Transcripts For MSNBCW PoliticsNation 20240702 : comparemela

Transcripts For MSNBCW PoliticsNation 20240702

we're barely 5 months from the election and the fight between the biden and trump campaigns for black and brown voters is poised to grow even uglier. biden, for his part, has been making real investments in communities of color, coming off a multiple state tour promoting record-breaking job creation for black workers and growing diversity of the federal courts on his watch. not to be out done, trump held a performative rally not far from here, in the bronx thursday night where he brought out two indicted former gang members in a show of solidarity with black and latino voters. because in his mind, that's what they relate to. he then glossed over record low unemployment rates to tell those voters in the bronx, of all places, that immigrants were taking their jobs away and he's still going on about crowd size, claiming nearly 30,000 people when it was more like a fraction of that, including those that protested his presence. in a minute i'll talk to bronx congressman richie torres about the race in 2024, and what's going on on the campaign trail. as we mark today the fourth anniversary of george floyd's murder, washington post columnist eugene robinson joins us later in the show to talk about another police killing that the critics of the shooting and eugene has questioned if the second amendment is protecting black legal gun owners. a lot to talk about tonight. politics nation, let's go. joining me now is congressman richie torres, democrat of new york. congressman, thank you for joining us. i want to start in your overwhelmingly black and brown bronx new york district where donald trump held a campaign rally two days ago. joining him on stage were two black rappers currently under indictment here in new york in a major gang case. trump's version of black voter outreach. and despite the environment, the rappers were among the relatively few people of color who turned up for the trumpet -- trump claims that 25,000 people attended. no one is even near that in terms of crowd shots and all. despite his campaign requesting -- they only requested for 3500, and all that while last week president biden wrapped up a multistate outreach campaign to reengage black voters and tout where his administration has benefited the black community. so tell me, congressman, what was the point of the trump rally in a district that president biden won by nearly 70%? >> there was no point but the cloud was closer to 3000 and 30,000 and the demographics were more representative of staten island than the south bronx, but it was all political theater and the conflation of communities of color with criminality is a racist group. donald trump has nothing in common with the lived experience of black and brown people in the south bronx. he's a criminal suspect facing 91 felony counts. if he were black he would never have been chosen to be a nominee for one of the major parties in america. donald trump is a snake oil sales man with a knack for deceptive marketing. he's deceptively marketing himself as a friend of communities of color. nevermind his history of discriminating against black tenants. nevermind his history of aiding and abetting the prosecution of black men, central park five. nevermind accusing immigrants of poisoning the blood of our country. with friends like these, who needs enemies? >> it was in your district. did he invite you to the rally? >> he did not invite me but i would have declined if i had been. >> earlier today president biden delivered the commencement speech to this year's graduating class at the u.s. military academy at west point, new york. as you imagine, he addressed the war in gaza. take a listen. >> in the middle east while we are conducting our diplomacy, the secure, immediate cease- fire that brings hostages home we face an unprecedented attack on israel. we brought partners together including arab nations to propel the sustained assault. >> you've taken a staunchly pro- israel stance over the course of this conflict, even as the war has opened division among democrats ahead of the election. with that, do you think the president's enduring support for israel will hurt him? >> i'm reminded of the words of james carville. he said it's the economy, stupid. i feel like the issue that arts with an eye that's going to determine the election is not israel. its inflation. this should be a laser sharp focus on bread-and-butter issues the president should discuss, his achievement in capping the price of insulin at $35, which is a game changer for senior citizens. but when it comes to israel, the president is striking a thoughtful balance. there should be a humanitarian operation that delivers aid to gazans in distress. there should be a diplomatic operation that secures release of the hostages. but there should also be a military operation that removes hamas from power so that there is no longer a repeat of october 7. >> you know we are in the midst of a somber anniversary tonight. george floyd was murdered by minneapolis police officer four years ago today, sparking an unprecedented national conversation around police and reform. you and i have talked about that. i did george floyd's funeral as a eulogy stand a march, many of the marches. and yet the reform legislation that bears his name remains inert. after passing the house in 2021, what more can be done at a federal level, congressman? >> we have to reclaim the momentum behind police reform, behind the george floyd justice and policing act. there is an urgent need to end qualified immunity. as far as i'm concerned, the doctrine of qualified immunity is a license to brutalize black and brown bodies with impunity. if you're an officer and you're never held accountable for abusing your power, you have no incentive to exercise restraint in the use of force. so we need to pass the george floyd justice in policing act and if we managed to keep the senate without joe manchin and kyrsten sinema then we are finally going to have a path to abolishing the filibuster, which is the greatest stumbling block to police reform. >> and i might add we got the george floyd justice and policing act you referred to in the house, couldn't get it in the senate because of the donald trump republicans and trump was the president. never came out, in fact he defended qualified immunity in a speech last week. but before we lose you, congressman, we are now waiting on the senate to take up legislation cracking down on safety standards for lithium batteries, a bill you introduced which passed in the house this week after these batteries caused a number of fatal fires in new york city. what more can you tell us about the danger and how this legislation combats it? >> for me the issue of fire safety is an issue of racial justice. like communities of color in places like the bronx are the hardest hit by catastrophic fires. the four deadliest fires in new york city in the past 30 years have all been in the bronx, which is overwhelmingly african american and latino, and the fastest growing cause of fires in new york city is lithium ion batteries. these are ticking time bombs waiting to detonate in our homes and communities so i pass legislation now that would establish safety standards for the manufacturing of lithium ion batteries in the e-bikes that contained them. it past the house. we are waiting for action from the senate. >> i know i said i was going to let you go. what is your prediction for 2024? will the democrats be able to retake the house and keep jeffries speaker? then you have some races that look close, cori bush race in st. louis and then the race in westchester with jamaal bowman. why do you think the democrats are going to fair in these house races? >> i am hope that come january we're going to be announcing that hacking jeffries is the first lack speaker in american history and it's going to represent a new chapter in the american story. so that's the only prediction i will make and i'm confident we are going to take back the house. and the senate is going to be an uphill battle but we have a fighting chance of winning the senate and i'm confident that we're going to have a president joe biden reelected and a speaker hacking jeffries. >> all right, i'm going to leave it there. thank you for coming in, congressman. richie