Transcripts For MSNBCW Way 20240702 :

Transcripts For MSNBCW Way 20240702

take responsibility for this failure, which is why i now call on the united states congress to ban assault rifles like the one used by the sick perpetrator of this mass killing in my hometown of lewiston, maine. for the good of my community i will work with any colleague to get this done in the time that i have left in congress. >> democratic congressman jared golden of maine changing his position on gun reform following wednesday's deadly mass shooting in his hometown. we'll bring you the latest on the manhunt for the suspect in just a moment. plus, what the new speaker of the house had to say about potential gun legislation in response to that tragedy as well as his comments on preventing a government shutdown next month. and also ahead, breaking news overnight. the united states military carries out air strikes in syria in retaliation for iranian backed attacks on u.s. service members. we'll go through that major new development in the middle east. good morning and welcome to "way too early" on this friday, october 27th. i'm jonathan lemire. thanks for being with us. we'll begin this morning with a manhunt for the suspected gunman in the lewiston, maine, mass shootings. roughly 50,000 people remain under lockdown throughout the state after the 40-year-old suspect killed at least 18 people and injured at least 13 more in a bowling alley and bar wednesday night. eight victims were from the bar, seven from the bowling alley, and three died at area hospitals. an arrest warrant h been issued for the suspect charging him with eight counts of murder based on the intification of eight victims so far. search warrants for robert card were executed at multiple locations yesterday throughout the nearby town of bowdoin where the suspect lives. a note was found at the suspect's home during a search, senior law enforcement officials are telling nbc news. investigators are trying to determine the meaning of the note and how it could guide their investigations, officials say. the u.s. coast guard has also joined search warrants. the suspect owns a boat and at least one jet ski leading to questions whether he could have fled via water. we're also learning this morning that investigators are looking into if a gun found in the suspect's car was the same one used in the shootings, according to two sources familiar. the weapon is believed to be a sniper rifle that was purchased legally earlier this year according to official law en officials are also looking into whether a female acquaintance of a suspect that frequented the bar may have been a reason the suspected targeted that location. joining us now, nbc news correspondent antonia hilton. she is there in lewiston, maine, for us. antonia, great to see you. what's the very latest on the manhunt? >> reporter: good morning, jonathan. well, for the second night in a row now, residents in this part of maine have been hunkered down at home living with immense shock and fear. and because robert card is still on the run, people tell me it is hard forhem to move forward with the grieving process. we are still waiting for more informatioabout many of the victims, many of them up to 18 haven't been identified positively by police yet we've been told in part because of just the level of damage and the terror this kind of weaponry unleashed at the bar and restaurant and bowling alley that night. and we're also learning more through nbc news sources about the state of robert card's mental health that evening. some of our colleagues were able to reach katie card, his sister-in-law, and had a conversation with her in which she told nbc news that he was hearing voices and she described his beliefs as manic. she declined to comment whether or not the family tried to get firearms out of his possession. our team is trying to find out more information about that. in addition, our colleague ken dilanian, also had sources say -- who were able to confirm what we saw come out of a police bulletin yesterday which was information about the fact he may have spent time at a mental health facility over the summer was true and he actually was recommended by army commanders to spend time at that facility after alarms raised both by family members and people he worked with as reservists. this is all painting a broader picture. at all the press conferences yesterday reporters at nbc and elsewhere were hammering officials to get more information about how it was possible that someone who seemed to have such a clear undocumented history of mental health challenges recently was able to still have access to and possession of firearms like this. he was able to purchase the firearm used legally back in 2023. all of this is fueling the anger and outrage here and compounded by the fact people can't go to vigils right now and can't support each other. what we're seeing is people calling some of the local radio stations here to grieve and process how they feel about all this, jonathan, because it has been overwhelming. the example i keep hearing from folks the nightmare scenario if this turns out to be what happened in pennsylvania where a man was on the run for about two weeks, people here just can't fathom having to wait that long for more answers right now. >> nbc's antonia hilton live in lewiston, maine, for us thank you for that reporting and we'll talk to you later on "morning joe." although those around the suspect reportedly expressed concern about his deteriorating mental state as antonia just told us, under maine law he was still able to legally buy and keep possession of the gun believed to be used in this week's shooting. in 2019 after efforts to pass red flag ls in maine failed, the ste adopted what are known as yellow flag law. under red flag laws, family members, law enforcement, and others, can petition a judge to have someone's gun removed if they are deemed a threat to themselves or others. under a yellow threat law, only a judge can ask law enforcement do that, and that petitioning can only happen after a medical evaluation is completed, and after a person is taken into protective custody. in 16, maine voters also rejected a proposal that would have expanded background checks in the state. those efforts failed again earlier this year when the state legislature voted against a bill to expand background checks, create a 72 wait period for purchases and ban bump stock. it's believed the suspect legally bought the gun used in the shooting earl i yr this year before his military officers sent him away for psychiatric treatment. it's unclear, though, if those officers reported their concerns to law enforcement, that could have triggered the state's yellow flag laws. joining us now former fbi special agent and national security analyst for nbc news and msnbc, clint watts. thanks for joining us this morning. it has now been well more than 24 hours since the shooting in lewiston. if you're part of the law enforcement team operating there in maine, how would you approach this? are you widening your search beyond maine and the rest of new england at this point? >> yeah, jonathan. i think it's really a tough situation because you're talking about a finite set of resources. you only have so much law enforcement capacity and so much law enforcement officers to fan out in terms of a search. at the same point, maine is a tough environment to track someone down particularly when it's a local with military experience. how do you use your resources most effectively? you might remember back to pennsylvania just a couple months ago the search for a prizfer, very different scenario in the sense that there's a lot more resources, a lot more ground, and an individual who knows the area as opposed to a prisoner escape. when you combine all that, there's just a lot less technology as well. you might remember we saw things like ring cameras from people's homes tripping. that's not going to happen here. there's not enough resources. i think when you look at it, they're trying to go off known known, places where the shooter may have been to look for additional clues just in case they're there. you saw a lot of search warrants yesterday late into the night of the properties he has and his family and other known people and known associates. they're probably trying to expand up there looking for potential clues that he might have taken with him that he could use if it's related to boat, would heby able to escape by watercraft. i would also, though, with severalhootings we've seen over the last couple of years and we've had people having mental health problems, they also have gone to places, and, you know, done the self-inflicted wound and committed suicide. there is a posbity they could be looking for something that's not moving and it's very difficult to track dow we just don't know the details onhis at the moment. they have to look at several different scenario and they only have so much resources and a lot of turf to cover. >> speak to us more about, frankly, some of the advantages robert card might have if indeed he is still alive, if indeed he's on the run. certainly would present a danger to the community there. he's from that area, he knows it well, he does have his military training. talk to us about how difficult it might be the find him? >> well, it reminds me, jonathan, you might remember back to the atlanta bombing in the olympics, there was someone named eric rudolf. eric rudolf was a retired army individual. he went into the hills of north carolina and not found for years. why is that well, he was military trained. he had lots of skills. he was working on his own turf, an area he knew. and he knew how to manage his own survival and escape plan. we don't know if this is individual at right at that state. he has mental health issues we've seen from other reports, so maybe he's not in that kind of condition, but he's on his area that he knows. he knows how to move. he's in a very rural area of maine. he could go vast distances. he could be well beyond where law enforcement is searching. there was not a search perimeter established quick enough they could have pinned him anywhere. if you look a couple months ago it was a defined area they were able to put a perimeter around that individual and stick with that perimeter and move to where all the signals. right now they have no signals and no perimeter, and it's a race against time to make sure there's no more violence that breaks out. >> it's a beautiful area of southern maine. i know it well. our thoughts are certainly with the people who live there. former special fbi agent clint watts, we appreciate you joining us. and we'll keep you posted of developments. still ahead we'll turn to other top headlines. george santos' days in congress could finally be numbered. some of his colleagues are ready to force a vote on expelling him in chamber and bring you the efforts in acapulco after a category 5 hurricane devastated the area. those stories and a check on sports and weather when we come right back. sports and weather when we come right back new emergen-c crystals pop and fizz when you throw them back. and who doesn't love a good throwback? 