Transcripts For MSNBCW The 20240703 :

Transcripts For MSNBCW The 20240703

impeached twice including once for trying to illegally remain in power, a star who is been indicted in four different jurisdictions and faces a minimum of 91 charges, a star preparing for six scheduled criminal and civil trials over the next nine months while running for the 2024 republican presidential nomination, a star who has not been hurt politically by any of this at all. a recent wall street journal poll of republicans pushed donald trump's support at 59%, a full 46 percentage points higher than second place ron desantis. it actually kicks off in atlanta on wednesday, arraignment a for the 19 defendants in the case helmed by fulton county dna fani willis. trump and 11 codefendants way for the right to appear in court. trump also pleaded not guilty to 13 criminal counts. not only that, trump has requested to sever his case from other codefendants seeking a speedy trial like this guy, not that guy, but like his former attorney ken cheeseborough who is set to go to trial. the trump claims that proposed october date is too soon to mount a defense. adding to the drama, former white house chief of staff, that guy, mark meadows, is waiting to hear if his georgia case will get bumped to federal court and the georgia special grand jury report is set to be released on friday. joining me now, brandon buck, msnbc political analyst, former communications director for former house speaker paul ryan, and former prosecco terry to former house speaker john boehner and shannon mccaffrey, editor of grand jury coverage at the atlanta journal-constitution and basil michael junior, democratic strategist and director of the public policy program at hunter college. thank you all very much for coming to the sunday show. we're going to start with you. several fulton county defendants are being tried separately. how might the judge decide whether to split the cases? >> yeah, this is turning into quite the game of musical chairs. you have to defendants, ken cheeseborough and sidney powell, who have both asked to go first. at the other end, you have donald trump who is going to do his best to slow things down. his attorneys will be happy to delay this until well after the 2024 elections. it is going to be very, very interesting to see what this judge, we have barely heard from yet, he's only been on the bench for six months and years young and we don't have much of a record on him, we're going to be very interested to see how he slices and dice is the case. some of that could have a lot to do with what we hear from federal court as well. will some of these cases be taken to federal court? will that mean all of the cases be taken to federal court? i think we should learn a lot this week. >> how likely is it that we will see more defendants try on october 23rd along with cheeseborough? >> it's hard to say. it does seem that the judge doesn't want to have 19 different trials here. the dea had said all along that she, her plan was to try to keep all of these folks together. she exclaimed that one of the reasons she likes the riddle law is that it allows the jurors to see the totality of the case, not just one point of view, but the totality, all of it together. i think she is going to fight really hard to get the defendants tried together. i think we're going to learn a lot this week. we're going to hear from a judge mcafee. i expect we will hear the ruling from the federal court. some pieces might come into better focus as we get more information. >> do you think having that severance requested nine, if it is denied, will that convinced some of the defendants to flip? >> even trump's severance request? is that what you are saying? >> yes, a lot of these folks want -- some of these folks -- >> everyone wants to be severed. it is the popular thing to do right now. [laughter] i don't know. i think that trump, it will be interesting to see if folks want to be tried separately from trump. he is the one who could be slightly toxic to a fulton county jury poll, at least. some people want to put as much distance between themselves in the former president as they can. it's difficult to say. we don't have a good read on this judge yet. fani willis is going to fight her darndest to keep as many of these cases together actually can. >> brandon, governor kemp broke with fellow republicans by not going along with their efforts to impeach d a fani willis and accuse them of engaging in political theater. what's that about? >> really remarkable. brian kemp has continue to be a different type of republican egg different type of governor. he's standing on the side of what is obviously right andrew all along without worrying about what donald trump is going to do. this goes back a long way. brian kemp and donald trump have clashed quite a bit over the long term. donald trump has tried to defeat brian kemp in a primary. there is no love lost their. with brian kemp as shown is that if you stand up and demonstrate your values and morals and communicate them very clearly people will respect that and back you. as much as donald trump is going to still win the nomination in their or the primary there, georgia is brian kemp country much more than it is donald trump country. it just shows you what potentially could have been if more republican governors and elected officials had acted in that way. it probably could be a different dynamic right now. >> four and, in usa today reports trump's super pac is running out of money for his legal defense. his key fund has spent nearly all of the more