Transcripts For MSNBCW Symone 20240702 :

Transcripts For MSNBCW Symone 20240702

i'll see you in the chair next saturday on sunday at two pm. -- starts right now. >> kilometers avoid a government shutdown in the next three days? house speaker mike johnson unveiled the funding plan that has no spending cuts. and some of his colleagues wasted no time rejecting it. we'll get into it is in this two tier approach and what happens next. and donald trump is giving us a glimpse of the alarming anti-democratic tactics that he is planning. things like using the department of justice to punish his critics and rounding up and detaining masses of immigrants in camps and so much more. this isn't just trump being trump and we cannot be -- plus today's simone spotlight. oscar award winning costume designer ruth carter is here. the queen of afrofuturism. and we create a full -- of costumes for some of the biggest films and marvels black panther movies. -- and i have something to say. -- reasonable solution are dead on arrival? members of congress have just five days to decide if the 32-page bill unveiled by house republicans to avert a government shutdown, for now, is a viable path forward. it is the biggest test yet for the newly elected house speaker mike johnson. when it comes to shut down politics, the man is greener than the money the government is running out of. after a lengthy conference call with republican members yesterday, johnson released the text of his short term funding plan known as a ladder to continuing revolution. or latter, see our. first of all, no spending cuts despite immense presres from house republicans to slash government spending. second, i takes a two-step approach to funding the government. this has the first time the staggered approach to funding deadlines has ever been attempted. which means that's different times and specific agencies could lose their funding unless agreements are reached for instance, funding for sectors like agriculture, transportation, veterans affairs and military construction and energy wh and on january 19th. while other agencies, including the department of defense, could lose their funding on february 2nd. notably, there is no way to israel including in the package. and don't get me started on the age to ukraine that is nonexistent here. democrats have made very clear that the bill will not get their support. democrats in the house, that is. speaker johnson is going to have to rely on razor thin republican majority in the house to advance the reveler soon. and with a chaotic pocket stirring the pot of every chance, there is no guarantee of anything. three house republicans have already come out against it. congresswoman marjorie taylor greene and congressman chip roy, and warren davidson. it is an uphill battle for johnson who saw his predecessor speakership, i'm talking speaker mccarthy. he saw that crumble in the last funding battle because speaker mccarthy went with a clean see are the democrats had to help him pass. that small band of freedom caucus republicans, will they really file in other motion to vacate? will they really upon plunge the house into caucus once again? here is what congressman brennan boyle had to say. >> this time i think it will be different. i do believe it will ultimately be a clean cr. clean continual revolution which will keep the government funded. but why i think this time is different is i do think mike johnson has a little bit more of a niche from his freedom caucus members. the fact that they've already moved on the motion to vacate makes it less likely that they will turn to the same gambit again. twice. literally just within the same month. >> all right. let's that dog walk, then. a floor vote cannot happen until at least 72 hours after a bill is released. speaker johnson has until tuesday to find his voice and corral his caucus. and don't forget, you all. it is not just the. house the senate has to approve. this and then the president has tucson to avoid a shutdown. joining me now to discuss it all is congressional reporter from politico, daniela. diaz former democratic congresswoman from illinois, former republican national committee chairman an msnbc political analyst -- michael steele. and former press secretary to house speaker john, billy and msnbc political analyst brendan buck. who i would argue is a gore on all the things. we have assembled a power panel at the top because this is just too much. daniela, you are on the hill every day talking to folks. what have you been hearing from members about speaker johnson's plan? and what is going to happen over the next 48 hours? >> it is just as you, said simone. he can only afford to lose more votes because of that razor thin majority he has. so far, of course, there are three as you know you that will not support this. -- which we should have expected. he can only afford to lose one. there are some house democrats that could potentially get behind him because it doesn't go -- because it doesn't make any cuts to spending. and that is major here. that is what they didn't want to see, simone. and that is why we could potentially see some chatter from some moderate democrats who could get behind this. of course there is going to be a lot of criticisms about the fact that there is no current ukraine aid, no israel aid. that was a major priority for democrats. and also senate leadership aide, saying they're keeping the door open for -- not having any sort of additional cuts to spending on this. so i think johnson is realizing that he might need democrats to get this across the finish line, and that is why we saw this strategy that he unveiled yesterday. >> you mean today, democratic senator chris murphy said that he did not like the two tier approach. he says it sounds gimmicky but that he is open to hearing from house republicans on this. then you have some senate republicans like susan collins who are been skeptical of the proposal. -- what are the prospects, you think, of this bill passing the house with democratic support? notably, this democratic congress under hakeem jeffries leader jeffries have been very well banded together? they vote as a block. they might have some internal conversations. but when it comes time to face outwardly, democrats have been aligned. is this a scenario where democrats might break with democratic leadership? >> i think it has yet to be seen. a couple of things happen over the last 24 or 48 hours. you get the lead democrat rose del rio on the appropriations committee saying she does not like this two-pronged approach. i am still on text chains with a lot of my friends who i served with. they are saying it is unacceptable as it is right now. i think a good part of it, though, is your speaker johnson saying that he does not want to shut down. and i think at least that part of it is positive. i think that we can all guess what is going to happen. but between now and friday, which is the deadline for the government to either stay open or two shots down, a lot can happen between now and then. the long and short of it is there is going to have to be a compromise. we have obviously a democratically-led senate. we have the republicans on the house side with this very thin majority. so obviously there is going to have to be a willingness to work together. and speaker johnson is going to have to be open to that. >> brandon, what do you make of speaker johnson's plan here? there was much to do. i was waiting with baited breath to see what came out and i was little surprised by what was put forward by the speaker. what about you? >> i'm not terribly surprised. this is obviously a guy who was new to this narrative anything like this before. i want to give him a little grace to figure out how this goes. it is a confusing concept. it is not even complicated. the two stages. the question is, what do you actually trying to get out of this? i think the real answer, is republicans are very afraid of what we call an omnibus bill. where we have all the spending for the entire -- we do it all at once. he wants to avoid. that he thinks it if we set deadlines that are stagger that maybe we will do things in two tranches instead of one. i don't know that that is actually solving the problem. the problem is not our deadlines. our problem is we have a house that refuses to do anything in a bipartisan way. to funds the governments, you have to do things bipartisan. we have a democratic president, a democratic senate. but they refused to do. that is what got mccarthy pick kicked out of office. i think it is important to take a step back. this is ridiculous that we are having this much drama over a short term spending bill. >> yes! >> this is just, we are gonna continue funding the government for a few weeks. and there are so much drama. i don't understand we did not just pass a clean funding resolution for the next few months. if that's all you're trying to, do why make it more complicated? why have democrats not be able to go for it? why create all this tension? this is basically a clean government funding resolution for a few months. we added drama. it feels like he is over thinking things a little bit. i am skeptical that this is actually going to work. we are gonna have a very short amount of time, just a few, days to figure out what plan b is. at some point they're going to have to work together. >> mister chairman, along those lines, look we've talked about it. speaker johnson is new to this. and as brandon said we want you to give him a little bit of leeway. if you are the chairman right now, will you have picked up the phone yesterday and called after seeing this? what kind of conversations should the chairwoman potentially be having, with the friends on the hill? >> actually, none. the rnc and -- don't do policy. so you leave this policy problem to the policy makers. however, you can afford some political insight in terms of how this is playing with the base. how it is playing more broadly with the public. and there are two different narratives here. and i think the speaker is caught between the two. he has the marjorie taylor greene narrative which was already turning out i had not voted for this. i voted against last week and voted for this week. you have that drama to bring to this point about the kind of -- that is something so simple. the other is a more public narrative. the broader narrative. and this is where the democrats have a little bit of an attitude. because at the end of the day they're like, we are waiting and we are ready. what do you want to? do give us your play. and if he does not play that correctly, the onus of this is going to fall on the new speaker. and that is part of what he is trying to