Transcripts For MSNBCW The 20240702 :

Transcripts For MSNBCW The 20240702

amid more and a warning. she's going to be here with me to talk about it in her first primetime interview. again, we have never done an interview before. i'm going to be speaking with her in public for the first time here ever. it is next monday live here at nine pm. you have not heard about what is in her book because it's all about a very tight embargo. but you are going to want to see what she has to say. that is a week from tonight. i will see you then, that does it for me for now. and that was time for the last word with lawrence o'donnell. good evening, lawrence. >> reporter: good evening, that means you know what that means to me for next monday night. that means have to get everything done and ready for my show, like a good 55 minutes earlier than i usually do so that i just don't miss a word of this first ever discussion between rachel maddow and this genie. >> reporter: thank you, i can send you a sleep aid or something to try to help adjust your hours? i will say, the cheney book it's -- nothing of it has looked so far. i think people are going to be surprised and very interested to hear what it is she has to say. it's going to be the first primetime interview that she's done. but it's also the first interview that i've done with her ever and i am really, really, really looking for to it. what a world where this genie is the person interviewed by the republican conscious on a matter like this. but that is -- it's going to be interesting. >> reporter: you now have me and millions of others in the stage we call can't wait. >> reporter: thank you, lawrence. look >> reporter:, banks rachel. what we begin tonight with readings from donald trump supporters. you're about to hear the words of donald trump's most devoted supporters. supporters who are willing to kill for donald trump. they will also vote for donald trump, no matter what crimes he is charged with or convicted of. donald trump knows he cannot win the presidency without the votes of the people whose words you are about to hear. donald trump tries to please these people every day. they are the kind of people donald trump never wanted to know or been here or have anything to do with until he became a politician. now donald trump needs these people. now donald trump is hoping that one of these people can somehow get on one of his criminal juries because that might be his only hope. of not being convicted. everything you are about to hear comes from transcripts of voice mail messages. left by donald trump's most devoted supporters. i hope they bury your ugly when [bleep] your of filthy little jews. i mean, honestly. you should be assassinated. you should be killed. and there is this from another devoted supporter of donald trump, resigned now, you dirty trees in this piece of trash snake. we are going to get you and anyone of you dirty, backstabbing, lying, cheating american. you are nothing but a bunch of communists. we are coming to remove you permanently. and here's another voice mail message. from a devoted supporter of donald trump was. do you think being a judge changes the fact that your a pathetic little [bleep] you little door with your little [bleep] g girl [bleep] helper. god i hope you [bleep] die. what that is just a sampling of the voice mail messages reviewed by court security officials in manhattan where the judge presiding over the current civil fraud trial of donald trump in and manhattan receives those calls, hundreds of them every day. in a filing with the appeals court in new york to support the continuation of a gag order on donald trump in that case, the head of security from the court said the threats against justice and go ron and his clerk are considered to be serious and credible and are not hypothetical or speculative. the implementation of the gag orders resulted in the decrease of the number of threats, harassment, and disparaging messages that the judge and his staff received. however, when mr. trump violated the gag orders, the number of disparaging messages increased on a daily basis. the judge and his staff are being inundated with hundreds of harassing and threatening phone calls, voice mail messages, and emails that has resulted in the judicial threats assessment units having to constantly reassess and evaluate what security protections to put in place to ensure the safety of the judge and those around him. on thanksgiving day, special prosecutor jack smith filed a copy of that statement in the case of united states of america versus donald j trump or donald trump is appealing a limited gag order issued in that case by the trial court judge tanya chutkan. the appeals, court federal appeals court hearing in that case last monday indicated that the appeals court judges were in favor of preserving most if not all of the gag order issued by judge chutkan. today, donald trump's lawyers urged the new york appeals court which is considering donald trump's appeal of the gag order issued by judge arthur engoron who is receiving, he's the judge who's receiving those hundreds of harassing phone calls a day, to completely overrule the gag order issued by the judge. the -- insist that death threats issued by donald trump supporters because of things donald trump says about the people threatened are not donald trump's fault. the trump lawyers right, at base, the disturbing behavior engaged in by anonymous, third-party actors towards the judge and principal law clerk publicly presiding over an extremely polarizing and high profile trial merits appropriate security measures. however, it does not justify the wholesale, aggregation of petitioners first amendment rights in a proceeding of immense stakes to petitioners which has been compromised by the introduction of partisan bias on the bench, in essence, the constitution does not permit justice and go on to curtail petitioners speech simply because people may react to things that president trump said. and so there are donald trump's lawyers falsely accusing judge engoron of having a partisan bias against donald trump in the case. those lawyers know that the language that they are using in that statement is in and of itself enough to create more death threats against the judge who they are falsely and unethically accusing of having a partisan buys. today, in washington, d.c., dutch truck and once again ruled against donald trump. this time for what the judge called a trump fishing expedition. donald trump's criminal defense lawyers in the washington federal case against him told -- they wanted authority to obtain information from the house january committee that was disbanded by the republicans now controlling the house. the trump lawyers were asking for a massive amount of material that they imagine, just imagine the january six committee may have at some point possessed. and in our order denying the trump lawyers request, judge chutkan wrote today, quote, the defendant does not stay with any specificity the information that he seeks in those records repeating only that it is important and related to the events and people associated with the select committees work and therefore the january 6th 2021 attack. the broad scope of the records that the defendant seeks and has vague description of their potential elements resemble less a good faith effort to obtain, identified evidence than they do a general fishing expedition that attempts to use rule 17 see subpoena as a discovery device. for an explanation of all those legal developments, we turn to andrew weissmann, former fbi general counsel and former chief -- in the eastern district of new york. he is the co-host of the msnbc podcast prosecuting donald trump. also with us barbara mcquade, she's a former u.s. law attorney and a professor at the university of michigan law school. she's also the co-host of the podcast hashtag sisters in law. they are both msnbc legal analysts. and andrew, then we begin with you on the first point that i was raising tonight which is the exact words, the exact words of the threats that one judge presiding over just one of the trump cases is getting. and we have those exact words because they were submitted by a court security officer as part of the file in donald trump's appeal of a gag order that was designed to ethel east reduce those threats and seem to be working at reducing those threats. jack smith now using that same document provided by that new york court security official to make the same case to the appeals court in washington, d.c., considering the gag order in that case about just how dangerous donald trump's speech is when it reaches his devoted followers who then phone in the threats to judges. i think the way i think about this is i don't think that this is a first amendment issue. when people are talking about, gee, people are restricting the free speech rights. someone who's running for president, that's just not the correct framing for what the judge in new york at the district judge in d.c. are doing. they are restricting the bail conditions and the condition center which a defendant is allowed release or in the new york case it's a