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she loved us. >> it cryptic community. where is she? what happened to her? who is responsible? >> we went into full investigation immediately. >> quite honestly, it is possible she is alive. >> he was watching her and following her. >> deeply creepy stuff. deeply criminal acts that were recorded. >> yes. that's his favorite thing, collecting women. >> my heart just sunk. >> how many other times has he done this? how many other women has he done those two? >> a young nurse vanishes in a mystery stain -- >> he brought us to the back. >> and we all looked down. >> we just gasped. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> the front range of the vast grassland -- this woman, tina -- >> the question get set for the next two decades, where are you? >> the search is begin, yep. >> where are you? >> and we searched, oh gosh, probably over 50 different locations. >> officially, she was a missing person. had been for more than 20 years. but the authorities, like then detective brad goldschmidt, couldn't accept that she was a runaway looking for a fresh start. he'd spend more hours than he could count searching gravel pit's and train -- for missing tina. >> so 14 was just a small little woman, and a lot of colorado? -- >> i thought we would never get her. he >> they couldn't prove it, but it was the consensus of law enforcement that the young nurse was the victim of foul play. her sister susan didn't disagree. >> it just wasn't fair. you know, she would've been so good for the world. >> and she had an unshakable theory about who made her sister disappear. >> evil. he's just evil. >> did you think, i now have hannibal lecter here? >> yes. this guy is by far the worst criminal i've ever investigated. and that's 21 years of gang investigations under my belt. i am certain he convicted a felony a day for the majority of his adult life. and he got away with it constantly. >> the problem with the missing teen investigation was this. how could prosecutors convince the jury she was murdered if you couldn't even prove beyond a reasonable doubt that she was in fact dead? >> take it off, what were the usual ingredients were missing here? >> we did not have a victims body. we did not have any kind of confession or admission by suspect. we didn't have a crime scene. we don't have any physical evidence. >> carol, a nurse and coworker of tina, spent weekends looking for her vanished friend. only to be startled away later with a stephen king-like vision. >> i would be in a remote area, and she was in a shallow grave in my dream, and she would sit up zombie style and she was trying to tell me where she was buried. and i always wondered, is that really her telling me? or is that just my way i'm coping with this? >> eventually, there would be a grave. but it wasn't shallow, and it wasn't out in the prairie. but there's so much to know before i tell you about that. >> go back to a time in america when kids would play outside on summer nights till the street lights came on. in windsor, colorado, you might have met the -- there are a lot of them. there's annie -- >> nine kids, seven, four boys. i'm the youngest. number nine. it was kind of like boot camp as. soon as you get to a certain age, here's how you do laundry, here's how you clean. >> that michael was an ex marine in a former city cough. mom, mary ellen, worked at the campus bookstore and nearby greeley. annie's sister, older by 13 years, was tina. was she something like an older aunt to you or something? as much as a sister? >> she was very much a sister to me. she cared for me, she played with me, she would play with us in our clubhouse. she would do obstacle courses with us in the backyard. always very attentive to us. >> personality, what made her happy? what do you see her doing when you see her smiling in her mind? >> being with family made her very happy. she loved us kids a lot. >> tina was a little shy, but a competitor in high school basketball and track. finding suitable boyfriends was where she stumbled some as sister susan recalls. mom and dad did not approve of two of her young studies. >> she kind of found the ones that needed help and she thought she could help. them >> but college gave her footing and studies in nursing gave her direction. that's where she met a guy taking classes to become a radiology technician. his name was john sandoval. >> what did your parents think of? john >> my parents liked him. he was kind of older than. tina >> they were sharing an apartment greeley, colorado, with her new boyfriend john. we -- thought it was all very exciting. >> he was quiet, but sociable at the same time. he seemed really nice, well mannered, very polite to everybody. >> complimentary of your sister? >> oh, very much. >> i really looked up to the relationship a lot. and i thought there were good fit. i thought was a fairytale, you know. >> and he loved going over to tina and john's to play chinese checkers and mess about with their no dog cody. tina had broken out of her strict mask on sunday catholic upbringing. >> what is your childhood mind make of your sister and your boyfriend? >> i don't think any my other siblings had lived with somebody before, so it was a whole new experience. >> and it was going to be a wedding? >> we were in the wedding. >> john tina had found a chapel up in the rockies to exchange their vows. >> i was a -- girl along with my sister teresa. our sister kelly, who is the oldest, was a bridesmaid. and it was just a nice little chapel, small ceremony with his family. he was really quick. >> happy day? >> happy day. >> very beautiful. we took a huge group picture out front of the chapel afterwards. >> john toasted the bride at the reception. -- our families getting bigger and welcome to the family. >> tina open presents. >> this is from an a! >> it's a book. >> and he remembers terrain around the reception hall -- it's >> a time to be gleeful and happy and enjoy the time. >> john's cousin and best man, jessie, he gave a little speech. >> i know there are going to do well for each other. and thanks again for everybody. >> jesse, for some reason, set and he's tea on edge. >> he was extremely quiet. kind of made me nervous. i just had a feeling about him that i couldn't put my finger on. >> you wonder what was going on, or? >> yeah, yeah. he didn't sit right with me. i kind of avoided him. >> and so, after the toasts and happy tears, the new mr. and mrs. were off to cancun for a mexican beach honeymoon. the snapshot shows a happy couple. and he was thrilled to get a souvenir. >> cancun t-shirts. and that was pretty cool because we have never been out of the country or even flown on a plane. and here's tina going on a cool vacation, you know? >> so a suntanned tina returned to her nursing studies. happy forever after? not exactly. >> i didn't see it coming. didn't notice anything off kilter, and then suddenly, we were moving tina out into a new apartment. >> coming up -- >> she wasn't very forthcoming in the beginning. i knew they were having problems. and she had concerns, but she wasn't telling me. >> me and my sister were really scared. >> had tina been keeping a secret? the mystery that would take 20 years to solve was just getting started. >> there was nobody, there was no crime scene. there were no witnesses. quite honestly, it is possible she is alive and she's living somewhere else. >> when dateline continues. i've never been healthier. shingles doesn't care. but shingrix protects. proven over 90% effective, shingrix is a vaccine used to prevent shingles in adults 50 years and older. shingrix does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients or to a previous dose. an increased risk of guillain-barré syndrome was observed after getting shingrix. fainting can also happen. the most common side effects are pain, redness and swelling at the injection site, muscle pain, tiredness, headache, shivering, fever, and upset stomach. ask your doctor or pharmacist about shingrix today. kiddo: mom, can i go to the movies? 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>> a little bit. she wasn't very forthcoming in the beginning. i knew they were having problems. and she had concerns. but she wasn't telling me a lot of what she already knew at that point. >> to, it turned out, had been keeping a secret about her marriage. and she wasn't ready yet to disclose the humiliating truth, not even to her sister. nursing school, meanwhile, was going very well. she dove into the field and found her passion, caring for other people. tina soared. one of tina's fellow nursing students was carole chauvin. she was scared to meet her first patient as tina was confident. >> she literally push me in the door. >> you can do it. you need a pep talk? >> she physically pushed me into the patients room. so i think when it came to nursing, she was a natural. >> in command? confident? >> confident, not bossy in any way. but she knew what she was doing. >> but carroll knew almost nothing about tina's life away from nursing school. the shy teenager had become the nose in the book student, and didn't socialize with her classmates. >> sister susan had married by then to, and she and her husband ended up getting an apartment just down the street from john and tina. >> so we could easily walk back and forth and see each other. and i had my daughter at that time. and she was a toddler. and my sister loved children. >> susan would take her little girl to see and tina for coffees that became a heart to hearts. susan confided that she was unhappy in her marriage just as tina was restless in hers. >> so she was actually really encouraging me to get out of my marriage. and so, she really wanted to help me. and she kind of made the lead before i did. and started filing the divorce paperwork and moving out into her own place. >> by summers and 1995, tina and john were done. >> when it cracked, what was the thing? >> i think it had been going on for quite some time before i knew about it. from what she told me later, she was confronting him about what things that she was finding out about him. he's not a good person. >> kid sister annie was clueless about why tina and john were almost prince charming were splitting up. but there she was helping to log boxes from the old place to the new apartment. and john was there. >> he helped as well. and i asked him, why is tina moving out? what's going on? and he said, oh, don't worry about it. we just need a little bit of space. we'll be back together soon. >> did you think that was likely? >> i thought it was. i admire their relationship. i idolized it. i believed in it. >> you wanted that life for you? >> yeah. >> but john sandoval soon plummeted from her list of admired man because of something that just happened after they finish getting team moved. >> he took my sister and i back to town and he got us some ice cream cones and took us to the lake. and then, he started driving down the boat dock into the lake. >> the boat launch, the ramp? in the vehicle? >> yes. >> and me and my sister were really scared. we didn't know what he was doing. >> was it a goof? >> it was a different side of him that i never seen. he seemed to be getting joy out of our terror. >> this water is coming up over the hubcaps? >> yeah. and we didn't know what was going to happen. >> and then he stopped and backed up and took us home. and that was it. >> did he become a category of a different person after that to you? >> yeah. >> the john you idolized wasn't necessarily the same guy? >> yeah, he scared us. >> scary, and john sandoval were just getting up to speed. >> coming up -- >> my jaw drops and i'm like? what >> a separation and an obsession. >> she would look out over the balcony and its car would be out there for hours. >> his car? they're separated? he's checking her out? he's talking? her >> right. he was letting her know that he was watching her. and following her. >> when dateline continues. which is now more important than ever. ♪♪ it■s beginning to look alot like savings! blendjets holiday sale is on now! give the gift of convenience the blendjet 2 portable blender is perfect for everyone on your list. even that picky relative who hates everything. and dont forget the accessories! theyre all on sale! dont wait! our most popular colors and patterns will sell out! go to and take advantage of our holiday sale now. having triplets is... -amazing -expensive. so, we switched to the bargain detergent, but we ended up using three times as much and the clothes still weren't as clean as with tide. so we're back with tide, and the clothes are clean again. 