruling in favor of common sense. all the justices except thomas joined in favor in the case of preventing domestic abusers from having guns. chief justice roberts in the majority opinion wrote, quote, the laws confirm what common sense suggests, when an individual poses a clear threat of physical violence to another, the threatening individual may be disarmed, end quote. when an individual poses a clear threat, that threatening individual may be disarmed. it's a good concept. does it apply to this individual? >> those january 6th warrior, they were warrior, but they were really more than anything else, they're victims of what happened. all they were doing was protesting a rigged election. >> the supreme court again today said nothing about that individual. he's not trying to buy a gun. he's trying to get complete immunity for the effort to overthrow the election that culminated in the violent attack on the capitol on january the 6th. he's calling the convicted attackers his warriors. victims. those are the people who beat police officers, hunted members of congress, threatened to hang the vice president. he's repeating the lie that the election he lost was rigged. he has not been deterred in the least. he's doubling down. trump is saying he will pardon these criminal, offering them immunity and possibly the opportunity to do it again. and the court said nothing on that today. even though it's been six months since special prosecutor jack smith asked for expedited consideration of this matter. four months since a federal appeals court panel unanimously ruled that trump should be disarmed by simply making him subject to the law like everyone else in this country. in the meantime, donald trump has been convicted by a jury of 34 felonies related to his effort to influence the 2016 election and still the supreme court is effectively immunizing trump by helping him run out the clock on federal prosecution. trump today is worse than he was in 2016 or in 2020. and he and the country will be worse if he is returned to the presidency. to protect democracy, america must defeat trumpism. if trump is able to come back from inciting an insurrection, the message will be that lawlessness win, criminality win, fraud wins, sexual assault wins, overthrowing the will of the voters wins, threatening to assassinate the vice president for upholding the constitution wins, beating police officers wins, threatening judges and prosecutors and juries wins. if trumpism wins, the candidate who comes after trump will be worse. because they won't be pretenting like some republican senators who are cowards but know exactly who trump is. >> this is now multiple rallies where people are assaulted and beat up, where a guy gets sucker punched by one of the trump supporter, and then instead of condemning it, trump is silent. when the guy is released from jail he says next time maybe we should kill the protester. again, silence. then he goes on stage and just makes things up. he keeps telling this story about a general who dipped bullets into pig blood and shot a bunch of prisoner, muslim prisoner, not only is it outrageous, it's a lie. he has said to people why don't we basically beat up the protesters and the hecklers and i'll pay your legal bills. here's what people have to understand, maybe you think it's a joke, but there are people out there that are not balanced. there are people out there that are not completely in control of themselves, and they hear something like this from a leader, you don't know what they're going to do next. and when someone is seeking a position of leadership and is already in a position of influence, you speak responsibly. this notion that a president can just say anything they want or even a presidential candidate can say anything they want, whatever comes to mind, it's just not true, and it's reckless, and it's dangerous. >> pretty refreshing. you're not going to hear that anymore as marco rubio is on the short list to be a vice presidential candidate for donald trump. but that's exactly what happened, except instead of trump paying those protesters' legal bill, his supporters pay his legal bills now. trump's lies and attacks have led to death threats. today in florida the trump appointee, judge aileen cannon, is holding a hearing on a trump motion arguing that special prosecutor jack smith's appointment itself was unconstitutional. never mind that this is just a flimsy attempt that has failed before, in judge cannon's courtroom every trump objection is infinitely more important than voters learning through a criminal trial whether the former president stole classified document, left them fully accessible to bad actors at his golf club, and what lengths he went to stop the government from getting those documents back. you cannot have a successful democracy when the governing vision of one of the two parties is trumpism. >> a lot of republican politicians have surrendered to it. of course, many of the same politicians who now publicly embrace trump privately dread him. they know what a disaster he's been and will continue to be for our party. they're just too afraid to say it out loud. i feel no need to kiss the ring. i have no fear of trump's retribution. i'm not -- -- >> that was a great speech. she spoke truth to power. and you know what happened next? she said she's voting for trump. but did