Transcripts For MSNBCW Yasmin 20240703 :

Transcripts For MSNBCW Yasmin 20240703

hill. kevin mccarthy's inability to satisfy his far-right members is leading to a move by matt gaetz to take away the gavel. >> the only way that kevin mccarthy as speaker of the house at the end of this coming week as if democrats bail him out. i think they probably. we'll >> bring it on. let's start governing. if he is upset because he tried to push a shut down, then let's have that fight. president biden speaking a short time ago for the first time since the vote with a clear message for republicans in congress. >> enough is enough is enough. this is not that complicated. the brinkmanship passed and. there shouldn't be another crisis. >> so while there is no shot down, there is a crisis coming on two fronts today. you have the covid era subsidies for childcare, they are relieving thousands of families without the money for daycare. also ending the freeze on student loan repayment payments that threatens to show people back into financial and security if they can't come up with that money. they're covering it all. plus, still trump, expected to start his fraud trial in new york city. we'll have a preview of that coming up shortly as well. we want to start this hour on capitol hill, where speaker mccarthy is facing far-right backlash for funding the government at the very last minute. we are relying on the votes of nearly all democratic members of the house to do so, and this maga house members want nothing less than to see the title of speaker taking away from mccarthy. joining me, now julie tsirkin is on capitol hill forest. julie, good to talk to you today. a bit different than yesterday, but nonetheless, things are still happening there today. talk us through, first and foremost, is backlash that we're hearing about with speaker mccarthy which we expected. specifically what we hear about matt gaetz in his motion to vacate. >> yasmin, from one battle to the next speaker mccarthy. he can catch a break because this morning, less than 12, hours or 24 hours after the house successfully voted on this 45-day continuing resolution keep the government open, congressman matt gaetz is saying that he is going to bring what's known as the motion to vacate to remove mccarthy from his job because of it as soon as this coming week. the house gets back into session tomorrow. in theory, gaetz could be given the process to do so. then we haven't heard about specific details just yet, as he is still trying to collect those across the aisle, seen if any democrats will join him to make that effort possible. here's what he had to say earlier today about that. you also hear from speaker mccarthy reacting to. that watch. >> i do intend to file a motion to vacate against speaker mccarthy this week. i think that we need to rip off the band-aid, i think we need to move on with new leadership that can be trustworthy. >> yes, all survived. this is personal. he pushes to a shut down, even threatening his own district with all the military that would not be page, not because he wants to take this. motion so be, a let's get on, with a list of governing. >> gaetz, for his, part says this is not personal against mccarthy, but gates also led the charge of those hard-liners to vote against the more conservative continued resolution that had border security provisions, democrats did wants. so while mccarthy is trying to fund the government for a whole year, remember, the work is not over. they also have to pass ukraine aid, border security provisions that conservatives. what he will have to do so with the threat of his job taken away from him any day now by gaetz. >> if you will,, julie kind of walk us through the mechanics, remind viewers of the mechanics of the motion to vacate and how that would actually work. >> this is a little wonky procedural stuff going on in the house but basically mccarthy made a deal with gates and members of the far-right house freedom caucus to get the gavel in the first place. any one member could bring up a motion to vacate, triggering a vote on the full house floor to remove mccarthy. they need a majority to make that happen. that's 2:18 right now. so gaetz is relying on the fact that republicans will join him, democrats will join him, a really tricky procedural motion here. basically, it gaetz brings us up on the floor, it takes precedence over any other house matter. meaning they have to bring this up for a vote, whether mccarthy wants it or not. mccarthy and leadership has about two legislative days to actually schedule that vote. fun fact for, you the first and only time that this was actually used successfully, it happened in 1910 by speaker cannon himself. he tried to do it to prove opposed to progressives. from now until then, we have not seen this ever happen. it would be historic if it does. >> we'll talk about that on the air with us yesterday as well. julie tsirkin for, us thank you. all right, from the capital, a lot to go to the white house. the president is weighing in a short time ago on the dysfunction of the republican-led house to get that spending bill passed. >> i strongly encourage my republican friends in congress to not wait. don't waste time like a gentle summer. pass the budget agreement, under the deal we made a few months ago. >> remember, we've got 45 days now until this money runs. out i'm going to bring him on -- who standing by for us at the white house. monica, we just heard the presidents and the last hour or so talking directly to maga republicans. my question is, do you think it's actually going to make a difference going forward? >> that is certainly a strategy that the white house has employed here. they were feeling good, they still do, about that kind of approach. they're trying to put that kind of pressure on speaker mccarthy for making this, quote, terrible by again in the words of president biden with this conservative hard-liners. they feel like that something that contributed directly to this resolution yesterday, that they felt they really wanted to stay out of this, they weren't going to try to get in there and negotiate, that this was on the speaker to make this decision, and they were quite pleased with how that played out. at the same, time the president said earlier today that it didn't have to get to this point. a main issue here that's going to be a sticking point, that already has, been will continue to be, is this question of new funding and aid for ukraine. as we, know there are some in the right wing of the party who have put this on the speaker, essential, e to say i don't want that included. there was no new funding in the 45-day short term measure that was passed and signed by the president overnight. the president today said that it is essential that this can't be interrupted. here is a little bit more about how he had that message. particularly to republicans. >> i hope my friends on the other side keep their word about support for ukraine. they said they were going to support ukraine in a separate vote. we cannot, under any circumstances, allow americans to be interrupted. i fully expect the speaker to keep his campaign meant to the secure passage and support needed to help ukraine as they defend themselves against brutality. >> so the question is how this works in terms of the supplemental bill that would be brought to the floor. is it bottom's zone? does it have some kind of connection to some potential funding for border security, as some republicans have talked about on the sunday shows. i'm told,, yasmin that the department of defense has run out of a lot of the money that was allotted to go to ukraine. there is still a little bit left over to sustain battlefield support over the coming weeks. they will absolutely need to pass a new bill soon in order to keep that up, and that's something this white house has been very passionate about. they obviously don't want to see any kind of delay. so, far the u.s. to send more than 113 billion dollars in aid to ukraine for critical security and humanitarian assistance. >> i just want to remind folks of the latest we've been hearing from speaker mccarthy when it comes to aid in ukraine. this is from him. the priority for me is to be able to make sure that ukraine has the weapons they need. we've got to find a way that we can do this together. i'm going to make sure that the weapons are provided for ukraine, but they're not going to get something package of the border is not secure. we're going have to wait and see how this all plays out. that's where the priorities are about now. monica, thank you. ahead, everyone, i'm going to be joined by congressman wiley nickel, of north carolina. what needs to be done to avoid a shutdown? this is only bunted 45 days down the road. and then ilhan omar, a member of the budget committee, on what the shutdown fight tell us about the republicans hold on this party. we will ask how they stand on a vote to move kevin mccarthy as speaker as. well we are back in 60 seconds with donald trump on trial tomorrow. what to expect with the civil fraud trial underway. the former president is expected in the front row. we'll be right back. l be right on your new car? you don't have to take it to the dealer. bring it to safelite. we do more replacements and recalibrations than anyone else. >> customer: thank you so much. >> tech vo: schedule now. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace ♪ whenever you're hungry, there's a deal on the subway app. buy one footlong, get one 50% off in the subway app today. now that's a deal worth celebrating. man, what are you doing?! get it before it's gone on the subway app. ♪♪ my frequent heartburn had me taking antacid after antacid all day long but with prilosec otc just one pill a day blocks heartburn for a full 24 hours. for one and done heartburn relief, prilosec otc. one pill a day, 24 hours, zero heartburn. former president trump is expected to be back in york city court rub for laetitia james. he is asking for 250 in damages, and says he may never do business in new york again after committing widespread fraud. here's what former trump attorney said on inside with jen psaki. >> as they are on think-able, there is a baseline here are 200 and $50 million. she does not believe that it will be less than 250 million. i suspect it will be an excess of 600 million. >> let's get a fact-check on, that i want to bring in new york times investigative reporter suzanne craig to talk more about that along with msnbc legal analyst, assistant, d.a. and catherine christiansen as well. suzanne, let me start with you and get your reaction from what we just heard from michael cohen. do you also expect this to be an excess of 600 million? >> oh, god tough question off the top. i really don't know, and she has set the range of 2:50. that sort of what's been in my head. i can tell you that come tomorrow when the trial starts, the main counts, which was fraud, was the most important, the most significant counts. the judge, this is going to be from the bench trial, he's going to be the only one deciding. he has said already that he has made a decision on that. that they are liable on that. the main part of the trial now is going to be to determine exactly what the penalty should be. i think that's what most people are going to be watching for going into the coming weeks. it's where is that number going to land. it's going to hit him hard. it's not going to, i, think come in on the lower end. sometimes you hear on trials that maximum penalty is 20 years or something, and someone gets a year. we're not looking at the low end. the same judge who decided that he is liable on fraud, which is going to be the main show starting tomorrow, he's already decided that till now be in charge of assessing the penalty. >> you've sent this piece to our producers that i thought was fascinating an talking about a 30-yea donald trump. working for his father. there was a quote i wanted to pull from it for folks. it's kind of to understan the and how long this kind ofmp is, behavior and actions have tually gone on for. it reads like this. criticism of mr. trump came mostly from bankers, and others in the real estate industry, all of whom are requesting his deals amati they said, but they haven't come into been. so far the chie beneficiary of his creativity has been his blic image, another money man -- much of his influence had with the fact that he was an early financorr of both governor kerry and mayor be, and had a powerful lawyer who we now all know now, and a public relations man. in all the reporting that you have done about the former president, especially trump supposing that, what we've read in this piece -- a profile of the 30-year-old donald trump. put that in perspective for us with this most recent polling. >> well, i also just want to say that any other figure that looms large in that period is donald trump's father. donald trump was born into a wealthy family. he went to private schools, he had a show for that would take him to school. and the 1976, the year that that article ran was one of the first times that he put a value on his wealth. he said he was worth $200 million that year. in fact, that was roughly the value of his father. he simply appropriated his. well we have not seen a tax returns for that year, he made roughly $25,000 that year. his father has made, pretty much four years of his life, every risky took, everybody, talk his father had it covered. you just think that since the 1970s, he has been lying about his wealth. it's gone through things like the famous forbes list. his, wealth his money, his worth, it's his kryptonite. that is coming to trial. it is being held to account. it's not just for saying it in a public theater, i take some offense to that,but it is actually, and this, case he is being held to account for subm docents to financial institutions, to inrae companies, to get loans, to get potentially favorable rights. and new york, that is considered a crime. >> it was an incredible piece to read, kind of taking it back to the former donald trump, and how he was seen here in new york amongst all of the real estate developers as well. i want to bring you in on the conversation here because we're looking at this trial here, starting tomorrow. but the ruling on this, there are deciding with the damages are here. the damages will be decided by the judge. this is a judge who has been called deranged, quote unquote, deranged by the former president. what are you going to be watching for? >> it's not just damages, because the reason the attorney general is going to trial, and not saying it, one is because she also has charged but the civil world has called a course of action, falsifying business records. issuing false financial statements, and insurance fraud. so she has to prove by preponderance of the evidence that the trump organization did that. if she does, then the judge decide whether or not there will be 200 and $15 million in fines. , sh wants trump and his two defendants, codefendants sons, to be permanently barred from conducting business in new york city permanently. d, the trump organization for five years, from ever engaging and a real estatesaion, and, forever getting alone in the new york city bank. that is why it's going to go to trial, and she didn't say i won last week. >> if he's criminally barred from doing business in manhattan, what does that mean for the future of the trump business dealings? >> essentially it's over. >> it will be appealed, so it'll take a while, but it's over. also, for his two adult sons who are part of the business. >> he's on the witness list, if he's called, will he have to testify, if in fact hedoes testify, can you plead the fifth? >> he can plead the fifth. it doesn't stop a jury trial, so one could see him wanting to testify and not plead the fifth. he is not going to impress the judge, whatever is going to come out of his mouth. if you pleads the fifth that he didn't testify because his answers would be unfavorable to him, but that's not a jury trial. it's a judge. so the judge is going to give him that instruction. i predict that he probably won't testify because the manhattan d.a. is also circling around, and is apparently still investigating these very acts. they will use the statements against him, and his sons, if they testify. >> suzanne, catherine's prediction, there you just heard it. she doesn't think that donald trump is actually going to testify. we know that he doesn't have to be here. he's choosing to be here. we know now. he's going to be here for monday and tuesday for this trial. do you expect him to testify? >> you're always asking me for predictions. >> well you've been reporting on him for a long time, so i feel like you are the person to go to with that. >> i can see it going, i don't want to, i, i don't have a strong sense. i can see on one side that he can embrace the theater of, at the politics of bets. captain made a good point, it is a civil trial so i think the risks are less, there is still a huge risk of testifying. he may just decide to take the fifth. he very much is about impulse, so i maybe wouldn't advise him to do it if i was his counsel, but i can see him doing at. i think the interesting thing, and there was an interview earlier with michael cohen, michael cohen, you know, talked about the possibility of him not even showing up tomorrow. i don't think anything a certain. he decided to come, we learned about it because he is trying to avoid a deposition on another case. it made me laugh because donald trump, you, know he delayed one of his favorite things. it looks like he was simply, potentially, just delaying given a deposition on another case in order to -- see now he showing up tomorrow. i'll believe that it when i see etch. he's not going to be called to testify tomorrow, he showing up justice at their four-day to listen to opening arguments, and potentially the first witness. >> susan, thank you. all, right still ahead. one democratic -- has a solution to the shutdown saga, and it involves his colleagues. i'll speak to wiley nickel about that. plus, payments are back. tens of millions of americans must now pay off the federal student loans again. next, some of the cases to watch in the supreme court. we'll be right back. 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(vo) make the switch. it's your business. it's your verizon. all, right welcome back. the remains of senator diane feinstein are back in rome city is san francisco. the u.s. military all the right by the white house is met by a military detail upon landing last night. this flag draped casket when strike to a hearse as her family looked on. she was alongside nancy pelosi and her final journey home. plans for her services have yet to be announced. feinstein spokesperson said that there will be no memorials for her in washington, d.c.. tomorrow, marking the first day of u.s. supreme court's new term, the six conservative and three liberal justices are set to take on cases involving gun, right social media regulation, the power of federal agencies, and republican drawn electoral districts. they're considering taking up a debate on the availability of the abortion pill. this is coming as the justices participating in the 71st red motherly or today. an event that calls on god's blessing as that appears to take the bench for the annual term. coming, up gaetz versus mccarthy. >> don't think the adult in the room with lighthouse conservatives. that is exactly what kevin mccarthy dead. >> he's more interested in securing tv interviews and doing something. >> what to expect from the speakership battle set to play out in the house this week with congressman matt gaetz looking to bring a motion to vacate. a motion to vacate. i don't have to worry about daily hiv pills because i switched to every-other-month cabenuva. for adults who are undetectable, cabenuva is the only complete long-acting hiv treatment you can get every other month. it's two injections from a healthcare provider. now when i have people over, hiv pills aren't on my mind. don't receive cabenuva if you're allergic to its ingredients, or if you're taking certain medicines, which may interact with cabenuva. serious side effects include allergic reactions, post-injection reactions, liver problems, and depression. if you have a rash and other allergic reaction symptoms, stop cabenuva and get medical help right away. tell your doctor if you have liver problems or mental health concerns, and if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or considering pregnancy. some of the most common side effects include injection-site reactions, fever, and tiredness. if you switch to cabenuva, attend all treatment appointments. it feels good to just live in the moment. with every-other-month cabenuva, i'm good to go. ask your doctor about cabenuva today. subject 1: who's that? 