3x the laundry and get a tide clean. it's got to be tide. about two years ago, i realized that jade was overweight. i wish i would have introduced the fresh food a lot sooner. after farmer's dog, she's a much healthier weight. she's a lot more active. and she's able to join us on our adventures. get started at the power goes out, and we still have wifi to do our homework. and she's able to join us and that's a good thing? great in my book. who are you? no power? no problem. introducing storm-ready wifi. now you can stay reliably connected through power outages with unlimited cellular data and up to 4 hours of battery back-up. plus, now through december 31st, eligible xfinity rewards members can get 25% off a storm ready wifi device. in the spring of 1995, the university of northern colorado students about to get their bachelor >> in the spring of 1995, the of science in nursing gathered on the lawn university of northern colorado students about to get their bachelor of science in nursing gathered on the lawn for a group photo. >> i'm looking and looking and looking for tina, and of course, there she is. there's just her head. she's in the back, making sure everyone else get seen, i think. >> does that speak to shy that we hear about? >> i don't even think it's a shyness. she's definitely going to put everyone else in the spotlight before she takes it. >> but the upcoming summer was tina's time to step out into the lights for maybe the first time in her life. the young woman was emerging from her cocoon. her colleague, carole chauvin, noticed. >> i think she finally started to become age-appropriate, to be honest. she seemed like she was so much happier. more free. >> and carroll quickly regarded tina as the real deal when it came to nursing. >> what was your way with patience and the talks? >> you know, tina was the best. if there was a call like going off, she's the first to pop up and go get it. and she, you know, her patients liked her. everyone liked tina. she was fantastic. >> it had been a momentous year for tina. she got her degree, left her marriage, and now had successfully kicked off her career in nursing. she was a 23 year old woman about to be divorced and living alone in a cool apartment that was all hers. >> i think it was almost a huge weight had come off her shoulders. she seemed to smile more, i think. and open up kind of like a butterfly. >> old tina rarely socialized with her classmates, but with carols and courage meant, she now stepped out and let down your hair. >> she finally wanted to go have fun and join her friends and it was so nice to see her open up and tell more about her life. and probably the most profound thing that happened the night that we went out, she came to my apartment to get ready while she was at my house, i said, you know, tell me more about john. and she said, well, john has the disease. and i said that to, what do you mean? >> he has voyeurism, she said. i don't know what that meant at the time. what's that? she said, well, he will see a pretty girl the grocery store and i feel compelled to follow her home. and he might washer for two or three days. and you know. she said it super calm like that. >> like this is a normal kind of story to tell? >> my jaw drops and i'm like, what? that's a stalker. she said, no, no, no, you don't understand. it's an illness. he can't help it. >> a disease of stalking? >> a nursing school, we learn about all the personality disorders. i don't ever remember learning that it was any kind of illness. >> my husband is a guy who follows women around? >> right. >> carol led the stunning remarks slide as she and dina went to a club that night and their friendship was born. the topic of her about to be axes so-called disease came up again. >> i said, so do you think that john ever watches you? >> and she said, yeah, same thing, real come about it. she said she would look out over her balcony and his car would be there for hours just watching. >> his car? >> his car. >> they're separated? but he's checking her out? he stalking her? >> right. >> did that creep her out? >> she said it matter-of-factly. she didn't seem afraid at the time. >> once she'd made the decision to leave, tina told the same stories to her sister susan. tina finely confided that she had married a peeping tom. he'd leave their bed in the middle of the night, she said. to crawl backyards and sometimes bring back trophies, women's underwear. but 18 also confided something else. she was moving on from john, drawing closer to old friends, including john's cousin jesse, the silent best man at the wedding. >> jesse in particular, the cousin, did he become more of a date? was he an intimate friend of her, do you think? >> i never knew for sure. i think they were talking, that he would come over to her apartment sometimes. >> it could kindle jealousy, right? >> but she was also talking to other people like my older sister's friend kevin was another person that she was talking to, who would also come and check on her and they would sometimes go out and do things together. so, definitely not settling in on anyone in particular. and he was letting her know that he was watching her and following her. he even had jumped on to the deck of her apartment from the staircase that led up to her front door, and was watching her in their. and told her everything he saw. >> so where was john as this summer rolled on? he was working at a local call center. he rented a house and downtown greeley and sublet the basement to his aunt. but he was telling friends and family that he was leaving greeley, getting out of dodge for a while. but first, there was some violent divorce business to settle with tina. coming up -- >> she said i'm working the night shift tonight and i'm going to be meeting john in the morning. and i told her i was very concerned. >> tina sister had good reason to be worried. >> my mom said we need to go to the police station. >> john sandoval's connection to this case set off the alarms. we went into full investigation immediately. >> when dateline continues. does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients or to a previous dose. an increased risk of guillain-barré syndrome was observed after getting shingrix. fainting can also happen. the most common side effects are pain, redness and swelling at the injection site, muscle pain, tiredness, headache, shivering, fever, and upset stomach. ask your doctor or pharmacist about shingrix today. want the power of 5 serum benefits in 1? 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>> that was one of those crazy busy night for me at least that we talked about, because i wasn't part of the conversation that i knew she had with some of the other nurses. >> the conversation, tina was distracted that night because, as she told her fellow nurses. when she got off shift in the morning, she was going to have a big conversation with john at his house about bringing the divorce to a close. final money issues, legal paperwork. >> she was apprehensive that? night >> she was she had, told a couple the other nurses that she was nervous about meeting with john and, you know, i know one of them said i think you should go to a public place if you're nervous about meeting with him. carroll ran into tina that morning at the end of her shift. the moment you'll never forget. >> i think once somebody dies or disappears, you always remember your last time that you saw them. >> what is yours? she was, there's a long corridor that she worked on, and whichever nurse it was that was next to me had said, good luck. and she said thank you, you know. whatever. she turned and in my mind, it was almost like a slow motion turn. she always had those beautiful blond ponytail and her ponytail followed her around. and she walked out the door. >> last living memory? >> yes. >> earlier, tina had called her sister susan about that meeting with john. >> how did she frame? at what was going to happen. she said i'm working the night shift tonight and i'm going to be meeting john in the morning. and i told her that i was really concerned about everything that he had been doing about following her and all acting up with the other women again. i was really worried. i did ask her if she could take somebody. she asked me to go and i couldn't. >> susan couldn't shake her own growing fears about the meeting. and said she couldn't be there. she set up a precautionary plan. >> what did you tell? or >> i told her she needed to call me when she was done. >> when i got off work, around the lunch hour i wanted to hear from her. and know that she was okay. >> and did she understand why you are saying that? >> yes. and she promised me she would. >> so it's called me at noon when this is over. >> right. >> and the phone doesn't? ring >> right. >> susan became more apprehensive as the afternoon dragged on. and still, nothing heard from tina. >> when did you get worried? >> i was pretty worried by the time i was one of my first appointment. and i still hadn't heard from her. >> after the second appointment, i was just screaming and said, i need to do something. >> and sell, listening to that urgent voice, she called her mother and asked that she drive-by both teen owes and john's homes to see if their cars were there. they weren't. >> tina's mother did stop at johns place, which he was sharing with his and gabby. the and said she didn't know where john or tina had gone. but before leaving, tina's mom spotted something that set off alarm bells. >> she saw tina's jacket on the kitchen chair, and she said, here, take the jacket. and my mom had just bought that jacket for tina just two weeks before. >> so why would she be separated from her jacket? that makes no sense. >> susan and her mother knew the pieces just weren't adding up. disappearing was not like their tina. >> that's when my mom said we need to go to the police station. >> i shaken mother and honor went down the greeley police department, and were introduced to two figures, detective keith olson and later brad goldschmidt. two cops who would become part of their family history over the next 20 years. >> how do you guys find out something has happened to a woman named tina? >> dina's mother and her sister came into the police department and they contacted the desk officer and reported that their daughters missing and they believe somebody may have happened to her. and they named their daughter's estranged husband as john sandoval. >> and when you heard that name? >> well, we had a lengthy history of john sandoval. we knew that he was a pervert. >> greeley cops knew sandoval had run-ins with the law dating back to the 19 80s. including convictions for harassment and burglary. >> so they weren't about to wait to see if tina turned up. >> john sandoval's connection to this case set up the alarms. we went into full investigation immediately. >> where was sandoval at this very moment? where was his vehicle? and where oh where was tina? coming up -- >> he says, brad, you've gotta come over here and see this. >> john sandoval's car with disturbing evidence inside. the hunt is on. >> i said, step aside, we're coming in. we burst through the door, and in the bedroom, and the windows open and the drapes were flapping. so, john bailed out the window. >> when dateline continues. for the chance at clear or almost clear skin. it's like the feeling of finding your back... is back. or finding psoriasis can't deny the splendor of these thighs. once-daily sotyktu is proven to get more people clearer skin than the leading pill. don't take if you're allergic to sotyktu; serious reactions can occur. sotyktu can lower your ability to fight infections including tb. serious infections, cancers including lymphoma, muscle problems, and changes in certain labs have occurred. tell your doctor if you have an infection, liver or kidney problems, high triglycerides, or had a vaccine or plan to. sotyktu is a tyk2 inhibitor. tyk2 is part of the jak family. it's not known if sotyktu has the same risks as jak inhibitors. find what plaque psoriasis has been hiding. ask your dermatologist about sotyktu for clearer skin. so clearly you. sotyktu. 