you hear those cheers? that was republican voters cheering the words i have no fear of trump. trump lost 16% of the vote in the republican primary in pennsylvania, 18% of the vote in the republican primary in arizona, 20% of the vote in the republican primary in wisconsin. all of those elections, all of those primaries were held after nikki haley dropped out. so even when there isn't somebody running against him, he's losing those numbers. those voters weren't voting for haley, they were voting for a better, saner party, republicanism without trumpism. voting for what i like to call mrns, make republicans normal again, mrna. i don't know if the republican party will become better if trump loses, but i know our democracy will be worse if he wins. people in a functioning, healthy democracy are not forced to wait on tender hooks wondering, today, will democracy hold? or will the courts give the guy who lost a free pass for his coup? there is no calvary coming. you are it. it's up to voters to show trump that democracy will ultimately win. and honestly, is it really so hard to stand up to this? >> so there's a shark ten yards away from the boat, ten yards or here, do i get electrocuted? if the boat is sinking, water goes over the battery, do i stay on the boat and get electrocuted? the late, great hanable lecter sr. a wonderful man. joe biden ease forming granting mass -- >> joining us now, tom nichols a former professor at the u.s. naval war college and staff writer at the atlantic, where he's author of the atlantic daily newsletter. jennifer ruben, an msnbc political analyst. where to start with donald trump? it does have to end. for people who are conservatives, and there are many in this country, they need a future. they need somebody to vote for, ideas to debate. none of this is going to happen until donald trump is out of the way. and not just donald trump but this whole concept that he has brought to life in america. >> well, there's really three groups when you talk about republicans. one is the donald trump base, the cult that is now the base of the republican party. then there are the republican electeds who are just at this point cowardly opportunists. people who have no reason not to speak out against trump still snow think they're going to be, you know, movers and shakers in some better world that's just around the corner. but then there's a third group of, you know, normal, patriotic american conservative, people who are right of center who disagree with people on the left, who really have nowhere to go. but they're a small group, and they're trapped in between a cult that couldn't care less about right or left or up or down and care only about this reality show that they're watching and they're trapped by republican electeds like nikki haley and marco rubio who talk about how no -- trump is completely unfit for office but is now, you know a guy they just have to vote for. so they have nowhere to go. i don't think that short of multiple electoral wipeouts that take not just trump but these spineless politicians out of office, i don't think there's much hope in the near term. >> it's a strange situation where we have 340 million plus people but the president is going to choose -- but the presidential candidate, donald trump, is going to choose a vice presidential candidate from a pool of people who have been harshly critical of him in the past, some in the near past, doug or j.d. or marco rubio as we're reporting today. what do you make of this? and what do you make of whether any of them are going to be useful to donald trump given circumstances we're talking about? >> well, these are the spineless of the spineless. they have clawed their way up to be the creme de la creme of sycophants. so that's why they're in the vp race, and the fact that in the past they may have said critical things, but they have capitulated in donald trump's twisted mind makes them even better, because they have bent to his will. and these people, i think, know better. i know that marco rubio knows better. marco rubio used to be in favor of immigration reform. he used to speak critically of trump. he used to be a hawk. he, apparently, is willing to shove all that aside just for the pleasure of being the next guy that trump would call the mob out to assassinate if it need be. so i think they are the perfect example whether you call them enablers or you call them sycophants, it's all the same. they make trump possible because they don't stand up to him and they don't offer an alternative to voters. but i think tom just said something really important. it's not going to be enough for one election. >> right. >> because if and when, i pray, trump loses, republicans will say, well, that was just because trump was crazy. his ideas were good, we need to try them again. and those ideas, those frightful ideas which are embodied in the 2025 project, they will sell to the next guy who comes along and the next guy after that. so it's not until they get wiped out repeatedly and badly that there is any incentive for them to compete for the rest of the electorate. >> tom, this is an interesting situation, because it's not healthy for democracy, as much as some of our viewers may enjoy watching the demise of the republican party, we're not even sure it's a demise at the moment, because they may win elections to come, but