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volunteering to teach people how to reach their financial goals. it felt good. it felt like i could take on the whole world. you want to be able to provide your child with the tools or resources they need. with reliable internet at home, through the internet essentials program, the world opened up. fellas, fellas. that's how my son was able to find the hidden genius project. we wanted to give y'all the necessary skills to compete with the future. kevin's now part of this next generation of young people who feel they can thrive. ♪ ♪ welcome back. new york republicans have finally had enough of congressman george santos. in a rare move a group of house republicans looking to expel the embattled lawmaker from congress is planning to move forward on that move as soon as next week. the latest push to boost santos comes as he's scheduled to be arraigned on additional fraud charges later today. santos has pleaded not guilty and vehemently denies any wrongdoing. the republican congressman called the privilege clause to the floor last thursday which forces congress to act on the legislation within 48 hours. it to does come to a vote it'll need backing from two thurds of the chamber. shortly after the resolution was introduced, santos posted a defiant message on twitter "x" writing i have not cleaned out my office, i'm not resigning. i'm entitled to due process and not a predetermined outcome as some are seeking. he said he'd speaken to the house speaker mike johnson about the resolution and that jaupsen told him, quote, do what you think is right and do what's right for your district. we shall keep you posted. elsewhere in washington president joe biden says new economic data proves his policies are working. the gross domestic product, which measures all goods and services produced in the united states, rose nearly 5% in the third quarter, great news that beat expectations. near half of that growth came from consumer spending. in a statement released yesterday, the preside said this. i never believe we would need a ression to bring inflation down, and we saw again that the american economy continues to grow even as inflation has gone down. the president continues this way. it is a testament to the resilience of american consumers and american workers supported by bidennomics. it comes as major issue of the president's re-election bid next year. meanwhile, the scope is coming into focus after category 5 hurricane otis made landfall earlier this week. it's the most powerful storm to ever hit mexico's pacific coast. at least 27 people are reported dead. nbc news correspondent julio baquero has more. >> reporter: utter devastation in acapulco, at least 27 dead after a category 5 hurricane slammed into the popular mexican tourist destination, home to nearly a million people. i'm not sure how we are alive, he says, but we are. hurricane otis now the strongest storm ever to hit mexico's pacific coast. otis more than doubled its strength just hours before landfall leaving residents and tourists with little time to prepare. some of the worst damage along the city's waterfront where 165 mile per hour winds shredded high rise buildings and left the streets choked with mud and debris. the exterior of this hotel room 21 stories high ripped clean off as the terrified guests sheltered inside. with its streets under water and power out for hundreds of thousands, mexican authorities are now scrambling to clean the damage and provide relief. our house was a total loss, this woman said, as desperate residents fend for themselves. still ahead here on "way too early," we'll have more on the escalating tensions in the middle east. as iran issues a new threat to the united states. plus, the growing calls for a humanitarian pause on the air strikes in gaza which would allow for more aid to get into the area. that's all straight ahead. e area that's all straight ahead. my brain. so i choose new neuriva ultra. unlike some others, it supports 7 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buccaneers quarterback baker mayfield falling incomplete as the buffalo bills hung onto beat tampa bay last night. bills quarterback josh allen shook off a shoulder injury rushing for a score and throwing two others. the bills who have been up and down this year, they win the league's game opener 24-18. turning now to the nba, it was game time in milwaukee last night. damian willard showed out for his debut with the bucks. the seven time all-star scored adgame high 39 points, the most ever in debut for a bucks player as milwaukee rebounded from the 19-point lead to beat the philadelphia 76ers 118-117. and out in l.a. lebron james rallied in their home opener, scoring so10 of his 21 points. anthony davis chipped in 30 of his own. and the lakers oust lasted a 39-point from durant. game one of the world series is tonight. nathan is set to start on the mound for the texas rangers. should be a good series. my official pick arizona in seventh. time now for the weather. let's go to meteorologist angie lassman for the forecast. the weekend's finally here. how's it looking? >> finally here. it's looking a little wet in a couple of spots. and the north east picking up some rain. satellite and radar showing you some of the rain working through the midwest and a storm system we're going to watch track farther to the east the next couple of days. today i think michigan to texas is where we'll see some of those showers and thunderstorms we'll have to watch for. but look what happens as we get into tomorrow, this big push of moisture works into portions of of the plains. also see the potential for more snow falling, kind of an icy mix is possible here. as we get into sunday, though, there's that working through the north east and midwest and down through the plains. it's going to be a soggy day for folks across that region. pick up anywhere from 3 to 5 inches across higher amounts for the plains. here's what we're talking, seven weeks in a row for philly, new york, eight of the past nine for boston. as we get through saturday, you'll really like what we have in store. some warm kind of conditions, not expecting some rain. it'll be mostly sunny, so saturday is the day for outdoor activities, but as we get into sunday rain works into the forecast. we'll see some showers we have to deal with, unfortunately, but, look, i gave you saturday. >> one i saw wasn't raining las vegas. i was able to go out and amazing. 11 out of 10. angie lassman, thank you so very much. still ahead on "way too early," we'll go through all the major developments happening in the middle east including u.s. air strikes overnight in syria. plus pentagon reporter for politico joins us to discuss what the biden administration is asking of israel ahead of a potential ground invasion into gaza. we'll be right back with all that. gaza we'll beig rht back with all that oday, my friend you did it, you did it, you did it... ♪ centrum silver is now clinically shown to support cognitive health 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$800 prepaid card with a qualifying internet bundle. comcast business, powering possibilities. welcome back to "way too early." it is just ahead of 5:30 a.m. on the east coast, 2:30 out west on this friday evening. i'm jonathan lemire. thanks for being with us. the u.s. militaructe air strike on two sites in syria. officials tell nbc news the sites were being used to store weapons and ammunition and are associated with iran's islamic revolutionary guard war. it's not clear if anyone was injured or killed in the strike. the pentagon says it was done in retaliation to the recent attacks against american forces in iraq and syria. for the past week troops have been attacked at least 19 times. most recently yesterday in northern iraq. a total of 21 service members were injured with politico reporting that 19 of those suffered traumatic brain injuries. one person died o a cardiac in. in a statement sretary of defense lloyd austin wrote this. the united states does not seek conflict and has no intention nor desire to engage in future hostilities, but these iranian backed attacks by forces must stop. if attacks against u.s. forces continue, we'll not hesitate to take further necessary measures to protect our people. the secretary of defense goes onto say that last night's operation was separate and distinct from the ongoing conflict between israel and hamas. now, iran is warning in return the u.s. will not be spared if the israel-hamas war turns into a broader conflict. the country's foreign minister issued a threat in a