avoid to get through this thing is cleanly as possible. i think brendan has got it exactly right. -- i want something that is very simple. it's not like your funding for the entire year. you are not even going to fund for a quarter. you are just going to fine for a few weeks. >> a couple months! >> a couple months just to get us through the holidays. so there is a lot more drama here. largely i think put in play because that caucus is still a little bit raucous from what it has done recently. so i don't know if he has figured out how to navigate that cleanly yet. >> congress woman bustos, have you heard from any of your former colleagues about how democrats are getting together to strategize on this issue? yesterday house republicans had a call, and were there any calls from house democrats? >> they are all talking. and look, i think he referenced tekamah jeffries just a little bit ago. i think he has done a remarkable job for someone who is brand new and that top leadership spot. on the democratic side. he has done a job of keeping the democrats together. but look, i think to have a clean and continuing revolution is the answer here. to have that last long enough where this can get solved. i think that is how you are going to get the democrats on board. if you have three republicans have already said they are no on this, that give speaker johnson won a vote then but he can lose on top of those. so if this is either bipartisan it is not going to happen. >> daniela yasser, you got the last word on this. do you think the government is going to get funded by friday? >> i have been wrong before, simone, but i think there is a lot of pressure right now on speaker johnson to keep the government open. and i think we are going to see a lot of conversation this week that shows that he's going to move towards that and try to see what happens. so i am optimistic. >> optimistic, i will take that. daniela diaz, thank you very much. congress woman michael and brandon stick around because we have a lot more to discuss. coming up, folks, israel's prime minister is hinting on meet the press that a deal could be on the way to release some of the hostages being held by hamas. what we are lying about this potential hostage deal and the likelihood it could come through right after a quick break. but first, guys, my bestie is here. our colleague richard -- with today's top news stories. what is going on in the world? >> great to see. you good sunday to. you will start with five service members killed after their military aircraft crash crashed into the mediterranean sea. we just got that from msnbc. u.s. command saying it happened during a routine refuel mission. this is the latest in a string of military accidents that have killed service members just this year. pope francis is taking the step of removing a texas bishop who was critical of vatican policies. -- circling is known for his conservative views and spoke out against the pokes welcoming of the lgbtq+ community. with support from traditionalist and conservative church members. strickland refused to step down after a vatican investigation. and u.s. soccer legend meghan -- professional career has ended. she was injured last night during her planned final game. in that game's third minute -- grabbed her lower leg. she did not tackling did not appear to trip. 12 world cup trophies during her career, plus golden blond or olympic medals. more simone after this break. simone after this break [bell ringing] and doug says, “you can customize and save hundreds on car insurance with liberty mutual.” he hits his mark —center stage— and is crushed by a baby grand piano. are you replacing me? 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>> they may have. but i think the biggest role they're gonna have his coming back in convincing their colleagues that this continues to be an important thing to do. you look at what's going on in congress, the lack of funding for ukraine, and the way that the israel funding has been held up, it's becoming clear that this is not going to be as easy as a lot of people thought it was. you have republicans who simply don't want to spend money on foreign aid, and you have a lot of democrats who now are increasingly concerned about what israel is doing for their military resources. this feels like the clock is really ticking. we're only looking for the first tranche. this could be a very long war where the united states support is very important. they're -- durable coalition that remains very engaged for gonna be able to convince the majority of congress that there is a continuing need to support israel throughout this conflict. because it feels like the clock is ticking, and making it harder and harder as we go. >> if there's one thing that congress -- democrats and republicans, it's the need to repeat and combat china, and we know this weekend biden is going to meet with the pro chinese president, xi jinping. -- it's not an aipac meeting, i'm blanking on what the meeting is. but it's a meeting in san francisco, it's a side meeting that they're gonna have. experts say that this meeting is not gonna result in any actual deliverables, but what do you think? do you think it's an important meeting he still needs to have right now? >> yeah, nobody has as much influence and global advance, other than us, then china. there's somewhat involved in what's going on in russia and ukraine, and you have to -- if they were to go rogue on us and start in some ways having some at least tacit support for rogue actors, things could go really sideways. i don't think you necessarily looking for china to back the united states. they remain arrival in this. we have to keep them close. you have to have that dialogue going, otherwise things could really spiral out of control. >> mister chairman. someone who had a lot to say about the chinese president, xi jinping, recently, was donald trump, he was out on the campaign trail yesterday saying just some really outlandish things. but i want to play some of what he said in a univision interview this week that was quite alarming. get some response on the other side. >> it happened in reverse, it can certainly happen in reverse. what they've done is they've released the genie out of the box. you understand that. they've done something that nobody thought would happen. if i happen to be president and i see someone who is doing well in me beating me very badly, i say, go down and indict them. mostly, they would be out of business. they'd be out. they'd be out of the election. >> michael. the scary thing is that he means what he says. i don't think we can brush off this rhetoric. the things that he was saying yesterday, it is just dangerous. i mean. >> it is dangerous. and it should be very concerning to every american. the reality of it is the only one who let the genie out of the bottle is donald trump. his behavior. [inaudible] -- behaviors that we are here. so, donald trump is noted for his projection. what he is projecting there is what he would do if the shoes were reverse. if you are in a different situation. well, that different situation is giving him power back. and he's telling us very clearly right now, i get the power back, i'm coming after those who came after me. and coming after those who used the system the correct way to come after me. i'm gonna use it incorrectly. i'm gonna stack the justice department. i'm gonna stack other agencies that will do my bidding. so something the american people should be very much aware of and very much concerned about. he has, let me just be clear, for the record, in case anyone was guessing, a very dangerous man. and should be treated as such. >> i mean, congresswoman, extremely dangerous. in a new york times article this week, it detailed donald trump's immigrant immigration plans if he's reelected. it included major restrictions on immigration, ending birthright citizenship, sweeping raids. i mean, what is going on here? i really think that this is flying under the radar, because he says crazy things all the time, but we should take him at his word. >> well, if somebody is not paying attention, it's time to pay attention. we are one year out from the election in 2024. what he's saying -- he would be our hope french president. if he were to be reelected, i would be based on revenge of anybody who he feels he was ever slighted by. what he would do for immigrants, what he would do to get even with anybody that he thinks has done wrong to him, i think this is a scary proposition. and it is way past time that we've got to pay close attention to what he's saying. you're right. he projects. and what he is saying is what he would do if he's put in power once again. >> very scary. before i let you all go, mister chairman, i must get your assessment on the current rnc chair woman today. she made the rounds after a brutal tuesday where abortion was once again a losing issue for republicans on election day. my colleague, she put rnc chair woman ronna mcdaniel on her party's stance on abortion this week on meet the press. i want you to hear this. >> okay. >> i do think that we have to talk about this issue, because the democrats will say we're gonna take it to the senate and codify it. and so, i think there's a lot of discussion to be had. but we can't just say it's a state issue and be done. i'm proud to be a pro-life party, but we can win on this message. the american people are where we are, and they want common sense limitations. >> mister chairman, are the american people wear -- well first of all, where are they? that's the problem. nobody knows where they are. >> yeah. they don't know where they are. they recognize that they have an issue for 50 years that did them while. they raced a lot of money, galvanized a lot of voters, and now, we've gone from the states rights approach to federal ban. so that's number one. number two, but not where the american people are. the american people have resolve, and in some instances, resigned, if you will. we're comfortable with roe v. wade. we might not like it here, we may not like it there, but in the main, the country was 50/50 on the issue. they've now disrupted that. and they don't know what to do with the disruption that they've created. free, they're not going to weigh in on this issue at the polls. and that's simple. that's very clear at this point. i don't know if the new strategy -- the american people are not going to be suckers on this one. they might be suckers on some other things, but they're not gonna be suckers on this issue when it comes to women's health, and the rights that they have under our constitution, regardless what the supreme court says when it comes to what they do with their bodies. >> not gonna be suckers on this one. that is the quote. mister steele, thank you, foreign couldn't -- congresswoman, jerry, thank you all. up next, two phones and an ipad. scenes from new york city mayor eric adams as the fbi looks into whether his campaign was illegally fundraising. what's next for the investigation? as the mayor says, he didn't do anything wrong. plus, tomorrow, donald trump's defense team will begin presenting their case at this fraud trial in new york city. donald trump jr. is expected back on the stand. we're gonna dig into both cases with one of our favorite legal gurus. felite. we do more replacements and recalibrations than anyone else. >> customer: thank you so much. >> tech vo: schedule now. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace ♪ right now get a free footlong at subway. like the new deli heroes. buy one footlong in the app, get one free. it's a pretty big deal. kinda like me. order in the subway app today. get help reaching your goals with j.p. morgan wealth plan, a digital money coach in the chase mobile® app. use it to set and track your goals, big and small... and see how changes you make today... could help put them within reach. from your first big move to retiring poolside - and the other goals along the way. wealth plan can help get you there. ♪ j.p. morgan wealth management. detect this: living with hiv, i learned i can stay undetectable with fewer medicines. that's why i switched to dovato. dovato is a complete hiv treatment for some adults. no other complete hiv pill uses fewer medicines to help keep you undetectable than dovato. detect this: most hiv pills contain 3 or 4 medicines. dovato is as effective with just 2. if you have hepatitis b, don't stop dovato without talking to your doctor. don't take dovato if you're allergic to its ingredients or taking dofetilide. this can cause serious or life-threatening side effects. if you have a rash or allergic reaction symptoms, stop dovato and get medical help right away. serious or life-threatening lactic acid buildup and liver problems can occur. tell your doctor if you have kidney or liver problems, or if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or considering pregnancy. dovato may harm an unborn baby. most common side effects are headache, nausea, diarrhea, trouble sleeping, tiredness, and anxiety. detect this: i stay undetectable with fewer medicines. ask your doctor about switching to dovato. >> new york city mayor eric my frequent heartburn had me taking antacid after antacid all day long but with prilosec otc just one pill a day blocks heartburn for a full 24 hours. for one and done heartburn relief, prilosec otc. one pill a day, 24 hours, zero heartburn. adams says he's cooperating with law enforcement as part of a growing an investigation and to his 2020 mayoral campaign. the fbi seized two phones and an ipad from mayor adams. he is turned over additional devices salsa. at issue here is whether or not the mayor's campaign received illegal donations from the turkish government. i will note it is against federal law to receive campaign donationfr local state or federal offices from any foreign tials or foreign governments. this probe is looking into these allegations of just that. just weeks before mayor adams election in 2021, he may have pressured the new york city fire department to sign off on turkey's new manhattan consulate, despite safety concerns. mayor adams has denied any wrongdoing. in a city today -- the mayor and our team are continuing to work with investigators and cooperate. we hope that investigators will continue to cooperate with us and reprimand any federal officer whhas improperly leakedetails about this investigation. such conduct could prejudice the public -- law enforcement process. a lawyer for the adams campaign had already confirmed that they had proactively reported at the least one instance of improper behavior to investigators. for more, i'm joined by msnbc legal analyst catherine. she's a former manhattan district attorney. catherine, the phones and the ipad, they were seized shortly after federal agents searched the home of mayor adams fundraising team. i'll also note the phones in the ipad came -- they were seized after a fund-raiser. the mayor walked out and the fbi was standing there demanding the devices. so, what, if anything, does that tell you about this investigation? >> that tells me it's a good thing that the mayor has some very good criminal defense attorneys. because when the fbi goes up to the mayor of the city of new york and asks his security detail to step aside, and then hands the mayor a search warrant, and then ceases to phones and an ipad, that shows that he's clearly under investigation. that doesn't mean he'll be arrested, that doesn't mean he'll eventually be prosecuted. but he's under investigation. you can't get a search warrant unless an agent goes to a judge and gives facts that established that there was probable cause to believe that those two iphones and that ipad contained evidence of a crime. again, it doesn't mean he will be prosecuted, but clearly, he's under investigation, as you said. just less than a week before, his chief fund-raiser had a search warrant executed at her home. >> you know, kathryn, it really strikes me, because you've got donald trump, okay? who argues that these legal actions against him, whether it's new york or the federal courts, it is political persecution, and that he's being unfairly targeted. but frankly, we have seen the fbi, as of light, whether we're talking about senator menendez, or now mayor adams, we've seen the fbi not hesitate to investigate, launch investigations, execute searches and raids, where, as it relates to democrats. how do you think this narrative is playing out to the public? oftentimes, i know y'all in the legal community, you're like, okay, we're just gonna go with what's happening in the confines of the courts, and by the book. but now, this is playing out in the court of public opinion. >> it shows that, you know, the fbi, the department of justice, are equal opportunity. as you said. senator menendez as a democrat. mayor adams is a democrat. and let's not forget that the manhattan d.a., a democrat, indicted six people who were associated with the adams mayoral campaign. indicted them for allegedly being donors to that campaign. that happened in july. so there's a lot of swirling investigations around the mayor. but as i said, the manhattan d.a. is a democrat, and people who were involved with the campaign allegedly being -- there were democrats, because they were supporting the democratic mayor. so it's, you know, donald trump can say it's, you know, democrats going, you know, after him, but clearly, you know, one could argue that they are blind to the party. if they believe you're engaged in corruption, they're gonna go after you. i'm talking about the department of justice. and mayor adams case, this was the southern district of new york, where the search warrant came out of. again, he's innocent, he hasn't been arrested. >> it is an investigation that we are now talking about because it's playing out in public. we will be watching this. before i let you go, donald trump jr. is going back to court in this new york civil fraud trial against his family and the trump organization. now the defense is taking the reins here. what can we expect this week? >> we can expect the follow-up of what happened with ivanka trump. i'm talking about when she was questioned by the defense attorneys. they're gonna pump up the trump land. they're gonna talk about how the banks were happy, there are no injuries to anyone, there were no victims, and everything is wonderful, and the accountants did it. that's gonna be the testimony of donald trump jr. and his brother. it's all gonna be about how everything is wonderful, and were being persecuted. >> that's perfect. christian, thank you very much. -- republicans in ohio, they're not happy about the results of this past week's election. in fact, they are so unhappy about those results but they want to override the will of the people but making sure the new one man to the state constitution won't be enforced. i'm gonna break it all down, and i have something to say about it next. kevin? kevin? ooh, nice. kevin, where are you? kevin?!?!?.... hey, what's going on? i'm right here! i was busy cashbacking for the holidays with chase freedom unlimited. i'm gonna cashback on a gingerbread house! oooh, it's got little people inside! and a snowglobe. oh, i wished i lived in there. you know i can't believe you lost another kevin. it's a holiday tradition! that it is! earn big time with chase freedom unlimited. how do you cashback? 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there's an exhibit and the national museum -- your work is prominently on display. >> yes. thank you. i'm so proud to be there. i also have my own exhibition that's about afrofuturism, and it's taking culture and infusing it into technology. it's like the honoring of our culture, and also the idea and the imagination of how technology would be infused in our ideas. >> what is your creative process? i'm specifically interested in black panther. they come in, they say, we're doing a superhero movie, the people in charge are black, that's all black everything, take your ideas and go. >> i would just dive in headfirst. but no, we do get a script from our fearless to later, -- we look at the script, and talk about all the possibilities. we're thinking afrofuturism, of course, because we want to involve technology and the idea of the design, and especially with, you know, wakanda. wakanda is forward thinking. it's made up, that. you can't go there. you can't take a train to wakanda. but the queen had pieces 3d-printed. we want to take all the elements of culture, but we also want to recreate them in modern ways. >> you are actually here in washington, d.c. for the inaugural bill hbcu first look film festival. i love that. so you spoke at the film festival. you received the salute or women of style award. look at this. why was this festival so important for you to attend? >> because i was a film buff, and in school, i was a theater major, i did internships afterwards. i looked for mentorship, i looked for someone who looked like me in this industry. it wasn't easy to find. i had to recreate my mentors and other forms. so -- became a mentor for me, and as he gave me my first opportunity, he gave me all the tips that i needed to survive, you know, in order to make these costumes for films. and i just want to be that also for the next generation of young filmmakers that are coming up. i think it's important that we reach