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>> i've given my life to the law. i care deeply about the law. and i think that the law fare we have seen against president trump will do great damage well beyond our time in public service. >> now, republicans with zero irony are still pretending to be the party of law and order. even though they're literally the exact opposite. and their extremism is rotting their party away from the state level on up. plus, trump and maga republicans once again threaten retribution against his political rivals, vowing to unleash a biblical flood of partisan indictments to avenge trump's felony conviction in new york. and we begin tonight with one of our two major political parties. the maga party. the national republican party and their political stars are pretty extreme. they spend their time on capitol hill relitigating the origins of the covid virus, bickering about the vaccines, calling for the jailing of anthony fauci, and falsely accusing president biden of persecuting donald trump and even trying to kill him. >> we should be writing a criminal referral because you should be prosecuted for crimes against humanity. you belong in prison, dr. fauci. >> we either get this government back on our side, or dedefund and get rid of, abolish the fbi, cdc, atf. >> for the first time in american history, we do have a presidential administration that's working to put its opponent in jail. i mean, that's a fact. >> and while they're doing all of that, the former normmys among them are cos playing as mini marjorie taylor greenes and matt gaetz's. while they're doing that, the leader of the maga party is calling for mass deportations, entertaining the thoughts of shooting border crossers and protesters, selling out our country's environmental future to the highest bidder. at this point, the national party made it clear that the maga party is not a safe place for women, minorities, people of color, basically anybody that's not a conservative white christian straight male or really, really rich. under trump, americans have lost more rights than they have gained. because to the maga party, the woman's rightful place is in the home making her husband a sandwich. immigrants should go back to where they came from. all college students should be white. and queer folks should hide in the closet, like the good old days. these manufactured culture wars are nasty work, undemocratic and extreme. but maga state politicians have somehow figured out a way to out-do their national party colleagues. in texas, for example, the state republican party just i proved a platform that reads like a 19th century horror story. the platform calls for, quote, self sufficient family based on traditional marriage between a natural man and a natural woman. they deem that sex education should be forbidden. abortion is homicide. ivf is criminal. gender-affirming care is child abuse. homosexuals have no legal rights. the states ratification of equal rights amendment for women is no longer valid. and prayer, bible study and christian religion should return to schools, courthouses and other government buildings. basically "the hand maid's tale." in colorado, they sent a mass email in honor of pride month titled "god hates flags." the letter originally posted by kyle clark, nbc news 9 reporter in colorado referred to lgbtq plus people as barbaric, creeps, god-less, groomers, radicals. they write -- the month of june has arrived and once again, the godless groomers in our society want to attack what is decent, holy and righteous so they can ultimately harm our children. in florida, ron desantis's administration forbidden cities across the state from displaying colorful lights on their bridges during pride month, limiting bridge coloration to red, white and blue. yes, ron desantis has banned color. state republicans in florida also forbidden trance people from drivering their licenses to match their gender identity. all that is bad, but republicans in north carolina are taking it to a new level. the current lieutenant governor mark robinson, the party's nominee for governor next fall said he would ban abortion for any reason and blamed women who might want an abortion, saying, quote, they weren't responsible enough to keep your skirt down. he also told republicans that he absolutely wants to go back to the america where women couldn't vote. he's claimed that feminism was created by satan. and attacked successful women by calling them whores, witches and rejected drag queens. he also happens to be a hitler-quoting holocaust skeptic critical of the civil rights movement because he says integration forced black folks to abandon black-owned businesses. robinson would be the first-ever black governor of north carolina. you can't make this stuff up. mr. robinson has good company over in minnesota, where their republican party has endorsed former nba athlete royce white who has called old school republicans see you next tuesdays and educated empowered women mouthy. over in missouri, republicans blocked a bill that would widen access to birth control pills because they falsely claimed the pill actually induces abortions. did i mention republicans want to ban sex ed? all of this insanity explains in part why the national republican party is so bizarre. the coo coo is cackling from the state level up. which is why, senate majority leader chuck schumer is forced to bring not one but two reproductive health bills to the floor, including a measure to protect access to the use and -- to the use of and provision of contraception. yes, that is where we are in the year of our lord 2024, birth control is an actual litigated political issue. it's the first in a series of