speech to it the united nation'sgeneral assembly in which he he said this, we do not welcome, but i warn if genocide continues they'll not be spared from these fires. international pressure meanwhile is mounting on israel as more countries call for a break in the war to provide some aid into gaza. all 27 leaders in the european union as well as the united states are now backing a humanitarian pause. the united nation is preparing to vote in a rare special session on a draft resolution that calls for an immediate cease-fire. gaza is running out of fuel to power its generators, hospitals, shelters. the u.n. says its stocks are almost completely exhausted and warns it will soon have to cut services if more aid does not reach the embattled area soon. meanwhile, israel continues to launch air strikes into gaza as it gears up frp a ground invasion. in preparation of that mission, the israeli defense forces conducted a limited incursion yesterday on the outskirts of gaza. officials shared new video of that operation today explaining its troops briefly entered the gaza strip in order to strike multiple hamas targets. the idf also says it killed a top hamas commander in an air strike. officials believe he took part in planning those heinous october 7th terrorist attacks. joining us now pentagon reporter from politico, one of our favorites, laura southers. let's start there with the ground invasion. we know the white house has been saying behind the scenes urging israel to take its time, go more slow and allow more aid to get into gaza and potentially limit what they try to do once they do go in. what's the latest of a timetable and what israel's objectives will be once they do invade gaza? >> good morning, jonathan. thanks for having me. on the israel topic i think there's three things president biden and the united states have said they want to see from israel before they go into gaza. one of those is to make sure that they have a plan for the governance of gaza after that day. and then the second thing is making sure that they specifically reduce civilian casualties, civilian harm. this is something that the u.s. has a lot of experience in, fighting in urban settings. and then the third thing is to make sure they exhaust all efforts to get the hostages out. i think this third thing in particular is why we're seeing this delay in the ground invasion which we thought would happen a week ago, but i do think it is imminent now. you're seeing some of these they call them shaping operations taking place. you're seeing air strikes, some targeted ground strikes there. but i do think that this -- the invasion is imminent, and especially now we're seeing the u.s. has put its air defenses into the region. it's sent 900 troops deployed to the region. they're either on their way there or they are there. once that happens now i think israel is going to go in. >> so, laura, talk to us about some of your new reporting about the attacks on the u.s. forces in the region. the service members injured in those drone attacks in syria and iraq, and we mentioned -- we just talked about the secretary of defense, the air strikes that were conducted in retaliation. how much bigger is the u.s. willing to go if these attacks continue? >> well, i think it's important on the air strikes to point out that they were very targeted. they were against two specific locations that were linked to thiran revolutionary guard corp, and they were specifically used to store weapons and ammunitions that the irgc used in attacks across erack and syria on u.s. troops. they were done on fighter jets, precision weapons, and it does highlight a fine line president biden has to walk here on the one hand sending a message to these proxy groups and on the other not getting dragged more into this conflict. but i do want to highlight the injury tuesday the service members. there were 21 -- 21 troop were injured. 19 of those were diagnosed with traumatic brain injury, which can be a serious condition. many of those injuries can be minor, but ranging with symptoms from dizziness to headaches to confusion and loss of vision, these really do need to be taken seriously. and unfortunately, they only get reported potentially several days after the attacks have occurred. it does highlight the risk to the many hundreds of forces we have in the middle east, not just iraq and syria. >> and of course the risk for more of those strikes will only increase as the violence continues in gaza. pentagon reporter for politico, laura sutherland, thank you for joining us this morning. please have a good weekend. still ahead on "way too early," cnbc will join me to break down what's driving markets this morning. plus, taylor swift adds a new accolade to her lengthy résumé that few other entertainers have ever been able to achieve. we'll explain what that is when we come right back. l explain wh we come right back i got this $1,000 camera for only $41 on dealdash., online auctions since 2009. this playstation 5 sold for only 50 cents. this ipad pro sold for less than $34. and this nintendo switch, sold for less than $20. i got this kitchenaid stand mixer for only $56. i got this bbq smoker for 26 bucks. and shipping is always free. go to right now and see how much you can save. taylor swift has a new taylor swift album coming out tomorrow. she's releasing a cover version of her own album 1999. and it's not just the name of the album but also the number of the times taylor swift can get people to buy the same album. >> jimmy kimmel taking note of taylor swift's success. we'll get more on t. swift in just a moment here in business. and for that let's bring in cnbc's joumanna bercetche who joins us live from london. the gdp in the u.s., big numbers for the american economy and good news for president biden. yet stocks were pulled down lower yesterday as big tech wrapped up earnings. talk to us about who some of the winners and losers were and what we should expect today. >> that's right, john. despite that 4.9% gdp figure which came in much stronger cross expectations we did see a big pull back yesterday. for the week now dow was tracking 1% losses, the nasdaq down even more than 3%. of course a lot of focus on some of those big tech earnings this week, the likes of alphabet down 10%, and that's down 8%. the exception was amazon yesterday the numbers were actually quite strong. they saw a trickling of profit from a year ago, good progress in their cloud business as well as a sequential pickup in e commerce as well. all eyes will be on how amazon fares today. we are seeing futures actually look to open up in positive territory so breaking with the trend the last couple of days. >> lots on the board at least so far, so we promise to talk about taylor swift. we're going to do that now, and she is in the headlines every day, and here's one pretty good. according to ploombering she has now reached billionaire status. so tell us just how big of a year has this been for taylor, and it's only going to get bigger now with her movie in theaters, new album out, and her tour continuing. >> yeah. that's right. who doesn't love a taylor swift story. it's friday, john, so we thought we would bring you the most important stories from business today and that is taylor swift according to bloomberg is now actually a billionaire. her decision to re-record some of her albums. i saw the link out earlier talking about her decision to remake "1989" and get many people to rebuy her album. that's been successful for her. all these thingsvise contributed. but her 53 concerts this year have also added $4.3 billion to the u.s.' gdp per bloomberg economic. not only is she serving to strengthen her own financial position, but she's also aiding the country at this point. just so you know other musicians in the billionaire list there aren't that many of them but include the likes of jay-z, rihanna, dr. dre. >> we have a long way to go, i'm afraid. pretty big company for taylor swift. the gdp number basically solely due to taylor swift. she's doing her part to get president biden re-elected. great to see you this morning. still ahead on "way too early," house speaker mike johnson says he's got a plan to avoid a government shutdown. all right. but does he face the same problems that plagued kevin mccarthy? we'll explain when we come right back. mccarthy we'll explain when we come right back and who doesn't love a good throwback? [sfx: video game] emergen-c crystals. ♪ my name is josh sanabria and i am the owner at isla veterinary boutique hospital. i was 5...6 years of age and i knew i was going to be a vet. once alexandra called me to let me know that bank of america had approved my loan... it was important to me. we not only just provide the financing piece, we do everything that we can to surround them with the right people. all you need is a perfect, amazing team that will guide you through the right steps to be successful. and that's what bank of america was for me. you're probably not easily persuaded to switch through the right steps to be successful. mobile providers for your business. but what if we told you it's possible that comcast business mobile can save you up to 75% a year on your wireless bill versus the big three carriers? have we piqued your interest? you can get two unlimited lines for just $30 each a month. there are no term contracts or line activation fees. and you can bring your own device. oh, and all on the most reliable 5g mobile network nationwide. wireless that works for you. it's not just possible. welcome back. new speaker mike johnson has pitched a short-term funding plan to house republicans that would prevent a government shutdown next month while they hammer out a longer-term solution. under the proposed claim funds would flow until january 15th or april 15th depending on what lawmakers prefer while they continue to work on individual appropriations bills. working in the