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>> the madsen tunnel? >> yeah. it's a pretty foil place to die. >> the murder happened on the summer solstice. >> this whole occult story came out. >> there is evidence of a cult activities taking place up there before. >> he told me that he had witnessed a murder. >> [inaudible] >> and that he was helping the police with it. >> little by little it started coming out. >> there had been some plot afoot. >> brutal, and violence, and chaotic, they are vicious killers. it was a horrible betrayal. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> this wasn't supposed to happen ever. it was a chilly december morning, 2020. the high desert outside of los angeles. in there, behind barbed wire and secure blocks of thick concrete, a prisoner was placed in front of a camera. it was a parole hearing, for a life or who was not supposed to be set free. 50 miles away, nervous and worried, the sisters of the man's victim listen to a live broadcast. with her, historic l. a. homicide detective, now retired. and rick jackson. powerless to intervene, they waited for the board's decision. and it all came flooded back. as if decades had vanished. and the strange, terrible events had only just occurred. >> i worked homicide, but by the end of my career what it was 20 years. and you also think that you have seen everything, and this is one of those cases that, that just did not make any sense. >> no, it did not. still does not. and maybe never well. it was just a few days after the summer solstice. that longest day of the year. it was june 24th, 1990. >> my supervisor called and said hey, i've got an interesting case for you and frank. so frank and i went right to the coroner's office to view the body. >> frank was detective frank garcia, jackson's partner. >> he had multiple stab wounds. and his throat was slit. >> it was a murder, all right, close-up. personal. bloody. >> whoever did this wanted to make sure that it was done. no one was going to survive this. >> he looked to be in his early twenties, but he had no i. d.. so they called him john doe 1:35. l. a.'s 135th i unidentified victim of the year. >> he had a medallion. there were two. one was a pentagram, and there was also one that was a religious cross. >> meaning, something? possibly? john doe 135 had been found by hikers in an own train towel. that went through the rocky hills in suburban chatsworth. >> went back up there. >> what was it like? >>they're strange paintings up there. paintings of words involving drugs, lsd, acid. >> we were told that they would be animal sacrifices there. there was running in the inside of the tunnel. things about hell, and fear. there were pentagrams. all indicating some kind of occult activity taking place in the tunnel. >> the pensive grounds are all gone now. covered by new layers of graffiti. hiding new secrets, perhaps horrors of the past. but even today it remains a dark and spooky place. some of the locals calling it the man's internal because of that. and because charles manson once lived nearby. whatever, it was catnip for media. >> the body was found in a railroad tunnel, above chatsworth farms. >> -- >> we do have in information about the case call lapd major crimes. >> one of the many assigned to the story was a young reporter for the l. a. times, named michael connally. yes, that, michael connelly, the best selling crime novelist. who back then was just beginning to make a name for himself. >> just in the beginning, it had so much mystery involved. what was this man doing in that tunnel? >> and i suppose it would just add to the allure of the idea? following the manson tunnel? >> yeah, it was a pretty horrible place to die. that is for sure. >> did you actually go into that place? >> i went up there, once i didn't want to go in, i know reporters are supposed to go stick their nose into stuff so i went up to the entrance but i wasn't going to walk down into that tunnel, there were too many unanswered questions at that time. >> and no one knew just then, that they had entered a story already into chapter two. the san fernando valley is a vast, and crowded sprawl. more than one ministry here. it was midnight in the valley. a couple of hours before john doe 135 was found. in the manson tunnel. gayle and kay baker's home. the phone rang. >> there is a strange voice, and it said, we have your son. unless you give us $100,000 by 5:00 tomorrow, he will die. >> their son, ron, was a student at ucla. >> so i called his apartment, and i was told that he had been dropped off at a bus stop. and he was going to meet at ucla. and he had his roommate telling me that. >> the next morning. ron still had not returned home. and then the phone rang again. same, strange voice. >> he said unless you give us $100,000 by 5:00, he will die. and at that time, i really did become worried. and i called the police. >> ron's older sister, patty, rushed over to her parents house. >> the police put a wire on the phone, nobody called back. the longer it went, the more worried that we got. >> police got a picture of ron from the family. they checked it with the coroner's office. to see if it matched any outstanding cases that they were handling. it