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>> yes, for many years. i think at that time, i had probably been at the greeley department for 15 years, and i've been dealing with him from the first year i started there. >> detective keith olson said sandoval was regarded as greeley's usual suspect when it came to peeping tom complaints. but was he capable of abduction or even murder? that was the question on the detectives minds as they went out looking for him attend that night. >> knock on the door and it was answered by john's aunt, and gabriella. and she let us into the house and asked us to leave. that, she said, she hadn't seen johnson 6:30 that evening. >> so it was off to tina's first top of the apartment she'd moved into after leaving john. >> what do you find? anything in disarray? >> well, it's all the evidence is matching what we know. she got off of work to go meet with john on a pre-scheduled appointment. >> so she's changed overwork clothes, i guess? >> her nursing uniform, her nurses blouse with the name tag, ideally tag still attacked's line on the ground with the white uniform pants. >> no doors are open? no jewelry boxes mixed with? correct? >> correct. correct. >> that tells you whatever happened, didn't happen here. >> other than she came home. >> she came home, quickly changed, and went to meet with john. >> a critical question early on was, where is tina's car? >> it's not at her house. it's not at his house. and so, we're missing her car. but reasoning is, someone who is going to commit a crime such as of a homicide or abduction, the thought process is he's not gonna share this information with anyone, so the cards gotta be within walking distance. >> he's dusted somewhere? >> absolutely. we started checking the neighborhood for likely spots, up parking lots and apartment complexes. and we found a car right away. >> it had been abandoned by an apartment parking lot. >> through the glass inspections, the? anything >> yeah, her wallet was inside the car. that was important to us. not good at all. >> it was well after midnight and still no sign of tina. back at police headquarters, detective brad goldschmidt was at his desk doing a little research on john sandoval. >> i happen to come across a report that had been made for years earlier than this day we're on. and a woman had come home and knew john sandoval. just knew him through a roommate that used to live with her. >> the detective discovered john had recently been busted for trespassing in a former coworkers town house. the citation mentioned a pair of men's shoes left outside this letter door. >> and she walks up into her bedroom and who did she see hiding in her closet? is a shoeless john sandoval. and she confronts him, what the hell are you doing here? he said, oh, i came to see so-and-so. he used to live here. well, you know that she doesn't live here anymore. get out of my house. >> sometimes you get lucky even with mistakes. the officer who had taken the offense report had written it up as a misdemeanor. he was incorrect. sandoval had allegedly committed a felony crime and it carried serious prison time upon conviction. now, goldschmidt could arrest sandoval for that outstanding crime if only he could find it. the cops decided to stick out a surveillance officer in an unmarked car outside sandoval's home. bingo. at 4:45 a.m., officer joy him be rated in. >> he goes, car just pulled up, male subject just got up, walked into the house carrying a white bag. so we jumped in our cars and fly out to john's house. it took us four minutes to get their. knock on the door, and and gabby comes to the door. i said hey, i know john just got here. i need to talk to him right now. she goes, he's in the shower. and i went, oh my god, he's in the shower already. >> there goes all your trace evidence. >> he had on him has been washed down the drain right now. >> i go, okay. and then clay had walked over to john's car and trying to flashlight in the car and he said, brad you've gotta come over here and see this. >> inside the hatchback, they could see a wet shovel, a pale, some rogue, and a flashlight attached to a lantern. >> so i run back to the house, pound on the door again. and gavi comes to the door. and i said hey, i need to talk to john right now. get him out of the shower. she walks back, the house is dark. there's only a dim light on in the kitchen. and i'm standing by the back door and i see a figure that i seem to be a man walked past gabby into the different part of the house. >> she comes back to the door and said i made a mistake, john's not here after all. she lied to me. >> law enforcement careers are sometimes made and lost in fleeting moments of decision. this was one for detective brad goldschmidt. >> your dashboard is warning you, i've got to get a search warrant. i want to get in, but i need a warrant. >> i'm way in all the stuff in my head. i'm thinking, here's what i know. dina was last seen there. john was gone, came back in the middle of the night. there's a wet shovel in his car. teen is either dead or in very bad trouble. and if i don't go in and collect some evidence now, that may lead us to her, if she's still alive, she's going to be dead soon. so, i made the decision that we are going in the house and grabbed another officer on scene. >> that predawn decision would change the course of the investigation. >> i said, to step aside, gabby, were coming in. she's trying to stop me, and i pushed my way in. i get inside, i announced, john sandoval, where the police. i need to talk to you right now. we're coming in. and, as i get back to the hallway, i hear this scraping on sounded like kicking a scraping on wall. so we jump in, burst into the bedroom, and the windows open in the drapes are flapping. so, john bailed out the window. >> he's out the window? >> he's out the window. so the three of us go running outside, fortunately, the officer who had been surveilling the house position herself in a part of the house that we weren't going to be in when we made our entry. and we run outside and she's got john sandoval on his knees out there. >> partially clothed. >> he's wearing -- >> late october. >> it's 20 degrees outside. he's wearing a t-shirt and blue jeans. >> yet, what's gonna charge him with? >> he's gonna stand up and say, fellas, what's this all about? >> we come from outside. walk him into the house. and clay bugging him and i look at each other, and play said, what do we charged with brad? we -- come up on that police officers charging error. and now, he would play that card. >> >> clay didn't know clay didn't know about what i've been doing, about what i know. he was out he know searching for vehicles and so forth. i said, trespass. >> you had that unserved warrant in that back pocket? >> i had that in my back pocket. clay had no idea of trespass. whatever. so, i, said justice. you're under arrest for trespass. he had no idea what i was talking about either. i got him socks, a pair of shoes. we took him down to the police department on a trespass. >> so, sandoval was on his way to a police [inaudible] it wasn't about trespassing. it was all about tina. he was giving up nothing. coming up -- >> you're being held right now for best against a missing person. >> just ranged wife. >> why would i know where she is out? >> john sandoval plays it cool and concern plagues the detectives. >> we're running out of leads. i did feel we were never going to find tina sandoval. i was so afraid that without finding tina sandoval, no one would take this case on. >> when dateline continues. dateline continues does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients or to a previous dose. an increased risk of guillain-barré syndrome was observed after getting shingrix. fainting can also happen. the most common side effects are pain, redness and swelling at the injection site, muscle pain, tiredness, headache, shivering, fever, and upset stomach. ask your doctor or pharmacist about shingrix today. after advil dual action back pain: yo. who. haha. 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>> you know i'm here. i need a lawyer. >> i promise i'll let you know is soon as i can. i don't know enough about that kind of stuff to tell you anything. okay? >> john sandoval was down at the greeley police station after being arrested on a trespassing charge. koch's really wanted to know about his wife, tina. >> you're being held right now for the investigation of a missing person, your estranged wife. >> and why would i know where she's at? >> he was having none of, it claim he had entered himself when he jumped out of a window to avoid arrest. >> i'd like to see a doctor. when is that going to happen? >> i don't know. they don't tell me anything. okay? >> he wasn't a cooperative witness, was he? >> well, john is never a cooperative witness. john always says, i'm not talking to. i've nothing to say. >> you know the drill. >> what am i here? for what am i here for? and one of my here for? >> well i'm not quite to cooperate either. what the heck is wrong with? you know, you arrested me. >> yeah, you're under. wrestle right? >> you got me tied. up what? why? >> why? >> john, you know what. okay? >> i don't know why. why would i be asking you why if i knew why. there must be someone who is a phone. i take it. i like to call my lawyer. >> detectives kept sandoval on that deal on the trespassing charge. he boarded up. now, olson and goldschmidt were left on their own to post the question, where was tina? >> you have the discount that she is a husband and maybe she's left. initially, those are thoughts you have to consider. >> baja, here i can. >> yeah. i'm out of town. >> it's hard to disprove if she didn't do that, right? >> it's hard to disprove. we send people down to the bus to, did you see this woman in the day? >> no, didn't see her. we check airline records. going one way somewhere. as the days went on, the theory that she may have disappeared came less likely. >> of course, they considered less possible suspects like sandoval's cousin, jessie, best man at the wedding. the guy who gave tina sister that creeps. tina was saying jessie after her split with john. there was another guy at the medical center who shown an interest in her. >> we bet it the boyfriends. we only found the two, jesse in the person she worked with. they didn't know anything about what she had planned. >> could've been the drifter who watched at the bus station? >> possible. don't want to exclude any alternative suspects. we are looking for alternative suspects and all the evidence was right back to john, how do you discount that? >> if you hear have beats, don't hear think of zebras. go for the obvious. >> yeah, yeah. >> the evidence is piling up on sandoval. why investigators searched his house, along with his sweated out clothes -- >> we find three credit cards on tangible in johns house. >> one missing presumably from the wallet. >> from the wallet. yeah. two of them for the bathroom with john. one was in the bedroom. so, yeah. >> it's sandals car, something they couldn't explain. along with that bucket, the watchable, the flashlight and a lanyard, they found something odd. >> a carpenters level, 40 inch carpenters level that we never understood at that time. why does he have this carpenters level? >> just by all of their evidence, the dea told detectives that it wasn't enough. >> we felt we had a lot of evidence. circumstantial, but a lot of damning evidence against john. our district attorney said you don't have a body, you don't have a crime scene, you don't have statements, you