new speaker's favor, ultraconservative republicans who overthrew kevin mccarthy from a speakership say they're willing to give johnson a short-term bill adding they trust johnson and that he inherited a tough situation. it's an indication that the new speaker may have a honeymoon period with the fractious and narrow house. joining us now to help us understand it politics reporter for semafor. let's talk about the headlines facing the new speaker. he still has just the one -- he takes one vote, one house republican raises his or her hand and says i want you out, and we have to go through that drama again. we know that these house republicans some of them are really opposed to an increase in spending on things like ukraine and other biden priorities. so what do you think? is this -- is there optimism here at least a short-term solution can be provided to prevent a shutdown? >> yeah, i think you touched on it that some of the members especially on the hard right are giving a little bit of leeway to the new speaker. i think partially this is based on trust. the other speaker candidates also pitched a short-term cr. it's just november 17th is the looming deadline like you talked about, so it's going to be extremely hard to get to that point without some kind of stop gap. i do know that next week's break has been canceled, so members will come back wednesday, and they'll be working all the way through for the next three weeks. so this is in order to get the remaining appropriations bills across the line. and if they don't mike that deadline, of course we can anticipate a shortstop gap, just a continuum, just so they can pass more and go to conference with the senate. >> so the white house had a uneasy but somewhat functional relationship with kevin mccarthy. you know, theycernly were no fans how mccarthy would attack a president publicly. but they were able to make deals with him in order to get the debt ceiling raised back in the spring. what are early signs from both the hill and white house as to what the relationship between speaker johnson and president biden could be like? the two men did meet for a little while yesterday at the white house. >> yeah, we don't know. he said he talked to the president for about -- johnson said he talked to the president for about 15 minutes, but he did talk to the president's staff. and he said he was very adamant about bifurcating ukraine funding. and that is to separate it from any funding going to israel. i think that will probably be one of the more contentious fights coming up because as you know the administration wanted to clump them together, so we'll see where that goes. i did talk to mchenry yesterday who was the speaker interim, and he said he'd not talked to speaker johnson. so it'll be interesting who will be navigating those negotiations with democrats and ultimately the white house. >> yeah, republicans there seem to be all for the aid to israel, but quite a few these days are objecting to the money going to ukraine. last thing before you go, your new piece for semafor is titled speaker mike johnson's first test, a spring of expulsion and censure votes. and mike santos on the horizon. what's the latest reporting you have on that? >> it's interesting. last night there was a flurry of -- a bunch of reporters ran to santos' office to see if he was packing up essentially because there was a rumor floating that he was leaving. i think it's interesting that johnson has within his first ten days will,will, i guess, oversee two censures, one from marjorie taylor greene, and one for rashida taleed, as well as an expulsion that members of the delegation introduced against santos. this is a lot. very contentious, especially when the house republicans are trying to pass 12 appropriations bills. it seems like a bit of a distraction, but it does not look like the house is slowing down in terms of the news cycle anymore. >> yeah, the new speaker certainly inherits a full plate. thank you so much for joining us this morning. talk to you again soon. up next on" way too early," despite the mass shooting in maine, it doesn't appear gun legislation will go familiarly far in the house. we'll show you the comments from the newly elected speaker in a moment. coming up on "morning joe," we have live reporting from lewiston, maine, as an intensive manhunt is still under way for a shooter who killed at least 18 people. where police are now searching, and what we're learning about the victims. 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this is depressingly familiar, where this is not time to talk about it. there's not any public policy that can prevent this kind of tragedy. well, of course this is exactly the time we need to discuss this. you know, i feel like, you know, this is this dark groundhog day that we continually have. we have a mass horror, the same sort of deflection, the same refusal to deal with it in any sort of a serious manner, and then it is rinse and repeat. i have to say, you know, this is one of the things where i worry that our political cast has become completely numb. if this was a ter. >> reporter: -- terror attack, we would have the house op representatives saying there is nothing we can do? it is an unsolvable problem? here we are once again, jonathan, and we'll be back here again, having this exact same conversation, maybe within a few months, maybe a few weeks, but we know it's going to happen. >> sadly, i suspect you are right, charlie. you have many disappointed with speaker johnson's comments there about this mass shooting. beyond that, what's your early read on his first couple days with the gavel? he certainly, as we talked about in the last block, has a lot of challenges ahead. do you think he'll be able to keep the extreme right-wingers at bay? >> well, look, it's a short-term honeymoon but more like a reprieve. because the main problems that destroyed every other republican speaker are still in place, right? i mean, you have a caucus that is not interested in governing, that is prepared to burn things down. that has not changed. this is a very, very divided conference. they still hate one another. all of the things that led to the, you know, ouster of, you know, the end of john boehner's speakership, paul ryan's speakership, just run down the list, all of those things, all of those factors are still in place. and this is still donald trump's party. he may have a few days. he may have a little bit of elbow room. he is not going to have a tremendously long runway to be able to do a lot of things. clearly, already on ukraine, he is being squeezed. the fundamentals have not changed and they're not going to change. >> charlie, let's get your assessment. you mentioned on where things are starting for donald trump right now. he spent some time in a new york courtroom this week. he continues to try to clean up comments he made about israel when that war began. he and so many of his opponents are heading to las vegas this weekend for the rjc. do you see anything at all that changed in the contours of this race? >> no, not so far. i mean, we've been -- this is, again, the same old, same old. i mean, he continues to put out absolutely deranged tweets. he pitches a fit in a courtroom. he is sanctioned by a judge. yet, nothing has moved the republican electorate. we may have this very brief moment in the house, where republicans have, you know, tapered over their dysfunction, but the dysfunction runs awfully deep. it starts right at the top. >> charlie, let's look ahead a little bit to next year. we assume trump comes out as the republican nominee. any president, they run for re-election, the health of the economy is so vital. the u.s. got a great gdp number yesterday. the white house taking credit for that. is that going to ease some of the anxiety creeping up in democrats as they look toward a potential biden/trump rematch? >> it'll only ease the anxiety when the poll numbers start to move. there's clearly a disconnect between some of the economic numbers and approval rating of joe biden. for some reason, the american public is not willing to give him credit, does not have confidence in him, and he is going to have to close that gap. now, he's got time to do that. there's often a lagging, you know, a lag between the time the economic numbers come around and the vibes come into line with it. that's the problem right now. i don't expect that -- and, frankly, i think there ought to be anxiety among democrats. when you look at this political universe with donald trump facing 91 felony charges on a daily basis, reminding us how utterly unfit he is for office, and, yet, there are indications he is competitive nationally and also in the swing states. if there is a time to be nervous, this is the time. >> all right. founder of the conservative website, the bulwark, charlie sykes, thank you, my friend. have a good weekend. thanks to all of you for getting up "way too early" on this friday morning and

