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At his mothers place got the news he had been dreading. They said she is gone. Shes no longer with us. The worst news possible. After Running On Empty for days, after trying to stay strong for his shattered family, and the absorbed the blow, was the familys stoic public face, at least, he said, they knew. I am glad that it didnt take forever and ever. The police didnt tell the lloyds all that they knew, just that they had an unnamed suspect in custody. It wasnt until andy and his cousin turned on the radio the next day that they learned the identity of the suspect. They said his name and i thought, oh, no. And then they explained his position and who he was, and i said oh shock wasnt big enough word. This was news that would explode like a bomb. This is the story of the century for us. Everybody hit the ground running saying, boys this is the biggest story we will have. It was winter dark when the break came. That Police Roadblock outside of jess lloyd been a coincidence. The driver was Canadian Forces colonel Russell Williams heading home after a day at the trenton airbase. In fact, williamss Base Commander, for the men of the driver seat was a celebrated, decorated military big league, reputation impeccable. So, he asked him a question or two and let him go on his way. But also, they put a tail on him. Just in case. But this guy couldnt be the suspect, not possible. Lucy critch could have told him that. Critch is a retired sergeant who once worked for colonel williams. I have never seen colonel williams ever conduct himself inappropriately or an professionally, never. Those cops couldve had assurance of his character from the men who might have known him the best. Theyre Three Friends in my life that have been close friends, gotten into my inner circle, come to my family and that, russell was one of them. As close as they get . Yes, as close as they get. Jeff met Russell Williams when he was 19, it was the first day of college, toronto. They were assigned to the same residence where jeff discovered he was living with a controlling neat freak. I started calling him a couple of names like drill sergeant, mother goose, that kind of thing. Didnt last. Before long they were buddies, close buddies who shared an offbeat sense of humor. He was associated with the residence life. Like what . When youre sitting at your desk studying or you just went to bed and looking back those are all fun memories. I have a lot of fun memories of russ and his high jinx. Russ, he was call that was the athletes a dedicated jogger. He kept his room remarkably clean. Folded his laundry just so. Rarely talked about family, rarely visited them either, his parents were divorced. And for a college kid, he was extraordinarily self disciplined. Obsessively. If i got him to come over for beer and Chicken Wings it was exactly two beers, i never saw him have more, never seen him intoxicated. And as soon as we got home, he will take out the change in his wallet and see how much he spent. When russ was done by his first big love, he top gun. I was concerned when he kept playing the top gun movie, it was all about getting the girl back. Getting the girl and flying the plane. So maybe it shouldnt have come as a surprise when after college, with an economics and Political Science degree in hand, russ confided he wanted to join the air force. There was no way i wouldve guessed he wanted to go in the military knowing what he was studying. In fact when graduation came, i said to him so what are you gonna do now, russ . He said, you know, im gonna go into the air force. I was dumbfounded. I said, why the hell did you do all this . He did a pretty lofty degree, four year, at u of t, thats nothing to sneeze at, not that im putting the military down but i thought there was another route to get there, maybe a little easier. But he said, no, i really want to fly. And he did. Joined the Canadian Forces at 1987, earned his wings in 1990. And up he went. Captain in 91, major in 99. Lieutenant colonel in 2004. I would describe him as a great boss. Lucy critch started working for williams in 2004, he was quadrant commander than. She, his squadrant load master. I never saw colonel williams upset. He was just very lowkey, very even. And he was easily approachable. And not half bad as a pilot. We didnt bump and jump when we landed. He knew his job, he knew it well. By then, williams was flying canadas top leaders. In 2005, he ferried the queen of england around. His buddy jeff was hugely impressed when he saw a few autographed pictures in william s office. I pulled it off the wall and i said, are you kidding me . And i said, did you meet the queen . He said yeah, i met the queen. So, here i am feeling like a goof because im making a big deal out of it and hes thinking its just my job. Just the sort of modesty that becomes a Standout Officer with an impeccable record and a big future. By 2007, williams was working for the Commanding Officer of the countrys air force, lieutenant angus watts, now retired. He worked hard he did his job well, provided good advice and he did good staff work for what whenever i needed it. We wish you the very best for your life together. But he had a life too. Jeff got married, russ william was the mc. When russ himself got married in 1991, a small affair in an art gallery, jeff was there to mc for him. Jeff liked his wife mary elizabeth, mary liz to friends. She was a classy lady. So, very classy and intelligent. Fun to be with too. I thought it was a good match. Over the years, jeff said, she clearly learned to laugh about her husbands obsessive behavior. Jeff remembers