actions, the second bill would establish protections for receiving and providing invitro fertilization coverage and expanding insurance congress. it's insane to think we're living in the 21st century and senate democrats have to take measures to protect things like birth control pills and ivf, which millions of americans use literally everyday. these votes come ahead of a second anniversary of the overturning of roe v. wade is just another reminder of just how extreme this republican party has become. right up to the upside down flag waving supreme court. and guess what, today republicans blocked the bill to protect contraceptives in america. under his eye. i'm joined by claire mccaskill, nbc and msnbc political analyst and co-host of msnbc's "how to win 2024" podcast. stewart stevens, senior adviser and chief strategist for mitt romney's 2012 campaign. claire, i'll let you react to the fact that senate republicans blocked the bill to simply protect the right to get ahold of contraception. the vote was 51 to 39. lisa murkowski and lisa collins voted with democrats. after that vote chuck schumer announce that i had will vote on a bill to protect ivf access. your thoughts? >> well, i don't understand it because many of them said, well, we, of course we support contraception. this is one of those weird deals. what do they want the democrats to do? the democrats have the majority in the senate. they have an obligation to try to pass legislation that they think is a priority in america. this didn't have to be a show vote. all the republicans had to do was vote yes. all they had to do was vote yes. but they voted no, which tells you all you need to know. you mentioned missouri, let me tell you how crazy it's gotten in missouri. abortions -- all abortions are illegal. there's no exception for rape or incest. conception happens -- life begins at conception. it's a personhood state. okay? so no abortions are being performed at planned parenthood. planned parenthood got money as a medicaid provider to do what, provide contraception. what did the missouri legislature do this year and the governor sign into law? making sure they got no money to provide contraception to women to prevent abortions. it is so nuts, joy. it's nuts. >> and you've left off, claire, that in your state it's illegal for pregnant woman to get an abortion, so they also gone after no-fault divorce. if you're pregnant in an marriage with an abusive spouse you can't get a divorce once you become pregnant. you become the property of the husband and the state. they have joint ownership of you in the state of missouri. that's a slave state for a woman. >> back when that was put into law, it was try to hold people accountable for the babies they had fathered. but in this day and age, everybody needs to understand that what it does, it keeps a woman in a marriage that could be abusive, just because she's pregnant. which is absolutely unacceptable. >> stuart, you know, i'm old enough to remember even during the george w. bush era, it was clear to me and anyone paying attention to politics that while george w. bush had to walk the walk and say i'm going to put people on the supreme court who will decide the law based on its original intent, meaning wink wink, put something on that will overturn roe. it was clear that he didn't want that. he actually, you know, didn't really want the overturning of roe because he knew it would be 50 wars with women throughout the country. but now we're living in a time when clarence thomas has said -- let me go back. we're living in a time when republicans in the states are literally threatening to get rid of birth control access. going crazy passing 18th century laws on abortion, and yet this is what national republicans are now saying about what they want to do about birth control. let's play this. this is josh hawley this morning regarding griswald, the supreme court decision that legalized the access to contraception. versus marcia blackburn. >> nobody is going to overturn griswald. nobody has asked for it, thought about it. i mean, there's like -- who wants to -- who wants to ban contraception? what -- where would that pass? not mine. my state is a very pro life state. no way. i mean, no way. >> constitutionally unsound rulings, like griswald versus connecticut, kelo city versus new london. confuse tennesseans and left congress wondering who gave the court permission to bypass our system of checks and balances. >> stuart so the answer to josh hawley's question is marcia blackburn wants to overturn griswald, which is the ruling that legalized contraception. one more, claerns thomas in his concurring opinion in dobbs, in future cases, he says, we should reconsider all of this court's precedence including griswald, larns said you can't kick in the door and arrest gay people and o o berg fell. your thoughts? >> look, i said this, i think that in the republican party, since world war ii, two strans. an eisenhower strand, sane, boring and governing and joe mccarthy strand. those consperitorials, nongoverning. a lot of us who worked for george bush thought that we were the dominant gene, that the party was going to be like us. and i don't know any conclusion to come to but we were wrong. what the republican party is now is that mccarthy-era craziness. and it's taken over the party. and the tragedy is that nobody really thought. a few people did, but they sort of gave the party to these crazies. and there's really -- there's no normal to go back to. that's what -- this has become an extremist movement. they only become more extreme. until they burn themselves out. >> yeah. >> there wasn't like a moderate ring of the red guard that said we really have to go back