did. they called the bakers. >> asking about if ron would've worn some earings. and a pendant. and he had done that. so then they came to see us. and tell us that his body had been found. >> is there any way to understand what that is like? >> it's devastating. >> then the bakers had to do the most difficult thing that they had ever done. >> we were asked to go to the coroner's office to identify him. >> ron baker, was just 21, their only son. ron was not your average victim, and this? not your average murder. >> when this thing first happened, we were just a few years past richard ramirez, the night stalker who is involved in pentagrams and things like that. and he had struck a couple of times in the valley. and that had gripped the town in fear. there was a little bit of, here we go again. >> yes, and there was something else about it too. the date. >> it was the evening of the summer solstice. there were rumors going around at times, that this could've been a sacrifice, due to the multiple stab wounds and the fact that baker's throat was slit. >> did you think it was an occult thing? >> we didn't know. we certainly didn't rule it out. >> especially when they discovered what ron baker belonged to. it had a name. the mystic circle! coming up! cryptic clues in ron's apartment. >> an altar, the candles, the pentagram. >> good this killer be related to the dark out of the occult? >> there's evidence of occult activities haven't taken place there before. >> was there a lot of concern that maybe there were other people? >> definitely. >> when dateline continues! she's been looking for. sotyktu is the first-of-its-kind, once-daily pill for moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis... for the chance at clear or almost clear skin. it's like the feeling of finding that outfit psoriasis tried to hide from you. or finding your swimsuit is ready for primetime. dad! once-daily sotyktu is proven to get more people clearer skin than the leading pill. don't take if you're allergic to sotyktu; serious reactions can occur. sotyktu can lower your ability to fight infections including tb. serious infections, cancers including lymphoma, muscle problems, and changes in certain labs have occurred. tell your doctor if you have an infection, liver or kidney problems, high triglycerides, or had a vaccine or plan to. sotyktu is a tyk2 inhibitor. tyk2 is part of the jak family. it's not known if sotyktu has the same risks as jak inhibitors. find what plaque psoriasis has been hiding. ask your dermatologist about sotyktu for clearer skin. so clearly you. sotyktu. after advil. feeling better? 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on top of the worlddddd!!! before advil. advil targets pain at the source of inflammation. when pain comes for you, come back fast with advil liqui-gels. >> the question is, did the occult lead to his death? >> it was the word that got all the attention. a word that brought tv crews to the notorious train tunnel under the hills. the word that conjured up all manner of dark arts. a cult. >> holy terror, reads the graffiti over the tunnel where ron baker's body was found. >> was 21 year old ron baker the victim of a ritual killing and occult murder? >> did you and your parents have any idea who could've done this? >> no. not at all. or why. >> and while ron baker of all people? he was a compassionate, kind, churchgoing methodist. not an enemy in the world. >> my brother, he was a really positive person. a real gentle soul. he was very smart. he was majoring in astrophysics at ucla. >> intellectually curious? >> yes. definitely. >> which probably explained why, methodist or not, ron joined a club at ucla called the mystic circle where he met fellow student, christine. >> we would meet, and hear lectures and talks from people who practice a variety of different traditions, and alternative religion. we've had people come in who studied wicca. >> the pagan nature religion, ron was fascinated. >> i think as a physicist, there was something appealing about wicca being a nature religion. because what do physicists that a? they study energy, and forces. and those were things that were part of everyday language in wicca. >> but, had he encountered something much darker? ron shared an apartment with two roommates. nathaniel blalock and duncan martinez. the detectives drove over to talk to them. nathan was out of town. so they talked to duncan about the murder. >> he was upset. >> how close was he to ron? >> they were pretty close. they were very different characters, ron was inward and naive a little bit. duncan was more worldly, he had the energy. charm. >> ying and yang. duncan, a former marine reservist was bright and funny to ron's quiet and shy. duncan got a job after high school, while ron went to college. they both grew up in l. a., and we're best friends for years. duncan stepfather was a professor at ucla where ron went to school. nathan was from detroit. ended up in l. a. after serving in the army. he had been a great athlete growing up. a football star. runner up boxing champ as a teenager. he was the most recent member of the trio. duncan told detectives that on the night of the murder, summer souls this, ron had planned to take the