torres of the boogie down bronx, as we say. now to some major developments this weekend, the fight for reproductive rights. joining me now is the president and ceo of planned parenthood, alexis michaela johnson. thank you alexis for joining me. yesterday louisiana governor jeff landry signed into law a first of its kind legislation that classifies abortion inducing drugs as controlled and dangerous substances. how worried are you that this move could set a precedent for banning abortion pills nationwide under the law? >> rev, incredibly alarmed, as we all should be, because we know that laws like this are ones that get exported very quickly to the other states that have also criminalized access to abortion. and here we are, honestly first, shame on louisiana. louisiana is a state that has already a very, very horrible maternal mortality rate and the idea that they are trying to take away access to mifepristone and miss oppressed all, medications that are used for miscarriage management, that are used for post maternal care, that are used for ulcer treatment. the idea that they are trying to take away more access when clearly the women of louisiana need access. we know this is going to ripple across the country because they cannot stop themselves from passing these deeply unpopular, horrible, horrific bands. >> senate majority leader democrat chuck schumer is reportedly planning to hold a vote next month on a bill to establish federal protections for legal contraceptives. meanwhile, far right groups such as operation save america are traveling the country to push for the legislation to put women in jail or even assign the death penalty for getting an abortion. nbc news recently investigated this lobbying effort. the senate vote is apparently designed to force republicans to take a side over reproductive rights that has divided their party ahead of the election. where do you anticipate the discourse over abortion rights among republicans will go? >> i think republicans have seen over and over again that banning access to abortion, criminalizing providers, criminalizing women seeking access to care is deeply unpopular and everywhere that reproductive freedom has been on the ballot we have won. so to force them, i think this is a great effort of leadership by senate majority leader chuck schumer to really get them on record knowing that it won't pass, that republicans won't even step up to protect access to contraception, which 96% of americans support overwhelmingly, that they would even step up to actually join him, to protect contraception, i think is a really important contrast. we are here in this moment around reproductive freedom because donald trump put us here. he bragged about the fact that he is so proud to put three justices on the supreme court who would be willing to overturn roe and we are here because of the decisions of those justices. and you know, republicans want to run away but the problem is folks like operation save america are controlling the party. they're the ones who are putting them in the middle of all of this. so i think it's a really great effort of leadership by senator schumer. >> new polling from pew research center released this month has found that support for abortion rights have only grown more popular in the nearly 2 years since the supreme court overturned roe versus wade. more than 60% of americans now believe abortion should be legal in all or most cases, which is a 4% point jump from 2021. looking to november, do you still think the abortion rights topic will be a driving issue for voters over other issues top of mind for americans, such as the economy? >> without question. we are living now in a world where florida now has a six week ban, a state where one out of 12,000 patients actually a mont gotten access to abortion so now they are living in a state where we are going to see some of the same horrific challenging experiences. we know now that abortion bans make pregnancy more dangerous. they make -- they subject miscarriage to criminality and i think that as the stories come out, as we have seen across the board, they are going to drive those hole numbers up in support of reproductive freedom. that's what you're seeing right now, two years post dobbs, and i think in the next few months it is definitely going to solidify in-state races, hetero races across the country. people are upset. people are enraged. >> now i have to ask you this, former president donald trump has been sending mixed messages on his position on abortion rights. he insisted in a true social post on tuesday that he has start quote never and will never advocate imposing restrictions on birth control or other contraceptives. after an interview released hours earlier where he says, quote, looking at it to restrictions on contraception. he has also contradicted himself by previously saying last year that he was the one who killed roe, taking credit for state level bands. however, also saying that he wants to leave everything up to the states, i guess states rights for women now, but that some states are going to have different policy than others, he said. every public position trump has ever had on this topic on the record. do you think he can gaslight his way into getting support from evangelicals and moderates here? >> no. it's like my grandmother said, he's talking out of both sides of his neck. we have the receipts on donald trump. we saw what he did with title x and the gag rule, trying to take away access to birth control for low income women. we saw him brag about putting three justices onto the court would overturn roe, and that's exactly what we did . we have seen him try to weaken the aca contraceptive mandate, which would allow us to get access to birth control covered under the aca. so time and again he has shown us what he would do in the last four years. what he is doing is not running on any sense of a change conviction. he's running on the fact that he knows these things are unpopular and that's the thing he least hates, to be unpopular. but we have his number, we have his receipts and i'm not worried about the people in america understanding exactly who put us in this position. it is donald trump and that is the person we have to stay laser focused on to protect our reproductive freedoms and ensure a biden/harris win. >> alexis magill johnson, president and ceo of planned parenthood action fund, thank you for being with us tonight. coming up, back on her criticism of donald trump, saying she'll now vote for him come november. what the flip-flop says about her and the state of the republican party, next in this week's gotcha. week's gotcha. t, hey!! 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>> i think that this is an interesting conversation, because to your point, obviously the cohen development is an issue. but that's is the larger conversation here is this is about ethics and the idea that this guy is running for president, has been president, at the very least has admitted to committing adultery and paying an individual to have sex with him. so to answer your question, my perspective here is i do think that he gets convicted, probably. i don't think that matters politically. i think the crazy maga right that supports him will always will support him. i think the real question here is what does the moderate republican, the bush republican think about this, and how will that person react in november? that's the real question? >> rendon, this trial is both political and personal for donald trump. whether he's convicted or acquitted, it could be a potential political fallout for trump's residential campaign. in your view, will the verdict change anything politically for the 2024 race? >> it's hard to say that it's going to have a huge impact and i think some of that is going to come down to how the biden campaign reacts. i have been very surprised how much democrats have been on the sidelines during the last several weeks when the republican nominee for president has been in court. i know that the biden folks don't want to look like they've been involved in that this is a political persecution so they're trying to stay above the fray. but it feels like the same mistake that a lot of the republican primary candidates did, which is just stand back, let people watch and hope that it has an impact. we've seen despite him being in court