going to their house one night for dinner. Russ was taking our jackets at the front door, and i opened the closet door and in there were all these jackets, mary liz and russ and i swear to you they were all lined up with an inch of each other. And it was a thing of beauty, i thought it was a men shop or something. I threw my jacket, i said for god sakes, you do it. Mary liz laughed and said, i told you, jeff. Let him do it. Russ and Mary Liz Gardened and golf together, they didnt have kids, a cat instead in a home in orleans. She worked long hours as a senior official at the heart and Stroke Foundation of canada. In 2004, after 13 years of marriage, russ and mary liz bought a second home by a lake in tweed. Jeff was invited up immediately before the deal even closed. As he remembers it, russ was taking photos that day as he did during almost every visit. Boom, out came the camera. He set up on the tripod, we had some self portraits, so photos done. Photography had been williams passion for decades. He loved to shoot landscapes, birds. And then, stored the lot meticulously. He showed the set up to jeff. I really felt it was a well organized photo lab, a personal museum of photos. By 2009, as far as jeff could tell though russ and his wife were increasingly living separate lives during the week, they seemed happy. Two professionals who went their separate ways . They both had careers pulling them in Different Directions but i think they made it work. Then came the night when colonel williams was pulled over in that roadblock. That night for the first time, investigators began scrutinizing the decorated colonel. Could he be their suspect, the man responsible for the disappearance of Jessica Lloyd . And what about the other times nearby, the murder of the military woman. The two sex assaults in could this man be responsible for those crimes . Could this respected Military Leader be thatch monster . Soon the loved friend, the respected boss, the military man with the glittering resume would reveal his true self in a remarkable and disturbing encounter. Cop and colonel, that would reverberate across the entire country. Coming up. Have you ever been interviewed in a room like this . On camera and under pressure the colonel gets a chance to clear his name. Can he . What would you be willing to give me today to help me get in this investigation . What do you need . When dateline continues. You need sinex saline from vicks. Just sinex, breathe, ahhhh what is wow sinex. Breathe. Ahhhhhh rsv can severely affect the lungs and lower airways. But im protected with arexvy. Arexvy is a vaccine used to prevent lower Respiratory Disease from rsv in people 60 years and older. Rsv can be serious for those over 60, including those with asthma, diabetes, copd, and certain other conditions. But im protected. 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It was a week after jessica it was a week after Jessica Lloyds disappearance lloyds disappeared from her home in the canadian city of belleville, 2010, when investigators at the Highway Roadblock identified a suspect. But when they saw his uniform, mindblowing. The man whose tire treads turned up next to jessicas house was colonel Russell Williams, commander they kept an eye on him for a couple of days, did their homework and then invited colonel williams to the Police Station for an interview. Would he agreed to come . He did. As you can see this room is videotaped, audiotaped. Okay. Have you ever been interviewed by the police in a room like this before . I have never been in a room like this. Williams sounds comfortable. His interrogator is jim smith of the Ontario Provincial Police, he tells the colonel about the continuing search for jessica loyd. He is gracious, welcoming. Russell, i appreciate you coming in, an investigation like this, you can appreciate that it has been big news. Notice it is just russell not colonel williams. Thats why were here on the sunday afternoon. I appreciate it. Ex profiler craig has watched the tape of the interrogation and is impressed. The first thing he does, the detective, does is gives Russell Williams the respect Russell Williams thinks he deserves but also places himself at the same level at someone that Russell Williams can respect. He is not subservient . The detective goes to work tells williams the police or talking to him about two murders, and two sexual assaults. Its a matter of proximity, they tell him. The murder of Jessica Lloyd because the colonel drove past her house on his way to work, be and the two sexual assaults because both happened a short walk from the colonel second home in tweed, a place he used during the week. Whether williams knows it or not the detective is following a playbook that has been tweaked and tweaked again. Essentially but there was a connection between you and all four of those cases. Would you agree . I drive past yes, i would say there is a connection, yes. Now, the details. Where was williams the day jessica loyd was reported missing . Friday, i was at home, most of the day i had a stomach flu. In ottawa or tweet . Tweet. Now to the murder of the corporal, under his command. The day that marie do you member how you found out . Got sent an email, well, as soon as the of staff on the base learned, they told me. Okay. I can remember what they of the week are talking about, but, yes, obviously, when one of your people gets killed, it gets your attention. And how did you know Marie France Cuomo . Ive only met her once. She was on a crew i was on. Next, the detective asks williams again, politely, respectfully, for his dna. What would you be willing to give me today to help me move passed