to what we should be. they have to just end. and the only way to do that is to defeat republicans. and you have to do that. you have to do that to save some sane center right party in america for the future. >> yeah. you would like to -- you were wrong or lied to. let me just go through what the conservative justices that overturned roe v. wade said at their confirmation hearings regarding abortion. he said no comment. roberts said that roe was settled as a precedent of the court. alito, gor such, i would tell you that roe v. wade is a precedent of the united states supreme court. cavanaugh, it's settled as a precedent of the supreme court. barrett, roe is not a super precedent because it calls for overturns have never ceased but does not mean that roe should be overturned. they lied to the united states senate to get on the court because they were closet extremists. the ones that you served with are now cos playing as if they are extreme as marjorie taylor greene. so people are lying about who they are. >> they're definitely lying who they are. josh hawley is definitely lying about who he is. his wife was in front of the supreme court trying to make sure that mifepristone is illegal across the country. his wife is one who brought the lawsuit in texas where the judge -- where they found the one judge and the one circuit in the federal court they knew would rule their way. that's his wife. so the idea that he thinks things that america supports are never going to be overturned, that's just -- by the way, if he believed that, why didn't he vote for it today? why did he vote no? what's wrong with voting for a bill that protects something that you think is never going to be overturned. then vote for it. show that you believe that. but he didn't want to because inside the republican party, there is distrain that stuart is referencing. if you don't cue the line on culture wars, then you don't belong in that party. >> and stuart, i wanted to talk about the states because it really does feel -- i said coo coo cackling from the states on up. the state parties are so extreme they actually make the national party seem normal. and that is what the field republicans are playing in. >> yeah. you know, there's always been these crazies that would show up at state conventions and stuff. and they've just now taken over. and as i said, there's nobody fighting against that. the party just gave themselves -- all these people who i helped elect, who i know don't support this stuff, for the most part, they've all been silent. and i think it's just really an unprecedented collapse of any sort of moral center to a party. so what do they end up with? they're going to -- republicans are going to get crushed in november, absolutely crushed. you know, their only hope is to repeal the 19th amendment which doesn't look great. and this is going to be, i think, just overwhelming rejection of what they're for. you know, if i ran the democratic party, i would wake up trying to get in culture wars because republicans are losing them. this isn't where america is. people don't want to go back to it. and i think it's just going to be absolutely clear come november. >> yeah. and i think people should realize that most people don't participate in state party politics. they don't have time. it is the most committed people who participate in state level politics. on the republican side, it's these people, the hand maid's tale people. they have taken over the state party. that bubbles up to the top. donald trump is sitting on top of it bauds he's a transactional grifter. this is his latest grift. he doesn't believe this either but he knows he can take advantage of them and get them to vote for. any way, i will stop. thank you very much. god bless us all. up next on "the reidout," the fight for women's reproductive health hits the senate and ballot boxes across the country as we await the supreme court decision on abortion medication. senator amy klobuchar joins me next. g dims my light like a migraine. with nurtec odt, i found relief. the only migraine medication that helps treat and prevent, all in one. to those with migraine, i see you. for the acute treatment of migraine with or without aura and the preventive treatment of episodic migraine in adults. don't take if allergic to nurtec odt. allergic reactions can occur, even days after using. most common side effects were nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. it's time we all shine. talk to a healthcare provider about nurtec odt from 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steve bannon that women are too mouthy. totally normal person is one of the candidates who is vying for the republican nomination to run against democratic senator amy klobuchar, one of the senate's most vocal supporters of protecting a woman's right to choose what to do with her own body. earlier today, klobuchar spoke on the senate floor voicing her support for the bill that would guarantee nationwide access to something that shouldn't bevan in question in the 21st century, the right to access contraception. >> this friday marks 59 years, 59 years since the supreme court recognized the right to access contraception. but the current court has made it clear that it won't hesitate to overturn decades of precedent in other context. this threat is not hypothetical. in the wake of the dobbs decision, nearly 20 million american women live in what we call contraceptive deserts where they struggle to access birth control. >> the push for birth control protection comes as any day now the same supreme court that overturned roe v. wade will decide the fate of two major cases involving abortion. one, that could limit nationwide access to the