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this matt gaetz have the votes to remove speaker kevin mccarthy at this time? mccarthy sounds confident in his position. his response is quite literally to bring it. on matt gaetz's position is not especially popular within the house republican conference right now. one congressman, larry michaud of indiana said in a tweet, he is a charlatan. he is threatening to remove speaker mccarthy in at least 200 democratic. those he calls him hypocrites. he proclaimed that at least 200 house republicans will be voting to support the speaker, including me. if it's 200, that's not going to be enough. they are at 117 to save speaker mccarthy. it raises the question, what are democrats going to do? are -- they might bailout mccarthy after the vote to keep mccarthy open, they did not say, they said is not a conversation that democrats have had. they will cross that bridge when they get. there from my reporting, there are a number of democrats who were open to the conversation. they want to see if anything is enough for them. this is when you get to the push and pull. democrats decide to bail out speaker mccarthy for nothing, they would be opening themselves up to a primary challenge. think about that 30 seconds that the democratic voter seems to have mccarthy while he's impeaching president biden, the same speaker who is about to turn around, and spend millions of dollars to defeat them. in the next election. for mccarthy side, you, know if he ends up giving too much, if he gives democrats a seat at the table for serious governing positions, that would further weaken his position with the right. not only the far-right, but also the center-right. it would complicate his path going forward in terms of, you know, remaining in that job. so democrats are stepping in. they could potentially have the impact while vacationing. kevin mccarthy's partners speakership. either, way it's going to be a jigsaw puzzle to stay and solve. >> will they step in to save him? thank you. i want to bring in congressman wiley to talk more about this. you're on the hot, see congressman. things for joining us on this. we'll cross that bridge when we get to. with that bridges khamenei. just around the corner. it's happening, it, seems in the next 24 to 48 hours. i know speaker emerita pelosi has essentially advised democratic members of the house to follow the lead of hakeem jeffries, but also advising against necessarily getting end to in agreement with, and getting behind speaker mccarthy, where do you stand on this. are you going to support a motion to vacate this? >> it's great to be with you. let me just say, this whole matt gaetz thing, it's just like an episode, a a episode of the universally despised -- he is the u.s. congress. so i think we're seen somebody who is out for himself, but i welcome those conversations. i think those are great conversations that are going to be had with our leader, with hakeem jeffries. if it comes to, it i'm someone who is certainly open to having those conversations, if it'll help move the u.s. congress opened. in a bipartisan way. i think that's a great conversation to have. we've got to do big things, we have to pass immigration reform, we have to keep the governments lights on. we only have 45 days to do that. whatever brings us closer to getting this done, in a bipartisan way, i think it's a good conversation. >> has gates reached out to you? >> no, no. i don't talk to matt gaetz. >> are you going to vote in favor of a motion to vacate, or against? set or happy not decided yet? >> well i think, again, the question is what's the deal. you know, we're going to all look to our leader of hakeem jeffries to make sure that they have a fair deal. there is somebody who could be open to making that kind of vote if there is a good deal that gets this done. we have to do this for my constituents. again, that's funding ukraine, funding the federal governments, and doing real border security. i have to say i agree with my republican colleagues who want to cut the deficit so we have to take a stab at this too. >> take a stab at correct me i, you are open to assurances from speaker mccarthy to get on board with voting against the motion to vacate if he assures that he is going to fund ukraine. the follow-up, then, is, can you trust speaker mccarthy if he does give those assurances? >> i think what that probably looks like it is a new vote on a new rules package. the devil is in the details. you saw democrats united yesterday. we are a group united behind our leader. that is our strength in a body of 435 people. i think that is what clowns like matt gaetz don't realize. you have your strength here by settling your differences internally. >> let's talk about the timeline here, right? there are 45 days benow and when you need to get the funding done. the last time we had a government shutdownas 2018, 2019 went on all trump was trying to get his border wall funding across the finish line. what do you think can change between now in the november deadline? do you think it's feasible to get it done by then? >> absolutely. we have plenty of time to get it done. we had an agreement with the top lines for spending. democrats did not get all we wanted. republicans did not get all we wanted. we have an agreement. that is a good place to start for where we ought to be for funding and for spending. again, you know, get that countdown clock going because we are right back at it. we have to get something going that can pass the house and the senate and get signed by the president. that means we have to work together. >> as many americans know, if the government were to have shut down, many governments would continue to get paid. i know we had the no budget no pay act. it would hold members of congress financially accountable if they don't agree to a budget resolution on a timely basis. talk to us about this and how it would have changed things had this been in effect leading up to yesterday. >> yeah, we have to have some motivation for members of congress to do their job. what many folks were surprised to hear was that right now we could have had federal government employees getting no pay. the only people who still would have been getting their paycheck would have been members of congress. that's wrong. the bill it just says if we can't agree to top lines by april 15th, fund the government by the end of september. you are not going to get your pay. it is a motivation that we need. frankly, members of congress ought to be in the same boat as every other federal employee if we get into these kind of manufactured crises. we have to get this stuff done on time. >> let me also ask you about congressman jamal bowman. he was caught on camera pulling a fire alarm in the house office building. ease a statement yesterday. i want to or folks. as i was watching make a usually a door that is today it would not open. i am embarrassed to ahat i activated the fire alarm, mistakenly thinking he would the door. i regret this. i sincerely apologize for any confusion this cause. i want to be very clear, this was not me in any way trying to delay any vote. it was the exact opposite. i was trying to urgently get to a vote which i ultimately did and join my colleagues in a bipartisan effort to keep our government open. what's your reaction to this? do you think there should be further investigation as to why congressman bowman pulled this fire alarm and the timing in which he did? >> i take him at his word. he apologized. i'm standing right above the place where that happened. i'm going to go down and look as soon as i am done with the interview. it sounds like he made a mistake. i think all of this, though, is just a distraction for what really should have been the news yesterday, that 90 republicans did not support what the majority of republicans were doing in terms of keeping the federal government going. democrats were the ones who bailed out the plan. i think that really should be the conversation. if we are getting into members of congress, we are doing things they should not have. i think we should be talking about george santos as well. he's still here, amazingly. >> we have talked about george santos and what is happening. i have to ask you, congressman, would you have made the same mistake if you are rushing to make this vote and pulled the fire alarm because you thought it would open a door? is that something you think you would have done, that you would have confused congressman bowman as he is alleging in his statement? >> i have a different way to get to the floor. i'm pretty good at knowing how to get there. i got lost a lot as a freshman here. i know exactly where to go. i can say everybody was rushing to get to get to the floor. we were told about vote really quickly. maybe there is something there. you know, it is something that is smaller in the grand scheme of things. the bigger issues are the issues we have to face as congress in terms of keeping the government funded. >> congressman wiley nickel, thank, you sir. we appreciate it. >> thanks. >> we may be days away from the largest health care worker strike in our country's history. coming, up the latest in negotiations between kaiser and 75,000 members of its staff. plus, what some states are doing to help the parents scrambling to figure out childcare plans in a covid era federal assistance program. we will be right back. l assistance program we will be right back. we will be right back. this is american infrastructure, a prime target for cyberattacks. but the same ai-powered security that protects all of google also defends these services for everyone who lives here. ♪ the subway series menu is getting a new lineup of sandwiches - the deli heroes. there's fresh sliced turkey on the titan turkey. fresh sliced ham on the grand slam ham. five meats on the beast! and look at that double cheese! try subway's tastiest refresh yet. my frequent heartburn had me taking antacid after antacid all day long but with prilosec otc just one pill a day blocks heartburn for a full 24 hours. for one and done heartburn relief, prilosec otc. one pill a day, 24 hours, zero heartburn. he hits his mark —center stage—and is crushed by a baby grand piano. you're replacing me? 