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thousands of americans i'm talking about bird flu i know stay with me here. if you have been following the news recently you may have seen the u.s. is currently dealing with an outbreak of bird flu bird flu has spread to at least 80 cattle herds across ove and because of that outbreak the fda,t the food and drug administration, has issued guidance forad how to stay safe and t avoid exposure including warningnc americans against drinking rawic milk. that's because raw milk has the potential to spread animal borne diseases from oneor species to another. this is pretty straightforward f noncontroversial scientific advice. don't drink raw milk. it's noncontroversial, except if you are ave conservative who follows the influential pro-trump youth organization, turning points usa. >>ts milk is good for you, but here'sr what the american dair farmer association is goingic t tell you is that pasteurized milk p crap you might as well b drinking water. ideally you need to be drinking raw milk. >> that was alex clark, a turning point usa host and one of the organization's chief proponents of drinking raw milk. she's such a raws milk enthusit she even tells her followers to drink raw milk while pregnant, something you absolutely should not do any under circumstances. and response tond the fda's warning about drinking raw milk during the bird flu outbreak she told her followers on social media "f" the fda, legalize raw milk. turning point usa is currently selling $35 t-shirts on their website o promoting raw milk. now, if this seems like an echo of thee anti-vaxx, anti-fauci, anti-science movement embraced by a ton of conservatives and therefore put a lot of -- that put a lot of this country at risk, well, that is because it is. it is precisely the kind of extreme, ownis the libs realitye damned position that is a hallmark ofn turning point usa under the influence of its founder and director, charlie kirk. they've been an influential part of maga land since donald trump was elected in 2016. and in repeat years kirk and his organization have become even more zaoutspoken about their mo extreme beliefs includic kirk's full throated embrace of christian nationalism. in addition to running what appears to be a raw milk propaganda outfit, charlie kirk is also a supporter of what is known asr the seven mountains mandate, a philosophy that calls for conservativehi christians t take over the government. and kirk has started speaking openly about how he wants donald trump to bebo the champion of tt cause. >> finally, we have a president that understands the seven mountains of cultural influence. finally we have a president that understands the significance of standing -- yes, i'm going to use the term -- in solidarity with the grass roots activists of our g country. >> across the country christian conservatives are becoming more ande more bold about making america a christian nation under trump even as trump himself continues tohi exhibit very unchristian behavior on a near daily basis. thisil was donald trump a week o at a campaign event inside a phoenix mega church. >> so they come up with this order. i won't say it because i don't like using the word bull [ bleep ] in front of these beautiful children. so if won't say it. i will not say't it, but this thing allows millions of people. >> donald trump swearing in a house of god and then getting the crowd to swear with him in front of children. we've seen the same thing from trump's allies. here was rudy giuliani speaking at the protrump christian reawaken tour just last week. >> i've got two prosecutors fani the ho -- i'm sorry. now, f-a-n-i is not fani, and i'm not calling her fani. i could have dropped the ho part if she just quit a go away. >> classy. all of this is part of trump's unspoken agreement with the far right. they let trump and his allies break the h rules and be vulgar and be blasphemous with the expectation they'll carry out life according to their christian values. hereia was trump just this week speaking to a conservative christian organization that believes allri abortion is, quo, child sacrifice. >> you're going to make a comeback like just about no other group. i know what's happening.ha i know where you're coming from and where you're going, and i'll be with you side by side. >> you're going tobe make a comeback and i'll be with you side by side. even as donald trump refuses to give straight answers on things where he stands like abortion or contraception, conservatives know what trump will do for them. and part of their confidence here that an extreme christian nationalist agenda is very much within their grasp, part of their confidence is these groups don'ts have to just rely on trp they can count on trump's most powerful ally in the fight for the christian dominion, the conservative majority on the united states supreme court. just thisit week we heard supre court justice samuel alito tell a progressive actest that he believes wete need to return america to a place of godliness. as elizabeth and lisa write for "the new york times," while justice alito is hardly openly championing his views, he is embracing language and symbolism that line up with a much broader movement. the movement's rise has been evident across the country since mr. trump lost re-election in 2020. justice alito and his fellow conservatived justices have already delivered