don't have a confession. if you guys don't have over the body, you, know we're not doing anything with this case. >> now, isn't everyone in greeley was reunited in one, versus finding 18. at her sister, susan, remembers. >> everyone from this area was really impacted by what happened to her. it was really scary. like, it's that kind of thing that you hear of national news. it's, like no, not here. >> so, together with a tight-knit community, throngs of people began looking for missing tina. >> we started searching for her. we just didn't know where to go. we started searching. you just search even around the country. looking and calling her name out. >> one road and down another? >> calling her name. calling her name. going all over. by rather not had a truck that had a spotlight. all night long, looking where we could think of. in ditches and at the side of the road. >> hoping you don't find anything, on the other hand? >> yeah. yeah. >> and that went on for how long? >> the search went on for a long time. >> tina's coworkers like carole were out on those searches to. >> i want to at least three or four. i don't know how many weeks or however long it went on. i used to have nightmares that whole time. i can't imagine how the family felt. >> detective brad goldschmidt thinks of driving the president today, with tina's debt, mike turner, beside him, an ex cop himself. >> i spent hours with mike turner and mike clark, he and i drive around. >> how did her dad take it? >> no. no, he's a big, strong, proud man. he was in my car cry. >> looking for the remains of his daughter? hard to say. >> yeah, hard to see. hard for him to deal with. and there's nothing i could have done to make it better. >> detectives followed every lead, went down every rabbit hole. like this reservoir or sandoval used to take target practice. >> we searched this area among many other places and we're running out of tips and leads. you know, i really did feel like we were never going to find tina sandoval. i was so afraid that without findings tina sanibel, no one would take this case on. >> nobody, no case. right? >> no body, no case. >> after spending so much time in big 12, and places around greatly, we dug up more places than you can shake a stick at. nobody. >> back at the hospital routine a word, they kept hope alive as long as they could. >> we had a book. if you had an ex that day, you worked. i think it was true three months before finally some of that, i guess we should take our name off of the book. >> five months passed. john sandoval was saying nothing about tina, but he was still facing that criminal trespass charge. >> john pled guilty to. it i think he wanted to get out of dodge. greeley. even if it's a few years in prison. >> the judge sentenced sandoval to six years. tennis case went ice-cold. detectives goldschmidt and wilson never gave up and couldn't let go. >> murder case is a rollercoaster. there's so many highs and so many blows. the highs can be high and lows can be low. >> at the office? >> no, no. i want a lot of murder cases from beginning to end. you just cannot do that without getting emotionally involved in the family and suffer some of what they are suffering. you'll never suffer everything. he suffered with them. >> the entire city and really seem to feel tina's loss. >> what did you learn about your hometown? >> there is a lot of good people. we had a lot of people come help us search. they took care of my family and took in my parents when we were all falling apart. >> the truth was stark. tina wasn't just missing. >> no one was looking for a better alternative? but that point. >> i think there was a few that, of course, you're hoping that you can be mad at her and she ran away. but they now. >> as for john sandoval, he was a model prisoner, out on parole and just over four years and now living in las vegas. a man with a lengthy history of trespassing had relocated himself to perhaps the most carnal city in america. >> coming up -- >> we'll that came to me and said, look, we want to address this case over to you. it was quite the honor for me. >> the case gets a new team with a bold, implant. >> you guys will the dice here. >> we really did. >> you're jumping up the high diving for together? >> that's right. >> later, another woman with a harrowing story. >> i don't know if you wanted to shoot me or take me, kidnapped me, what? >> when dateline continues. dateline continues arexvy does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients. those with weakened immune systems may have a lower response to the vaccine. the most common side effects are injection site pain, fatigue, muscle pain, headache, and joint pain. i chose arexvy. rsv? make it arexvy. i have moderate to severe crohn's disease. now, there's skyrizi. ♪ things are looking up, i've got symptom relief. ♪ ♪ control of my crohn's means everything to me. ♪ ♪ control is everything to me. ♪ feel significant symptom relief at 4 weeks with skyrizi, including less abdominal pain and fewer bowel movements. skyrizi is the first il-23 inhibitor that can deliver remission and visibly improve damage of the intestinal lining. and the majority of people experienced long-lasting remission at one year. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to. liver problems may occur in crohn's disease. ♪ now's the time to ask your gastroenterologist how you can take control of your crohn's with skyrizi. ♪ ♪ control is everything to me. ♪ ♪ learn how abbvie could help you save. dennis murphy (voiceover): the missing sister, missing daughter was a hole in their universe the missing sister, missing that the tournai family simply couldn't repair. daughter, was a whole in their universe that the tierney family simply couldn't repair. >> we felt a little broken. there's a little sadness. you feel a little guild and joy because that person isn't there to experience it with you. it really changed us. my parents were just constantly trying to resolve this, trying to find her. >> for years, susan sister says the parents drove the prairies, surging freddy santa lost, are often what their youngest girls in tow. >> that's their childhood memory? looking for their missing sister. >> looking after their missing sister and looking after themselves because my parents were overwhelmed with the situation. >> it 2002, several years after his disappearance, teen's family had her declared legally dead. >> it didn't give us the closure we needed to have, i feel like. without actually knowing what happened to her. >> what happened to her? where she? >> yeah, exactly. >> two questions you couldn't get answers to? >> yeah. >> tina's friends and family search these canyon roads for years, all in vain. the investigation continued and police still had their prime suspect, but without a body, the district attorney ruled the circumstantial case simply wasn't jury ready. still, clearly such actives wouldn't let go. with, emptiness disappearance had always felt like a homicide, even though their prime suspect had left colorado for las vegas. >> with a new chapter in his life? >> we always knew where he was. >> you had eyes on? him >> never forgot about him. >> always wanted to nail him 14's murder. then, in 2009, opportunity arrived. a new path was running for district attorney. >> keith and i met with him during his campaign. set, when you consider prosecuting this case? >> he said? >> he said -- >> i will certainly give you you do time to present it. >> yeah. >> he was elected. now, olson and goldschmidt, with their growing responsibilities at the pd, needed their head old cases off to a new detective. they needed someone who could build a case without a body, was strong enough for the d.a. to prosecute. >> i take him out of the game. >> why him, brett? >> my attention to detail pales in comparison to mike. he's way up here when it comes to that. >> under desert storm u.s. army but detective mike prill. >> both came and said, we trust this case over to. this was something they had lived since 95 up until 2009. so, it was quite the honor for me. >> what was the battle? how do you start to dive into it? >> the best way to begin is to organize. make sure each piece of evidence collected is still and evidence. >> was it? it had been a long time. >> it was. >> as he sorted through each file, boxes upon boxes, his heart sank. the case had all the problems that made the previous dea cautious. >> there is nobody, no crime scene, no witnesses, no confession. >> and a cynical -- no body, no crime. >> sometimes. >> that's a tough pill cut to climb. >> that's what stalls these investigations at times when there's nobody, quite honestly, she is alive and she's living somewhere else. >> he teamed with then as a stunt prosecutor michael rock. test number one, prove that tina was dead. >> we have people to show a jury that it is not her just simply running away from a domestic violence relationship and my talk to the bill of montana and hiding in the woods. >> as the investigation progressed, it doesn't nine, it became irrefutable. there's no renewal on her drivers license, no additional taxes filed. >> no activity on her credit cards or bank account since october in 1985. >> every year that goes, by every month that goes by, is a benefit to us because we can show that the jury, and a person, reasonable person, can't stay off the radar screen for that long. >> you can prosecute that this case in 1986, the year she was gone. >> in 2000 added to this and had the benefit of time. >> still, they had to convince the dea to pursue our murder charge without a victim's body. >> the day's office was aggressive. they made the ultimate decision to go forward knowing -- >> you had your green light. that was it. >> from the dea. >> next, they had to make their case to a judge to get an arrest warrant for john sandoval. the detective's team drafted a nine-page document, detailing her last hour supply. finding her jacket at his place, the watchable in his car, him diving out of the window and alluding the cops. >> i'm thinking that really affidavit that you guys pull together that reads like a crime thriller. >> we wanted this to be a very factual reading of exactly what happened. when you get done, you think, we know johnson double committed this homicide. >> then again, the judge might be the words missing person in the affidavit and decided there was, in fact, no murder, no crime at all. >> you guys will that ice here. >> we really did. >> mike prill remembers waiting as the judge read through his document. >> now, i have that grueling experience of sitting in the hallway, just drumming by fingers, wondering what he is thinking. he stepped out at one point and asked me one question. that was, why did the d.a.'s office project this years before? >> i think his here by asking that question was, has some other judge looked at it, rejected it, and now you've brought it to me? >> a huge judge shopping here? >> good questions, wouldn't you say? >> i reassured him that we had never presented this case ever to the day's office. >> one detective prill answered that question, that judge lettuce, inside the restaurant. >> all three, detective, judge, you are driving off the board together? >> right. >> more than a decade after tina's disappearance, there was finally a breakthrough in that case. really was coming for john sandoval. coming up -- a stunning discovery inside sandoval's home. >> i found well over 100 vhs tapes, another 70 or so the chest hips. >> secret videos. striking evidence. >> take a guess, how many of the victims you think there were? >> hundreds. hundreds. someone like john doesn't do this just wants and never again. >> when dateline continues. ontinues i've never been healthier. shingles doesn't care. but shingrix protects. proven over 90% effective, shingrix is a vaccine used to prevent shingles in adults 50 years and older. shingrix does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients or to a previous dose. an increased risk of guillain-barré syndrome was observed after getting shingrix. fainting can also happen. the most common side effects are pain, redness and swelling at the injection site, muscle pain, tiredness, headache, shivering, fever, and upset stomach. ask your doctor or pharmacist about shingrix today. kiddo: mom, can i go to the movies? 