for weeks on end, very little shift in politics and pulling towards president biden. i think it is a mistake that the democrats have set out so long. they're talking about coming out, hitting him harder now. but a lot of what we're hearing, we sort of already knew about donald trump. so it would be remarkable if the president, a momentous event in presidential history if he is convicted, and yet at the same time, it may have very little impact on politics and what ultimately is the next president. >> michael, the end of the trump trial will coincide with the biden campaign's more aggressive phase of ad messaging against trump. there's a scorching new ad from the biden team called snapped, narrated by actor robert de niro. take a look. >> desperately trying to hold on to power, and now he's running again, this time threatening to be a dictator, determining the constitution. >> if i don't get elected, it's going to be a bloodbath. >> trump wants revenge and he'll stop at nothing to get it. >> is trump's revenge really a good tactic to scare voters from voting for him? >> this is good. they should hit and they should hit harder. actually there was a real missed opportunity throughout this trial for democrats to aggressively frame donald trump in his litany of crimes so i'm glad that they are finally releasing this commercial. i think it's a little late, however, if they're going to be a more aggressive in the coming months, i think president biden really has a chance for reelection but they have to be aggressive. they have to take advantage of the fact that donald trump is in court on a regular basis for a litany of crimes. that matters to voters and democrats have to explain to them why that's problematic and why that matters. they have to get stronger. >> brendan, same question to you. >> if i add in terms of turning out your base, i guess my bigger question is where is the economic messaging? poll after poll shows us that the economy and immigration are the top issues. that ad tells me that they are still trying to secure their own base, which at this point in an election you shouldn't have to worry about. we know there are a lot of apathetic democrats out there who need to be reminded that donald trump is a bad guy. they can of course pivot to economic messaging but it just tells me reading between the lines there that they've got a little work to do with their own voters. >> staying with you, brendan, let's switch gears to the president, president biden's judicial legacy. this week the senate confirmed biden's 201st judicial nominee, a significant milestone for democratic and white house efforts to diversify and remake the federal court systems including more black women judges than all of his predecessors combined, and the first black woman to sit on the nation's highest court, as you know. however, biden still lags behind trump's 234 judges who were appointed by the end of his term, who were predominantly white and male. how important is it for biden to get more judges confirmed, especially with alleged voter fraud cases that may come down the line? >> it ended -- sorry about that. >> brendan, go ahead. >> it's a really unprecedented part of the white house that the president and his legacy, obviously republicans have taken the judicial nominees much more seriously than democrats did for a long time and we got way ahead in planning and the operations that build to being able to shape the court. democrats obviously in recent years have broken up to the threat that being on the sidelines on this can really have. i think that this is going to be a big part of the president's legacy going forward, as it will be i think for any president. i think the steaks on judicial nominees is much higher. both parties now are going to be much more focused on this going forward. >> i'm out of time but i've got to ask you, michael, about this bronx rally of former president trump. he's claiming 25,000, 35,000 people, even some nypd reports of somewhere between 5000 and 7000. that's not even half of madison square garden, though. i think it was a flop. what do you think happened, the messaging and indication of his trying to get a lot of black and brown voters? though they didn't show up to the rally, bust a lot of people in and still didn't get numbers. >> that's what we have seen in a very long time. my perspective here is i imagine many of them were paid actors that showed up and donald trump did what he does best, which is created a media spectacle that is an astroturf effort. i imagine that the majority of the people who live in the bronx, black, brown men and women support joe biden for a litany of reasons outside of the obvious racist and offensive things donald trump continues to say, and even at this rally he said that he would engage with black voters by inviting these rappers who happen to be felons as well, so presumably he thinks we are all felons and i think that is donald trump in a nutshell. >> no one fights more for recidivism and giving fellows the right to vote, but are they the ones that want to tell you how to vote? and there wasn't even a list rappers. michael ottaway and brendan buck, thank you both for being with us. four years ago after george floyd's murder, police violence continues to plague like americans. my next guest joins me to discuss how we can address the root cause of the issue. issue. now, when you purchase your brand new safe step walk-in tub, you'll receive a free shower package. yes, a free shower package! and if you call today, you'll also receive 15% off your entire order. now you can enjoy the best of both worlds! the therapeutic benefits of a warm, soothing bath that can help increase mobility, relieve pain, boost energy, and even improve sleep! or, if you prefer, you can take a refreshing shower. all-in-one product! call now to receive a free shower package plus 15% off your brand new safe step walk-in tub. i'm your overly competitive brother. and i'm ready for a rematch. here take a free shot go ahead knock yourself out. your about to get served. seriously? 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he's in his house. it is absolutely horrendous and i had to raise your column but i want to hear your opinion on something else on the flag controversy. top senate democrats are calling for a meeting with chief supreme court justice john robinson after another flag associated with the january 6 insurrection was discovered to have flown at another one of supreme court justice's samuel alito's home. two homes now had the upside down flag after january 6, standing with the insurrectionist. the revelation comes just days after an upside down american flag, another symbol of the stop steel movement, was found to have flown at alito's residence after the 2020 election. in addition to alito's refusal from trump related cases, senate judiciary committee chair dick durbin is calling for a vote on ethics legislation that would govern supreme court justices conduct. what do you think should happen here, eugene? >> you know, what do i think should happen? i think what justice alito did or what was done at his two homes is completely beyond the pale. bare minimum he ought to recuse himself from any case having anything to do with the january 6 insurrection. but of course you and i both know he will not. metal so justice alito shows time and time again exactly who he is and so i believe he will not recuse and very frankly there is little that congress can do. chief justice roberts isn't going to do anything. i think if he were to do anything he would've acted before. he would've acted in justice thomas's conflicts of interest before justice alito. he's not going to move so alito is going to be there and this is not the supreme court we should have but this is the supreme court we are getting. >> not a lot of time but i want to ask you, staying with justice alito, this week he wrote the court's conservative majority opinion on the 6-3 vote rejecting the challenge to south carolina's congressional voting map ahead of the election. that's despite a lower court ruling which found the map to be a racial gerrymander against black voters at one of the state apps districts. some legal scholars say the decision makes it easier for other red states to redistrict in a way that minimizes nonwhite voters political power. after the high court reject the