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This , Answers , Fathom , Mental State , Antonia Hilton Live In Lewiston , Concern , Morning Joe , Law , Shooting , Flag , Ls , Red Flag , Ste , 2019 , Threat , Law Enforcement , Others , Judge , Laws , Background Checks , Proposal , Person , Petitioning , Voters , Protective Custody , Evaluation , 16 , Bill , Bump Stock , Purchases , State Legislature , 72 , Officers , Concerns , Military Officers , Shooting Earl , Psychiatric Treatment , Clint Watts , National Security Analyst , Special Agent , Fbi , Msnbc , Point , Law Enforcement Team Operating , Rest , New England , 24 , Resources , Situation , Set , Terms , Law Enforcement Officers , Environment , Law Enforcement Capacity , Scenario , Military Experience , Sense , Prizfer , Things , Area , Individual , Ground , Ring Cameras , Technology , Prisoner Escape , It , Shooter , Clues , Case , Homes , Lot , Night , Properties , Associates , Mental Health Problems , Places , Severalhootings , Watercraft , Something , Posbity , Wound , 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Spring , Signs , Men , Hill , Staff , Bifurcating Ukraine Funding , To Mchenry , Funding , Fights , Speaker Johnson , Speaker Interim , Negotiations , Expulsion , Few , Test , Piece , Money , Votes , Censure , Bunch , Flurry , Mike Santos On The Horizon , Rumor , Ten , Censures , Marjorie Taylor Greene , Rashida Taleed , Distraction , Delegation , News Cycle , Plate , Up Next On , Doesn T Appear Gun Legislation Will Go Familiarly Far In The House , Skin , Learning , Fasenra , Asthma , Add On Treatment , Daily Moisture , Formula , Face , Aveeno , Don T , Doctor , Asthma Attacks , Breathing Problems , Reactions , Asthma Treatments , Eosinophils , Headache , Breathing , Sore Throat , Infection , Dm , Bacteria , Probiotic , Relief Plus , Vitamin B12 , Food Digestion , Gut , Aid Digestion , Gun Safety Legislation , Families , Hearts , Everyone , Problem , The End , Human Heart , Guns , Life , Hope , Website , Party , Founder , Right , Citizens , Crisis , Middle , Second Amendment , Charlie 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take responsibility for this failure, which is why i now call on the united states congress to ban assault rifles like the one used by the sick perpetrator of this mass killing in my hometown of lewiston, maine. for the good of my community i will work with any colleague to get this done in the time that i have left in congress. >> democratic congressman jared golden of maine changing his position on gun reform following wednesday's deadly mass shooting in his hometown. we'll bring you the latest on the manhunt for the suspect in just a moment. plus, what the new speaker of the house had to say about potential gun legislation in response to that tragedy as well as his comments on preventing a government shutdown next month. and also ahead, breaking news overnight. the united states military carries out air strikes in syria in retaliation for iranian backed attacks on u.s. service members. we'll go through that major new development in the middle east. good morning and welcome to "way too early" on this friday, october 27th. i'm jonathan lemire. thanks for being with us. we'll begin this morning with a manhunt for the suspected gunman in the lewiston, maine, mass shootings. roughly 50,000 people remain under lockdown throughout the state after the 40-year-old suspect killed at least 18 people and injured at least 13 more in a bowling alley and bar wednesday night. eight victims were from the bar, seven from the bowling alley, and three died at area hospitals. an arrest warrant h been issued for the suspect charging him with eight counts of murder based on the intification of eight victims so far. search warrants for robert card were executed at multiple locations yesterday throughout the nearby town of bowdoin where the suspect lives. a note was found at the suspect's home during a search, senior law enforcement officials are telling nbc news. investigators are trying to determine the meaning of the note and how it could guide their investigations, officials say. the u.s. coast guard has also joined search warrants. the suspect owns a boat and at least one jet ski leading to questions whether he could have fled via water. we're also learning this morning that investigators are looking into if a gun found in the suspect's car was the same one used in the shootings, according to two sources familiar. the weapon is believed to be a sniper rifle that was purchased legally earlier this year according to official law en officials are also looking into whether a female acquaintance of a suspect that frequented the bar may have been a reason the suspected targeted that location. joining us now, nbc news correspondent antonia hilton. she is there in lewiston, maine, for us. antonia, great to see you. what's the very latest on the manhunt? >> reporter: good morning, jonathan. well, for the second night in a row now, residents in this part of maine have been hunkered down at home living with immense shock and fear. and because robert card is still on the run, people tell me it is hard forhem to move forward with the grieving process. we are still waiting for more informatioabout many of the victims, many of them up to 18 haven't been identified positively by police yet we've been told in part because of just the level of damage and the terror this kind of weaponry unleashed at the bar and restaurant and bowling alley that night. and we're also learning more through nbc news sources about the state of robert card's mental health that evening. some of our colleagues were able to reach katie card, his sister-in-law, and had a conversation with her in which she told nbc news that he was hearing voices and she described his beliefs as manic. she declined to comment whether or not the family tried to get firearms out of his possession. our team is trying to find out more information about that. in addition, our colleague ken dilanian, also had sources say -- who were able to confirm what we saw come out of a police bulletin yesterday which was information about the fact he may have spent time at a mental health facility over the summer was true and he actually was recommended by army commanders to spend time at that facility after alarms raised both by family members and people he worked with as reservists. this is all painting a broader picture. at all the press conferences yesterday reporters at nbc and elsewhere were hammering officials to get more information about how it was possible that someone who seemed to have such a clear undocumented history of mental health challenges recently was able to still have access to and possession of firearms like this. he was able to purchase the firearm used legally back in 2023. all of this is fueling the anger and outrage here and compounded by the fact people can't go to vigils right now and can't support each other. what we're seeing is people calling some of the local radio stations here to grieve and process how they feel about all this, jonathan, because it has been overwhelming. the example i keep hearing from folks the nightmare scenario if this turns out to be what happened in pennsylvania where a man was on the run for about two weeks, people here just can't fathom having to wait that long for more answers right now. >> nbc's antonia hilton live in lewiston, maine, for us thank you for that reporting and we'll talk to you later on "morning joe." although those around the suspect reportedly expressed concern about his deteriorating mental state as antonia just told us, under maine law he was still able to legally buy and keep possession of the gun believed to be used in this week's shooting. in 2019 after efforts to pass red flag ls in maine failed, the ste adopted what are known as yellow flag law. under red flag laws, family members, law enforcement, and others, can petition a judge to have someone's gun removed if they are deemed a threat to themselves or others. under a yellow threat law, only a judge can ask law enforcement do that, and that petitioning can only happen after a medical evaluation is completed, and after a person is taken into protective custody. in 16, maine voters also rejected a proposal that would have expanded background checks in the state. those efforts failed again earlier this year when the state legislature voted against a bill to expand background checks, create a 72 wait period for purchases and ban bump stock. it's believed the suspect legally bought the gun used in the shooting earl i yr this year before his military officers sent him away for psychiatric treatment. it's unclear, though, if those officers reported their concerns to law enforcement, that could have triggered the state's yellow flag laws. joining us now former fbi special agent and national security analyst for nbc news and msnbc, clint watts. thanks for joining us this morning. it has now been well more than 24 hours since the shooting in lewiston. if you're part of the law enforcement team operating there in maine, how would you approach this? are you widening your search beyond maine and the rest of new england at this point? >> yeah, jonathan. i think it's really a tough situation because you're talking about a finite set of resources. you only have so much law enforcement capacity and so much law enforcement officers to fan out in terms of a search. at the same point, maine is a tough environment to track someone down particularly when it's a local with military experience. how do you use your resources most effectively? you might remember back to pennsylvania just a couple months ago the search for a prizfer, very different scenario in the sense that there's a lot more resources, a lot more ground, and an individual who knows the area as opposed to a prisoner escape. when you combine all that, there's just a lot less technology as well. you might remember we saw things like ring cameras from people's homes tripping. that's not going to happen here. there's not enough resources. i think when you look at it, they're trying to go off known known, places where the shooter may have been to look for additional clues just in case they're there. you saw a lot of search warrants yesterday late into the night of the properties he has and his family and other known people and known associates. they're probably trying to expand up there looking for potential clues that he might have taken with him that he could use if it's related to boat, would heby able to escape by watercraft. i would also, though, with severalhootings we've seen over the last couple of years and we've had people having mental health problems, they also have gone to places, and, you know, done the self-inflicted wound and committed suicide. there is a posbity they could be looking for something that's