back. if they're gonna give me a salute her award, then i need to salute the next generation. >> i think you doing that. you inspire so many people. when i told folks we were having you today, they were taken aback. i think a lot of people are happy, especially, because sag-aftra, the union, announced that there is a deal. the rioters got a deal a month ago at this point, a couple weeks before -- now the actors have seemingly come to a deal with the production houses and whatnot. that means folks can get back to work. what does this mean for you, for some of the projects that you have coming down the pipeline? >> we have to protect bone our project. our projects are back on the table. but more so, our beloved film family is back to work. the fallout for such a long strike was really tremendous on a lot of people who had children, and homes, and just relied on the industry to sub stain them. so now that can get back to work, which is really wonderful. and those businesses that support the film industry, the dry cleaners, all those businesses are back. >> oh my goodness. it makes a difference. thank you so much for coming. you are an icon, the people love you, i love you, and we cannot wait to see the next project, because we know it's gonna be fabulous and afrofuturistic. [laughter] >> thank you. >> thank you so much. thank you. don't go anywhere, y'all. there are some talented students can creating sustainable fashion for all for a good cause. a story from -- university when we come back. when we come back (husband) no way they'd take this wreck. (carolers) ♪ yes, they will, and you'll get iphone 15 pro, ♪ ♪ aaannnnnddddd apple tv 4k, and apple one - ♪ ♪ all three on them! ♪ (wife) do that. (carolers) ♪ we tried to tell him but he paid us a lot... ♪ (husband) it was a lot... ♪ mhmmm ♪ (vo) this holiday turn any iphone, in any condition, into a new iphone 15 pro with titanium, apple tv 4k, and six months of apple one. all three on us. it's holiday everyday with verizon. 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, Second , Instance , Military Construction , Transportation , Veterans Affairs , Agreements , Agriculture , Wh , Sectors , Energy , January 19th , 19 , House , Support , Democrats , Age , Israel , Package , Department Of Defense , February 2nd , 2 , Anything , Majority , Razor , Reveler , Chance , Guarantee , Pocket , Spot , Chip Roy , Speaker Mccarthy , Speakership , Saw , I M Talking , Uphill Battle For Johnson , Predecessor , Crumble , Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene , Who , Warren Davidson , Motion , Caucus , Battle , Freedom Caucus Republicans , Band , See , Cr , Boyle , Fact , Freedom Caucus Members , Niche , Gambit , Speaker Johnson , Floor Vote , Voice , Dog Walk , Let , 72 , Daniela Diaz , Has Tucson , Senate , Republican National Committee Chairman , Reporter , Shutdown , Daniela Yasser , Politico , Illinois , John , Michael Steele , Power Panel , Brendan Buck , Press Secretary , Gore , Billy , Wealth Plan , Hearing , Folks , The Hill , 48 , Course , Votes , Simone , One , Doesn T , Spending , Doesn T Go , Cuts , Chatter , Lot , Aid , Ukraine , Criticisms , Priority , Leadership Aide , Door Open For , Strategy , Sort , Finish Line , Susan Collins , Chris Murphy , Proposal , Hakeem Jeffries , Block , Prospects , Conversations , Scenario , Leadership , Friends , Couple , Lead , Text Chains , Appropriations Committee , Del Rio , 24 , Part , Guess , Republicans , Side , Compromise , Willingness , Brandon , Speaker , Narrative , Guy , Breath , Grace , Answer , Omnibus Bill , Concept , Question , Stages , Problem , Deadlines , Tranches , Entire , Step , Governments , Office , Got Mccarthy Pick , Drama , Resolution , Spending Bill , Bit , Government Funding , Tension , Point , Mister Chairman , Lines , Few , Amount , Plan B , Kind , Chairwoman , Phone , Chairman , Leeway , None , Policy Problem , Terms , Policy Makers , Don T Do Policy , Insight , Rnc , Public , Narratives , Base , Mother , Play , Onus , Attitude , Thing , Holidays , Issue , Bustos , Someone , Job , Tekamah Jeffries , Leadership Spot , Call , Calls , Brand New , Just A Little Bit , Talking , Vote , Top , Pressure , Word , Conversation , Woman Michael , Deal , Hostages , Hamas , Press , Hostage Deal , Prime Minister , Likelihood , Coming Up , Break , Service , World , Richard , News Stories , Bestie , Military Aircraft , You Good Sunday , Guys , U S , Pope Francis , Texas Bishop , String , Latest , Military Accidents , Mediterranean Sea , Routine Refuel Mission , Policies , Lgbtq Community , Views , Circling , Pokes , Vatican , Investigation , Legend Meghan , Game , Career , Church Members , Soccer , Strickland , Bell Ringing , Leg , Medals , World Cup , Olympic , 12 , Doug , Save , Liberty Mutual , Car Insurance , Baby Grand Piano , Center Stage , Mark , Mental Health , Pay , Bibu , Mustache , Liberty Bibberty , Limu Emu Squawks , Treatment , Tardive Dyskinesia , Adults , Ingrezza , Mental Health Meds , Movements , Td Treatment , 1 , People , Doctor , Thoughts , Depression , Attention , Pill , Actions , Td Movements , Patients , Huntington S Disease , 10 , 7 , 80 , Side Effects , Ingredients , Behaviors , Changes , Heart Rhythm Problems , Muscles , Feelings , Report Fevers , Suicide , Mood , Angioedema , Ingrezza May , Life , Husband , Problems , Iphone , Side Effect , Sleepiness , 15 , Tv , Apple , Carolers , Wife , Verizon , Pro , Wreck , Aaannnnnddddd , 4k , Symptoms , Heart Failure , Condition , Tech Vo , Titanium , Mhmmm , Apple Tv , Six , Irregular Heartbeat , Picture , Serious , Carpal Tunnel Syndrome , Shortness Of Breath , Attr Cm , Cardiologist , Sound , Disease , Rare , First , Wounded Warrior Project , Tools , Warriors , Cost , Narrator , Community Support , Families , Sense , Camaraderie , Mental Health Services , Life Skill Training , C Mon Baby , Career Assistance , Advocacy , 20 , Home , Internet , Go , Touchdown Baby , Go , Touchdown , 5g , Neighbors , Airport , Noise Cancelling Earmuffs , 5 , Salad , Developments , T Mobile , Xfinity 10g Network , Meet The Press , Israel Hamas War Today , Benjamin Netanyahu , Work , Chances , Military Pressure , Doing , Manifest , Idf , It , Details , Willanunce , Woman , Women , Children , Official , Teenagers , Options , Nbc News , Quote , Situation , Hospital , Many , Conditions , Al Shifa Facility , World Health Organization , Dire , Health Ministry , Black , Attempt , Area , Fighting , Fuel , Bombardments , Emergency Fuel , Idf Spokesperson , Administration , Buck , Advisor , Panel , Sherry , Middle East , Brett Mccarrick , Weekend , Top Dog , Region , Power , Hostages Perspective , Americans , In , Qatar , Hostage , Loved Ones , Position , Palestinians , Lawmakers , Everybody , Group , Foreign Affairs Committee , Agreement , Trips , Role , What S Going On , Clock , War , Military Resources , Tranche , Gonna , Coalition , Need , Conflict , Ticking , Xi Jinping , Combat , Chinese , China , Meeting , Side Meeting , Result , Deliverables , Aipac Meeting , San Francisco , Experts , Ways , Nobody , Rogue , Influence , Advance , Russia , Rogue Actors , Dialogue , President , Out Of Control , Interview , Campaign Trail , Univision , Genie Out Of The Box , Response , Reverse , Business , Rhetoric , Behavior , Inaudible , Reality , Genie , Bottle , Projection , Shoes , Power Back , Bidding , Stack , System , Gonna Stack The Justice Department , Anyone , Case , Congresswoman , New York Times , Record , Article , Raids , Immigrant Immigration Plans , Immigration , Restrictions , Birthright Citizenship , Somebody , It S Time , Radar , 2024 , Saying , Anybody , Hope , Revenge , French , Proposition , Assessment , Put , Abortion , Colleague , Rounds , Ronna Mcdaniel , Election Day , Stance , State Issue , Discussion , Message , Limitations , Common Sense , 50 , Voters , Number One , States Rights Approach To Federal Ban , Country , Instances , Resolve , Main , Roe V Wade , Disruption , Polls , Rights , Constitution , Women S Health , Suckers , Supreme Court , Phones , Foreign Couldn T , Up Next , Mister Steele , Bodies , Jerry , Eric Adams , Ipad , Campaign , Fbi , New York City , Plus , Scenes , Defense Team , Cases , Fraud Trial , Stand , Gurus , Felite , Replacements , Anyone Else , Recalibrations , Customer , Singers , Safelite Repair , Safelite , App , Footlong , Deli , Heroes , Subway , Help , Chase Mobile , Goals , Order , Coach , Kinda , J P Morgan , Move , Reach , Big And Small , Medicines , Dovato , Shiv , Wealth Management , Hiv Pills , 4 , 3 , Reaction , Stop Dovato , Dofetilide , Nausea , Diarrhea , Liver Problems , Headache , Breastfeeding , Baby , Kidney , Buildup , Pregnancy , Anxiety , Tiredness , Trouble Sleeping , Lactic Acid , Heartburn , Antacid , Prilosec Otc , Heartburn Relief , Zero Heartburn , Zero , Mayor , Law Enforcement , Adams , 2020 , Estate , Devices , Donations , Offices , Law , Campaign Donationfr , Salsa , Turkish , Probe , Tials , Allegations , New York City Fire Department , Manhattan , Turkey , 2021 , Investigators , City , Consulate , Team , Safety Concerns , Wrongdoing , Officer , Conduct , Law Enforcement Process , Adams Campaign , Lawyer , Whhas , Former , Manhattan District Attorney , Analyst Catherine , Fund Raiser , Agents , Adams Fundraising Team , Defense Attorneys , Search Warrant , Security Detail , Facts , Agent , Judge , Cause , Evidence , Crime , Courts , Chief , Kathryn , Persecution , Light , Senator Menendez , Launch Investigations , Searches , Opportunity , Community , Court Of Public Opinion , Confines , Book , Swirling Investigations , Donors , It S , Adams Case , Him , Corruption , Gonna Go , Southern District Of New York , Hasn T , Playing Out In Public , Innocent , Family , Defense , Follow Up , Reins , New York Civil Fraud Trial , Trump Organization , Ivanka Trump , Land , Injuries , Banks , Victims , Testimony , Accountants , Brother , Ohio , Will , Results , State Constitution Won T , Christian , Kevin , Nice , Down , Ooh , Cashbacking , Gonna Cashback On A , Snowglobe , Holiday Tradition , Chase Freedom Unlimited , Oooh , Antidepressant , Lift , Big Time , Vraylar , Depression Symptoms , Weight , Studies , Impact , Death , Stroke , Fever , Risk , Muscle Movements , Antidepressants , Confusion , Dementia , Stomach , Issues , Weight Gain , Sleep , Cholesterol , High Blood Sugar , Restlessness , Coma , Appetite , Dizziness , Fatigue , Movement Dysfunction , Abbvie , Weight Loss , Golo , Aidyl , Oyo , 90 , I M On My Way , Sizes , 30 , Story , Heart , Female Narrator , Thousands , Announcer , Pain , Golo Com , Ravette , Surgery , Surgeries , Suffering , Mercy Ships , 9 , Number , Screen , Don T Wait , Democracy , Ballot Initiative , Women S Rights , Friends Aren T Holding Back , Decisions , Amendment , Representative , State Lawmakers , Judges , Body , Ohio Constitution , Wellow , Four , Y All , God Given Rights , Rick Santorum , Ron Desantis , Governor , Ballot Initiatives , Uglier , Oh , Florida , Referenda , Stuff , Comments , Ballot , 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Transcripts For MSNBCW Symone 20240702 :