for the christian right with their dobbs decision, striking down roe v. wade, and soon they will have a chance to do so again. the supreme court is about to rule on two major cases of considerable significance to the christian right. one will determine whether access to the most common form ofe abortion in this country i significantly restrictive or not. and another will determine whether doctors in emergency rooms canin deny pregnant women medically necessary abortions. how the court rules on these issues could tell us just how much power the christian nationalist movement has gained in thisna country and how close they are toho victory. joining me now are lisa lair, the national political correspondent for "the new york times," and also the author of the new book "the fall of roe, the o rise of new america." and with me is joseph stern, senior writer who covers the courts and law at slate magazine. thank you both for joining me. lisa, let me start with a piece you have todayec out in "the times." you note an o array of conservatives including anti-abortion activists, church leaders, and conservative state legislators has openly embraced the idea that american democracy needs to be guarded against the rise ofgu secular culture. that strain of conservatism now seems to dominate the supreme court as well. do you think that's far off? >> look, part of what we document in our book "the fall of roe and the rise of a new america" is the latter part of the title, the rise of new america. and what that ise he about the of conservative christians, and we've seen some of that come out ine the tapes. the southern baptist convention, which represents, you know, the largesth protestant denominati in the country, 13 million church goers came out and said they oppose ivf. this is fairly radical statement for that group, and we're seeing this return to these christian conservative cultural values from the churches all the way up to alito's statements at the court. so i do think what we're watching is this shift in american power. where it's going to go, but we have a bit of a template for success for this movement, and that of course is theve fall of roe and how that network of conservative christian activists and lawyers were ableor to take down that legal pres dependent may be a way they can then move onto tackle these other things they are opposed to like we learned today, ivf. >> i do -- when we talk about shifting the window and moving the goal posts on the field, it feels like the activists on the outside, on the o fringes of th far-right, are in t some ways signaling to the alitos of the world, okay, this is where we're at, see if you can get here. mark, i wonder if you can talk about alito's evolution here. he wasn't always this explicit or radicalized when he joined the court.d >> i think a crude or accurate way to describe alito is a maga pild. he really let his christian nationalist flag fly and began to embrace not only the rhetoric but also the substance of this far-right christian supremacy and this idea that christianity is rooted in the constitution, that we are a christian nation and that courts have some kind of c obligation to protect and indeed elevate christianity above not just other religions but above secular society. and he went on a little bit of a talking tourt earlier this dece where he decried the new moral code of secularism that promoted reproductivepr freedom and lgbt equality, and said that it was an existential threat to christianity. and all of this is reflected very much in his decisions, decisions like one a few years ago where he tried today let pharmacists deny plan-b to patients to whom it was prescribed. not any kind of actual abortion drug but just plan' b. in decisions like hobby lobby where he's allowed corporations to restrict employees access to birth control and to their own health plans. and most recently these abortiob cases most notably dobbs, samuel alito was always going to be the manal to write that opinion overruling roe v. wade. in the coming weeks we're going to get these decisions on abortionns especially the abortn pill, and i think alito is likely to stick his neck out ani write in that decision how he believes abortion medication is unlawful under the comstock law of 1873. this is radicalized justice maximizing his impact by staking out positions that activists in the grassroots want him to take, legitimizing and shifting the overten window and he hopes transforming them into the law of the land. >> it's quite t obvious that th dna of the christian conservative warrior class has imprinted itself upon the supreme court, but,lf lisa, whe we talk about the relationship in politics between, for example, donald trump and his pro-maga coalition and the conservative christian warrior class, i wonder if trumpism hasn't also imprinted itself on them. i'm just thinking about those two pieces of soundnk we played where donald trump is inun a church, a big church and the common response is the word b.s. it's ahe family program so i'm t going to say the actual word, and rudy giuliani is calling fani willis, the d.a. down in fulton county, one of the most vulgar things you can call a black woman with distinct racist undertones. >> yeah, look, the church has changed politics but politics has changed the church, too. especially catholic and evangelicist churches have grown more political. they made this deal