not moving and it's very difficult to track dow we just don't know the details onhis at the moment. they have to look at several different scenario and they only have so much resources and a lot of turf to cover. >> speak to us more about, frankly, some of the advantages robert card might have if indeed he is still alive, if indeed he's on the run. certainly would present a danger to the community there. he's from that area, he knows it well, he does have his military training. talk to us about how difficult it might be the find him? >> well, it reminds me, jonathan, you might remember back to the atlanta bombing in the olympics, there was someone named eric rudolf. eric rudolf was a retired army individual. he went into the hills of north carolina and not found for years. why is that well, he was military trained. he had lots of skills. he was working on his own turf, an area he knew. and he knew how to manage his own survival and escape plan. we don't know if this is individual at right at that state. he has mental health issues we've seen from other reports, so maybe he's not in that kind of condition, but he's on his area that he knows. he knows how to move. he's in a very rural area of maine. he could go vast distances. he could be well beyond where law enforcement is searching. there was not a search perimeter established quick enough they could have pinned him anywhere. if you look a couple months ago it was a defined area they were able to put a perimeter around that individual and stick with that perimeter and move to where all the signals. right now they have no signals and no perimeter, and it's a race against time to make sure there's no more violence that breaks out. >> it's a beautiful area of southern maine. i know it well. our thoughts are certainly with the people who live there. former special fbi agent clint watts, we appreciate you joining us. and we'll keep you posted of developments. still ahead we'll turn to other top headlines. george santos' days in congress could finally be numbered. some of his colleagues are ready to force a vote on expelling him in chamber and bring you the efforts in acapulco after a category 5 hurricane devastated the area. those stories and a check on sports and weather when we come right back. sports and weather when we come right back new emergen-c crystals pop and fizz when you throw them back. and who doesn't love a good throwback? 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volunteering to teach people how to reach their financial goals. it felt good. it felt like i could take on the whole world. you want to be able to provide your child with the tools or resources they need. with reliable internet at home, through the internet essentials program, the world opened up. fellas, fellas. that's how my son was able to find the hidden genius project. we wanted to give y'all the necessary skills to compete with the future. kevin's now part of this next generation of young people who feel they can thrive. ♪ ♪ welcome back. new york republicans have finally had enough of congressman george santos. in a rare move a group of house republicans looking to expel the embattled lawmaker from congress is planning to move forward on that move as soon as next week. the latest push to boost santos comes as he's scheduled to be arraigned on additional fraud charges later today. santos has pleaded not guilty and vehemently denies any wrongdoing. the republican congressman called the privilege clause to the floor last thursday which forces congress to act on the legislation within 48 hours. it to does come to a vote it'll need backing from two thurds of the chamber. shortly after the resolution was introduced, santos posted a defiant message on twitter "x" writing i have not cleaned out my office, i'm not resigning. i'm entitled to due process and not a predetermined outcome as some are seeking. he said he'd speaken to the house speaker mike johnson about the resolution and that jaupsen told him, quote, do what you think is right and do what's right for your district. we shall keep you posted. elsewhere in washington president joe biden says new economic data proves his policies are working. the gross domestic product, which measures all goods and services produced in the united states, rose nearly 5% in the third quarter, great news that beat expectations. near half of that growth came from consumer spending. in a statement released yesterday, the preside said this. i never believe we would need a ression to bring inflation down, and we saw again that the american economy continues to grow even as inflation has gone down. the president continues this way. it is a testament to the resilience of american consumers and american workers supported by bidennomics. it comes as major issue of the president's re-election bid next year. meanwhile, the scope is coming into focus after category 5 hurricane otis made landfall earlier this week. it's the most powerful storm to ever hit mexico's pacific coast. at least 27 people are reported dead. nbc news correspondent julio baquero has more. >> reporter: utter devastation in acapulco, at least 27 dead after a category 5 hurricane slammed into the popular mexican tourist destination, home to nearly a million people. i'm not sure how we are alive, he says, but we are. hurricane otis now the strongest storm ever to hit mexico's pacific coast. otis more than doubled its strength just hours before landfall leaving residents and tourists with little time to prepare. some of the worst damage along the city's waterfront where 165 mile per hour winds shredded high rise buildings and left the streets choked with mud and debris. the exterior of this hotel room 21 stories high ripped clean off as the terrified guests sheltered inside. with its streets under water and power out for hundreds of thousands, mexican authorities are now scrambling to clean the damage and provide relief. our house was a total loss, this woman said, as desperate residents fend for themselves. still ahead here on "way too early," we'll have more on the escalating tensions in the middle east. as iran issues a new threat to the united states. plus, the growing calls for a humanitarian pause on the air strikes in gaza which would allow for more aid to get into the area. that's all straight ahead. e area that's all straight ahead. my brain. so i choose new neuriva ultra. unlike some others, it supports 7 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buccaneers quarterback baker mayfield falling incomplete as the buffalo bills hung onto beat tampa bay last night. bills quarterback josh allen shook off a shoulder injury rushing for a score and throwing two others. the bills who have been up and down this year, they win the league's game opener 24-18. turning now to the nba, it was game time in milwaukee last night. damian willard showed out for his debut with the bucks. the seven time all-star scored adgame high 39 points, the most ever in debut for a bucks player as milwaukee rebounded from the 19-point lead to beat the philadelphia 76ers 118-117. and out in l.a. lebron james rallied in their home opener, scoring so10 of his 21 points. anthony davis chipped in 30 of his own. and the lakers oust lasted a 39-point from durant. game one of the world series is tonight. nathan is set to start on the mound for the texas rangers. should be a good series. my official pick arizona in seventh. time now for the weather. let's go to meteorologist angie lassman for the forecast. the weekend's finally here. how's it looking? >> finally here. it's looking a little wet in a couple of spots. and the north east picking up some rain. satellite and radar showing you some of the rain working through the midwest and a storm system we're going to watch track farther to the east the next couple of days. today i think michigan to texas is where we'll see some of those showers and thunderstorms we'll have to watch for. but look what happens as we get into tomorrow, this big push of moisture works into portions of of the plains. also see the potential for more snow falling, kind of an icy mix is possible here. as we get into sunday, though, there's that working through the north east and midwest and down through the plains. it's going to be a soggy day for folks across that region. pick up anywhere from 3 to 5 inches across higher amounts for the plains. here's what we're talking, seven weeks in a row for philly, new york, eight of the past nine for boston. as we get through saturday, you'll really like what we have in store. some warm kind of conditions, not expecting some rain. it'll be mostly sunny, so saturday is the day for outdoor activities, but as we get into sunday rain works into the forecast. we'll see some showers we have to deal with, unfortunately, but, look, i gave you saturday. >> one i saw wasn't raining las vegas. i was able to go out and amazing. 