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>> no. no. >> except that mike prill would not be the one to make the rest. that honor would fall to keep olson and brad goldschmidt, the original detectives on the case. >> i was in charge of the detective, i said, keep an eye are going to vegas. get in. >> no questions about it. >> he said, okay. five. the sergeant at las vegas police department is a guy that used to work with us. we told steve four or to a restaurant sandoval. he says, great, i will get a team together for you guys. >> the local nbc affiliate, tate as an beaty recorded the moment that police had the cuffs on john sandoval. >> want to talk about what's happening to your wife 14 years ago? >> can you get it away from? >> gianna started like this, up against the car. and i walk up to him on his right and he looks over me it is a double take. immediately he goes like this. like, like, if i can't see you, you can't see me, right? so, i walk up to john say, remember us? no. i said, oh, brad goldschmidt and keep olson, you're under arrest for first degree murder of his dean sandoval. >> did you ever say those words? >> i didn't think i was going to be able sivells bend. >> tina's little sister, and, he got the news from her parents. >> i was happy because i thought people had forgotten and i didn't know if we would never get justice for tina. >> now, it was back to work for detective pearl. >> i realize, as i often do, once addresses, made the investigation really begins anew. >> as luck would have it, pro quickly learned that john sandoval was making calls on the jailhouse phone as he awaited extradition to colorado. >> who is he talking to? anyone interesting? >> yes, i kindly max. >> who is he? >> at the time, i had no idea. >> it turns out max, softball barbecuing buddy had befriended john years earlier. so, prill flew out to be the man who said john like to talk about his missing wife, tina. >> max said that in his conversations with john, john related that his wife had run out on him and left him for a wildlife, joined up by caregiving, fell into drugs, was running a prostitution -- >> she's alive? >> it's always been that there, perhaps tina did runoff. it's not driving with what i believe. a search warrant was extremely important to this investigation to get into his house and get whatever evidence that may be in the home, prevented it was alive, if that is true. >> he did just that. once inside john's house, he sought an eerie shrine of sorts to tina. >> two different issues obtained in a little black dress. he had both of those hanging on his wall. i wanted that type of stuff collected. we did. we photographed and collected the photos. >> what he didn't find was any proof that teen it was still alive. no recent photos orbiters from that long road trip john claimed she was on. he did uncover something else. >> i found well over 100 vhs tapes and another 70 or so many vhs tapes. >> john sandoval, it seemed, had been a busy amateur videographer afters years bag is. putting pictures to stalking him peeping m.o. he practiced. >> everything old was new again? >> he was a drunk in a liquor store for those minute years he lived out there. >> he found the homemade spy cam videos disgusting. >> hundreds if not thousands of hours i ended up spending reviewing shooting up the scores of thousands of women, all up and down the las vegas strip from 2000 to 2009. >> one of those tape showed a perverts view of nears 2007 on the strip. disembodied lakes, high heels, short skirts, inside a casino, a tipsy when it is reported stumbling and falling on the way to her room. we've altered her voice to protect your identity. >> go home. >> she doesn't know she's being followed by a guy with a big cam. >> are you okay? here we go, party people. >> she had lashed the door, lights are off in the room. he's taking the camera out, it's in his hand. he creeps into this dark room with the infrared light activated on his camcorder. proves that there's four women in this room. two girls in each bed. >> concealed in the darkness of the hotel room, heat wells tate for 17 minutes. >> films all of them and selects his blond that is nearest the door. slowly removes the sheets and blankets from her as she sleeps. >> that he sexually assaulted a sleeping woman. neither the victim nor any of the women in that hotel room stirred. there's something else the camera caught that night. a glimpse of the alleged assailants face. according to the detective, there is no doubt that it was none other john sandoval. because none of the women ever reported the incident, sandoval has never been charged with anything relating to the video. >> take a guess. how many other victims you think there were? >> hundreds. hundreds. someone like john doesn't do this just once and never get. i mean, he has demonstrated his depravity while he is free and not in custody for murder. >> that didn't mean all his electric victims had stayed quiet over the years. some had come forward, only to have the stories forgotten. mike prill knows how to dig into the past. >> coming up -- >> i got into my car and he followed me. >> another terrifying encounter with john sandoval. >> my heart stopped -- sunk. i just knew that he had finally done something really bad. >> when dateline continues. dateline continues [upbeat music] ♪♪ ♪♪ new pork carnitas. only at el pollo loco. (♪♪) (♪♪) the new festive family meal. starting at $24. now celebrating at el pollo loco. the tapes detective prill found in sandoval's vegas home were deeply disturbing, but they the tapes detective weren't going to help him build a murder case. profound incentivize vegas home were deeply disturbing. they weren't going to help him build a murder case. so, he started looking deeper into sandoval's past, pre 1995. he didn't have to go very far before discovering the case of lori buckler. >> i notice there was a man in a car, parked in the lines of cars. >> in 1992, three years before tina banish, laurie was working at a state farm office in nearby colorado. she says a strange man started showing up on a regular basis in the employee room. >> i got into my car and went till the exit and he followed me. there would be times i would drive quickly to my house, get in the garage of my door, not knowing if he had found my house. >> state farm quickly learned his name. john sandoval. at that point, he was newly married to tina, yet, here he was cruising a parking lot, looking at another woman. state farm ordered him to stay away. he didn't. >> i saw john up on this overpass. he was parked there. he was holding something. obviously, binoculars, looking this way. >> and at the time, she said, he followed as she drove to a party. >> i didn't know if he wanted to shoot me or take me, kidnap me, what? >> for three years that went. dawn sandoval terrorizing lori. at one point, he was arrested and pleaded no contest to misdemeanor harassment. to this day, she says, she doesn't know why he singled her out. >> no one really listened. they did listen, but i didn't think that they responded like they should have, i guess. i guess you can't put someone in jail just because they are a crepe. >> the last time she spotted centerville was july 1995. he was back cruising state farm's parking lot. >> he came down this road, drove by me. i was pretty scared. >> she reported it again. when police questioned him, sandoval said that he had had a moment weakness caused by an impending divorce. three months later, his wife, 15, it disappeared. >> my heart sunk. i know he had finally done something really bat. i felt like i had been telling people for so long that he was the devil. >> as the cops saw, he had been for many years. mike prelate benchley compiled a 33-page document of sandals finance with the police. including all of the complaints and accusations made against him over a period of nearly 30 years. >> the many women that i talked to that were his victims of peeping and stocking, the majority of the women had an instinctual bell ringing in their head that there is something wrong with john, but so many of the women who are afraid to act on it. >> one story in particular seem to foreshadow tina's. back in the 19 80s, a woman filed a complaint against john sandoval. >> it was an ex girlfriend of his, or one that had finally said enough with you. >> a decade before tina disappeared. the woman described what happened when she tried to break up with sandoval. >> he kidnapped her at knife point, drugged her down to her car, threatening to take her to the county and kill her. she broke free. scattered her purse contents across the ground and ran. >> that was ominous enough. also troubling, why police at the time seemed unfazed. she wasn't taken seriously by the investigators. >> was that a missed opportunity to take this calf of the streets? >> yes. so, he is successful. he has, yet again, being an account or a charge that he is committed. >> again, again, again? >> yes. >> now, pro was hoping he could use that creepy, violent pass against sandoval in court. he and michael berke build -- knew the trial would be excruciating for teen's family. it would also likely be their one ethically chance to hold john sandoval accountable. >> that was scary. we were looking at a four-week trial. we knew we still wear the same boat that we didn't have a body. >> can we prove to a jury that, in fact, your sister is dead? >> yeah. >> i wanted to make sure they understood that if we took this chance, if we file these charges. if the child didn't go well, he was acquitted, and then a year from now we found tina's remains, we are done. >> we wanted to pursue it, especially as the years went on and it was more and more obvious that tina was not coming back. they don't want to come to trial and have it fail and then you can't charge -- >> you only get one chance. >> one chance. you can't double jeopardy. >> coming up -- >> just before trial, a seven poll from the blue. >> a hit came back on tina's social security number. let situ a woman working as a nurse. >> something was active in teen's social security? >> does a bit of your stomach moment. >> sure. >> when dateline continues. teline continues does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients or to a previous dose. an increased risk of guillain-barré syndrome was observed after getting shingrix. fainting can also happen. the most common side effects are pain, redness and swelling at the injection site, muscle pain, tiredness, headache, shivering, fever, and upset stomach. ask your doctor or pharmacist about shingrix today. want the power of 5 serum benefits in 1? new olay super serum activates on skin to hydrate, smooth, visibly firm, brighten, and improve texture. it's my best skin yet. olay i'm katie phang. ♪ if there's pain when you try to poo ♪ ♪ and going sometimes feels like you ♪ ♪ pushed through a pineapple or two ♪ ♪ colace is the brand you need ♪ ♪ to soften stools, we're all agreed ♪ ♪ #2 should be easy to do ♪ trust colace to soften stools with no stimulants for comfortable relief. with the hour's top stories. tennessee, six people are dead and 23 are injured after a tornado struck nashville and the town of clarksville. at officials say the number can increase as her search for survivors overnight. multiple tornadoes were believed to pit the ground across the state. one of the brightest stars in the night sky will be eclipsed by an asteroid late monday. the rare eclipse can be seen from countries including turkey, greece, spain. the united states will be visible in miami and the florida keys. now, back to dateline. dateline. t degree murder trial of john sandoval. the wall county courthouse we are looking at him as he committed and greeley, colorado, was preparing for the first degree murder trial of john sandoval. >> we're looking at him as he committed a domestic violence homicide. we're seeing a pattern of conduct that