with donald trump. he promised theme in 2016 in ia christianity will have power, and conservative christians jumped on the trump train, and it ended up being a bullet train for them. they got these three justices on the supreme court and deal was set. and now they've been with him for eight years, and for conservative christians they're with him. if he can sort'r of moderate hi tone on abortion, say he wouldn't sign a 15-week federal ban, and they're still probably going to stick with him. they're fully bought in and part of this maga movement, and the two are operating together. now, you know, donald trump is in k a different position becau the politics of abortion have changed so radically, and you've seen them come out and say it should be returned today the states, that he supports exceptions to the ban for rape, incest, and for the life of the mother. so that dance has gotten more complicated for him politically, but there's not a sense he's losingns this group that's real become a central core of his movement and his base of support. >> yeah, one wonders where the guardrails are in any of it, right? the republican party has effectively pledged fealty to anything trump represents, christian warrior class and all. and then on the supreme court, mark, how much is a counterweight is someone like chief justice roberts or brett kavanaugh? does even the attempt of counter weighing happen on the supreme court? >> they're a very feeble counterweight when they choose to be one at all. all three of trump's appointees generally vote in lock step with what the republican party wants. trump, of course, has taken over the party, so it is very much his core. and i thinkh it's really disturbing especially to look at some of these decisions that do involve extreme circumstances of tragics medical mishaps when women w are in dire need of abortion right. this is one of the big cases this term. states are saying women can't get abortions, that they have to get sepsis, they have to begin hemorrhaging, they have to be dying before they can get abortions. well, republican politicians lined up to agree with those laws and support those laws at the supreme court. you had a ton of state attorneys general and nominees saying we do think they should be on the verge of death before they can get abortions. i think the supreme court will likelyk agree with them and foe women to these circumstances. and trump is savvy enough not to say anything about it, because he knows he's got his foot soldiers in the judiciary doing the work for him. he's got his guys on the bench who are ready to uphold the most draconian abortion bans imaginable and he doesn't have to say anything. and just by remaining silent and not speaking out and condemning these bans, he knows he can keep the christian right very much on his side.n and that is the whole genius of strategy capturing the courts. you get these geniuses and justices on the bench for decades they will do your building, uphold these draconian policy. and most people don't draw those lines between the parties the presidents belong to, so they keep getting away with the this stuff, and that is very much the story of v trumpism in the judiciary. >> yeah, a story where there's no accountability. thank you both for your time tonight. coming up, the gaslighting continues as republicans vote to hold attorney general merrick garland in contempt of congress. of but first new secret recordings have given us insight into the real thoughts of samuel alito and martha-ann. i'm going to speak to a neighbor who was an altercation outside her home and made the flag a national scandal. that's next. ade the flag a national scandal that's next. was a battle of wi. oh, maria, i'm wise to your foolish game. is it gone? totally gone. itch relief just got easier. apoquel. the trusted number one treatment for allergic itch is now available in a tasty chewable that works in a day. do not use in dogs with serious infections. may cause worsening of existing parasitic skin infestations or preexisting cancers and serious infections. new neoplasias have been observed. do not use in dogs less than 12 months old. ask your vet for apoquel chewable. do it! after "the new york times" reported that two flags associate would the january 6th insurrection had flown at the homes of supreme court justice samuel alito, the justice defended himself last month in a letter by putting the blame squarely on his wife, martha ann alitom i was not aware of any connection to the historic flag and the stop the steal movement and neither was my wife. she did not fly it to associate herself with that or any other group. but audio of marketa ann alito released this week by undercover progressive activist lauren windsor paints a decidedly different picture of mrs. alito's flag collection and why she flew them. >> you know what i want? i want a sacred heart of jesus flag because i have to look across the lagoon at the pride flag for the next month. >> exactly. >> and he's like, oh, please don't put up a flag. i said i won't do it because i'm deferring to you, but when you are free of this nonsense i'm putting it up and i'm going to send them a message every day. maybe every week i'll be changing the flags. i made a flag in my head. this is how i satisfy myself. i made a flag, it's white and has yellow and orange flames around it and in the middle is the word vergogna. in italian means