it's not healthy for a functioning democracy to not have parties with different views on things. so for that small group, that third group of conservatives you're talking about, what has to happen? does this republican party have to burn down and fail? because that may not happen in large swaths of this country. how do you rebuild a conservative movement in this country? >> well, you have to start somewhere, and the first thing is i think that the republicans have to decide that those sensible republicans have to decide that they have to be wherever donald trump isn't. that they have to be part of a coalition that's in favor of constitution -- the constitution and the rule of law and democracy. and i think that that -- that's job one, because otherwise you're not going to get a healthy republican party, because that party is not going to go away. it's an institution. it has deep roots. it has money and offices and so on. and so, you know, the notion that somehow tomorrow the republican party goes away and there's a new conservative party, i don't think is realistic. and i think, ali, you're right, every democracy needs -- we need a sensible conservative and a sensible liberal party. i know jen's been making the same case for years as well. so anyone who thinks this is merely the end of all conservative politics is fooling themselves and it leaves a space for people like trump and the people who support him. and that's a bad idea. >> jennifer, you pointed out something to me. donald trump's going to be talking tomorrow. you often are with me on sunday mornings after he does these rallies. you never know what he's going to do. he's either going to dial up his authoritarian rhetoric to an 11, but increasingly these days he's just saying ridiculous things. the whole sharks and electrocution matter. i don't know what he was talking about with joe biden and fingers. he just says nonsensical things. the crowd goes along with it like they're in on the joke. i'm pretty clear nobody knew what he was talking about when he was talking about sharks and batteries and electrocution and choosing death by shark over electrocution. how are we supposed to have this conversation? people talk about joe biden and his age, what about donald trump and the weird stuff that he just comes up with? these non seq. or the, hannibal lecter, referring to him as though he's a real person. what do we do about this? >> he's nuts. whether clinically or medically nutss, i'm not prepared to say, but his brain does not function properly. he leaps from one topic to the other, has non seq. or thes, sometimes he can't get a word out. something is seriously wrong with him. what we have, of course, is the emperor has no clothes. those crowd cult members, of course, don't admit that he's a lunatic and that there's something bad with his brain. they simply stand there cheering along. and no one has the guts to say, gosh, he makes no sense. so it's going to be really interesting. i have encouraged the biden campaign and the president through my writing. i don't know whether he's going to take the advice to turn to donald trump when he does this at the debate and say i don't know what the hell you just said, you sound nuts. it's not until he's confronted, until people point out that he is incoherent, that he is in some sense not all there that i think you break down the illusion. and you know, he thrives because people pretend to fill in the blanks and treat him like he's a normal or even a super normal person. and he's not. he's wholly uninformed. he's dumbed. and he's dangerous. >> i know our viewers don't tend to like to watch these rallies or even clips of them. and i totally get it. life would be simpler without listening to donald trump. but i think sometimes people have to listen to these things so they can talk to their friends supporting donald trump and say, what is he talking about? thanks to both of you. a pleasure to have you on. thank you, friends, for being here tonight. coming up, monday's going to mark two years since the supreme court eliminated the constitutional right for women to have an abortion. it hasn't stopped there. women's bodily autonomy is under assault by republicans everywhere, even for women in blue states. we'll talk about that next. blue states. we'll talk about that next the age to scr een was now 45? 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>> so long as i remained on texas soil, i was to remain pregnant, forced pregnancy, forced delivery, forced to watch him die either in my womb or in my arms. >> exceptions to abortion bans are a fiction. they don't exist in texas, and i am living proof of that. >> just this month republicans have voted against bills to guarantee access to in vitro fertilization nationwide and to protect access to birth control with justice clarence thomas made clear that he would be eager to overturn if given the chance. one way women have been able to obtain an abortion in this post-roe landscape has been through medication abortion. it's -- it actually is how more than half of abortions in this country happen now. the supreme court just rejected one attempt to resist -- to restrict access to the abortion pill mifepristone, but its decision left the door open for another anti-abortion group to challenge that drug's availability. democrats are now targeting 150-year-old