discriminatory maps in alabama and louisiana after the 2020 census, what's your reaction to this south carolina decision? we are out of time but i wanted your comments on this. >> it's very bad and this to me, like alito was agreeing to the state legislature to [ inaudible ] [ inaudible ] that's what he's saying, have at it and then we'll see. maybe not every single gerrymandered map will make it through the whole court and get five votes but some of them will and it's very bad. it's very bad news. it's very bad news as far as [ inaudible ] it's up to the pre- voting rights act. >> all right. got to leave it there. it's good to have you with us, eugene robinson. thank you very much. up next, i'll tell you about my visit to the white house and why i worry about africa. stay with us. ay with us. more effective than floss at reducing plaque above the gumline. for a cleaner, healthier mouth. ahhhhh. listerine. feel the whoa! switch to shopify so you can build it better, scale it faster and sell more. much more. take your business to the next stage when you switch to shopify. when you put in the effort, but it starts to frizz... you skipped a step. tresemmé silk serum. use before styling for three days of weightlessly smooth hair that frizz can't beat. new tresemmé keratin smooth collection. there's nothing better than a subway series footlong. except when you add on an all new footlong sidekick. we're talking a $2 footlong churro. $3 footlong pretzel and a five dollar footlong cookie. every epic footlong deserves the perfect sidekick. order one with your favorite subway series sub today. here's to getting better with age. here's to beating these two every thursday. help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need... ...without the stuff you don't. so, here's to now. boost. frustrated by skin tags? dr. scholl's has the breakthrough you've been waiting for. now there's an easier-to-use at home skin tag remover, clinically proven to remove skin tags safely in as little as one treatment. on thursday evening i was a guest of president and mrs. biden as they had a state dinner for the president of kenya, william russo, who got the first state dinner at the white house of an african leader in several years. it was very important to me that we not ignore africa because as i understand and have been passionate about what's going on in the gaza and what is going on toward a two state solution there, about what is going on in ukraine, we've ignored africa in this country. sudan, where there is thousands of people being displaced and killed. . and it's important to focus on the whole world and not acting like only part of the world is worthy of the intention of this government. i looked at that point i look at haiti, that i'll be talking more about tomorrow. we'll be rallying in brooke in this week. as i spoke to hillary clinton and vice president kamala harris and bill clinton and president biden and of course the surprise when barack obama showed up, i was saying to them how important it is that we deal on a global level land not just deal with those things that are comfortable to some people. as merrick garland, the attorney general and i, were talking about, as we deal with some of the bias and civil rights issues here, we must deal with the human rights issues around the world. americans ought to be concerned about sudan, about , about haiti. we must have a morality that includes all of our humanitarian needs on a global level, and that's why i was glad president biden brought the president of kenya and gave him the kind of recognition that shows africa that they are no longer being ignored. we'll be right back. back. shingles. some describe it as an intense burning sensation, or an unbearable itch. this painful, blistering rash can disrupt your life for weeks and could make it hard to be there for your loved ones. shingles could also lead to serious complications that can last for years. if you're over 50, the virus that causes shingles is likely already inside you. and as you age, your risk of developing shingles increases. don't wait. ask your doctor or pharmacist about shingles today. only purple's gel flex grid passes the raw egg test. no other mattress cradles your body and simultaneously supports your spine. ask your doctor or pharmacist memory foam doesn't come close. get your best sleep guaranteed. save up to $800 during our memorial day sale. visit or a store near you when enamel is gone, you cannot get it back. but you can repair it with pronamel repair. it penetrates deep into the tooth to actively repair acid weakened enamel. i recommend pronamel repair. with new pronamel repair mouthwash you can enhance that repair beyond brushing. they work great together. dangerous ladders. gutter muck. yuck. no wonder you hate cleaning your gutters. good thing there's leaffilter. our patented filter technology keeps leaves and debris out of your gutters forever. guaranteed. call 833- leaffilter to get started. and get the permanent gutter solution that ends clogs for good. they took the time to answer all of our questions. they really put us at ease. end clogged gutters for good. call 833.leaf.filter, or visit today. norman, bad news... end clogged gutters for good. call 833.leaf.filter, i never graduated from med school. what? 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Transcripts For MSNBCW PoliticsNation 20240702 :

Transcripts For MSNBCW PoliticsNation 20240702

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we're barely 5 months from the election and the fight between the biden and trump campaigns for black and brown voters is poised to grow even uglier. biden, for his part, has been making real investments in communities of color, coming off a multiple state tour promoting record-breaking job creation for black workers and growing diversity of the federal courts on his watch. not to be out done, trump held a performative rally not far from here, in the bronx thursday night where he brought out two indicted former gang members in a show of solidarity with black and latino voters. because in his mind, that's what they relate to. he then glossed over record low unemployment rates to tell those voters in the bronx, of all places, that immigrants were taking their jobs away and he's still going on about crowd size, claiming nearly 30,000 people when it was more like a fraction of that, including those that protested his presence. in a minute i'll talk to bronx congressman richie torres about the race in 2024, and what's going on on the campaign trail. as we mark today the fourth anniversary of george floyd's murder, washington post columnist eugene robinson joins us later in the show to talk about another police killing that the critics of the shooting and eugene has questioned if the second amendment is protecting black legal gun owners. a lot to talk about tonight. politics nation, let's go. joining me now is congressman richie torres, democrat of new york. congressman, thank you for joining us. i want to start in your overwhelmingly black and brown bronx new york district where donald trump held a campaign rally two days ago. joining him on stage were two black rappers currently under indictment here in new york in a major gang case. trump's version of black voter outreach. and despite the environment, the rappers were among the relatively few people of color who turned up for the trumpet -- trump claims that 25,000 people attended. no one is even near that in terms of crowd shots and all. despite his campaign requesting -- they only requested for 3500, and all that while last week president biden wrapped up a multistate outreach campaign to reengage black voters and tout where his administration has benefited the black community. so tell me, congressman, what was the point of the trump rally in a district that president biden won by nearly 70%? >> there was no point but the cloud was closer to 3000 and 30,000 and the demographics were more representative of staten island than the south bronx, but it was all political theater and the conflation of communities of color with criminality is a racist group. donald trump has nothing in common with the lived experience of black and brown people in the south bronx. he's a criminal suspect facing 91 felony counts. if he were black he would never have been chosen to be a nominee for one of the major parties