widely-used abortion drug mifepristone or ban it outright. and another, that will determine if pregnant women in states with strict abortion bans can receive emergency abortions if their health is at risk. joining me now is the aforementioned senator amy klobuchar of minnesota. it's always great to see you, senator. i know you cannot comment anything regarding your campaign because you are actually a law-abiding citizen. if you care to opine on whether steve bannon is right that women are too mouthy, i will allow you to do that. >> i think that women are standing up for their own rights in a way that we have never seen before. that's why you have seen everything from kansas to ohio to wisconsin to kentucky where women have, yes, been mouthy, but they have stood up for what they believe in. that's what i do everyday. so, joy, right now in the senate today, what happened? we had this incredible legislation that would have simply said you have a right to contraception. which our colleagues in some double speak claim they are for but then what do they do? they double down and won't vote for it except for two of them. so i don't think you can have a clearer difference between democrats and republicans when it comes to standing up for women's rights. yes, 59 years ago, as i noted in my speech, the supreme court established for married people that you could get contraception. but the decision to extend it to single people happened just right before roe v. wade. so if the supreme court was willing to overturn roe v. wade, there is no limit to the decades of precedent they're willing to throw out and, in fact, clarence thomas, as you noted earlier in the show, put out a road map to the fact that he would think that they should reconsider, those are his words, not mine, the contraception case. finally, as claire was pointing out, you have states like missouri, where they've literally tried to defund contraception from iuds to making sure that we do something in their minds -- they want to do something when it comes to plan-b. and it's an outrageous thing we're seeing right now. >> right. your colleague marcia blackburn, republican colleague from tennessee, also questioned whether the supreme court that allowed people to get access to contraception was wrongly decided. and said that that decision confused tennesseans. so she would also like to see it overturned. so when josh hawley says, no one wants to overturn the right to contraception, he's literally serving with a republican who said she does. are all of the republicans on -- are all of your colleagues on the republican side as open and honest as marcia blackburn is when she says, yes, i would like to see the decision that allowed people to get contraception overturned just like roe was? are others as honest? >> you know, i think we know that's not the case. but what i think people need to know is that joe biden stands up for reproductive rights and kamala harris stands up for reproductive rights. that the democrats in the senate every single one of them stood up today that we need to protect people's rights to contraception. i use the example on the floor today of a woman in texas, delilah has to go 400 miles just to talk to anyone about reproductive healthcare. you have got contraception deserts in this country where people can't access healthcare. and we've heard a lot about the sad tragic stories of people crossing state lines to get abortion care. but the way these guys are going, when donald trump says he wants to turn this over to the states? what does that mean. one state bans mifepristone. one state wants to make it so it's criminal to help someone get an abortion. one state wants to make it so you can't cross state lines. another state wants to say, hey, emergency care, hey, wait a minute. we're not going to talk about abortion. look at that. that is what's happening right now in so many states across the country. so, that's why it's so important to codify, yes, roe v. wade into law but the vote was simple, this, this was just to vote on contraception and they turned it down. >> yeah. essentially republicans are spending all their time defending a felon with 34 counts against him in new york rather than defending a woman's right to contraception. i want to ask if you are as pessimistic as i am about this really radical supreme court majority. because i would not honestly put it past samuel alito to ban mifepristone and write that ruling and issue on june 24th on the anniversary of his dobbs ruling. because at this point, they're just trolls. so are you expecting, as i am, that they probably will outlaw mifepristone, they will rule that way? >> you know, i don't know exactly what they're going to do. there were some voicing concerns about the fda's power because by the way f you take that power away from them, the decision that they made on this drug, then what happens to other drugs for all kinds of things that people take. so i'm not certain what they're going to do, joy. but what i do know, joy, we're much smarter making it clear that mifepristone is legal. and dozens of countries have said that. we should put into law the fact that roe v. wade is the law of the land and make very clear that women's rights govern and that women should be making their own decisions about their healthcare and not politicians and we don't want ted cruz in the waiting room. >> i don't -- you've just put an image in people's minds that they will never be able to extricate. i apologize to everyone who just -- >> just wanted to leave you with that, joy. just some joy for you. >> brain bleach. i'll go ahead and order some. senator amy klobuchar, thank you very much. very much. >> thanks for having me on