federal law that they fear republicans could use to prevent access to abortion pills that are sent through the mail. the democratic senator tina smith who introduced a bill yesterday to repeal the comstock act told "the washington post", quote, there is a very clear, well-organized plan afoot by the maga republicans to use comstock as a tool to ban medication abortion and potentially all abortions. my job is to take that tool away, end quote. joining us now is the democratic senator tina smith of minnesota -- of minneapolis -- i'm sorry, of the state of minnesota. she served as executive vice president of planned parenthood in minnesota, north dakota, and south dakota, senator, good to see you, thank you for being with us. >> thank you, it's great to be with you again. >> people have heard this issue percolate for a little while, but let's just go back to the beginning. the comstock act was an attempt to regulate morality through restrictions on, for instance, sending things that were deemed to be pornographic through the mail system, which is a federal system. how do -- what's that got to do with medication abortion? >> well, exactly. so here you have this 150-year-old zombie law that was designed by the victorian morality police. and it said you can't send through the mail anything lewd or lascivious or obscene or anything that could be used to cause an abortion. and for decades this law has been considered irrelevant. it was sort of consigned to the dust bin of history. but now thanks to donald trump we no long ver the protections of roe in this country. come to find out that these -- this extreme maga movement has seized on the comstock law as a way that they can ban medication abortion and potentially any abortion without ever having any act of congress that could essentially impose a national ban relying, incorrectly, on this old and outdated law. and that's the tool that i'm very concerned they're going to use. and in fact, as you've indicated, in their project 2025 and in many other things ha they've said, they're telling us that this is what they're planning on doing and we should believe them. >> in a normal world you'd say that can't possibly work and it would get to the supreme court and get thrown out. but we don't live in that normal world where we know that would be the case, so what does overturning this zombie law, the comstock act, actually entail? >> well, what we would need to do is to pass -- pass a law in congress in order to strip out the parts of the comstock law that would directly impact -- would definitely be used by a future president trump to deny access to medication abortion. now, understand i think that would be illegal. i think it would go against our constitution, but they don't think that that's the case, and that's the problem that we have. what i'm trying to do with this legislation is to draw attention to this challenge because my view of it is that people who live in states like minnesota or nevada where our reproductive rights have been protected are not understanding that a future trump administration led by these maga extremists could take away our rights even though right now they're protected by state law. >> tina smith, good to see you, thank you for joining us with. senator tina smith of minnesota. coming up, the stock market is at record highs. unemployment is higs or theically low. the jobs market is stable. wages are high, and inflation is cooling. and today the biden administration is taking new action to make sure that americans know what they are doing to help bring prices down. that's next. tog help bring prices down. that's next. with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis or active psoriatic arthritis, symptoms can sometimes take you out of the moment. now there's skyrizi, so you can show up with clearer skin and show it off. 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i asked the former labor secretary, robert rice, that question on this program last month. >> well, you say, yes, it is -- and joe biden is the first president in years, in fact, arguably the first president since franklin d. roosevelt, who has really taken on the structure of the economy in terms of using anti-trust law to break up some of the biggest monopolies, making the labor laws really work for people, making it easier for workers to organize unions, increasing the number of people who get time and a half overtime, and we can go through the list. it's creating a lot of new manufacturing jobs. the chip act and the other investments joe biden has made are very much about building the middle class in this country. it's going to take time. this is not something that can be done overnight. and it's not going to be very persuasive to people who are cynical about the economy and feel that they're not getting ahead to say, oh, you're doing very, very well. that doesn't work. you've got to say, well, here is the direction the economy is taking under joe biden, here is why biden is doing it, and here is why you are and your children are going to be much better off in the years ahead. >> and joining us now is jarred bernstein, chair of the white house council of economic advisors. jarred, good to see you. you tweeted on june 12th something fairly similar. you said, to be clear, even as wage growth is greater than price growth, households are still