in america. donald trump is a snake oil sales man with a knack for deceptive marketing. he's deceptively marketing himself as a friend of communities of color. nevermind his history of discriminating against black tenants. nevermind his history of aiding and abetting the prosecution of black men, central park five. nevermind accusing immigrants of poisoning the blood of our country. with friends like these, who needs enemies? >> it was in your district. did he invite you to the rally? >> he did not invite me but i would have declined if i had been. >> earlier today president biden delivered the commencement speech to this year's graduating class at the u.s. military academy at west point, new york. as you imagine, he addressed the war in gaza. take a listen. >> in the middle east while we are conducting our diplomacy, the secure, immediate cease- fire that brings hostages home we face an unprecedented attack on israel. we brought partners together including arab nations to propel the sustained assault. >> you've taken a staunchly pro- israel stance over the course of this conflict, even as the war has opened division among democrats ahead of the election. with that, do you think the president's enduring support for israel will hurt him? >> i'm reminded of the words of james carville. he said it's the economy, stupid. i feel like the issue that arts with an eye that's going to determine the election is not israel. its inflation. this should be a laser sharp focus on bread-and-butter issues the president should discuss, his achievement in capping the price of insulin at $35, which is a game changer for senior citizens. but when it comes to israel, the president is striking a thoughtful balance. there should be a humanitarian operation that delivers aid to gazans in distress. there should be a diplomatic operation that secures release of the hostages. but there should also be a military operation that removes hamas from power so that there is no longer a repeat of october 7. >> you know we are in the midst of a somber anniversary tonight. george floyd was murdered by minneapolis police officer four years ago today, sparking an unprecedented national conversation around police and reform. you and i have talked about that. i did george floyd's funeral as a eulogy stand a march, many of the marches. and yet the reform legislation that bears his name remains inert. after passing the house in 2021, what more can be done at a federal level, congressman? >> we have to reclaim the momentum behind police reform, behind the george floyd justice and policing act. there is an urgent need to end qualified immunity. as far as i'm concerned, the doctrine of qualified immunity is a license to brutalize black and brown bodies with impunity. if you're an officer and you're never held accountable for abusing your power, you have no incentive to exercise restraint in the use of force. so we need to pass the george floyd justice in policing act and if we managed to keep the senate without joe manchin and kyrsten sinema then we are finally going to have a path to abolishing the filibuster, which is the greatest stumbling block to police reform. >> and i might add we got the george floyd justice and policing act you referred to in the house, couldn't get it in the senate because of the donald trump republicans and trump was the president. never came out, in fact he defended qualified immunity in a speech last week. but before we lose you, congressman, we are now waiting on the senate to take up legislation cracking down on safety standards for lithium batteries, a bill you introduced which passed in the house this week after these batteries caused a number of fatal fires in new york city. what more can you tell us about the danger and how this legislation combats it? >> for me the issue of fire safety is an issue of racial justice. like communities of color in places like the bronx are the hardest hit by catastrophic fires. the four deadliest fires in new york city in the past 30 years have all been in the bronx, which is overwhelmingly african american and latino, and the fastest growing cause of fires in new york city is lithium ion batteries. these are ticking time bombs waiting to detonate in our homes and communities so i pass legislation now that would establish safety standards for the manufacturing of lithium ion batteries in the e-bikes that contained them. it past the house. we are waiting for action from the senate. >> i know i said i was going to let you go. what is your prediction for 2024? will the democrats be able to retake the house and keep jeffries speaker? then you have some races that look close, cori bush race in st. louis and then the race in westchester with jamaal bowman. why do you think the democrats are going to fair in these house races? >> i am hope that come january we're going to be announcing that hacking jeffries is the first lack speaker in american history and it's going to represent a new chapter in the american story. so that's the only prediction i will make and i'm confident we are going to take back the house. and the senate is going to be an uphill battle but we have a fighting chance of winning the senate and i'm confident that we're going to have a president joe biden reelected and a speaker hacking jeffries. >> all right, i'm going to leave it there. thank you for coming in, congressman. richie torres of the boogie down bronx, as we say. now to some major developments this weekend, the fight for reproductive rights. joining me now is the president and ceo of planned parenthood, alexis michaela johnson. thank you alexis for joining me. yesterday louisiana governor jeff landry signed into law a first of its kind legislation that classifies abortion inducing drugs as controlled and dangerous substances. how worried are you that this move could set a precedent for banning abortion pills nationwide under the law? >> rev, incredibly alarmed, as we all should be, because we know that laws like this are ones that get exported very quickly to the other states that have also criminalized access to abortion. and here we are, honestly first, shame on louisiana. louisiana is a state that has already a very, very horrible maternal mortality rate and the idea that they are trying to take away access to mifepristone and miss oppressed all, medications that are used for miscarriage management, that are used for post maternal care, that are used for ulcer treatment. the idea that they are trying to take away more access when clearly the women of louisiana need access. we know this is going to ripple across the country because they cannot stop themselves from passing these deeply unpopular, horrible, horrific bands. >> senate majority leader democrat chuck schumer is reportedly planning to hold a vote next month on a bill to establish federal protections for legal contraceptives. meanwhile, far right groups such as operation save america are traveling the country to push for the legislation to put women in jail or even assign the death penalty for getting an abortion. nbc news recently investigated this lobbying effort. the senate vote is apparently designed to force republicans to take a side over reproductive rights that has divided their party ahead of the election. where do you anticipate the discourse over abortion rights among republicans will go? >> i think republicans have seen over and over again that banning access to abortion, criminalizing providers, criminalizing women seeking access to care is deeply unpopular and everywhere that reproductive freedom has been on the ballot we have won. so to force them, i think this is a great effort of leadership by senate majority leader chuck schumer to really get them on record knowing that it won't pass, that republicans won't even step up to protect access to contraception, which 96% of americans support overwhelmingly, that they would even step up to actually join him, to protect contraception, i think is a really important contrast. we are here in this moment around reproductive freedom because donald trump put us here. he bragged about the fact that he is so proud to put three justices on the supreme court who would be willing to overturn roe and we are here because of the decisions of those justices. and you know, republicans want to run away but the problem is folks like operation save america are controlling