than $150 million it raised and is sitting on less than $4 million. does this mean folks are, are not giving like they used to or that the super pac is spending money to defend way too many people? >> it's probably more the latter. i don't think donald trump is going to run out of money. i think what it shows you is that everyone and donald trump's political world revolves around what is familiar and good to him, not just the party or the elections. it's a selfish operation. it always has been. i don't think donald trump is ever going to run out of money. this is probably a pretty weak campaign apparatus going into a general election. obviously, the ones that were discussed in here. if donald trump continues to be distracted and more focused on keeping himself out of jail, that does not position your -- he might have a weak campaign apparatus, but with each indictment, trump only grows his lead. can anyone really stop him? >> no one is really trying to stop him. that's what's so frustrating. we don't really have much of a campaign, to be honest. i think that is what you are seeing. even as donald trump is clearly the front runner here, no one is really emerging as an alternative and no one is acting like they want to take him on. they are all in relatively self preservation mode. the front runner is going to win. it's as simple as that. it's too late for anything else to change at this point. they have had a bunch of pitches right over the middle to hit and they all took a pass on them. he got indicted time and time again and no one did anything about it. those are the biggest moments. he's going to have all of our intention. nothing is over until it is over, but it feels pretty over to me. >> same question to you but with a twist. with each indictment, trump grows his lead over the republican field. should democrats be careful for what they wish for it having trump as biden's 2024 opponent? p as bid>> you know, it's interg because there have been questions about which gop member would be the preferred candidate, preferred opponent for joe biden. owing to what has been said already about the impact that trump has had on the party, in my view, trump is on the ballot. it doesn't really matter which candidate emerges, whether it's donald trump or any other gop candidate. trump is on the ballot. that's what has to be defeated. i think that given what you have seen from democrats so far, a more engaged conversation with voters about the economy, you see unity among democrats across the country. there are a ton of younger democratic candidates for office in current officeholders who have the ability to be surrogates for the party on a whole host of issues. i think that democrats are in a good position to run against donald trump or whoever the gop ends up putting to the forefront. i make this other quick point that was raised a minute ago. imagine if donald trump's lead stays this significant through the next several weeks and months going into the first primary. there is a potential for us to not see donald trump to beat anybody in the entire primary cycle. what does that say about, number one, whether republican party is but also how difficult it is going to be for any of the potential alternatives for trump to breakthrough? i think those disaffected republicans, if you, will in those independents, i think they are going to be in a strong position. >> they might not see donald trump because a lot of the time he's going to be in a courtroom. [laughter] just to put a point on it. basil, trump's trial in atlanta is going to be must watch tv. president biden has been content to remain silent throughout trump's travails. should he continue to do that? is there a way for him to engage without looking like he is politicizing the proceedings? >> if you have ever work for an elected official, they would say they don't want to get involved unless -- don't want to look like they are influencing it. i think there is some opportunity for joe biden to speak to some issues. if something is startling, something we haven't heard before, it addresses this larger narrative that democrats are going to push forward about protecting democracy. outside of that, i think he stays out of the free. let some of the other party leaders do that. i think jeopardy leaders can do that. i think he would be fantastic at doing this. i think they can make that case and use it to raise money and use it to talk to voters about republican opponents in general elections down ballot. joe biden himself stays out of the fray and's presidential. >> right. when your opponent is digging a hole, the political axiom is to not help them. battles michael jr., shannon mccaffrey, run in book, thank you all for coming to the sunday show. bill richardson, the former governor of new mexico, ambassador to the united nations and energy secretary under president bill clinton, has died. a statement from the richardson center said he died in his sleep friday. for the past three decades, richardson traveled the globe helping to negotiate and secure the release of americans imprisoned overseas. last month, richardson was nominated for a nobel peace prize for his work helping detained americans. most recently, wnba player britney griner was jailed in russia for nearly ten months. bill richardson was 75 years old. coming up, job growth slows and inflation ticks up. why this could bode well for the fight against a recession. i will speak with national economic council director leyla brainerd about that after the break. brainerd about that after th break. break. tourists tourists that turn into scientists. tourists photographing thousands of miles of remote coral reefs. that can be analyzed by ai in real time. ♪ so researchers can identify which areas are at risk. and help life underwater flourish. ♪ i have active psoriatic arthritis. but with skyrizi to treat my skin and joints, and help life underwater flourish. i'm feeling this moment. along with clearer skin skyrizi helps me move with less joint pain, stiffness, swelling, and fatigue. and is just 4 doses a year after 2 starter doses. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine, or plan to. there's nothing like clearer skin and better movement-and that means everything! ask your doctor about skyrizi today. learn how abbvie could help you save. it's not just designed to look good... it's built to command attention. it's not just a comfortable interior... it's a quiet refuge. they're not just headlights... they light the way forward. the new fully electric audi q8 e-tron models... every business that's why comcast business de is launching theal. mobile made free event. with our business internet, new and existing customers can get one year of unlimited mobile for free. it's our best internet. powered by the next generation 10g network and with 99.9% reliability. plus one line of free mobile for an entire year. it's the mobile made free event-happening now. get started for just $49.99 a month. plus, ask how to get one free line of unlimited mobile. comcast business, powering possibilities. nice footwork. man, you're lucky, watching live sports never used to be this easy. now you can stream all your games like it's nothing. yes! [ cheers ] yeah! woho! running up and down that field looks tough. it's a pitch. get way more into what you're into >> on friday, the labor when you stream on the xfinity 10g network. department announced the u.s. added 187,000 jobs in august, making at the third month where the number of jobs added it dipped below 200,000, breaking a 29 month streak. nevertheless, more people look for work which sent the unemployment rate up to 3.8%. these are good numbers. economic analysts say there is no sign of an imminent recession. there was a data point released last week by the commerce department which raised a few eyebrows. prices rose 3.3% in july, up from 3% in june. my next guest will tell us if we should worry about that. joining me now is a little brainer, director of the national economic council. cenk you very much for coming to the sunday show. >> great to be here. >> in addition to inflation taking up, job numbers from the last two months were revised down. should we be concerned about that? >> i think what we are seeing is the labor market coming into balance. that's actually quite a good thing. the eye popping number last month was 736,000 americans going into the labor force. if you remember, a lot of the people that thought unemployment had to go up a lot to bring inflation down made that prediction in part because they thought americans were not going to come back into the labor force. job prospects are bringing americans into the labor market. that is leading to a balancing which is allowing inflation to come down. it has come down by two thirds with unemployment remaining a very low. the share of americans of working age who are working is the highest it has been in over 20 years. >> i mean, you talked about the easing of the concerns about recession. the fed chair jerome powell is hinting acts further rate increases which is meant to help bring down inflation. what is the fear here? is the administration worried about a recession? >> i think a lot of outside forecasters had a recession call. they are now talking about soft landing and what we have seen its numbers which suggest resilience. we have a resilient labor market. we are still adding jobs, 13 million jobs during this administration, more than any other administration. unemployment has spent below 4% for 19 months in a row, the longest stretch in 50 years. those statistics are also true for black americans, for hispanic americans. we are seeing good participation and really low unemployment. >> you are an economist. do these numbers that we have seen particularly over the last year to date, do they defy your previous understandings of how the economy is supposed to work? every month with jobs, numbers, in wages and everything, folks are like, this is surprising. >> the economy is very much what the president has been working to achieve. a lot of people said that you could not get inflation down without having unemployment go up. we had massive supply chain disruptions. we all worked hard to make sure that those were addressed. if you look at shipping times, supply disruptions have come down. inflation has come down. the other thing that's noticeable is corporate profits spiked because markups were going up as input costs were coming up. inflation is coming down. if you look at inflation, the most recent inflation read, over the last four months, it has been down at the last level as it was pre-pandemic. >> tomorrow's labor day. it's the sunday before labor day. let's talk labor. we have thousands of actors and writers on strike. the united auto workers in the big three automakers have less than two weeks to come up with a new deal. otherwise, auto workers are going to go on strike. how worried is the administration about the potential of these strikes to be a drag on the economy? >> it is labor day. it's a good moment to step back and think american workers for their incredible contributions to this strong recovery. the vice president is a very