bus to ucla to visit his mystic circle friends. he adds for a ride to the bus stop. >> so they dropped him off. and ron went where he went. and that, said duncan, was the last time he and nathan ever laid eyes on the roommate. >> so, the cops had a look at ron's room. and? there it was. >> an altar. candles. the pentagrams. all the wicca stuff there. large knives that were supposedly used in the ritual. >> certainly, we're not gonna rule out the possibility that baker's death was cult related. >> cult related? satanic ritual? human sacrifice? >> this whole business about wicca, how seriously did you have to think about it? >> we had to take it seriously because it was the summer solstice, a holiday for wicca. it happened in the tunnel, there is evidence of a cult activities having taken place of their before. >> understand, amid that some secret groups made their practicing dark arts, even harming children and others at a brief, unfortunate resurges around that time. so the idea that occultists may actually have sacrificed a man in a tunnel that was decorated with the signs of devil worship? the media fixation was hardly a surprise. >> i wrote some of these stories, i think we wrote them with reserve. saying this is what the police have on their plate. as one of the things that they're looking at. but they're probably looking at many other things as well. but i know enough now, as a novelist, to know that certain words can really fire up the imagination of the reader. so i think these stories did that. in a big way. >> this whole occult story came out, and that was the dominant narrative for a long time. >> where those in ucla and this group that knew him, was there a lot of worry and concern that there were other people who were in danger? >> definitely. it made us concerned that it was a hate crime. >> despite their fears, some of ron's mystic circle friends joined his family for a deeply memorial service. ron's friend, duncan, delivered the eulogy. >> he was the most friendliest and sweetest guy there. and i just hope that, it's something i can get over. because i love him. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> as for suspects, there were none. except perhaps, the alcohol. it showed up at the autopsy. booze, a lot of it. >> his alcohol was point to.21. that was another thing that did not fit. baker did not drink. >> but he fought his killer, that much was apparant in the traces of blood under his fingernails. so, dna? well. now. not back then. >> all we could do is match the blood. it was ab positive. 4% of the population of ab positive. >> 4%? so that could narrow down the list of suspects. if they could never find one. coming up! >> duncan was actually feeling pressured by the police. he felt like people were following him. >> then, a mysterious phone call. in the middle of the night. >> they [inaudible] >> had another young man disappeared? 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(ella) fashion moves fast. (jen) so we partner with verizon to take our operations to the next level. (marquis) with a custom private 5g network. (ella) we get more control of production, efficiencies, and greater agility. (jen) that's enterprise intelligence. (vo) it's your vision, it's your verizon. hello. it is so fantastamazing to see other trolls. is this how people feel when they meet me? yes. poppy, i'm your sister. my what? whoo. did you just braid my hair? >> it was, in those days, like a curse had come to los angeles. a curse of murder. so many murders. bestselling author, michael connelly, was a journalist then. on the crime beat for the l. a. times. >> i came here in 87. which was the dawn of the highest murder rates ever. and the city, and a lot of it was fueled by the crack epidemic. and gang warfare, and all of that. >> but the murder of ron baker was different. a middle class college student. and the questions that made the news, was this a ritual killing, an occult crime. was it wicca related? the detectives had to know. >> we had to get an education real quick on wicca. we had interviewed one wicca lady that was very knowledgeable about the practice of wicca. >> that woman was christine. ron's friend from the mystic circle club. and an expert on everything big wicca. >> it is helpful to be able to talk to somebody who not only knows what is entailed in the occult, at least in the terms of wicca. but more importantly to know what ron himself believed, and practiced. >> reyna gave the detectives a crash course on wicca, its history. it's peaceful rituals. it's spiritual traditions. and ron? she told them. >> he had absolutely no involvement in anything that would ever involve human sacrifice. i mean, he would never have meddled or even ventured into anything like that. >> he worried about that himself before all of this? >> absolutely. that ripples him. and he certainly did not think that anyone who dabbled, or followed in those types of paths. where the people that he would ever want to associate with. and i think that that was important for detectives to, know that this was not something that ron would have been attracted to. >> the more that detectives learned about wicca, the less likely it seemed to them related to ron's death. >> i