the party. they're the ones who are putting them in the middle of all of this. so i think it's a really great effort of leadership by senator schumer. >> new polling from pew research center released this month has found that support for abortion rights have only grown more popular in the nearly 2 years since the supreme court overturned roe versus wade. more than 60% of americans now believe abortion should be legal in all or most cases, which is a 4% point jump from 2021. looking to november, do you still think the abortion rights topic will be a driving issue for voters over other issues top of mind for americans, such as the economy? >> without question. we are living now in a world where florida now has a six week ban, a state where one out of 12,000 patients actually a mont gotten access to abortion so now they are living in a state where we are going to see some of the same horrific challenging experiences. we know now that abortion bans make pregnancy more dangerous. they make -- they subject miscarriage to criminality and i think that as the stories come out, as we have seen across the board, they are going to drive those hole numbers up in support of reproductive freedom. that's what you're seeing right now, two years post dobbs, and i think in the next few months it is definitely going to solidify in-state races, hetero races across the country. people are upset. people are enraged. >> now i have to ask you this, former president donald trump has been sending mixed messages on his position on abortion rights. he insisted in a true social post on tuesday that he has start quote never and will never advocate imposing restrictions on birth control or other contraceptives. after an interview released hours earlier where he says, quote, looking at it to restrictions on contraception. he has also contradicted himself by previously saying last year that he was the one who killed roe, taking credit for state level bands. however, also saying that he wants to leave everything up to the states, i guess states rights for women now, but that some states are going to have different policy than others, he said. every public position trump has ever had on this topic on the record. do you think he can gaslight his way into getting support from evangelicals and moderates here? >> no. it's like my grandmother said, he's talking out of both sides of his neck. we have the receipts on donald trump. we saw what he did with title x and the gag rule, trying to take away access to birth control for low income women. we saw him brag about putting three justices onto the court would overturn roe, and that's exactly what we did . we have seen him try to weaken the aca contraceptive mandate, which would allow us to get access to birth control covered under the aca. so time and again he has shown us what he would do in the last four years. what he is doing is not running on any sense of a change conviction. he's running on the fact that he knows these things are unpopular and that's the thing he least hates, to be unpopular. but we have his number, we have his receipts and i'm not worried about the people in america understanding exactly who put us in this position. it is donald trump and that is the person we have to stay laser focused on to protect our reproductive freedoms and ensure a biden/harris win. >> alexis magill johnson, president and ceo of planned parenthood action fund, thank you for being with us tonight. coming up, back on her criticism of donald trump, saying she'll now vote for him come november. what the flip-flop says about her and the state of the republican party, next in this week's gotcha. week's gotcha. t, hey!! 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>> i think that this is an interesting conversation, because to your point, obviously the cohen development is an issue. but that's is the larger conversation here is this is about ethics and the idea that this guy is running for president, has been president, at the very least has admitted to committing adultery and paying an individual to have sex with him. so to answer your question, my perspective here is i do think that he gets convicted, probably. i don't think that matters politically. i think the crazy maga right that supports him will always will support him. i think the real question here is what does the moderate republican, the bush republican think about this, and how will that person react in november? that's the real question? >> rendon, this trial is both political and personal for donald trump. whether he's convicted or acquitted, it could be a potential political fallout for trump's residential campaign. in your view, will the verdict change anything politically for the 2024 race? >> it's hard to say that it's going to have a huge impact and i think some of that is going to come down to how the biden campaign reacts. i have been very surprised how much democrats have been on the sidelines during the last several weeks when the republican nominee for president has been in court. i know that the biden folks don't want to look like they've been involved in that this is a political persecution so they're trying to stay above the fray. but it feels like the same mistake that a lot of the republican primary candidates did, which is just stand back, let people watch and hope that it has an impact. we've seen despite him being in court for weeks on end, very little shift in politics and pulling towards president biden. i think it is a mistake that the democrats have set out so long. they're talking about coming out, hitting him harder now. but a lot of what we're hearing, we sort of already knew about donald trump. so it would be remarkable if the president, a momentous event in presidential history if he is convicted, and yet at the same time, it may have very little impact on politics and what ultimately is the next president. >> michael, the end of the trump trial will coincide with the biden campaign's more aggressive phase of ad messaging against trump. there's a scorching new ad from the biden team called snapped, narrated by actor robert de niro. take a look. >> desperately trying to hold on to power, and now he's running again, this time threatening to be a dictator, determining the constitution. >> if i don't get elected, it's going to be a bloodbath. >> trump wants revenge and he'll stop at nothing to get it. >> is trump's revenge really a good tactic to scare voters from voting for him? >> this is good. they should hit and they should hit harder. actually there was a real missed opportunity throughout this trial for democrats to aggressively frame donald trump in his litany of crimes so i'm glad that they are finally releasing this commercial. i think it's a little late, however, if they're going to be a more aggressive in the coming months, i think president biden really has a chance for reelection but they have to be aggressive. they have to take advantage of the fact that donald trump is in court on a regular basis for a litany of crimes. that matters to voters and democrats have to explain to them why that's problematic and why that matters. they have to get stronger. >> brendan, same question to you. >> if i add in terms of turning out your base, i guess my bigger question is where is the economic messaging? poll after poll shows us that the economy and immigration are the top issues. that ad tells me that they are still trying to secure their own base, which at this point in an election you shouldn't have to worry about. we know there are a lot of apathetic democrats out there who need to be reminded that donald trump is a bad guy. they can of course pivot to economic messaging but it just tells me reading between the lines there that they've got a little work to do with their own voters. >> staying with you, brendan, let's switch gears to the president, president biden's judicial legacy. this week the senate confirmed biden's 201st judicial nominee, a significant milestone for democratic and white house efforts to diversify and remake the federal court systems including more black women judges than all of his predecessors combined, and the first black woman to sit on the nation's highest court, as you know. however, biden still lags behind trump's 234 judges who were appointed by the end of his term, who were predominantly white and male. how important is it for