Transcripts For MSNBCW Symone 20240702

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i'll see you in the chair next saturday on sunday at two pm. -- starts right now. >> kilometers avoid a government shutdown in the next three days? house speaker mike johnson unveiled the funding plan that has no spending cuts. and some of his colleagues wasted no time rejecting it. we'll get into it is in this two tier approach and what happens next. and donald trump is giving us a glimpse of the alarming anti-democratic tactics that he is planning. things like using the department of justice to punish his critics and rounding up and detaining masses of immigrants in camps and so much more. this isn't just trump being trump and we cannot be -- plus today's simone spotlight. oscar award winning costume designer ruth carter is here. the queen of afrofuturism. and we create a full -- of costumes for some of the biggest films and marvels black panther movies. -- and i have something to say. -- reasonable solution are dead on arrival? members of congress have just five days to decide if the 32-page bill unveiled by house republicans to avert a government shutdown, for now, is a viable path forward. it is the biggest test yet for the newly elected house speaker mike johnson. when it comes to shut down politics, the man is greener than the money the government is running out of. after a lengthy conference call with republican members yesterday, johnson released the text of his short term funding plan known as a ladder to continuing revolution. or latter, see our. first of all, no spending cuts despite immense presres from house republicans to slash government spending. second, i takes a two-step approach to funding the government. this has the first time the staggered approach to funding deadlines has ever been attempted. which means that's different times and specific agencies could lose their funding unless agreements are reached for instance, funding for sectors like agriculture, transportation, veterans affairs and military construction and energy wh and on january 19th. while other agencies, including the department of defense, could lose their funding on february 2nd. notably, there is no way to israel including in the package. and don't get me started on the age to ukraine that is nonexistent here. democrats have made very clear that the bill will not get their support. democrats in the house, that is. speaker johnson is going to have to rely on razor thin republican majority in the house to advance the reveler soon. and with a chaotic pocket stirring the pot of every chance, there is no guarantee of anything. three house republicans have already come out against it. congresswoman marjorie taylor greene and congressman chip roy, and warren davidson. it is an uphill battle for johnson who saw his predecessor speakership, i'm talking speaker mccarthy. he saw that crumble in the last funding battle because speaker mccarthy went with a clean see are the democrats had to help him pass. that small band of freedom caucus republicans, will they really file in other motion to vacate? will they really upon plunge the house into caucus once again? here is what congressman brennan boyle had to say. >> this time i think it will be different. i do believe it will ultimately be a clean cr. clean continual revolution which will keep the government funded. but why i think this time is different is i do think mike johnson has a little bit more of a niche from his freedom caucus members. the fact that they've already moved on the motion to vacate makes it less likely that they will turn to the same gambit again. twice. literally just within the same month. >> all right. let's that dog walk, then. a floor vote cannot happen until at least 72 hours after a bill is released. speaker johnson has until tuesday to find his voice and corral his caucus. and don't forget, you all. it is not just the. house the senate has to approve. this and then the president has tucson to avoid a shutdown. joining me now to discuss it all is congressional reporter from politico, daniela. diaz former democratic congresswoman from illinois, former republican national committee chairman an msnbc political analyst -- michael steele. and former press secretary to house speaker john, billy and msnbc political analyst brendan buck. who i would argue is a gore on all the things. we have assembled a power panel at the top because this is just too much. daniela, you are on the hill every day talking to folks. what have you been hearing from members about speaker johnson's plan? and what is going to happen over the next 48 hours? >> it is just as you, said simone. he can only afford to lose more votes because of that razor thin majority he has. so far, of course, there are three as you know you that will not support this. -- which we should have expected. he can only afford to lose one. there are some house democrats that could potentially get behind him because it doesn't go -- because it doesn't make any cuts to spending. and that is major here. that is what they didn't want to see, simone. and that is why we could potentially see some chatter from some moderate democrats who could get behind this. of course there is going to be a lot of criticisms about the fact that there is no current ukraine aid, no israel aid. that was a major priority for democrats. and also senate leadership aide, saying they're keeping the door open for -- not having any sort of additional cuts to spending on this. so i think johnson is realizing that he might need democrats to get this across the finish line, and that is why we saw this strategy that he unveiled yesterday. >> you mean today, democratic senator chris murphy said that he did not like the two tier approach. he says it sounds gimmicky but that he is open to hearing from house republicans on this. then you have some senate republicans like susan collins who are been skeptical of the proposal. -- what are the prospects, you think, of this bill passing the house with democratic support? notably, this democratic congress under hakeem jeffries leader jeffries have been very well banded together? they vote as a block. they might have some internal conversations. but when it comes time to face outwardly, democrats have been aligned. is this a scenario where democrats might break with democratic leadership? >> i think it has yet to be seen. a couple of things happen over the last 24 or 48 hours. you get the lead democrat rose del rio on the appropriations committee saying she does not like this two-pronged approach. i am still on text chains with a lot of my friends who i served with. they are saying it is unacceptable as it is right now. i think a good part of it, though, is your speaker johnson saying that he does not want to shut down. and i think at least that part of it is positive. i think that we can all guess what is going to happen. but between now and friday, which is the deadline for the government to either stay open or two shots down, a lot can happen between now and then. the long and short of it is there is going to have to be a compromise. we have obviously a democratically-led senate. we have the republicans on the house side with this very thin majority. so obviously there is going to have to be a willingness to work together. and speaker johnson is going to have to be open to that. >> brandon, what do you make of speaker johnson's plan here? there was much to do. i was waiting with baited breath to see what came out and i was little surprised by what was put forward by the speaker. what about you? >> i'm not terribly surprised. this is obviously a guy who was new to this narrative anything like this before. i want to give him a little grace to figure out how this goes. it is a confusing concept. it is not even complicated. the two stages. the question is, what do you actually trying to get out of this? i think the real answer, is republicans are very afraid of what we call an omnibus bill. where we have all the spending for the entire -- we do it all at once. he wants to avoid. that he thinks it if we set deadlines that are stagger that maybe we will do things in two tranches instead of one. i don't know that that is actually solving the problem. the problem is not our deadlines. our problem is we have a house that refuses to do anything in a bipartisan way. to funds the governments, you have to do things bipartisan. we have a democratic president, a democratic senate. but they refused to do. that is what got mccarthy pick kicked out of office. i think it is important to take a step back. this is ridiculous that we are having this much drama over a short term spending bill. >> yes! >> this is just, we are gonna continue funding the government for a few weeks. and there are so much drama. i don't understand we did not just pass a clean funding resolution for the next few months. if that's all you're trying to, do why make it more complicated? why have democrats not be able to go for it? why create all this tension? this is basically a clean government funding resolution for a few months. we added drama. it feels like he is over thinking things a little bit. i am skeptical that this is actually going to work. we are gonna have a very short amount of time, just a few, days to figure out what plan b is. at some point they're going to have to work together. >> mister chairman, along those lines, look we've talked about it. speaker johnson is new to this. and as brandon said we want you to give him a little bit of leeway. if you are the chairman right now, will you have picked up the phone yesterday and called after seeing this? what kind of conversations should the chairwoman potentially be having, with the friends on the hill? >> actually, none. the rnc and -- don't do policy. so you leave this policy problem to the policy makers. however, you can afford some political insight in terms of how this is playing with the base. how it is playing more broadly with the public. and there are two different narratives here. and i think the speaker is caught between the two. he has the marjorie taylor greene narrative which was already turning out i had not voted for this. i voted against last week and voted for this week. you have that drama to bring to this point about the kind of -- that is