you in this investigation . What do you need . Well, do you mind supplying things like fingerprints, blood samples, things like that. Sure. Footwear impressions . Yes. Okay. Williams now sounds a little apprehensive. And i assume you will be discreet . It is possible. Yes. Because this would have a Significant Impact on the base if they thought i did this. The noose is tightening, the Detective Offers Williams and out. Would there be some innocent explanation, he asks, to connect him to those victimized women . Is there any contact that you may have had with any of those for women that you would not want your wife to be aware of . Anything like that that we should know about to try and explain why for if they are firing just, to help us understand . Absolutely not. Not in the home of the murdered victim for. Have you ever visited marie france comeau at her residence . No. Okay. All right, your positive there would be no reason why your dna would be at the locations . Absolutely. Did you know Jessica Lloyd even in passing, for any reason . No, i didnt hear her name until it was on the news. Okay. Now, a big reveal from the detective. It is time to bring in the tire treads. Williams has no idea the cops have them. Four i think, toyota, i dont know the model. I will bring this to you, to see if it brings a bell. Have you ever heard of toil open country . Yes. Now william knows they have something on him. Theres no room for ambiguity in Russell Williams world. What the detective does is he puts the information in a very structured, concrete, honest way. Russell williams knows the facts better than anyone in the case. Russell williams is a very intelligent man. He pauses before each and every response, he thinks things through. The detective allow him to do this. Next, the detective gets an important denial from williams. His pathfinder with its toyota tires, has it ever been in that field . Your pathfinders Wheel Base Width is very close to the width of the tires that were left in that field, okay . Do you have any recollection at all of being off the road . I was not off the road. What he is doing is building each fact that he presents builds on the fact before. And he allows Russell Williams to process each and every fact. And with each fact that is set before him, Russell Williams inches towards the abyss. He just doesnt know it yet. Coming up. But this detective does. Marie comeaus body has been matched to you, before the evening is over. When dateline continues. Or older and own your ho me, you could access your equity to improve your lifestyle. A reverse Mortgage Loan eliminates your monthly Mortgage Payments and puts taxfree cash in your pocket. Call the number on your screen. It was the best thing ive ever done, and really . Yes, without a doubt just like these folks, aag can show you how a reverse Mortgage Loan uses your builtup home equity to give you taxfree cash. Its a good thing. Why dont you get the facts . Like these folks did. [narrator] call right now to receive your free, noobligation info kit. Call the number on your screen. Here they are, the highflying Base Commander and one careful, soft spoken detective for the Ontario Provincial Police. Here they are, the high five there are three cameras in the Interview Room Base Commander and one careful softspoken detective. There is a lot of tension in the Interview Room. We talked about why youre here, trying to be as discreet as possible. The minutes tick past four hours, head for five. Colonel williams doesnt know it yet. But he is going down tonight. Have you spend much time thinking about that . As he sits in this room, officers are in his home in Tweed Searching for evidence. Theyre in the swank newly renovated town house in ottawa that he and his house have moved into, a point out will soon make a difference. Now, detective Sergeant Jim Smith lets williams know that mr. Nice guy is done. The tone changes. The problem is, russell every time i walk out of this room there is another issue that comes up, okay . It is not issues that point away from you, its issues that point at you, okay . The detective has already let williams know the tire treads on his suv or the same treads found near Jessica Lloyds house. He shows him the boot prince found behind the house, its obvious they match the prince of his boots, the very boots he is wearing in this Interview Rooms. Your vehicle, which drove up the side of jessica loyds house. Your boots walked to the back of jessica loyds house on the evening of the 28th, 29th of january. Okay . You want to discretion. We need to have some honesty, okay . Because this is getting out of control really fast, russell. Okay . Really, really fast. This is getting beyond my control. Right . I came in here a few hours ago. And i called you the way i called you today because i want to give you the benefit of the doubt, you and i both know you were at Jessica Lloyds house. And i need to know why. Williams is busted. But not yet ready to admit it. So smith ratchets up the pressure. You and i both know that the unknown offender on murray france comeaus body is going to be matched to you, quite possibly before the evening is over. He gives williams time to think. Your opportunity to take some control here and to have some explanation that anybody is going to believe is quickly expiring. And then he turns up the heat, again. Russell, listen to me for a second, okay . That evidence comes in, its going to be a match, when somebody walks on this door, or the phone rings, your credibility is gone. Okay . This is how credibility works, all right . I know youre an intelligent person and you dont need to hear this explanation