biden to get more judges confirmed, especially with alleged voter fraud cases that may come down the line? >> it ended -- sorry about that. >> brendan, go ahead. >> it's a really unprecedented part of the white house that the president and his legacy, obviously republicans have taken the judicial nominees much more seriously than democrats did for a long time and we got way ahead in planning and the operations that build to being able to shape the court. democrats obviously in recent years have broken up to the threat that being on the sidelines on this can really have. i think that this is going to be a big part of the president's legacy going forward, as it will be i think for any president. i think the steaks on judicial nominees is much higher. both parties now are going to be much more focused on this going forward. >> i'm out of time but i've got to ask you, michael, about this bronx rally of former president trump. he's claiming 25,000, 35,000 people, even some nypd reports of somewhere between 5000 and 7000. that's not even half of madison square garden, though. i think it was a flop. what do you think happened, the messaging and indication of his trying to get a lot of black and brown voters? though they didn't show up to the rally, bust a lot of people in and still didn't get numbers. >> that's what we have seen in a very long time. my perspective here is i imagine many of them were paid actors that showed up and donald trump did what he does best, which is created a media spectacle that is an astroturf effort. i imagine that the majority of the people who live in the bronx, black, brown men and women support joe biden for a litany of reasons outside of the obvious racist and offensive things donald trump continues to say, and even at this rally he said that he would engage with black voters by inviting these rappers who happen to be felons as well, so presumably he thinks we are all felons and i think that is donald trump in a nutshell. >> no one fights more for recidivism and giving fellows the right to vote, but are they the ones that want to tell you how to vote? and there wasn't even a list rappers. michael ottaway and brendan buck, thank you both for being with us. four years ago after george floyd's murder, police violence continues to plague like americans. my next guest joins me to discuss how we can address the root cause of the issue. issue. now, when you purchase your brand new safe step walk-in tub, you'll receive a free shower package. yes, a free shower package! and if you call today, you'll also receive 15% off your entire order. now you can enjoy the best of both worlds! the therapeutic benefits of a warm, soothing bath that can help increase mobility, relieve pain, boost energy, and even improve sleep! or, if you prefer, you can take a refreshing shower. all-in-one product! call now to receive a free shower package plus 15% off your brand new safe step walk-in tub. i'm your overly competitive brother. and i'm ready for a rematch. here take a free shot go ahead knock yourself out. your about to get served. seriously? 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he's in his house. it is absolutely horrendous and i had to raise your column but i want to hear your opinion on something else on the flag controversy. top senate democrats are calling for a meeting with chief supreme court justice john robinson after another flag associated with the january 6 insurrection was discovered to have flown at another one of supreme court justice's samuel alito's home. two homes now had the upside down flag after january 6, standing with the insurrectionist. the revelation comes just days after an upside down american flag, another symbol of the stop steel movement, was found to have flown at alito's residence after the 2020 election. in addition to alito's refusal from trump related cases, senate judiciary committee chair dick durbin is calling for a vote on ethics legislation that would govern supreme court justices conduct. what do you think should happen here, eugene? >> you know, what do i think should happen? i think what justice alito did or what was done at his two homes is completely beyond the pale. bare minimum he ought to recuse himself from any case having anything to do with the january 6 insurrection. but of course you and i both know he will not. metal so justice alito shows time and time again exactly who he is and so i believe he will not recuse and very frankly there is little that congress can do. chief justice roberts isn't going to do anything. i think if he were to do anything he would've acted before. he would've acted in justice thomas's conflicts of interest before justice alito. he's not going to move so alito is going to be there and this is not the supreme court we should have but this is the supreme court we are getting. >> not a lot of time but i want to ask you, staying with justice alito, this week he wrote the court's conservative majority opinion on the 6-3 vote rejecting the challenge to south carolina's congressional voting map ahead of the election. that's despite a lower court ruling which found the map to be a racial gerrymander against black voters at one of the state apps districts. some legal scholars say the decision makes it easier for other red states to redistrict in a way that minimizes nonwhite voters political power. after the high court reject the discriminatory maps in alabama and louisiana after the 2020 census, what's your reaction to this south carolina decision? we are out of time but i wanted your comments on this. >> it's very bad and this to me, like alito was agreeing to the state legislature to [ inaudible ] [ inaudible ] that's what he's saying, have at it and then we'll see. maybe not every single gerrymandered map will make it through the whole court and get five votes but some of them will and it's very bad. it's very bad news. it's very bad news as far as [ inaudible ] it's up to the pre- voting rights act. >> all right. got to leave it there. it's good to have you with us, eugene robinson. thank you very much. up next, i'll tell you about my visit to the white house and why i worry about africa. stay with us. ay with us. more effective than floss at reducing plaque above the gumline. for a cleaner, healthier mouth. ahhhhh. listerine. feel the whoa! switch to shopify so you can build it better, scale it faster and sell more. much more. take your business to the next stage when you switch to shopify. when you put in the effort, but it starts to frizz... you skipped a step. tresemmé silk serum. use before styling for three days of weightlessly smooth hair that frizz can't beat. new tresemmé keratin smooth collection. there's nothing better than a subway series footlong. except when you add on an all new footlong sidekick. we're talking a $2 footlong churro. $3 footlong pretzel and a five dollar footlong cookie. every epic footlong deserves the perfect sidekick. order one with your favorite subway series sub today. here's to getting better with age. here's to beating these two every thursday. help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need... ...without the stuff you don't. so, here's to now. boost. frustrated by skin tags? dr. scholl's has the breakthrough you've been waiting for. now there's an easier-to-use at home skin tag remover, clinically proven to remove skin tags safely in as little as one treatment. on thursday evening i was a guest of president and mrs. biden as they had a state dinner for the president of kenya, william russo, who got the first state dinner at the white house of an african leader in several years. it was very important to me that we not ignore africa because as i understand and have been passionate about what's going on in the gaza and what is going on toward a two state solution there, about what is going on in ukraine, we've ignored africa in this country. sudan, where there is thousands of people being displaced and killed. . and it's important to focus on the whole world and not acting like only part of the world is worthy of the intention of this government. i looked at that point i look at haiti, that i'll be talking more about tomorrow. we'll be rallying in brooke in this week. as i spoke to hillary clinton and vice president kamala harris and bill clinton and president biden and of course the surprise when barack obama showed up, i was