civil case. they have a defendant as a parties entitled to speak about what is going on. and i think if you think of it that way it is not just some arbitrary restriction, it's about prophylactic rules. it's commonplace, lawrence, for every defendant in the federal system to be told that you have no second amendment right while your criminal defendant that is a right that you do not have once you are indicted. if you're acquitted, then you can have your gun back but similarly you give up your fourth amendment rights in large part when you are a defendant. you have to show up at pretrial, you could enter house rust, you can also be in jail pending trial. these are restrictions that the court is entitled to place on defendants to make sure that they show up and also that they're not a danger to the community. donald trump should not be given more or less rights than anyone else in his position and i think the record in new york and d.c. is ample to show that his words lead two and a classic call and response lead to violence. i point out it's not just in new york. judge chutkan has death threats also all the time. there is a woman who is actually charged with threatening to kill her. and that's the kind of thing that the courts are allowed to take steps, prophylactic steps to make sure that that does not have been to keep the integrity of our judicial system intact. >> reporter: barbara, it seems to me that there is something awfully close to a proof in the filing in the new york case with these specific threats to the new york judge, but more specifically to the judges clerk. it is impossible for donald trump's followers to know who the clerk's. were it not for donald trump's public attacks on the clerk. that's how they know how the court exists. that's how they know her name. that's how they know things about her that make them attack her directly. there is a link between donald trump's public attacks on the clerk and then his supporters threatening the life of the clerk. yes, and i think that's exactly the reason jacks mitt took that letter that was initially filed in the new york court and shared with the d.c. circuit court of appeals that is considering that cha which chutkan gag order. a week ago, there was some to skate dispute about what it means to target someone. you know what it means to target somebody? it is going after a cleric by name so that members of the public who had previously no idea who this person was are now harassing and threatening that person. that's what it means to target someone. so they're using this as evidence. they're also talking about the fact that harm might be a little speculative at the stage. you might want to see if something happens. jack smith against that it's happening. this is the evidence. do we need to wait any longer for any of this. it's happening. by giving him, giving the court that sort of subsidiary evidence, this is not a speculative harm. this is what it means to target someone in the court of appeals ought to affirm the gag order the judge chutkan has imposed before we see all kinds of things that are going on in new york happen in the d.c. case as well. and, or the fishing expeditions that chutkan described in her refusal to open up a subpoena authority that donald trump's defense lawyers can have in this case, seeking evidence from the january 6th committee. to what extent does the defendant have a right to get the courts help and use subpoena power in obtaining evidence, like the kind that donald trump was describing in the plea? i'm glad you asked that question. this is something that was going to be a loser from the moment i read it. here is the main reason. the government's response to donald trump's request to get what he alleged were purported missing transcripts was to say we've given you all of them. the government actually said and represented you have all the transcripts. there is nothing missing. and so at that point, donald trump's argument was, okay but now i want the videos, not just the transcripts of certain months. they had a lot of videos but they wanted certain ones. and the judge said you haven't even gone through the written transcripts to tell me what's revel relevant about them. and he even said, here's why their demeanor, their tone might be relevant, you might have made an argument that -- you haven't even done. that the court basically, said do your homework and know what was turned out for you, review it, and don't make a motion essentially, she was saying, that is geared to public opinion where you can try to manufacture a claim when there's evidence when that is in fact not what's going on here. andrew weissmann, barbara mcquade, thank you very much for starting off our discussion and please stay with us across the commercial break for next discussion. we already knew that jared kushner was running his own personal presidential pardon bracket in the trump white house which he used to grant his own father a pardon. but what we actually did know how bad the kushner partner racket was. we knew it was very, very bad but new reporting by the new york times shows us it was even worse than that. and that reporting shows us how bad the pardon racket would be. every day in another trump presidency. that's next with andrew weizmann and barbara mcquade. barbara mcquade so now, do you have a driver's license? oh. what did you get us? with the click of a pen, you can a new volkswagen at the sign, then drive event. hurry in to lease a new 2023 all-electric id.4 for zero down, zero deposit, zero first month's payment, and zero due at signing. limited inventory available. have heart failure with unresolved symptoms? it may be time to see the bigger picture. heart failure and seemingly unrelated symptoms like carpal tunnel syndrome, shortness of breath, and irregular 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years of a ten year sentence on drug charges that he pleaded guilty to in 2011, managing to stay out of prison for several years. i have long running investigation during that time, he shifted from the drug business to predatory lending to small businesses, the new york times, reports, according to court records, jonathan braun threatened some of the small business owners who owed him money with statements like, i will take your daughters from you. he told a rabbi that he would, quote, publicly embarrass him adding, i'm going to make you bleed and i will make you suffer for every penny. jared kushner decided to give the man who issued the threats of pardon. kushner was running his own pardoning shop in the white house, completely outside the justice department channels. william barr, donald trump's last confirmed general told the new york times, quote, when he took over the justice department, he discovered that there were pardons being given without any bedding by the department. one of the beneficiaries of the jared kushner pardon shop was jared kushner's father, charles kushner, who was convicted of federal crimes involving hiring a prostitute so that he could secretly videotape her with his brother-in-law to then blackmail his brother-in-law to prevent his brother-in-law from cooperating with investigators. that's life in the kushner family. jared kushner has said there is no one on earth he admires more than his grotesquely criminally minded of who, as it turns, there is a friend of jonathan brown's father. so, jonathan bronze father urging jared kushner's father to get a pardon for his son and attorney alan dershowitz calling jared kushner, asking for the pardon after appearing as defense counsel for donald trump in the first impeachment trial of donald trump, jonathan braun shot to the top of jared kushner's personal pardon list, even though prosecutors were pressuring jonathan brown to cooperate in another investigation, which he's facing possible federal criminal charges. jonathan braun and even more kushner connections and he probably needed to get this pardon. the times reports that jonathan braun was in the very first freshman class of kushner yoshida hospital in livingston new jersey, which was funded by jared kushner's father. jared kushner's youngest sister, nicole, was a classmate of jonathan bronze in that first freshman class. in a court filing, new york state attorney general has said that jonathan braun, quote, continues to commit usury. if there is another trump presidency, kushner pardon shop is likely to be issuing pardons like that every day. possibly in effect selling pardons like that in exchange for political contributions or contributions to donald trump's personal legal defense fund. donald trump was not the only possible criminal working in the trump white house. and you've eisman and barbara mcquade are back with us. barbara, as we've discussed in this program before, the justice department runs a carefully structured pardoning process and application process, it takes years to get a pardon from the application stage into the white house. in the trump white house, it went straight to jared kushner. >> yeah, this is a violation of the rule of law. the office a pardon attorney at the department of justice has a process and