but i also know your mind is racing right now, okay . I sat across a lot of people in your position over the years. The detective plays to the colonel self image. Imagine how people are going to view you, okay . If the truth comes out after the clear evidence, is presented to you when you finally go okay, im screwed now. He gets to the point, building a constant theme of sort of doing the right thing. How do you want to be viewed here . The former fbi investigator behavioral analyst. Im doing everything i can for you, how do you want to be viewed . How do you want to be viewed as the Driving Force of this mans life. Its hard to believe this is happening. Why is that . Why is it hard to believe . Long silences now. Williams is cornered. Its just hard to believe. And then, this. My immediate to concerns is what my wife must be going through right now. Yeah. And the impact this is going to have on the Canadian Forces. And one more thing. What are you looking for . Im concerned that they are tearing apart my wifes brandnew house. So am i. But if nobody tells them what is there, whats not, they dont have any choice. The confession is coming. It is right around the corner. I want to minimize the impact on my wife. So do i. So what do we do now . Well, start by telling the truth. Okay. Where she . Here it comes. Three little words. Got a map . Got a map, so he could show detectives where he dumped Jessica Lloyds bound body. Four hours after they sat down, williams has cracked. Thanks to the skill of one patient, persistence detective. He allowed Russell Williams to arrive at the decision himself, he allowed Russell Williams to feel as if you have some control. Even though he didnt. But williams was only getting started, he would talk for almost six more hours that night alone, spilling his guts, telling everything. Directing the police to find troves of evidence in his homes, bags and bags of womens underwear. Tapes hidden in a piano in the tweed place. Thousands of photographs he coming up, on the job with a killer. He is smiling, laughing, completely at ease, he didnt feel anxious over what he did. Did the mask ever slip . When dateline continues. Growing. I had 14 rounds of chemo. Theres thousands and thousands of kids all over the world who need help. Subject 2 it is my first time having cancer. And its the very worst. Crew this september, you can join the battle to save lives during Childhood Cancer Awareness Month by supporting saint Jude Childrens Research hospital. Subject 3 its scary to watch your kid battle and fight for their lives. Crew one in five children diagnosed with cancer in the us will not survive. Subject 4 Childhood Cancer is hard. Its a long road. You just have to give. You have to give someone that hope and especially with them being so young. 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Only from xfinity. Im Richard Louis with you home of the xfinity 10g network. Ares top stories, on friday new yorks governor declared a State Of Emergency as new york city was hit with devastating flash flooding, Street Subway stations and airports were all heavily flooded with jfk airport reporting its what is day on record. In georgia, scott hall became the first of the 18 defendants charge alongside former President Donald Trump to plead guilty in the Georgia Election interference case, his Misdemeanor Play was in exchange for cooperation, potential testimony against his fellow codefenders. Now, back to dateline. Ateline. Commander of canadas largest it was stunning news. Got commander of canadas Standout Officer, pilot to a Prime Minister and a queen, a rapist and killer . Two murders, two sex assault, and he actually videotaped himself raping and killing. The name, colonel Russell Williams ricocheted across the nation. A wave of disbelief followed. I just cannot connect colonel williams with Russell Williams, the deviant. After all, this was the man who supervised canadas Supply Missions to afghanistan, and that nations Disaster Relief flights to haiti after its earthquake. His friend jeff heard the news and threw up. Cant be, couldnt be. I just it didnt make any sense at all. But it was true, the friend he thought he knew had carefully, obsessively recorded his depraved double life on thousands of photographs. Here he was, a highly regarded officer by day, a lingerie thief and worse, far worse, by night. You look at this individual and say, how could he lead this double life . Craig, former fbi agent. Russell williams is somebody who everything he did was compartmentalized, was categorized. Not just in his behavior but in his thoughts. Williams double life began in september 2007, the lingerie rates, the first one here and ideally cozy lane in tweed, larry jones home turf. Soon larry jones daughter near home was broken into, she, surprised the intruder he, ran. Not far. Because Russell Williams second home was right there on cozy cove too right next to larry jones. Once williams was arrested Police Called larrys daughter, gave her the news. The whole family was astounded. No clue that it could be him, we trusted this guy next door. Typically, williams told police, he would break into an unlocked door, a window. He would head to the bedrooms, try on female underwear, photograph himself wearing it. He would steal keepsakes which he would photograph later at home in meticulously ordered displays. In essence, Russell Williams was creating his own pornography collection, in which he was the star. That collection was buried in williams computer in a complex file folders system, the lurid photos timed and date stamped, every offense logged, every location noted. He could go back and look