something so simple. the other is a more public narrative. the broader narrative. and this is where the democrats have a little bit of an attitude. because at the end of the day they're like, we are waiting and we are ready. what do you want to? do give us your play. and if he does not play that correctly, the onus of this is going to fall on the new speaker. and that is part of what he is trying to avoid to get through this thing is cleanly as possible. i think brendan has got it exactly right. -- i want something that is very simple. it's not like your funding for the entire year. you are not even going to fund for a quarter. you are just going to fine for a few weeks. >> a couple months! >> a couple months just to get us through the holidays. so there is a lot more drama here. largely i think put in play because that caucus is still a little bit raucous from what it has done recently. so i don't know if he has figured out how to navigate that cleanly yet. >> congress woman bustos, have you heard from any of your former colleagues about how democrats are getting together to strategize on this issue? yesterday house republicans had a call, and were there any calls from house democrats? >> they are all talking. and look, i think he referenced tekamah jeffries just a little bit ago. i think he has done a remarkable job for someone who is brand new and that top leadership spot. on the democratic side. he has done a job of keeping the democrats together. but look, i think to have a clean and continuing revolution is the answer here. to have that last long enough where this can get solved. i think that is how you are going to get the democrats on board. if you have three republicans have already said they are no on this, that give speaker johnson won a vote then but he can lose on top of those. so if this is either bipartisan it is not going to happen. >> daniela yasser, you got the last word on this. do you think the government is going to get funded by friday? >> i have been wrong before, simone, but i think there is a lot of pressure right now on speaker johnson to keep the government open. and i think we are going to see a lot of conversation this week that shows that he's going to move towards that and try to see what happens. so i am optimistic. >> optimistic, i will take that. daniela diaz, thank you very much. congress woman michael and brandon stick around because we have a lot more to discuss. coming up, folks, israel's prime minister is hinting on meet the press that a deal could be on the way to release some of the hostages being held by hamas. what we are lying about this potential hostage deal and the likelihood it could come through right after a quick break. but first, guys, my bestie is here. our colleague richard -- with today's top news stories. what is going on in the world? >> great to see. you good sunday to. you will start with five service members killed after their military aircraft crash crashed into the mediterranean sea. we just got that from msnbc. u.s. command saying it happened during a routine refuel mission. this is the latest in a string of military accidents that have killed service members just this year. pope francis is taking the step of removing a texas bishop who was critical of vatican policies. -- circling is known for his conservative views and spoke out against the pokes welcoming of the lgbtq+ community. with support from traditionalist and conservative church members. strickland refused to step down after a vatican investigation. and u.s. soccer legend meghan -- professional career has ended. she was injured last night during her planned final game. in that game's third minute -- grabbed her lower leg. she did not tackling did not appear to trip. 12 world cup trophies during her career, plus golden blond or olympic medals. more simone after this break. simone after this break [bell ringing] and doug says, “you can customize and save hundreds on car insurance with liberty mutual.” he hits his mark —center stage— and is crushed by a baby grand piano. are you replacing me? 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>> they may have. but i think the biggest role they're gonna have his coming back in convincing their colleagues that this continues to be an important thing to do. you look at what's going on in congress, the lack of funding for ukraine, and the way that the israel funding has been held up, it's becoming clear that this is not going to be as easy as a lot of people thought it was. you have republicans who simply don't want to spend money on foreign aid, and you have a lot of democrats who now are increasingly concerned about what israel is doing for their military resources. this feels like the clock is really ticking. we're only looking for the first tranche. this could be a very long war where the united states support is very important. they're -- durable coalition that remains very engaged for gonna be able to convince the majority of congress that there is a continuing need to support israel throughout this conflict. because it feels like the clock is ticking, and making it harder and harder as we go. >> if there's one thing that congress -- democrats and republicans, it's the need to repeat and combat china, and we know this weekend biden is going to meet with the pro chinese president, xi jinping. -- it's not an aipac meeting, i'm blanking on what the meeting is. but it's a meeting in san francisco, it's a side meeting that they're gonna have. experts say that this meeting is not gonna result in any actual deliverables, but what do you think? do you think it's an important meeting he still needs to have right now? >> yeah, nobody has as much influence and global advance, other than us, then china. there's somewhat involved in what's going on in russia and ukraine, and you have to -- if they were to go rogue on us and start in some ways having some at least tacit support for rogue actors, things could go really sideways. i don't think you necessarily looking for china to back the united states. they remain arrival in this. we have to keep them close. you have to have that dialogue going, otherwise things could really spiral out of control. >> mister chairman. someone who had a lot to say about the chinese president, xi jinping, recently, was donald trump, he was out on the campaign trail yesterday saying just some really outlandish things. but i want to play some of what he said in a univision interview this week that was quite alarming. get some response on the other side. >> it happened in reverse, it can certainly happen in reverse. what they've done is they've released the genie out of the box. you understand that. they've done something that nobody thought would happen. if i happen to be president and i see someone who is doing well in me beating me very badly, i say, go down and indict them. mostly, they would be out of business. they'd be out. they'd be out of the election. >> michael. the scary thing is that he means what he says. i don't think we can brush off this rhetoric. the things that he was saying yesterday, it is just dangerous. i mean. >> it is dangerous. and it should be very concerning to every american. the reality of it is the only one who let the genie out of the bottle is donald trump. his behavior. [inaudible] -- behaviors that we are here. so, donald trump is noted for his projection. what he is projecting there is what he would do if the shoes were reverse. if you are in a different situation. well, that different situation is giving him power back. and he's telling us very clearly right now, i get the power back, i'm coming after those who came after me. and coming after those who used the system the correct way to come after me. i'm gonna use it incorrectly. i'm gonna stack the justice department. i'm gonna stack other agencies that will do my bidding. so something the american people should be very much aware of and very much concerned about. he has, let me just be clear, for the record, in case anyone was guessing, a very dangerous man. and should be treated as such. >> i mean, congresswoman, extremely dangerous. in a new york times article this week, it detailed donald trump's immigrant immigration plans if he's reelected. it included major restrictions on immigration, ending birthright citizenship, sweeping raids. i mean, what is going on here? i really think that this is flying under the radar, because he says crazy things all the time, but we should take him at his word. >> well, if somebody is not paying attention, it's time to pay attention. we are one year out from the election in 2024. what he's saying -- he would be our hope french president. if he were to be reelected, i would be based on revenge of anybody who he feels he was ever slighted by. what he would do for immigrants, what he would do to get even with anybody that he thinks has done wrong to him, i think this is a scary proposition. and it is way past time that we've got to pay close attention to what he's saying. you're right. he projects. and what he is saying is what he would do if he's put in power once again. >> very scary. before i let you all go, mister chairman, i must get your assessment on the current rnc chair woman today. she made the rounds after a brutal tuesday where abortion was once again a losing issue for republicans on election day. my colleague, she put rnc chair woman ronna mcdaniel on her party's stance on abortion this week on meet the press. i want you to hear this. >> okay. >> i do think that we have to talk about this issue, because the democrats will say we're gonna take it to the senate and codify it. and so, i think there's a lot of discussion to be had. but we can't just say it's a state issue and be done. i'm proud to be a pro-life party, but we can win on this message. the american people are where we are, and they want common sense limitations. >> mister chairman, are the american people wear -- well first of all, where are they? that's the problem. nobody knows where they are. >> yeah. they don't know where they are. they recognize that they have an issue for 50 years that did them while. they raced a lot of money, galvanized a lot of voters, and now, we've gone from the states rights approach to federal ban. so that's number one. number two, but not where the american people are. the american people have resolve, and in some instances, resigned, if you will. we're comfortable with roe v. wade. we might not like it here, we may not like it there, but in the main, the country was 50/50 on the issue. they've now disrupted that. and they don't know what to do with the disruption that they've created. free, they're not going to weigh in on this issue at the polls. and that's simple. that's very clear at this point. i don't know if the new strategy -- the american people are not going to be suckers on this one. they might be suckers on some other things, but they're not gonna be suckers on this issue when it comes to women's health, and the rights that they have under our constitution, regardless what the supreme court says when it comes to what they do with their bodies. >> not gonna be suckers on this one. that is the quote. mister steele, thank you, foreign couldn't -- congresswoman, jerry, thank you all. up next, two phones and an ipad. scenes from new york city mayor eric adams as the fbi looks into whether his campaign was illegally fundraising. what's next for the investigation? as the mayor says, he didn't do anything wrong. plus, tomorrow, donald trump's defense team will begin presenting their case at this fraud trial in new york city. donald trump jr. is expected back on the stand. we're gonna dig into both cases with one of our favorite legal gurus. felite. we do more replacements and recalibrations than anyone else. >> customer: thank you so much. >> tech vo: schedule now. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace ♪ right now get a free footlong at subway. like the new deli heroes. buy one footlong in the app, get one free. it's a pretty big deal. kinda like me. order in the subway app today. get help reaching your goals with j.p. morgan wealth plan, a digital money coach in the chase mobile® app. use it to set and track your goals, big and small... and see how changes you make today... could help put them within reach. from your first big move to retiring poolside - and the other goals along the way. wealth plan can help get you there. ♪ j.p. morgan wealth management. detect this: living with hiv, i learned i can stay undetectable with fewer medicines. that's why i switched to dovato. dovato is a complete hiv treatment for some adults. no other complete hiv pill uses fewer medicines to help keep you undetectable than dovato. detect this: most hiv pills contain 3 or 4 medicines. dovato is as effective with just 2. if you have hepatitis b, don't stop dovato without talking to your doctor. don't take dovato if you're allergic to its ingredients or taking dofetilide. this can cause serious or life-threatening side effects. if you have a rash or allergic reaction symptoms, stop dovato and get medical help right away. serious or life-threatening lactic acid buildup and liver problems can occur. tell your doctor if you have kidney or liver problems, or if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or considering pregnancy. dovato may harm an unborn baby. most common side effects are headache, nausea, diarrhea, trouble sleeping, tiredness, and anxiety. detect this: i stay undetectable with fewer medicines. ask your doctor about switching to dovato. >> new york city mayor eric my frequent heartburn had me taking antacid after antacid all day long but with prilosec otc just one pill a day blocks heartburn for a full 24 hours. for one and done heartburn relief, prilosec otc. one pill a day, 24 hours, zero heartburn. adams says he's cooperating with law enforcement as part of a growing an investigation and to his 2020 mayoral campaign. the fbi seized two phones and an ipad from mayor adams. he is turned over additional devices salsa. at issue here is whether or not the mayor's campaign received illegal donations from the turkish government. i will note it is against federal law to receive campaign donationfr local state or federal offices from any foreign tials or foreign governments. this probe is looking into these allegations of just that. just weeks before mayor adams election in 2021, he may have pressured the new york city fire department to sign off on turkey's new manhattan consulate, despite safety concerns. mayor adams has denied any wrongdoing. in a city today -- the mayor and our team are continuing to work with investigators and cooperate. we hope that investigators will continue to cooperate with us and reprimand any federal officer whhas improperly leakedetails about this investigation. such conduct could prejudice the public -- law enforcement process. a lawyer for the adams campaign had already confirmed that they had proactively reported at the least one instance of improper behavior to investigators. for more, i'm joined by msnbc legal analyst catherine. she's a former manhattan district attorney. catherine, the phones and the ipad, they were seized shortly after federal agents searched the home of mayor adams fundraising team. i'll also note the phones in the ipad came -- they were seized after a fund-raiser. the mayor walked out and the fbi was standing there demanding the devices. so, what, if anything, does that tell you about this investigation? >> that tells me it's a good thing that the mayor has some very good criminal defense attorneys. because when the fbi goes up to the mayor of the city of new york and asks his security detail to step aside, and then hands the mayor a search warrant, and then ceases to phones and an ipad, that shows that he's clearly under investigation. that doesn't mean he'll be arrested, that doesn't mean he'll eventually be prosecuted. but he's under investigation. you can't get a search warrant unless an agent goes to a judge and gives facts that established that there was probable cause to believe that those two iphones and that ipad contained evidence of a crime. again, it doesn't mean he will be prosecuted, but clearly, he's under investigation, as you said. just less than a week before, his chief fund-raiser had a search warrant executed at her home. >> you know, kathryn, it really strikes me, because you've got donald trump, okay? who argues that these legal actions against him, whether it's new york or the federal courts, it is political persecution, and that he's being unfairly targeted. but frankly, we have seen the fbi, as of light, whether we're talking about senator menendez, or now mayor adams, we've seen the fbi not hesitate to investigate, launch investigations, execute searches and raids, where, as it relates to democrats. how do you think this narrative is playing out to the public? oftentimes, i know y'all in the legal community, you're like, okay, we're just gonna go with what's happening in the confines of the courts, and by the book. but now, this is playing out in the court of public opinion. >> it shows that, you know, the fbi, the department of justice, are equal opportunity. as you said. senator menendez as a democrat. mayor adams is a democrat. and let's not forget that the manhattan d.a., a democrat, indicted six people who were associated with the adams mayoral campaign. indicted them for allegedly being donors to that campaign. that happened in july. so there's a lot of swirling investigations around the mayor. but as i said, the manhattan d.a. is a democrat, and people who were involved with the campaign allegedly being -- there were democrats, because they were supporting the democratic mayor. so it's, you know, donald trump can say it's, you know, democrats going, you know, after him, but clearly, you know, one could argue that they are blind to the party. if they believe you're engaged in corruption, they're gonna go after you. i'm talking about the department of justice. and mayor adams case, this was the southern district of new york, where the search warrant came out of. again, he's innocent, he hasn't been arrested. >> it is an investigation that we are now talking about because it's playing out in public. we will be watching this. before i let you go, donald trump jr. is going back to court in this new york civil fraud trial against his family and the trump organization. now the defense is taking the reins here. what can we expect this week? >> we can expect the follow-up of what happened with ivanka trump. i'm talking about when she was questioned by the defense attorneys. they're gonna pump up the trump land. they're gonna talk about how the banks were happy, there are no injuries to anyone, there were no victims, and everything is wonderful, and the accountants did it. that's gonna be the testimony of donald trump jr. and his brother. it's all gonna be about how everything is wonderful, and were being persecuted. >> that's perfect. christian, thank you very much. -- republicans in ohio, they're not happy about the results of this past week's election. in fact, they are so unhappy about those results but they want to override the will of the people but making sure the new one man to the state constitution won't be enforced. i'm gonna break it all down, and i have something to say about it next. kevin? kevin? ooh, nice. kevin, where are you? kevin?!?!?.... hey, what's going on? i'm right here! i was busy cashbacking for the holidays with chase freedom unlimited. i'm gonna cashback on a gingerbread house! oooh, it's got little people inside! and a snowglobe. oh, i wished i lived in there. you know i can't believe you lost another kevin. it's a holiday tradition! that it is! earn big time with chase freedom unlimited. how do you cashback? 