has protocols for who gets a pardon and who doesn't. the person generally must have completed their sentences and the passage of five years has gone by before someone is eligible for a pardon. they need to accept responsibility for their crime, show remorse ad be conducting an otherwise productive life. those are the factors that we look. at when you look at mr. brown here, he couldn't be further from this criteria. other part is that it's being done on a favor basis, that there is uniformity to the process. that they're looking at the whole landscape across the country and deciding who or where the candidates for part, it's not just whoever got facetime with the president or son-in-law. so, i worry, as you do, lawrence, that what has happen in the past for what could happen in the future. but the thing we saw donald trump do is grant clemency to another person -- corruption climbs to normalize that sort of behavior and all of that, i think, it is a threat to the rule of law in this country. >> he is already in effect promising what could be thousands of pardons with the january six defendants. this is more former attorney general barr told the new york times for this story. mr. barr added that he told trump aides that they should at least send over names of those being considered so that the department can thoroughly examined their records while the white house counsel's office try to do this so, it fell apart from partnering the -- final weeks of -- before mr. trump left office, according to direct knowledge of the process. and your heisman, those parting requests pouring in clearly what happened beginning in the first week of another trump presidency. >> absolutely. remember, donald trump has talked about pardoning the people participated with him in january six in terms of attacking the capitol, which was done at his behest. and to pick up on some voting barbara said, to underscore, but this is the end of the rule of law. there is a pardon power in the constitution that presupposes that the president is going to exercise it with judgment and discretion. and follow, this uniformity of doing this and finding the people and applying those criteria to everyone. that's not how donald trump did give pardons or jared kushner gave pardons. every single defendant who did not cooperate in the mueller investigation was pardoned. you have manafort, flynn, stone, bannock, alex van der sloot, people you've barely heard of a. all of the people who didn't cooperate were parted. if you did cooperate with law enforcement, the head of the federal government was saying, you have a pardon. it's just a shocking example of someone who really didn't understand the rule of law. there is zero reason to think that he is not going to wield that power in a way to undermine everything this country stands for. >> andrew weissmann, barbara mcquade, thank you very much for joining us on our discussion. >> thank, you lawrence. >> coming, up the biden administration is insisting tonight that hostages have been released by hamas in a cease-fire has been established and extended thanks to american diplomacy and the direct daily involvement in the negotiations by president biden. that is next. ♪ limu emu & doug ♪ [bell ringing] and doug says, “you can customize and save hundreds on car insurance with liberty mutual.” he hits his mark —center stage— and is crushed by a baby grand piano. are you replacing me? with this guy? customize and save with liberty bibberty. he doesn't even have a mustache! oh, look! a bibu. 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>> now, i think american diplomacy was central to this because, essentially, you have a dynamic where only the united states had a set of relationships that could on lock a deal like this. obviously, united states is a close relationship with israel. the israeli government was not particularly focused on securing the hostages diplomatically because they were focused on launching military operation. the united states obviously invested a lot in that relationship with israel and can take, essentially, israel's proxy and some of these discussions with other arab countries that we have close relationships with. we've a relationship with qatar, which is key to this because there is a hamas office in doha and there are connections, obviously, between qatar and that hamas office and people in gaza. also, we have a relationship with egypt, which means the border crossing into gaza and has its on winds in as well. it's a three dimensional negotiation where we are trying to get qatar to make assurances via hamas, that hostages will be released and they will be released in a certain number and in a certain secrets. there's logistical pieces to that to get that red cross and in order to have the safe passage for the hostages. that, there is obviously the negotiation with the israeli government to allow for humanitarian aid to get into gaza and for the palestinian prisoners, which is obviously what i'm oxidized forward. what you are doing is communication with a variety of parties and trying to assemble the pieces of a deal like this that can come to gather in a very careful sequencing, lawrence, in a situation where there has been an ongoing bombardment and war in gaza. this is not easy. we are seeing the results date by day and any individual reconciliation's that are so emotional to watch. that is the proof that diplomacy can deliver. >> white house officials say that the only possible way that they could get israel to agree to a cease-fire was through the release of hostages. >> that is right. what we have had is inside of israel, lawrence, we've had a interesting dynamic we're on the one hand there is obviously a lot of support for the effort to go after hamas and to try to secure israel and prevent something like [inaudible] from happening again. at the same time, there is overwhelming concern about the hostages and the families inside of israel become very vocal and the fact of sorts of advocacy to prioritize hostage releases. the reality of the administration was contending with and was relayed to the israeli government is that it's far easier to get the hostages out through negotiation and a pause that it would be in the middle of an ongoing war. you can just imagine, it's logistically difficult in a place like gaza to look at these hostages together and trans for them to the red cross. that would basically be impossible in an ongoing war with bombs falling and fighting happening street by street. i think it's that combination of public opinion inside of israel, american diplomacy, and the israeli government saying, okay, we do need to prioritize those hostages. the two goals articulated by the israeli government for this operation, release the -- and try to get the safe return of the hostages. again, administration has persuaded the netanyahu government to move is to replace where they recognize, okay, we can get at least a vulnerable hostages, that women and children and some of the allergy -- and injured through negotiation. even if israeli government presumes their military operations. >> it was a week ago. tuesday night, actually, that you and i were discussing the first word about where this deal emerging, with background information from the white house saying that they expected 50 to get the release of 50 in a four-day cease-fire. they got 69 in that four days, which led to this now two-day extension. white house saying that they are hoping for an extension after that extension. >> part of what you're doing and diplomacy, lawrence, i've been in with parties that you don't trust, with adversarial countries. what you do is, you try to test to see if the other party can't deliver. we would call this in charting, confidence building measure. can the other side show that they can keep to a deal? i think once it was demonstrated that with [inaudible] pause and each release of palestinian prisoners, with each truck flowing into gaza, yes, indeed, there were hostages being released into israel and hamas was following through on their commitments. then you say, okay, let's see how far we can take this. let's see if we can extend this day by day, each day that you extend this pause is a day that more hostages can get out. it is a date, frankly, but also a lot of humanitarian aid can get in. reps lifesaving aid, to civilians and gaza who are under severe threat. i think the goal for the administration right now is to see how long can we extend as? how many hostages can we get out of this kind of diplomacy? how much a can we get into gaza? so, doing what kind of diplomatic channels kim establish that might be put to use for other negotiations going forward and what is a very complicated environment. this is by no means the end of the picture, lawrence. israeli commitment to resume this military commitment. huge questions about the long term future of gaza and what the israeli strategy is there. on this question of getting hostages out and getting civilians in gaza, they are proving that every day is precious because every life is precious and we are seeing lives literally saved through diplomacy. >> ben rhodes, thank you very much for joining us tonight. >> thanks, lawrence. >> thank you. for the first time that you are in a pharmacy? i don't. i know it was one of the very little kid, walking into the only pharmacy in our neighborhood on adam street in rochester where my interest was in the candy, not the medicine. after this break, you are going to meet someone who first entered a pharmacy when she was a freshman in high school. she walked out of that pharmacy within ambition, which she will tell you of. that is next. i was stuck. unresolved depression symptoms were in my way. i needed more from my antidepressant. vraylar helped give it a lift. adding vraylar to an antidepressant... is clinically proven to help relieve overall depression symptoms... ...better than an antidepressant alone. and in vraylar clinical studies, most saw no substantial impact on weight. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. report unusual changes in behavior or suicidal thoughts. antidepressants can increase these in children and young adults. report fever, stiff muscles, or confusion, as these may be life-threatening, or uncontrolled muscle movements, which may be permanent. high blood sugar, which can lead to coma or death, weight gain, and high cholesterol may occur. movement dysfunction and restlessness are common side effects. stomach and sleep issues, dizziness, increased appetite, and fatigue are also common. side effects may not appear for several weeks. i didn't have to change my treatment. i just gave it a lift. ask about vraylar and learn how abbvie could help you save. 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[inaudible] so that you should feel proud of me that your school fees didn't go to waste. it helped. >> your school fees did not go to waste. giving tuesday begins at midnight tonight. we hope this year, as many of you have in the past, you will keep the girls in malawi in mind along with the kids in elementary schools and allowing in need desks. you can contribute any amount at last word desks dot com, last word desks dot msnbc. com. no notice to small. you can specify that your kept is for desks or for the scholarship fund. you can make a contribution in the name of anyone in your holiday get plus and unicef will send them an acknowledgment of your gift. as i told you last week on the first day of the trip to malawi this year, i met with a group of girls who are now in college thanks to the scholarships you provided for them to complete high school. one of those girls is just ali, right there beside me in that photograph, she's appeared on this program since we've met her at her high school in malawi when she was a scholarship student. the next day, after that meeting with the girls and college, i shall this photograph to a group of high school girls who are currently receiving kind fund scholarships. i showed them a photograph of all of those girls in college now. i told them joyce's story about being sent home from school because she couldn't afford the school fees and then being able to go back to school thanks to our scholarship and pursue her dream of going to medical school, which is where joyce is right now. >> when you're our university student, we come back to visit you again, we see how you are doing, that's choice right there. >> the squeaking you might have been hearing was the birds just outside of the open windows. later, i asked the girls what they felt when they saw that photograph of girls just like them in college. >> what did it feel like when you saw that picture? >> i'm very inspired because joyce said that she was also sent home from school because she had school fees. it's the same like me also. at first, i was also sent [inaudible] she's like [inaudible] if she do this, i can also do this because of everything i need. they pay my school fees and [inaudible] >> what did it feel like when you saw this picture? >> i'm very happy because i would be like joyce. joyce was like me. she worked hard and there she is. >> and that can be you. >> yeah. >> that will be where [inaudible] >> i'm so special. >> joyce is now a role model. at the end of our meeting, the girls saying their gratitude. ♪ ♪ ♪ [applause] [silence] s. and it's unlik improve without treatment. i felt like my movements were in the spotlight. #1-prescribed ingrezza is the only td treatment for adults that's always one pill, once daily. ingrezza 80 mg is proven to reduce td movements in 7 out of 10 people. people taking ingrezza can stay on most mental health meds. ingrezza can cause depression, suicidal thoughts, or actions in patients with huntington's disease. pay close attention to and call your doctor if you become depressed, have sudden changes in mood, behaviors, feelings, or have thoughts of suicide. don't take ingrezza if you're allergic to its ingredients. ingrezza may cause serious side effects, including angioedema, potential heart rhythm problems, and abnormal movements. report fevers, stiff muscles, or problems thinking as these may be life threatening. sleepiness is the most common side effect. it's nice. people focus more on me. ask your doctor about #1 prescribed, once-daily ingrezza. ♪ ingrezza ♪ only unitedhealthcare medicare advantage plans come with the ucard - one simple member card that opens doors where it matters for you. what if we need to see a doctor away from home? 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Transcripts For MSNBCW The 20240702 :

Transcripts For MSNBCW The 20240702

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amid more and a warning. she's going to be here with me to talk about it in her first primetime interview. again, we have never done an interview before. i'm going to be speaking with her in public for the first time here ever. it is next monday live here at nine pm. you have not heard about what is in her book because it's all about a very tight embargo. but you are going to want to see what she has to say. that is a week from tonight. i will see you then, that does it for me for now. and that was time for the last word with lawrence o'donnell. good evening, lawrence. >> reporter: good evening, that means you know what that means to me for next monday night. that means have to get everything done and ready for my show, like a good 55 minutes earlier than i usually do so that i just don't miss a word of this first ever discussion between rachel maddow and this genie. >> reporter: thank you, i can send you a sleep aid or something to try to help adjust your hours? i will say, the cheney book it's -- nothing of it has looked so far. i think people are going to be surprised and very interested to hear what it is she has to say. it's going to be the first primetime interview that she's done. but it's also the first interview that i've done with her ever and i am really, really, really looking for to it. what a world where this genie is the person interviewed by the republican conscious on a matter like this. but that is -- it's going to be interesting. >> reporter: you now have me and millions of others in the stage we call can't wait. >> reporter: thank you, lawrence. look >> reporter:, banks rachel. what we begin tonight with readings from donald trump supporters. you're about to hear the words of donald trump's most devoted supporters. supporters who are willing to kill for donald trump. they will also vote for donald trump, no matter what crimes he is charged with or convicted of. donald trump knows he cannot win the presidency without the votes of the people whose words you are about to hear. donald trump tries to please these people every day. they are the kind of people donald trump never wanted to know or been here or have anything to do with until he became a politician. now donald trump needs these people. now donald trump is hoping that one of these people can somehow get on one of his criminal juries because that might be his only hope. of not being convicted. everything you are about to hear comes from transcripts of voice mail messages. left by donald trump's most devoted supporters. i hope they bury your ugly when [bleep] your of filthy little jews. i mean, honestly. you should be assassinated. you should be killed. and there is this from another devoted supporter of donald trump, resigned now, you dirty trees in this piece of trash snake. we are going to get you and anyone of you dirty, backstabbing, lying, cheating american. you are nothing but a bunch of communists. we are coming to remove you permanently. and here's another voice mail message. from a devoted supporter of donald trump was. do you think being a judge changes the fact that your a pathetic little [bleep] you little door with your little [bleep] g girl [bleep] helper. god i hope you [bleep] die. what that is just a sampling of the voice mail messages reviewed by court security officials in manhattan where the judge presiding over the current civil fraud trial of donald trump in and manhattan receives those calls, hundreds of them every day. in a filing with the appeals court in new york to support the continuation of a gag order on donald trump in that case, the head of security from the court said the