shame. >> emily, thank you very much for joining us tonight. i'm really eelger to hear your reaction to the audio just released. we played that specific clip there because it really sounds mrs. alito is intentional when she flies these flags and there's absolutely a political point of view she's trying to communicate. what did you make of that audio? >> absolutely. first of all, thank you so much for having me tonight. it's a pleasure to be here. and to hear her talk about the flags in that way just solidifies what we all know is that they're meant to display a particular message. she mentions the -- being upset by the pride flag and wanting to fly a sacred heart of jesus flag. well, that flag specifically means anti-lgbtq, anti-pride, so it's very clear what she's doing with the flag. and that just proves us all right in his statement he's lying where he says, well, we didn't have any reason why, we don't know what it means, et cetera. >> yeah, that she wasn't trying to be part of a movement or group. i think that's questionable given the fact she's absolutely flying these flags in response to certain groups. emily, i've got to ask you because she's so animated about this flag she'd like to make that says vergogna, which means shame in italian, it brought back to mind your account of the alitos in "the new york times" when mrs. alito confronted you, you said something to her like how dare you behave this way, you've been harassing us over signs. you represent the highest court in the land, shame on you. the concept of shame really seems to animate her. and i wonder if you could talk more about your interaction with her when the word shame and the concept of shame was discussed? >> yes. well, that -- so that interaction the one that happened on february 15th is the one they're using as an excuse why they flew the upside down flag, which doesn't make sense because it was weeks before the flag was up. what do i make of it? it's just -- it's such an intense interaction, and it was about the third time that this has happened each time escalating more and more. and, yeah, i meant it. shame on you for behaving this way because you do represent the highest court in the land, and that was more intended towards him who was there as well and did not step in. >> can you talk a little bit about the relationship between the alitos as you saw it? he was present for some of these interactions if you want to call that. and there's part of the undercover interview -- or the undercover audio that we heard where martha ann alito talks about her plan for seeking justice for all that has befallen her. let's play that sound. >> it's okay because if they come back to me i'll get them. there's a five-year defamation statute of limitations. >> i don't know who you mean by they. >> the media. >> so martha-ann alito has mapped it up. what is the relationship between these two people? do you think what she says is tacitly endorsed by him, or is that overestimating her import in terms of family strategy? >> yes, you know, i don't think it's for me or anybody else to -- to say that or to pass any judgment on their relationship. all i witnessed was her, you know, behaving in that way and him not stepping in. and what i really just want to point out is that there's no way he didn't know those flags were flying at his house. and in those same recordings in this own words he is unable to be impartial. he says that there are two sides and one side must win, and he's basically saying that he sits on one side, and he said that he can't negotiate with the other side. he can't split the difference, as he put it. and that is a giant red flag. and at this point we've moved past the idea of him just recusing, and we've reached the point in the general consensus it must be removal at this point. >> i think we're a ways from that, but i have to ask you because this is a woman who verbally -- there were verbal confrontations. i believe she spat at your car at one point. there's a point in this audio where she says look at me, i'm german from germany. my heritage is german. you come after me, i'm going to give it back to you. in the context of these interactions with her, how did you hear that part of the audio? >> i think as most people who heard it, it was absolutely chilling and terrifying that people in such a high position of power are saying such threatening and scary things. now, i can't presume to know what she meant by that, but i think a lot of people are assuming kind of the same things. and none of it is good. and we really need to do something to hold this court accountable. this is mostly about his inability to be impartial, and that is his bare minimum job description, and he has said on tape that he can't do that. >> emily baden,at the center of a national controversy. thank you for taking the time to join us tonight. still to come this evening a response to a story we did last night about a coordinated effort to spin a negative story about president biden across a vast network of local tv stations. stick around to hear what the network has to say for itself on that. and thoughts on how to take on house speaker mike johnson when they try to rewrite reality. that's next. to rewrite reality. that's next. i still love to surf, snowboard, and, of course, skate. so, i take qunol magnesium to support my muscle and bone health. qunol's extra strength, high absorption magnesium