strong supporter of the collective bargaining process. they want to see the collective bargaining process work its way through. we are celebrating two successful collective bargaining agreements which were both ratified with overwhelming majorities, both eps teamsters and the west coast for. that collective bargaining process is what makes sure that workers are really getting the benefits of the hard work that they are putting in. >> could we see the president get involved in the united auto workers, the big three automakers to prevent the possibility of a strike or at least get them to come to an agreement? >> the president does recognize how important unionized jobs in the auto industry have been in building the middle class in america. he said that. he always thinks about the exciting opportunities that are in the transition to electric vehicles asean opportunities for american auto workers to continue to enjoy the benefits of unionization, to enjoy the benefits of collective bargaining. i think the posture so far has been to really support the collective bargaining process. >> one more question for you before you have to go. when congress comes back this week, they are going to have basically at most i think 17 working days to come up with a funding bill to keep the government open. what impact would a government shutdown have on the economy? >> we believe that house republicans made a commitment. they passed, as did the senate, with a strong bipartisan support the fiscal responsibility act which laid out a path to reducing spending by a trillion dollars over ten years. it was an agreement that the president made in good faith. it is incredibly important that we make sure that our troops are getting paid, that vital programs are getting funded, that all of the work that is going on in hawaii and florida and disaster relief gets funded. we want to continue to press for the government to remain open for house republicans to keep their word to the american people. >> director at the national economic council lael brainard, thank you very much for coming to the sunday show this morning. >> thank you very much. >> up next, not one but two variants and a late summer wave of covid infections across the country. how concerned should we be? we will get the latest from dr. kavita tell after the break. kavita tell after the break. my husband and i have never been more active. shingles doesn't care. i go to spin classes with my coworkers. good for you, shingles doesn't care. because no matter how healthy you feel, your risk of shingles sharply increases after age 50. but shingrix protects. proven over 90% effective, shingrix is a vaccine used to prevent shingles in adults 50 years and older. shingrix does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients or to a previous dose. an increased risk of guillain-barré syndrome was observed after getting shingrix. fainting can also happen. the most common side effects are pain, redness, and swelling at the injection site, muscle pain, tiredness, headache, shivering, fever, and upset stomach. shingles doesn't care but, shingrix protects. shingrix is now zero dollars for almost everyone. ask your doctor about shingrix today. businesses need 5g solutions today. that's why they choose t-mobile for business. mlb partners with t-mobile to not only enhance the fan experience, but to advance how the game is played. aaa relies on t-mobile's network to stay connected nationwide, so they can help get their members back on the road. and we're helping pano ai innovate, to stop the spread of wildfires. now's the time to see what america's largest 5g network can do for your business. this is a bombas performance sock. for such a small item it performs big in so many ways. big on comfort. big on durability. big on breathability. bombas gives you big comfort for all your athletic pursuits. ♪ limu emu & doug ♪ what do we always say, son? 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how worried should we be about these new variants? >> jonathan, i think anyone who tells you that we don't need to worry has not really looked at what the data has shown us. i think you can worry and still have your life kind of go about and be as normal as a lot of all of us have gone back to you by taking precautions. this is why we should be worried. this last variant that you mentioned, that's the one we're keeping a close eye on. it has cropped up in the united states, at least cases in michigan and virginia. we know that that means and it is probably spreading a lot more rapidly. it's representing an evolutionary leap unlike anything we have seen before, the most similar being from delta to omicron. you and i both know how that turned out. scientists around the world are trying to see if the current vaccine will provide natural vaccine antibodies. will it be effective against against this more threatening variant? the -- for all of those reasons and the increase in hospitalizations, it's getting back to basics. we should hear about the vaccine september 12th. we should not be taking these precautions. crowded spaces, masks, ventilation,'s windows up, getting outdoors, having tests. the government is providing them. make sure you have a test so you can check to see if you have it so you don't spread it to others. >> a couple of things here. when the new vaccine comes out, who should get it? >> right. the >> answer that one. who should get it? >> first and foremost, we have seen so many people getting infected right now, jonathan. here in that book of people that in the last two months you have been