saying to them how important it is that we deal on a global level land not just deal with those things that are comfortable to some people. as merrick garland, the attorney general and i, were talking about, as we deal with some of the bias and civil rights issues here, we must deal with the human rights issues around the world. americans ought to be concerned about sudan, about , about haiti. we must have a morality that includes all of our humanitarian needs on a global level, and that's why i was glad president biden brought the president of kenya and gave him the kind of recognition that shows africa that they are no longer being ignored. we'll be right back. back. shingles. some describe it as an intense burning sensation, or an unbearable itch. this painful, blistering rash can disrupt your life for weeks and could make it hard to be there for your loved ones. shingles could also lead to serious complications that can last for years. if you're over 50, the virus that causes shingles is likely already inside you. and as you age, your risk of developing shingles increases. don't wait. ask your doctor or pharmacist about shingles today. only purple's gel flex grid passes the raw egg test. no other mattress cradles your body and simultaneously supports your spine. ask your doctor or pharmacist memory foam doesn't come close. get your best sleep guaranteed. save up to $800 during our memorial day sale. visit or a store near you when enamel is gone, you cannot get it back. but you can repair it with pronamel repair. it penetrates deep into the tooth to actively repair acid weakened enamel. i recommend pronamel repair. with new pronamel repair mouthwash you can enhance that repair beyond brushing. they work great together. dangerous ladders. gutter muck. yuck. no wonder you hate cleaning your gutters. good thing there's leaffilter. our patented filter technology keeps leaves and debris out of your gutters forever. guaranteed. call 833- leaffilter to get started. and get the permanent gutter solution that ends clogs for good. they took the time to answer all of our questions. they really put us at ease. end clogged gutters for good. call 833.leaf.filter, or visit today. norman, bad news... end clogged gutters for good. call 833.leaf.filter, i never graduated from med school. what? 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Relief , Antacid , Zero Heartburn , Prilosec Otc , Zero , 24 , Someone , Mission , Everyone , Fridge , Lives , Jude Pin , Difference , At St , Little St , Nikki Haley , South Carolina , Campaign , Contests , Playpen , Times , Unstable , Supporters , Matter , General , Primary , Tune , Priorities , Policies , Backs , Allies , Voting , Comments , Catastrophe , Eight , Decision , Benefit , Turnaround , Ambitions , Relationship , Sad , Prospect , Trump Takeover , Concession , Form , Leader , Opportunity , Dear Leader , Quest , Nomination , Beliefs , Cult , Capital , Nikki , Line , Skeptics , Faith , Anyone , Voltaren , Medicine , Movement , Ofn , Nonsteroidal Anti Inflammatory , Lawn Disease , Water , Spots , Scotts Healthy Plus , Lawn , Bag , Feed It , Scotts Turf Builder , Lawn Food , Hush Money Trial , Verdict , Michael Hardaway , Jury Instructions , Jury Deliberations , Panel , Spokesperson , Communications Director , Closing Arguments , Vice President , Brendan Buck , Paul Ryan , John Boehner , Press Secretary , Analysis , In The End , Readability Issue , Shot , Defense , Lawyers , Michael Cohen , Hung Jury , Involvement , Deeds , Extent , Ethics , Cohen Development , Perspective , Matters , Guy , Individual , Adultery , Maga , Sex , Bush , Person React , Anything , Trial , Personal , Fallout , View , Rendon , Impact , Sidelines , Democrats , Mistake , Persecution , Fray , Candidates , Hope , Shift , Event , Hearing , The End , Robert De Niro , Ad Messaging , Take A Look , Phase , Biden Team , Constitution , Revenge , Bloodbath , Dictator , Crimes , Litany , Tactic , Commercial , Reelection , Advantage , Basis , Messaging , Poll , Base , Immigration , Pivot , Bad Guy , Switch Gears , Biden S Judicial Legacy , Between The Lines , Let , Work , Judges , Efforts , Democratic , Milestone , Federal Court Systems , 201 , Predecessors , Term , Woman , Voter Fraud , 234 , Legacy , Nominees , Go , Operations , Threat , Forward , Steaks , Nypd , 35000 , Somewhere , Indication , Flop , Madison Square Garden , 5000 , 7000 , Didn T , Actors , Media Spectacle , Racist , Majority , Reasons , Astroturf , Felons , Fights , List Rappers , Wasn T , Nutshell , Recidivism , Fellows , Police Violence , Root Cause , Guest , Michael Ottaway , Order , Shower Package , Step Walk In Tub , Yes , 15 , Sleep , Bath , Relieve Pain , Worlds , Best , Mobility , Increase , Warm , Energy , Shower , Product , Plus 15 , Brother , Rematch , Back , Let S Dive In , Shot Go , Mayhem , Save Money , Get Allstate , Fineeeeeeee , Ways , Pain Signals , Acetaminophen , Advil Dual Action , Splash , Gutters , Yuck , Mucky , Get Leaffilter , Gutter Inspection , Schedule , Filter , Leaf , Call 833 Leaffilter , 1 , 3 , 833 , Welcome Back , Civil Rights Community , Airmen Roger Fortson , Death , Sheriff S Deputy , 23 , Apartment Complex , Eulogy , Family , Funerals , Video , Reverend Jamaal Ryan , Disturbance , Apartment , Old Fortson , Body Camera Footage , 20 , Door , Deputy , Ben Crump , Firearm , Instances , Ehrman Fortson , Assistance , Law Enforcement , Black Legal Gun Owners , Being Reflectively , Philando Castile , Amir Locke , Questioning , Second Amendment , Op Ed , Lawful Gun Owner , Traffic Stop , Do Casteel Action , Minnesota , Flynn , 2016 , Right , Instinct , Criminal , Seven , Home , Sheriff Deputy , Tiscali , Wrong Door , Girlfriend , Still Doesn T , There Wasn T A Disturbance , Video Chat , Fortson Didn T , Gun , Camera Footage , Floor , First , Nra , Reflex , Gun Rights Advocates , Arms , Bear , Somebody , Military , Serviceman , Gun Rights , Ground , Blemish , Character , Meeting , Flag Controversy , Column , Chief Supreme Court Justice , Opinion , Flag , Insurrection , Supreme Court Justice , John Robinson , 6 , January 6 , Justice Alito , Revelation , Insurrectionist , Symbol , Stop Steel Movement , Upside Down , Dick Durbin , Senate Judiciary Committee , Residence , Refusal , Addition , Supreme Court Justices Conduct , 2020 , Beyond The Pale , Eugene , Both , Case , Minimum , Chief Justice Roberts , Congress , Isn T , Conflicts Of Interest , Thomas , Challenge , Majority Opinion , Court Ruling , Apps Districts , Voting Map , Map , Gerrymander , Scholars , Red States , Maps , Alabama , Reaction , Census , State Legislature To , Inaudible , Gerrymandered Map , Saying , News , Votes , Court , Pre Voting Rights Act , Visit , Up Next , Mouth , Stay , Plaque , Floss , Gumline , Cleaner , Whoa , Africa , Listerine , Bay , Shopify , Frizz , More , Business , Step , Hair , Styling , TresemmÉ , Subway Series Footlong , Can T Beat , TresemmÉ Keratin Smooth Collection , Footlong Sidekick , Sidekick , Series , Cookie , Dollar Footlong , Epic Footlong , Subway , Footlong Churro , Footlong Pretzel , , Five Dollar , Boost , Protein , Nutrition , Stuff , Skin Tags , Breakthrough , Skin , Treatment , Dr , Scholl S , Skin Tag Remover , State Dinner , Mrs , Kenya , William Russo , State Solution , Ukraine , Sudan , Thousands , Rallying , Intention , Government , Worthy , Haiti , Hillary Clinton , Bill Clinton , Land , Surprise , Barack Obama , Attorney General , Bias , Merrick Garland , Morality , Human Rights , Needs , Kind , Recognition , Shingles , Pitch , Rash , Burning Sensation , Complications , Life , Virus , Loved Ones , 50 , Doctor , Pharmacist , Mattress , Increases , Purple , Body , Raw Egg Test , Risk , Gel Flex Grid , Spine , Don T Wait , Enamel , Visit Purple Com , Store , Memorial Day Sale , Memory Foam , Acid , Tooth , Pronamel Repair , 00 , 800 , Repair , Brushing , Pronamel , Repair Mouthwash , Gutter Muck , Ladders , Wonder , Gutter Solution , Questions , Debris , Leaves , Technology , Guaranteed , 833 Leaffilter , Call , Visit Leaffilter Com , Xfinity Mobile , Bad News , Med School , At Ease , Norman , 833 Leaf Filter , Savings , Deal , Wifi , Gig , The Go , Doc , Calling , Visit Xfinitymobile Com , Saturday Show , Watching , Thanks , Eastern , Jonathan Capehart , Pressure , Flags , Members , Insurrectionist S ,

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