think through that process of just discovering and learning more things. they probably, quickly got off the occult trail. it was very clear. >> not a ritual that all? >> there was no ritual. >> the wicca just faded away. and it became even more of non interest to us. >> so, while the media was focused on wicca, that detectives returned to more normal sources of police work. they talk to people who were with ron on the day that he died. roommate nathan was back in town, and ready to talk. not that he seem to know very much. and neither did duncan, for that matter. though he was eager to help. the two told the same story. they dropped ron off at the bus stop the night of the summer solstice. and they never saw him again. , and then, after they heard that ron had been kidnapped. they went looking for him. but when duncan told the detectives, where they searched. well. it seemed odd. >> he told us that he and nathan went to chatsworth park near the tunnel to look for baker. why would anyone look for their friend at chatsworth park near the tunnel if he was kidnapped? >> anyway, duncan kept talking. offering information which, might be true. or not. >> we asked dunkin'to take a polygraph test. >> how do they do? >> he failed it, and all pertinent questions involving the murder. >> uh oh. soon after that, duncan lawyered up and stopped talking. >> i thought we were going in the right direction because we had the right people. now, the motive for the killing. it's still kind of tough. >> yes, the motive. why in the world would runs friends and roommates be mixed up somehow in his murder? it just did not make any sense. especially to the baker family. >> we were kind of shocked. what do you mean? you're looking at duncan? >> did you think that they were barking up the wrong tree? >> yes. it seemed really farfetched. why would he do that? we did not know nathan that well. but why would duncan, do something to his good friend? >> in fact, duncan had been to the baker home lots of times to hang out. and was always the entertaining houseguest. >> he was always really personable. very funny. easy going. easy to talk to. >> was he a teller of tall tales? fantasize a bit as he told you the stories? >> yes. he was. and a lot of time the whole group would be like, whatever. he just liked to be the center of attention. >> a few weeks after the murder, duncan and nathan moved out of the apartment. and duncan as the baker's for a favor. they said sure. >> duncan actually moved a bunch of stuff into my parents house, into the garage. so my parents would talk to him every once in a while. and i know he told my dad that he was feeling pressured by the police. and he felt like people were following him. >> police may not have been following him, but they would soon hear him. a few weeks after the summer solstice, the middle of the night. >> they got me in a warehouse in north hollywood. i don't know it's going on. >> it sounded like duncan martínez. had he been abducted? could it possibly be another kidnapping? coming up! >> we respond that night. made a missing person's report. >> what had happened to duncan martinez? >> i'm going to try to get out of here. >> you're just waiting to see if he is going to be found. >> he was gone, missing, we had no idea where he was. >> this was going to be a tough one to crack. >> when dateline continues! s and lower airways. but i'm protected with arexvy. arexvy is a vaccine used to prevent lower respiratory disease from rsv in people 60 years and older. rsv can be serious for those over 60, including those with asthma, diabetes, copd, and certain other conditions. but i'm protected. arexvy is proven to be over 82% effective in preventing lower respiratory disease from rsv and over 94% effective in those with these health conditions. 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>> so we respond that night, to the missing persons report, and we just made the assumption that it was a legitimate kidnapping. >> and there was no trace of duncan anywhere. his disappearance made the news. >> i would like to illuminate him if he doesn't have any involvement in this, case as long as he remains gone we cannot eliminate him. >> and then, several days, later, a clue. investigators tracked down the phone number used to make that phone call, reporting his own kidnapping. detective jackson gave it a ring. >> somebody picked up, i said this is who i am, and i'm working on the case. we are, you and he goes actually, i am at the airport in las vegas. >> it was a random stranger, not dunkin'who answered a payphone. and not in a warehouse in north hollywood. but, in a crowded airport. >> the kidnapping phone call he left was a total farce, nobody would have believed that. i think the motive for the phone call was that, if he is kidnapped, then we will stop looking for him. >> but, he couldn't believe he would harm rob, much less kill him. duncan, who deliver such an immunity at the memorial service, now. then, that weird phone call. >> so obviously, he is trying to escape, then we started believing that he's probably involved. >> it was a few weeks later when his father who looked through the stuff he so graciously allowed to store in the garage, he