helps me get the full benefits of magnesium. qunol, the brand i trust. want to save on some of the biggest names in streaming on the network made for streaming? x marks the spot. now you can add the new xfinity streamsaverâ„¢ that includes netflix, 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to be clear the justice department has already released a full transcript of that interview, and officials argue that releasing the audio could endanger future investigations. but refusing to comply with a congressional subpoena, republicans managed today be outraged about that despite the fact that multiple republicans including congressman jim jordan, who is leading the fight here against merrick garland -- multiple republicans have literally defied congressional subpoenas themselves. when speaker of the house mike johnson was asked about that hypocrisy today, this was his response. >> you talk about apples to oranges, there couldn't be a more clear contrast between that and what we're talking about here. >> joining me now is dan fifer, former senior advisor to president obama and co-host of pod save america. is an apples to oranges comparison or an apples to apples comparison when you talk about defying congressional subpoenas? >> it seems apples to apples to me. yeah, it's apples to apples. >> the reality is that the headline merrick garland held in contempt of congress is a big juicy headline for republicans to make hay over, and i wonder how you think democrats and people interested in preserving, i don't know, some shred of democracy can answer that with a fairly nuanced discussion about congressional subpoenas and why the hur audiowise not make sense for future prosecutions. >> i actually don't think we even have to get into the details of that. that's the conversation they want us to have. the conversation we should have is why republican plans would do nothing to lower prices or wages. the first priority when donald trump goes to the capitol tomorrow what they are planning on doing is how they can pass a tax cut for the corporations of the wealthy that have $3 trillion worth of deficit. we don't have to play that game as democrats. >> well, let me just follow up on that, because that gets to the central question of this entire campaign as it concerns joe biden, which is how much should he be talking about the sort of institutional threats posed by donald trump, again institutional threats to our system of justice, to our democracy, to the voting system, and how much do you talk about what you say the bread and butter issues of the economy, inflation, et cetera. and you seem to be landing quite clearly in camp b, which is don't focus on the institutional threats. is that fair? >> there's no such thing as a single issue campaign for the president. now, it is very clear that most voters by a pretty large margin say the economy and inflation are the single most important issue that's going to decide their vote. it's also true that three quarters of voters say they're unhappy with the economy and that donald trump has a big advantage on the economy. so we have to narrow that gap, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't talk about abortion and freedom and the threats that donald trump has. donald trump wants to repeal the fookd, repeal abortion and go after contraception is the level of extreme. >> i do wonder where you think the most vocal voters are because the economic stuff is plain to see. it's not a mystery, right? inflation is coming down, the joblessness rate, all of it, and it hasn't sunk in. whereas i'm not necessarily arguing for this, but the polling we got i think it was this week, approval of donald trump's conviction nationwide, 15% of republicans approve of his conviction. those seem like the ghost of nikki haley's vote, nikki haley's supporters. i wonder if you think given the freshness of this story and the fact that people are responding to it, whether there's -- to be blunt about a gold in them there hills for the democrats and the biden campaign. >> for sure. look, this is the anti-donald trump coalition is the biggest political coalition in america, but it's very diverse. you have biden voters upset about the economy. you have people who are biden voters upset about what's happening in gauze. you have trump voters, so have to have a lot of messages to different people. what we know there's a group of people deeply concerned about the idea we should not have a convicted felon as president of the united states. i hope the president takes advantage of this during the debate and brings it up. we have to make a full throated, proud unafraid case against donald trump. and talking about how he's going to raise prices and cut taxes and talk about the threat he poses to freedoms like abortion, like contraception, and it's going to talk about the threat he poses to all of our freedoms because of the way in which he wants to go. what he did to try to pull the wool over voters eyes in to16, which he got caught for and convicted for, tells the story of the kind of president donald trump is trying to be and we shouldn't shy away from that. >> you know donald trump is going to bring up -- well, we think he would bring up hunter biden. there's another i'm happening in california i believe in september. play book suggests this is an opportunity for biden toshow his empathy and really connect with people who have faced