at it. Relive . It would relive it over and over, as he is doing this the fantasies become stronger, and stronger. And the acting out has to escalate. Because the tension is greater . The tension is greater. And so now the risk taking. Part of Russell Williams postulate each rucker is one in which he adheres to rules, regulations, part of it is a feeling of powerlessness, even though he is in a position of great power. He had worked the area near his tweet home for eight months with impunity, virtually all his breakins had gone undetected. Then william started with his other neighborhood, new orleans. He committed the first of two dozen breakins in the spring of 2009, some owners had never knew they were burglarized. Remember brenda costa teen . They knew. Williams broke into their house in january 2009, left his semen in their daughters bedroom. This is now into an arena of showing you, i have been in your home. I can come in here anytime that i want. It was just completely shocking and horrible and you dont even want to think about it. Then came july 2009, colonel Russell Williams took over the top job at canadas biggest air force base, in charge of some 3000 people, cleared by all manner of security checks. By then get broken into more than 40 different homes in orleans and tweed, some, multiple times. Occasionally he would enter a home stark naked. Here is williams later that summer presiding over one of the many ceremonies part of his duties as the face of the base. I understand that there are challenges, i congratulate the members of the squadron. As he spoke, his secret behaviors were about to escalate to rape and murder. In september, williams flew a Supply Mission to a Remote Canadian base in the arctic with a local official. He returned to his tweed home on september 16th. That night he committed his first sexual assault. Very impressive. Each day he presided over a publicity stunt, the strongman calling a huge plane over the tarmac, attempting to break a Guinness World record. They have decided to dedicate the Upcoming Season to the men and women here. Days later he cheerfully fielded reporters question at a local hockey arena. I think i would have the opportunity to drop the puck. A week later the second sexual assault, a neighbor three doors down. On october 29th, the same day police hold larry jones away for the sex assaults. He was photographed at a book signing at the base. And two weeks after that, he broke into their farmhouse, left that message on the computer, urging her to call the cops. I would imagine for Russell Williams it was the ultimate feeling of power, probably quite exhilarating for him. I think that night i was a target. And his crimes escalated. He went from her house, next was the murder. One week later the murder of Marie France Cuomo, she was williams subordinate he had access to her personal files, her address, her schedule, the day marie friends cuomos body was discovered, he was taking part in a fundraiser called jail and bail charged with being too young for being a he took part in a mock arrest. He is smiling, completely at ease, he didnt feel anxious over what he did. As Base Commander williams sent sincere condolences to maries grieving family and then he welcomed to the base. January 2010 Disaster Relief operations sending aid to haiti after its earthquake, williams oversaw the effort, hosted canadas Defense Minister on a tour of haitianbound supplies one praised for his handling. Days later broke into Jessica Lloyds house, took her back to his place in tweed thats where he murdered her after hours of torture. And then left for work, left her body in his garage. While her body was lying in his garage, he drives to the air force base, gets into an airplane and flies in to california, how is that even possible . He has a complete lack of anxiety in that sense because once that tension is reduced from acting out he is fine. So, what was to be done with such a man . Canadians would find out soon enough. Coming up. But would they ever find out the answer to this question . Have you spent much time thinking about that . About what . Could there possibly be an answer . When dateline continues. Y wash, otherwise the flakes will come back. Hes right, you know. Is that tiny troy . The ingredients in head and shoulders keep the microbes that cause flakes at bay. Microbes, really . Theyre always on your scalp. Little rascals. But good news, theres no itchiness, dryness or flakes down here i love tiny troy. Hes the best. Make every wash count little help, please. When disgraced Canadian Military man Russell Williams when disgraced canadian went to court in the fall of 2010 military man Russell Williams went to court in the fall of 2010 for what was called a Sentencing Hearing it was Headline News across canada. He was brought to court each day, handcuffed, head bound. There was never any doubt about the outcome of this hearing. Williams had decided to plead guilty to all 88 charges against him. There was never any doubt either about the sentence in a country with no death penalty. Williams would be locked up for years and years to come. The detective inspector Chris Nicolas of the Ontario Provincial Police led the investigation and went to court each day. The nation is getting a good dose of reality, just how evil people can be. But there were those who had already had their dose of reality. Still so hard to get around that fact that we were in that much danger and didnt even know it. Evil had touched them. It is about being with darted, you know. And, change their lives, forever. She tried to tell him i am a good person, let me live, he didnt listen. During the