opened one of the boxes. and -- >> i discovered this note of things to do. get a new identity, to sell the car, but it sounded like he was getting ready to leave the country or something. >> it did not look so innocent, though it did not exactly implicate him either. weeks passed, no more crazy phone calls, and no trace of the elusive duncan martinez. he was gone, missing, we had no idea what he was. >> so duncan was in the wind, and nathan was sticking to a story that they dropped off at the ucla bound bus stop and never saw him again. and a once hot murder investigation started turning ice-cold. >> it got pretty discouraging, you are just waiting to see if anything comes out, and if he is going to be found, but apparently he did a good job of disappearing. autumn came, christmas, the new, year and runs 22nd birthday. >> we would go visit the grave, and put flowers on all those occasions, and it is not really how you want to spend your holidays and your birthdays. -- having to remember him that way. >> did you see the toll this took on your parents? >> it was definitely hard on them, especially during that time period when we had no answers, and didn't really know why it happened, who did it, what happened. >> another summer solstice came, too, the anniversary of ron's death. the longest day following the longest year for the baker's. >> i think about some things that would have been hard, what he would have made of his life, with he would've had more grandchildren, things like that. >> the detective meanwhile were stymied, they were convinced that duncan was somehow involved in ron baker's murder. but to crack the case, they had to find him, which was not so easy. >> when we get nervous as far as the case, it means stagnant for over a year a year and a half almost. something has to happen, he has to turn up someplace. >> some people who have done terrible things imagine they can disappear forever, fake a death, change a name, an address, an i. d. but living breathing human beings have needs, and sometimes they make mistakes. coming up -- >> were you afraid he was just gone for good? >> i knew eventually he was surface somewhere. >> across the country, the case takes an unusual turn. a young man with a dubious identity. >> the social security card was new and that is suspicion right there. >> what was he up to? >> i'm saying to myself, that does not make sense. >> when dateline continues. i got the power of 3. i lowered my a1c, cv risk, and lost some weight. in studies, the majority of people reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. i'm under 7. ozempic® lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events such as stroke, heart attack, or death in adults also with known heart disease. i'm lowering my risk. adults lost up to 14 pounds. i lost some weight. ozempic® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't share needles or pens, or reuse needles. don't take ozempic® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop ozempic® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. gallbladder problems may occur. tell your provider about vision problems or changes. taking ozempic® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase low blood sugar risk. side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. living with type 2 diabetes? 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yeah, i'm ready. is your treatment leaving you with uncontrolled symptoms? like the cover-it-ups and brush-it-offs? enough with good enoughs. don't stay hiding or hurting. when your lotions and creams don't do enough to help treat the inflammation beneath the skin, causing plaques and pain, it's time to get real about psoriasis, so, your dermatologist can help you get clear. make the appointment and ask about real clear skin. >> where was duncan martinez? >> for 18 months there wasn't a trace anywhere. i knew he would surface somewhere. >> you felt if you could get your mits on him, you might be able to get him to talk. >> yeah, because i felt at some point duncan was going to get tired of running. >> then, late autumn 1991, boston massachusetts, three young men walked into the downtown federal building, and encountered a seasoned and a very particular passport agent, who just happened to have the same first name as the elusive mr. martinez. >> the name as duncan haywood, -- >> duncan haywood looked out at the three young men before him, one of them spoke. >> he needed a passport, he said, urgently. he was booked on a flight to paris that's very night. his name, he said, was jonathan wayne miller. >> he had several pieces of identification. one was a school transcript, which has no photo, no description, no nothing. >> he told this jonathan wayne miller that was not good enough, you needed a valid i. d. and passport photos. so miller and his buddies left and then soon, returned with the pictures. >> the first thing i told him, where is your i. d.? he said, it is right here. i have two friends. they will identify me. >> they are my i. d.? >> and i said, they are not good enough. you need a blood relative, we need either your mother, or your brother to come into this agency today. >> was it panic -- was seeing and young miller's eyes? >> he