hardships in their own lives and in their own families. what do you think about that? >> well, this is obviously deeply personal and deeply painful situation for the president. it's obvious every time he's ever been forced to talk about it, and all the reporting you read, of course it is. he had this son, dealing with addiction, having to witness that. and there's no question donald trump will bring it up in the debate because he did it in 2020 to try to rattle biden's casech so be ready for it. i think if he can talk about this from a spective of a father. that hug he gave his son, i think that's powerful. because the essential truth of joe biden he's a deeply empathetic person who is running for president because he cares about everyone else, and he can show that in that moment, and i think that's the way to do it and i think he would do it. >> his empathy i think really does distinguish him from the other person who's going to be across the stage from him. dan fifer, my friend, thank you for making the time, buddy. coming up some good news this week. violent crime is way down across the country, but you couldn't be faulted for believing the opposite especially if you like watching local news stations. we'll have more on that after the break. s stations we'll have more on that after the break. my cravings were out of control. i had to do something. we all know it's important to take care of our health but it seems the trend is looking for a quick fix. and as a nurse it's really important to me what i put in my body. the main difference with golo is the way i felt. i wasn't jittery, my cravings went away. i felt satisfied and healthy and had tons of energy. give golo a shot you won't be sorry. if you're one of the millions of people with diabetes who suffer from low and high blood sugar, dexcom g7 is one of the easiest ways to take better 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(announcer) dexcom g7 helps protect against highs and lows. call now! so the president wraps his remarks on crime without a single mention of the growing immigrant crime crisis happening in this country right now. >> you're saying since joe biden took office crime skyrocket. >> wouldn't we love to have a statistic where crime is down 67%. ours is only going in one direction. >> if you listen to donald trump or conservative politicians and conservative media like fox news you probably think that we are in the middle of a massive crime wave. we are not. this week we got new fbi crime statistics showing in the first quarter of this year crime is yet again down across the board. overall violent crime down 15% from last year. murders down 26%. by every national metric, crime is down. regardless of the facts here, fox is still going big on crime. the organization, media matters, counted 403 reports about crime on fox in just the first two months of this year alone. the last time the fbi released crime data back in march, crime data that, again, showed another drop in crime, crime across the board, fox gave that data approximately two minutes of airtime in the first two weeks after the data came out. fox only mentioned the declining crime rate seven times in those two weeks, and one of those mentions was this one. >> new data from the fbi claims that the u.s. crime rate is dropping. let's look at this graph while i stab you. >> given how much elected republicans and national conservative media are pushing the narrative of a staggering crime wave despite the facts, it's hard to make sense republicans believe there's a rise in crime when really there isn't. but the thing is it's not just republicans who believe that. recent polling from gallop shows that 77% of all americans believe there's more crime in the u.s. today than there was a year ago, despite, again, the popset being true. crime wept down this year, and crime went down the year before. we are in the opposite of a crime wave. so what gives? why do so many americans think that crime is up? well, there are probably a lot of reasons, but there is one reason that does not get enough attention, local news. in 2019 one of seattle's local tv news stations, komo news, put out this documentary entitled seattle is dying. it depicts seattle as a city in decline because of rampant crime and homelessness. the seattle times newspaper was quick to refute the documentary's assertion that seattle was dying pointing out both property crime and violent crime have been dropping in seattle for decades. and it isn't some independent wacky outlet, it is part of the sinclair broadcast network, a network of nearly 200 local tv stations. as "the washington post" put it, sinclair's recipe for news is crime, homelessness, and illegal drugs. journalist anne nelson told "the washington post" sinclair plays up crime stories in a way that is disproportionate to their statistical presence. or as media critic david zurawik told the post that's their model. unlike what people hear from fox news or donald trump, viewers may not necessarily have their raiders up when it comes to information they are getting from the local news stations that give them the weather. last night on this show we covered a different story about sinclair broadcast group, a story about how dozens of their anchors across the country all read the exact same script, and this one was questioning president biden's mental fitness. sinclair has sense given us their response, and we're going to get to that coming up next. , to get to that coming up next. before apoquel chewable for allergic itch. giving dogs pills was a battle of wits. oh, maria, i'm wise to your foolish game. is it gone? 