infected, i would recommend we hold off. it is not like we are going to get an updated vaccine 3 to 6 months. this would be a recommendation, even if you are elderly or immunocompromised. my own father was hospitalized with covid seven weeks ago. he has gotten some immunity from that infection. i would ask him to hold off for 6 to 8 weeks to get that new booster. if you have not been infected, i have not been infected, i'm going to get it probably around when it comes out. i might add bulk package that, jonathan, with the flu shot which is rolling out of doctors offices. if you're over 60, i might triple down on that and get the rsv vaccine. i think that it really just kind of matters if you've had a recent infection, yes or no. that kind of informs when you should get the new one. we are assuming the cdc will recommend that. that's what the new vaccines are available for. >> you mentioned masks a moment ago. some schools and businesses have reinstated mask mandates. should we be masking right now? >> we should all be masking right now. i understand that's asking people to make a lot of judgment calls. my judgment call, when i'm around people i don't know and i'm in a crowded space, so trains, public transit, grocery stores, i just put my mask on. i keep it in my pocket. i put it on. i'm going to restaurants. i'm enjoying things with my family. my kids are going to school. i talked to their teachers and principals about their protocols. the best way to keep kids in school is to make sure they are healthy. when kids are sick, they should not be in school no matter what the illnesses. if they are sick and can test, and that's what we are trying to make sure, that we have tests available around the country, i think mask mandates can only be applicable when we see cases going up to that degree. we have not seen that around the country. >> i noticed you did not mention planes. our planes relatively safe? >> when you are boarding them or sitting on the -- that's a perfect time to wear a mask. if you know the people around you, if you are sitting next to someone who is in your household, you can take your mask off to eat or drink water. when you are just sitting there and the air is not moving, i keep my mask on and i definitely do when boarding and exiting. >> dr. kavita patel, thank you very much as always for coming to the sunday show. coming up, how production is still at a halt as actors remain on the picket line. wilson cruise joins me next with the latest. you are watching the sunday show. you are watching t sheunda show (ella) fashion moves fast. setting trends is our business. we need to scale with customer demand... real time. 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>> well, first of all, thank you so much for having me here today. i also want to say how incredibly united we are at this moment. i am so inspired and empowered by all of the people who are showing up at these picket lines. the demands are this. this industry has changed. we have gone from a time when there were four major networks and some cable networks to a time when most people are seeing their content on these streaming services. we are still working under the same compensation residuals from the past. we are asking just for keeping up with inflation and the cost of living. if we had accepted the producers last offer, we would be making 5% less in real money than we would have in 2020. that is unacceptable. we also know that this is an existential moment for our industry. a.i. is a real thing. we acknowledge that. you cannot tell people that you are going to pay them one days work and scan their body and then use that image in perpetuity. that's unacceptable as well. i think about -- you know, i'm here in atlanta at an amazing convention here. it's huge. all weekend, i have been listening to people who have been inspired and comforted by the work that we do. i agree with john f. kennedy who said that he was certain that when centuries of dust covered our cities it would be what we had given to the human spirit that will be remembered. i believe that. i would add that more than wealth, more than the battles that we win or lose, we're going to be remembered by how we helped humanity. i think about how during the height of the pandemic so many of us went back to work. we work closely hand-in-hand with other people. we trusted that these covid protocols were going to protect us. we knew that the continent was going to be important for people to survive the day and get through this very challenging moment throughout the world. this content is one of the greatest imports that we have around the world. these companies are making billions of dollars on it. we are not willing to share that revenue with the people who actually create the art. >> i am wondering what stories you are hearing from fellow actors on the picket lines. as you know, most actors are not rich and they are not famous. how are they getting by? >> i also want to remind people that in our union the way that we get health insurance it is based on how much we make every year. a lot of people depend on their residuals to qualify for health insurance. a lot of people have been struggling to make the minimum based on the money that they are making on these new streaming services. that is a struggle for people. some people are not making enough money to provide for their families, to pay their rent. if it's one thing that actress know how to do, it is survive. if they think they are going to starve us into complying, they have another thing coming. they have been starving this