fourday hearing, the evidence was on display day after day, those pictures, that blank stare, the last pleading words of his victims. And on screens nationwide that Confession Tape on which the killer recites his evil acts as if they were a trip to the grocery store. Like what he did to jessica loyd, even as she begged him, if i die, tell my mother i love her. Well, i raped her in her house and then i took her to the car and took her to tweed. And spend the day in tweed and i hit her as we were walking. She thought we were leaving. I hit her in the back of the head. The murder of marie friends cuomo, same, matteroffact. Same tone. I subdued her. Tied her up, brought her upstairs and strangled her. I suffocated her. Had some tape, left her there. The details were horrific, how she fought back, how viciously he beat her before he raped her and the final obscenity, videotaped her death. What in heavens name was he thinking . The detective tried to understand. Let me ask you this, did you like or dislike these women . I didnt know any of them. Okay. I had met mary france that one time in the airplane. And jessica, she was there with you for the whole day, right . What kind of feelings were you experiencing while you were with her that day . She was a very nice girl. Do you know why you killed her . Why think i killed her . I knew her story would be recognized. Because she knew i was taking pictures. So because of the stories in tweed so if you didnt take pictures, what would you have done with her . I dont know. Williams was given to Life Sentences to be served concurrently. No chance of parole for 25 years, at least. And so they carded him off to prison and finally the canadian public could let it go. The Russell Williams horror story had finally come to an end. But not for everyone. Jeff wanted answers, he was convinced something happened to push his old friend over the edge, perhaps it was something that had to do with the medication williams was taking, perhaps it was stress. He didnt contact his old buddy immediately after the story broke but he did consider visiting him in jail. Russ is still a friend of mine, i hate the crimes but i dont hate russ. The Canadian Forces took care of some business after williams was sentenced, his commission was rescinded, a very big deal, and his uniform was burned. What the former Commanding Officer of the air force, and guess what says williams deserved it. We take our honor very seriously in the military and he betrayed that honor so profoundly, i dont see much room for most military people to forget that betrayal. As for ann cook, she believes she was given a second chance, she and howard married in 2013, but she cant leave her past behind. I havent written, i havent painted, i havent done anything. Im just living day by day. It will come back, im sure of that. I have no worries, but now i feel like if it comes out, it might just be a scream, a scream that goes forever. In the ottawa suburb of orleans, there is a new wariness, or so it seems. So many breakins here, for Brenda Konstantin and brian rogers what matters now is telling their story so that no teenage girl is targeted as there was. No child should have to go through that hearing the stories is one thing but having the experience, living it is another thing. And knowing that he murdered two victims after that, how horrible could that be . Andy lloyd has his good days and bad, he still struggles with an evil he cant fathom, and the question, why . She was my only sister, i will never have any nieces and nephews from my lloyd side, i wont. He thinks of his murray france every day, Russell Williams stole from him to, a wonderful woman and a hole he had. I always had the hope at the back of my head was, i was always hoping that she would come back one day to me. Not now, not ever. The colonel, of course, claimed another victim during his murders run, his wife. Merrill is a bit herman has yet to speak publicly, it has been widely reported in canada she had no idea of her husbands double life, she filed for divorce after he pleaded guilty. As for the former colonel, he was sent first to canadas Kingsley Penitentiary later to a prison in quebec, locked away for years to come. So there will be time for Russell Williams, the man who ran the big important base to contemplate the question to detective asked him in that perilous room. Why do you think these things happen . I dont know. Have you spent much time thinking about that . About why . Yes. Yeah. But i dont have any answers. And im pretty sure the answers dont matter. They may not, to him. But for those who lost a sister, a daughter, a lover, a friend, for those he violated, for those whose piece he stole, the question will echo until the end of time. I have moderate to severe crohns disease. Now, theres skyrizi. Things are looking up ive got Symptom Relief Control of my crohns means everything to me. Control is everything to me. Feel significant Symptom Relief with skyrizi, including less abdominal pain and fewer Bowel Movements at 4 weeks. Skyrizi is the first and only il23 inhibitor for crohns that can deliver both clinical remission and endoscopic improvement. The majority of people on skyrizi achieved long lasting remission at 1 year. Serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. Tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to. Liver problems may occur in crohns disease. Ask your gastroenterologist how you can take control of your crohns with skyrizi. 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I would give anything for christian to be here. They were new to college,

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