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...i don't want to miss that. that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc? we have some new developments in a story we covered last night. the newsletter's public notice and popular information first brought to attention anchors at dozens of local tv news stations who have been reading the same controversial script about president joe biden based on a widely criticized wall street journal article. have a listen. >> "the wall street journal" calling into question the mental fitness of president joe biden. >> "the wall street journal" is out with reporting calling into question the mental fitness of skbroez joe biden. >> as national correspondent matt galka tell us the issue could be an election decider. >> these stations all have one big thing in common. they are owned by the conservative leaning sinclair broadcast group, and tonight we have a statement from sinclair denying wrongdoing or bias. here's a quote. the allegation sinclair is deceiving its audience or spreading disinformation is outrageous and offensive. our goal is to provide accurate and timely coverage. any insinuation otherwise is unfounded and undermines the integrity and hard work of our dedicated teams. joining me now is the founder and author of the popular information newsletter. he's one of the two reporters who broke this story. judd, thanks for joining me. and let me first get your response to sinclair's response. >> well, i think it was interesting they ignored, really the key issue, which is that they are amplifying and requiring dozens of trusted local news broadcasts to amplify this very shoddy story by "the wall street journal" questioning biden's mental fitness based on really kevin mccarthy was the only on the record source. so they really didn't address that. i think they are unhappy with the fact their tactics are being exposed. this is a problem they've had in the past of sending these very biased scripts to all of their affiliates and having them read them verbatim. >> can you talk about them when you say they were forced to read these? sinclair in its defense basically says giving out scripts is common practice to affiliates and there's basically nothing to see here. from your reporting what do you understand about the pressure if any these local anchors are being given to, you know, read this stuff verbatim? >> well, this has been well-established that sinclair, which has 186 affiliates which it owns or controls sends must-run segments that are produced out of their national office -- actually after trump was elected in 2016 they hired one of his spokespeople, boris epstein, as their national correspondent and then would have him do commentary, which they require all of these stations to run. so, yes, it's true, there are affiliates that are relationships with different services. i think cnn operates one. there's a bunch of different ones. they'll send along scripts, but that's something that's optional for them to do. this is the corporate parent requiring these affiliates, which have all sorts of branding, abc, nbc, everybody, fox, and really pushing very hard-right content in a way that's not transparent. >> the owner of sinclair broadcasting is a gentleman named david smith. he also purchased the baltimore sun not that long ago. i want to read for our viewers not familiar with what's happened would the sun this is news from this week. the union representing newspaper journalists said on monday the article in the sun -- articles that do not meet the sun's standards have appeared on its website including a one-sided story about immigration policies and an op-ed by the sun's co-owner likening the transgender movement to a cancer. in addition journalists say stories under their names have been changed without their permission and that the sun has been reusing reporting from one of the 185 local tv stations owned by the smith family sinclair broadcast group. this is feedback loop here, it sounds like. and what do you any of the editorial practices under david smith? >> well, i think he's established himself as a, you know, a right-wing operative. he's given hundreds of thousands of dollars to right-wing groups. and famously he met with donald trump in 2016. jared kushner helped cut a deal where they would get access in exchange for not fact checking anything donald trump said. david smith himself said we are here to deliver your message. so it's a very partisan operator, but he's really pulling the strings behind local affiliate networks that, unfortunately, viewers may not know what's going on. >> yeah, over 185 local tv stations plus the baltimore sun. that's the reach here. doing some essential reporting, thanks for your time. >> thanks for having me. that is our show for tonight. "way too early" with jonathan lemire is coming up next. holding the attorney general of the united states in contempt is one more useful distraction from the complete and devastating implosion of the biden impeachment probe, which of course was the number one priority of these talented leaders. >> you're fighting for a felon. you're fighting for

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