threats against justice and go ron and his clerk are considered to be serious and credible and are not hypothetical or speculative. the implementation of the gag orders resulted in the decrease of the number of threats, harassment, and disparaging messages that the judge and his staff received. however, when mr. trump violated the gag orders, the number of disparaging messages increased on a daily basis. the judge and his staff are being inundated with hundreds of harassing and threatening phone calls, voice mail messages, and emails that has resulted in the judicial threats assessment units having to constantly reassess and evaluate what security protections to put in place to ensure the safety of the judge and those around him. on thanksgiving day, special prosecutor jack smith filed a copy of that statement in the case of united states of america versus donald j trump or donald trump is appealing a limited gag order issued in that case by the trial court judge tanya chutkan. the appeals, court federal appeals court hearing in that case last monday indicated that the appeals court judges were in favor of preserving most if not all of the gag order issued by judge chutkan. today, donald trump's lawyers urged the new york appeals court which is considering donald trump's appeal of the gag order issued by judge arthur engoron who is receiving, he's the judge who's receiving those hundreds of harassing phone calls a day, to completely overrule the gag order issued by the judge. the -- insist that death threats issued by donald trump supporters because of things donald trump says about the people threatened are not donald trump's fault. the trump lawyers right, at base, the disturbing behavior engaged in by anonymous, third-party actors towards the judge and principal law clerk publicly presiding over an extremely polarizing and high profile trial merits appropriate security measures. however, it does not justify the wholesale, aggregation of petitioners first amendment rights in a proceeding of immense stakes to petitioners which has been compromised by the introduction of partisan bias on the bench, in essence, the constitution does not permit justice and go on to curtail petitioners speech simply because people may react to things that president trump said. and so there are donald trump's lawyers falsely accusing judge engoron of having a partisan bias against donald trump in the case. those lawyers know that the language that they are using in that statement is in and of itself enough to create more death threats against the judge who they are falsely and unethically accusing of having a partisan buys. today, in washington, d.c., dutch truck and once again ruled against donald trump. this time for what the judge called a trump fishing expedition. donald trump's criminal defense lawyers in the washington federal case against him told -- they wanted authority to obtain information from the house january committee that was disbanded by the republicans now controlling the house. the trump lawyers were asking for a massive amount of material that they imagine, just imagine the january six committee may have at some point possessed. and in our order denying the trump lawyers request, judge chutkan wrote today, quote, the defendant does not stay with any specificity the information that he seeks in those records repeating only that it is important and related to the events and people associated with the select committees work and therefore the january 6th 2021 attack. the broad scope of the records that the defendant seeks and has vague description of their potential elements resemble less a good faith effort to obtain, identified evidence than they do a general fishing expedition that attempts to use rule 17 see subpoena as a discovery device. for an explanation of all those legal developments, we turn to andrew weissmann, former fbi general counsel and former chief -- in the eastern district of new york. he is the co-host of the msnbc podcast prosecuting donald trump. also with us barbara mcquade, she's a former u.s. law attorney and a professor at the university of michigan law school. she's also the co-host of the podcast hashtag sisters in law. they are both msnbc legal analysts. and andrew, then we begin with you on the first point that i was raising tonight which is the exact words, the exact words of the threats that one judge presiding over just one of the trump cases is getting. and we have those exact words because they were submitted by a court security officer as part of the file in donald trump's appeal of a gag order that was designed to ethel east reduce those threats and seem to be working at reducing those threats. jack smith now using that same document provided by that new york court security official to make the same case to the appeals court in washington, d.c., considering the gag order in that case about just how dangerous donald trump's speech is when it reaches his devoted followers who then phone in the threats to judges. i think the way i think about this is i don't think that this is a first amendment issue. when people are talking about, gee, people are restricting the free speech rights. someone who's running for president, that's just not the correct framing for what the judge in new york at the district judge in d.c. are doing. they are restricting the bail conditions and the condition center which a defendant is allowed release or in the new york case it's a civil case. they have a defendant as a parties entitled to speak about what is going on. and i think if you think of it that way it is not just some arbitrary restriction, it's about prophylactic rules. it's commonplace, lawrence, for every defendant in the federal system to be told that you have no second amendment right while your criminal defendant that is a right that you do not have once you are indicted. if you're acquitted, then you can have your gun back but similarly you give up your fourth amendment rights in large part when you are a defendant. you have to show up at pretrial, you could enter house rust, you can also be in jail pending trial. these are restrictions that the court is entitled to place on defendants to make sure that they show up and also that they're not a danger to the community. donald trump should not be given more or less rights than anyone else in his position and i think the record in new york and d.c. is ample to show that his words lead two and a classic call and response lead to violence. i point out it's not just in new york. judge chutkan has death threats also all the time. there is a woman who is actually charged with threatening to kill her. and that's the kind of thing that the courts are allowed to take steps, prophylactic steps to make sure that that does not have been to keep the integrity of our judicial system intact. >> reporter: barbara, it seems to me that there is something awfully close to a proof in the filing in the new york case with these specific threats to the new york judge, but more specifically to the judges clerk. it is impossible for donald trump's followers to know who the clerk's. were it not for donald trump's public attacks on the clerk. that's how they know how the court exists. that's how they know her name. that's how they know things about her that make them attack her directly. there is a link between donald trump's public attacks on the clerk and then his supporters threatening the life of the clerk. yes, and i think that's exactly the reason jacks mitt took that letter that was initially filed in the new york court and shared with the d.c. circuit court of appeals that is considering that cha which chutkan gag order. a week ago, there was some to skate dispute about what it means to target someone. you know what it means to target somebody? it is going after a cleric by name so that members of the public who had previously no idea who this person was are now harassing and threatening that person. that's what it means to target someone. so they're using this as evidence. they're also talking about the fact that harm might be a little speculative at the stage. you might want to see if something happens. jack smith against that it's happening. this is the evidence. do we need to wait any longer for any of this. it's happening. by giving him, giving the court that sort of subsidiary evidence, this is not a speculative harm. this is what it means to target someone in the court of appeals ought to affirm the gag order the judge chutkan has imposed before we see all kinds of things that are going on in new york happen in the d.c. case as well. and, or the fishing expeditions that chutkan described in her refusal to open up a subpoena authority that donald trump's defense lawyers can have in this case, seeking evidence from the january 6th committee. to what extent does the defendant have a right to get the courts help and use subpoena power in obtaining evidence, like the kind that donald trump was describing in the plea? i'm glad you asked that question. this is something that was going to be a loser from the moment i read it. here is the main reason. the government's response to donald