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>> yeah, yasmin. we are hearing from many of those folks that it's going to be really difficult. just to give you a lay of the land,we are talking about more than 43 million americans who still have federal student loan debt. data shows that the average person owes ound $20,000 to $25,000. it's expected the average monty payment will be somewhere around $200 a month. we are also hearing from a lot of folks who are barreling towards payments that are much larger than that. i want to talk about three people that i spoke with. jennifer hernandez is a 35 year old middle school counselor in the bronx. she is looking at payments of $650 a month,, despite being on an income driven repayment plan. i also spoke with kari who was 25 years old and a bradley who was 30 years old. both of them have six figure student loan debt. they are looking at payments of around $1,000 a month. i want you to just hear from these folks. >> it's frustrating. i never -- it's not that i didn't intend to pay it, because i do intend to pay my student loans. the amount was so high. it's frustrating that right now even with the save program i can't afford that. >> i'm lucky that i can live with my parents and i don't have to consider if i am going to pay for groceries this month or pay for the student loans. >> being so young and in so much debt for doing something that i thought was going to better my life, it has absolutely been the biggest regret of my life. >> for folks who are worried about how they are going to make the payments, experts say just check and make sure you know how much you owe and when the payments are due. yes, they are restarting today, but some folks might have a duty that is later in the month. they might have a bit more time. check and see if you qualify for one of those income based repayment plans and how much that amount could be. the other thing that experts are warning about is skims. there are people who are receiving calls and text messages saying, if you give us a fee upfront or a monthly fee, we will do away with all of your student loans immediately. folks should be wary of that. that's probably a scam. the last point i want to make is, because a lot of people are on social media saying, i'm just not going to pay my student loan, it's important to remember that while nonpayment is not going to impact your credit right now, the interest is going to continue to accrue. that amount you owe is going to continue to go up. it's best to try to connect with your loan servicer and see which options might be available to help you begin to make some sort of payment. yasmin? >> priscilla thompson, thank you. i appreciate it. that's not the only renewed economic challenge americans are facing. it's being dubbed the childcare cliff. you have the federal program providing childcare for millions of families. it has now expired. it has parents across the country scrambling to look for new ways to pay for this essential service. nbc's blaine alexander reports on why this is happening. >> how crucial is that childcare to having your family run smoothly? >> we depend on it 100%. i truly don't know what we would do if we did not have that. >> that center is now in jeopardy of closing for good. it's among the more than 220,000 childcare providers across the country which received 24 billion dollars in federal pandemic relief, money that, for the last two years, has helped keep the doors open. with that funding set to end september 30th, it could have a resounding impact. one report estimates more than 70,000 childcare providers who ever see that money could face possible closure. she la jolla listed director of the southwestern child of element commission which operates the hayesville center. >> we need childcare. we need it not only for the economic value of support in the workforce but we need it so that we send our youngest children to public school ready to learn. >> blaine, i want to bring in miriam calderon, policy director of the zero to three organization, to talk more about this. talk to me first, miriam, if you will, about the immediate impact of what may happen here. >> sure. absolutely. thanks for having me, jasmine. what you just saw is that federal funding was made available at the start of the pandemic. it has been allowed to expire as of last night. what we know is anybody who has to navigate the child care system in this country knows that it was hard to find before covid -- long waiting lists, unaffordable. that is still true. what this funding did was prevent a bad situation from getting much, much worse. this money went directly to childcare programs. the department of health and human services estimates that these funds reached more than 220,000 childcare providers, save more than 1 million early educator jobs, and allowed for continued care for more than 9 million children. this money is still a much needed to be able to stabilize childcare businesses. we know that when childcare is open and strong, it's good for families and children and our economy and businesses. childcare is the work which helps everyone else work. >> the issue is, this has been happening for quite some time. . this was happening well before covid as well. there was not subsidized child care for individuals who could not afford to get help with their children. washington who are trying to write to this problem. i want to read a quote from an nbc article. cric members of congress introducls ts year to expand l subsidies for childcare provid and create federally fued but locally run childce centers. republav resisted cont the pandemic-era funding initially meant to be just temporary relief. how do you find a solution to a problem which was not just created by the pandemic and not just created by covid but has been persistent in this country for a very long time? >> absolutely. that is a great question. first, we need to act quickly and immediately to be able to stabilize the sector. the childcare sector is still down 40,000 jobs since before covid. we know that the pandemic-era funding really helps childcare businesses be able to recruit and retain staff, really increase the wages a child care workers. childcare can't run without staff. early educators make less than a living wage. we need to be able to get that funding continued. fortunately, there is a legislation introduced in the senate, the childcare stabilization act, which would provide this immediate funding and address the funding which has expired as of last night. that money is needed to get to the vast majority of childcare businesses so we can really address this a workforce crisis and this workforce shortage. long term, we need to find and work together across the aisle on a bipartisan basis to be able to find those longer term solutions. we know that this issue is really important for families. zero to three has done polling with families. nine out of ten families want congress to focus old child care. these are families in red states and blue states. this is an issue which is supported by families on both sides of the aisle. >> this is from the euro u.s. bureau of labor statistics. childcare workers back in 2021 made on average $13.22 per hour, a total of $27,490 a year. they take care of the most important people in our lives, our children. miriam, thank you so much. i appreciate it. >> thank you. >> at the top of the hour, we're live on capitol hill with the next big drama, whether the vote that forced kevin mccarthy to rely on democrats will cost him his speakership. up first, though, what we are learning about the investigation into a deadly multi vehicle crash and toxic chemical leak which unfolded in central illinois. i will be right back. central illiisno i will be right back i will be right back this is spring semester at fairfield-suisun unified. they switched to google tools for education because there's never been a reported ransomware attack on a chromebook. now they're focused on learning knowing that their data is secure. 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Theory , Process , Effort , Aisle , Speaker Mccarthy Reacting To , Leadership , Speaker Mccarthy This Week , Band Aid , Yes , Military , Part , Governing , List , District , Page , Let S Get On , Resolution , Conservative , Liners , Charge , Gates , Work , Border Security Provisions , Aid , Border Security , Mechanics , Ukraine , Threat , Provisions , Conservatives , Viewers , Julie Kind Of Walk , Deal , Member , Stuff , Place , House Freedom Caucus , Floor , Fact , Majority , 18 , 2 , House Matter , It Gaetz , Speaker Cannon , Progressives , 1910 , U S , Right , Capital , Julie Tsirkin For , Hair , House , Spending Bill , Dysfunction , Budget Agreement , Summer , Friends , Question , Presidents , Monica , Money Runs , Standing By , Kind , Strategy , Approach , Difference , Feeling Good , Something , Quote , Speaker Mccarthy For Making This , Pressure , They Weren T , Hard Liners , Words , President , Issue , Point , Decision , It Didn T , Funding , Party , Essential , Wing , Measure , 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Kid Battle , Saint Jude Children S Research Hospital , 3 , Children , 4 , Qr Code , Hope , 19 , 9 , Saint Jude For Treatment , Housing , Food , Travel , 5 , Debit Card , Because , Saint Jude , Saint Jude T Shirt , Let S Cure Childhood Cancer , 6 , Action Hero , Punches , Reversals , Corrections , Sheet , Phone , Go , Employees , Unnecessary , Welcome Back , Payroll , Challenge , Speakership , Led Other , Reporter , Funding Bill , Cnn National Political , Promise , Couple , Rules , Bush , Larry Michaud , Position , Response , House Republican Conference , Voting , Charlatan , Tweet , Indiana , Speaker Mccarthy In , Me , Mccarthy Open , Bailout Mccarthy , 117 , Bridge , Push And Pull , Voter , Impeaching , Positions , Path , Election , Seat , Table , Center Right , Mccarthy Side , Impact , Vacationing , Partners Speakership , Jigsaw Puzzle , Congressman , Bridges Khamenei , Lead , Happening , Corner , Emerita Pelosi , Hakeem Jeffries , 48 , Agreement , To Be With You , End , Somebody , Episode , Conversations , Leader , Governments , Done , Immigration Reform , Favor , Has Gates , Look , Stab , Constituents , Deficit , Assurances , Follow Up , Strength , Devil , Rules Package , Body , Group , United , 435 , Timeline , Differences , Don T Realize , Border Wall Funding , Shutdownas , Finish Line , 2018 , 2019 , Spending , Lines , Senate , Countdown Clock , Pay , Budget Resolution , Motivation , Basis , Effect , Paycheck , Employee , Boat , April 15th , 15 , Fire Alarm , Congressman Jamal Bowman , Crises , Camera , House Office Building , Door , Statement , Confusion , Cause , Investigation , Opposite , Timing , News , Mistake , Distraction , Ones , 90 , George Santos , Plan , Freshman , Issues , Scheme , Country , Thanks , Sir , Health Care Worker Strike , History , Thank , States , Staff , Parents , Program , Childcare Plans , Kaiser , Negotiations , 75000 , Series , Lineup , Infrastructure , Target , Cyberattacks , Google , Ham , Refresh , Turkey , Heroes , Sandwiches , Meats , Cheese , Titan Turkey , Grand Slam , The Beast , Mark , Center Stage , Thyroid Eye Disease , Liberty , Save , Baby Grand Piano , Mustache , Liberty Bibberty , Eyes , Curse , Agoed , Onla , Stilltreatted Com , Mattresses , Purple , Rejuvenated , Pains , Aches , Visit Purple Com , Payment , Student Loan Debt , Student Loan Repayments , Pandemic , Many , Borrower , Inflation , Interest Rates , Payback Resumption , Monthly Payment , Houston , Brink , Tens , Data , Hound , Lay Of The Land , 20000 , 43 Million , 0000 , Jennifer Hernandez , Monty Payment , Somewhere , Barreling , 35 , 00 , Income , Bradley , Kari , Middle School Counselor , Repayment Plan , The Bronx , 25 , 650 , Both , 1000 , 000 , Amount , Save Program , Debt , Groceries , Experts , Duty , Saying , Repayment , Messages , Skims , Text , Warning , Fee , Student Loan , Scam , Loan Servicer , Nonpayment , Options , Sort , Childcare Cliff , Nbc , Essential Service , Ways , Country Scrambling , Blaine Alexander Reports , Center , Closing , Jeopardy , 100 , Childcare Providers , Doors , September 30th , Funding Set , 220000 , 24 Billion , 24 Billion Dollars , Element Commission , Closure , Director , She La Jolla , 70000 , Workforce , Public School , Hayesville Center , Miriam , Miriam Calderon , Blaine , Saw , Jasmine , Waiting Lists , Anybody , Child Care System , Last Night , Unaffordable , Funds , Childcare Programs , Situation , Estimates , Department Of Health And Human Services , Care , Educator Jobs , 1 Million , 9 Million , Childcare Businesses , Businesses , Economy , Individuals , Problem , Members Of Congress , Washington , Introducls Ts , Cric , Childcare Provid , Republav , Fued , Childce Centers , Jobs , Sector , First , Childcare Sector , 40000 , Child Care Workers , Educators , Retain , Childcare Can T Run , Childcare Stabilization Act , Living Wage , Workforce Shortage , Solutions , Red States , Child Care , Nine , Ten , Childcare Workers , Sides , Bureau Of Labor Statistics , 13 22 , 2021 , 3 22 , Total , 7490 , 27490 , Crash , Learning , Leak , Vehicle , Big Drama , Up First , Central Illinois , Central Illiisno , Fairfield Suisun , Spring Semester , Education , Tools , Chromebook , Attack , Ransomware , Breath , Shortness , Serious , Rare , Wifi , Homework , Book , Battery Back Up , Power Outages , Xfinity , Xfinity 10g Network , 10 , Chemical , Semi Truck Leaking , Evacuation Order , Residents , 4000 , 500 , Authorities , Truck , Victims , Location , Ntsb , Notice , Nemesis , Grabs , Chief , On Mccarthy S Removal ,

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Transcripts For MSNBCW Yasmin 20240703

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hill. kevin mccarthy's inability to satisfy his far-right members is leading to a move by matt gaetz to take away the gavel. >> the only way that kevin mccarthy as speaker of the house at the end of this coming week as if democrats bail him out. i think they probably. we'll >> bring it on. let's start governing. if he is upset because he tried to push a shut down, then let's have that fight. president biden speaking a short time ago for the first time since the vote with a clear message for republicans in congress. >> enough is enough is enough. this is not that complicated. the brinkmanship passed and. there shouldn't be another crisis. >> so while there is no shot down, there is a crisis coming on two fronts today. you have the covid era subsidies for childcare, they are relieving thousands of families without the money for daycare. also ending the freeze on student loan repayment payments that threatens to show people back into financial and security if they can't come up with that money. they're covering it all. plus, still trump, expected to start his fraud trial in new york city. we'll have a preview of that coming up shortly as well. we want to start this hour on capitol hill, where speaker mccarthy is facing far-right backlash for funding the government at the very last minute. we are relying on the votes of nearly all democratic members of the house to do so, and this maga house members want nothing less than to see the title of speaker taking away from mccarthy. joining me, now julie tsirkin is on capitol hill forest. julie, good to talk to you today. a bit different than yesterday, but nonetheless, things are still happening there today. talk us through, first and foremost, is backlash that we're hearing about with speaker mccarthy which we expected. specifically what we hear about matt gaetz in his motion to vacate. >> yasmin, from one battle to the next speaker mccarthy. he can catch a break because this morning, less than 12, hours or 24 hours after the house successfully voted on this 45-day continuing resolution keep the government open, congressman matt gaetz is saying that he is going to bring what's known as the motion to vacate to remove mccarthy from his job because of it as soon as this coming week. the house gets back into session tomorrow. in theory, gaetz could be given the process to do so. then we haven't heard about specific details just yet, as he is still trying to collect those across the aisle, seen if any democrats will join him to make that effort possible. here's what he had to say earlier today about that. you also hear from speaker mccarthy reacting to. that watch. >> i do intend to file a motion to vacate against speaker mccarthy this week. i think that we need to rip off the band-aid, i think we need to move on with new leadership that can be trustworthy. >> yes, all survived. this is personal. he pushes to a shut down, even threatening his own district with all the military that would not be page, not because he wants to take this. motion so be, a let's get on, with a list of governing. >> gaetz, for his, part says this is not personal against mccarthy, but gates also led the charge of those hard-liners to vote against the more conservative continued resolution that had border security provisions, democrats did wants. so while mccarthy is trying to fund the government for a whole year, remember, the work is not over. they also have to pass ukraine aid, border security provisions that conservatives. what he will have to do so with the threat of his job taken away from him any day now by gaetz. >> if you will,, julie kind of walk us through the mechanics, remind viewers of the mechanics of the motion to vacate and how that would actually work. >> this is a little wonky procedural stuff going on in the house but basically mccarthy made a deal with gates and members of the far-right house freedom caucus to get the gavel in the first place. any one member could bring up a motion to vacate, triggering a vote on the full house floor to remove mccarthy. they need a majority to make that happen. that's 2:18 right now. so gaetz is relying on the fact that republicans will join him, democrats will join him, a really tricky procedural motion here. basically, it gaetz brings us up on the floor, it takes precedence over any other house matter. meaning they have to bring this up for a vote, whether mccarthy wants it or not. mccarthy and leadership has about two legislative days to actually schedule that vote. fun fact for, you the first and only time that this was actually used successfully, it happened in 1910 by speaker cannon himself. he tried to do it to prove opposed to progressives. from now until then, we have not seen this ever happen. it would be historic if it does. >> we'll talk about that on the air with us yesterday as well. julie tsirkin for, us thank you. all right, from the capital, a lot to go to the white house. the president is weighing in a short time ago on the dysfunction of the republican-led house to get that spending bill passed. >> i strongly encourage my republican friends in congress to not wait. don't waste time like a gentle summer. pass the budget agreement, under the deal we made a few months ago. >> remember, we've got 45 days now until this money runs. out i'm going to bring him on -- who standing by for us at the white house. monica, we just heard the presidents and the last hour or so talking directly to maga republicans. my question is, do you think it's actually going to make a difference going forward? >> that is certainly a strategy that the white house has employed here. they were feeling good, they still do, about that kind of approach. they're trying to put that kind of pressure on speaker mccarthy for making this, quote, terrible by again in the words of president biden with this conservative hard-liners. they feel like that something that contributed directly to this resolution yesterday, that they felt they really wanted to stay out of this, they weren't going to try to get in there and negotiate, that this was on the speaker to make this decision, and they were quite pleased with how that played out. at the same, time the president said earlier today that it didn't have to get to this point. a main issue here that's going to be a sticking point, that already has, been will continue to be, is this question of new funding and aid for ukraine. as we, know there are some in the right wing of the party who have put this on the speaker, essential, e to say i don't want that included. there was no new funding in the 45-day short term measure that was passed and signed by the president overnight. the president today said that it is essential that this can't be interrupted. here is a little bit more about how he had that message. particularly to republicans. >> i hope my friends on the other side keep their word about support for ukraine. they said they were going to support ukraine in a separate vote. we cannot, under any circumstances, allow americans to be interrupted. i fully expect the speaker to keep his campaign meant to the secure passage and support needed to help ukraine as they defend themselves against brutality. >> so the question is how this works in terms of the supplemental bill that would be brought to the floor. is it bottom's zone? does it have some kind of connection to some potential funding for border security, as some republicans have talked about on the sunday shows. i'm told,, yasmin that the department of defense has run out of a lot of the money that was allotted to go to ukraine. there is still a little bit left over to sustain battlefield support over the coming weeks. they will absolutely need to pass a new bill soon in order to keep that up, and that's something this white house has been very passionate about. they obviously don't want to see any kind of delay. so, far the u.s. to send more than 113 billion dollars in aid to ukraine for critical security and humanitarian assistance. >> i just want to remind folks of the latest we've been hearing from speaker mccarthy when it comes to aid in ukraine. this is from him. the priority for me is to be able to make sure that ukraine has the weapons they need. we've got to find a way that we can do this together. i'm going to make sure that the weapons are provided for ukraine, but they're not going to get something package of the border is not secure. we're going have to wait and see how this all plays out. that's where the priorities are about now. monica, thank you. ahead, everyone, i'm going to be joined by congressman wiley nickel, of north carolina. what needs to be done to avoid a shutdown? this is only bunted 45 days down the road. and then ilhan omar, a member of the budget committee, on what the shutdown fight tell us about the republicans hold on this party. we will ask how they stand on a vote to move kevin mccarthy as speaker as. well we are back in 60 seconds with donald trump on trial tomorrow. what to expect with the civil fraud trial underway. the former president is expected in the front row. we'll be right back. l be right on your new car? you don't have to take it to the dealer. bring it to safelite. we do more replacements and recalibrations than anyone else. >> customer: thank you so much. >> tech vo: schedule now. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace ♪ whenever you're hungry, there's a deal on the subway app. buy one footlong, get one 50% off in the subway app today. now that's a deal worth celebrating. man, what are you doing?! get it before it's gone on the subway app. ♪♪ my frequent heartburn had me taking antacid after antacid all day long but with prilosec otc just one pill a day blocks heartburn for a full 24 hours. for one and done heartburn relief, prilosec otc. one pill a day, 24 hours, zero heartburn. former president trump is expected to be back in york city court rub for laetitia james. he is asking for 250 in damages, and says he may never do business in new york again after committing widespread fraud. here's what former trump attorney said on inside with jen psaki. >> as they are on think-able, there is a baseline here are 200 and $50 million. she does not believe that it will be less than 250 million. i suspect it will be an excess of 600 million. >> let's get a fact-check on, that i want to bring in new york times investigative reporter suzanne craig to talk more about that along with msnbc legal analyst, assistant, d.a. and catherine christiansen as well. suzanne, let me start with you and get your reaction from what we just heard from michael cohen. do you also expect this to be an excess of 600 million? >> oh, god tough question off the top. i really don't know, and she has set the range of 2:50. that sort of what's been in my head. i can tell you that come tomorrow when the trial starts, the main counts, which was fraud, was the most important, the most significant counts. the judge, this is going to be from the bench trial, he's going to be the only one deciding. he has said already that he has made a decision on that. that they are liable on that. the main part of the trial now is going to be to determine exactly what the penalty should be. i think that's what most people are going to be watching for going into the coming weeks. it's where is that number going to land. it's going to hit him hard. it's not going to, i, think come in on the lower end. sometimes you hear on trials that maximum penalty is 20 years or something, and someone gets a year. we're not looking at the low end. the same judge who decided that he is liable on fraud, which is going to be the main show starting tomorrow, he's already decided that till now be in charge of assessing the penalty. >> you've sent this piece to our producers that i thought was fascinating an talking about a 30-yea donald trump. working for his father. there was a quote i wanted to pull from it for folks. it's kind of to understan the and how long this kind ofmp is, behavior and actions have tually gone on for. it reads like this. criticism of mr. trump came mostly from bankers, and others in the real estate industry, all of whom are requesting his deals amati they said, but they haven't come into been. so far the chie beneficiary of his creativity has been his blic image, another money man -- much of his influence had with the fact that he was an early financorr of both governor kerry and mayor be, and had a powerful lawyer who we now all know now, and a public relations man. in all the reporting that you have done about the former president, especially trump supposing that, what we've read in this piece -- a profile of the 30-year-old donald trump. put that in perspective for us with this most recent polling. >> well, i also just want to say that any other figure that looms large in that period is donald trump's father. donald trump was born into a wealthy family. he went to private schools, he had a show for that would take him to school. and the 1976, the year that that article ran was one of the first times that he put a value on his wealth. he said he was worth $200 million that year. in fact, that was roughly the value of his father. he simply appropriated his. well we have not seen a tax returns for that year, he made roughly $25,000 that year. his father has made, pretty much four years of his life, every risky took, everybody, talk his father had it covered. you just think that since the 1970s, he has been lying about his wealth. it's gone through things like the famous forbes list. his, wealth his money, his worth, it's his kryptonite. that is coming to trial. it is being held to account. it's not just for saying it in a public theater, i take some offense to that,but it is actually, and this, case he is being held to account for subm docents to financial institutions, to inrae companies, to get loans, to get potentially favorable rights. and new york, that is considered a crime. >> it was an incredible piece to read, kind of taking it back to the former donald trump, and how he was seen here in new york amongst all of the real estate developers as well. i want to bring you in on the conversation here because we're looking at this trial here, starting tomorrow. but the ruling on this, there are deciding with the damages are here. the damages will be decided by the judge. this is a judge who has been called deranged, quote unquote, deranged by the former president. what are you going to be watching for? >> it's not just damages, because the reason the attorney general is going to trial, and not saying it, one is because she also has charged but the civil world has called a course of action, falsifying business records. issuing false financial statements, and insurance fraud. so she has to prove by preponderance of the evidence that the trump organization did that. if she does, then the judge decide whether or not there will be 200 and $15 million in fines. , sh wants trump and his two defendants, codefendants sons, to be permanently barred from conducting business in new york city permanently. d, the trump organization for five years, from ever engaging and a real estatesaion, and, forever getting alone in the new york city bank. that is why it's going to go to trial, and she didn't say i won last week. >> if he's criminally barred from doing business in manhattan, what does that mean for the future of the trump business dealings? >> essentially it's over. >> it will be appealed, so it'll take a while, but it's over. also, for his two adult sons who are part of the business. >> he's on the witness list, if he's called, will he have to testify, if in fact hedoes testify, can you plead the fifth? >> he can plead the fifth. it doesn't stop a jury trial, so one could see him wanting to testify and not plead the fifth. he is not going to impress the judge, whatever is going to come out of his mouth. if you pleads the fifth that he didn't testify because his answers would be unfavorable to him, but that's not a jury trial. it's a judge. so the judge is going to give him that instruction. i predict that he probably won't testify because the manhattan d.a. is also circling around, and is apparently still investigating these very acts. they will use the statements against him, and his sons, if they testify. >> suzanne, catherine's prediction, there you just heard it. she doesn't think that donald trump is actually going to testify. we know that he doesn't have to be here. he's choosing to be here. we know now. he's going to be here for monday and tuesday for this trial. do you expect him to testify? >> you're always asking me for predictions. >> well you've been reporting on him for a long time, so i feel like you are the person to go to with that. >> i can see it going, i don't want to, i, i don't have a strong sense. i can see on one side that he can embrace the theater of, at the politics of bets. captain made a good point, it is a civil trial so i think the risks are less, there is still a huge risk of testifying. he may just decide to take the fifth. he very much is about impulse, so i maybe wouldn't advise him to do it if i was his counsel, but i can see him doing at. i think the interesting thing, and there was an interview earlier with michael cohen, michael cohen, you know, talked about the possibility of him not even showing up tomorrow. i don't think anything a certain. he decided to come, we learned about it because he is trying to avoid a deposition on another case. it made me laugh because donald trump, you, know he delayed one of his favorite things. it looks like he was simply, potentially, just delaying given a deposition on another case in order to -- see now he showing up tomorrow. i'll believe that it when i see etch. he's not going to be called to testify tomorrow, he showing up justice at their four-day to listen to opening arguments, and potentially the first witness. >> susan, thank you. all, right still ahead. one democratic -- has a solution to the shutdown saga, and it involves his colleagues. i'll speak to wiley nickel about that. plus, payments are back. tens of millions of americans must now pay off the federal student loans again. next, some of the cases to watch in the supreme court. we'll be right back. 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(vo) make the switch. it's your business. it's your verizon. all, right welcome back. the remains of senator diane feinstein are back in rome city is san francisco. the u.s. military all the right by the white house is met by a military detail upon landing last night. this flag draped casket when strike to a hearse as her family looked on. she was alongside nancy pelosi and her final journey home. plans for her services have yet to be announced. feinstein spokesperson said that there will be no memorials for her in washington, d.c.. tomorrow, marking the first day of u.s. supreme court's new term, the six conservative and three liberal justices are set to take on cases involving gun, right social media regulation, the power of federal agencies, and republican drawn electoral districts. they're considering taking up a debate on the availability of the abortion pill. this is coming as the justices participating in the 71st red motherly or today. an event that calls on god's blessing as that appears to take the bench for the annual term. coming, up gaetz versus mccarthy. >> don't think the adult in the room with lighthouse conservatives. that is exactly what kevin mccarthy dead. >> he's more interested in securing tv interviews and doing something. >> what to expect from the speakership battle set to play out in the house this week with congressman matt gaetz looking to bring a motion to vacate. a motion to vacate. i don't have to worry about daily hiv pills because i switched to every-other-month cabenuva. for adults who are undetectable, cabenuva is the only complete long-acting hiv treatment you can get every other month. it's two injections from a healthcare provider. now when i have people over, hiv pills aren't on my mind. don't receive cabenuva if you're allergic to its ingredients, or if you're taking certain medicines, which may interact with cabenuva. serious side effects include allergic reactions, post-injection reactions, liver problems, and depression. if you have a rash and other allergic reaction symptoms, stop cabenuva and get medical help right away. tell your doctor if you have liver problems or mental health concerns, and if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or considering pregnancy. some of the most common side effects include injection-site reactions, fever, and tiredness. if you switch to cabenuva, attend all treatment appointments. it feels good to just live in the moment. with every-other-month cabenuva, i'm good to go. ask your doctor about cabenuva today. subject 1: who's that? 