has been 26 years, 27 years. almost every woman he encounters, that we have found, he is turned into a victim. >> we have done this long-time. how bad a character is sound about? >> he says that as a defendant's we've ever had. >> proving it, however, would be dicey. prosecutors still weren't sure what a judge would allow the jury to hear. the sexual assault and obscure videos from las vegas were out of bounds because those were acts that took place after tina disappeared. remember, impromptu search of santa belle's house the night he was arrested? the one which detective goldschmidt found teen's credit cards. since goldman had gone in without a search warrant, the prosecutor feared that evidence might be barred as well. by far, the biggest problem was proving that tina sandoval had been murdered. >> there was a moment after we had file the charges where detectives, my partner and i read sitting round in a room and all of a sudden the question is, how are we going to prove that she is dead? everyone got really white eyed. >> talk about a basic question. >> one we should've talked a little bit more about before we filed. and >> we spent the next two days listing off everything we do to try to find people. we knew we had to do all of those things and then 50% more because we had to prove to a jury beyond a reasonable doubt that she was deceased. >> sister susan was ready for trial, but none in her family looked forward to it. >> that was hard. we are all having to go back years and years and recall exactly what we all individually experienced. >> tina's friend and colleague, sure, venn would also testify. >> were you intimidated by that when you are put on a witness list? >> i was. yeah. >> have you ever been in a courtroom environment before? >> no, no. i don't watch court tv. was pretty naive. >> everything was ready. then, a few months before trump, every team computer search turned up something that caused the hair to stand up on detective pearl's neck. >> a hit came back on teen's social security number. it listed to a woman working as a nurse down in southern colorado. >> something was active emptiness social purity count? >> it appeared. yeah. >> what did you do? >> my partner went down and met with the woman who was using this social security number. it simply turned out in the hand that it was a trans position and numbers. >> 53 became 35, something like that? >> exactly. >> finally, july 2010, almost 15 years before after gina disappeared, a jury was seated. it was time for opening arguments. sandoval had pleaded not guilty. the tierney family began by telling the jury that back story of a troubled marriage. the prosecutor had at the sort of details of sandals fetish as a peeping tom. some of his history with women. >> tell me about coming into the court. he's right there. your feet apart. >> he was smiling. it was like he was trying to intimidate me. like, i got you, i got. you kind of a smile. i didn't want to look at him. i was really focused on the attorneys and answering the questions. i wasn't going to give him anything. >> his anchor. the court heard how sandoval funds pulled a gun and threatened suicide if teen outward to lead him. manipulative. >> building a growing fear of what john would do as a result of this pending to force. tina's expression of the nature of the domestic violence. not really physical, necessarily. certainly psychological and emotional, massive violence going inside the home. her desires to distance herself from him and love her own life. >> thanks to some favorable pretrial rulings, they found the jury could hear about some of the criminal acts john sanibel had committed against women in colorado prior to chant as disappears in 1995. the judge had also ruled that evidence taken during that warrant search outside of his home and car was admissible. the shovel and the bucket, a handgun, to his credit cards and some of sandoval's sweated through a clothing that was covered with soil as though it had been flung over his head and rained down upon him. >> i'd like to talk to my lawyer there. hello? >> and the jury saw this. sandoval, in the interview room from that first night. here, he is and that investigators want to check his fingernails for signs of foreign dna. >> he didn't have anything to do with that. instead of allowing law enforcement to cut his finger nails, he sat there and and i kleecoot on his fingernails. >> trying to destroy evidence, presumably? >> he would chew them off. we could see him in the video, he would spend whatever it should've onto the floor. >> then, police attempted to photograph some deep scratches seen on his face and chest. >> they have to physically put him in a position where they can take photographs of these injuries before they disappeared. >> if the turned his head, restraining him? >> police had to decide. the end of cutting the shirt off of him so that they could get at the rest of what would be scratch marks. >> he was wholly uncooperative with that whole process. >> you guys are insane, man. what? why can't you call my lawyer? >> then there was the fascinating story told by daisy, the police canine. a search that began a teen is abandoned car. >> what does a dog do? it goes through the neighborhood and tracks right at the johns house. >> her teen is abandoned vehicle to his backdoor? >> correct. >> john is at the hospital. i think we have him up there for gathering evidence, hairs, plucking, stuff. she then takes her dog up to the hospital and gianna's in one of the rooms. she sensed the dog on a track. >> going past nursing stations? >> the dog goes right up to the rim johnson and goes up and nudges his foot i believe it was and sits down. >> the defense argued that john sandoval was, once again, that usual suspect. that a man with the past whose a strange wife just happened to disappear shortly after telling friends and family that she would -- in the end, the jury didn't buy it. deliberations lasted several hours. >> as soon as they read guilty at the first degree, we just gassed. it was like a huge sigh of relief. >> all of the emotion came out. kind of had been keeping a stoic face for a long time. so -- >> did you see remorse and hip? >> no. no. no, he had no remorse. in the very next day, he was calling the attorney error for that was a defense attorney and asking him to file an appeal. >> the very firm you are working? >> he didn't know i was there. he was calling all of the attorneys around town asking to file an appeal. most of them were turning him down. >> sandoval was sentenced without the possibility of parole. >> it was one of the more rewarding points of my career. >> conviction meant the trainees would no longer have to look over their shoulders and fear of this angry man's retribution. >> as time went on, it was easier to settle in and felt like everything was okay. >> they didn't have tina, didn't know what he had done with her. seemed enough to know that he was gone away forever. >> going up and down the block. >> okay. >> you think. wouldn't you? coming up -- >> i called susan and all i could say was, i had bad news. >> it was a pretty big blow. >> a stunning ruling from the court leads to a stunning offer from john sandoval. >> is he finally going to tell us where tina is? >> from here john, you're going to give me direction somewhere to go. >> when dateline continues. line continues for moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis for the chance at clear or almost clear skin. it's like the feeling of finding your back... is back. or finding psoriasis can't deny the splendor of these thighs. once-daily sotyktu is proven to get more people clearer skin than the leading pill. don't take if you're allergic to sotyktu; serious reactions can occur. sotyktu can lower your ability to fight infections including tb. serious infections, cancers including lymphoma, muscle problems, and changes in certain labs have occurred. tell your doctor if you have an infection, liver or kidney problems, high triglycerides, or had a vaccine or plan to. sotyktu is a tyk2 inhibitor. tyk2 is part of the jak family. it's not known if sotyktu has the same risks as jak inhibitors. find what plaque psoriasis has been hiding. ask your dermatologist about sotyktu for clearer skin. so clearly you. sotyktu. 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dennis murphy (voiceover): in the spring of 2016, john sandoval was nearly seven years into a life sentence >> you don't have to say at of colorado state prison for the murder anything over. this >> in the spring of 2016, john sandoval was nearly seven years into a life sentence at a colorado state prison for the murder of his wife, tina. nearly 200 miles away in greeley, his one-time family, the twenties, we're still piecing their lives back together. >> life has to go on. everyone is getting married. everyone is having kids. you know, the relief of having him put away, let everyone settle in to their own place. >> on march 17th, what would have been tina's 44th birthday, the dillon they thought they'd seen the last lap crash back into their lives. >> appeals reversed his conviction. >> what was the issue they rolled? on >> the court of appeals found that some of that prior bet active -- not all of it, some of it, should not have been admitted. they also found that some of the testimony that we had elicited from our domestic violence expert went too far and they sent it back for retrial. >> sandoval would have to remain in prison until then. but the fight to keep him there was just beginning. i called susan. all i can say is, susan, i had bad news. the court of appeals has reversed his conviction and the supreme court has refused to hear it. >> it was a pretty big blow because just a month before, my mom had found out her breast cancer had come back. and this is happening. things really fell apart again at that point. we didn't know what was going to have been. >> did you guys even have to think for a moment about going for a second trial? >> not for a second. >> the appeals court may have ordered a new trial for john sandoval, but the dea was in no hurry to set a trial date. prosecutor wrote figured that since sandoval had been imprisoned for nearly seven years, all phone calls and visits are reported, he may well have said something incriminating to somebody. >> we had a feeling that when we went to the department of corrections, he would think no one is listening anymore. my case is over. now, i could talk without having to use code words. i said to the judge, when he asked how long, as, a judge, we are asking for a significant delay because we are getting every phone call in every visitation that he has had and we're going to listen to him. >> sandoval, don't >> make any and you're gonna be plans for next in for a while. christmas. >> you're going to be in for a. you're gonna be while >> by the way, in for a while. >> and i think you said to your mom and by the way, about anything that you said to your mom about tina, we are going to -- killing tina. we are going to find. >> and how do you think this is going to fill? >> it didn't take long before that when the attorney said, do you wanna talk about the case? i said sure. >> after testing trials and logistics, the attorneys cut to the chase. >> she said to me, mr. sandoval has some information that they think would be interest to you, to the police departments, and notably of interest to the tourney family. i looked across the table and said, is he finally going to tell us where tina is? and she said possibly. >> leverage? >> leverage. >> i can take it to the body? but what are you gonna do for me. >> exactly. we know he was only going to do this if we made some kind of playoff. >> we went into the office and they drop the bomb that he said, i want a plea. and i will tell you where tina is. if you give me this. and i do not recall how much time he won it, but it was not enough. >> the rough proposal knocked the conviction down to a lesser charge of second degree murder, with a shorter sentence to be negotiated. in exchange the family would get tina that. did you have a vote? >> no, he