said, it is not possible. he said, he had a very difficult time at home. he was abused. he finally left home and school, he said that means that i only have an eighth grade education. >> so i said that is fine, but it does not help you with i. d.. >> it won't surprise you to know, you had heard more than a few stories in his time, it seemed an abundance of bogus passport applications as well. he smelled something fishy, especially when miller presented one more piece of i. d.. >> the social security card was new, and that is suspicion right there. it tells you that it is a new identity. >> it does not tell you it's fraudulent? just tells you -- >> it tells you both. >> no proper i. d., no passport, he sent jonathan miller away empty handed. but he was not done. the next day, he started his own investigation into jonathan wayne miller, who claimed to have been born in the central massachusetts town of webster, so he called the school listed on the transcript miller submitted. >> i talked to a guidance counselor there, and i said it gives english one and english two, he said that is freshman and sophomore english. and i said, what grades? he said nine and ten. and i'm saying to myself, this fella quit school in eighth grade. that does not make sense. >> something else also did not make sense. on the fine print of that transcript, there was a reference to a california test, a california test for a massachusetts school, i don't think so. >> nathan knew what to do next, he called the fbi, which issued an arrest warrant for jonathan wayne miller, for passport fraud, only to find that miller had vanished. and then, it was two months later, two months after young mr. miller encountered the boston brick wall named -- tea location this time, a stretch of highway near the little town of utah. a highway patrolmen pulled over a driver on interstate 15. the officer took the driver's i. d., ran the name, jonathan wayne miller. wanted by the fbi for faking a passport application. miller was arrested and booked at a utah jail. then, webster massachusetts, the state detectives went to miller's last known address, knocked at the door, and jim miller, jonathan's father opened it. >> he says, we look for a jonathan wayne miller, i said why are you looking for him? he has been that for 21 years? >> coming up, jonathan wayne miller, that? >> i cried. it was like my whole world came craving in. >> then who was the man locked up in that jail cell? >> he refuses to tell a judge who he really is, and the judge says there is no way out until we find out. >> you have seen this before? >> absolutely. and it is a good way to hide. >> when dateline continues. watch how easy it is to put on new hands free skechers slip-ins. i just step in and go. sitting? doesn't matter. i don't even have to touch them. ooo, gangsta. in a hurry? there's not a faster, easier way to put on shoes. they know a 10 when they see it. after advil. feeling better? on top of the worlddddd!!! before advil. advil targets pain at the source of inflammation. when pain comes for you, come back fast with advil liqui-gels. she found it. the feeling of finding the psoriasis treatment she's been looking for. sotyktu is the first-of-its-kind, once-daily pill for moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis... for the chance at clear or almost clear skin. it's like the feeling of finding that outfit psoriasis tried to hide from you. or finding your swimsuit is ready for primetime. dad! once-daily sotyktu is proven to get more people clearer skin than the leading pill. don't take if you're allergic to sotyktu; serious reactions can occur. sotyktu can lower your ability to fight infections including tb. serious infections, cancers including lymphoma, muscle problems, and changes in certain labs have occurred. tell your doctor if you have an infection, liver or kidney problems, high triglycerides, or had a vaccine or plan to. sotyktu is a tyk2 inhibitor. tyk2 is part of the jak family. it's not known if sotyktu has the same risks as jak inhibitors. find what plaque psoriasis has been hiding. ask your dermatologist about sotyktu for clearer skin. so clearly you. sotyktu. i've never been healthier. ask your dermatologist about sotyktu for clearer skin. shingles doesn't care. but shingrix protects. proven over 90% effective, shingrix is a vaccine used to prevent shingles in adults 50 years and older. shingrix does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients or to a previous dose. an increased risk of guillain-barré syndrome was observed after getting shingrix. fainting can also happen. the most common side effects are pain, redness and swelling at the injection site, muscle pain, tiredness, headache, shivering, fever, and upset stomach. ask your doctor or pharmacist about shingrix today. the power goes out and we still have wifi to do our homework. and that's a good thing? great in my book! who are you? no power? no problem. introducing storm-ready wifi. now you can stay reliably connected through power outages with unlimited cellular data and up to 4 hours of battery back-up to keep you online. only from xfinity. >> who was jonathan wayne home of the xfinity 10g network. who was jonathan wayne