11 out of 10. angie lassman, thank you so very much. still ahead on "way too early," we'll go through all the major developments happening in the middle east including u.s. air strikes overnight in syria. plus pentagon reporter for politico joins us to discuss what the biden administration is asking of israel ahead of a potential ground invasion into gaza. we'll be right back with all that. gaza we'll beig rht back with all that oday, my friend you did it, you did it, you did it... ♪ centrum silver is now clinically shown to support cognitive health 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$800 prepaid card with a qualifying internet bundle. comcast business, powering possibilities. welcome back to "way too early." it is just ahead of 5:30 a.m. on the east coast, 2:30 out west on this friday evening. i'm jonathan lemire. thanks for being with us. the u.s. militaructe air strike on two sites in syria. officials tell nbc news the sites were being used to store weapons and ammunition and are associated with iran's islamic revolutionary guard war. it's not clear if anyone was injured or killed in the strike. the pentagon says it was done in retaliation to the recent attacks against american forces in iraq and syria. for the past week troops have been attacked at least 19 times. most recently yesterday in northern iraq. a total of 21 service members were injured with politico reporting that 19 of those suffered traumatic brain injuries. one person died o a cardiac in. in a statement sretary of defense lloyd austin wrote this. the united states does not seek conflict and has no intention nor desire to engage in future hostilities, but these iranian backed attacks by forces must stop. if attacks against u.s. forces continue, we'll not hesitate to take further necessary measures to protect our people. the secretary of defense goes onto say that last night's operation was separate and distinct from the ongoing conflict between israel and hamas. now, iran is warning in return the u.s. will not be spared if the israel-hamas war turns into a broader conflict. the country's foreign minister issued a threat in a speech to it the united nation'sgeneral assembly in which he he said this, we do not welcome, but i warn if genocide continues they'll not be spared from these fires. international pressure meanwhile is mounting on israel as more countries call for a break in the war to provide some aid into gaza. all 27 leaders in the european union as well as the united states are now backing a humanitarian pause. the united nation is preparing to vote in a rare special session on a draft resolution that calls for an immediate cease-fire. gaza is running out of fuel to power its generators, hospitals, shelters. the u.n. says its stocks are almost completely exhausted and warns it will soon have to cut services if more aid does not reach the embattled area soon. meanwhile, israel continues to launch air strikes into gaza as it gears up frp a ground invasion. in preparation of that mission, the israeli defense forces conducted a limited incursion yesterday on the outskirts of gaza. officials shared new video of that operation today explaining its troops briefly entered the gaza strip in order to strike multiple hamas targets. the idf also says it killed a top hamas commander in an air strike. officials believe he took part in planning those heinous october 7th terrorist attacks. joining us now pentagon reporter from politico, one of our favorites, laura southers. let's start there with the ground invasion. we know the white house has been saying behind the scenes urging israel to take its time, go more slow and allow more aid to get into gaza and potentially limit what they try to do once they do go in. what's the latest of a timetable and what israel's objectives will be once they do invade gaza? >> good morning, jonathan. thanks for having me. on the israel topic i think there's three things president biden and the united states have said they want to see from israel before they go into gaza. one of those is to make sure that they have a plan for the governance of gaza after that day. and then the second thing is making sure that they specifically reduce civilian casualties, civilian harm. this is something that the u.s. has a lot of experience in, fighting in urban settings. and then the third thing is to make sure they exhaust all efforts to get the hostages out. i think this third thing in particular is why we're seeing this delay in the ground invasion which we thought would happen a week ago, but i do think it is imminent now. you're seeing some of these they call them shaping operations taking place. you're seeing air strikes, some targeted ground strikes there. but i do think that this -- the invasion is imminent, and especially now we're seeing the u.s. has put its air defenses into the region. it's sent 900 troops deployed to the region. they're either on their way there or they are there. once that happens now i think israel is going to go in. >> so, laura, talk to us about some of your new reporting about the attacks on the u.s. forces in the region. the service members injured in those drone attacks in syria and iraq, and we mentioned -- we just talked about the secretary of defense, the air strikes that were conducted in retaliation. how much bigger is the u.s. willing to go if these attacks continue? >> well, i think it's important on the air strikes to point out that they were very targeted. they were against two specific locations that were linked to thiran revolutionary guard corp, and they were specifically used to store weapons and ammunitions that the irgc used in attacks across erack and syria on u.s. troops. they were done on fighter jets, precision weapons, and it does highlight a fine line president biden has to walk here on the one hand sending a message to these proxy groups and on the other not getting dragged more into this conflict. but i do want to highlight the injury tuesday the service members. there were 21 -- 21 troop were injured. 19 of those were diagnosed with traumatic brain injury, which can be a serious condition. many of those injuries can be minor, but ranging with symptoms from dizziness to headaches to confusion and loss of vision, these really do need to be taken seriously. and unfortunately, they only get reported potentially several days after the attacks have occurred. it does highlight the risk to the many hundreds of forces we have in the middle east, not just iraq and syria. >> and of course the risk for more of those strikes will only increase as the violence continues in gaza. pentagon reporter for politico, laura sutherland, thank you for joining us this morning. please have a good weekend. still ahead on "way too early," cnbc will join me to break down what's driving markets this morning. plus, taylor swift adds a new accolade to her lengthy résumé that few other entertainers have ever been able to achieve. we'll explain what that is when we come right back. l explain wh we come right back i got this $1,000 camera for only $41 on dealdash., online auctions since 2009. this playstation 5 sold for only 50 cents. this ipad pro sold for less than $34. and this nintendo switch, sold for less than $20. i got this kitchenaid stand mixer for only $56. i got this bbq smoker for 26 bucks. and shipping is always free. go to right now and see how much you can save. taylor swift has a new taylor swift album coming out tomorrow. she's releasing a cover version of her own album 1999. and it's not just the name of the album but also the number of the times taylor swift can get people to buy the same album. >> jimmy kimmel taking note of taylor swift's success. we'll get more on t. swift in just a moment here in business. and for that let's bring in cnbc's joumanna bercetche who joins us live from london. the gdp in the u.s., big numbers for the american economy and good news for president biden. yet stocks were pulled down lower yesterday as big tech wrapped up earnings. talk to us about who some of the winners and losers were and what we should expect today. >> that's right, john. despite that 4.9% gdp figure which came in much stronger cross expectations we did see a big pull back yesterday. for the week now dow was tracking 1% losses, the nasdaq down even more than 3%. of course a lot of focus on some of those big tech earnings this week, the likes of alphabet down 10%, and that's down 8%. the exception was amazon yesterday the numbers were actually quite strong. they saw a trickling of profit from a year ago, good progress in their cloud business as well as a sequential pickup in e commerce as well. all eyes will be on how amazon fares today. we are seeing futures actually look to open up in positive territory so breaking with the trend the last couple of days. >> lots on the board at least so far, so we promise to talk about taylor swift. we're going to do that now, and she is in the headlines every day, and here's one pretty good. according to ploombering she has now reached billionaire status. so tell us just how big of a year has this been for taylor, and it's only going to get bigger now with her movie in theaters, new album out, and her tour continuing. >> yeah. that's right. who doesn't love a taylor swift story. it's friday, john, so we thought we would bring you the most important stories from business today and that is taylor swift according to bloomberg is now actually a billionaire. her decision to re-record some of her albums. i saw the link out earlier talking about her decision to remake "1989" and get many people to rebuy her album. that's been successful for her. all these thingsvise contributed. but her 53 concerts this year have also added $4.3 billion to the u.s.' gdp per bloomberg economic. not only is she serving to strengthen her own financial position, but she's also aiding the country at this point. just so you know other musicians in the billionaire list there aren't that many of them but include the likes of jay-z, rihanna, dr. dre. >> we have a long way to go, i'm afraid. pretty big company for taylor swift. the gdp number basically solely due to taylor swift. she's doing her part to get president biden re-elected. great to see you this morning. still ahead on "way too early," house speaker mike johnson says he's got a plan to avoid a government shutdown. all right. but does he face the same problems that plagued kevin mccarthy? we'll explain when we come right back. mccarthy we'll explain when we come right back and who doesn't love a good throwback? 