again. >> of course. and coming up, donald trump continues to float putting his political in his favorite colored jump suit. we'll discuss how jailing his enemies have become mainstream in republican politics next. lit. choose advil liqui-gels for faster, stronger and longer-lasting relief than tylenol rapid release gels because advil targets pain at the source of inflammation. so for faster pain relief, advil the pain away. voices of people with cidp: cidp disrupts. cidp derails. let's be honest... all: cidp sucks! voices of people with cidp: but living with cidp doesn't have to. when you sign up at, you'll find inspiration in real patient stories, helpful tips, reliable information, and more. cidp can be tough. but finding hope just got a little easier. sign up at all: be heard. be hopeful. be you. are your gutters clogged? cleaning them can be dangerous, mucky, yuck. get leaffilter. it's as easy as one, two, three. call or click today. get your free gutter inspection on your schedule and get leaffilter installed in as little as a few hours. you'll never have to clean out your gutters again, guaranteed. get leaf filter today. call 833 leaffilter or go to as easy as 1, 2, 3 ♪♪ it's been five days since 12-member jury found donald trump guilty on all 34 felony counts he was charged with. making him the first former u.s. president to ever be criminally convicted. plenty of time for him to reflect on the verdict and perhaps show some humility. but, of course, that is not something donald trump is capable of doing. instead, he is back to talking about retribution, with threats to imprisonen his political rivals if he becomes president again. >> nobody wanted to bring it, until i decided to run. and then was beating everybody by a lot, and then was beating biden by a lot in the polls. but you know, it's a very terrible thing. it's a terrible precedent for our country. does that mean the next president does it to them? that's really the question. so, you know, it's a terrible, terrible path that they're leading us to. and it's very possible that it's going to have to happen to them. >> well, while we heard these threats from trump before, he is bringing his maga minions. "new york times" reports, quote, within hours of a jury finding mr. trump guilty last week, the anger congealed into demands for action. since then, prominent gop leaders in and out of government, have demanded that elected republicans use every available instrument of power against democrats. including targeted investigations and prosecutions. the intensity of anger and open desire for using the criminal justice system against democrats after the verdict surpasses anything seen before in mr. trump's tumultuous years in national politics. what is different now is the range of republicans who are saying retaliation is necessary and who are no longer cloaking their intent with euphemisms. >> is every house committee controlled by republicans using its subpoena power in every way it needs to right now with every republican d.a. starting every investigation they need to right now? >> president biden should just be ready because on january 20 of next year, when he's former president joe biden, what's good for the goose is good for the gander. and i am going to encourage all of my colleagues and everybody that i have any influence over as a member of congress to aggressively go after the president and his entire family, his entire crime family. >> i'm talking about tit for tat. you just wait. and it won't be hunter biden the next time. it's going to be joe biden. it could potentially still be barack obama. it could still potentially be hillary clinton. >> that lady used to pretend to be a journalist. calls for retaliation flourished on social media as well. republican congressman mike collins of georgia writing, time for red state ags and das to get busy. wait, do they have trump indictments, too? that would be interesting. right wing activist charlie kirk hosting a town hall with trump tomorrow, tweeting, how many republican das or ags have stones? we aren't a serious political movement until we are ready to fight fire with fire. and senator marco rubio, one of the many republicans who have gone from being ritually humiliated by trump to defending him at the cost of what's left of their dignity. it's time to fight fire with fire who also called the manhattan court the equivalent of a communist cuba, his family never lived in since they came to the u.s. prefidel. beyond trump's threat to last night to jail his perceived enemies he had an unusual complaint about the jury that convicted him. wait until you hear what he was expecting to see from them. seem lowering bad cholesterol can be hard, even with a statin. diets and exercise add to the struggle. today, it's possible to go from struggle to cholesterol success with leqvio. with a statin, leqvio is proven to lower bad cholesterol by 50% and keep it low with 2 doses a year. common side effects were injection site reaction, joint pain, and chest cold. ask your doctor about twice-yearly leqvio. lower. longer. leqvio® this is the easiest, non-toxic swap you'll ever make. lumineux toothpaste was made 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his party are insinuaing revenge is coming for all those involved in holding trump accountable for his crimes. i'm joined by eric swalwell, 2021 impeachment manager. and paul butler, msnbc legal analyst, professor at georgetown law school and former federal prosecutor. congressional -- i have to go to the congressman first. i have to go to you first, sir. you were a prosecutor before you were congressman. >> yeah. would have loved to gone up against paul. pretty smart guy. >> right. but, were you looking for smiles? is this something donald trump should have expected smiles? >> yeah. this wasn't a birthday party. >> right. >> this was a jury trial with people who didn't want to be there, by the way, right? they didn't want to be there. their lives were going to be changed forever. >> they were scared to be there. >> yeah. but you know what, donald trump made all these choices. he chose to live in new york. he chose to commit his crimes in new york. he actually was afforded a jury of his neighbors and chose that jury. this is a result of his decisions. and that jury, by the way, you know, we say 24 felony convictions. the real number is 408. 