miller, asked the cop miller, asked the cop at jim miller's front door. the answer was, perhaps not quite what was expected. >> he was so happy-go-lucky, he was one of the happiest girl lucky babies have seen in my life. >> jonathan was just a baby when he died. , an accident no one's fault really. he was not quite two. >> it was bad, it was bad, i don't think he was going to make it. >> do you ever lose that sense of loss? >> no. nope. i tell people, love your children because when you lose one, you can't replace them. >> little jonathan had been dead 20 years when that detective showed up at similar store, to say that his son was wanted in l. a.. >> i started crying. it was like my whole world came caving in. i was right back where i was. >> that first day. >> yep. >> jim miller insisted his son was dead. even told the detective where he was buried. yet at that very moment, that same jonathan when miller supposedly dead for two decades, was sitting 2000 miles away in a utah jail cell and very much alive. so what was going on? duncan, the passport fraud specialist, had already figured that out. not long after the young man presented what would seem as a bogus paperwork, -- >> so we were falling into a category, and that category we call idi, infant deaf identity. >> why would you call it that? >> because it is a way to assume a brand new identity, without ever bumping into the person. >> you have seen this before? >> absolutely. it is a good way to hide. >> yes. the man who called himself jonathan wayne miller had found and stolen jim's baby sons identity in an effort to disappear forever. it was -- who told us how he must have done it by cruising cemeteries, most likely. >> you try to match a person, if you are a male you look for a male. you look for a person born with one or two years of your year of birth, and you're golden. >> back then, it was that easy to fake an identity. unless, you ran into someone as exacting as -- who called the massachusetts records department, and asked to contact to do a search for mueller's official death certificate. >> so he went to the -- with the death record should have been, turned to the page number, and guess what, that page was missing. >> really? >> someone had actually cut the original state death certificate out of the book. >> and presto, no death certificate, suddenly brought the late jonathan wayne miller back to life in almost worked, until the passport agent got suspicious, and the fbi got involved, and the fake miller was pulled over for that traffic violation in utah. >> so he's taken into custody, and he refuses to tell the judge who he really is, the judge says there is not going to be any mail until we find out. >> based with a long stay in jail, the impostor finally came clean has you no doubt guessed his real name was, duncan martinez, under investigation in l. a. for the murder of ron baker. >> we were thrilled, because now at least we had thatinviratu get that adrenaline pumping and we now know where he is. >> later, detective jackson called jim miller, and explained the whole messy truth about how and why his son's identity was stolen. >> he was wanted for murder, and he tried to get out of the country, with a passport under my son's name. that was bad. for someone to steal his identity, and commit a crime. >> is it generally the principle, or was it because this was your johnathan? >> the principal behind it, i don't care who's child it was. let them rest in peace. leave them alone. >> duncan had been on the -- four year and a half, he had been in boston much of that time, working as a cook in a pizzeria, living in this apartment in a suburb called revere, and stealing a dead baby's name to try and get a passport and skip town. >> how do you have gotten that passport, who knows what would have happened. >> instead, duncan's devious but cam had put him into a utah jail facing federal fraud charges, but, duncan had a plan, another one. coming up -- . >> we got a call from duncan martinez's attorney, informing us that he was willing to talk to us about what have been the night of the murder. >> and talk he did. duncan martinez spills a spellbinding tale -- putting himself at the scene of the crime. when dateline continues. putting himself at the scene of the crime. when "dateline" continues. ♪ students... students of any age, from anywhere. students in a new kind of classroom. ♪ using our technology to power different ways of learning. ♪ harnessing ai to plant new beginnings. ♪ so when minds grow, opportunities follow. i'm in everybodies home and my favorite homes are wayfair homes. the wayfair homes just have that razzle dazzle. they redid the guest room. all at prices you can't believe but you should and blitzen fast shipping, north pole in two days so this year go to wayfair for goodness sake. the gifts. you have one job nick. ♪ wayfair you've got just what i need ♪ my skin has been so much smoother so much more hydrated. it's olay! with olay hyaluronic body wash 95% of women had visibly-better skin. and my skin is so much more moisturized. see the difference with olay. this holiday with a ring video doorbell, see whose coming to town. happy holidays! 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