struggling with price levels that are too high. both of these things can be and are true. so what to you tell people the solution is to that? >> well, thank you for having me on, and you've already ticked through so many important parts of that solution. simply put, it's to build on the progress we've made thus far. maintaining the strong job market, a plan to add 2 million affordable homes to that housing supply shortage that you so dramatically took us through a minute ago, that's critical. plans to reduce child care costs so child care is affordable to every caregiver who wants to go to work, that's good for them. it's good for their budget. it's good for the economy. and at the same time, while we maintain the progress we've made continue to put downward pressure on inflation, lower costs, lower healthcare premium, lower insulin drug costs, lower prescription drug costs, lower cost for broadband, for grocery, for utility, we're going to keep pushing as hard as we can in that direction. and that combination leads to rising real wage, rising real income, more buying power. again, building on the progress we've made. not there yet but moving in the right direction. >> let's talk about, this because when people have inflation, it's not an abstract number, it's specific things. in some cases it's their housing prices, their rental prices, their car prices, their child care prices, so what you're describing is hand to hand combat with inflation. literally. >> right. product to product. >> right. if housing prices are too high, make more housing. if child care is an issue, provide more child care. if, you know, what you call providing downward pressure, we economically think of that as interest rates. keep interest rates high, it suppresses the economy or cools things down. you're talking about something that sounds more tangible to the american people than monetary policy. >> well, it has to be very tangible, because if you think about some of the most salient prices in people's everyday live, gas and groceries. when it comes to gas, you have a president who just oversaw the release of a million barrels of gasoline in the northeast, and this is right to help with the july 4th upcoming weekend. and we've actually seen gas prices this year that are below, below the price they were a year ago. at the same time, again, while wages are higher, meaning more buying power at the pump. you talked about housing and child care. those are two areas where the market left to its own devices simply won't provide the affordable services that people need. there's far too little affordable housing. we have a plan to change that to the tune of 2 million units. congress has to work with us on that. similarly with child care, we've actually done a lot already through the stabilization fund and the rescue plan to make sure we preserve child care providers over that hump, make sure families have the income they need. but that's already expired, so we need to get back with congress and make sure we get the affordable child care, affordable housing that people need. >> the housing issue has come up a lot because of the conversation about immigration. and it's everywhere in the world, right? everybody always says we don't have housing for these imfwrabts. we have infrastructure issues in which we don't have enough housing in pretty much every major city in the world, but one of the other things that comes up is immigration and its effect on the economy. the congressional budget office has come out with a projection that indicates a lot of our economic growth over the next decade or so is going to be as a result of immigration. >> well, first of all, on housing, let me point out that this housing shortage was ten years in the making. okay? this met us when we got here, prior administration, simply hadn't been able to get much done in that space. we've already done a lot to help keep evictions and foreclosures way down during the pandemic, but now that we're on the other side of, that we have to implement the broader plans we were just talking about. when it comes to immigration, the president has always had a twofold program, secure the border and make sure we have a welcoming path of legal immigration for people who want to be part of the fabric of this country, of this economy, of our culture. that's something the president has been committed to since we got here. but securing the border is definitely a piece of that. it's something we've tried to work with folks across the aisle. unfortunately, they have often been unwilling to shake the president's hand on this issue. >> one of the things that's going to come up in this election, because donald trump talks about it, is tariff, imposing tariffs on other countries, particularly on china. he's talking about an across the board tariff on china. complicated issue, because it's a real issue, right? the cheap goods that we get from china, there are a lot of americans who think it undercuts american manufacturing and american jobs, but there's going to be pressure because he's talking about an across the board tariff for joe biden to be talking about the kinds of tariffs and things he's going to do on china, which has started to happen. what's the real answer here? >> yeah, i don't think it's that complicated. i think it's the difference between the narrowly targeted, very