12 people made 34 decisions. and 408 straight times they said guilty. >> yeah. and look, the reality is this was a jury, paul, of people one of whom said he gets a lot of his news from truth social. these were people who were lawyers, people who were speech therapists, from all different walks of life. it was a majority white jury, so that's what you want. majority male. overwhelmingly white male jury and still didn't work for him. and this is one of the -- and trump had a jury consultant. that means that he helped pick the jury, literally, as the congressman said. rolling stone magazine reported. some on his legal team and trump himself convinced themselves that one of the jurors might actually been on their side. according to two people familiar with the matter, trump's faith in the amateur body language analysis of the supposedly mag action curious juror was so pronounced at times he took to calling the person my juror in discussions with close allies. my juror found him guilty. >> he wasn't trump's juror. he wasn't alvin bragg's juror. the criminal legal system worked. trump finally experienced equal justice under the law. and that's rocking his world. and the evidence that the system worked isn't that he was convicted but rather that these 12 people made these over 400 decisions. they deliberated and they unanimously came to a verdict. trump, he had the chance to dismiss some jurors for any reason he wanted. so, the whole system is designed for buy-in from the person who is convicted if the process is fair. and it's the fairness of the process that trump can't accept. >> right. i literally got the chance to sit in that jury room and observe this jury. these were the most serious people. yes, they weren't smiling. they were serious. they were diligent, watching the judge. they seemed to deeply respect the judge. this is a set of people that were clearly deep into their civic duty. i saw them with my own eyes. they were not in there playing, in there working. this is what jessie waters had to say about the other jury. the jury with hunter biden who apparently joe biden weaponized the justice department against hunter because hunter is getting prosecuted right now, in court, literally in a trial. this is what jesse waters fox i don't say news part said about that jury. take a look. >> this might seem like an open and shut case, but jonathan points out, hunter's legal team might have an ace up their sleeve. it's called jury nullification. it's when you pick a jury that will give you a not guilty verdict. they know you're guilty, but they just disagree with the law. the strategy plays on the racial makeup of the jury, which is mostly black as well as the biden's influence in delaware. the hope is this jury won't convict for a drug-related crime. >> someone tell donalds it's the blacks yet again. >> yeah. again, this isn't the kind of case you expect to see jury nullification. that's when jurors say the person is not guilty even though the evidence suggests the opposite. they have that power under the constitution. >> it's what trump was hoping for in new york. >> exactly. that's the only way that he could have been acquitted given the evidence. he didn't get that. now, i doubt that hunter biden will get it either. when you think about the way that these people weaponize the prosecution system, just look at the way they use their pardon power. so again, what the president has said is that he will pardon the january -- the former president will pardon the january 6th defendants. he pardoned steve bannon, paul manafort, roger stone. big difference, joe biden says that if his son is convicted, he will disagree with that verdict but he will not use his power to pardon his own son. >> it's absurd to put donald trump in the same category hunter biden who raised his hand and said i want to accept the responsibility. he's come and testified to congress. trump promises a lot that he'll testify. has never done that. and again, has acknowledged that if the verdict goes against him, he's not going to trash the jury. he will respect it. you know, i still think, though, we are a country where we prefer voting over violence and verdicts over vengeance. and we're going to reject where trump is trying to take us. >> donald trump has begged the supreme court to try to help him. now got your colleagues in the republican party, here is some of the retaliation your colleagues and including the speaker of the house are vowing. eight senate republicans now vow to oppose all biden nominees, mike lee, jd vance, tommy tubervillle, eric smith, rick scott, roger marshall and hill speaker johnson announces he's going to take on the justice system following trump conviction. i don't know how. his plan includes using the appropriations process, legislation brought to the floor and congress's oversight authority to take on justice department and do i don't know what to them. now you have your speaker, announcing the two new people he's going to add to the intelligence committee you were kicked off of, sir, he will add scott