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-unnecessary! -check reversals? -unnecessary! -time sheet corrections? -unnecessary! -unentered sick time? -unnecessary! -go! -unnecessary! -go! -unnecessary! -when you can take this phone, you'll be ready. -make the unnecessary, unnecessary. all right, welcome back, let your employees do their own payroll. everyone. far-right republicans are supposed to launch a challenge to kevin mccarthy's speakership. it is led other by matt gaetz who said he would filed a motion in the room. now joining me now, cnn national political reporter to talk more about this. we know that gaetz tried to speak after the funding bill is passed yesterday. mccarthy were able to adore and and prevent that from happening. now with this promise to file this motion to vacate's, what did that actually by that? >> it likely bought them a couple of days, yasmin, but they're not going to be able to hold off on that vote for very long. his house returns in the next day or so under the rules of the, house if the motion, if they call a bush and to vacate, it has to happen within the next two days. that brings the question of where are the votes going to follow? this matt gaetz have the votes to remove speaker kevin mccarthy at this time? mccarthy sounds confident in his position. his response is quite literally to bring it. on matt gaetz's position is not especially popular within the house republican conference right now. one congressman, larry michaud of indiana said in a tweet, he is a charlatan. he is threatening to remove speaker mccarthy in at least 200 democratic. those he calls him hypocrites. he proclaimed that at least 200 house republicans will be voting to support the speaker, including me. if it's 200, that's not going to be enough. they are at 117 to save speaker mccarthy. it raises the question, what are democrats going to do? are -- they might bailout mccarthy after the vote to keep mccarthy open, they did not say, they said is not a conversation that democrats have had. they will cross that bridge when they get. there from my reporting, there are a number of democrats who were open to the conversation. they want to see if anything is enough for them. this is when you get to the push and pull. democrats decide to bail out speaker mccarthy for nothing, they would be opening themselves up to a primary challenge. think about that 30 seconds that the democratic voter seems to have mccarthy while he's impeaching president biden, the same speaker who is about to turn around, and spend millions of dollars to defeat them. in the next election. for mccarthy side, you, know if he ends up giving too much, if he gives democrats a seat at the table for serious governing positions, that would further weaken his position with the right. not only the far-right, but also the center-right. it would complicate his path going forward in terms of, you know, remaining in that job. so democrats are stepping in. they could potentially have the impact while vacationing. kevin mccarthy's partners speakership. either, way it's going to be a jigsaw puzzle to stay and solve. >> will they step in to save him? thank you. i want to bring in congressman wiley to talk more about this. you're on the hot, see congressman. things for joining us on this. we'll cross that bridge when we get to. with that bridges khamenei. just around the corner. it's happening, it, seems in the next 24 to 48 hours. i know speaker emerita pelosi has essentially advised democratic members of the house to follow the lead of hakeem jeffries, but also advising against necessarily getting end to in agreement with, and getting behind speaker mccarthy, where do you stand on this. are you going to support a motion to vacate this? >> it's great to be with you. let me just say, this whole matt gaetz thing, it's just like an episode, a a episode of the universally despised -- he is the u.s. congress. so i think we're seen somebody who is out for himself, but i welcome those conversations. i think those are great conversations that are going to be had with our leader, with hakeem jeffries. if it comes to, it i'm someone who is certainly open to having those conversations, if it'll help move the u.s. congress opened. in a bipartisan way. i think that's a great conversation to have. we've got to do big things, we have to pass immigration reform, we have to keep the governments lights on. we only have 45 days to do that. whatever brings us closer to getting this done, in a bipartisan way, i think it's a good conversation. >> has gates reached out to you? >> no, no. i don't talk to matt gaetz. >> are you going to vote in favor of a motion to vacate, or against? set or happy not decided yet? >> well i think, again, the question is what's the deal. you know, we're going to all look to our leader of hakeem jeffries to make sure that they have a fair deal. there is somebody who could be open to making that kind of vote if there is a good deal that gets this done. we have to do this for my constituents. again, that's funding ukraine, funding the federal governments, and doing real border security. i have to say i agree with my republican colleagues who want to cut the deficit so we have to take a stab at this too. >> take a stab at correct me i, you are open to assurances from speaker mccarthy to get on board with voting against the motion to vacate if he assures that he is going to fund ukraine. the follow-up, then, is, can you trust speaker mccarthy if he does give those assurances? >> i think what that probably looks like it is a new vote on a new rules package. the devil is in the details. you saw democrats united yesterday. we are a group united behind our leader. that is our strength in a body of 435 people. i think that is what clowns like matt gaetz don't realize. you have your strength here by settling your differences internally. >> let's talk about the timeline here, right? there are 45 days benow and when you need to get the funding done. the last time we had a government shutdownas 2018, 2019 went on all trump was trying to get his border wall funding across the finish line. what do you think can change between now in the november deadline? do you think it's feasible to get it done by then? >> absolutely. we have plenty of time to get it done. we had an agreement with the top lines for spending. democrats did not get all we wanted. republicans did not get all we wanted. we have an agreement. that is a good place to start for where we ought to be for funding and for spending. again, you know, get that countdown clock going because we are right back at it. we have to get something going that can pass the house and the senate and get signed by the president. that means we have to work together. >> as many americans know, if the government were to have shut down, many governments would continue to get paid. i know we had the no budget no pay act. it would hold members of congress financially accountable if they don't agree to a budget resolution on a timely basis. talk to us about this and how it would have changed things had this been in effect leading up to yesterday. >> yeah, we have to have some motivation for members of congress to do their job. what many folks were surprised to hear was that right now we could have had federal government employees getting no pay. the only people who still would have been getting their paycheck would have been members of congress. that's wrong. the bill it just says if we can't agree to top lines by april 15th, fund the government by the end of september. you are not going to get your pay. it is a motivation that we need. frankly, members of congress ought to be in the same boat as every other federal employee if we get into these kind of manufactured crises. we have to get this stuff done on time. >> let me also ask you about congressman jamal bowman. he was caught on camera pulling a fire alarm in the house office building. ease a statement yesterday. i want to or folks. as i was watching make a usually a door that is today it would not open. i am embarrassed to ahat i activated the fire alarm, mistakenly thinking he would the door. i regret this. i sincerely apologize for any confusion this cause. i want to be very clear, this was not me in any way trying to delay any vote. it was the exact opposite. i was trying to urgently get to a vote which i ultimately did and join my colleagues in a bipartisan effort to keep our government open. what's your reaction to this? do you think there should be further investigation as to why congressman bowman pulled this fire alarm and the timing in which he did? >> i take him at his word. he apologized. i'm standing right above the place where that happened. i'm going to go down and look as soon as i am done with the interview. it sounds like he made a mistake. i think all of this, though, is just a distraction for what really should have been the news yesterday, that 90 republicans did not support what the majority of republicans were doing in terms of keeping the federal government going. democrats were the ones who bailed out the plan. i think that really should be the conversation. if we are getting into members of congress, we are doing things they should not have. i think we should be talking about george santos as well. he's still here, amazingly. >> we have talked about george santos and what is happening. i have to ask you, congressman, would you have made the same mistake if you are rushing to make this vote and pulled the fire alarm because you thought it would open a door? is that something you think you would have done, that you would have confused congressman bowman as he is alleging in his statement? >> i have a different way to get to the floor. i'm