trump's request to get what he alleged were purported missing transcripts was to say we've given you all of them. the government actually said and represented you have all the transcripts. there is nothing missing. and so at that point, donald trump's argument was, okay but now i want the videos, not just the transcripts of certain months. they had a lot of videos but they wanted certain ones. and the judge said you haven't even gone through the written transcripts to tell me what's revel relevant about them. and he even said, here's why their demeanor, their tone might be relevant, you might have made an argument that -- you haven't even done. that the court basically, said do your homework and know what was turned out for you, review it, and don't make a motion essentially, she was saying, that is geared to public opinion where you can try to manufacture a claim when there's evidence when that is in fact not what's going on here. andrew weissmann, barbara mcquade, thank you very much for starting off our discussion and please stay with us across the commercial break for next discussion. we already knew that jared kushner was running his own personal presidential pardon bracket in the trump white house which he used to grant his own father a pardon. but what we actually did know how bad the kushner partner racket was. we knew it was very, very bad but new reporting by the new york times shows us it was even worse than that. and that reporting shows us how bad the pardon racket would be. every day in another trump presidency. that's next with andrew weizmann and barbara mcquade. barbara mcquade so now, do you have a driver's license? oh. what did you get us? with the click of a pen, you can a new volkswagen at the sign, then drive event. hurry in to lease a new 2023 all-electric id.4 for zero down, zero deposit, zero first month's payment, and zero due at signing. limited inventory available. have heart failure with unresolved symptoms? it may be time to see the bigger picture. heart failure and seemingly unrelated symptoms like carpal tunnel syndrome, shortness of breath, and irregular 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years of a ten year sentence on drug charges that he pleaded guilty to in 2011, managing to stay out of prison for several years. i have long running investigation during that time, he shifted from the drug business to predatory lending to small businesses, the new york times, reports, according to court records, jonathan braun threatened some of the small business owners who owed him money with statements like, i will take your daughters from you. he told a rabbi that he would, quote, publicly embarrass him adding, i'm going to make you bleed and i will make you suffer for every penny. jared kushner decided to give the man who issued the threats of pardon. kushner was running his own pardoning shop in the white house, completely outside the justice department channels. william barr, donald trump's last confirmed general told the new york times, quote, when he took over the justice department, he discovered that there were pardons being given without any bedding by the department. one of the beneficiaries of the jared kushner pardon shop was jared kushner's father, charles kushner, who was convicted of federal crimes involving hiring a prostitute so that he could secretly videotape her with his brother-in-law to then blackmail his brother-in-law to prevent his brother-in-law from cooperating with investigators. that's life in the kushner family. jared kushner has said there is no one on earth he admires more than his grotesquely criminally minded of who, as it turns, there is a friend of jonathan brown's father. so, jonathan bronze father urging jared kushner's father to get a pardon for his son and attorney alan dershowitz calling jared kushner, asking for the pardon after appearing as defense counsel for donald trump in the first impeachment trial of donald trump, jonathan braun shot to the top of jared kushner's personal pardon list, even though prosecutors were pressuring jonathan brown to cooperate in another investigation, which he's facing possible federal criminal charges. jonathan braun and even more kushner connections and he probably needed to get this pardon. the times reports that jonathan braun was in the very first freshman class of kushner yoshida hospital in livingston new jersey, which was funded by jared kushner's father. jared kushner's youngest sister, nicole, was a classmate of jonathan bronze in that first freshman class. in a court filing, new york state attorney general has said that jonathan braun, quote, continues to commit usury. if there is another trump presidency, kushner pardon shop is likely to be issuing pardons like that every day. possibly in effect selling pardons like that in exchange for political contributions or contributions to donald trump's personal legal defense fund. donald trump was not the only possible criminal working in the trump white house. and you've eisman and barbara mcquade are back with us. barbara, as we've discussed in this program before, the justice department runs a carefully structured pardoning process and application process, it takes years to get a pardon from the application stage into the white house. in the trump white house, it went straight to jared kushner. >> yeah, this is a violation of the rule of law. the office a pardon attorney at the department of justice has a process and has protocols for who gets a pardon and who doesn't. the person generally must have completed their sentences and the passage of five years has gone by before someone is eligible for a pardon. they need to accept responsibility for their crime, show remorse ad be conducting an otherwise productive life. those are the factors that we look. at when you look at mr. brown here, he couldn't be further from this criteria. other part is that it's being done on a favor basis, that there is uniformity to the process. that they're looking at the whole landscape across the country and deciding who or where the candidates for part, it's not just whoever got facetime with the president or son-in-law. so, i worry, as you do, lawrence, that what has happen in the past for what could happen in the future. but the thing we saw donald trump do is grant clemency to another person -- corruption climbs to normalize that sort of behavior and all of that, i think, it is a threat to the rule of law in this country. >> he is already in effect promising what could be thousands of pardons with the january six defendants. this is more former attorney general barr told the new york times for this story. mr. barr added that he told trump aides that they should at least send over names of those being considered so that the department can thoroughly examined their records while the white house counsel's office try to do this so, it fell apart from partnering the -- final weeks of -- before mr. trump left office, according to direct knowledge of the process. and your heisman, those parting requests pouring in clearly what happened beginning in the first week of another trump presidency. >> absolutely. remember, donald trump has talked about pardoning the people participated with him in january six in terms of attacking the capitol, which was done at his behest. and to pick up on some voting barbara said, to underscore, but this is the end of the rule of law. there is a pardon power in the constitution that presupposes that the president is going to exercise it with judgment and discretion. and follow, this uniformity of doing this and finding the people and applying those criteria to everyone. that's not how donald trump did give pardons or jared kushner gave pardons. every single defendant who did not cooperate in the mueller investigation was pardoned. you have manafort, flynn, stone, bannock, alex van der sloot, people you've barely heard of a. all of the people who didn't cooperate were parted. if you did cooperate with law enforcement, the head of the federal government was saying, you have a pardon. it's just a shocking example of someone who really didn't understand the rule of law. there is zero reason to think that he is not going to wield that power in a way to undermine everything this country stands for. >> andrew weissmann, barbara mcquade, thank you very much for joining us on our discussion. >> thank, you lawrence. >> coming, up the biden administration is insisting tonight that hostages have been released by hamas in a cease-fire has been established and extended thanks to american diplomacy and the direct daily involvement in the negotiations by president biden. that is next. ♪ limu emu & doug ♪ [bell ringing] and doug says, “you can customize and save hundreds on car insurance with liberty mutual.” he hits his mark —center stage— and is crushed by a baby grand piano. are you replacing me? with this guy? customize and save with liberty bibberty. he doesn't even have a mustache! oh, look! a bibu. 