perry, who was begged for pardon because of his january 6th participation and ronny jackson the man who a lot of people think god did not have to touch the former president barack obama when he was the white house surgeon. >> they'rea lot of people thank god did not have to touch former president barack obama when he was in the white house. >> they are not serious. they are donald trump's law firm and they are part of a cold. that is your right in america. you can be in a cold, but your constituents would argue that is not your responsibility. we have to show seriousness. a country that prefers voting over violence and verdicts over vengeance and that is going to win at the end of the day. i don't buy that any american thinks this is what we should be focused on. >> the other piece of it, paul, is the real fears that a lot of people have for this jury in new york because they did not do what maga told them to do and you do have people trying to docs them, trying to find out who they are. they could get hurt because we have seen what they are willing to do to members of congress and police officers. they are willing to harm people for this colt warship. >> the jury was selected on a friday. one of the jurors thought about it over the weekend and she was scared. she did not think she could go through with it. the judge said we will make sure you are okay. we will do everything in our power to take care of you. god willing, there is the chance that these people can be protected. we know that trump and his supporters are doxing people who are against them and it is frightening. we have republicans, who as you say have adopted this trump weaponization of the justice department. last year the governor of maryland, republican former governor of maryland, says that he thought voting should be respected and the legal process allowed to play out. lara trump, the cochair of the rnc said hogan, the governor who said that, does not have a >> the hero of this story continues to be the american citizen at the ballot box and in the courtroom. >> in order to be on a jury you have to register to vote. representative eric swalwell and paul butler, think you gentlemen very much and we will be right back. type 2 diabetes? discover the ozempic® tri-zone. ♪ ♪ i got the power of 3. i lowered my a1c, cv risk, and lost some weight. in studies, the majority of people reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. i'm under 7. ozempic® lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events such as stroke, heart attack, or death in adults also with known heart disease. i'm lowering my risk. adults lost up to 14 pounds. i lost some weight. ozempic® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't share needles or pens, or reuse 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public opinion, but apparently our allies as well. the new york times is reporting israel organized and paid for and influence campaign last year that targeted u.s. lawmakers with pro-israel messaging. using hundreds of fake accounts that post as real americans on the app formerly known as twitter as well as facebook and instagram to post comments about the war. the campaign was commissioned by an israeli government body that allocated about $2 million to the operation last october. the accounts focused on u.s. lawmakers were black and democratic including house minority leader hakeem jeffries. with post urging them to continue funding israel's military. it seems like the political marketing firm that carried this out knew that young black americans are some of the biggest and loudest opponents of the war, though it is not clear why they thought politicians would change their minds. it is also the first documented case of the israeli government organizing a campaign to influence the u.s. government. get this, the other countries that are believed to back similar influence campaigns like these are the united states as well as iran, north korea, china and russia. nice company we keep. luckily the campaign had minimal impact and was sloppy in its execution. to no one's surprise it remains active on elon's x. but this is only the tip of the iceberg in terms of alleged interference. the joint investigation by the guardian and the israel-based magazines 972 and local call, reveals how israel ran an almost decade-long secret war against the international criminal court. the country deployed its intelligence agency to surveil, hack, pressure, smear and allegedly threatened senior icc staff in an effort to derail inquiries and dissuade the icc from filing war crimes charges against israeli officials. israeli intelligence captured communications of numerous icc officials including the current prosecutor and his prosecutor -- predecessor. surveillance was ongoing in recent months, providing benjamin netanyahu with advanced knowledge of the prosecutor's intentions. to be clear it is never a good time to be accused of conducting a shadow war against the icc, but this news comes at a critical time. netanyahu is preparing for the rare honor of being invited to address a joint meeting of the u.s. congress, something the top leaders of both parties signed off on. the address could happen in the very new -- very near future. while some democrats about to skip the address, among the leaders welcoming the israeli premier will be minority leader hakeem jeffries, one of the lawmakers targeted by israel's influence campaign, as well as chuck schumer, who back in march called on israel to hold new elections because netanyahu had, quote, lost his way. awkward. that is tonight's "reidout". "all in with chris hayes" starts now. tonight on "all in" --

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