precisely targeted tariffs that president biden has put in place in areas where we import very little from china. in fact, a little bit less than 4% of our imports as regards to the recent announcement that the president has made. i moon, when it comes to electric vehicle where is the president took that tariff rate up to 100% for chinese evs, we import less than 400 million with an m. so that's, you know, virtually nothing with an economy that's $28 trillion in size. on the other hand, the former president has a set of tariffs that are incredibly sweeping and the opposite of targeted on 60% tariff on everything from china and 10% on all imports. now, let's stop calling it a tariff. let's call it a tax. it is a tax on consumer spending that will hit middle class families and have exactly the opposite effect on inflation of everything we've talked about so far in this president's agenda. we are working hard to lower costs in prescription drugs and all the areas we've talked about and republicans want to repeal those rules, which of course, would mean higher prices in the area of healthcare, in the area of energy, in the area of housing and child care, certainly in healthcare coverage. and then on top of that add a massive, sweeping set of tariffs which are a sales tax for consumers, highly regressive, hit the middle class hard, and highly inflationary. even estimates by former members of the trump team tell us that that will raise inflation. so exactly the wrong direction to go on that. >> jared, good to see you as always. jared bernstein is the chair of the white house council of economic advisors. the future of american democracy is one of the biggest issues for voters on the ballot. and our next guest wants to save democracy from the hands of donald trump and the like, which lieutenant colonel -- i'm sorry, colonel eugene has done once before by blowing the whistle on donald trump's attempt to solicit foreign interference. colonel eugene joins us next. foreign interference colonel eugene joins us next yep, there's plenty of space. i've even got an extra seat. wait! no, no, no, no, no. [ gasps ] [ indistinct chatter ] [ sigh ] let's just wait them out. the volkswagen atlas with three rows of seating for seven. everyone wants a ride. [ snoring ] ok, get in. 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ubrelvy is another option. it quickly stops migraine in its tracks. do not take with strong cyp3a4 inhibitors. allergic reactions to ubrelvy can happen. most common side effects were nausea and sleepiness. ask about ubrelvy. on tuesday, virginia voters eleblged colonel eugene vindman to be the democratic nominee for virginia's seventh congressional district. colonel vindman is a defender of america's democracy. in 2019 he filed the whistleblower report that led to trump's first impeachment, which involved the former president attempting to extort ukraine into digging up dirt on joe biden. >> in congress i will continue to put country over party. i came to this great nation -- thank you -- as an immigrant, a refugee from the communist soviet regime a bigoted regime with my family of five. we had less than $800 between us. the first night in the united states alex and i as young children slept on luggage at jfk airport. but through hard work and perseverance we accomplished the american dream. my dad was a union sand hog that built the water tunnels under new york city so that my brothers and i could live our own version of the american dream. >> colonel vindman's opponent is pro-life republican derek anderson, who believes the january 6th capitol attack was not an insurrection. anderson also believes investigations into the capitol attack are a cover-up. the race for virginia's seventh district is one of the most competitive this year in their respective primary, colonel vindman received only 726 more votes than anderson. the two candidates have very different visions of how to uphold our democracy. a new fox poll shows the most important issue for voters is the future of american democracy with 68% saying it's extremely important. it's extremely important to colonel vindman too. >> as donald trump tried to extort president zelenskyy into digging up dirt on his political opponent, my brother alex listened on. shaken, alex came into my office. we reported the call together. i'm running for congress in virginia's seventh district because the threat remains. i never thought politics would be in my future, but when i hear the call to serve, i answer. >> one of the authoritarian's colonel vindman is referring to is vad mrir putin who travelled to north korea to meet with kim jong-un, and to find one of the extremists colonel vindman mentioned, look at the top of the republican ticket. the top o the republican ticket. biggest issue. thus i evenly distributed. for democrats it is not necessarily for republicans or swing voters. that is a challenge, right? >> it's been a whirlwind week for anniversaries and momentous occasions. today is the three-year anniversary. it is a warning of what happened when the military service, the civil service is politicized. all of these issues, whether we are talking about the rights on reproductive rights, but man's, democracy is overwriting. the direction the country goes in over the next few years will be to dated this november. the states could not be higher. the