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is this -- is there optimism here at least a short-term solution can be provided to prevent a shutdown? >> yeah, i think you touched on it that some of the members especially on the hard right are giving a little bit of leeway to the new speaker. i think partially this is based on trust. the other speaker candidates also pitched a short-term cr. it's just november 17th is the looming deadline like you talked about, so it's going to be extremely hard to get to that point without some kind of stop gap. i do know that next week's break has been canceled, so members will come back wednesday, and they'll be working all the way through for the next three weeks. so this is in order to get the remaining appropriations bills across the line. and if they don't mike that deadline, of course we can anticipate a shortstop gap, just a continuum, just so they can pass more and go to conference with the senate. >> so the white house had a uneasy but somewhat functional relationship with kevin mccarthy. you know, theycernly were no fans how mccarthy would attack a president publicly. but they were able to make deals with him in order to get the debt ceiling raised back in the spring. what are early signs from both the hill and white house as to what the relationship between speaker johnson and president biden could be like? the two men did meet for a little while yesterday at the white house. >> yeah, we don't know. he said he talked to the president for about -- johnson said he talked to the president for about 15 minutes, but he did talk to the president's staff. and he said he was very adamant about bifurcating ukraine funding. and that is to separate it from any funding going to israel. i think that will probably be one of the more contentious fights coming up because as you know the administration wanted to clump them together, so we'll see where that goes. i did talk to mchenry yesterday who was the speaker interim, and he said he'd not talked to speaker johnson. so it'll be interesting who will be navigating those negotiations with democrats and ultimately the white house. >> yeah, republicans there seem to be all for the aid to israel, but quite a few these days are objecting to the money going to ukraine. last thing before you go, your new piece for semafor is titled speaker mike johnson's first test, a spring of expulsion and censure votes. and mike santos on the horizon. what's the latest reporting you have on that? >> it's interesting. last night there was a flurry of -- a bunch of reporters ran to santos' office to see if he was packing up essentially because there was a rumor floating that he was leaving. i think it's interesting that johnson has within his first ten days will,will, i guess, oversee two censures, one from marjorie taylor greene, and one for rashida taleed, as well as an expulsion that members of the delegation introduced against santos. this is a lot. very contentious, especially when the house republicans are trying to pass 12 appropriations bills. it seems like a bit of a distraction, but it does not look like the house is slowing down in terms of the news cycle anymore. >> yeah, the new speaker certainly inherits a full plate. thank you so much for joining us this morning. talk to you again soon. up next on" way too early," despite the mass shooting in maine, it doesn't appear gun legislation will go familiarly far in the house. we'll show you the comments from the newly elected speaker in a moment. coming up on "morning joe," we have live reporting from lewiston, maine, as an intensive manhunt is still under way for a shooter who killed at least 18 people. where police are now searching, and what we're learning about the victims. 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[♪♪] mucinex dm. how you feel can be affected by the bacteria in your gut. try new align probiotic bloating relief plus food digestion. it contains a probiotic to help relieve occasional bloating, plus vitamin b12 to aid digestion. try align probiotic. i got this $1,000 camera for only $41 on dealdash., online auctions since 2009. this playstation 5 sold for only 50 cents. this ipad pro sold for less than $34. and this nintendo switch, sold for less than $20. i got this kitchenaid stand mixer for only $56. i got this bbq smoker for 26 bucks. and shipping is always free. go to right now and see how much you can save. welcome back. the new house speaker is calling the mass shootings in maine a tragedy but says it is not the time to talk about any new gun safety legislation. >> we are receiving information about this horrific tragedy. it has moved everyone in the congress, as you might imagine. our hearts go out to all those involved. the families, of course, of the victims. we're so grateful for law enforcement. we trust and hope and pray that they're able to apprehend this individual as quickly as possible, there's no more injury or loss of life. the end of the day, the problem is the human heart. it's not guns. it's not the weapons. the end of the day, we have to protect the right of the citizens to protect themselves, and that's the second amendment. that's why our party stands so strongly for that. this is not the time to be talking about legislation. we're in the middle of the crisis right now. >> joining us now, founder of the conservative website, the bulwark, our friend, charlie sykes. charlie, seems to me this is exactly the time to talk about gun legislation. it does seem that guns have a role to play here. it's not just the human heart. but talk to us about this dynamic you're seeing here. it is another horrible mass shooting and, yet, another moment where republicans, at least most of them, don't want to talk about it. >> we've been here before, haven't we? this is depressingly familiar, where this is not time to talk about it. there's not any public policy that can prevent this kind of tragedy. well, of course this is exactly the time we need to discuss this. you know, i feel like, you know, this is this dark groundhog day that we continually have. we have a mass horror, the same sort of deflection, the same refusal to deal with it in any sort of a serious manner, and then it is rinse and repeat. i have to say, you know, this is one of the things where i worry that our political cast has become completely numb. if this was a ter. >> reporter: -- terror attack, we would have the house op representatives saying there is nothing we can do? it is an unsolvable problem? here we are once again, jonathan, and we'll be back here again, having this exact same conversation, maybe within a few months, maybe a few weeks, but we know it's going to happen. >> sadly, i suspect you are right, charlie. you have many disappointed with speaker johnson's comments there about this mass shooting. beyond that, what's your early read on his first couple days with the gavel? he certainly, as we talked about in the last block, has a lot of challenges ahead. do you think he'll be able to keep the extreme right-wingers at bay? >> well, look, it's a short-term honeymoon but more like a reprieve. because the main problems that destroyed every other republican speaker are still in place, right? i mean, you have a caucus that is not interested in governing, that is prepared to burn things down. that has not changed. this is a very, very divided conference. they still hate one another. all of the things that led to the, you know, ouster of, you know, the end of john boehner's speakership, paul ryan's speakership, just run down the list, all of those things, all of those factors are still in place. and this is still donald trump's party. he may have a few days. he may have a little bit of elbow room. he is not going to have a tremendously long runway to be able to do a lot of things. clearly, already on ukraine, he is being squeezed. the fundamentals have not changed and they're not going to change. >> charlie, let's get your assessment. you mentioned on where things are starting for donald trump right now. he spent some time in a new york courtroom this week. he continues to try to clean up comments he made about israel when that war began. he and so many of his opponents are heading to las vegas this weekend for the rjc. do you see anything at all that changed in the contours of this race? >> no, not so far. i mean, we've been -- this is, again, the same old, same old. i mean, he continues to put out absolutely deranged tweets. he pitches a fit in a courtroom. he is sanctioned by a judge. yet, nothing has moved the republican electorate. we may have this very brief moment in the house, where republicans have, you know, tapered over their dysfunction, but the dysfunction runs awfully deep. it starts right at the top. >> charlie, let's look ahead a little bit to next year. we assume trump comes out as the republican nominee. any president, they run for re-election, the health of the economy is so vital. the u.s. got a great gdp number yesterday. the white house taking credit for that. is that going to ease some of the anxiety creeping up in democrats as they look toward a potential biden/trump rematch? >> it'll only ease the anxiety when the poll numbers start to move. there's clearly a disconnect between some of the economic numbers and approval rating of joe biden. for some reason, the american public is not willing to give him credit, does not have confidence in him, and he is going to have to close that gap. now, he's got time to do that. there's often a lagging, you know, a lag between the time the economic numbers come around and the vibes come into line with it. that's the problem right now. i don't expect that -- and, frankly, i think there ought to be anxiety among democrats. when you look at this political universe with donald trump facing 91 felony charges on a daily basis, reminding us how utterly unfit he is for office, and, yet, there are indications he is competitive nationally and also in the swing states. if there is a time to be nervous, this is the time. >> all right. founder of the conservative website, the bulwark, charlie sykes, thank you, my friend. have a good weekend. thanks to all of you for getting up "way too early" on this friday morning and

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