for years. we're going to stand strong. >> that is an excellent point. congratulations on being elected the board chair act glisten. i know the organization very well. what is your advice for fellow and future colleagues who identify with the lgbtq community as well as young actress trying to win their big break during these difficult times? >> listen, i think that our superpower as humans is our ability to be our true selves at all times. our idiosyncrasies are something that we must embrace. anyone out there who thinks they need to change where they are in order to succeed, be more of who you are. be everything that you are and bring all of that to your work. i think of people who are dealing with all of these anti-lgbtq bills across the country. we can help those students. we need to support them with these -- and educators who support them as well. we are the central hub for these gender and sexual orientation alliances on campus. there are places where students go to support each other and find support with an administrator who is their guide. we do a lot of work to support them at this very challenging moment. we work with federal and state governments to do that work. we want to make sure that there are studies in history. people need to see themselves as a truly are. >> to your point, being a true authentic self, wilson, you are proof of what you preach. wilson cruz, thank you. thank you for coming to the sunday show. up next, she is back. americas aunt, my aunt gloria joins me next. there she is. on gloria's back. she gives me her take on this busy news week. that's next. thi busy news week that's next. that's next. isn't at its best. metamucil gummies make it easy to get the fiber you need. promoting your digestive health for a better you. metamucil gummies. the easy way to get your daily fiber. sleep more deeply. and wake up rejuvenated. with purple's new mattresses fall asleep 20% faster have less aches and pains and sleep uninterrupted. right now save up to $900 off mattresses sets during purple's labor day sale. visit or a store near you >> despite the fact that donald trump is the first former president to have four indictments and the mugshot, he is still the man for republicans. some maga super fans say an arrest record is just what trump needed to win over a surprising group. they know black folks so well. >> this is enduring, especially many black men, to president trump. >> as one black lady i spoke with here in new orleans said, trump is a gangster. that means he has cried among a new block of voters that perhaps had never given him a serious look and now they are looking again. >> black americans throughout our history have felt unfairly victimized by the system. there is historically some truth to that. the mugshot unintentionally created a bond between donald trump and black americans. over the weekend, with the help of mugshot merchandise, the trump campaign raked in over $7 million. today, my garbagemen told me he is buying mugshot t-shirts for everyone he knows this christmas. >> [laughter] seriously? his garbage man? joining me now to discuss that nonsense, americas aunt gloria, my on gloria. >> it's ridiculous. >> you are black. is having a mugshot what you need to win over black voters? >> no! i don't think black voters are going to vote for him. he's a nut case. yes, a great mugshot. someone said he would be a great villain and a batman movie. i think he would be a little joker's father. it's a joke. this is totally ridiculous. this man is tearing the country apart. these people who support him and work for him, they know enough that what he did was wrong. they wanted to go to jail for him. i don't quite understand that. >> bright. >> if trump is back, putin is going to be under the table. i don't want putin in the u.s.. it's ridiculous. we need someone to bring america back together. to >> finish that sentence. >> that person is vice president harris. we need her passion and we need her out there in front because you have too many people who are so discouraged. they are going to sit out of the election. that's the only way trump can win. >> you think vice president harris is a secret weapon? >> she has all the secret ammunition she needs. we have little tommy and a little jimmy going out to school. we still have a little jimmy. that is what people are having to deal with. obama got it right when he said that -- why are we letting young people buy guns? what i grew up, the only reason he needed guns was for hunting and protection. no one needs guns. that's what we see in most of the shootings. >> yeah. one more thing, on gloria. vice president harris is the presidency secret weapon. some congressional republicans want to impeach president biden. how worried are you that they are actually going to do that? >> i'm not worried at all. how can people follow these people when they have -- when they are supporting trump when they don't have any guidance? is anyone going to say it's wrong? no one seems to do that. these are people who have been in office a long time and in congress. they are willing to just be quiet. you can't be quiet. trump doesn't care about anyone but himself and money and why people don't understand that and -- it's not the people, it's the people in congress. you know better. you should want to keep him. >> one more question for you. the judge in the fulton county case, the 19 folks who have been charged, the judge says all court proceedings will be televised. do you think that is a good idea? will you be watching? >> i will be watching. it's a good idea. i think it's