contrast could not be more a stark than they are. >> you mentioned that civil service is politicized. when you immigrated to the united states you were young but you come from a place where it was politicized. it's not just politics which isj really important that you stepped into but on the other sides, too. donald trump calls the deep state and project 2025 and other efforts are designed to do what you are warning against. it is designed to politicize the civil service in america. >> that is 100% true. the district on the outskirts of washington, d.c., within or immediately adjacent, not including all the installations in washington, d.c. all civil servants whether they work for the department of defense, homeland security, contractors, a deeply important issue to the voters in this region. project 2025, is a further politicization of public service. alex and i were politicized, my twin brother and i were politicize when we blew the po whistle on donald trump. he retaliated and now he wants to further metal into his administration with his minions. i count my opponents against pp them. it's a deep personal issue for my family and for my friends and neighbors who i hope to represent in a few short months in congress. >> you have real issues that are domestic and close the people but you want people to understand the dangers to the world if donald trump is reelected. we saw kim jong-un and vladimir putin were very nice to each other. they gave each other nice e gifts. let them report and gave kim jong-un a car. if donald trump is elected he indicated that u.s. support for nato and ukraine will wane. that work could tilt to russia and be over by the end of the year if donald trump has his way. >> the consequences could not be more stark in this context. you think about the best friends that kim and putin are, who is missing from that? who says they have a great relationship? donald trump. it's almost laughable statement that our former president and future contender for president wants to be charms with dictators. the issue in ukraine, the dangers we are facing around the world, the rhetoric that we hear against the u.s. from these dictators is actually mirrored by donald trump and maga extremists. that will be the choice voters e will face. frankly, it is not something i would imagine that this country -- they took my family in as refugees, that it would turn into. you have the start contrast in values and vision for this country. i am an optimist. i think this country is good and on the trajectory that is not perfect but on the right trajectory. the other side has a very dark future for this country at stake. >> colonel eugene vindman. congratulations. thanks for joining us. we will be right back. whether you're 18 or 80. with one small pill, biktarvy fights h-i-v to help you get to undetectable—and stay there whether you're just starting or replacing your current treatment. research shows that taking h-i-v treatment as prescribed and getting to and staying undetectable prevents transmitting h-i-v through sex. serious side effects can occur, including kidney problems and kidney failure. rare, life-threatening side effects include a buildup of lactic acid and liver problems. do not take biktarvy if you take dofetilide or rifampin. tell your healthcare provider about all the medicines and supplements you take, if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, or if you have kidney or liver problems, including hepatitis. if you have hepatitis b do not stop taking biktarvy without talking to your healthcare provider. common side effects were diarrhea, nausea, and headache. no matter where life takes you, biktarvy can go with you. talk to your healthcare provider today. nothing dims my light like a migraine. with nurtec odt, i found relief. the only migraine medication that helps treat and prevent, all in one. to those with migraine, i see you. for the acute treatment of migraine with or without aura and the preventive treatment of episodic migraine in adults. don't take if allergic to nurtec odt. allergic reactions can occur, even days after using. most common side effects were nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. it's time we all shine. talk to a healthcare provider about nurtec odt from pfizer. okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. 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Whoa , Kiddo , Hi Honey , Ahhh , Body , Strength Lidocaine , Contours , Pay , Patch , Otc , Salonpas Lidocaine Flex , Medicine , Relief Plus , Vitamin B12 , Food Digestion , Bacteria , Gut , Salonpas , Interest , Aid Digestion , The Darkness Of Bipolar Depression , Medicines , Depression , Relief , Caplyta , Bipolar , Lyte , Symptom , Trials , Discover Caplyta , Weight Gain , Movement Disorders , Thoughts , Risks , Mood Changes , Dementia , Behaviors , Anti Depressants , Stroke , Psychosis , Patients , Nausea , Sleepiness , Muscle Movements , Life Threatening , Muscles , Report Fever , Aren T , Confusion , Dry Mouth , Dizziness , The Darkness Of Bipolar I Ii Depression , Support , Savings , Caplyta Com , Thigh , Highs , Saw , Performance , Dow Jones Industrial Average , Expectations , Net New Jobs Created Last Month , 272000 , Data , Home Construction , Bureau , Sentence , Clouds , , 5 , Rate , Homes , Estimate , 1277000 , 1352000 , 1583000 , 2023 , 19 , May 2023 , Interest Rates , Robert Rice , Interest Rate Cuts , Uncertainty , Economy , Program , Question , Structure , Franklin D Roosevelt , Workers , Terms , Labor Laws , Monopolies , Number , Unions , Chip Act , Manufacturing Jobs , Overtime , Class , Investments , Direction , Children , Doesn T Work , Council Of Economic Advisors , White House , Jarred Bernstein , Wage Growth , June 12th , Price Levels , Households , Price Growth , Solution , Progress , Job Market , 2 Million , Child Care , Work , Caregiver , Housing Supply Shortage , Child Care Costs , Pressure , Healthcare , Costs , Insulin Drug Costs , Budget , Premium , Buying Power , Income , Prescription Drug Costs , Wage , Combination , Grocery , Broadband , Utility , Housing Prices , Child Care Prices , Rental Prices , Car Prices , Cases , Let S Talk About , Housing , Product , Combat , Gas , Monetary Policy , Groceries , Release , Barrels , A Million , Price , Gas Prices , Northeast , Gasoline , July 4th , Areas , Market , Services , Devices , Pump , Tune , Child Care Providers , Rescue , Stabilization Fund , Hump , Similarly , Immigration , Housing Issue , Issues , Effect , Projection , Everybody , Congressional Budget Office , City , Imfwrabts , Housing Shortage , Growth , Result , Making , Side , Keep Evictions , Pandemic , Foreclosures , Hadn T , Border , Fabric , Path , Hand , Folks , Something , Culture , Piece , Aisle , Tariffs , Tariff , China , Countries , Talks , Goods , Board Tariff , Jobs , Manufacturing , Kinds , Difference , Narrowly , Imports , Electric Vehicle , Place , Regards , Announcement , Moon , Tariff Rate , Size , Chinese , 400 Million , 8 Trillion , 100 , 28 Trillion , Stop , Set , Let , Opposite , 10 , 60 , Tax , Prescription Drugs , Consumer Spending , Agenda , Middle Class , Energy , Area , Rules , Healthcare Coverage , Top , Consumers , Sales Tax , Hard , Massive , Add , Team , Chair , The Future Of American Democracy , Lieutenant Colonel , Hands , Whistle , I M Sorry , Like , Ballot , Colonel Eugene , Interference , Plenty , Eastern Next , Yep , Gasps , Atlas , Seating , Rows , Bride , Snoring , Seat , Indistinct Chatter , Sigh , Volkswagen , Seven , Joints , Speaking Minionese , Hi , Despicable Me 4 , Theaters July 3rd , July 3rd , Cosentyx , Grandpa , Back Pain , Tenderness , Damage , Tuberculosis , Inflammatory Bowel Disease Symptoms , Chills , Skin Reactions , Fevers , Sweats , Muscle Aches , Cough , Eczema , Mint , Moves , Rheumatologist , 30 , 0 , Weight , Light , Power , Trouble , Stop Wegovy , Don T Take Wegovy , 46 , 35 , Shouldn T , Heart Disease , Overweight , Obesity , Events , Fda , Family , Stomach Pain , Reaction , Lump , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Semaglutide , Glp 1 , Changes , Blood Sugar , Gallbladder Problems , Vision Problems , Pancreatitis , Heart Racing , Suicide , Diarrhea , Dehydration , Kidney Problems , Cv Risk , Vomiting , Coverage , Health Care Professional , Ubrelvy , Migraine Strikes , Option , Tradeoffs , Tracks , Inhibitors , Cyp3a4 , Cyp3 , Whistleblower Report , District , Colonel Eugene Vindman , Eugene Vindman , Defender , Nominee , On Tuesday , Virginia Voters Eleblged , 2019 , Impeachment , Ukraine Into Digging Up Dirt , Immigrant , Regime , Refugee , Nation , Five , Night , Soviet Regime , 800 , Union Sand Hog , Perseverance , Dad , Luggage , The American Dream , Jfk Airport , Derek Anderson , Water Tunnels , Opponent , Brothers , Version , January 6th Capitol Attack , New York City , Race , Cover Up , Investigations , Capitol , Votes , Candidates , Visions , Poll , Fox , 726 , Son , Zelenskyy Into Digging Up Dirt , Brother Alex , 68 , Call , Threat , Remains , Vad Mrir Putin , Kim Jong Un , Authoritarian , North Korea , Ticket , Top O , Swing Voters , Warning , Anniversaries , Occasions , Civil Service , Democracy Is Overwriting , Military Service , Man S , Contrast , Sides , Efforts , Outskirts , True , Washington D C , Contractors , Servants , Installations , Homeland Security , Department Of Defense , Politicization , Public Service , Region , Opponents , Brother , Minions , App , Neighbors , Dangers , Each Other , The , Gifts , Vladimir Putin , Car , Ukraine , Nato , Russia , Consequences , Context , Putin , Statement , Contender , Charms , Relationship , Dictators , Around The World , Voters E , Maga , Choice , Frankly , Trajectory , Refugees , Optimist , Values , Congratulations , Stake , Biktarvy , Pill , Stay , Research , 80 , Liver Problems , Kidney Failure , H I V , Sex , Transmitting , Buildup , Lactic Acid , Dofetilide , Healthcare Provider , Kidney , Breastfeeding , Hepatitis , Rifampin , Hepatitis B , Migraine Medication , Nurtec Odt , Episodic Migraine , Indigestion , Laura , Shine , Mission , Strength , Nutrients , Vitamins , Minerals , Nutrition , Pfizer , Yay Woo Hoo , 27 , Type 2 Diabetes , Health , Protein , Taking Jardiance , Sugar , Twenty Four , Urinary Tract Infections , Kidney Function , Ketoacidosis , Genital Yeast , Perineum , Stop Jardiance , Insulin , Infection Ketoacidosis , Limb Loss , Feet , Legs , Sulfonylurea , Pain Won T , Pain Relief , Passions , Anesthetics , Absorbine Pro , Pro , Indigo Books , Toronto , 7 , Book , Discussion , Journalist , Advance , Show , Eastern On Msnbc , Cbc , Meeting , Boyhood , Adulthood On , Jackson , Book Club , Mississippi ,

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