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there's an exhibit and the national museum -- your work is prominently on display. >> yes. thank you. i'm so proud to be there. i also have my own exhibition that's about afrofuturism, and it's taking culture and infusing it into technology. it's like the honoring of our culture, and also the idea and the imagination of how technology would be infused in our ideas. >> what is your creative process? i'm specifically interested in black panther. they come in, they say, we're doing a superhero movie, the people in charge are black, that's all black everything, take your ideas and go. >> i would just dive in headfirst. but no, we do get a script from our fearless to later, -- we look at the script, and talk about all the possibilities. we're thinking afrofuturism, of course, because we want to involve technology and the idea of the design, and especially with, you know, wakanda. wakanda is forward thinking. it's made up, that. you can't go there. you can't take a train to wakanda. but the queen had pieces 3d-printed. we want to take all the elements of culture, but we also want to recreate them in modern ways. >> you are actually here in washington, d.c. for the inaugural bill hbcu first look film festival. i love that. so you spoke at the film festival. you received the salute or women of style award. look at this. why was this festival so important for you to attend? >> because i was a film buff, and in school, i was a theater major, i did internships afterwards. i looked for mentorship, i looked for someone who looked like me in this industry. it wasn't easy to find. i had to recreate my mentors and other forms. so -- became a mentor for me, and as he gave me my first opportunity, he gave me all the tips that i needed to survive, you know, in order to make these costumes for films. and i just want to be that also for the next generation of young filmmakers that are coming up. i think it's important that we reach back. if they're gonna give me a salute her award, then i need to salute the next generation. >> i think you doing that. you inspire so many people. when i told folks we were having you today, they were taken aback. i think a lot of people are happy, especially, because sag-aftra, the union, announced that there is a deal. the rioters got a deal a month ago at this point, a couple weeks before -- now the actors have seemingly come to a deal with the production houses and whatnot. that means folks can get back to work. what does this mean for you, for some of the projects that you have coming down the pipeline? >> we have to protect bone our project. our projects are back on the table. but more so, our beloved film family is back to work. the fallout for such a long strike was really tremendous on a lot of people who had children, and homes, and just relied on the industry to sub stain them. so now that can get back to work, which is really wonderful. and those businesses that support the film industry, the dry cleaners, all those businesses are back. >> oh my goodness. it makes a difference. thank you so much for coming. you are an icon, the people love you, i love you, and we cannot wait to see the next project, because we know it's gonna be fabulous and afrofuturistic. [laughter] >> thank you. >> thank you so much. thank you. don't go anywhere, y'all. there are some talented students can creating sustainable fashion for all for a good cause. a story from -- university when we come back. when we come back (husband) no way they'd take this wreck. (carolers) ♪ yes, they will, and you'll get iphone 15 pro, ♪ ♪ aaannnnnddddd apple tv 4k, and apple one - ♪ ♪ all three on them! ♪ (wife) do that. (carolers) ♪ we tried to tell him but he paid us a lot... ♪ (husband) it was a lot... ♪ mhmmm ♪ (vo) this holiday turn any iphone, in any condition, into a new iphone 15 pro with titanium, apple tv 4k, and six months of apple one. all three on us. it's holiday everyday with verizon. 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Xfinity 10g Network , Meet The Press , Israel Hamas War Today , Benjamin Netanyahu , Work , Chances , Military Pressure , Doing , Manifest , Idf , It , Details , Willanunce , Woman , Women , Children , Official , Teenagers , Options , Nbc News , Quote , Situation , Hospital , Many , Conditions , Al Shifa Facility , World Health Organization , Dire , Health Ministry , Black , Attempt , Area , Fighting , Fuel , Bombardments , Emergency Fuel , Idf Spokesperson , Administration , Buck , Advisor , Panel , Sherry , Middle East , Brett Mccarrick , Weekend , Top Dog , Region , Power , Hostages Perspective , Americans , In , Qatar , Hostage , Loved Ones , Position , Palestinians , Lawmakers , Everybody , Group , Foreign Affairs Committee , Agreement , Trips , Role , What S Going On , Clock , War , Military Resources , Tranche , Gonna , Coalition , Need , Conflict , Ticking , Xi Jinping , Combat , Chinese , China , Meeting , Side Meeting , Result , Deliverables , Aipac Meeting , San Francisco , Experts , Ways , Nobody , Rogue , Influence , Advance , Russia , Rogue Actors , Dialogue , President , Out Of Control , Interview , Campaign Trail , Univision , Genie Out Of The Box , Response , Reverse , Business , Rhetoric , Behavior , Inaudible , Reality , Genie , Bottle , Projection , Shoes , Power Back , Bidding , Stack , System , Gonna Stack The Justice Department , Anyone , Case , Congresswoman , New York Times , Record , Article , Raids , Immigrant Immigration Plans , Immigration , Restrictions , Birthright Citizenship , Somebody , It S Time , Radar , 2024 , Saying , Anybody , Hope , Revenge , French , Proposition , Assessment , Put , Abortion , Colleague , Rounds , Ronna Mcdaniel , Election Day , Stance , State Issue , Discussion , Message , Limitations , Common Sense , 50 , Voters , Number One , States Rights Approach To Federal Ban , Country , Instances , Resolve , Main , Roe V Wade , Disruption , Polls , Rights , Constitution , Women S Health , Suckers , Supreme Court , Phones , Foreign Couldn T , Up Next , Mister Steele , Bodies , Jerry , Eric Adams , Ipad , Campaign , Fbi , New York City , Plus , Scenes , Defense Team , Cases , Fraud Trial , Stand , Gurus , Felite , Replacements , Anyone Else , Recalibrations , Customer , Singers , Safelite Repair , Safelite , App , Footlong , Deli , Heroes , Subway , Help , Chase Mobile , Goals , Order , Coach , Kinda , J P Morgan , Move , Reach , Big And Small , Medicines , Dovato , Shiv , Wealth Management , Hiv Pills , 4 , 3 , Reaction , Stop Dovato , Dofetilide , Nausea , Diarrhea , Liver Problems , Headache , Breastfeeding , Baby , Kidney , Buildup , Pregnancy , Anxiety , Tiredness , Trouble Sleeping , Lactic Acid , Heartburn , Antacid , Prilosec Otc , Heartburn Relief , Zero Heartburn , Zero , Mayor , Law Enforcement , Adams , 2020 , Estate , Devices , Donations , Offices , Law , Campaign Donationfr , Salsa , Turkish , Probe , Tials , Allegations , New York City Fire Department , Manhattan , Turkey , 2021 , Investigators , City , Consulate , Team , Safety Concerns , Wrongdoing , Officer , Conduct , Law Enforcement Process , Adams Campaign , Lawyer , Whhas , Former , Manhattan District Attorney , Analyst Catherine , Fund Raiser , Agents , Adams Fundraising Team , Defense Attorneys , Search Warrant , Security Detail , Facts , Agent , Judge , Cause , Evidence , Crime , Courts , Chief , Kathryn , Persecution , Light , Senator Menendez , Launch Investigations , Searches , Opportunity , Community , Court Of Public Opinion , Confines , Book , Swirling Investigations , Donors , It S , Adams Case , Him , Corruption , Gonna Go , Southern District Of New York , Hasn T , Playing Out In Public , Innocent , Family , Defense , Follow Up , Reins , New York Civil Fraud Trial , Trump Organization , Ivanka Trump , Land , Injuries , Banks , Victims , Testimony , Accountants , Brother , Ohio , Will , Results , State Constitution Won T , Christian , Kevin , Nice , Down , Ooh , Cashbacking , Gonna Cashback On A , Snowglobe , Holiday Tradition , Chase Freedom Unlimited , Oooh , Antidepressant , Lift , Big Time , Vraylar , Depression Symptoms , Weight , Studies , Impact , Death , Stroke , Fever , Risk , Muscle Movements , Antidepressants , Confusion , Dementia , Stomach , Issues , Weight Gain , Sleep , Cholesterol , High Blood Sugar , Restlessness , Coma , Appetite , Dizziness , Fatigue , Movement Dysfunction , Abbvie , Weight Loss , Golo , Aidyl , Oyo , 90 , I M On My Way , Sizes , 30 , Story , Heart , Female Narrator , Thousands , Announcer , Pain , Golo Com , Ravette , Surgery , Surgeries , Suffering , Mercy Ships , 9 , Number , Screen , Don T Wait , Democracy , Ballot Initiative , Women S Rights , Friends Aren T Holding Back , Decisions , Amendment , Representative , State Lawmakers , Judges , Body , Ohio Constitution , Wellow , Four , Y All , God Given Rights , Rick Santorum , Ron Desantis , Governor , Ballot Initiatives , Uglier , Oh , Florida , Referenda , Stuff , Comments , Ballot , Thinking , Marijuana , Disaster , Sauce , Democracies , Goodness , States , Feels , Legislature , State Constitution , Access , Birth Control , Miscarriage Care , Brick Center Him , , Officials , Matter , Definition , Anti Democratic , Visionary , Category , Oscars , Symone , Spotlight Guest , History , Xt Level , Cirkul , Bathroom , Effort , Batteries , Air Freshener , Outlets , Febreze , Needs Febreze Small Spaces , Febreze Small Spaces , 45 , Flaky , Otezla , Ned S Plaque Psoriasis , Patches , Camera Shutter Sfx , City Ambience Sounds , Car Screech , Car Door Slam , Skin , Blood Tests , Doctors , Itching , Plaque Psoriasis , Flaking , Ned , Reactions , Upper Respiratory Tract Infection , Psoriatic Arthritis , Vomiting , Movie , Ting , Crowd Gasp , Soul Searcher , Isn T , Explorer , Thrill Seeker , Helping , Identity , Card , Traveling Trio , Vibe , Woah , Bank , Friends Have Chase , Help Check , Oh Yeah , Pitch , Eczema , Rinvoq , Rash , Steroid , Injection , Topical , Relief , Fast , Rinvoq Relief , 100 , Infections , Intestines , Heart Disease Risk Factor , Risks , Skin Cancer , Cancers , Blood Clots , Ability , Heart Attack , Tears , Lymphoma , Tb , Trail Blazing Work , Level , Fantasy , She S The First , Name , Film , Theater , Credits , Marvel S , Black Tampa , Wakanda Forever , Sequel , 70 , Do The Right Thing , Person , Looks , Coming To America , School Days , Costume Design Category , Movies Like , Malcolm X , I M So Excited , Art , Author , Costuming Black History , Exhibit , Opinion , Museum , Synopsis , Technology , Exhibition , Culture , Idea , Display , Honoring , Imagination , Yes , Superhero Movie , Ideas , Process , Charge , Script , Wakanda , Cup , Design , Possibilities , Train , Elements , Salute , Award , Style , Festival , Bill Hbcu First Look Film Festival , Washington D C , Industry , Major , Internships , Mentorship , School , Film Buff , Tips , Eforms , It Wasn T , Mentors , Mentor , Generation , Filmmakers , Rioters , Aback , Sag Aftra , The Union , Projects , Production Houses , Actors , Whatnot , Mean , Project , Homes , Strike , Fallout , Pipeline , Bone , Table , Businesses , Film Industry , Stain , Cleaners , Oh My Goodness , Difference , Laughter , Afrofuturistic , Icon , I Love You , Gonna Be Fabulous , Students , Fashion , University , Don T Go Anywhere , Music , Chronic Kidney Disease , Places , Ga Farxiga , Kidney Failure , Dialysis , Infection , Ketoacidosis , Yeast Infections , Blood Sugar , Urinary Tract , Dehydration , Perineum , Stop Taking Farxiga , Medication , Dog Walking Business , Astrazeneca , Hundreds , Walking , Bunny , Sesame , Ahhhh , Dog Barks , Calm Down Taco , Sit Duchess , Archie , It Peyronie S Disease , Curve , Stop Typing , Ahhhhh , Urologist , Pd , Formation , Goodbye , Scar Tissue , Erection , Men , Treatment Plan , Visit Makeapdplan Com Today , Clothes , Dress F Success , Event , Upcycle , Upcycling , Sustainability , Sales , Lives , Howard University , Virginia Area , Maryland , Simone Sanders , On K , Hub , Site , Episodes , Instagram , Twitter , Tiktok , Raf , Reverend Al Sharpton , Nation , City Council , Councilman , Chair , Strategies , Democratic National Committee , Fabulous Symone , Big Show , Politicsnation , Lessons ,

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