something that people need to see, how ridiculous this is. that should not be our focus. right, now trump is the focus. that is why it should be televised. people can see this is ridiculous. is this what you want your country to look like? no. i want people to see it. i want to biden administration -- i want to see them. that should be the end of it. either send trump to jail or cut him off the tv. it's gotten totally ridiculous. >> on that, we have run out of time. >> thank you very much for coming to the sunday show. >> thank you so much, jonathan. >> before we go, we want to give you will look at one of our favorite legal analysts like you've never seen them before. this is neil cocktail, former acting solicitor general of the united states and apparent burning man superfan. look at that necklace. he posted this morning that he went through a harrowing six mile hike through slippery mud after severe storms stranded thousands at the outdoor festival. neal since he got out safely and had a great time. judging from that outfit, we believe him. that dude has always been still cool. that will do it for me today. this is just incredible. thank you for watching the sunday show. i will be back next saturday and sunday at 9 am eastern. remember to follow us on x, formerly known as twitter, instagram, and tiktok using the handle at weekend k part. don't be going anywhere. ali velshi is next to the latest. ali velshi is next to th latest latest businesses need 5g solutions today. that's why they choose t-mobile for business. mlb partners with t-mobile to not only enhance the fan experience, but to advance how the game is played. aaa relies on t-mobile's network to stay connected nationwide, so they can help get their members back on the road. and we're helping pano ai innovate, to stop the spread of wildfires. now's the time to see what america's largest 5g network can do for your business. it's easy to get lost in investment research. introducing j.p. morgan personal advisors. hey david. connect with an advisor to create your personalized plan. let's find the right investments for your goals okay, great. j.p. morgan wealth management. you've evolved. ♪ you've changed. so have we. that's why dove body wash now has 24 hour renewing micro moisture for continuous care. dove body wash. change is beautiful. here's why you should switch fro to duckduckgo on all your devie duckduckgo comes with a built-n engine like google, but it's pi and doesn't spy on your searchs and duckduckgo lets you browse like chrome, but it blocks cooi and creepy ads that follow youa from google and other companie. and there's no catch. it's fre. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you aroud join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> good morning. it is september the 3rd. thank you for spending your labor day sunday morning with us. i am ali velshi. we begin today with a question we have been investigating here on velshi for several weeks. is the former president currently qualified to hold the office of president of the united states, or any elected office in the country for that matter? to start, let's go back 155 years to july 9th, 1868, when two years after passing the senate, the 14th amendment to the constitution was ratified. with it, section three which reads, no person shall be a senator or representative in congress,-elect or, or president, vice president, or hold any office, civil or military,de

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Communications Director , Grand Jury Coverage , Editor , Prosecco Terry To , Democratic , Atlanta Journal Constitution , John Boehner , Basil Michael Junior , Shannon Mccaffrey , Judge , The Sunday Show , Director , Public Policy Program , Strategist , Hunter College , Cases , Game , Musical Chairs , End , Sidney Powell , Elections , Things , Best , Attorneys , Lot , Record , Dice , Bench , Wall , Doesn T , Dea , Cheeseborough , October 23rd , 23 , One , Folks , Totality , Riddle Law , Plan , Reasons , She , Jurors , Point Of View , Mcafee , Severance , Focus , Pieces , Information , Ruling , Thing , Everyone , Laughter , Don T Know , Yes , People , Jury Poll , President , Governor , Many , Read , Distance , Brian Kemp , Type , Theater , Efforts , Da Fani Willis , Way , Side , Egg , Andrew , Bit , Term , Primary , Love , Their , Values , Morals , Country , Georgia , Governors , Money , Super Pac , Officials , Fund , Dynamic , 50 Million , 150 Million , It , Spending , 4 Million , 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Labor Department , Woho , On Friday , Jobs , U S , Number , 187000 , Numbers , Analysts , Streak , Sign , Unemployment Rate , 29 , 200000 , 3 8 , Commerce Department , Data Point , Eyebrows , Prices , Guest , 3 , Job Numbers , Addition , Two , Labor Market , Balance , Eye Popping Number , 736000 , Unemployment , Part , Prediction , Labor Force , Balancing , Job Prospects , Share , 20 , Administration , Help , Rate Increases , Fear , Concerns , Easing , Acts , Fed Chair Jerome Powell , Resilience , Recession Call , Forecasters , Landing , Row , 13 Million , Black Americans , Participation , Statistics , Economist , Hispanic Americans , 50 , Wages , Understandings , Shipping Times , Supply Chain Disruptions , Profits , Input Costs , Supply Disruptions , Level , Labor Day , Let S Talk Labor , Pre Pandemic , Strike , Deal , Auto Workers , United Auto Workers , Big Three Automakers , Writers , Strikes , Drag , Vice President , Bargaining , Process , Supporter , Contributions , Recovery , Collective Bargaining Agreements , Teamsters , Majorities , West Coast , Benefits , Collective Bargaining Process , Agreement , Automakers , Possibility , Opportunities , Transition , Middle Class , Collective Bargaining , American Auto Workers , Unionization , Vehicles , Posture , Congress , 17 , Government , Senate , Funding Bill , Commitment , Government Shutdown , Fact , Responsibility , Path , Faith , Programs , Troops , Relief , Disaster , Florida , Hawaii , Word , Latest , Dr , Variants , Kavita Patel , Up Next , Summer Wave , Covid , Matter , Classes , Shingles Doesn T Care , Husband , Coworkers , Shingrix , Shingles , 90 , Muscle Pain , Fainting , Dose , Side Effects , Ingredients , Guillain BarrÉ Syndrome , Headache , Redness , Fever , Tiredness , Injection Site , Shivering , Stomach , Zero Dollars , Zero , Businesses , Partners , T Mobile , Fan Experience , Mlb , 5g Solutions , 5 , Aaa , 5g Network , Wildfires , Spread , Members , Back On The Road , Pano Ai Innovate , Big , Performance Sock , Bombas , Ways , Item , Durability , Big On Breathability , Comfort , Big On Comfort , Athletic Pursuits , Liberty Mutual , That S My Boy , Car Insurance , Son , Huh , Limu Emu , Freeways , Uncle Limu , Investments , Advisor , Investment Research , Connect , Goals , J P Morgan , David , App , Footlong , I M Talking , Menu , Series , Subway , Freeee , Wealth Management , Order , Rise , Health Officials , Virus , Emergence , Up To , Cdc , Eeg 0 5 , 10000 , 0 5 , Vaccines , Contributor , Home Tests , Treatments , Availability , Obama White House , 0 286 , There , Mini Wave , Policy Adviser , Kind , Data , Life , Go , Variant , Precautions , Eye On , Being , Both , Virginia , Michigan , Delta , Omicron , Vaccine Antibodies , Masks , Basics , Increase , Spaces , Hospitalizations , September 12th , 12 , Tests , Test , Ventilation , Outdoors , Windows Up , Others , Couple , Recommendation , 6 , Father , Booster , Immunocompromised , Immunity , 8 , Seven , Flu Shot , Doctors Offices , Rsv Vaccine , Bulk Package , 60 , Matters , Masking , Mask Mandates , Schools , Judgment Call , Judgment Calls , Space , Kids , Mask , School , Protocols , Teachers , Grocery Stores , Family , Trains , Pocket , Restaurants , Principals , Public Transit , Illnesses , Sick , Planes , Degree , Someone , Household , Drink Water , Hair , Picket Line , Production , Setting Trends , Watching T Sheunda Show , Halt , Fashion , Ella , Wilson Cruise , Control , Operations , Customer Demand , Verizon , Jen , Marquis , More , Vo , Enterprise Intelligence , Company , Vision , Agility , Efficiencies , Hearing Aids , Lifetime , Service , Aftercare , Adjustments , Cleanings , Checkups , Miracle Ear , Free , Obligation Hearing Evaluation Today , Difference , Call Miracle Ear , 1 , 1 800 Miracle , 800 , Woman , Limits , Snakes , Food , Dog , Cow , Babe , Adventure , Edge , Step , Coats , Pep , Farmer , Subaru Crosstrek Wilderness , Buffalo , Magic , Effects , Dog Bark , Pet Food , Deodorant , Listen , Works , Secret , Odor , Ohhh Yesss , Labor Movement , 230 , Cornell University School Of Industrial And Labor Relations , Walkouts , Flight Attendants , American Airlines , New York Times , Job Protections , Writers Guild , Screen Actors Guild , Picket Lines , Education Network , Careers , Board Chair , Demands , Hollywood , Industry , Cable Networks , Networks , Services , Compensation Residuals , Producers , Offer , The Cost Of Living , A I , Body , Convention , Perpetuity , Image , Weekend , John F Kennedy , Human Spirit , Wealth , Battles , Dust , Cities , Humanity , Pandemic , Height , Continent , Imports , Stories , Companies , Billions , Revenue , Art , Around The World , Union , Hearing , Health Insurance , Residuals , Actress , Struggle , Families , Rent , Advice , Congratulations , Organization , Board Chair Act Glisten , Colleagues , Times , Community , Superpower , Humans , Selves , Idiosyncrasies , Students , Educators , Bills , Administrator , Places , Each Other , Guide , Campus , Alliances , Gender , Sexual Orientation , Hub , Governments , Estate , Studies , Wilson Cruz , Self , Truly , Proof , Aunt Gloria , News Week , Back , Americas Aunt , News , Thi , Fiber , Isn T , Mattresses , Health , Purple , Rejuvenated , Metamucil , Metamucil Gummies , Pains , Store , Labor Day Sale , Aches , Visit Purple Com , 00 , 900 , Mugshot , Indictments , Arrest Record , Group , Fans , Block , Men , Gangster , Black Lady , New Orleans , Truth , History , Look , Bond , The System , Garbagemen , Trump Campaign , Merchandise , T Shirts , 7 Million , Garbage Man , Americas , Nonsense , My On Gloria , Nut Case , Batman , Joker , Joke , Villain , Putin , I Don T Want Putin , Table , Harris , Person , Passion , Sentence , Front , Weapon , Jimmy , Ammunition , Little Jimmy , Obama , Guns , Reason , Protection , Hunting , Shootings , Presidency , Secret Weapon , Guidance , Care , Trump Doesn T , Idea , Court Proceedings , Send Trump , Cocktail , Acting Solicitor General , Necklace , Burning Man Superfan , Slippery Mud , Neal , Storms , Festival , Outfit , Dude , Tiktok , Me , Twitter , Instagram , On X , 9 , Ali Velshi , Handle , Weekend K Part , Anywhere , Th , Dove Body Wash , Change , Micro Moisture , 24 , Devie Duckduckgo , Like Google , Searchs , Fro , Pi , Doesn T Spy , Blocks Cooi , Ads , Companie , Privacy , Catch , Millions , Google , Chrome , Fre , Devices , Duckduckgo , Velshi , Sunday Morning , September The 3rd , President Of The United States , Let S Go , 155 , July 9th 1868 , 1868 , Senator , Representative , Section , 14th Amendment To The Constitution , De , 14 ,

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