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>> now, i think american diplomacy was central to this because, essentially, you have a dynamic where only the united states had a set of relationships that could on lock a deal like this. obviously, united states is a close relationship with israel. the israeli government was not particularly focused on securing the hostages diplomatically because they were focused on launching military operation. the united states obviously invested a lot in that relationship with israel and can take, essentially, israel's proxy and some of these discussions with other arab countries that we have close relationships with. we've a relationship with qatar, which is key to this because there is a hamas office in doha and there are connections, obviously, between qatar and that hamas office and people in gaza. also, we have a relationship with egypt, which means the border crossing into gaza and has its on winds in as well. it's a three dimensional negotiation where we are trying to get qatar to make assurances via hamas, that hostages will be released and they will be released in a certain number and in a certain secrets. there's logistical pieces to that to get that red cross and in order to have the safe passage for the hostages. that, there is obviously the negotiation with the israeli government to allow for humanitarian aid to get into gaza and for the palestinian prisoners, which is obviously what i'm oxidized forward. what you are doing is communication with a variety of parties and trying to assemble the pieces of a deal like this that can come to gather in a very careful sequencing, lawrence, in a situation where there has been an ongoing bombardment and war in gaza. this is not easy. we are seeing the results date by day and any individual reconciliation's that are so emotional to watch. that is the proof that diplomacy can deliver. >> white house officials say that the only possible way that they could get israel to agree to a cease-fire was through the release of hostages. >> that is right. what we have had is inside of israel, lawrence, we've had a interesting dynamic we're on the one hand there is obviously a lot of support for the effort to go after hamas and to try to secure israel and prevent something like [inaudible] from happening again. at the same time, there is overwhelming concern about the hostages and the families inside of israel become very vocal and the fact of sorts of advocacy to prioritize hostage releases. the reality of the administration was contending with and was relayed to the israeli government is that it's far easier to get the hostages out through negotiation and a pause that it would be in the middle of an ongoing war. you can just imagine, it's logistically difficult in a place like gaza to look at these hostages together and trans for them to the red cross. that would basically be impossible in an ongoing war with bombs falling and fighting happening street by street. i think it's that combination of public opinion inside of israel, american diplomacy, and the israeli government saying, okay, we do need to prioritize those hostages. the two goals articulated by the israeli government for this operation, release the -- and try to get the safe return of the hostages. again, administration has persuaded the netanyahu government to move is to replace where they recognize, okay, we can get at least a vulnerable hostages, that women and children and some of the allergy -- and injured through negotiation. even if israeli government presumes their military operations. >> it was a week ago. tuesday night, actually, that you and i were discussing the first word about where this deal emerging, with background information from the white house saying that they expected 50 to get the release of 50 in a four-day cease-fire. they got 69 in that four days, which led to this now two-day extension. white house saying that they are hoping for an extension after that extension. >> part of what you're doing and diplomacy, lawrence, i've been in with parties that you don't trust, with adversarial countries. what you do is, you try to test to see if the other party can't deliver. we would call this in charting, confidence building measure. can the other side show that they can keep to a deal? i think once it was demonstrated that with [inaudible] pause and each release of palestinian prisoners, with each truck flowing into gaza, yes, indeed, there were hostages being released into israel and hamas was following through on their commitments. then you say, okay, let's see how far we can take this. let's see if we can extend this day by day, each day that you extend this pause is a day that more hostages can get out. it is a date, frankly, but also a lot of humanitarian aid can get in. reps lifesaving aid, to civilians and gaza who are under severe threat. i think the goal for the administration right now is to see how long can we extend as? how many hostages can we get out of this kind of diplomacy? how much a can we get into gaza? so, doing what kind of diplomatic channels kim establish that might be put to use for other negotiations going forward and what is a very complicated environment. this is by no means the end of the picture, lawrence. israeli commitment to resume this military commitment. huge questions about the long term future of gaza and what the israeli strategy is there. on this question of getting hostages out and getting civilians in gaza, they are proving that every day is precious because every life is precious and we are seeing lives literally saved through diplomacy. >> ben rhodes, thank you very much for joining us tonight. >> thanks, lawrence. >> thank you. for the first time that you are in a pharmacy? 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[inaudible] so that you should feel proud of me that your school fees didn't go to waste. it helped. >> your school fees did not go to waste. giving tuesday begins at midnight tonight. we hope this year, as many of you have in the past, you will keep the girls in malawi in mind along with the kids in elementary schools and allowing in need desks. you can contribute any amount at last word desks dot com, last word desks dot msnbc. com. no notice to small. you can specify that your kept is for desks or for the scholarship fund. you can make a contribution in the name of anyone in your holiday get plus and unicef will send them an acknowledgment of your gift. as i told you last week on the first day of the trip to malawi this year, i met with a group of girls who are now in college thanks to the scholarships you provided for them to complete high school. one of those girls is just ali, right there beside me in that photograph, she's appeared on this program since we've met her at her high school in malawi when she was a scholarship student. the next day, after that meeting with the girls and college, i shall this photograph to a group of high school girls who are currently receiving kind fund scholarships. i showed them a photograph of all of those girls in college now. i told them joyce's story about being sent home from school because she couldn't afford the school fees and then being able to go back to school thanks to our scholarship and pursue her dream of going to medical school, which is where joyce is right now. >> when you're our university student, we come back to visit you again, we see how you are doing, that's choice right there. >> the squeaking you might have been hearing was the birds just outside of the open windows. later, i asked the girls what they felt when they saw that photograph of girls just like them in college. >> what did it feel like when you saw that picture? >> i'm very inspired because joyce said that she was also sent home from school because she had school fees. it's the same like me also. at first, i was also sent [inaudible] she's like [inaudible] if she do this, i can also do this because of everything i need. they pay my school fees and [inaudible] >> what did it feel like when you saw this picture? >> i'm very happy because i would be like joyce. joyce was like me. she worked hard and there she is. >> and that can be you. >> yeah. >> that will be where [inaudible] >> i'm so special. >> joyce is now a role model. at the end of our meeting, the girls saying their gratitude. ♪ ♪ ♪ [applause] [silence] s. and it's unlik improve without treatment. i felt like my movements were in the spotlight. #1-prescribed ingrezza is the only td treatment for adults that's always one pill, once daily. ingrezza 80 mg is proven to reduce td movements in 7 out of 10 people. people taking ingrezza can stay on most mental health meds. ingrezza can cause depression, suicidal thoughts, or actions in patients with huntington's disease. pay close attention to and call your doctor if you become depressed, have sudden changes in mood, behaviors, feelings, or have thoughts of suicide. don't take ingrezza if you're allergic to its ingredients. ingrezza may cause serious side effects, including angioedema, potential heart rhythm problems, and abnormal movements. report fevers, stiff muscles, or problems thinking as these may be life threatening. sleepiness is the most common side effect. it's nice. people focus more on me. ask your doctor about #1 prescribed, once-daily ingrezza. ♪ ingrezza ♪ only unitedhealthcare medicare advantage plans come with the ucard - one simple member card that opens doors where it matters for you. what if we need to see a doctor away from home? 