let us discuss it as a family. and we did. so i was kind of feeling like, no i do not want to do this. i do not only not want to go after trial but my mom wanted it really badly, and they wanted to know where she was. they wanted that closure. >> there were a number of variables to consider. time served, time it is for a behavior. formulations that determined they earliest eligibility for parole. after being reassured that john would remain in prison for another ten years. the turnout family held its collective owes, and agreed to a deal with a devil. >> i was hoping he would be a very old man when he saw daylight. >> some things are out of your control in a way. >> yes. >> march 22nd, 2017. nearly a year to the day after his murder conviction was overturned, john sandoval excepted his new plea deal. >> i want to make a sole condition for his plead, for our ability to locate, recover, and determined that the body that subsequently you're gonna tell us today, is tina. any of those deals three things do not happen and we do not have an agreement. do you understand that? >> yes. >> the time had arrived for sandoval to reveal the secret he had been keeping for more than 20 years. where he put dina. >> for me john, here just gonna have to give me directions on way to go. >> coming up! >> just keep following the road. >> was tina's family about to learn the truth at last? >> i'm not super confident that john has led us to the right location. he's such a snake, you never know what he is trying to do. >> when dateline continues! ne continues shingrix does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients or to a previous dose. an increased risk of guillain-barré syndrome was observed after getting shingrix. fainting can also happen. the most common side effects are pain, redness and swelling at the injection site, muscle pain, tiredness, headache, shivering, fever, and upset stomach. ask your doctor or pharmacist about shingrix today. after advil dual action back pain: yo. who. haha. 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[rewind sound] before advil: [grunts] oh. advil dual action back pain fights back pain two ways. for 8 hours of relief. fights back pain two ways. there were any number of places john sandoval might have led the detectives to-- all that prairie, rugged wilderness areas, >> there were any number of remote ravines where he might have disposed of the body. places that sandoval might have led the detectives to. all that prairie, areas, and remote ravines where he might have dispose of the body. but in this police video recorded on a chilly day in late march, 2015. he gave directions and calmly gaze delta wendell, watching the familiar streets of the cityscape go by. >> it's over on 34. and then go left into this sunset memorial. >> they turned into sunset memorial gardens. >> just keep following the road. >> a sprawling said military in the heart of the city was a destination. turned out that sandoval once worked there. the implication was clear. somewhere in the cemetery, tina was likely sharing a grave. once out of the car, he seemed disoriented. >> just going to help you. >> well, it was 95, what was under that. >> 95 undeveloped? >> yeah. >> okay, may take a little bit longer. trades have grown, more graves have been dug. more headstones and markers were laid out. the cops weren't saying but they knew that cemetery records indicated that there were three freshly dug graves here. one was the wrestling face of a u.s. veteran. >> [inaudible] seems about right, seems about right. come this way. >> sandoval indicated here, i think. and that was what, the name of the person buried their? >> are there was a veteran buried there. world war ii that. so we went back to the police department called his son richard and his wife deborah, and just had this really uncomfortable, breaking the ice kind of thing and telling them who i was. >> can you believe what i'm about to tell you? >> exactly. you're not gonna believe this but, we have a reason to believe that a murder victim is buried near the dam of the cemetery. and those two remarkable people were 100% supportive and cooperative. agreed to sign whatever documents were necessary that was under his dad. >> [inaudible] >> sandoval was returned to the county jail, while they made plans for the exhibition in the morning. he knew he would be the expertise in that high take care of a group of body recovery experts known as necrosearch. they would begin the grave. a proud army that himself, he also knew he had to honor the veteran. who in a way, had stood watch over tina all those years. >> i think it would be proper to have the military ceremony. both for the exclamation, and the remains to be returned to the grave. >> you know, that says a lot about who you are detective. >> i suppose so, i am former military. and this family is now a new victim of john sandoval. so how do we make it as honest, as respectful, and as dignified as possible to potentially, and hopefully, find tina underneath? because i am not super confident at this point that john has led us to the right location. he is such a snake, such a weasel, you have no idea what he might be trying to do. >> the veteran's coffin and remains were exempt and taken to a mortuary to await re-burial. the forensic experts went into the grave and began their also careful taking. when they came upon a plastic part, mike immediately called detective goldschmidt. >> we found a path lasted bag. and we were like do you think you found her? and we were like yeah. it was opened up by our pathologist, and almost immediately when i saw her teeth and her braces i knew. >> you and the team had found her? >> we found her. >> the dea called me. >> they said the tire? >> they said it's her. >> what happens in that moment after all of these ears for you? >> it is again, that release, of relief, of some closure. of something being finished, of something being over, a part of that. that we finally know where she was. so i was glad that we knew. >> dina's friend and coworker, carroll, the one who had nightmares are after she vanished was understandably relieved to discover that tina's body had been recovered. today, she understands the determination to get her back. even if it meant agreeing to a plea deal for her killer. >> my nightmares finally went away, and now and i've two daughters. the nightmares would never go away if it was my child. i can't imagine how painful it was for them to think we're would she be? i totally understand why they would want to do that. that's how i feel as a mother. >> authorities had her remains, but could not determine how she was killed. sandoval knew, but he was not talking. that was part of the plea deal. he would not give up the how and why of his wife's murder. >> get down into a fresh grave in the middle of the night. >> dragging her over. getting back, filling it up, leveling it off. >> on a recent trip to the cemetery, detective told me that he has a pretty good idea of what happened on the 19 it was buried here. >> this is x marks the spot, where we're standing is the edge of the cemetery. across these hedges. so i think it was bold as breast, whatever the public driveway, the access is? >> yeah. >> there's no case, no big gates. welcome to heaven? >> no, there is no gates. no controlled access. he probably just head off his lights, or coasted to a stop. >> he came up upon and freshly dug grave. >> he never explained what it was about it. but he had a flashlight tied in this car. we recovered that from the car. jumped out into the hole, use the bucket to climb out. drug tina's body into the dug graves, putter deeper under the ground. >> because the bat funeral was scheduled for the next day, pearl imagined sandoval using the level they found in the car, to smooth out the soil on the bottom of the grave, so that the soon to arrive cemetery employees would not be suspicious. >> there is the graduate! >> but now the family had tina back. and could finally give her a grave of her own. >> and she's gonna be taller? >> and now you have her back, now you can do a proper burial. >> yes, yes. it's very healing for everybody i think. it brought us together again. zip it up for all of us as fires she is a kayna. and she's back with her family. >> as for sandoval, when he next appeared in court he got a lighter sentence he was looking for. 25 years. in return, for delivering up his murder victims body he would now have the possibility of parole. >> do you understand that right? >> i do. >> sandoval has a parole hearing set for 2026. >> we are working as a family to try to keep him put away. >> do you believe he is rehabilitated if he walks out? >> now. >> do you think he is a clear and present danger? >> yes. he gets good behavior in prison. because there is no women in prison. that's his favorite thing. collecting women. we're still hoping that something will happen with vegas. >> a fresh charge might come up? >> a fresh charge might come up. another woman might speak up. >> dina's family has been proactive, appealing to the state parole board every time sandoval comes out for a hearing. saying do not release him! not this time, not ever! >> if tina was sitting here, don't we wish that she were. what would you tell are about all those years? >> i would tell her that i love her. and that we try the hardest. and that we are going to keep trying. justice is not wholly served yet. keep pushing. e. i'm craig melvin, and this why would a father drop off his daughter and disappear? is dateline! >> he loved his daughter. his daughter was

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Carol , Crime Scene , Vanished Friend , Coworker , Like Vision , Stephen King , Way , Area , Style , Shallow Grave , Dream , Zombie , Grave , Prairie , Wasn T Out , Wasn T Shallow , Kids , Street Lights , Windsor , Laundry , Number , Kid Sister Annie , Age , Boys , Boot Camp , Four , Nine , Seven , Something , Downtown Greeley , Sex , Aunt , Campus Bookstore , City Cough , Marine , Michael , Mary Ellen , 13 , Obstacle Courses , Backyard , Clubhouse , Mind , Personality , Smiling , Shy , Help , Studies , Ones , Boyfriends , Competitor , Track , High School Basketball , Recalls , Shoeless John Sandoval , Nursing , Name , Parents , College , Direction , Guy Taking Classes , Footing , Radiology Technician , John , Apartment , Boyfriend John , Sociable , Everybody , Well Mannered , Relationship , Fairytale , Fit , Mess , No Dog Cody , Mask , Chinese , Sunday Catholic Upbringing , Checkers , Somebody , Wedding , John Tina , Experience , Childhood , Boyfriend , Siblings , Girl , Kelly , Teresa , Chapel , Rockies , Oldest , Bridesmaid , Ceremony , Vows , Group Picture , Reception , Bride , Front , Book , Families , Terrain , Tina Open , Jessie , Each Other , Cousin , Speech , Hall , Including John S Cousin Jesse , Reason , Thanks , Feeling , Finger , Tea , Edge , Mr , Toasts , Tears , Mrs , Beach Honeymoon , Cancun , Snapshot , Couple , Country , Plane , Souvenir , Cool Vacation , Cancun T Shirts , Anything , Didn T , Nursing Studies , Notice , Off Kilter , Coming Up , Problems , Concerns , In The Beginning , John Wasn T , Dateline , Somewhere , Nobody , Mystery , Secret , Witnesses , Vaccine , Shingrix , Shingles Doesn T Care , 90 , Fainting , Reactions , Everyone , Shingles , Risk , Side Effects , Dose , Muscle Pain , Guillain BarrÉ Syndrome , Stoplights Kiddo , Mommy , Doctor , Car , Daddy , Headache , Tiredness , Stomach , Injection Site , Fever , Swelling , Shivering , Redness , Pharmacist , Budget , Movies , Sweetie , Kiddo , Camping , Seats , Singing , Need Parking Assist , Purse , Carvana , 30k , Asthma , More , Kid , Genius , Announcer , Du , Let S Go , Breathing Problems , Breathing , Add On Treatment , Types , Lung Function , Asthma Attacks , Dupixent , Chest Pain , Steroids , Rash , Infection , They Don T , Stop Asthma Medicines , Breath , Numbness , Joint Aches , Tingling , Limbs , Shortness , Top , Advil , Worlddddd , Biologic , Inflammation , Gels , Hair , Source , Hair Complex , Advil Liqui , Nature S Bounty Hair Growth , One , Love , Hair Thinning , Nature S Bounty , Beginning , Glue , Narrator , Come A Long Way , Dirt , She Hadn T Felt , Trouble , I M With You , Kitten , Eloquence , Marriage , Liquor Store , Customer Care Calls , Job , Radiology Class , String , Jobs , Bit , She Wasn T , Point , Truth , People , Students , Carole Chauvin , Passion , Field , Nursing School , My Door , Patients Room , Natural , Command , Patient , Pep Talk , Nothing , Teenager , Classmates , Book Student , Street , Nose , Daughter , Tina , Hearts , Children , Toddler , Coffees , Divorce , Lead , Place , Paperwork , 1995 , Things , Prince , Boxes , What S Going On , Space , Town , Team , List , Vehicle , Lake , Boat Launch , Boat Dock , Ramp , Ice Cream Cones , Side , Terror , Goof , Hubcaps , Water , Wasn T , Scary , Category , Jaw , Speed , Obsession , Separation , Sandals Car , Balcony , Talking , Convenience , S Beginning , Savings , Blendjets Holiday Sale , Gift , 2 , Everything , Colors , Blender , Relative , Accessories , Sale , Patterns , Theyre , Clothes , Bargain Detergent , Advantage , Holiday Sale , Triplets , Tide , Three , 3 , Dog , Jade , Weight , Food , Farmer , Wifi , Homework , Adventures , The Power Goes Out , Betterforthem Com , Power , Battery Back Up , Plus , Power Outages , Data , December 31st , 4 , Device , Storm , Xfinity Rewards Members , 31 , 25 , Spring , Bachelor , Lawn , Science , University Of Northern Colorado , Course , Head , Group , Photo , Spotlight , Flights , Summer , Shyness , Woman , Colleague , Cocoon , She S The First , Deal , Best , Talks , Call , Patience , Patients , Degree , Career , Shoulders , Hers , 23 , Friends , Courage , Carols , Butterfly , Johns House , Disease , Grocery Store , Voyeurism , Tapes Detective Profound Incentivize Vegas , Story , Stalker , Washer , Illness , Learning , Stalking , Personality Disorders , Dina , Remarks , Friendship , Topic , Club , Taxes , Decision , Stories , Creep , Of Factly , Bed , Backyards , Middle , Underwear , Peeping Tom , Back Trophies , Something Else , 18 , Old Friends , Friend , Jesse In Particular , Drawing , Friend Kevin , Jealousy , Anyone , Particular , Deck , Staircase , Led , Business , Call Center , Dodge , Basement , Mom , Police Station , Meeting John In The Morning , Night Shift , Alarms , Connection , Case Set , Skin , Benefits , Hydrate , Olay , Brighten , 1 , 5 , Texture , Medicines , Dovato , Shiv , Treatment , Adults , Pill , Stop Dovato , Hiv Pills , Symptoms , Reaction , Dofetilide , Lactic Acid , Liver Problems , Buildup , Breastfeeding , Kidney , Pregnancy , Baby , Anxiety , Nausea , Diarrhea , Trouble Sleeping , Katie Phang , Luis Mcgill , White House , Criticism , Post , Profile Alumni , Lawmakers , University Of Pennsylvania , With , Runoff Victory , Hearing , Comments , Campus Antisemitism , Race , Congresswoman , Nbc News , Eid , Myristoyl , City , Shift , Oncology Unit , On October 19th , 19 , 00 , October 19th 1995 , 7 , Part , Some , Nurses , Conversation , House , Meeting , Issues , Close , Money , Carroll , Whatever , Luck , Corridor , Memory , Motion , Ponytail , Blond Ponytail , Plan , Fears , Susan Couldn T Shake , Work , Doesn T , Appointment , Afternoon Dragged On , Teen , Mother , Homes , Voice , Gabby , Cars , They Weren T , Stop , Jacket , Alarm Bells , Kitchen Chair , Sense , Honor , Detective Keith Olson , Disappearing , Pieces , Figures , Greeley Police Department , Guys , Police Department , Cops , Family History , History , Daughters , Desk Officer , Arrest Sandoval , Convictions , Pervert , Harassment , Law Dating , Wins , Burglary , Greeley Cops , 80 , Case , Hunt , Step Aside , Window , Bedroom , Chance , Flapping , Drapes , Windows Open , Sotyktu , Finding Psoriasis , Thighs , Splendor , Infections , Ability , Changes , Muscle Problems , Kidney Problems , Liver , Cancers , Tb , Labs , Lymphoma , Triglycerides , Tyk2 Inhibitor , Dermatologist , Hiding , Jak Family , Find , Risks , Plaque Psoriasis , Jak Inhibitors , Vo , Lobster , Shrimp , Entrees , Red Lobster , Hasn T , Eczema , It Dancing , Travel , Dupixent Works On The Inside , Relief , Vision , Eye Pain , Eye Problems , Aches , Pitch , Pains , Healing , Eczema Specialist , Pain Away , Faster , Detectives , Becatina , Missing Tion , Treported , Detectives Goldschmidt , Missing , Greeley Department , 15 , Judge Lettuce , Murder , Abduction , Complaints , Gabriella , She Hadn T , Disarray , 30 , 6 , Overwork Clothes , Name Tag , Blouse , Nursing Uniform , Ground , Doors , Correct , Line , Jewelry Boxes , Pants , Someone , The House , Reasoning , Crime , Homicide , Information , Thought Process , Gotta , Neighborhood , Apartment Complexes , Walking Distance , Spots , Parking Lots , Wallet , Parking Lot , Police Headquarters , Sign , Desk , Glass , Inspections , Report , Research , Trespassing , Shoes , Pair , Discovered John , Roommate , Town House , Coworkers , Door , Letter , Citation , Men , Closet , Shell , Sandoval , Officer , Felony Crime , Mistakes , Misdemeanor , Offense , Surveillance Officer , Conviction , Goldschmidt , Bag , Subject , Bingo , Joy Him Be Rated In , 45 , Shower , Trace Evidence , Oh My God , Flashlight , Clay , Drain , Hatchback , Shovel , Pound , Pale , Rogue , Lantern , Gavi , Figure , Back Door , Dim Light On , Kitchen , Law Enforcement Careers , Mistake , Dashboard , Search Warrant , Warrant , Thinking , Don T Go In , Police , Scene , Scraping , Windows , Hallway , Surveilling , Entry , Knees , Go Running Outside , He S Gonna Stand Up , Gonna , Clay Bugging , T Shirt , Say , Blue Jeans , Fellas , Police Officers , Play , Trespass , Idea , Clay Didn T Know , Vehicles , Doing , Back Pocket , Card , You Re Under Arrest , Justice , Socks , Wife , Leads , Concern , No One , Back Pain , Action , Ways , Oyo , Rewind Sound , Who , Dog Barks , Grunts , 8 , Bill , Interest , Lines , Fights , Carriers , Big Three , Business Mobile , Providers , Comcast , 75 , 0 , A Month , Contracts , Line Activation Fees , Term , 5g Mobile Network , Moms , Dads , Futures , Diplomas , Stage , Adult Education , Visit Finishyourdiploma Org , Lawyer , Todd , Trespassing Charge , Greeley Police Station , Koch , None , Arrest , Witness , I Don T Know , Tell Me Anything , He Wasn T A Cooperative Witness , Check , Either , Drill , I Don T Know Why , Thoughts , Discount , Baja , It Didn T , Bus , Airline Records , Suspects , Center , Creeps , Split , Drifter , Bus Station , On Sandoval , Investigators , Credit Cards , Obvious , Beats , Zebras , Bathroom , Watchable , Carpenters , Bucket , Level , Lanyard , 40 , District Attorney , Wasn T Enough , Circumstantial , Statements , Finding , Versus , News , Throngs , Road , Another , Hand , Truck , Dover , Ditches , It , Like Carole , Nightmares , Cop , Debt , Mike Turner , Remains , Dad , Big , Mike Clark , Strong , Car Cry , Rabbit Hole , Reservoir , Places , Feel , Target Practice , Tips , Findings , Spending , Big 12 , Tina Sanibel , 12 , Hospital Routine A Word , Stick At , Trespass Charge , Five , Judge , Murder Case , Tennis Case , Prison , Couldn T Let Go , Cold , Wilson , Six , Office , Highs , Murder Cases , Rollercoaster , Blows , Lows , Suffering , Loss , Tina Wasn T , Hometown , Stark , Few , Alternative , Parole , Las Vegas , In America , Model Prisoner , Implant , Dice , You Guys , Diving , Spain , Injection Site Pain , Arexvy , Response , Fatigue , Immune Systems , Make It Arexvy , Rsv , Control , Symptom Relief , Crohn S Disease , Crohn , Skyrizi , Abdominal Pain , Bowel Movements , Il 23 , Remission , Damage , Intestinal Lining , Crohn S , Gastroenterologist , Voiceover , Whole , Dennis Murphy , Universe , Tierney , Couldn T Repair , Tournai , Person Isn T , Guild , Sadness , Girls , Prairies , Tow , Surging Freddy Santa , Lost , Disappearance , Childhood Memory , Situation , 2002 , Questions , Closure , Prime Suspect , Canyon Roads , Vain , Actives , Wouldn T Let Go , Wasn T Jury Ready , Path , Opportunity , Chapter , Left , Eyes , 2009 , Keith , Campaign , Cases , Responsibilities , Pd , Comparison , Detail , Mike , Game , Attention , Mike Prill , Both , Desert Storm , U S Army , 95 , Piece , Battle , File , Investigations , Pill Cut , Domestic Violence , Michael Rock , Hiding In The Woods , Talk , Test , Number One , Montana , It Doesn T Nine , Activity , Bank Account , Renewal , Drivers License , Benefit , Radar Screen , 1986 , 1985 , Murder Charge , 2000 , Document , Arrest Warrant , Green Light , Affidavit , Supply , Crime Thriller , The Cops , Words , Reading , Fingers , Ice , Me One Question , D A , Detective Prill , Restaurant , Breakthrough , Board , Tapes , Videos , Vhs , Chest Hips , 70 , 100 , Victims , Hundreds , Guess , Many , John Doesn T , Ontinues , Stools , Colace , Brand , Pineapple , Trust Colace , Stimulants , 4xl Shirt , Break , Trust , Stairs , Golo For Life , Jason , 228 , Murder Arrest Warrant , Coming , Sandoval Out , Rest , Charge , Eye , Vegas , Restaurant Sandoval , Sergeant , Las Vegas Police Department , Nbc , Gianna , Estate , Cuffs , Beaty , Stake , Right , John Say , Dean Sandoval , Little Sister , Sivells Bend , Detective Pearl , Addresses , Jailhouse Phone , Extradition , Pro , John Years , Conversations , Prill , Softball Barbecuing Buddy , Prostitution , Wildlife , Drugs , Up By Caregiving , Runoff , Shrine , Inside John , Type , Hanging , Little Black Dress , Photos , He Didn T , Road Trip , Proof , Orbiters , Pictures , Amateur Videographer Afters Years Bag , Drunk , Homemade , Everything Old , Peeping M O , Spy Cam Videos Disgusting , Thousands , Tape , Up And Down , Scores , Las Vegas Strip , Room , Disembodied Lakes , Perverts View , High Heels , Casino , Skirts , 2007 , Party People , Go Home , Identity , Big Cam , Camera Out , Dark Room , Camcorder , Darkness , Infrared Light , Hotel Room , Blond , Heat , Films , Sheets , Blankets , 17 , Doubt , Glimpse , Camera , Assailants , Video , Incident , Custody , Depravity , Encounter , Pork Carnitas , Music , El Pollo Loco , Family Meal , 24 , Tapes Detective Prill , Into Sandoval , Lori Buckler , Laurie , Pre 1995 , Tina Banish , 1992 , Employee Room , State Farm , Basis , Exit , Garage , Overpass , Party , Binoculars , Contest , Misdemeanor Harassment , Dawn Sandoval Terrorizing Lori , Jail , Centerville , Crepe , July 1995 , Bat , Weakness , Mike Prelate Benchley , Devil , Cops Saw , 33 , Sandals , Peeping , Accusations , Stocking , Bell Ringing , Tina S , Complaint , Ex Girlfriend , Knife Point , Purse Contents , County , Enough , Iran , Streets , Account , Calf , Trial , Court , Michael Berke Build , Boat , John Sandoval Accountable , Charges , Child , Didn T Go Well , Charge , Double Jeopardy , Social Security Number , Hit , Poll , Blue , Social Security , Teline , Search , Tornadoes , Survivors , Tornado , Nashville , Officials , Clarksville , Tennessee , State , Countries , Stars , Eclipse , Greece , Asteroid , Night Sky , Turkey , Florida Keys , Miami , T Degree Murder Trial , Wall County Courthouse , Pattern , Conduct , 27 , 26 , Character , Defendant , Out Of Bounds , The One , Sexual Assault , Impromptu Search Of Santa Belle , Prosecutor , Partner , Witness List , Venn , Team Computer Search , Courtroom Environment , Court Tv , Nurse Down , Emptiness , Count , Neck , Purity , Position , 35 , 2010 , 53 , July 2010 , Back Story , Sort , Details , Arguments , Sandals Fetish , Feet , Attorneys , Smile , Anchor , Sandoval Funds , Fear , Nature , Suicide , Gun , Result , Expression , Manipulative , Violence , Rulings , John Sanibel , Clothing , Handgun , Soil , Sweated , Fingernails , Interview Room , Signs , Saw , Dna , Finger Nails , Face , Photographs , Chest , Scratches , Floor , Injuries , Shirt , The End , Scratch Marks , Process , Police Canine , Daisy , Hospital , Backdoor , Gathering Evidence , Nursing Stations , Hairs , Rooms , Plucking , Rim Johnson , Defense , Foot , Deliberations , Sigh , Emotion , Appeal , Defense Attorney , Remorse , Attorney Error , Hip , Most , Possibility , Trainees , Points , Retribution , 2016 , 200 , March 17th , 44 , Ten , 2017 Nearly , March 22nd 2017 , 2017 , 22 , 2015 , March 2015 , 34 , 2026 ,

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