pretty good at knowing how to get there. i got lost a lot as a freshman here. i know exactly where to go. i can say everybody was rushing to get to get to the floor. we were told about vote really quickly. maybe there is something there. you know, it is something that is smaller in the grand scheme of things. the bigger issues are the issues we have to face as congress in terms of keeping the government funded. >> congressman wiley nickel, thank, you sir. we appreciate it. >> thanks. >> we may be days away from the largest health care worker strike in our country's history. coming, up the latest in negotiations between kaiser and 75,000 members of its staff. plus, what some states are doing to help the parents scrambling to figure out childcare plans in a covid era federal assistance program. we will be right back. l assistance program we will be right back. we will be right back. this is american infrastructure, a prime target for cyberattacks. but the same ai-powered security that protects all of google also defends these services for everyone who lives here. ♪ the subway series menu is getting a new lineup of sandwiches - the deli heroes. there's fresh sliced turkey on the titan turkey. fresh sliced ham on the grand slam ham. five meats on the beast! and look at that double cheese! try subway's tastiest refresh yet. my frequent heartburn had me taking antacid after antacid all day long but with prilosec otc just one pill a day blocks heartburn for a full 24 hours. for one and done heartburn relief, prilosec otc. one pill a day, 24 hours, zero heartburn. he hits his mark —center stage—and is crushed by a baby grand piano. you're replacing me? 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>> yeah, yasmin. we are hearing from many of those folks that it's going to be really difficult. just to give you a lay of the land,we are talking about more than 43 million americans who still have federal student loan debt. data shows that the average person owes ound $20,000 to $25,000. it's expected the average monty payment will be somewhere around $200 a month. we are also hearing from a lot of folks who are barreling towards payments that are much larger than that. i want to talk about three people that i spoke with. jennifer hernandez is a 35 year old middle school counselor in the bronx. she is looking at payments of $650 a month,, despite being on an income driven repayment plan. i also spoke with kari who was 25 years old and a bradley who was 30 years old. both of them have six figure student loan debt. they are looking at payments of around $1,000 a month. i want you to just hear from these folks. >> it's frustrating. i never -- it's not that i didn't intend to pay it, because i do intend to pay my student loans. the amount was so high. it's frustrating that right now even with the save program i can't afford that. >> i'm lucky that i can live with my parents and i don't have to consider if i am going to pay for groceries this month or pay for the student loans. >> being so young and in so much debt for doing something that i thought was going to better my life, it has absolutely been the biggest regret of my life. >> for folks who are worried about how they are going to make the payments, experts say just check and make sure you know how much you owe and when the payments are due. yes, they are restarting today, but some folks might have a duty that is later in the month. they might have a bit more time. check and see if you qualify for one of those income based repayment plans and how much that amount could be. the other thing that experts are warning about is skims. there are people who are receiving calls and text messages saying, if you give us a fee upfront or a monthly fee, we will do away with all of your student loans immediately. folks should be wary of that. that's probably a scam. the last point i want to make is, because a lot of people are on social media saying, i'm just not going to pay my student loan, it's important to remember that while nonpayment is not going to impact your credit right now, the interest is going to continue to accrue. that amount you owe is going to continue to go up. it's best to try to connect with your loan servicer and see which options might be available to help you begin to make some sort of payment. yasmin? >> priscilla thompson, thank you. i appreciate it. that's not the only renewed economic challenge americans are facing. it's being dubbed the childcare cliff. you have the federal program providing childcare for millions of families. it has now expired. it has parents across the country scrambling to look for new ways to pay for this essential service. nbc's blaine alexander reports on why this is happening. >> how crucial is that childcare to having your family run smoothly? >> we depend on it 100%. i truly don't know what we would do if we did not have that. >> that center is now in jeopardy of closing for good. it's among the more than 220,000 childcare providers across the country which received 24 billion dollars in federal pandemic relief, money that, for the last two years, has helped keep the doors open. with that funding set to end september 30th, it could have a resounding impact. one report estimates more than 70,000 childcare providers who ever see that money could face possible closure. she la jolla listed director of the southwestern child of element commission which operates the hayesville center. >> we need childcare. we need it not only for the economic value of support in the workforce but we need it so that we send our youngest children to public school ready to learn. >> blaine, i want to bring in miriam calderon, policy director of the zero to three organization, to talk more about this. talk to me first, miriam, if you will, about the immediate impact of what may happen here. >> sure. absolutely. thanks for having me, jasmine. what you just saw is that federal funding was made available at the start of the pandemic. it has been allowed to expire as of last night. what we know is anybody who has to navigate the child care system in this country knows that it was hard to find before covid -- long waiting lists, unaffordable. that is still true. what this funding did was prevent a bad situation from getting much, much worse. this money went directly to childcare programs. the department of health and human services estimates that these funds reached more than 220,000 childcare providers, save more than 1 million early educator jobs, and allowed for continued care for more than 9 million children. this money is still a much needed to be able to stabilize childcare businesses. we know that when childcare is open and strong, it's good for families and children and our economy and businesses. childcare is the work which helps everyone else work. >> the issue is, this has been happening for quite some time. . this was happening well before covid as well. there was not subsidized child care for individuals who could not afford to get help with their children. washington who are trying to write to this problem. i want to read a quote from an nbc article. cric members of congress introducls ts year to expand l subsidies for childcare provid and create federally fued but locally run childce centers. republav resisted cont the pandemic-era funding initially meant to be just temporary relief. how do you find a solution to a problem which was not just created by the pandemic and not just created by covid but has been persistent in this country for a very long time? >> absolutely. that is a great question. first, we need to act quickly and immediately to be able to stabilize the sector. the childcare sector is still down 40,000 jobs since before covid. we know that the pandemic-era funding really helps childcare businesses be able to recruit and retain staff, really increase the wages a child care workers. childcare can't run without staff. early educators make less than a living wage. we need to be able to get that funding continued. fortunately, there is a legislation introduced in the senate, the childcare stabilization act, which would provide this immediate funding and address the funding which has expired as of last night. that money is needed to get to the vast majority of childcare businesses so we can really address this a workforce crisis and this workforce shortage. long term, we need to find and work together across the aisle on a bipartisan basis to be able to find those longer term solutions. we know that this issue is really important for families. zero to three has done polling with families. nine out of ten families want congress to focus old child care. these are families in red states and blue states. this is an issue which is supported by families on both sides of the aisle. >> this is from the euro u.s. bureau of labor statistics. childcare workers back in 2021 made on average $13.22 per hour, a total of $27,490 a year. they take care of the most important people in our lives, our children. miriam, thank you so much. i appreciate it. >> thank you. >> at the top of the hour, we're live on capitol hill with the next big drama, whether the vote that forced kevin mccarthy to rely on democrats will cost him his speakership. up first, though, what we are learning about the investigation into a deadly multi vehicle crash and toxic chemical leak which unfolded in central illinois. i will be right back. central illiisno i will be right back i will be right back this is spring semester at fairfield-suisun unified. they switched to google tools for education because there's never been a reported ransomware attack on a chromebook. now they're focused on learning knowing that their data is secure. 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Sandwiches , Meats , Cheese , Titan Turkey , Grand Slam , The Beast , Mark , Center Stage , Thyroid Eye Disease , Liberty , Save , Baby Grand Piano , Mustache , Liberty Bibberty , Eyes , Curse , Agoed , Onla , Stilltreatted Com , Mattresses , Purple , Rejuvenated , Pains , Aches , Visit Purple Com , Payment , Student Loan Debt , Student Loan Repayments , Pandemic , Many , Borrower , Inflation , Interest Rates , Payback Resumption , Monthly Payment , Houston , Brink , Tens , Data , Hound , Lay Of The Land , 20000 , 43 Million , 0000 , Jennifer Hernandez , Monty Payment , Somewhere , Barreling , 35 , 00 , Income , Bradley , Kari , Middle School Counselor , Repayment Plan , The Bronx , 25 , 650 , Both , 1000 , 000 , Amount , Save Program , Debt , Groceries , Experts , Duty , Saying , Repayment , Messages , Skims , Text , Warning , Fee , Student Loan , Scam , Loan Servicer , Nonpayment , Options , Sort , Childcare Cliff , Nbc , Essential Service , Ways , Country Scrambling , Blaine 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