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Language , Buys , Unethically , In Washington D C , Truck , Criminal Defense Lawyers , Authority , A Trump Fishing Expedition , Dutch , Information , Amount , House , Committee , Republicans , House January Committee , Material , Six , Defendant , Quote , Order , Point , Records , Request , Specificity , Committees , Events , Attack , Scope , 2021 , January 6th 2021 , Evidence , Effort , Fishing Expedition , Rule , Subpoena , Faith , Elements , Description , 17 , Andrew Weissmann , Last Word Desks Dot Msnbc , Co Host , General Counsel , Discovery Device , Developments , Chief , Explanation , Eastern District Of New York , Fbi , U S , Barbara Mcquade , Law , Attorney , Professor , Podcast Prosecuting , University Of Michigan Law School , Podcast Hashtag Sisters In Law , Analysts , Part , Cases , Court Security Officer , File , Document , Judges , Case , Followers , Speech , Phone , Appeals Court In Washington D C , Way , Amendment , Issue , Gee , Someone , Doing , D C , District Judge , Free Speech Rights , Framing , Running , Bail Conditions , Parties , Release , Condition Center , Restriction , Rules , Right , System , Rights , Similarly , Pretrial , Gun , House Rust , Defendants , Restrictions , Community , Danger , Jail Pending Trial , Response , Record , Lead , Position , Two , Thing , Courts , Woman , Violence , Proof , Voting Barbara , Prophylactic , Integrity , Steps , Name , Attacks , Life , Yes , Link , Reason , Letter , Jacks Mitt , Cha , Members , Dispute , Somebody , Cleric , Idea , Harm , Many , Speculative , Happening , Court , Subsidiary Evidence , Him , Kinds , Fishing Expeditions , Refusal , Defense Lawyers , Subpoena Authority , January 6th Committee , Extent , Subpoena Power , Plea , Government , Question , Loser , Lot , Argument , Ones , Videos , Haven T , Tone , Demeanor , Saying , Homework , Don T , Review It , Motion , Opinion , Claim , Pardon , Jared Kushner , Father , Break , White House , Bracket , Reporting , The New York Times , Partner Racket , Pardon Racket , Driver S License , Andrew Weizmann , Event , Sign , Click , Pen , Deposit , Payment , Volkswagen , All Electric Id 4 , Zero Down , 4 , Zero , 2023 , Picture , Heart Failure , Symptoms , Inventory , Signing , Carpal Tunnel Syndrome , Irregular Heartbeat , Serious , Disease , Rare , Cardiologist , Sound , Attr Cm , Shortness Of Breath , College , Shop , Thanks , Advisor , Retirement , Vanguard , Investor , Legacy , Owner , Hard Work , Ownership , Value , Step , Store , Partner , Golo , Godaddy , Diet , Diets , Grit , Teeth , My Name , Steve , Hi , 138 , Lifestyle Change , Change , Shirt , Ways , 25 , Power , Wifi , Guy , Problem , Battery Back Up , Power Outages , Data , Xfinity , Home , Xfinity 10g Network , 10 , Coincidence , Golf Course , He Ran Into , 16 , Jonathan Braun , On The Last Day , Drug Charges , Prison , Sentence , 2011 , Ten , Investigation , Drug Business , Predatory Lending , Small Business Owners , Statements , Daughters , Publicly , Money , Penny , Court Records , Rabbi , Department Of Justice , Pardoning , Man , Pardons , William Barr , Bedding , Charles Kushner , Prostitute , Pardon Shop , Beneficiaries , Brother In Law , Investigators , Videotape , That S Life , Family , Friend , Earth , Who , Jonathan Brown , Alan Dershowitz , Son , Defense Counsel , Impeachment Trial , Top , Pardon List , Prosecutors , Times , Connections , Pressuring , Charges , Freshman Class , Kushner Yoshida Hospital , Livingston , Freshman , Nicole , Class , Classmate , Court Filing , Usury , New York State Attorney General , New Jersey , Contributions , Exchange , Personal Legal Defense Fund , Working , Program , Pardoning Process And Application , Office , Process , Rule Of Law , Pardon Attorney , Violation , Protocols , Application Stage , Passage , Sentences , Doesn T , Five , Uniformity , Criteria , Factors , He Couldn T , Responsibility , Crime , Favor Basis , Show Remorse Ad , Country , Son In Law , Facetime , Candidates , Landscape , Threat , Wall , Corruption , Effect , Thousands , Grant Clemency , Story , Names , Trump Aides , White House Counsel , Week , Requests , Knowledge , Heisman , Capitol , Terms , President , End , Judgment , Pardon Power , Underscore , Behest , Discretion , Everyone , Flynn , Stone , Manafort , Didn T , Law Enforcement , Alex Van Der Sloot , Bannock , Example , Biden , Thank , Coming , Hostages , Cease Fire , Diplomacy , Negotiations , Administration , Hamas , Involvement , Limu Emu Doug , Save , Liberty Mutual , Car Insurance , Center Stage , Doug , Bell Ringing , Mark , Baby Grand Piano , Bibu , Pay , Mustache , Liberty Bibberty , Limu Emu Squawks , Protein , Energy , Sugar , Ahh , Woo Hoo , 30 , Health , Vitamins , Minerals , Nutrients , Neuriva Ultra , Kitchen Tool , Brain , Brain Health Indicators , Mental Alertness , 7 , Struggle , Inspire , Americans , Mask , Hose , Cpap , Safety Information , Little Girl , Abigail , Four , Hostage , Israel , Work , Product , Birthday , Qatar , Contact , Leaders , Engagement , Team , Front , Repeatedly , Egypt , 50 , Pause , Families , Advantage , Practice , Serve Gaza , Dozens , Island , Tear , Faces , Murder , Mother , On October 7th , October 7th , American Diplomacy , American Diplomacy Led , Extension , Border Crossing Into Gaza , Reps Lifesaving Aid , Cease Fire Thanks , Officials , Night , On What , Possibility , Children , Women , 11 , 150 , Three , 58 , Deal , Fighting , Future , Efforts , Ben Rhodes , Peace , Dignity , Deputy National Security Adviser , Obama , Ground , Political Analyst , Relationship , Relationships , Dynamic , Set , Reading , Military Operation , Countries , Some , Discussions , In Doha , Negotiation , Pieces , Secrets , Red Cross , Palestinian Prisoners , Communication , Situation , Sequencing , Variety , War , Reconciliation , Bombardment , Results , Support , Hand , Inaudible , Hostage Releases , Sorts , Concern , Advocacy , Reality , Middle , Operation , Bombs , Public Opinion , Goals , Combination , Happening Street By , Return , Military Operations , Allergy , Netanyahu , Background Information , Tuesday Night , Deal Emerging , 69 , Don T Trust , Party , Charting , Side Show , Confidence Building Measure , Civilians , Commitments , Goal , Let , Questions , Commitment , Military Commitment , Channels , Environment , Kim , Strategy , Term , Pharmacy , I Don T , High School , Medicine , Ambition , Interest , Candy , Neighborhood , Kid , Adam Street In Rochester , Antidepressant , Depression , Lift , Depression Symptoms , Vraylar , Help , Death , Thoughts , Changes , Adults , Patients , Studies , Antidepressants , Weight , Dementia , Impact , Saw , Stroke , Risk , Side Effects , Fever , Muscles , Appetite , Muscle Movements , Confusion , Restlessness , Sleep , Issues , Cholesterol , High Blood Sugar , Weight Gain , Coma , Dizziness , Stomach , Movement Dysfunction , Biktarvy , Abbvie , Fatigue , Crowd Cheers , Sore Throat , Babyyy , Factor , Drops , Relief , Comeback Season , Mucinex Instasoothe , Tongue , Dow , All Over The World , Upwork , Skills , Company , Business , Dover , Fortune 500 , 500 , 10000 , H I V , Healthcare Provider , Pill , 80 , 18 , Treatment , Transmitting , Stay , Sex , Research , Liver Problems , Kidney Problems , Medicines , Breastfeeding , Kidney Failure , Buildup , Kidney , Lactic Acid , Rifampin , Dofetilide , Headache , Hepatitis , Nausea , Diarrhea , Hepatitis B , Pharmacist , Girls , Exams , Scores , 151 , Desks , Kids , School Thanks , Schools , Partnership , Unicef , Generosity , Kind Fund , Need , Malawi , Scholarships , Graduation Rate , Testing Girl , Students , Girls High School , Boy , Scholarship , School Fees , Giving Tuesday , Elementary Schools , Need Desks , Mind , Dot Com , Com , Scholarship Fund , Contribution , Notice , Acknowledgment , Gift , Photograph , Group , Trip , High School Girls , Meeting , Scholarship Student , Fund , Medical School , Dream , Couldn T , She , Them Joyce , Back To School , University Student , Choice , Squeaking , Windows , Birds , Joyce , Same , Role Model , Silence , Applause , Gratitude , Ingrezza , Movements , Td Treatment , Unlik Improve Without Treatment , Td Movements , 1 , Doctor , Ingredients , Behaviors , Mental Health Meds , Actions , Mood , Suicide , Feelings , Attention , Huntington S Disease , Problems , Side Effect , Sleepiness , Heart Rhythm Problems , Report Fevers , Angioedema , Ingrezza May , Member Card , Doors , Ucard , Plans , Unitedhealthcare Medicare Advantage , Huh That , Cheese , Dentist , Smile , National Provider Network , Yep , Unitedhealthcare , Dinosaur , Build , Website , Sale , Town , Colorado , At Godaddy Com , Resources , Internet , Internet Essentials Program , Tools , Child , Generation , Hidden Genius Project , Kevin , Fellas , Malawi Get Tonight , 11th Hour , Stephanie Ruhle , Truce , Recess , Latest , What Happens Next , Washington , Whateo ,

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